// RegionDetector.cpp: implementation of the CRegionDetector class.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "regionde.h"
inline ULONG Intensity(ULONG value); inline ULONG DifferenceFromGray(ULONG value); inline UCHAR Difference(UCHAR a, UCHAR b); inline ULONG Difference(ULONG a, ULONG b); int inline MAX(int a, int b); int inline MIN(int a, int b);
// helper functions
// sum of RGB vals
inline ULONG Intensity(ULONG value) { return(value&0xff)+((value&0xff00)>>8)+((value&0xff0000)>>16); }
// shadows are gray... if you aint gray... you aint a shadow
inline ULONG DifferenceFromGray(ULONG value) { UCHAR g,b;//,b;
// r=(UCHAR)(value& 0x0000ff);
g=(UCHAR)((value& 0x00ff00)>>8); b=(UCHAR)((value& 0xff0000)>>16); // use this instead of the complete formula (uncomment the commented out code for the complete formula)
// allow yellow scanner backgrounds
// we should make a Difference Template to clean up this code
inline UCHAR Difference(UCHAR a, UCHAR b) { if (a>b) return(a-b); else return(b-a); }
inline ULONG Difference(ULONG a, ULONG b) { if (a>b) return(a-b); else return(b-a); }
inline LONG Difference(LONG a, LONG b) { if (a>b) return(a-b); else return(b-a); }
int inline MAX(int a, int b) { if (a>b) return(a); return(b); }
int inline MIN(int a, int b) { if (a<b) return(a); return(b); }
// if we have resampled the image, we may want to convert back to the origional coordinate system
bool CRegionDetector::ConvertToOrigionalCoordinates() { if (m_pRegions!=NULL) { int i; for (i=0;i<m_pRegions->m_numRects;i++) { m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].left=m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].left*m_resampleFactor+m_resampleFactor/2; m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].right=m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].right*m_resampleFactor+m_resampleFactor/2; m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].top=m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].top*m_resampleFactor+m_resampleFactor/2; m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].bottom=m_pRegions->m_pRects[i].bottom*m_resampleFactor+m_resampleFactor/2; } return(true); } return(false); }
// simplified Region detection code for single region detection
// Faster and about as accurate
// FindSingleRegion encapsulates a subset of FindRegions. at the moment, for code documentation of FindSingleRegion, see FindRegions
bool CRegionDetector::FindSingleRegion() { // cast the pointers
// S = Scan, B = blank background, V = virtual screen... new image
int x,y; int a,b; // loop vars used for merging regions
int border; // for aggregation on a rectangle by rectangle basis
ULONG position; int numChunks; bool unionOperationInLastPass; ULONG* pImagePixels; ULONG* pEdgePixels; int requiredPixels;
// if the bitmap is too large we can use halfsize to resample it down to a more reasonable size...
// on a fast proccessor, current performance tests show that for most preview images this won't be needed
// but if the user scans an image at 300 dpi, this will come in handy.
// m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
// for FingSingleRegion we plan on doing one resample before image proccessing
// with an expected image size of 200x300 pixels which greatly reduces the proccessor load
m_resampleFactor=1; while (m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth>GOALX || m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight>GOALY) { m_pScan->HalfSize(); m_resampleFactor*=2; }
m_pScan->Invert(); // filters operate on inverted images
requiredPixels=m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth*m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight/256/10; if (requiredPixels==0) requiredPixels=1; // special case for a particularly small preview scan
m_pScan->MaxContrast(requiredPixels); // spread the images color spectrum out... concept: balance color spectra between different scans
m_pScanBlurred->CreateBlurBitmap(m_pScan); // sets scanBlurred to be equal to a blurred version of m_pScan
m_pScanDoubleBlurred->CreateBlurBitmap(m_pScanBlurred); m_pScanTripleBlurred->CreateBlurBitmap(m_pScanDoubleBlurred); // sets scanBlurred to be equal to a blurred version of m_pScan
m_pScanHorizontalBlurred->CreateHorizontalBlurBitmap(m_pScan); m_pScanVerticalBlurred->CreateVerticalBlurBitmap(m_pScan);
m_pScanEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScan,m_pScanBlurred); // think about how you create an edge bitmap and you will understand
m_pScanDoubleEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScanBlurred,m_pScanDoubleBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
m_pScanTripleEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScanDoubleBlurred,m_pScanTripleBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
m_pScanHorizontalEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScan,m_pScanHorizontalBlurred); // assuming the user was kind enough to place the image right side up
m_pScanVerticalEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScan,m_pScanVerticalBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
// free memory as soon as it isn't needed
if (m_pScanVerticalBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanVerticalBlurred; m_pScanVerticalBlurred=NULL; } if (m_pScanHorizontalBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanHorizontalBlurred; m_pScanHorizontalBlurred=NULL; }
if (m_pScanDoubleBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanDoubleBlurred; m_pScanDoubleBlurred=NULL; }
if (m_pScanTripleBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanTripleBlurred; m_pScanTripleBlurred=NULL; }
// these 5 calls to killShadows make up the real meat of the region detection work done by the program.
// KillShadows now performs more tasks than simply killing shadows. Killshadows also enhances edges
// and removes background colors
// the doubleBlur and tripleBlur edge maps are needed so that we can distinguish between an uneven background scanner color and a real image.
// see KillShadows for more documentation.
