g// EmExtn.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <comsvcs.h>
#include "Processes.h"
#define SUCCESS 0
DWORD InvalidCallback ( /* [in] */ ENUMPROCSANDSERVICES lpEnumSrvcsProc, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam, /* [in] */ LONG nItemNum ) { return( lpEnumSrvcsProc( INVALID_PID, NULL, NULL, NULL, lParam, nItemNum ) ); }
DWORD GetNumberOfRunningApps ( /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwNumbApps ) { DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; DWORD *pdwPIDs = NULL; DWORD dwBuffSize = 256L; UINT nIdx = 0; bool bIsService = false; do { //
// This loop is used to get all the running PIDs
// in the system. Because we do not know how many
// processes are running, we dynamically increase
// the array size. Limit = 256 DWORDs * 5
do {
if(pdwPIDs != NULL){
delete[] pdwPIDs; pdwPIDs = NULL; }
dwBuffSize *= (nIdx + 1); pdwPIDs = new DWORD[dwBuffSize];
if(pdwPIDs == NULL){
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
dwLastRet = GetAllPids( pdwPIDs, dwBuffSize, &dwBuffSize ); } while(dwLastRet == E_TOOMANY_PROCESSES);
if( dwLastRet == 0 ){
*pdwNumbApps = 0L;
for(UINT i = 0; i < dwBuffSize; ++i) { IsService( pdwPIDs[i], &bIsService ); if( bIsService != true ) *pdwNumbApps += 1; } } } while ( false );
if(pdwPIDs != NULL) {
delete[] pdwPIDs; pdwPIDs = NULL; }
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD GetAllPids ( /* [out] */ DWORD adwProcIDs[], /* [in] */ DWORD dwBuffSize, /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwNumbProcs ) { DWORD dwLastRet = 0L;
_ASSERT(adwProcIDs != NULL); _ASSERT(dwBuffSize != 0L); _ASSERT(pdwNumbProcs != NULL);
do { if( (adwProcIDs == NULL) || (dwBuffSize == 0L) || (pdwNumbProcs == 0L)) {
dwLastRet = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Get the list of process identifiers.
dwLastRet = (DWORD)EnumProcesses( adwProcIDs, dwBuffSize, pdwNumbProcs); if(dwLastRet == 0L){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
// If both of them are same, it means that
// there may be more PIDs for which there
// is no space..
if(dwBuffSize == *pdwNumbProcs){ dwLastRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// This will give us the number of PIDs
(*pdwNumbProcs) = ((*pdwNumbProcs) / sizeof(DWORD)); dwLastRet = 0L; } while(FALSE);
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD GetNumberOfServices ( /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwNumbSrvcs, /* [in] */ DWORD dwServiceType, /* = SERVICE_WIN32 */ /* [in] */ DWORD dwServiceState /* = SERVICE_ACTIVE */ ) { _ASSERTE( pdwNumbSrvcs != NULL );
DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; SC_HANDLE scm = NULL; LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS status = NULL; DWORD cbBytesNeeded = 0L, dwNumbSvcs = 0L, dwResume = 0L; ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS aServices[1]; // a-mando, bug ID: 296023
__try {
if( pdwNumbSrvcs == NULL ) { dwLastRet = -1L; goto qGetNumberOfServices; }
if( !scm ) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qGetNumberOfServices; }
*pdwNumbSrvcs = 0L;
if( EnumServicesStatus( scm, dwServiceType, dwServiceState, aServices, // a-mando, bug ID: 296023
0, &cbBytesNeeded, &dwNumbSvcs, &dwResume ) == false ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); }
if( dwLastRet != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { goto qGetNumberOfServices;} //
// Allocate space
status = (LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbBytesNeeded );
if( !status ) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qGetNumberOfServices; }
// Get the status records.
dwResume = 0; dwLastRet = EnumServicesStatus( scm, dwServiceType, dwServiceState, status, cbBytesNeeded, &cbBytesNeeded, &dwNumbSvcs, &dwResume );
if (dwLastRet == 0) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qGetNumberOfServices; }
*pdwNumbSrvcs = dwNumbSvcs;
dwLastRet = SUCCESS;
qGetNumberOfServices: if( scm ) CloseServiceHandle( scm ); if( status ) LocalFree( status );
dwLastRet = GetLastError();
if( scm ) CloseServiceHandle( scm ); if( status ) LocalFree( status );
_ASSERTE( false ); }
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD GetNumberOfActiveServices ( /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwNumbActiveSrvcs ) { return GetNumberOfServices( pdwNumbActiveSrvcs ); }
DWORD GetNumberOfInactiveServices ( /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwNumbInactiveSrvcs ) { return GetNumberOfServices( pdwNumbInactiveSrvcs, SERVICE_WIN32, SERVICE_INACTIVE ); }
DWORD IsService ( /* [in] */ UINT nPid, /* [out] */ bool *pbIsService, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszImagePath, /* [out] */ ULONG cchImagePath, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszServiceShortName, /* [in] */ ULONG cchServiceShortName, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszServiceDescription, /* [in] */ ULONG cchServiceDescription ) { DWORD dwRet = 0L; OSVERSIONINFO osvi;
ZeroMemory( (void *)&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO) ); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if( !GetVersionEx (&osvi) ) {
return (dwRet = GetLastError()); }
if( osvi.dwPlatformId & VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) {
if( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) { // && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) { // we will not look for the minor version.
