// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995-2000.
// dsextend.cpp : implementation of various direct show extension classes
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ksextend.h"
#include "dsextend.h"
static DWORD dwFetch; #if 0
// note: the compiler is generating but never calling the code to construct these initializers so the pointers
// are staying null. we work around this by providing a function which dynamically allocating them on the heap
// and calling it in our dllmain.
// DSGraphContainer
std_arity1pmf<IGraphBuilder, IEnumFilters **, HRESULT> * DSGraphContainer::Fetch = &std_arity1pmf<IGraphBuilder, IEnumFilters **, HRESULT>(&IGraphBuilder::EnumFilters); std_arity0pmf<IEnumFilters, HRESULT> * DSGraphContainer::iterator::Reset = &std_arity0_member(&IEnumFilters::Reset); std_arity1pmf<IEnumFilters, IBaseFilter **, HRESULT> * DSGraphContainer::iterator::Next = &std_bind_mf_1_3(std_arity3_member(&IEnumFilters::Next), 1, &dwFetch);
// DSFilter
std_arity1pmf<IBaseFilter, IEnumPins **, HRESULT> * DSFilter::Fetch = &std_arity1_member(&IBaseFilter::EnumPins); std_arity0pmf<IEnumPins, HRESULT> * DSFilter::iterator::Reset = &std_arity0_member(&IEnumPins::Reset); std_arity1pmf<IEnumPins, IPin **, HRESULT> * DSFilter::iterator::Next = &std_bind_mf_1_3(std_arity3_member(&IEnumPins::Next), 1, &dwFetch);
// DSDevices
std_arity1pmf<ICreateDevEnum, IEnumMoniker **, HRESULT> * DSDeviceSequence::Fetch = NULL; // no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSDeviceSequence::GetFetch
std_arity0pmf<IEnumMoniker, HRESULT> * DSDevices::iterator::Reset = &std_arity0_member(&IEnumMoniker::Reset); std_arity1pmf<IEnumMoniker, IMoniker **, HRESULT> * DSDevices::iterator::Next = &std_bind_mf_1_3(std_arity3_member(&IEnumMoniker::Next), 1, &dwFetch);
// DSFilterMapper
std_arity1pmf<IFilterMapper2, IEnumMoniker **, HRESULT> * DSFilterMapperSequence::Fetch = NULL;// no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSFilterMapperSequence::GetFetch
// uses same types as DSDevices so its the same template expansion, already initialized
// DSPin
std_arity1pmf<IPin, IEnumMediaTypes **, HRESULT> * DSPin::Fetch = &std_arity1_member(&IPin::EnumMediaTypes); std_arity0pmf<IEnumMediaTypes, HRESULT> * DSPin::iterator::Reset = &std_arity0_member(&IEnumMediaTypes::Reset); std_arity1pmf<IEnumMediaTypes, AM_MEDIA_TYPE **, HRESULT> * DSPin::iterator::Next = &std_bind_mf_1_3(std_arity3_member(&IEnumMediaTypes::Next), 1, &dwFetch); #else
// DSGraphContainer
std_arity1pmf<IGraphBuilder, IEnumFilters **, HRESULT> * DSGraphContainer::Fetch = NULL; std_arity0pmf<IEnumFilters, HRESULT> * DSGraphContainer::iterator::Reset = NULL; std_arity1pmf<IEnumFilters, IBaseFilter **, HRESULT> * DSGraphContainer::iterator::Next = NULL;
// DSFilter
std_arity1pmf<IBaseFilter, IEnumPins **, HRESULT> * DSFilter::Fetch = NULL; std_arity0pmf<IEnumPins, HRESULT> * DSFilter::iterator::Reset = NULL; std_arity1pmf<IEnumPins, IPin **, HRESULT> * DSFilter::iterator::Next = NULL;
// DSDevices
std_arity1pmf<ICreateDevEnum, IEnumMoniker **, HRESULT> * DSDeviceSequence::Fetch = NULL; // no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSDeviceSequence::GetFetch
std_arity0pmf<IEnumMoniker, HRESULT> * DSDevices::iterator::Reset = NULL; std_arity1pmf<IEnumMoniker, IMoniker **, HRESULT> * DSDevices::iterator::Next = NULL;
// DSFilterMapper
std_arity1pmf<IFilterMapper2, IEnumMoniker **, HRESULT> * DSFilterMapperSequence::Fetch = NULL;// no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSFilterMapperSequence::GetFetch
// uses same types as DSDevices so its the same template expansion, already initialized
// DSPin
std_arity1pmf<IPin, IEnumMediaTypes **, HRESULT> * DSPin::Fetch = NULL; std_arity0pmf<IEnumMediaTypes, HRESULT> * DSPin::iterator::Reset = NULL; std_arity1pmf<IEnumMediaTypes, AM_MEDIA_TYPE **, HRESULT> * DSPin::iterator::Next = NULL; #endif
// work around compiler bug as per above description
void CtorStaticDSExtendFwdSeqPMFs(void) { // DSGraphContainer
DSGraphContainer::Fetch = new std_arity1pmf<IGraphBuilder, IEnumFilters **, HRESULT>(&IGraphBuilder::EnumFilters); DSGraphContainer::iterator::Reset = new std_arity0pmf<IEnumFilters, HRESULT>(&IEnumFilters::Reset); DSGraphContainer::iterator::Next = new std_bndr_mf_1_3<std_arity3pmf<IEnumFilters, ULONG, IBaseFilter**, ULONG *, HRESULT> >(std_arity3_member(&IEnumFilters::Next), 1, &dwFetch);
// DSFilter
DSFilter::Fetch = new std_arity1pmf<IBaseFilter, IEnumPins **, HRESULT>(&IBaseFilter::EnumPins); DSFilter::iterator::Reset = new std_arity0pmf<IEnumPins, HRESULT>(&IEnumPins::Reset); DSFilter::iterator::Next = new std_bndr_mf_1_3<std_arity3pmf<IEnumPins, ULONG, IPin **, ULONG *, HRESULT> >(std_arity3_member(&IEnumPins::Next), 1, &dwFetch);
// DSDevices
// DSDeviceSequence::Fetch, no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSDeviceSequence::GetFetch
DSDevices::iterator::Reset = new std_arity0pmf<IEnumMoniker, HRESULT>(&IEnumMoniker::Reset); DSDevices::iterator::Next = new std_bndr_mf_1_3<std_arity3pmf<IEnumMoniker, ULONG, IMoniker **, ULONG *, HRESULT> >(std_arity3_member(&IEnumMoniker::Next), 1, &dwFetch);
// DSFilterMapper, no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSFilterMapperSequence::GetFetch
// uses same types as DSDevices so its the same template expansion, already initialized
// DSPin
DSPin::Fetch = new std_arity1pmf<IPin, IEnumMediaTypes **, HRESULT>(&IPin::EnumMediaTypes); DSPin::iterator::Reset = new std_arity0pmf<IEnumMediaTypes, HRESULT>(&IEnumMediaTypes::Reset); DSPin::iterator::Next = new std_bndr_mf_1_3<std_arity3pmf<IEnumMediaTypes, DWORD, AM_MEDIA_TYPE **, DWORD *, HRESULT> >(std_arity3_member(&IEnumMediaTypes::Next), 1, &dwFetch); }
// work around compiler bug as per above description
void DtorStaticDSExtendFwdSeqPMFs(void) { // DSGraphContainer
delete DSGraphContainer::Fetch; delete DSGraphContainer::iterator::Reset; delete DSGraphContainer::iterator::Next;
// DSFilter
delete DSFilter::Fetch; delete DSFilter::iterator::Reset; delete DSFilter::iterator::Next;
// DSDevices
// DSDeviceSequence::Fetch, no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSDeviceSequence::GetFetch
delete DSDevices::iterator::Reset; delete DSDevices::iterator::Next;
// DSFilterMapper, no arity0 fetch actually exists. overridden with bound functor in DSFilterMapperSequence::GetFetch
// uses same types as DSDevices so its the same template expansion, already initialized
// DSPin
delete DSPin::Fetch; delete DSPin::iterator::Reset; delete DSPin::iterator::Next; }
// DSGraph
HRESULT DSGraph::Connect(DSFilter &pStart, DSFilter &pStop, DSFilterList &Added, const DWORD dwFlags, PIN_DIRECTION pd) { ASSERT(*this); ASSERT(pStart.GetGraph() == *this); ASSERT(pStop.GetGraph() == *this); try { DSFilterIDList AddedIDs; int origsize = Added.size(); if (ConnectFilters(pStart, pStop, AddedIDs, dwFlags, pd)) { for (DSFilterIDList::iterator i = AddedIDs.begin(); i != AddedIDs.end(); ++i) { Added.push_back((*i).first); } return NOERROR; } ASSERT(!AddedIDs.size()); ASSERT(Added.size() == origsize); return E_FAIL; } catch (ComException &e) { return e; } catch (...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
bool DSGraph::Connect(DSFilter &pStart, DSFilterMoniker &pStop, DSFilter &pEndPointAdded, DSFilterList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags, PIN_DIRECTION pd) { ASSERT(*this); ASSERT(pStart.GetGraph() == *this); pEndPointAdded = AddMoniker(pStop); if (!pEndPointAdded) { return false; } ASSERT(pEndPointAdded.GetGraph() == *this); int origsize = IntermediatesAdded.size(); if (SUCCEEDED(Connect(pStart, pEndPointAdded, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, pd))) { return true; } RemoveFilter(pEndPointAdded); pEndPointAdded.Release(); ASSERT(IntermediatesAdded.size() == origsize); return false; }