// m_pScanBlurred is the bitmap we will use to determine where regions are
// these calls to KillShadows act to enhance pixels which are part of regions and inhibit pixels which are not part of regions
// RemoveBlackBorder removes questionable pixels around the outside edge of an image.
// RemoveBlackBorder has only very limited utility for region detection on images that were not aquired from a scanner
// despeckle removes small clumps of pixels which are probably stray static
m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
// pMap will hold information on which region each pixel on the screen is part of
int *pMap=new int[m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapHeight*m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapWidth]; if (pMap) { numChunks=m_pScanBlurred->FindChunks(pMap); // maps chunks on m_pScanBlurred to pMap
if (m_pRegions!=NULL) delete m_pRegions; m_pRegions = new CRegionList(numChunks); // create a CRegionList to map the chunks onto.
if (m_pRegions) {
m_pRegions->m_nBitmapWidth=m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth; m_pRegions->m_nBitmapHeight=m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight; // now turn region map into region rectangles
// it could be argued that this routine should be placed in C32BitDibWrapper
// but we don't want to make C32BitDibWrapper encompas too much functionality which
// would only be useful for imagedetection
pImagePixels=(ULONG *)(m_pScanBlurred->m_pBits); // we want to use 32 bit chunks instead of 8 bit chunks
pEdgePixels=(ULONG *)(m_pScanEdges->m_pBits);
// add all the bitmap pixels to the m_pRegions list
position=0; for (y=0;y<m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight;y++) { for (x=0;x<m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth;x++) { if (pMap[position]>0) { m_pRegions->AddPixel(pMap[position]-1, pImagePixels[position],pEdgePixels[position], x, y); // pMap values start at 1, let region values start at 0
} // we start pMap at 1 so that 0 can indicate a pixel that is not assigned to any region
position++; // we may want to make pMap start at 0 at some later date
} }
m_pRegions->m_numRects=numChunks; m_pRegions->m_validRects=numChunks;
// free bitmaps as soon as they will no longer be used
if (m_pScanHorizontalEdges!=NULL) { delete m_pScanHorizontalEdges; m_pScanHorizontalEdges=NULL; } if (m_pScanVerticalEdges!=NULL) { delete m_pScanVerticalEdges; m_pScanVerticalEdges=NULL; }
// merge together regions
// this routine is pretty much a waste when performing single region detection
// the only advantage of it over simply calling unionRegions is that
// we can merge together small close together regions, but kill small regions that are far from other regions (probably static)
for (border=0;border<MAXBORDER;border+=SINGLE_REGION_BORDER_INCREMENT) // when detecting a single region detection,
{ // we don't need to inch along one border pixel width increment at a time
// as we know we want to compact down to a single region in the end
for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) // overkill, we could be cleverer about when we check for valid regions
{ m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a, border); // sets m_valid params
m_pRegions->CompactDown(m_pRegions->m_validRects); // remove all invalid rects to save search time
while (unionOperationInLastPass==true) { unionOperationInLastPass=false; for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[a]==true) { for (b=a+1;b<m_pRegions->m_numRects;b++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[b]==true) { if (m_pRegions->CheckIntersect(a,b,border)==true) { m_pRegions->UnionRegions(a,b); m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a, border); // in this context, checkvalid should have the effect of culling regions which are probably only stray dots
unionOperationInLastPass=true; } } } } } } }
// m_pScanBlurred->ColorChunks(pMap); // for debugging purposes... so we know where exactly chunks are
m_pRegions->CompactDown(m_pRegions->m_validRects); // remove all invalid rects to save search time
} delete[] pMap; }
return(TRUE); }
// detect regions
// makes heavy use of C32BitWrapper helper functions
// WARNING: this function has not been updated to include the latest changes
// to compensate for poor image quality
int CRegionDetector::FindRegions() { // cast the pointers
// S = Scan, B = blank background, V = virtual screen... new image
int x,y; int a,b; int i; bool done, weird; char* pWall; // 2d array keeping track of which regions have walls between them and other regions
// wall vals... TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN
int border; // for aggregation on a rectangle by rectangle basis
ULONG position; int numChunks; bool unionOperationInLastPass; ULONG* pImagePixels; ULONG* pEdgePixels; int requiredPixels;
// if the bitmap is too large we can use halfsize to resample it down to a more reasonable size...
// on a fast proccessor, current performance tests show that for most preview images this won't be needed
// but if the user scans an image at 300 dpi, this will come in handy.
