; ; Microsoft Confidential ; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; All Rights Reserved. ;
;** Macro definitions for MSDOS. ; ; Revision history: ; M019 DB 10/26/90 - Added Cmp32 macro.
SUBTTL BREAK a listing into pages and give new subtitles PAGE BREAK MACRO subtitle SUBTTL subtitle PAGE ENDM .xcref break
BREAK <ASMVAR - handle assembly variables once and for all>
AsmVars Macro varlist IRP var,<varlist> AsmVar var ENDM ENDM
AsmVar Macro var IFNDEF var var = FALSE ENDIF ENDM
BREAK <I_NEED: declare a variable external, if necessary, and allocate a size>
; ; declare a variable external and allocate a size ; AsmVar InstalledData I_NEED MACRO sym,len IF NOT InstalledData DOSDATA SEGMENT WORD PUBLIC 'DATA' IFIDN <len>,<WORD> EXTRN &sym:WORD ELSE IFIDN <len>,<DWORD> EXTRN &sym:DWORD ELSE EXTRN &sym:BYTE ENDIF ENDIF DOSDATA ENDS ENDIF ENDM .xcref I_need
; call a procedure that may be external. The call will be short.
invoke MACRO name .xcref IF2 IFNDEF name EXTRN name:NEAR ENDIF ENDIF .cref CALL name ENDM .xcref invoke
PAGE ; ; jump to a label that may be external. The jump will be near. ; transfer MACRO name .xcref IF2 IFNDEF name EXTRN name:NEAR ENDIF ENDIF .cref JUMP name ENDM .xcref transfer
; ; get a short address in a word ; short_addr MACRO name IFDIF <name>,<?> .xcref IF2 IFNDEF name EXTRN name:NEAR ENDIF ENDIF .cref DW OFFSET DOSCODE:name ELSE DW ? ENDIF ENDM .xcref short_addr
; ; get a long address in a dword ; long_addr MACRO name .xcref IF2 IFNDEF name EXTRN name:NEAR ENDIF ENDIF .cref DD name ENDM .xcref long_addr
; ; declare a PROC near or far but PUBLIC nonetheless ; .xcref ?frame .xcref ?aframe .xcref ?stackdepth .xcref ?initstack ?frame = 0 ; initial ?aframe = 0 ; initial ?stackdepth = 0 ; initial stack size ?initstack = 0 ; initial stack size
procedure MACRO name,distance ?frame = 0 ?aframe = 2 ;; remember the pushed BP PUBLIC name name PROC distance ASSUME DS:nothing,ES:nothing ?initstack = ?stackdepth ;; beginning of procedure ENDM .xcref procedure
; end a procedure and check that stack depth is preserved
EndProc MACRO name, chk IFDIF <chk>,<NoCheck> ;; check the stack size IF2 IF ?initstack NE ?stackdepth ;; is it different? %OUT ***** Possible stack size error in name ***** ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF name ENDP ENDM .xcref endproc PAGE ; ; define a data item to be public and of an appropriate size/type ;
I_AM MACRO name,size,init ;; declare the object public PUBLIC name ;; declare the type of the object IFIDN <size>,<WORD> name LABEL WORD I_AM_SIZE = 1 I_AM_LEN = 2 ELSE IFIDN <size>,<DWORD> name LABEL DWORD I_AM_SIZE = 2 I_AM_LEN = 2 ELSE IFIDN <size>,<BYTE> name LABEL BYTE I_AM_SIZE = 1 I_AM_LEN = 1 ELSE name LABEL BYTE I_AM_SIZE = size I_AM_LEN = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;; if no initialize then allocate blank storage IFB <init> DB I_AM_SIZE*I_AM_LEN DUP (?) ELSE IF NOT InstalledData IRP itm,<init> IF I_AM_LEN EQ 1 DB itm ELSE DW itm ENDIF I_AM_SIZE = I_AM_SIZE - 1 ENDM IF I_AM_SIZE NE 0 %out ***** initialization of name not complete ***** ENDIF ELSE DB I_AM_SIZE*I_AM_LEN DUP (?) ENDIF ENDIF ENDM .xcref I_AM .xcref I_AM_SIZE .xcref I_AM_LEN I_AM_SIZE = 0 I_AM_LEN = 0