// attempt to connect the given pin to some pin on the given filter
bool DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect(DSPin &pPin, DSFilter &pFilter, DWORD dwFlags) { try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect() pPin = " << pPin << " pFilter = " << pFilter), ""); TRACEINDENT(); DSFilter::iterator i; for (i = pFilter.begin(); i != pFilter.end(); ++i) { if (!DSPin(*i).GetConnection()) { HRESULT hr = pPin.Connect(*i, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect() connected " << pPin.GetFilter() << " " << pPin << " to " << DSPin(*i).GetFilter() << " " << *i), ""); return true; } } } TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); } #if 0
// for perf reasons, we would like to short-circuit destinations that have no
// free pins by throwing, causing a roll back to the next filter to try
// however, this breaks topologies where two source pins route through intermediate filters
// and into a single pin going into the destination filter.
// example: this causes the analog audio pin coming off an analog tuner to fail to connect
// through to the crossbar because the capture filter is already connected to video.
if (!cUseablePins) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "ConnectPinDirect() no useable pins, throwing..."); THROWCOM(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES)); // short cut the case where there aren't any useable pins by any criteria
} #endif
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "ConnectPinDirect() failed"); return false; } #endif
// attempt to connect the given pin to some pin on the given filter
bool DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium(DSPin &pPin, DSFilter &pFilter, DWORD dwFlags) { int cUseablePins = 0; try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium() pPin = " << pPin << " pFilter = " << pFilter), ""); TRACEINDENT(); DSFilter::iterator i; for (i = pFilter.begin(); i != pFilter.end(); ++i) { if (HasUnconnectedMedium(pPin, *i, cUseablePins)) { break; } } if (i != pFilter.end()) { HRESULT hr = pPin.Connect(*i, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium() can't connect pin " << pPin << " to " << *i), " with matching medium"); return false; } TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium() connected " << pPin.GetFilter() << " " << pPin << " to " << DSPin(*i).GetFilter() << " " << *i), ""); return true; } TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium() connect pin "), " THREWUP"); } #if 0
// for perf reasons, we would like to short-circuit destinations that have no
// free pins by throwing, causing a roll back to the next filter to try
// however, this breaks topologies where two source pins route through intermediate filters
// and into a single pin going into the destination filter.
// example: this causes the analog audio pin coming off an analog tuner to fail to connect
// through to the crossbar because the capture filter is already connected to video.
if (!cUseablePins) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "ConnectPinByMedium() no useable pins, throwing..."); THROWCOM(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES)); // short cut the case where there aren't any useable pins by any criteria
} #endif
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "ConnectPinByMedium() failed"); return false; } #endif
// attempt to connect the given pin to the given filter by hunting for an indirection through
// another filter already in the graph
// then attempt to connect the new filter to the original destination
bool DSGraph::FindPinByMedium(DSPin &pPin1, DSFilter &pFDest, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::FindPinByMedium() pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pFDest = " << pFDest), ""); KSMediumList ml; HRESULT hr = pPin1.GetMediums(ml); if (FAILED(hr) || !ml.size()) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::FindPinByMedium() " << pPin1 << " has no mediums"), ""); return false; }
try { TRACEINDENT(); // possibly in the future we should find all of the possible choices and
// use the shortest available path. but for now, we're just going to
// find the first one that exists
// try all the direct connections
for (DSGraphContainer::iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { #ifdef ATTEMPT_DIRECT_CONNECT
if (IsConnectable(pPin1, DSFilter(*i), pFDest, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect))) { #else
if (IsConnectable(pPin1, DSFilter(*i), pFDest, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium))) { #endif
TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMedium() succeeded"); return true; } } TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMedium() can't connect pin to anything in graph"); return false; }
// we have already established that we can't connect directly or via other filters
// already in the graph so go hunt for a new filter to load
// if we fail we must leave the graph in its initial state
bool DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium(KSPinMedium &medium, DSPin &pPin1, DSFilter &pFilter1, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pFilter1 = " << pFilter1), ""); if (medium == NULL_MEDIUM || medium == HOST_MEMORY_MEDIUM) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() NULL Medium, don't bother"); // don't build an enumerator for a null medium or we will search through every
// single filter on the system that doesn't have mediums
return false; } try { TRACEINDENT(); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "medium = " << medium), ""); PIN_DIRECTION pd; HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&pd); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() can't query direction"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); }
bool fInReq = false, fOutReq = false; DSREGPINMEDIUM *pInMed = NULL, *pOutMed = NULL;
switch (pd) { case PINDIR_INPUT: // hunting through graph from right to left
fOutReq = true; pOutMed = reinterpret_cast<DSREGPINMEDIUM *>(&medium); #else
// NOTE: because of mediums get registered from the .inf with an
// incomplete registry blob, filtermapper thinks that any pin with a
// medium is an input pin and we use the low flag bit in the second
// medium dword to solve this problem. == 1 for input == 0 for output
fInReq = true; pInMed = reinterpret_cast<DSREGPINMEDIUM *>(&medium); medium.Flags &= ~(KSMEDIUM_INPUTFLAG); #endif
break; case PINDIR_OUTPUT: // hunting through graph from left to right
fInReq = true; pInMed = reinterpret_cast<DSREGPINMEDIUM *>(&medium); #ifndef FILTERDATA
medium.Flags |= KSMEDIUM_INPUTFLAG; #endif
break; }
if (pInMed) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() fInReq = " << fInReq << " pInMed = " << pInMed << " " << (*pInMed)), ""); } else { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() fInReq = " << fInReq << " pInMed = " << pInMed << " (NULL)"), ""); } if (pOutMed) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() fOutReq = " << fOutReq << " pOutMed = " << pOutMed << " " << (*pOutMed)), ""); } else { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() fOutReq = " << fOutReq << " pOutMed = " << pOutMed << " (Null)"), ""); } // NOTE: since we're using mediums which are hw specific we include filters w/
// MERIT_DO_NOT_USE since this is the default merit and most HW device filters
// don't specify a merit.
