Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of CommandLineToArgv() API
Hakki T. Bostanci (hakkib) 06-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#ifndef __ARGV_H
#define __ARGV_H
#include <assert.h>
#ifndef ASSERT
#define ASSERT assert
#endif //ASSERT
PTSTR * CommandLineToArgv( PCTSTR pCmdLine, int *pNumArgs );
// Parse_Cmdline
// Stolen directly from NT sources
void Parse_Cmdline ( LPCTSTR cmdstart, LPTSTR*argv, LPTSTR lpstr, INT *numargs, INT *numbytes ) { LPCTSTR p; TCHAR c; INT inquote; /* 1 = inside quotes */ INT copychar; /* 1 = copy char to *args */ WORD numslash; /* num of backslashes seen */
*numbytes = 0; *numargs = 1; /* the program name at least */
/* first scan the program name, copy it, and count the bytes */ p = cmdstart; if (argv) *argv++ = lpstr;
/* A quoted program name is handled here. The handling is much
simpler than for other arguments. Basically, whatever lies between the leading double-quote and next one, or a terminal null character is simply accepted. Fancier handling is not required because the program name must be a legal NTFS/HPFS file name. Note that the double-quote characters are not copied, nor do they contribute to numbytes. */ if (*p == TEXT('\"')) { /* scan from just past the first double-quote through the next
double-quote, or up to a null, whichever comes first */ while ((*(++p) != TEXT('\"')) && (*p != TEXT('\0'))) { *numbytes += sizeof(TCHAR); if (lpstr) *lpstr++ = *p; } /* append the terminating null */ *numbytes += sizeof(TCHAR); if (lpstr) *lpstr++ = TEXT('\0');
/* if we stopped on a double-quote (usual case), skip over it */ if (*p == TEXT('\"')) p++; } else { /* Not a quoted program name */ do { *numbytes += sizeof(TCHAR); if (lpstr) *lpstr++ = *p;
c = (TCHAR) *p++;
} while (c > TEXT(' '));
if (c == TEXT('\0')) { p--; } else { if (lpstr) *(lpstr - 1) = TEXT('\0'); } }
inquote = 0;
/* loop on each argument */ for ( ; ; ) { if (*p) { while (*p == TEXT(' ') || *p == TEXT('\t')) ++p; }
if (*p == TEXT('\0')) break; /* end of args */
/* scan an argument */ if (argv) *argv++ = lpstr; /* store ptr to arg */ ++*numargs;
/* loop through scanning one argument */ for ( ; ; ) { copychar = 1; /* Rules: 2N backslashes + " ==> N backslashes and begin/end quote
2N+1 backslashes + " ==> N backslashes + literal " N backslashes ==> N backslashes */ numslash = 0; while (*p == TEXT('\\')) { /* count number of backslashes for use below */ ++p; ++numslash; } if (*p == TEXT('\"')) { /* if 2N backslashes before, start/end quote, otherwise
copy literally */ if (numslash % 2 == 0) { if (inquote) if (p[1] == TEXT('\"')) p++; /* Double quote inside quoted string */ else /* skip first quote char and copy second */ copychar = 0; else copychar = 0; /* don't copy quote */
inquote = !inquote; } numslash /= 2; /* divide numslash by two */ }
/* copy slashes */ while (numslash--) { if (lpstr) *lpstr++ = TEXT('\\'); *numbytes += sizeof(TCHAR); }
/* if at end of arg, break loop */ if (*p == TEXT('\0') || (!inquote && (*p == TEXT(' ') || *p == TEXT('\t')))) break;
/* copy character into argument */ if (copychar) { if (lpstr) *lpstr++ = *p; *numbytes += sizeof(TCHAR); } ++p; }
/* null-terminate the argument */
if (lpstr) *lpstr++ = TEXT('\0'); /* terminate string */ *numbytes += sizeof(TCHAR); }
// CommandLineToArgv
PTSTR * CommandLineToArgv( PCTSTR pCmdLine, int *pNumArgs ) { ASSERT(pNumArgs);
INT numbytes = 0;
Parse_Cmdline(pCmdLine, 0, 0, pNumArgs, &numbytes);
PTSTR *argv = (PTSTR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, *pNumArgs * sizeof(PTSTR) + numbytes );
if (argv) { Parse_Cmdline( pCmdLine, argv, (PTSTR) ((PBYTE) argv + *pNumArgs * sizeof(PTSTR)), pNumArgs, &numbytes ); }
return argv; }
#endif //__ARGV_H