; ; define an entry in a procedure ; entry macro name PUBLIC name name: endm .xcref entry
BREAK <ERROR - store an error code then jump to a label>
error macro code .xcref MOV AL,code transfer SYS_RET_ERR .cref ENDM .xcref error
BREAK <JUMP - real jump that links up shortwise> ; ; given a label <lbl> either 2 byte jump to another label <lbl>_J ; if it is near enough or 3 byte jump to <lbl> ;
jump macro lbl local a .xcref
ifndef lbl&_J ;; is this the first invocation a: JMP lbl ELSE IF (lbl&_J GE $) OR ($-lbl&_J GT 126) a: JMP lbl ;; is the jump too far away? ELSE a: JMP lbl&_J ;; do the short one... ENDIF ENDIF lbl&_j = a .cref endm .xcref jump
BREAK <RETURN - return from a function>
return macro x local a .xcref a: RET ret_l = a .cref endm .xcref return
BREAK <CONDRET - conditional return>
condret macro cc,ncc local a .xcref .xcref a .cref ifdef ret_l ;; if ret_l is defined if (($ - ret_l) le 126) and ($ gt ret_l) ;; if ret_l is near enough then a: j&cc ret_l ;; a: j<CC> to ret_l ret_&cc = a ;; define ret_<CC> to be a: exitm endif endif ifdef ret_&cc ;; if ret_<CC> defined if (($ - ret_&cc) le 126) and ($ gt ret_&cc) ;; if ret_<CC> is near enough a: j&cc ret_&cc ;; a: j<CC> to ret_<CC> ret_&cc = a ;; define ret_<CC> to be a: exitm endif endif j&ncc a ;; j<NCC> a: return ;; return a: ;; a: ret_&cc = ret_l ;; define ret_<CC> to be ret_l endm .xcref condret
BREAK <RETZ - return if zero, links up shortwise if necessary>
retz macro condret z,nz endm .xcref retz
BREAK <RETNZ - return if not zero, links up shortwise if necessary>
retnz macro condret nz,z endm .xcref retnz
BREAK <RETC - return if carry set, links up shortwise if necessary>
retc macro condret c,nc endm .xcref retc
BREAK <RETNC - return if not carry, links up shortwise if necessary>
retnc macro condret nc,c endm .xcref retnc
BREAK <CONTEXT - set the DOS context to a particular register>
context macro r PUSH SS POP r ASSUME r:DOSDATA endm .xcref context
BREAK <SaveReg - save a set of registers>
SaveReg MACRO reglist ;; push those registers IRP reg,<reglist> ?stackdepth = ?stackdepth + 1 PUSH reg ENDM ENDM .xcref SaveReg
Save MACRO arglist ;; push those arguments IRP arg,<arglist> ?stackdepth = ?stackdepth + 1 PUSH arg ENDM ENDM .xcref Save
BREAK <RestoreReg - unsave some registers>
RestoreReg MACRO reglist ;; pop those registers IRP reg,<reglist> ?stackdepth = ?stackdepth - 1 POP reg ENDM ENDM .xcref RestoreReg
Restore MACRO arglist ;; pop those arguments IRP arg,<arglist> ?stackdepth = ?stackdepth - 1 POP arg ENDM ENDM .xcref Restore
BREAK <Critical section macros>
EnterCrit MACRO section ; Invoke E§ion ENDM
LeaveCrit MACRO section ; Invoke L§ion ENDM
Break <message - display a message>
AsmVars <ShareF,Cargs,Redirector>
if debug fmt MACRO typ,lev,fmts,args local a,b,c PUSHF IFNB <typ> TEST BugTyp,typ JZ c CMP BugLev,lev JB c ENDIF PUSH AX PUSH BP MOV BP,SP If (not sharef) and (not redirector) DOSDATA segment a db fmts,0 DOSDATA ends MOV AX,OFFSET DOSDATA:a else jmp short b a db fmts,0 if sharef b: mov ax,offset share:a else b: mov ax,offset netwrk:a endif endif PUSH AX cargs = 2 IRP item,<args> IFIDN <AX>,<item> push [bp+2] ; MOV AX,[BP+2] ELSE ; MOV AX,item push item ENDIF ; PUSH AX cargs = cargs + 2 ENDM invoke PFMT ADD SP,Cargs POP BP POP AX c: POPF ENDM else fmt macro endm endif