DSFilterMapper fmr(PQFilterMapper(*this), 0, true, // no wildcards
MERIT_DO_NOT_USE, // default merit for hw filters
fInReq, // input required
0, NULL, pInMed, // input medium
NULL, // input pin cat
false, // input rendered?
fOutReq, // output required
0, NULL, pOutMed, // output medium
NULL // output pin cat
); if (fmr) { // try all the direct connections
for (DSFilterMapper::iterator i = fmr.begin(); i != fmr.end(); ++i) { #ifdef ATTEMPT_DIRECT_CONNECT
if (IsLoadable(pPin1, DSFilterMoniker(*i), pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect))) { #else
if (IsLoadable(pPin1, DSFilterMoniker(*i), pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinByMedium))) { #endif
TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() succeeded"); return true; } } } TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() failed");
return false; }
bool DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMedium(DSPin &pPin, DSFilter &pRight, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMedium()"); try { KSMediumList ml; HRESULT hr = pPin.GetMediums(ml); if (FAILED(hr) || !ml.size()) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMedium() " << pPin << " has no mediums"), ""); return false; } for (KSMediumList::iterator i = ml.begin(); i != ml.end(); ++i) { if (LoadPinByMedium(KSPinMedium(*i), pPin, pRight, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags)) { return true; } } } catch(ComException& h) { if (h == E_UNEXPECTED) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMedium() rethrowing E_UNEXPECTED"); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMedium() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch(...) { }
return false; }
// attempt to connect these two filters. if we fail we must remove
// any intermediate filters that we may have added and leave the graph in the
// state we started with.
bool DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType(DSPin &pPin1, DSFilter &pFilter1, DWORD dwFlags) { ASSERT(pPin1.GetGraph() == *this); ASSERT(pFilter1.GetGraph() == *this); TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType(DSPin, DSFilter) pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pFilter1 = " << pFilter1), ""); try { TRACEINDENT(); // try media types
DSFilter::iterator i; for (i = pFilter1.begin(); i != pFilter1.end(); ++i) { if (HasUnconnectedMediaType(pPin1, *i, dwFlags)) { break; } } if (i != pFilter1.end()) { ASSERT(*this); ASSERT(pPin1.GetGraph() == *this); ASSERT((*i).GetGraph() == *this); HRESULT hr = pPin1.Connect(*i, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType(DSPin, DSFilter) can't connect pin " << pPin1 << " to " << *i << " hr = " << hexdump(hr)), " with matching media type."); #ifdef DEBUG
if (dwTraceLevel >= TRACE_DETAIL) { DumpHdr(dbgDump) << "pin1 " << pPin1.GetFilter() << " " << pPin1 << std::endl; DumpHdr(dbgDump) << "pin2 " << (*i).GetFilter() << " " << *i << std::endl; DumpMediaTypes(pPin1, *i); } #endif
if (!(dwFlags & IGNORE_MEDIATYPE_ERRORS)) { THROWCOM(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH)); } else { return false; } } TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType(DSPin, DSFilter) connected " << pPin1.GetFilter() << " " << pPin1 << " to " << DSPin(*i).GetFilter() << " " << *i), ""); return true; } TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(ComException& h) { TRACEOUTDENT(); if (h == E_UNEXPECTED || h == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH)) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType() rethrowing"); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch(...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); } TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType(DSPin, DSFilter) failed");
return false; } #endif
bool DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType(DSPin &pPinLeft, DSFilter &pRight, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags) { ASSERT(pPinLeft.GetGraph() == *this); ASSERT(pRight.GetGraph() == *this); TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() pPinLeft = " << pPinLeft << " filter = " << pRight), ""); // possibly in the future we should find all of the possible choices and
// use the shortest available path. but for now, we're just going to
// find the first one that exists
try { TRACEINDENT(); // NOTE: IFilterGraph::ConnectDirect() bumps the graph version number which invalidates
// all the enumerators. thus we'll run through and make a list of all the filters in the
// graph and then check them
DSFilterList l; for (DSGraphContainer::iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { l.push_back(*i); } for (DSFilterList::iterator li = l.begin(); li != l.end(); ++li) { #ifdef ATTEMPT_DIRECT_CONNECT
if (IsConnectable(pPinLeft, DSFilter(*li), pRight, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect))) { #else
if (IsConnectable(pPinLeft, DSFilter(*li), pRight, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType))) { #endif
TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() succeeded"); return true; } } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() enumeration exhausted"); TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(ComException& h) { TRACEOUTDENT(); if (h == E_UNEXPECTED) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() rethrowing E_UNEXPECTED"); throw; } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() catch ..."); TRACEOUTDENT(); } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::FindPinByMediaType() failed");
return false; }
bool DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMediaType(DSPin &pPin, DSFilter &pRight, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMediaType() pPin = " << pPin.GetName() << " dwFlags = " << hexdump(dwFlags)), ""); ASSERT(pPin.GetGraph() == *this); ASSERT(pRight.GetGraph() == *this); #ifdef DEBUG
BEGIN_TRACEL(TRACE_DETAIL) if (pPin.begin() == pPin.end()) { dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMediaType() pin has no media types\r\n"; dbgDump.flush(); } END_TRACEL #endif
return LoadPinByMediaType(pPin, pRight, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, dwMerit); } catch(ComException& h) { if ((h == E_UNEXPECTED) || (h == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH)) || (h == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) ) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMediaType() rethrowing"); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMediaType() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch(...) { } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadPinByAnyMediaType() failed");
return false; }
// we are trying to connect Pin1 to the Destination Filter. we have already
// established that we cannot connect them directly.
// Mapper is a moniker for a filter provided by the filtermapper enumerator that we're
// going to attempt to use as an intermediate filter
bool DSGraph::IsConnectable(DSPin &pPin1, DSFilter &pNew, DSFilter &pFDestination, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags, ConnectPred_t ConnPred) { ASSERT(pPin1 != NULL); ASSERT(pPin1.GetGraph() == *this); TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsConnectable() pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pNew = " << pNew << " pFDestination = " << pFDestination), ""); try { PIN_INFO pinfo; HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryPinInfo(&pinfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } DSFilter Pin1Filter; Pin1Filter.p = pinfo.pFilter; // transfer refcount ownership
if (pNew && pNew != pFDestination && pNew != Pin1Filter) { bool f1 = (this->*ConnPred)(pPin1, pNew, dwFlags); if (f1) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsConnectable() connpred == true"); PIN_DIRECTION direction; hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::IsConnectable() can't query direction"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } if (ConnectFilters(pNew, pFDestination, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, direction)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsConnectable() succeeded"); return true; } } } } catch(ComException& h) { if (h == E_UNEXPECTED) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::IsConnectable() rethrowing E_UNEXPECTED"); pPin1.Disconnect(); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsConnectable() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch(...) { }
TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsConnectable() disconnecting " << pPin1), ""); pPin1.Disconnect(); return false; }
// we are trying to connect Pin1 to the Destination Filter. we have already
// established that we cannot connect them directly.