while (m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth>GOALX || m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight>GOALY) { m_pScan->HalfSize(); }
m_pScanBlurred->CreateBlurBitmap(m_pScan); // sets scanBlurred to be equal to a blurred version of m_pScan
m_pScanDoubleBlurred->CreateBlurBitmap(m_pScanBlurred); // sets scanBlurred to be equal to a blurred version of m_pScan
m_pScanTripleBlurred->CreateBlurBitmap(m_pScanDoubleBlurred); // sets scanBlurred to be equal to a blurred version of m_pScan
m_pScanHorizontalBlurred->CreateHorizontalBlurBitmap(m_pScan); m_pScanVerticalBlurred->CreateVerticalBlurBitmap(m_pScan);
m_pScanDoubleHorizontalBlurred->CreateHorizontalBlurBitmap(m_pScanHorizontalBlurred); m_pScanDoubleVerticalBlurred->CreateVerticalBlurBitmap(m_pScanVerticalBlurred);
m_pScanEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScan,m_pScanBlurred); // think about how you create an edge bitmap and you will understand
m_pScanDoubleEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScanBlurred,m_pScanDoubleBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
m_pScanTripleEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScanDoubleBlurred,m_pScanTripleBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
m_pScanHorizontalEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScan,m_pScanHorizontalBlurred); // assuming the user was kind enough to place the image right side up
m_pScanVerticalEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScan,m_pScanVerticalBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
m_pScanDoubleHorizontalEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScanHorizontalBlurred,m_pScanDoubleHorizontalBlurred); // assuming the user was kind enough to place the image right side up
m_pScanDoubleVerticalEdges->CreateDifferenceBitmap(m_pScanVerticalBlurred,m_pScanDoubleVerticalBlurred); // we will get a huge accuracy boost from this simple step
m_pScanBlurred->Invert(); // filters operate on inverted images
requiredPixels=m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapWidth*m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapHeight/256/10; if (requiredPixels==0) requiredPixels=1; // special case for a particularly small preview scan
m_pScanBlurred->CorrectBrightness(); m_pScanBlurred->MaxContrast(requiredPixels);
// free memory as soon as it isn't needed
if (m_pScanVerticalBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanVerticalBlurred; m_pScanVerticalBlurred=NULL; } if (m_pScanHorizontalBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanHorizontalBlurred; m_pScanHorizontalBlurred=NULL; }
if (m_pScanDoubleBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanDoubleBlurred; m_pScanDoubleBlurred=NULL; }
if (m_pScanTripleBlurred!=NULL) { delete m_pScanTripleBlurred; m_pScanTripleBlurred=NULL; }
m_pScanWithShadows = new C32BitDibWrapper(m_pScanBlurred); // copy scanBlurred
// eliminate shadows
// compensate for background color
// the average background color pixel will probably have a smaller edge factor than the average shadow,
// but will have a larger difference from grey
// hence to eliminate background color we ignore difference from grey... as accomplished by the (256*3) term
m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanTripleEdges, 256*3,MAXSHADOWPIXEL-2,256*3,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanDoubleEdges,256*3,MAXSHADOWPIXEL-2,256*3,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanEdges, 256*3,MAXSHADOWPIXEL-2,256*3,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanHorizontalEdges, 256*3,MAXSHADOWPIXEL-2,256*3,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanVerticalEdges, 256*3,MAXSHADOWPIXEL-2,256*3,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false);
// pure economics... edge pixels are much more likely to be junk
// so economically, its worth it to risk
// killing good edge pixels to get rid of the bad
m_pScanBlurred->EdgeDespeckle(); m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
// prepare to find chunks
int *pMap=new int[m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapHeight*m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapWidth]; if (pMap) { done=false; weird=false; while (done==false) // we may have to repeat FindChunks if we find that we did not eliminate enough pixels and ended up with all pixels being determined to be part of the same region
{ done=true; numChunks=m_pScanBlurred->FindChunks(pMap); // fills the pMap array with chunks
if (m_pRegions!=NULL) delete m_pRegions; m_pRegions = new CRegionList(numChunks);
if (m_pRegions) { m_pRegions->m_nBitmapWidth=m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth; m_pRegions->m_nBitmapHeight=m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight;
// now turn the pMap region map into region rectangles
// it could be argued that this routine should be placed in C32BitDibWrapper
// but we don't want to make C32BitDibWrapper encompas too much functionality which
// clearly is directly connected with imagedetection
pImagePixels=(ULONG *)(m_pScanBlurred->m_pBits); // we want to use 32 bit chunks instead of 8 bit chunks
pEdgePixels=(ULONG *)(m_pScanEdges->m_pBits);
position=0; for (y=0;y<m_pScan->m_nBitmapHeight;y++) { for (x=0;x<m_pScan->m_nBitmapWidth;x++) { if (pMap[position]>0) { m_pRegions->AddPixel(pMap[position]-1, pImagePixels[position],pEdgePixels[position], x, y); // pMap values start at 1, let region values start at 0
} // we start pMap at 1 so that 0 can indicate a pixel that is not assigned to any region
position++; // we may want to make pMap start at 0 at some later date
} }
m_pRegions->m_numRects=numChunks; m_pRegions->m_validRects=numChunks; // check for invalid regions
for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) { m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a); // sets m_valid params
m_pRegions->m_backgroundColorPixels[a]=m_pScan->PixelsBelowThreshold(m_pScanBlurred,m_pScanEdges,m_pRegions->m_pRects[a]); m_pRegions->RegionType(a); // clasify regions... text or photo
m_pRegions->CompactDown(m_pRegions->m_validRects); if (m_pRegions->m_validRects==0) break; // if there aren't any regions, no sense in proceeding
unionOperationInLastPass=true; while (unionOperationInLastPass==true) { unionOperationInLastPass=false; for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[a]==true) { for (b=a+1;b<m_pRegions->m_numRects;b++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[b]==true) { // we are paranoid... we repeatedly check if two regions intersect each other.