Break <DOSAssume - validate assumes>
AsmVar Debug,$temp
;** DOSAssume - Check that a register addresses DOSSEG ; ; DOSAssume reglist, message
IF debug DOSAssume Macro reglist,message local a,b $temp = 0 IRP r,<reglist> IFIDN <r>,<DS> $temp = $temp OR 2 ELSE IFIDN <r>,<ES> $temp = $temp OR 4 ELSE IFIDN <r>,<SS> $temp = $temp OR 1 ELSE %out ***** Invalid register reg in DOSAssume ***** ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDM Invoke SegCheck jmp short a db $temp db message,0 a:
DOSAssume Macro reglist,message IRP r,<reglist> ASSUME r:DOSDATA ENDM ENDM ENDIF
BREAK <ASSERT - make assertions about registers>
IF DEBUG Assert MACRO kind, objs, message LOCAL a,b IFIDN <kind>,<Z> CMP objs,0 JZ a fmt <>,<>,<message> a: ELSE IFIDN <kind>,<NZ> CMP objs,0 JNZ a fmt <>,<>,<message> a: ELSE PUSH AX IRP obj,<objs> PUSH obj ENDM IF SHAREF MOV AX,OFFSET b ELSE MOV AX,OFFSET DOSDATA:b ENDIF PUSH AX IFIDN <kind>,<ISBUF> Invoke BUFCheck ENDIF IFIDN <kind>,<ISSFT> Invoke SFTCheck ENDIF IFIDN <kind>,<ISDPB> Invoke DPBCheck ENDIF POP AX IF SHAREF JMP SHORT a b DB Message,0 a: ELSE DOSDATA segment b db Message,0 DOSDATA ends ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDM ELSE Assert Macro ENDM ENDIF
Break <CallInstall - hook to installable pieces>
CallInstall MACRO name,mpx,fn,save,restore IF Installed IFNB <save> SaveReg <save> ENDIF MOV AX,(mpx SHL 8) + fn INT 2Fh IFNB <restore> RestoreReg <restore> ENDIF ELSE Invoke name ENDIF ENDM
Break <Stack frame manipulators>
localvar macro name,length local a ifidn <length>,<BYTE> ?frame = ?frame + 1 a = ?frame name EQU BYTE PTR [BP-a] else ifidn <length>,<WORD> ?frame = ?frame + 2 a = ?frame name EQU WORD PTR [BP-a] else ifidn <length>,<DWORD> ?frame = ?frame + 4 a = ?frame name EQU DWORD PTR [BP-a] name&l EQU WORD PTR [BP-a] name&h EQU WORD PTR [BP-a+2] else ?frame = ?frame + length a = ?frame name EQU BYTE PTR [BP-a] endif endif endif endm
enter macro push bp mov bp,sp sub sp,?frame endm
leave macro mov sp,bp pop bp endm
Argvar macro name,length local a ifidn <length>,<BYTE> a = ?aframe ?aframe = ?aframe + 1 name EQU BYTE PTR [BP+a] else ifidn <length>,<WORD> a = ?aframe ?aframe = ?aframe + 2 name EQU WORD PTR [BP+a] else ifidn <length>,<DWORD> a = ?aframe ?aframe = ?aframe + 4 name EQU DWORD PTR [BP+a] name&l EQU WORD PTR [BP+a] name&h EQU WORD PTR [BP+a+2] else a = ?aframe ?aframe = ?aframe + length name EQU BYTE PTR [BP+a] endif endif endif endm
save_world macro
push es invoke save_user_world
restore_world macro
invoke restore_user_world pop es
; ; This macro gets the DOS data segment value and puts it in the specified ; segment register. This can only be used in the DOSCODE segment. ;
getdseg macro r
mov r, cs:[DosDseg] assume r:dosdata endm
; ; This macro does the necessary extrns to allow use of the getdseg macro. ; allow_getdseg macro
ifdef ROMDOS extrn BioDataSeg:word bdata segment at 70H extrn DosDataSg:word bdata ends else extrn DosDseg:word endif