// Mapper is a moniker for a filter provided by the filtermapper enumerator that we're
// going to attempt to use as an intermediate filter
bool DSGraph::IsLoadable(DSPin &pPin1, DSFilterMoniker &Mapper, DSFilter &Destination, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, DWORD dwFlags, ConnectPred_t ConnPred) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " " << pPin1.GetFilter() << " Destination = " << Destination), ""); ASSERT(pPin1.GetGraph() == *this); DSFilter pNew; try { DSFilterIDList::iterator i = IntermediatesAdded.size() ? (IntermediatesAdded.end() - 1) : IntermediatesAdded.end();
if (i != IntermediatesAdded.end()) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() checking duplicate moniker last = " << (*i).second << " new = " << Mapper.DisplayName()), ""); } else { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() first moniker can't be dup(no check) new = " << Mapper.DisplayName()), ""); }
// undone: if the chains get longer we should use a map for this. this may explain why perf
// collapses as soon as we end up over on the audio side of things
int occurrences = 0; CString newmkrname = Mapper.DisplayName(); for (i = IntermediatesAdded.begin(); i != IntermediatesAdded.end(); ++i) { if ((!(*i).second.IsEmpty()) && (newmkrname == (*i).second)) { ++occurrences; } } if (occurrences > MAX_OCCURRENCE_COUNT) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() max occurrence count exceeded for mkr = " << newmkrname), ""); return false; } pNew = AddMoniker(Mapper); IntermediatesAdded.push_back(DSFilterID(pNew, Mapper.DisplayName())); // ???? implement flag
if (pNew) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() added moniker pNew = " << pNew), ""); bool f1 = (this->*ConnPred)(pPin1, pNew, dwFlags); if (f1) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsLoadable() connpred succeeded"); PIN_DIRECTION direction; HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::IsLoadable() can't query direction"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } if (!pNew.PinCount(direction)) { if (!(dwFlags & DONT_TERMINATE_ON_RENDERER)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsLoadable() throwing ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS"); THROWCOM(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)); } } if (ConnectFilters(pNew, Destination, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, direction)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() succeeded. pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pNew = " << pNew << " Destination = " << Destination), ""); return true; } } } } catch(ComException& h) { if ((h == E_UNEXPECTED) || (h == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS))) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::IsLoadable() rethrowing"); TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() disconnecting " << pPin1), ""); pPin1.Disconnect(); TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() removing " << pNew), ""); IntermediatesAdded.pop_back(); RemoveFilter(pNew); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch(...) { }
TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() disconnecting " << pPin1), ""); pPin1.Disconnect(); IntermediatesAdded.pop_back(); if (pNew) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::IsLoadable() removing " << pNew), ""); RemoveFilter(pNew); } return false; }
bool DSGraph::ConnectPin(DSPin &pPin1, DSFilter &pFilter1, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags, PIN_DIRECTION pin1dir) { // NOTE: this is where we enforce the desired directional assymetry. from now on through the call tree
// we can assume that pin1 is already the desired directional type. and we only have to check
// pin2 at the end in hasunconnectedxxxx()
// this ensures that all of our connection paths are unidirectional through the graph. in other words,
// make sure that we don't go downstream then back upstream or vice versa.
// this allows all of our connection routines to be useable from either direction
// since there are times when we have an input side starting point and other times the opposite
TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPin() pin1 = " << pPin1 << " " << pPin1.GetFilter() << " to " << pFilter1), ""); TRACEINDENT(); PIN_DIRECTION pd;
HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&pd); if (pd != pin1dir) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() wrong dir"); return false; }
if (!(dwFlags & RENDER_ALL_PINS) && !pPin1.IsRenderable()) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() non-renderable"); return false; }
// make sure we're not trying to connect a filter to itself
PIN_INFO pinfo; DSFilter PinFilter; hr = pPin1->QueryPinInfo(&pinfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() can't get pin info"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } PinFilter.p = pinfo.pFilter; // transfer refcount ownership
if (PinFilter == pFilter1) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() can't connect filter to itself"); return false; }
DSPin pConn = pPin1.GetConnection(); if (!!pConn) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPin() pin1 = " << pPin1 << " connected, tracing through to next filter = " << pConn.GetFilter()), ""); // a connected output pin should be traced through the next filter
DSFilter pNext = pConn.GetFilter(); if (!pNext) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() pNext has no filter"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } if (pNext != pFilter1) { bool rc = ConnectFilters(pNext, pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, pin1dir); TRACEOUTDENT(); return rc; } else { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() pNext == pFilter1"); return true; } }
#if 0
// for perf reasons, we would like to short-circuit destinations that have no
// free pins by returning, causing a roll back to the next filter to try
// however, this breaks topologies where two source pins route through intermediate filters
// and into a single pin going into the destination filter.
// example: this causes the analog audio pin coming off an analog tuner to fail to connect
// through to the crossbar because the capture filter is already connected to video.
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() pin free"); PIN_DIRECTION pd2; pd2 = OppositeDirection(pd); if (!pFilter1.HasFreePins(pd2)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() filter has no free pins"); return false; } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() filter has free pins"); #endif
if (ConnectPinDirect(pPin1, pFilter1) || // can these connect direct
if (ConnectPinByMedium(pPin1, pFilter1, dwFlags) || // can these connect direct
FindPinByMedium(pPin1, pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags) || // any paths in graph
(!(dwFlags & DO_NOT_LOAD) && LoadPinByAnyMedium(pPin1, pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags)) || // any filters in system
ConnectPinByMediaType(pPin1, pFilter1, dwFlags) || // can these connect direct
FindPinByMediaType(pPin1, pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags) || (!(dwFlags & DO_NOT_LOAD) && LoadPinByAnyMediaType(pPin1, pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags))) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() succeeded"); return true; } TRACEOUTDENT(); // to avoid outdenting too far in a catch case
} catch (ComException &h) { TRACEOUTDENT(); if (h == E_UNEXPECTED) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() rethrowing E_UNEXPECTED"); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectPin() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch (...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); }
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectPin() failed"); return false; }
// attempt to disconnect this pin
bool DSGraph::DisconnectPin(DSPin &pPin, const bool fRecurseInputs, const bool fRecurseOutputs) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::DisconnectPin()");
PIN_DIRECTION pd; HRESULT hr = pPin->QueryDirection(&pd); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::DisconnectPin() can't get direction"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); }
DSPin pConnection = pPin.GetConnection(); if (!pConnection) { return false; } TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::DisconnectPin() disconnecting " << pPin << " from " << pConnection), ""); pPin.Disconnect(); DSFilter pNext = pConnection.GetFilter(); if (!pNext) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::DisconnectPin() pConnection has no filter"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); }
switch (pd) { case PINDIR_INPUT: if (fRecurseInputs) { #if 0
std::for_each(pNext.begin(), pNext.end(), bind_obj_2_3(*this, arity3_member(&DSGraph::DisconnectPin), fRecurseInputs, false)); // we moving inputward, don't backtrack
for (DSFilter::iterator i = pNext.begin(); i != pNext.end(); ++i) { DisconnectPin(*i, fRecurseInputs, false); } } break; case PINDIR_OUTPUT: if (fRecurseOutputs) { #if 0
std::for_each(pNext.begin(), pNext.end(), bind_obj_2_3(*this, arity3_member(&DSGraph::DisconnectPin), false, fRecurseOutputs)); #endif
for (DSFilter::iterator i = pNext.begin(); i != pNext.end(); ++i) { DisconnectPin(*i, false, fRecurseOutputs); } } break; }
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::DisconnectPin() succeeded"); return true; }
// attempt to connect this from the graph
bool DSGraph::DisconnectFilter(DSFilter &pFilter, const bool fRecurseInputs, const bool fRecurseOutputs) { if (!pFilter) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::DisconnectFilter() can't disconnect NULL filter"); return FALSE; } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::DisconnectFilter()"); for (DSFilter::iterator i = pFilter.begin(); i != pFilter.end(); ++i) { DisconnectPin(*i, fRecurseInputs, fRecurseOutputs); }
return true; }
bool DSGraph::RemoveFilter(DSFilter &pFilter) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::RemoveFilter() removing " << pFilter), ""); if (!pFilter) return false;
DisconnectFilter(pFilter, false, false);
HRESULT hr = (*this)->RemoveFilter(pFilter); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::RemoveFilter() can't remove filter"); return false; } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::RemoveFilter() complete");
return true; }
// pin matches medium
