* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: VWIASET.H * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 1/10/2000 * * DESCRIPTION: Encapsulate the differences between LIST and RANGE properties * *******************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include "pshelper.h"
class CValidWiaSettings { private: //
// Indices into array for range values
enum { MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1, StepValue = 2 };
private: CSimpleDynamicArray<LONG> m_ValueList; LONG m_nInitialValue; LONG m_nType;
public: CValidWiaSettings(void) : m_nType(0), m_nInitialValue(0) { } CValidWiaSettings( IUnknown *pUnknown, const PropStorageHelpers::CPropertyId &propertyName ) : m_nType(0), m_nInitialValue(0) { Read( pUnknown, propertyName ); } CValidWiaSettings( const CValidWiaSettings &other ) : m_nType(0), m_nInitialValue(0) { Assign(other); } CValidWiaSettings &operator=( const CValidWiaSettings &other ) { if (&other != this) { Assign(other); } return *this; } CValidWiaSettings &Assign( const CValidWiaSettings &other ) { Destroy(); m_nType = other.Type(); m_ValueList = other.ValueList(); m_nInitialValue = other.InitialValue(); if (!IsValid()) { Destroy(); } return *this; } LONG Type(void) const { return m_nType; } LONG InitialValue(void) const { return m_nInitialValue; } const CSimpleDynamicArray<LONG> &ValueList(void) const { return m_ValueList; } CSimpleDynamicArray<LONG> &ValueList(void) { return m_ValueList; } void Destroy(void) { m_nType = 0; m_nInitialValue = 0; m_ValueList.Destroy(); } bool IsValid(void) const { if (IsList()) { return (m_ValueList.Size() != 0); } else if (IsRange()) { return (m_ValueList.Size() == 3); } else return false; } bool Read( IUnknown *pUnknown, const PropStorageHelpers::CPropertyId &propertyName ) { bool bSuccess = false; Destroy(); m_nType = 0;
// If we can't read this value, we're done
if (!PropStorageHelpers::GetProperty( pUnknown, propertyName, m_nInitialValue )) { return false; }
ULONG nAccessFlags; if (PropStorageHelpers::GetPropertyAccessFlags( pUnknown, propertyName, nAccessFlags )) { if (nAccessFlags & WIA_PROP_LIST) { if (PropStorageHelpers::GetPropertyList( pUnknown, propertyName, m_ValueList )) { m_nType = WIA_PROP_LIST; bSuccess = (m_ValueList.Size() != 0); } } else if (nAccessFlags & WIA_PROP_RANGE) { PropStorageHelpers::CPropertyRange PropertyRange; if (PropStorageHelpers::GetPropertyRange( pUnknown, propertyName, PropertyRange )) { m_nType = WIA_PROP_RANGE; m_ValueList.Append( PropertyRange.nMin ); m_ValueList.Append( PropertyRange.nMax ); m_ValueList.Append( PropertyRange.nStep ); bSuccess = (m_ValueList.Size() == 3); } } } if (!bSuccess) { Destroy(); } return bSuccess; } bool FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( LONG &nValue ) const { //
// Make sure we have a valid item
if (!IsValid()) { return false; }
if (IsRange()) { //
// Make sure we are in the legal range
nValue = WiaUiUtil::Min( WiaUiUtil::Max( m_ValueList[MinValue], nValue ), m_ValueList[MaxValue] );
// Divide the difference between nValue and min by nStep, then multiply by nStep to
// get rid of the remainder to round down to the nearest value
nValue = m_ValueList[MinValue] + (((nValue - m_ValueList[MinValue]) / m_ValueList[StepValue]) * m_ValueList[StepValue]); return true; } else if (IsList() && m_ValueList.Size()) { //
// Assume the list is sorted, so we can take the first item and assume it is the minimum value