BREAK <LJcc - Long Conditional Jumps>
LJE macro l LJ JE JNE l endm
LJNE macro l LJ jne JE l endm
LJZ macro l LJE l endm
LJNZ macro l LJNE l endm
LJC macro l LJ jc JNC l endm
LJNC macro l LJ jnc JC l endm
LJA macro l LJ ja JNA l endm
LJNA macro l LJ jna JA l endm
LJB macro l LJ jb JNB l endm
LJNB macro l LJ jnb JB l endm
LJS macro l LJ js JNS l endm
LJNS macro l LJ jns JS l endm
LJAE macro l LJ jae JNAE l endm
LJBE macro l LJ jbe JNBE l endm
LJL macro l LJ jl JNL l endm
LJG macro l LJ jg JNG l endm
LJLE macro l LJ jle JNLE l endm
DLJE macro l DLJ JE JNE l endm
DLJNE macro l DLJ jne JE l endm
DLJZ macro l DLJE l endm
DLJNZ macro l DLJNE l endm
DLJC macro l DLJ jc JNC l endm
DLJNC macro l DLJ jnc JC l endm
DLJA macro l DLJ ja JNA l endm
DLJNA macro l DLJ jna JA l endm
DLJB macro l DLJ jb JNB l endm
DLJNB macro l DLJ jnb JB l endm
DLJS macro l DLJ js JNS l endm
DLJNS macro l DLJ jns JS l endm
DLJAE macro l DLJ jae JNAE l endm
DLJBE macro l DLJ jbe JNBE l endm
DLJG macro l DLJ jg JNG l endm
DLJL macro l DLJ jl JNL l endm
DLJLE macro l DLJ jle JNLE l endm
;* LJ - generate long conditional jump ; ; if target preceeds us and is in range just use a short jump ; else use a long jump ; ; LJ <direct jmp>,<skip jmp>,<label>
LJ MACRO dirop,idirop,l local a IF ((.TYPE l) XOR 20h) AND 0A0h idirop a ;; not defined or is external jmp l a: ELSE ;; is local definied IF (($-l) LT 124) AND ($ GT l) dirop l ;; is before and within range ELSE idirop a ;; is out of range or forward (pass 2) jmp l a: ENDIF ENDIF ENDM
;* DLJ - generate debug long conditional jump ; ; If DEBUG is defined then we generate a long jump, else a short ; one. ; ; DLJ <direct jmp>,<skip jmp>,<label>
DLJ MACRO dirop,idirop,l local a IF DEBUG idirop a jmp l a: ELSE dirop l ENDIF ENDM
;** SHORT offset macro ; ; expands to SHORT if non debug, to nul if debug. ; ; this allows us to code ; ; jmp SHRT foobar ; ; and get a long form if debugging is turned on (because the extra ; debug code puts the target out of range)
;** FALLTHRU - Verifies Fallthrough Validity
FALLTHRU MACRO labl ; BUGBUG - restore align when we make code segment word aligned ; align 2 ; don't have errnz fail due to alignment IF2 ; of following label .errnz labl-$ ENDIF ENDM
;** INTTEST - Generate an INT 3 for testing
;** DPUBLIC - Make a public symbol for debugging
DPUBLIC MACRO arg if DEBUG public arg endif ENDM
;* Debug Traps ; ; These are removed as the code is exercised
TRAP macro ; Like INTTEST but is normally left in during int 3 ; debugging; indicates "should not occur" ENDM
TRAPC macro local l jnc short l int 3 l: ENDM
TRAPNC macro local l jc short l int 3 l: ENDM
TRAPA macro local l jna short l int 3 l: ENDM
TRAPNA macro local l ja short l int 3 l: ENDM
TRAPZ macro local l jnz short l int 3 l: ENDM
TRAPNZ macro local l jz short l int 3 l: ENDM
BREAK <Structure Field Macros>
;** Follows - Verify that a field follows another ; ; FOLLOWS field1, field2 [, size] ; ; This macro generates an error if "field1" doesn't immeidately ; follow "field2". If "size" is specified then an error is generated ; if Field1 is not of the proper size.