// requires an exact match, won't treat GUID_NULL as wildcard and treats 'host memory' as unmatchable
bool DSGraph::HasMedium(const KSPinMedium &Medium1, const DSPin &pPin2) const { DSPin junk(pPin2); TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasMedium() medium1 = " << Medium1 << " pPin2 = " << junk), ""); if (Medium1 == NULL_MEDIUM || Medium1 == HOST_MEMORY_MEDIUM) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMedium() medium1 == NULL"); return false; } KSMediumList ml;
HRESULT hr = pPin2.GetMediums(ml); if (FAILED(hr) || !ml.size()) { return false; } #if 0
KSMediumList::iterator i = std::find_if(ml.begin(), ml.end(), std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<KSPinMedium>(), Medium1)); if (i != ml.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMedium() succeeded"); return true; } #endif
KSMediumList::iterator i; for (i = ml.begin(); i != ml.end(); ++i) { if (*i == Medium1) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMedium() succeeded"); return true; } }
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMedium() no match");
return false; }
bool DSGraph::HasMediaType(const DSMediaType &LeftMedia, const DSPin &pPinRight) const { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasMediaType() LeftMedia = " << LeftMedia << " LeftMedia.p " << LeftMedia.p << " pPinRight = " << pPinRight), "");
if (pPinRight.IsKsProxied()) { #if 0
DSPin::iterator i = std::find_if(pPinRight.begin(), pPinRight.end(), std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<DSMediaType>(), LeftMedia) ); if (i != pPinRight.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMediaType() succeeded"); return true; } #endif
DSPin::iterator i; for (i = pPinRight.begin(); i != pPinRight.end(); ++i) { // NOTE: DSMediaType operator== enables wildcard matches
if (*i == LeftMedia) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMediaType() succeeded"); return true; } } } else { HRESULT hr = pPinRight->QueryAccept(LeftMedia); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasMediaType() succeeded"); return true; } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasMediaType() query accept refused hr = " << hexdump(hr)), ""); }
return false; }
// pin is unconnected, opposite direction, and has at least 1 matching medium
// requires an exact match, won't treat GUID_NULL as wildcard
bool DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium(const DSPin &pPin1, const DSPin &pPin2, int& cUseable) const { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasUnnconnectedMedium() pin1 = " << pPin1 << " pin2 = " << pPin2), ""); PIN_DIRECTION pd1, pd2; HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&pd1); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() cant query pPin1 direction"); return false; } hr = pPin2->QueryDirection(&pd2); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() cant query pPin2 direction"); return false; } if (pd1 == pd2) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() can't connect two pins w/ same direction"); return false; // can't connect two of same type pins
} TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() checking connection status");
DSPin pConn = pPin2.GetConnection(); if (!!pConn) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() pPin2 = " << pPin2 << " already connected"), ""); return false; } ++cUseable;
KSMediumList ml; hr = pPin1.GetMediums(ml); if (FAILED(hr) || !ml.size()) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() pin has no mediums"); return false; } KSMediumList::iterator i; for (i = ml.begin(); i != ml.end(); ++i) { if (HasMedium(*i, pPin2)) { break; } } if (i != ml.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() succeeded"); return true; } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMedium() pPin2 has no matching medium"); return false; }
// pin is unconnected, opposite direction, and there is at least 1 matching media type
bool DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMediaType(const DSPin &pPin1, const DSPin &pPin2, DWORD dwFlags) const { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasUnnconnectedMediaType() pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pPin2 = " << pPin2), ""); if (pPin1.GetDirection() == pPin2.GetDirection()) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMediaType() cant connect 2 pins w/ same direction"); return false; // can't connect two of same type pins
} DSPin pConn = pPin2.GetConnection(); if (!!pConn) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMediaType() pPin2 connected to " << pConn), ""); return false; } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnnconnectedMediaType() finding"); // pin right isn't connected to anything so hunt for a
// compatible media type
for (DSPin::iterator i = pPin1.begin(); i != pPin1.end(); ++i) { if (HasMediaType(*i, pPin2)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnnconnectedMediaType() succeeded forward"); return true; } } if (dwFlags & BIDIRECTIONAL_MEDIATYPE_MATCHING) { for (DSPin::iterator i = pPin2.begin(); i != pPin2.end(); ++i) { if (HasMediaType(*i, pPin1)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnnconnectedMediaType() succeeded backward(bidi)"); return true; } } } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::HasUnconnectedMediaType() no matching media types"); return false; } #endif
// we are checking to see if pPin1 is connected(possibly indirectly) to pFDestionation by traveling in destdir direction through
// the graph
bool DSGraph::IsPinConnected(const DSPin &pPin1, const DSFilter &pFDestination, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, PIN_DIRECTION destdir) const { PIN_DIRECTION direction; HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() can't query direction"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } if (direction != destdir) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() wrong direction"); return false; } DSPin pConn = pPin1.GetConnection(); if (!pConn) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() unconnected to anything"); return false; } PIN_INFO pinfo; DSFilter PinFilter; if (pConn) { hr = pConn->QueryPinInfo(&pinfo); PinFilter.p = pinfo.pFilter; // transfer refcount ownership
} if (PinFilter == pFDestination) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() directly true"); return true; } #if 0
DSFilter::iterator i = std::find_if(PinFilter.begin(), PinFilter.end(), bind_const_obj_2_3_4( *this, arity4_const_member(&DSGraph::IsPinConnected), pFDestination, IntermediatesAdded, destdir)); #else
DSFilter::iterator i = std::find_if(PinFilter.begin(), PinFilter.end(), bndr_const_obj_2_3_4<arity4pmf_const<const DSGraph, const DSPin&, const DSFilter&, DSFilterIDList &, const PIN_DIRECTION, bool> >( *this, arity4_const_member(&DSGraph::IsPinConnected), pFDestination, IntermediatesAdded, destdir)); #endif
if (i != PinFilter.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() indirectly true"); return true; } #endif
for (DSFilter::iterator i = PinFilter.begin(); i != PinFilter.end(); ++i) { if (IsPinConnected(*i, pFDestination, IntermediatesAdded, destdir)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() indirectly true"); return true; } } TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::IsPinConnected() unconnected to desired dest"); return false; }
#if 0
DSFilter DSGraph::LoadFilter(const PQMoniker &pM, CString &csName) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadFilter()"); csName = _T(""); PQFilter pFilter; PQPropertyBag pPropBag; HRESULT hr = (pM)->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pPropBag)); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadFilter() can't bind to storage"); THROWCOM(hr); } CComVariant vName; vName.vt = VT_BSTR; hr = pPropBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &vName, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadFilter() can't read friendly name"); THROWCOM(hr); } USES_CONVERSION; BSTR p = vName.bstrVal; csName = OLE2T(p); TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadFilter() have propbag"); hr = (pM)->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pFilter)); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadFilter() can't bind to object"); THROWCOM(hr); } return pFilter; } #else
DSFilter DSGraph::LoadFilter(const DSFilterMoniker &pM, CString &csName) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadFilter()"); CComBSTR p(pM.GetName()); if (p) { USES_CONVERSION; csName = OLE2T(p); } return pM.GetFilter(); } #endif
DSFilter DSGraph::AddMoniker(const DSFilterMoniker &pM) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::AddMoniker()"); CString csName;
DSFilter pFilter = LoadFilter(pM, csName); if (!pFilter) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::AddMoniker() can't load filter"); return pFilter; }
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::AddMoniker() have pFilter"); USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr = (*this)->AddFilter(pFilter, T2COLE(csName)); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::AddMoniker() can't add filter " << csName << " to graph"), ""); return DSFilter(); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::AddMoniker() added " << csName), "");
return pFilter; }
HRESULT DSGraph::AddFilter(DSFilter &pFilter, CString &csName) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::AddFilter()"); HRESULT hr; USES_CONVERSION; hr = (*this)->AddFilter(pFilter, T2COLE(csName)); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::AddFilter() can't add filter " << csName << " to graph"), ""); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::AddFilter() added " << csName), "");
return hr; }
DSFilter DSGraph::AddFilter(const CLSID &cls, CString &csName) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::AddFilter()"); HRESULT hr; DSFilter pFilter(cls, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (!pFilter) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::AddFilter() can't create filter"); return pFilter; } hr = AddFilter(pFilter, csName); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::AddFilter() can't add filter " << csName << " to graph"), ""); THROWCOM(hr); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::AddFilter() added " << csName), "");
return pFilter; }
// attempt to connect these two filters. if we fail we must remove
// any intermediate filters that we've added and leave the graph in the
// state we started with.