LONG nResult = m_ValueList[0]; for (int i=0;i<m_ValueList.Size();i++) { if (m_ValueList[i] > nValue) { break; } nResult = m_ValueList[i]; } nValue = nResult; return true; } return false; } bool FindClosestValue( LONG &nValue ) const { LONG nFloor=nValue; if (FindClosestValueByRoundingDown(nFloor)) { LONG nCeiling=nFloor; if (Increment(nCeiling)) { if (nValue - nFloor < nCeiling - nValue) { nValue = nFloor; return true; } else { nValue = nCeiling; return true; } } } return false; } bool IsLegalValue( LONG nValue ) const { LONG nTestValue = nValue; if (FindClosestValueByRoundingDown(nTestValue)) { return (nTestValue == nValue); } return false; } int FindIndexOfItem( LONG nCurrentValue ) const { if (IsRange()) { //
// Make sure we are in the legal range
nCurrentValue = WiaUiUtil::Min( WiaUiUtil::Max( m_ValueList[MinValue], nCurrentValue ), m_ValueList[MaxValue] );
return (nCurrentValue - m_ValueList[MinValue]) / m_ValueList[StepValue]; } else if (IsList() && m_ValueList.Size()) { //
// Assume the list is sorted, so we can take the first item and assume it is the minimum value
for (int i=0;i<m_ValueList.Size();i++) { if (m_ValueList[i] == nCurrentValue) { return i; } } } //
// returns -1 to indicate failure
return -1; } bool Increment( LONG &nCurrentValue ) const { //
// Round us off. This will also take care of validation.
if (!FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( nCurrentValue )) { return false; }
if (IsRange()) { //
// Let FindClosestValueByRoundingDown take care of making sure that we don't exceed the maximum
nCurrentValue += m_ValueList[StepValue]; return FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( nCurrentValue ); } else if (IsList() && m_ValueList.Size()) { int nIndex = FindIndexOfItem( nCurrentValue );
// Make sure we are in the list
if (nIndex < 0) { return false; }
// Get the next value
// Make sure we aren't off the end of the list
if (nIndex >= m_ValueList.Size()) { nIndex = m_ValueList.Size() - 1; }
// Return it
nCurrentValue = m_ValueList[nIndex];
// Everything is OK
return true; } return false; } bool Decrement( LONG &nCurrentValue ) const { //
// Round us off. This will also take care of validation.
if (!FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( nCurrentValue )) { return false; }
if (IsRange()) { //
// Let FindClosestValueByRoundingDown take care of making sure that we don't go under the minimum
nCurrentValue -= m_ValueList[StepValue]; return FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( nCurrentValue ); } else if (IsList() && m_ValueList.Size()) { int nIndex = FindIndexOfItem( nCurrentValue );
// Make sure we are in the list
if (nIndex < 0) { return false; }
// Get the previous value
// Make sure we aren't before the beginning of the list
if (nIndex < 0) { nIndex = 0; }
// Return it
nCurrentValue = m_ValueList[nIndex];
// Everything is OK
return true; } return false; } LONG GetItemCount(void) const { if (IsList()) { return m_ValueList.Size(); } else if (IsRange()) { //
// Calculate the number of steps between the minimum and maximum
return ((m_ValueList[MaxValue] - m_ValueList[MinValue]) / m_ValueList[StepValue]) + 1; } return 0; } bool GetItemAtIndex( int nIndex, LONG &nItem ) const { if (!IsValid()) { return false; } if (IsList() && nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < m_ValueList.Size()) { nItem = m_ValueList[nIndex]; return true; } else if (IsRange() && nIndex < GetItemCount()) { //
// Return the minimum + nIndex * stepvalue
nItem = m_ValueList[MinValue] + (m_ValueList[StepValue] * nIndex); return true; } return false; } bool FindIntersection( const CValidWiaSettings &Set1, const CValidWiaSettings &Set2 ) { //