if (m_pRegions->CheckIntersect(a,b,0)==true) { m_pRegions->UnionRegions(a,b); m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a, 0); // in this context, checkvalid should have the effect of culling regions which are probably only stray dots
m_pRegions->RegionType(a); // figure out what type of region the combined region should be
unionOperationInLastPass=true; }
} } } } }
if (weird==false && ((m_pRegions->m_pRects[0].right-m_pRegions->m_pRects[0].left) *(m_pRegions->m_pRects[0].bottom-m_pRegions->m_pRects[0].top)) > ((m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapWidth-DESPECKLE_BORDER_WIDTH*2)*(m_pScanBlurred->m_nBitmapWidth-DESPECKLE_BORDER_WIDTH*2))) { weird=true; done=false;
// you better not be grey or you are in trouble
// some seriously nasty shadow elimination
// we will probably eliminate too many good pixels
// but at least the poor user will get something more than just finding that the whole screen was selected
m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanTripleEdges, 256,MAXSHADOWPIXEL+4,MAX_DIFFERENCE_FROM_GRAY,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanDoubleEdges,256,MAXSHADOWPIXEL+4,MAX_DIFFERENCE_FROM_GRAY,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanEdges, 256,MAXSHADOWPIXEL+5,MAX_DIFFERENCE_FROM_GRAY,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanHorizontalEdges, 256,MAXSHADOWPIXEL+4,MAX_DIFFERENCE_FROM_GRAY,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false); m_pScanBlurred->KillShadows(m_pScanVerticalEdges, 256,MAXSHADOWPIXEL+4,MAX_DIFFERENCE_FROM_GRAY,NOT_SHADOW_INTENSITY,false);
m_pScanBlurred->EdgeDespeckle(); m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
// m_pScanBlurred->EdgeDespeckle();
m_pScanBlurred->Despeckle(); // two despeckles has a greater effect than one
} } }
if (m_pRegions) { m_pRegions->CompactDown(m_pRegions->m_validRects); // compact down the CRegionList so that it nolonger includes invalidated regions
// we store an array indicating which pairs of regions have walls between them
// used for unioning together large text regions... for example, scanning
// in two pages with a shadow between them
pWall=new char[m_pRegions->m_numRects*m_pRegions->m_numRects]; if (pWall) { for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[a]==true) { for (b=a+1;b<m_pRegions->m_numRects;b++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[b]==true) { pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+b]=UNKNOWN; } } } }
// key ideas. we need to (potentially) merge a large number of fragmented text regions and we need to avoid merging large photo regions
// we also want to keep memory usage within reason...so we should delete stuff after we know we will nolonger use it.
if (m_pScanHorizontalEdges!=NULL) { delete m_pScanHorizontalEdges; m_pScanHorizontalEdges=NULL; } if (m_pScanVerticalEdges!=NULL) { delete m_pScanVerticalEdges; m_pScanVerticalEdges=NULL; }
for (border=0;border<MAXBORDER;border++) // loop through each possible border with consecutivelly
{ unionOperationInLastPass=true; while (unionOperationInLastPass==true) { unionOperationInLastPass=false; for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[a]==true) { for (b=a+1;b<m_pRegions->m_numRects;b++) { if (m_pRegions->m_valid[b]==true) { // we are paranoid... we repeatedly check if two regions intersect each other.
if (m_pRegions->CheckIntersect(a,b,0)==true) { m_pRegions->UnionRegions(a,b); m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a, 0); // in this context, checkvalid should have the effect of culling regions which are probably only stray dots
m_pRegions->RegionType(a); // figure out what type of region the combined region should be
for (i=a+1;i<m_pRegions->m_numRects;i++) if (m_pRegions->m_valid[i]==TRUE) pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+i]=UNKNOWN;
for (i=0;i<a;i++) if (m_pRegions->m_valid[i]==TRUE) pWall[i*m_pRegions->m_numRects+a]=UNKNOWN;
unionOperationInLastPass=true; }
// now the complex part. check for intersections after growing borders around regions
// but only if we don't have two photo regions
if (MERGE_REGIONS) { if ((m_pRegions->m_type[a]&TEXT_REGION && m_pRegions->m_type[b]&TEXT_REGION) ||(((m_pRegions->m_type[a]|m_pRegions->m_type[b])&MERGABLE_WITH_PHOTOGRAPH)&&border<MERGABLE_WITH_PHOTOGRAPH) ||(border<MAX_MERGE_PHOTO_REGIONS && (m_pRegions->Size(a)<MAX_MERGABLE_PHOTOGRAPH_SIZE || m_pRegions->Size(b)<MAX_MERGABLE_PHOTOGRAPH_SIZE))) { if (m_pRegions->CheckIntersect(a,b,border)==true) { if (border<MERGABLE_WITHOUT_COLLISIONDETECTION) { m_pRegions->UnionRegions(a,b); m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a, border); // in this context, checkvalid should have the effect of culling regions which are probably only stray dots
m_pRegions->RegionType(a); // figure out what type of region the combined region should be
for (i=a+1;i<m_pRegions->m_numRects;i++) if (m_pRegions->m_valid[i]==TRUE) pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+i]=UNKNOWN;
for (i=0;i<a;i++) if (m_pRegions->m_valid[i]==TRUE) pWall[i*m_pRegions->m_numRects+a]=UNKNOWN;
unionOperationInLastPass=true; }
else { if (pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+b]==UNKNOWN) pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+b]=CollisionDetection(m_pRegions->m_pRects[a],m_pRegions->m_pRects[b],m_pScanWithShadows);
if (pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+b]==TRUE || (m_pRegions->m_type[a]&PHOTOGRAPH_REGION) || (m_pRegions->m_type[b]&PHOTOGRAPH_REGION)) { if (!m_pRegions->MergerIntersectsPhoto(a,b)) { m_pRegions->UnionRegions(a,b); m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a, border); // in this context, checkvalid should have the effect of culling regions which are probably only stray dots
m_pRegions->RegionType(a); // figure out what type of region the combined region should be
unionOperationInLastPass=true; // region a has changed so reset collision flags
for (i=a+1;i<m_pRegions->m_numRects;i++) if (m_pRegions->m_valid[i]==TRUE) pWall[a*m_pRegions->m_numRects+i]=UNKNOWN;
for (i=0;i<a;i++) if (m_pRegions->m_valid[i]==TRUE) pWall[i*m_pRegions->m_numRects+a]=UNKNOWN;
// we have stricter requirements for region validity after we have done the border search.