// only look at pFilter1 pins of pFilter1Direction
bool DSGraph::ConnectFilters(DSFilter &pFilter1, DSFilter &pFilter2, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, DWORD dwFlags, PIN_DIRECTION pFilter1Direction) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() pFilter1 = " << pFilter1 << " pFilter2 = " << pFilter2), ""); if (pFilter1 == pFilter2) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectFilters same filter"); return false; } try { TRACEINDENT(); // undone: there should be some way to preserve the info
// from the following check to speed up the actual connection in the event
// that they aren't already connected.
// see if these filters are already connected
DSFilter::iterator i; if (!(dwFlags & IGNORE_EXISTING_CONNECTIONS)) { #if 0
i = std::find_if(pFilter1.begin(), pFilter1.end(), bind_obj_2_3_4( *this, arity4_const_member(&DSGraph::IsPinConnected), pFilter2, IntermediatesAdded, pFilter1Direction)); #else
i = std::find_if(pFilter1.begin(), pFilter1.end(), bndr_const_obj_2_3_4<arity4pmf_const<const DSGraph, const DSPin&, const DSFilter&, DSFilterIDList &, const PIN_DIRECTION, bool> >( *this, arity4_const_member(&DSGraph::IsPinConnected), pFilter2, IntermediatesAdded, pFilter1Direction)); #endif
if (i != pFilter1.end()) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::ConnectFilters already connected"); return true; } #endif
for (DSFilter::iterator i = pFilter1.begin(); i != pFilter1.end(); ++i) { if (IsPinConnected(*i, pFilter2, IntermediatesAdded, pFilter1Direction)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::ConnectFilters already connected"); return true; } } }
// they're not connected so see if we can connect them
// connect every possible pin available and keep track of how many we connect
int cConnected = 0; for (i = pFilter1.begin(); i != pFilter1.end(); ++i) { try { if (ConnectPin(DSPin(*i), pFilter2, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, pFilter1Direction)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() pin connected"); cConnected++; } } catch(ComException &h) { if (h != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { try { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() rethrowing"); } catch(...) { } throw; } } } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() cConnected = " << cConnected), ""); if (cConnected) { TRACEOUTDENT();// just inside try
TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() succeeded pFilter1 = " << pFilter1 << " pFilter2 = " << pFilter2), ""); return true; // we connected at least one pin
} TRACEOUTDENT();// just inside try
} catch (ComException &h) { TRACEOUTDENT();// just inside try
if (h == E_UNEXPECTED) { throw; } } catch (...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); // just inside try
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() catch..."); }
TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::ConnectFilters() failed pFilter1 = " << pFilter1 << " pFilter2 = " << pFilter2), ""); return false; }
// this function returns a list of pairs of input and output points
// that must be connected to activate the shortest path between two filters
// it returns the number of connections in the path.
// i.e if start is adjacent to stop then rc is 1. if a single filter is between them then 2, etc.
// 0 indicates no path found.
int DSGraph::BuildGraphPath(const DSFilter& pStart, const DSFilter& pStop, VWStream &path, MediaMajorTypeList& MediaTypes, PIN_DIRECTION direction, const DSPin &InitialInput) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() start = " << pStart << " stop = " << pStop), ""); int pathlen = INT_MAX; VWStream returnpath; ASSERT(InitialInput || (!InitialInput && !pStart.IsXBar())); // first time in can't be an xbar unless original caller establishes InitialInput
for (DSFilter::iterator i = pStart.begin(); i != pStart.end(); ++i) { DSPin pPin1(*i); if (pPin1.GetDirection() != direction) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() " << pStart << ", " << pPin1 << " wrong direction"), ""); continue; // search forward
} DSPin pConnection = pPin1.GetConnection(); if (!pConnection) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() " << pStart << ", " << pPin1 << " unconnected"), ""); continue; } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() checking " << pPin1 << " connected to " << pConnection.GetFilter() << " " << pConnection), ""); if (InitialInput) { ASSERT(pPin1 != InitialInput); // direction check should already have filtered for this
DSMediaType amt(pPin1.GetConnectionMediaType()); ASSERT(amt); if (amt->pUnk) { amt->pUnk->Release(); }
MediaMajorTypeList::iterator l; TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() searching for " << GUID2(amt.p->majortype)), ""); l = std::find(MediaTypes.begin(), MediaTypes.end(), amt.p->majortype); if (l == MediaTypes.end()) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "major media type not matched"), ""); continue; }
if (!pPin1.CanRoute(InitialInput)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() " << pStart << ", " << InitialInput << " Can't Route to " << pPin1), ""); continue; } }
DSFilter nextFilter = pConnection.GetFilter(); ASSERT(nextFilter); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() nextFilter = " << nextFilter), "");
if (nextFilter == pStop) { TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() found stop filter"), ""); // we found the destination, we're done with this one
if (pStart.IsXBar()) { // if we started on xbar then connected pin's outputpoint pairs with the
// initialinput(&pin) to form the first pair in the return path
TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() pstart is xbar"); ASSERT(DSXBarPin(InitialInput)); PQPoint p1(DSXBarPin(InitialInput).GetPoint()); ASSERT(!!p1);
ASSERT(DSXBarPin(pPin1)); PQPoint p2(DSXBarPin(pPin1).GetPoint()); ASSERT(!!p2);
switch (direction) { case DOWNSTREAM: TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() saving pair (" << p1 << ", " << p2), ")"); returnpath.push_back(CIOPoint(p1, p2)); break; case UPSTREAM: TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() saving pair (" << p2 << ", " << p1), ")"); returnpath.push_back(CIOPoint(p2, p1)); break; } } pathlen = 1; break; } else { VWStream temp; int rc = BuildGraphPath(nextFilter, pStop, temp, MediaTypes, direction, pConnection); // undone: in win64 size() is really __int64. fix output operator for
// that type and remove cast
TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() recursed buildgraphpath returned rc = " << rc << " pathlen = " << pathlen << "sz = " << (long)temp.size()), "");
// if we found a path and the new one is shorter then the current one
if (rc && ((rc + 1) < pathlen)) { TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() accepting new path"); // save the new path
pathlen = rc + 1; returnpath.clear(); TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() checking xbar adjacency"); if (pStart.IsXBar()) { // if we started on xbar then connected pin's outputpoint pairs with the
// initialinput(&pin) to form the next pair in the return path
TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() pstart is xbar"); ASSERT(DSXBarPin(InitialInput)); PQPoint p1(DSXBarPin(InitialInput).GetPoint()); ASSERT(!!p1);
ASSERT(DSXBarPin(pPin1)); PQPoint p2(DSXBarPin(pPin1).GetPoint()); ASSERT(!!p2);
