* * (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, MICROSOFT CORP. * * FILE: gdipconv.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * DATE: 11/10/2000 * * AUTHOR: Dave Parsons * * DESCRIPTION: * Helper functions for using GDI+ to convert image formats. * *****************************************************************************/
#include "pch.h"
using namespace Gdiplus;
CWiauFormatConverter::CWiauFormatConverter() : m_Token(NULL), m_EncoderCount(0), m_pEncoderInfo(NULL) { memset(&m_guidCodecBmp, 0, sizeof(m_guidCodecBmp)); }
CWiauFormatConverter::~CWiauFormatConverter() { if (m_pEncoderInfo) { delete []m_pEncoderInfo; m_pEncoderInfo = NULL; } if (m_Token) { GdiplusShutdown(m_Token); m_Token = NULL; } }
HRESULT CWiauFormatConverter::Init() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; GpStatus Status = Ok;
// Locals
GdiplusStartupInput gsi; ImageCodecInfo *pEncoderInfo = NULL;
if (m_pEncoderInfo != NULL) { wiauDbgError("Init", "Init has already been called"); goto Cleanup; }
// Start up GDI+
Status = GdiplusStartup(&m_Token, &gsi, NULL); if (Status != Ok) { wiauDbgError("Init", "GdiplusStartup failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
UINT cbCodecs = 0;
Status = GetImageEncodersSize(&m_EncoderCount, &cbCodecs); if (Status != Ok) { wiauDbgError("Init", "GetImageEncodersSize failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
m_pEncoderInfo = new BYTE[cbCodecs]; REQUIRE_ALLOC(m_pEncoderInfo, hr, "Init");
pEncoderInfo = (ImageCodecInfo *) m_pEncoderInfo; Status = GetImageEncoders(m_EncoderCount, cbCodecs, pEncoderInfo); if (Ok != Status) { wiauDbgError("Init", "GetImageEncoders failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
for (UINT count = 0; count < m_EncoderCount; count++) { if (pEncoderInfo[count].FormatID == ImageFormatBMP) { m_guidCodecBmp = pEncoderInfo[count].Clsid; break; } }
Cleanup: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (m_pEncoderInfo) delete []m_pEncoderInfo; m_pEncoderInfo = NULL; } return hr; }
BOOL CWiauFormatConverter::IsFormatSupported(const GUID *pguidFormat) { BOOL result = FALSE;
ImageCodecInfo *pEncoderInfo = (ImageCodecInfo *) m_pEncoderInfo; for (UINT count = 0; count < m_EncoderCount; count++) { if (pEncoderInfo[count].FormatID == *pguidFormat) { result = TRUE; break; } }
return result; }
HRESULT CWiauFormatConverter::ConvertToBmp(BYTE *pSource, INT iSourceSize, BYTE **ppDest, INT *piDestSize, BMP_IMAGE_INFO *pBmpImageInfo, SKIP_AMOUNT iSkipAmt) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Locals
GpStatus Status = Ok; CImageStream *pInStream = NULL; CImageStream *pOutStream = NULL; Image *pSourceImage = NULL; BYTE *pTempBuf = NULL; SizeF gdipSize;
// Check args
REQUIRE_ARGS(!pSource || !ppDest || !piDestSize || !pBmpImageInfo, hr, "ConvertToBmp");
memset(pBmpImageInfo, 0, sizeof(*pBmpImageInfo));
// Create a CImageStream from the source memory
pInStream = new CImageStream; REQUIRE_ALLOC(pInStream, hr, "ConvertToBmp");
hr = pInStream->SetBuffer(pSource, iSourceSize); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "ConvertToBmp", "SetBuffer failed");
// Create a GDI+ Image object from the IStream
pSourceImage = new Image(pInStream); REQUIRE_ALLOC(pSourceImage, hr, "ConvertToBmp"); if (pSourceImage->GetLastStatus() != Ok) { wiauDbgError("ConvertToBmp", "Image constructor failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// Ask GDI+ for the image dimensions, and fill in the
// passed structure
Status = pSourceImage->GetPhysicalDimension(&gdipSize); if (Status != Ok) { wiauDbgError("ConvertToBmp", "GetPhysicalDimension failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
pBmpImageInfo->Width = (INT) gdipSize.Width; pBmpImageInfo->Height = (INT) gdipSize.Height; PixelFormat PixFmt = pSourceImage->GetPixelFormat(); DWORD PixDepth = (PixFmt & 0xFFFF) >> 8; // Cannot assume image is always 24bits/pixel
if( PixDepth < 24 ) PixDepth = 24; pBmpImageInfo->ByteWidth = ((pBmpImageInfo->Width * PixDepth + 31) & ~31) / 8; pBmpImageInfo->Size = pBmpImageInfo->ByteWidth * pBmpImageInfo->Height;
switch (iSkipAmt) { case SKIP_OFF: pBmpImageInfo->Size += sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); break; case SKIP_FILEHDR: pBmpImageInfo->Size += sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); break; case SKIP_BOTHHDR: break; default: break; } if (pBmpImageInfo->Size == 0) { wiauDbgError("ConvertToBmp", "Size of image is zero"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// See if the caller passed in a destination buffer, and make sure
// it is big enough.
if (*ppDest) { if (*piDestSize < pBmpImageInfo->Size) { wiauDbgError("ConvertToBmp", "Passed buffer is too small"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Cleanup; } }
// Otherwise allocate memory for a buffer
else { pTempBuf = new BYTE[pBmpImageInfo->Size]; REQUIRE_ALLOC(pTempBuf, hr, "ConvertToBmp");
*ppDest = pTempBuf; *piDestSize = pBmpImageInfo->Size; }
// Create output IStream
pOutStream = new CImageStream; REQUIRE_ALLOC(pOutStream, hr, "ConvertToBmp");
hr = pOutStream->SetBuffer(*ppDest, pBmpImageInfo->Size, iSkipAmt); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "ConvertToBmp", "SetBuffer failed");
// Write the Image to the output IStream in BMP format
pSourceImage->Save(pOutStream, &m_guidCodecBmp, NULL); if (pSourceImage->GetLastStatus() != Ok) { wiauDbgError("ConvertToBmp", "GDI+ Save failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pTempBuf) { delete []pTempBuf; pTempBuf = NULL; *ppDest = NULL; *piDestSize = 0; } } if (pInStream) { pInStream->Release(); } if (pOutStream) { pOutStream->Release(); } if (pSourceImage) { delete pSourceImage; }
return hr; }