* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 2000 * * TITLE: DUMPPROP.H * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 9/25/2000 * * DESCRIPTION: Display the properties associated with a IWiaItem, either to the * debugger, or to a log file. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DUMPPROP_H_INCLUDED
#include <simstr.h>
#include <wia.h>
#include <wiadebug.h>
class CWiaDebugDump { private: //
// No implementation
CWiaDebugDump( const CWiaDebugDump & ); CWiaDebugDump &operator=( const CWiaDebugDump & );
public: //
// Static helper functions
static CSimpleString GetPropVariantTypeString( VARTYPE vt ); static CSimpleString GetPrintableValue( PROPVARIANT &PropVariant ); static CSimpleString GetPrintableValue( VARIANT &Variant ); static CSimpleString GetPrintableName( const STATPROPSTG &StatPropStg ); static CSimpleString GetPrintableAccessFlags( ULONG nAccessFlags ); static CSimpleString GetPrintableLegalValues( ULONG nAccessFlags, const PROPVARIANT &PropVariantAttributes ); static CSimpleString GetWiaItemTypeFlags( IUnknown *pUnknown ); static CSimpleString GetStringFromGuid( const GUID &guid ); static CSimpleString GetTymedString( LONG tymed ); virtual void Print( LPCTSTR pszString );
protected: void PrintAndDestroyWiaDevCap( WIA_DEV_CAP &WiaDevCap, LPCTSTR pszType );
public: //
// Constructor and destructor
CWiaDebugDump(void); virtual ~CWiaDebugDump(void);
// Helpers
void DumpFormatInfo( IUnknown *pUnknown ); void DumpCaps( IUnknown *pUnknown ); void DumpEvents( IUnknown *pUnknown );
virtual bool OK(void) { return true; }
// These are the most generally useful functions
void DumpWiaPropertyStorage( IUnknown *pUnknown ); void DumpWiaItem( IUnknown *pUnknown ); void DumpRecursive( IUnknown *pUnknown ); };
class CWiaDebugDumpToFile : public CWiaDebugDump { private: HANDLE m_hFile;
private: CWiaDebugDumpToFile(void); CWiaDebugDumpToFile( const CWiaDebugDumpToFile & ); CWiaDebugDumpToFile &operator=( const CWiaDebugDumpToFile & );
public: //
// Constructor and destructor
CWiaDebugDumpToFile( LPCTSTR pszFilename, bool bOverwrite ); virtual ~CWiaDebugDumpToFile(void);
virtual bool OK(void) { return (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); } virtual void Print( LPCTSTR pszString ); };
class CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle : public CWiaDebugDump { private: HANDLE m_hFile;
private: CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle(void); CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle( const CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle & ); CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle &operator=( const CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle & );
public: //
// Constructor and destructor
CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle( HANDLE hFile ); virtual ~CWiaDebugDumpToFileHandle(void);
virtual bool OK(void) { return (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); } virtual void Print( LPCTSTR pszString ); };
// This small helper function checks a registry entry, and saves the item or tree to the log file stored in that entry. If
// one is not stored in that registry entry, nothing will be saved
inline void SaveItemTreeLog( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR pszRegKey, LPCTSTR pszRegValue, bool bOverwrite, IWiaItem *pWiaItem, bool bRecurse ) { CSimpleString strFilename = CSimpleReg(hKey,pszRegKey,false,KEY_READ).Query(pszRegValue,TEXT("")); if (strFilename.Length()) { if (bRecurse) { CWiaDebugDumpToFile(strFilename,bOverwrite).DumpRecursive(pWiaItem); } else { CWiaDebugDumpToFile(strFilename,bOverwrite).DumpWiaItem(pWiaItem); } } }
// Debug-only macros
#if defined(DBG) || defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
// Save the whole tree to a log file, from this item down
#define WIA_SAVEITEMTREELOG(hKey,pszRegKey,pszRegValue,bOverwrite,pWiaItem) SaveItemTreeLog( hKey, pszRegKey, pszRegValue, bOverwrite, pWiaItem, true )
// Save this item to a log file
#define WIA_SAVEITEMLOG(hKey,pszRegKey,pszRegValue,bOverwrite,pWiaItem) SaveItemTreeLog( hKey, pszRegKey, pszRegValue, bOverwrite, pWiaItem, false )
// Print this item in the debugger
#define WIA_DUMPWIAITEM(pWiaItem) CWiaDebugDump().DumpWiaItem(pWiaItem);
#define WIA_SAVEITEMTREELOG(hKey,pszRegKey,pszRegValue,bOverwrite,pWiaItem)
#define WIA_SAVEITEMLOG(hKey,pszRegKey,pszRegValue,bOverwrite,pWiaItem)
#define WIA_DUMPWIAITEM(pWiaItem)