switch (direction) { case DOWNSTREAM: TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() saving pair (" << p1 << ", " << p2), ")"); returnpath.push_back(CIOPoint(p1, p2)); break; case UPSTREAM: TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() saving pair (" << p2 << ", " << p1), ")"); returnpath.push_back(CIOPoint(p2, p1)); break; } } // append onto path any further downstream xbars found by recursion
returnpath.splice(returnpath.end(), temp); } else { TRACELM(TRACE_PAINT, "DSGraph::BuildGraphPath() discarding new path"); // keep the old return path and cleanup the temp one we just got back
temp.clear(); } } } if (pathlen == INT_MAX) { // didn't find anything
return 0; } path = returnpath; return pathlen; }
HRESULT DSGraph::AddToROT(DWORD *pdwObjectRegistration) { PQMoniker pGraphMK; PQROT pROT; if (FAILED(::GetRunningObjectTable(0, &pROT))) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } OLECHAR osz[256]; // undone: in the ia64 case the following format spec isn't enough digits for an address
//wsprintfW(osz, OLESTR("FilterGraph %08lx pid %08lx"), (DWORD_PTR) this->p, ::GetCurrentProcessId());
HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintfW(osz, sizeof(osz) / sizeof(osz[0]), OLESTR("FilterGraph %08lx pid %08lx"), (DWORD_PTR) this->p, ::GetCurrentProcessId()); if(FAILED(hr)){ ASSERT(false); } hr = ::CreateItemMoniker(OLESTR("!"), osz, &pGraphMK); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pROT->Register(ROTFLAGS_REGISTRATIONKEEPSALIVE, *this, pGraphMK, pdwObjectRegistration); } return hr; }
void DSGraph::RemoveFromROT(DWORD dwObjectRegistration) { PQROT pROT; if (SUCCEEDED(::GetRunningObjectTable(0, &pROT))) { pROT->Revoke(dwObjectRegistration); } }
// DSFilter
DSGraph DSFilter::GetGraph(void) { FILTER_INFO finfo; HRESULT hr = (*this)->QueryFilterInfo(&finfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSFilter::GetGraph() failed"); return DSGraph(); } DSGraph graph = finfo.pGraph; if (finfo.pGraph) finfo.pGraph->Release(); // transfer ref count
return graph; }
// DSFilter
CString DSFilter::GetName(void) const { CString csName; FILTER_INFO finfo; if (*this) { HRESULT hr = (*this)->QueryFilterInfo(&finfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { csName = finfo.achName; if (csName.IsEmpty()) { csName = _T(""); } if (finfo.pGraph) { finfo.pGraph->Release(); } } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
csName = _T("**** UNKNOWN FILTER NAME ****"); #endif
} } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
csName = _T("**** NULL FILTER POINTER ****"); #endif
} return csName; }
void DSFilter::GetPinCounts(ULONG &ulIn, ULONG &ulOut) const { HRESULT hr; ulIn = ulOut = 0; PIN_DIRECTION pd; DSFilter::iterator i; for (i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { hr = (*i)->QueryDirection(&pd); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSFilter:GetPinCounts() can't query pin direction hr = " << hr), ""); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } switch (pd) { case PINDIR_INPUT: ulIn++; break; case PINDIR_OUTPUT: ulOut++; break; } } return; }
// DSPin
bool DSPin::HasCategory(const GUID2 &clsCategory, const PIN_DIRECTION pd) const { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSPin::IsPinCategory() pin = " << this), ""); PIN_DIRECTION pd1; HRESULT hr = (*this)->QueryDirection(&pd1); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSPIN::IsPinCategeory() cant query Pin direction"); return false; } if (pd1 != pd) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSPin::IsPinCategeory() wrong direction"); return false; } GUID2 pincat2; GetCategory(pincat2); return clsCategory == pincat2; }
HRESULT DSPin::Connect(DSPin ConnectTo, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType) { DSGraph pGraph = GetGraph(); DSGraph pConnGraph = ConnectTo.GetGraph(); ASSERT(pGraph); ASSERT(pConnGraph); ASSERT(pGraph == pConnGraph); if (!pGraph || !pConnGraph || pGraph != pConnGraph) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSPin::Connect() pins not in same graph"); THROWCOM(E_FAIL); } if (GetDirection() == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { return pGraph->ConnectDirect(*this, ConnectTo, pMediaType); } else { return pGraph->ConnectDirect(ConnectTo, *this, pMediaType); } }
HRESULT DSPin::Disconnect(void) { DSPin ConnectedTo; HRESULT hr = (*this)->ConnectedTo(&ConnectedTo); if (FAILED(hr) || !ConnectedTo) { return NOERROR; // not connected to anything
} PIN_INFO pinfo; hr = (*this)->QueryPinInfo(&pinfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSPin::Connect() can't call QueryPinInfo"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } DSFilter PinFilter; PinFilter.p = pinfo.pFilter; // directly transfer ownership of ref count
DSGraph pGraph = PinFilter.GetGraph(); if (!pGraph) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSPin::Disconnect() can't get graph from PinFilter"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } hr = pGraph->Disconnect(ConnectedTo); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } return pGraph->Disconnect(*this); }
// for any pin to possibly route they must be on the same filter and different directions
bool DSPin::Routable(const DSPin pin2) const { if (GetFilter() != pin2.GetFilter()) { return false; } if (GetDirection() == pin2.GetDirection()) { return false; } return true; }
bool DSPin::CanRoute(const DSPin pin2) const { ASSERT(GetFilter() == pin2.GetFilter()); PQCrossbarSwitch px1(GetFilter()); if (!px1) { return Routable(pin2); }
return DSXBarPin(*this).CanRoute(DSXBarPin(pin2)); }
// DSXBarPin
#if 0
const DSXBarPin DSXBarPin::Find(const CPinPoints &pinpoints, const PQPoint &point, PIN_DIRECTION pindir) { CPinPoints::const_iterator i; TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::Find() finding " << point << " direction = " << pindir), ""); for (i = pinpoints.begin(); i != pinpoints.end(); ++i) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::Find() checking " << DSPin((*i).first) << " direction " << DSPin((*i).first).GetDirection() << " " << (*i).second), ""); if ((*i).second == point && DSPin((*i).first).GetDirection() == pindir) { DSPin p((*i).first); PQCrossbarSwitch px1(p.GetFilter()); if (!px1) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::Find() not an xbar " << p), ""); THROWCOM(E_FAIL); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::Find() found " << p), ""); return DSXBarPin(p); } } THROWCOM(E_FAIL); return DSXBarPin(); } #endif
// undone: cache this lookup
const PQPoint DSXBarPin::GetPoint() const { DSFilter f= GetFilter(); PQCrossbarSwitch px(f); if (!px) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::Pin2Point() not an xbar" << *this), ""); THROWCOM(E_INVALIDARG); }
PIN_DIRECTION dir = GetDirection(); long idx = 0; DSFilter::iterator i; for (i = f.begin(); i != f.end() && *i != *this; ++i) { if ((*i).GetDirection() == dir) { // output idx's start over at 0
++idx; } }
if (i != f.end()) { TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetPoint() " << *this << " pt = " << idx), ""); return PQPoint(px, idx); } else { TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetPoint() No Point"), ""); return PQPoint(); } }
bool DSXBarPin::CanRoute(const DSXBarPin pin2) const { if (!Routable(pin2)) { // pins not on same filter or both pins same direction
return false; } PQPoint pt1(GetPoint()); if (!pt1.first) { // not on xbar or something corrupt
return false; } PQPoint pt2(pin2.GetPoint()); if (!pt2.first) { // not on xbar or something corrupt