FOLLOWS macro field1, field2, fldsiz .errnz field1 - size field2 - field2 IFNB <fldsiz> .errnz size field1 - fldsiz ENDIF ENDM
;** LAST - Verify that a field is the last field in a structure ; ; LAST fieldname, structname ; ; Generates an error if fieldname is not last in structname.
LAST macro fldnam, strunam .errnz size strunam - fldnam - size fldnam endm
;** TESTB - Use Byte form for Word TESTS, when possible ; ; TESTB is used in place of 16-bit TEST instructions. It substitutes ; a smaller 8-bit test when possible.
TESTB macro targ,mask,thirdarg local mask2,delta
ifnb <thirdarg> .err mask must be enclosed in brackets endif
ifidn <targ>,<[bx]> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<[si]> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<[di]> ; don't process these operands specially test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<[BX]> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<[SI]> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<[DI]> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<SI> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<DI> test targ,mask exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<BP> test targ,mask exitm endif delta = 0 mask2 = mask
if mask2 AND 0ff00h ; have a mask bit in the high half if mask2 AND 0ffh test targ,mask exitm endif mask2 = mask2 SHR 8 delta = 1 endif
ifidn <targ>,<AX> if delta test targ,mask else test AL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<BX> if delta test BH,mask2 else test BL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<CX> if delta test CH,mask2 else test CL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<DX> if delta test DH,mask2 else test DL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<ax> if delta test targ,mask else test AL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<bx> if delta test BH,mask2 else test BL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<cx> if delta test CH,mask2 else test CL,mask2 endif exitm endif ifidn <targ>,<dx> if delta test DH,mask2 else test DL,mask2 endif exitm endif
test byte ptr targ+delta,mask2 endm
; ; Some old versions of the 80286 have a bug in the chip. The popf ; instruction will enable interrupts. Therefore in a section of code with ; interrupts disabled and you need a popf instruction use the 'popff' ; macro instead. ;
POPFF macro jmp $+3 iret push cs call $-2 endm
Break <Cmp32 - 32-bit compare> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Macro Name : Cmp32 ; ; Inputs: ; msw1 -- 1st operand, most significant word; MUST BE REGISTER. ; lsw1 -- 1st operand, least significant word; MUST BE REGISTER. ; msw2 -- 2nd operand, most significant word. ; lsw2 -- 2nd operand, least significant word. ; Function: ; Compare 2 32-bit operands. Implemented as a macro. ; Outputs: ; CF = 1 if 1st operand < 2nd operand ; = 0 if 1st operand >= 2nd operand ; ZF = 1 if 1st operand == 2nd operand ; = 0 if 1st operand <> 2nd operand ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;M019: Created.
Cmp32 MACRO msw1,lsw1,msw2,lsw2 LOCAL cmp32x
cmp msw1,msw2 jne cmp32x cmp lsw1,lsw2 cmp32x: ENDM
Break <HRDSVC - SVC call where hard error is possible> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Macro Name : HRDSVC ; ; Inputs: ; iSVC -- SVC index ; Function: ; Make a DEM SVC. If hard error happens handle it. ; Outputs: ; CF = 1 if operation failed ; = 0 if operation successful ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRDSVC MACRO iSVC LOCAL hs_nerr,hs_fail,hs_retry
SVC iSVC jnc hs_nerr
; Check if hard err to be handled . If no harderr then it ; will come back without effecting any reg or carry flags. ; Else it will do an int24. If user chooses retry it ; will retry the SVC call. On fail or abort it will ; come back with usual dos style setup. ; If user chose "Abort" it wont come back
invoke TestHrdErr hs_nerr: ENDM