for (a=0;a<m_pRegions->m_numRects;a++) { m_pRegions->checkIfValidRegion(a,DONE_WITH_BORDER_CHECKING); }
// m_pScanBlurred->ColorChunks(pMap); // for debugging purposes... so we know where exactly chunks are
m_pRegions->CompactDown(m_pRegions->m_validRects+10); // we don't want to hand the user a list which includes invalidated regions
// free pWall
delete[] pWall; } } delete[] pMap; } return(TRUE); }
bool CRegionDetector::CollisionDetection(RECT r1, RECT r2, C32BitDibWrapper* pImage) { // use tracer lines to determine if there is an obstical between the two regions... be it possibly a photograph region or a speckle which we were wise enough to delete
// we should cache collision results, but we are lazy and compared with the time taken by all of the filters which edited every single bitmap pixel, time spent here is trivial
// first we need to determine how the regions are located with respect to each other
// we do three tracer rays (top edge to top edge, median to median, and bottom to bottom)
// throw out the edge with the highest collsion value... maybe we were unlucky and hit a stray speckle
// Diagram
// .____ 253
// ._
// . \*
// \ \ 43531 <-- hit speckle, throw out value
// \ // \ 215
// average intensity value: aprox 230 so its safe to merge the two regions
ULONG resistance[3]; // ULONG totalResistance;
ULONG maxResistance,minResistance,i;
if (r1.right < r2.left) // region 1 is to the left of region 2
{ resistance[0]=pImage->Line(r1.right,r1.top,r2.left,r2.top); resistance[1]=pImage->Line(r1.right,r1.bottom,r2.left,r2.bottom); resistance[2]=pImage->Line(r1.right,(r1.bottom+r1.top)/2,r2.left,(r2.bottom+r2.top)/2); } else if (r2.right < r1.left) //region 2 is to the left of region 1
{ resistance[0]=pImage->Line(r2.right,r2.top,r1.left,r1.top); resistance[1]=pImage->Line(r2.right,r2.bottom,r1.left,r1.bottom); resistance[2]=pImage->Line(r2.right,(r2.bottom+r2.top)/2,r1.left,(r1.bottom+r1.top)/2); } else if (r1.bottom < r2.top) // region 1 is above region 2
{ resistance[0]=pImage->Line(r1.right,r1.bottom,r2.right,r2.top); resistance[1]=pImage->Line(r1.left,r1.bottom,r2.left,r2.top); resistance[2]=pImage->Line((r1.left+r1.right)/2,r1.bottom,(r2.left+r2.right)/2,r2.top); } else if (r2.bottom < r1.top) // region 2 is above region 1
{ resistance[0]=pImage->Line(r2.right,r2.bottom,r1.right,r1.top); resistance[1]=pImage->Line(r2.left,r2.bottom,r1.left,r1.top); resistance[2]=pImage->Line((r2.left+r2.right)/2,r2.bottom,(r1.left+r1.right)/2,r1.top); }
// we used to have a more complex scheme where we took the average of the lower two values
// hence some of the following code is legacy code from that experiment
maxResistance=0; minResistance=MAX_RESISTANCE_ALLOWED_TO_UNION+1; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (resistance[i]>maxResistance) maxResistance=resistance[i]; if (resistance[i]<minResistance) minResistance=resistance[i]; }
if (minResistance>MAX_RESISTANCE_ALLOWED_TO_UNION) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
// CRegionList member functions:
CRegionList::CRegionList(int num) { int i; m_numRects=0; m_maxRects=num; m_nBitmapWidth=0; m_nBitmapHeight=0; m_pRects = new RECT[num]; m_pixelsFilled = new ULONG[num]; m_valid= new bool[num]; m_type = new int[num]; m_totalColored= new ULONG[num]; m_totalIntensity= new ULONG[num]; m_totalEdge= new ULONG[num]; m_backgroundColorPixels = new int[num]; //
// Make sure all of the memory allocations succeeded
if (m_pRects && m_pixelsFilled && m_valid && m_type && m_totalColored && m_totalIntensity && m_totalEdge && m_backgroundColorPixels) { for (i=0;i<num;i++) { m_pixelsFilled[i]=0; m_totalColored[i]=0; m_totalIntensity[i]=0; m_totalEdge[i]=0; m_valid[i]=true; m_backgroundColorPixels[i] = -1; m_type[i]=PHOTOGRAPH_REGION; } } else { //
// If all of the memory allocations didn't succeed, free all allocated memory
delete[] m_pRects; delete[] m_pixelsFilled; delete[] m_valid; delete[] m_type; delete[] m_totalColored; delete[] m_totalIntensity; delete[] m_totalEdge; delete[] m_backgroundColorPixels; m_pRects = NULL; m_pixelsFilled = NULL; m_valid = NULL; m_type = NULL; m_totalColored = NULL; m_totalIntensity = NULL; m_totalEdge = NULL; m_backgroundColorPixels = NULL; } }
int CRegionList::UnionIntersectingRegions() { bool unionOperationInLastPass; int numUnionOperations; int a,b; numUnionOperations=0; unionOperationInLastPass=true; while (unionOperationInLastPass==true) { unionOperationInLastPass=false; for (a=0;a<m_numRects;a++) { if (m_valid[a]==true) for (b=a+1;b<m_numRects;b++) if (m_valid[b]==true) { // we are paranoid... we repeatedly check if two regions intersect each other.
