* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 2000 * * TITLE: RUNWIZ.CPP * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 6/14/2000 * * DESCRIPTION: Present the device selection dialog and allow the user to select * a device, then cocreate the server and generate the connection * event. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "simstr.h"
#include "simbstr.h"
#include "runwiz.h"
#include "shmemsec.h"
namespace RunWiaWizard { static const GUID CLSID_AcquisitionManager = { 0xD13E3F25,0x1688,0x45A0,{ 0x97,0x43,0x75,0x9E,0xB3, 0x5C,0xDF,0x9A} };
HRESULT RunWizard( LPCTSTR pszDeviceId, HWND hWndParent, LPCTSTR pszUniqueIdentifier ) { //
// Assume failure
// Get the device ID if one was not provided
CSimpleStringWide strwDeviceId; if (!pszDeviceId || !lstrlen(pszDeviceId)) { //
// Assume we will be asking for the device
bool bAskForDevice = true;
// This will automatically be cleaned up when we exit this scope
CSharedMemorySection<HWND> SelectionDialogSharedMemory;
// We only want to enforce uniqueness if we have a unique ID for this instance of the UI
if (pszUniqueIdentifier && *pszUniqueIdentifier) { //
// First, try to open it. If it exists, that means there is another instance running already.
CSharedMemorySection<HWND>::COpenResult OpenResult = SelectionDialogSharedMemory.Open( pszUniqueIdentifier, true ); if (CSharedMemorySection<HWND>::SmsOpened == OpenResult) { //
// We don't want to display the selection dialog
bAskForDevice = false;
// Tell the caller we cancelled
hr = S_FALSE;
// If we were able to open the shared memory section, there is already one running.
// so get a mutex'ed pointer to the shared memory.
HWND *pHwnd = SelectionDialogSharedMemory.Lock(); if (pHwnd) { //
// If we were able to get the pointer, get the window handle stored in it.
// Set bRun to false, so we don't start up a new wizard
if (*pHwnd && IsWindow(*pHwnd)) { //
// Try to get any active windows
HWND hWndPopup = GetLastActivePopup(*pHwnd);
// If it is a valid window, bring it to the foreground.
} //
// Release the mutex
SelectionDialogSharedMemory.Release(); } } else if (CSharedMemorySection<HWND>::SmsCreated == OpenResult) { //
// If we couldn't open it, we are the first instance, so store the parent window handle
HWND *phWnd = SelectionDialogSharedMemory.Lock(); if (phWnd) { *phWnd = hWndParent; SelectionDialogSharedMemory.Release(); } } }
if (bAskForDevice) { //
// Create the device manager
CComPtr<IWiaDevMgr> pWiaDevMgr; hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WiaDevMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWiaDevMgr, (void**)&pWiaDevMgr ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Get the device ID
BSTR bstrDeviceId = NULL; hr = pWiaDevMgr->SelectDeviceDlgID( hWndParent, 0, 0, &bstrDeviceId ); if (hr == S_OK && bstrDeviceId != NULL) { //
// Save the device ID and free the bstring
strwDeviceId = bstrDeviceId; SysFreeString(bstrDeviceId); } } } } else { //
// Save the provided device ID
strwDeviceId = CSimpleStringConvert::WideString(CSimpleString(pszDeviceId)); }
// If we have a valid device ID, continue
if (strwDeviceId.Length()) { //
// Create the wizard
CComPtr<IWiaEventCallback> pWiaEventCallback; hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_AcquisitionManager, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWiaEventCallback, (void**)&pWiaEventCallback ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Convert the parent window handle to a string, which we will pass as the event description
// The wizard will only use it this way if the event GUID is IID_NULL
CSimpleBStr bstrParentWindow( CSimpleString().Format( TEXT("%d"), hWndParent ) );
// Allow this process to set the foreground window
CoAllowSetForegroundWindow( pWiaEventCallback, NULL );
// Call the callback function
ULONG ulEventType = 0; hr = pWiaEventCallback->ImageEventCallback( &IID_NULL, bstrParentWindow.BString(), CSimpleBStr(strwDeviceId), NULL, 0, NULL, &ulEventType, 0); } } return hr; } }