return false; } ASSERT(pt1.first == pt2.first); // must be on same xbar
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; switch(GetDirection()) { case PINDIR_INPUT: hr = (pt1.first)->CanRoute(pt2.second, pt1.second); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::CanRoute() in 2.sec " << pt2.second << " 1.sec " << pt1.second << " hr = " << hr), ""); break; case PINDIR_OUTPUT: hr = (pt1.first)->CanRoute(pt1.second, pt2.second); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::CanRoute() out 1.sec " << pt1.second << " 2.sec " << pt2.second << " hr = " << hr), ""); break; } return hr == S_OK; }
void VWStream::Route() { for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { CIOPoint p(*i); ASSERT(p.first.first == p.second.first); PQCrossbarSwitch px(p.first.first); HRESULT hr = px->Route(p.second.second, p.first.second); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "VWStream::Route() hr = " << hr << " px = " << px << " P.2.2 = " << p.second.second << " p.1.2 " << p.first.second), ""); } }
bool IsVideoFilter(const DSFilter& f) { DSFilter::iterator i; for (i = f.begin(); i != f.end(); ++i) { if (IsVideoPin(*i)) { return true; } } return false; }
bool IsVideoPin(const DSPin& p) { DSPin::iterator i; for (i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) { if (IsVideoMediaType(*i)) { return true; } } return false; }
#if 0
// disable until we have pinpoints cache
void DSXBarPin::GetRelations(const CPinPoints &pinpoints, CString &csName, CString &csType, CString &csRelName) const { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetRelations() examining xbar pin " << *this), ""); CString csw;
DSFilter f = GetFilter(); PQCrossbarSwitch xbar(f); if (!xbar) { THROWCOM(E_FAIL); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetRelations() examining xbar filter" << f), ""); long rel, phys; HRESULT hr = xbar->get_CrossbarPinInfo(IsInput(), Pin2Point(pinpoints).second, &rel, &phys); if (FAILED(hr)) { THROWCOM(hr); }
TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetRelations() have xbar info. pin = " << (*this) << " rel = " << rel << " phys = " << phys), "");
TCHAR tphys[256]; _ltot(phys, tphys, 10);
csName = GetName(); csType = tphys;
ULONG inc, outc; f.GetPinCounts(inc, outc); long pincount = inc + outc; if (rel >= 0 && rel < pincount) { DSXBarPin RelPin(Find(pinpoints, PQPoint(xbar, rel), (*this).GetDirection())); if (!RelPin) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetRelations() can't build relpin. rel = " << rel), ""); } else { csRelName = RelPin.GetName(); } } TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSXBarPin::GetRelations() Name " << csName << " Type " << csType << " RelName " << csRelName), "");
return; } #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
void DumpMediaTypes(DSPin &p1, DSPin &p2) { DSPin::iterator i; DumpHdr(dbgDump) << "DumpMediaTypes(): " << std::endl; TRACEINDENT(); for (i = p1.begin(); i != p1.end(); ++i) { DumpHdr(dbgDump) << (*i) << " " << hexdump(p2->QueryAccept(*i)) << std::endl; } DumpHdr(dbgDump) << "----" << std::endl; for (i = p2.begin(); i != p2.end(); ++i) { DumpHdr(dbgDump) << (*i) << " " << hexdump(p1->QueryAccept(*i)) << std::endl; } TRACEOUTDENT(); dbgDump.flush(); } #endif
#pragma optimize("a", off)
bool DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType(DSPin &pPin1, DSFilter &pFilter1, DSFilterIDList &IntermediatesAdded, const DWORD dwFlags, const DWORD dwMerit) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() pPin1 = " << pPin1 << " pFilter1 = " << pFilter1), ""); ASSERT(pPin1.GetGraph() == *this); ASSERT(pFilter1.GetGraph() == *this);
GUID2* pInMedia = NULL; GUID2* pOutMedia = NULL;
try { TRACEINDENT(); // possibly in the future we should find all of the possible choices and
// use the shortest available path. but for now, we're just going to
// find the first one that exists
PIN_DIRECTION pd; HRESULT hr = pPin1->QueryDirection(&pd); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMedium() can't query direction"); THROWCOM(E_UNEXPECTED); } PIN_DIRECTION pd2; switch (pd) { case PINDIR_INPUT: pd2 = PINDIR_OUTPUT; break; case PINDIR_OUTPUT: pd2 = PINDIR_INPUT; break; }
bool fInReq = false, fOutReq = false; DWORD dwIn = 0; DWORD dwOut = 0; GUID2** ppMediaList = NULL; DWORD dwMediaCount = 0;
for (DSPin::iterator i = pPin1.begin(); i != pPin1.end(); ++i) { ++dwMediaCount; } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() pindir = " << pd << " mediacount = " << dwMediaCount), "");
switch (pd) { case PINDIR_INPUT: // hunting through graph from right to left
fOutReq = true; dwOut = dwMediaCount; pOutMedia = new GUID2[dwOut * 2]; ppMediaList = &pOutMedia; break; case PINDIR_OUTPUT: // hunting through graph from left to right
fInReq = true; dwIn = dwMediaCount; pInMedia = new GUID2[dwIn * 2]; ppMediaList = &pInMedia;
break; } DWORD idx = 0; // note: some buggy filters don't support the reuse of an IEnumMediaTypes even though
// reset succeeds. they AV during the next pass through the enumerator. thus, we
// just create a new iterator which fetches a new IEnumMediaTypes interface(and underlying object)
for (DSPin::iterator i2 = pPin1.begin(); i2 != pPin1.end(); ++i2) { (*ppMediaList)[idx++] = (*i2)->majortype; (*ppMediaList)[idx++] = (*i2)->subtype; }
TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() dwFlags = " << hexdump(dwFlags) << " Merit = " << hexdump(dwMerit) << " MediaList = "); TRACEINDENT(); for (idx = 0; idx < dwMediaCount; ++idx) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "major = " << (*ppMediaList)[idx * 2] << " sub = " << (*ppMediaList)[(idx * 2) + 1] ), ""); } TRACEOUTDENT();
TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() fInReq = " << fInReq), ""); TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() fOutReq = " << fOutReq), "");
// try normal first
{DSFilterMapper fmr(PQFilterMapper(*this), 0, // 0 flags
!(dwFlags & ALLOW_WILDCARDS), // bExactMatch
dwMerit, // merit
fInReq, // input required
dwIn, pInMedia, NULL, // input medium
NULL, // input pin cat
false, // input rendered?
fOutReq, // output required
dwOut, pOutMedia, NULL, // output medium
NULL // output pin cat
); if (fmr) { // direct connect
for (DSFilterMapper::iterator i = fmr.begin(); i != fmr.end(); ++i) { #ifdef ATTEMPT_DIRECT_CONNECT
if (IsLoadable(pPin1, DSFilterMoniker(*i), pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinDirect))) { #else
if (IsLoadable(pPin1, DSFilterMoniker(*i), pFilter1, IntermediatesAdded, dwFlags, ConnectPred_t(&DSGraph::ConnectPinByMediaType))) { #endif
TRACEOUTDENT(); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() succeeded"); delete[] pInMedia; delete[] pOutMedia; return true; } } }} TRACEOUTDENT(); } catch(ComException& h) { TRACEOUTDENT(); if ((h == E_UNEXPECTED) || (h == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH)) || (h == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) ) { try { delete[] pInMedia; delete[] pOutMedia; TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() rethrowing"); } catch(...) { } throw; } try { TRACELSM(TRACE_DEBUG, (dbgDump << "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() suppressing HRESULT = " << hexdump(h)), ""); } catch(...) { } } catch(...) { TRACEOUTDENT(); } delete[] pInMedia; delete[] pOutMedia; TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "DSGraph::LoadPinByMediaType() failed"); return false; }
// end of file - dsextend.cpp