if (CheckIntersect(a,b,0)==true) { UnionRegions(a,b); unionOperationInLastPass=true; numUnionOperations++; }
} } } return(numUnionOperations); }
RECT CRegionList::unionAll() { int i,j;
for (i=0;i<m_numRects;i++) { if (m_valid[i]==true) { for (j=i+1;j<m_numRects;j++) { if (m_valid[j]==true) { UnionRegions(i,j); }
} return(m_pRects[i]); } } RECT invalidRect; invalidRect.left=0;invalidRect.top=0;invalidRect.right=0;invalidRect.bottom=0; return(invalidRect); }
RECT CRegionList::nthRegion(int num) { int i; int n;
for (i=0,n=0;i<m_maxRects;i++) { if (m_valid[i]==true) { if (num==n) return(m_pRects[i]); n++; } } RECT invalidRect; invalidRect.left=0;invalidRect.top=0;invalidRect.right=0;invalidRect.bottom=0; return(invalidRect); }
int CRegionList::RegionType(int region) {
if (ClassifyRegion(region)>TEXTPHOTO_THRESHOLD) { m_type[region]=PHOTOGRAPH_REGION; // regions which we are very confident with
} else { m_type[region]=TEXT_REGION; /// regions we don't have a darn clue about
if (largeRegion(region)==true) m_type[region]=TEXT_REGION|MERGABLE_WITH_PHOTOGRAPH; } return(m_type[region]); }
bool CRegionList::largeRegion(int region) { int width, height, size; width=(m_pRects[region].right-m_pRects[region].left); height=(m_pRects[region].bottom-m_pRects[region].top); size=width*height; if (size>LARGEREGION_THRESHOLD) return(true); return(false); }
double CRegionList::ClassifyRegion(int region) // determine if the region is a text or a graphics region
{ // higher numbers are photo regions
// low numbers are text regions
// this function is not been written for speed
// its been written so that it is still almost understandable
// concept: use a bunch of tests that are accurate about 75% of the time
// to get a test that is accurate 99.9% of the time
double edgeFactor; // shadows and stray smudges should have real low edge factors... but
// dots should have high edge factors
double intensityFactor; // if a region has a very high intensity factor, forget about worrying if it is valid or not
double colorFactor; // a region with a lot of color is unlikely to be a stray speckle
double aspectRatioFactor; double width,height; double size; double textRegionStylePixelsFactor; double classificationValue; width=(double)(m_pRects[region].right-m_pRects[region].left)+.01; // avoid divide by zero
height=(double)(m_pRects[region].bottom-m_pRects[region].top)+.01; // avoid divide by zero
size=width*height; if (width>height) aspectRatioFactor=height/width; else aspectRatioFactor=width/height; //if(m_pixelsFilled<MINREGIONPIXELS) sizeFactor=-100;
edgeFactor = (double)m_totalEdge[region]/(double)m_pixelsFilled[region]+.01; // avoid divide by zero
colorFactor= ((double)m_totalColored[region]/(double)m_pixelsFilled[region]); colorFactor=(colorFactor+110)/2; // otherwise we kill all black and white photos
intensityFactor = (double)m_totalIntensity[region]/(double)m_pixelsFilled[region];
textRegionStylePixelsFactor=(double)m_backgroundColorPixels[region]/size*100; if (textRegionStylePixelsFactor<2) textRegionStylePixelsFactor=2;
classificationValue=colorFactor/intensityFactor/edgeFactor*aspectRatioFactor/textRegionStylePixelsFactor/textRegionStylePixelsFactor*30000; // square text region factor because its the most accurate test we have so we don't want some other tests distorting its results
// get rid of annoying stray speckles which the computer thinks are photographs
/* if(classificationValue>=MIN_BORDERLINE_TEXTPHOTO && classificationValue <=MAX_BORDERLINE_TEXTPHOTO)
{ classificationValue*=size/REASONABLE_PHOTO_SIZE; // big images are usually pictures.. and big images which are text blocks should have had very low color vals
// add more tests here
// potentially add more time intensive tests such as count num colors
// classificationValue=textRegionStylePixelsFactor; // debug
return(classificationValue); }
bool CRegionList::checkIfValidRegion(int region, int border) // syncs whether a region is valid or not
{ if (m_valid[region]==true) // ignore already invalidated regions
{ m_valid[region]=ValidRegion(region, border); if (m_valid[region]==false) m_validRects--; } return(m_valid[region]); }
bool CRegionList::ValidRegion(int region, int border) // determines if a region is likely a worthless speck of dust or shadow or if we should care about the region
{ double aspectRatioFactor; double width,height; double size; int edgePenaltyFactor; // check if the region crosses the EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH outer pixels of the image
width=(double)(m_pRects[region].right-m_pRects[region].left)+.01; // just to be safe to avoid divide by zero