// We are modifying ourselves, so clear all of our data
// If either set is invalid, no intersection
if (!Set1.IsValid() || !Set2.IsValid()) { return false; }
// If either a or b is a set (or both), just add all of the items
// that are legal in both to ourself and set the type to a LIST
if (Set1.IsList()) { m_nType = WIA_PROP_LIST; for (int i=0;i<Set1.GetItemCount();i++) { LONG nItem; if (Set1.GetItemAtIndex(i,nItem)) { if (Set2.IsLegalValue(nItem)) { m_ValueList.Append(nItem); } } }
// Figure out where to get the initial value from
if (IsLegalValue(Set1.InitialValue())) { m_nInitialValue = Set1.InitialValue(); } else if (IsLegalValue(Set2.InitialValue())) { m_nInitialValue = Set2.InitialValue(); } else { if (!FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( m_nInitialValue )) { //
// As a last resort, use the first value
GetItemAtIndex(0,m_nInitialValue); } }
return (m_ValueList.Size() != 0); } else if (Set2.IsList()) { m_nType = WIA_PROP_LIST; for (int i=0;i<Set2.GetItemCount();i++) { LONG nItem; if (Set2.GetItemAtIndex(i,nItem)) { if (Set1.IsLegalValue(nItem)) { m_ValueList.Append(nItem); } } }
// Figure out where to get the initial value from
if (IsLegalValue(Set2.InitialValue())) { m_nInitialValue = Set2.InitialValue(); } else if (IsLegalValue(Set1.InitialValue())) { m_nInitialValue = Set1.InitialValue(); } else { if (!FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( m_nInitialValue )) { //
// As a last resort, use the first value
GetItemAtIndex(0,m_nInitialValue); } }
return (m_ValueList.Size() != 0); } //
// Both are ranges.
// BUGBUG: I may have to actually figure out how to do this in a more sophisticated
// way. Basically, I am taking the minimum of the two maximums and the maximum of the
// two minimums if and only if the at least one of the minimums is in the set of the
// other items and they have the same step value
else if (Set1.IsLegalValue(Set2.Min()) || Set2.IsLegalValue(Set1.Min()) && Set1.Step() == Set2.Step()) { m_nType = WIA_PROP_RANGE;
// Minimum, Maximum, Step
m_ValueList.Append(WiaUiUtil::Max(Set1.Min(),Set2.Min())); m_ValueList.Append(WiaUiUtil::Min(Set1.Max(),Set2.Max())); m_ValueList.Append(Set1.Step());
// Figure out where to get the initial value from
if (IsLegalValue(Set2.InitialValue())) { m_nInitialValue = Set2.InitialValue(); } else if (IsLegalValue(Set1.InitialValue())) { m_nInitialValue = Set1.InitialValue(); } else { if (!FindClosestValueByRoundingDown( m_nInitialValue )) { //
// As a last resort, use the first value
GetItemAtIndex(0,m_nInitialValue); } }
return (m_ValueList.Size() == 3); } return true; } LONG Min(void) const { if (!IsValid()) { return 0; } if (IsList()) { return (m_ValueList[0]); } else if (IsRange()) { return (m_ValueList[MinValue]); } return 0; } LONG Max(void) const { if (!IsValid()) { return 0; } if (IsList()) { return (m_ValueList[m_ValueList.Size()-1]); } else if (IsRange()) { return (m_ValueList[MaxValue]); } return 0; } LONG Step(void) const { if (IsRange()) { return (m_ValueList[StepValue]); } return 0; } bool IsRange(void) const { return (m_nType == WIA_PROP_RANGE); } bool IsList(void) const { return (m_nType == WIA_PROP_LIST); } static bool SetNumericPropertyOnBoundary( IUnknown *pUnknown, const PropStorageHelpers::CPropertyId &propertyName, LONG nValue ) { CValidWiaSettings ValidWiaSettings; if (!ValidWiaSettings.Read( pUnknown, propertyName )) { return false; } if (!ValidWiaSettings.FindClosestValueByRoundingDown(nValue)) { return false; } if (!PropStorageHelpers::SetProperty( pUnknown, propertyName, nValue )) { return false; } return true; } };