height=(double)(m_pRects[region].bottom-m_pRects[region].top)+.01; // just to be safe to avoid divide by zero
edgePenaltyFactor=1; // disable penalty factor calculations
/* if( m_pRects[region].left<EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH
|| m_pRects[region].top<EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH || m_nBitmapHeight-m_pRects[region].bottom<EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH || m_nBitmapWidth-m_pRects[region].right<EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH) { if(border>MAX_MERGE_DIFFERENT_REGIONS) edgePenaltyFactor=EDGE_PENALTY_FACTOR; else edgePenaltyFactor=CLOSE_TO_EDGE_PENALTY_FACTOR; } else if( m_pRects[region].left<CLOSE_TO_EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH || m_pRects[region].top<CLOSE_TO_EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH || m_nBitmapHeight-m_pRects[region].bottom<CLOSE_TO_EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH || m_nBitmapWidth-m_pRects[region].right<CLOSE_TO_EDGE_PENALTY_WIDTH) { edgePenaltyFactor=CLOSE_TO_EDGE_PENALTY_FACTOR; }*/
if (border<MAX_NO_EDGE_PIXEL_REGION_PENALTY) edgePenaltyFactor=1; if (border>MAX_MERGE_DIFFERENT_REGIONS) edgePenaltyFactor=edgePenaltyFactor*2; // if(border>BORDER_EXTREME_EDGE_PIXEL_REGION_PENALTY) edgePenaltyFactor=edgePenaltyFactor*2;
size=width*height; // the problem child text regions are small ones... so we use the size of the image as a factor
if (width>height) aspectRatioFactor=height/width; else aspectRatioFactor=width/height;
// its too small
if ((int)m_pixelsFilled[region]<MINREGIONPIXELS*edgePenaltyFactor) return(false); if (size<MINSIZE*edgePenaltyFactor) return(false);
if (border == DONE_WITH_BORDER_CHECKING) { if (size<MIN_FINAL_REGION_SIZE*edgePenaltyFactor) return(false); }
// its too narrow
if (width<MINWIDTH*edgePenaltyFactor || height<MINWIDTH*edgePenaltyFactor) return(false);
if ((1/aspectRatioFactor)*edgePenaltyFactor>MAXREGIONRATIO && (width*edgePenaltyFactor<IGNORE_RATIO_WIDTH || height<IGNORE_RATIO_WIDTH)) return(false);
return(true); }
bool CRegionList::InsideRegion(int region, int x, int y, int border) // border is the amount of border space to place around the outside of the region
{ if (x>=(m_pRects[region].left-border) && x<=(m_pRects[region].right+border) && y>=(m_pRects[region].top-border) && y<=(m_pRects[region].bottom+border)) return(true); return(false); }
void CRegionList::AddPixel(int region, ULONG pixel,ULONG edge, int x, int y) { if (m_pixelsFilled[region]!=0) { if (x<m_pRects[region].left) m_pRects[region].left=x; if (x>m_pRects[region].right) m_pRects[region].right=x; if (y<m_pRects[region].top) m_pRects[region].top=y; if (y>m_pRects[region].bottom) m_pRects[region].bottom=y; } else // init region
{ m_pixelsFilled[region]=0; m_totalColored[region]=0; m_totalIntensity[region]=0; m_pRects[region].left=x; m_pRects[region].right=x; m_pRects[region].top=y; m_pRects[region].bottom=y; m_numRects++; m_validRects++; } m_pixelsFilled[region]++; m_totalColored[region]+=DifferenceFromGray(pixel); m_totalIntensity[region]+=Intensity(pixel); m_totalEdge[region]+=Intensity(edge);
// unions two regions together... region b is invalidated
bool CRegionList::UnionRegions(int a, int b) { if (m_valid[a]!=true || m_valid[b]!=true) return(false); // the user tried to union an invalidated region
m_valid[b]=false; m_pRects[a].left=MIN(m_pRects[a].left,m_pRects[b].left); m_pRects[a].top=MIN(m_pRects[a].top,m_pRects[b].top); m_pRects[a].right=MAX(m_pRects[a].right,m_pRects[b].right); m_pRects[a].bottom=MAX(m_pRects[a].bottom,m_pRects[b].bottom); m_pixelsFilled[a]+=m_pixelsFilled[b]; m_totalColored[a]+=m_totalColored[b]; m_totalIntensity[a]+=m_totalIntensity[b]; m_totalEdge[a]+=m_totalEdge[b]; m_backgroundColorPixels[a]+=m_backgroundColorPixels[b];
m_validRects--; return(true); }
RECT CRegionList::UnionRects(RECT a, RECT b) { RECT result; result.left=MIN(a.left,b.left); result.top=MIN(a.top,b.top); result.right=MAX(a.right,b.right); result.bottom=MAX(a.bottom,b.bottom); return(result); }
bool CRegionList::MergerIntersectsPhoto(int a, int b) // if we merge these two regions, will we also be merging with a photo region (a taboo)
{ RECT mergedRect; int i; mergedRect=UnionRects(m_pRects[a],m_pRects[b]); for (i=0;i<m_numRects;i++) if (m_valid[i]==true && (m_type[i]&PHOTOGRAPH_REGION) && a!=i && b!=i) { if (CheckIntersect(mergedRect,m_pRects[i])) return(true); } return(false); }
// see InsideRegion for an explaination of what border is
bool CRegionList::CheckIntersect(int a, int b, int border) // do regions a and b intersect?
{ return(CheckIntersect(m_pRects[a],m_pRects[b],border)); }
bool CRegionList::CheckIntersect(RECT r1, RECT r2, int border) // do regions a and b intersect?
{ RECT intersect; // grow r1 by border
// note: it shouldn't make any difference which rectangle we choose to grow
r1.left-=border; r1.right+=border; r1.top-=border; r1.bottom+=border;
intersect = Intersect(r1,r2); if (intersect.left<intersect.right && intersect.bottom>intersect.top) return(true); else return(false); /* // old buggy code for checking if two regions intersected
if(InsideRegion(r1,r2.left,r2.top,border) || // check if any of the four corner pixels are inside the other region
InsideRegion(r1,r2.left,r2.bottom,border) || InsideRegion(r1,r2.right,r2.top,border) || // b inside a
InsideRegion(r2,r1.left,r1.top,border) || // a inside b
InsideRegion(r2,r1.left,r1.bottom,border) || InsideRegion(r2,r1.right,r1.top,border) || InsideRegion(r2,r1.right,r1.bottom,border) ) return true; else return false;*/ }
RECT CRegionList::Intersect(RECT r1, RECT r2) { RECT intersect; intersect.left=MAX(r1.left,r2.left); intersect.right=MIN(r1.right,r2.right); intersect.top=MAX(r1.top,r2.top); intersect.bottom=MIN(r1.bottom,r2.bottom); if (intersect.left<=intersect.right && intersect.top<=intersect.bottom) return(intersect); else { intersect.left=-1; intersect.right=-1; intersect.top=-1; intersect.bottom=-1; return(intersect); } }
bool CRegionList::InsideRegion(RECT region, int x, int y, int border) // border is the amount of border space to place around the outside of the region
{ if (x>=(region.left-border) && x<=(region.right+border) && y>=(region.top-border) && y<=(region.bottom+border)) return(true); return(false); }
// compact down ignores all other info aside from rect location
// leads to faster access
void CRegionList::CompactDown(int size) { int i; int j = 0; RECT * compactedRects = new RECT[size]; bool * compactedValid = new bool[size]; int * compactedType = new int[size]; int * compactedBackgroundColorPixels = new int[size]; ULONG * compactedPixelsFilled = new ULONG[size]; // how many of the pixels in the region were actually selected?
ULONG * compactedTotalColored = new ULONG[size]; // accumulated color difference indicator
ULONG * compactedTotalIntensity = new ULONG[size]; // accumulated intensity indicator
ULONG * compactedTotalEdge = new ULONG[size]; // accumulated edge values
// Make sure all of the memory allocations succeeded
if (compactedRects && compactedValid && compactedType && compactedBackgroundColorPixels && compactedPixelsFilled && compactedTotalColored && compactedTotalIntensity && compactedTotalEdge) { for (i=0;i<m_numRects;i++) { if (m_valid[i]) { compactedRects[j]=m_pRects[i]; compactedValid[j]=true; compactedType[j]=m_type[i]; compactedPixelsFilled[j]=m_pixelsFilled[i]; compactedTotalColored[j]=m_totalColored[i]; compactedTotalIntensity[j]=m_totalIntensity[i]; compactedTotalEdge[j]=m_totalEdge[i]; compactedBackgroundColorPixels[j]=m_backgroundColorPixels[i]; j++; } }
// fill out the rest of the list
for (i=m_validRects;i<size;i++) { compactedValid[i]=false; }
delete m_pRects; delete m_valid; delete m_type; delete m_pixelsFilled; delete m_totalColored; delete m_totalIntensity; delete m_totalEdge; delete m_backgroundColorPixels;
m_pRects=compactedRects; m_valid=compactedValid; m_type=compactedType; m_pixelsFilled=compactedPixelsFilled; m_totalColored=compactedTotalColored; m_totalIntensity=compactedTotalIntensity; m_totalEdge=compactedTotalEdge; m_backgroundColorPixels=compactedBackgroundColorPixels;
m_numRects=size; } else { //
// Otherwise, just release all of the memory we allocated
delete[] compactedRects; delete[] compactedValid; delete[] compactedType; delete[] compactedBackgroundColorPixels; delete[] compactedPixelsFilled; delete[] compactedTotalColored; delete[] compactedTotalIntensity; delete[] compactedTotalEdge; } // we could delete all of the other region list info right here
// dibs are stored upside down from normal screen coords
// so apps will often want to flip the bitmap first
void CRegionList::FlipVertically() { int i; int temp; for (i=0;i<m_numRects;i++) { temp=m_nBitmapHeight-m_pRects[i].top-1; m_pRects[i].top=m_nBitmapHeight-m_pRects[i].bottom-1; m_pRects[i].bottom=temp; } }