IsService_NT4( nPid, pbIsService ); } else if( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 ) { // && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) {
IsService_NT5( nPid, pbIsService, lpszImagePath, cchImagePath, lpszServiceShortName, cchServiceShortName, lpszServiceDescription, cchServiceDescription ); } }
return dwRet; }
DWORD IsService_NT5 ( /* [in] */ UINT nPid, /* [out] */ bool *pbIsService, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszImagePath, /* [out] */ ULONG cchImagePath, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszServiceShortName, /* [in] */ ULONG cchServiceShortName, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszServiceDescription, /* [in] */ ULONG cchServiceDescription ) { _ASSERTE ( pbIsService != NULL );
bool bIsService = false; DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; int i = 0; SC_HANDLE scm = NULL; ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS *status = NULL; DWORD numServices = 0L, sizeNeeded = 0L, resume = 0L;
__try {
if( pbIsService == NULL ) { dwLastRet = -1L; goto qIsService; } //
// Open a connection to the SCM
if ( !scm ){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qIsService; }
// Get the number of bytes to allocate
resume = 0; if( EnumServicesStatusEx( scm, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_WIN32, // We won't debug drivers
SERVICE_ACTIVE, 0, 0, &sizeNeeded, &numServices, &resume, NULL ) == 0 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError();
// If it is any error other than this,
// we won't continue..
if(dwLastRet != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto qIsService; }
// Allocate space
status = (ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeNeeded );
if( status == NULL ){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qIsService; }
// Get the status records.
resume = 0; if( EnumServicesStatusEx( scm, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_WIN32, // We won't debug drivers
SERVICE_ACTIVE, (LPBYTE)status, sizeNeeded, &sizeNeeded, &numServices, &resume, NULL ) == 0 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qIsService; }
*pbIsService = false; for (i = 0; i < (int)numServices; i++) { if( status[i].ServiceStatusProcess.dwProcessId == nPid ) {
*pbIsService = true;
if(lpszImagePath) { _tcsncpy( lpszImagePath, _T(""), cchImagePath ); } if(lpszServiceShortName) { _tcsncpy( lpszServiceShortName, status[i].lpServiceName, cchServiceShortName ); } if(lpszServiceDescription) { _tcsncpy( lpszServiceDescription, status[i].lpDisplayName, cchServiceDescription ); }
break; } }
dwLastRet = SUCCESS;
qIsService: if( scm ) { CloseServiceHandle(scm); scm = NULL; } if( status ){ LocalFree(status); status = NULL; } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError();
if( scm ) { CloseServiceHandle( scm ); scm = NULL; } if( status ){ LocalFree(status); status = NULL; }
_ASSERTE( false ); }
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD GetServiceInfo ( /* [in] */ UINT nPid, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszImagePath, /* [out] */ ULONG cchImagePath, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszServiceShortName, /* [in] */ ULONG cchServiceShortName, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszServiceDescription, /* [in] */ ULONG cchServiceDescription ) { bool bIsService = false;
return IsService( nPid, &bIsService, lpszImagePath, cchImagePath, lpszServiceShortName, cchServiceShortName, lpszServiceDescription, cchServiceDescription ); }
DWORD EnumRunningProcesses ( /* [in] */ ENUMPROCSANDSERVICES lpEnumRunProc, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam, /* [in] */ UINT nStartIndex ) { // Nothing to do if this is NULL..
_ASSERT(lpEnumRunProc != NULL);
DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; DWORD dwBuffSize = 256L; DWORD *pdwPIDs = NULL; UINT nIdx = 0; UINT nItemNum = nStartIndex; bool bService = FALSE; TCHAR szShortName[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); TCHAR szImagePath[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");
__try { if( !lpEnumRunProc ){ dwLastRet = E_INVALIDARG; goto qEnumRunningProcesses; }
// This loop is used to get all the running PIDs
// in the system. Because we do not know how many
// processes are running, we dynamically increase
// the array size. Limit = 256 DWORDs * 5
do{ if(pdwPIDs != NULL){ delete[] pdwPIDs; pdwPIDs = NULL; }
dwBuffSize *= (nIdx + 1); pdwPIDs = new DWORD[dwBuffSize]; if(pdwPIDs == NULL){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
dwLastRet = GetAllPids( pdwPIDs, dwBuffSize, &dwBuffSize ); } while(dwLastRet == E_TOOMANY_PROCESSES);
// There are more processes than we
// can handle..
if( dwLastRet != E_TOOMANY_PROCESSES && dwLastRet != 0){ goto qEnumRunningProcesses; }
// If everything goes alright, call the Callback procedure
// once for each PID (or till the procedure returns FALSE)
// with the PID and the corresponding Image path..
nIdx = -1; while(++nIdx < dwBuffSize){ dwLastRet = SUCCESS;
IsService( pdwPIDs[nIdx], &bService ); if( bService == true ) continue; // we won't add services into the list..
// This may fail for some procs like the system process.
if( GetImageNameFromPID( pdwPIDs[nIdx], szImagePath, _MAX_PATH )) {
if(lpEnumRunProc(INVALID_PID, NULL, NULL, NULL, lParam, nItemNum++) == FALSE){
dwLastRet = FALSE; goto qEnumRunningProcesses; // Stop when the Callback procedure returns FALSE.
} else {
BSTR bstrDesc = _T("");
if( IsPackage( szImagePath ) ) {
GetPackageDescription( pdwPIDs[nIdx], bstrDesc ); }
if(lpEnumRunProc(pdwPIDs[nIdx], szImagePath, _T(""), bstrDesc, lParam, nItemNum++ ) == FALSE) {
dwLastRet = FALSE; goto qEnumRunningProcesses; // Stop when the Callback procedure returns FALSE.
} } }
dwLastRet = SUCCESS;
qEnumRunningProcesses: //
// Clean up memory allocated for PIDs array.
if( pdwPIDs ) { delete[] pdwPIDs; pdwPIDs = NULL; } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError();
if( pdwPIDs ) { delete[] pdwPIDs; pdwPIDs = NULL; }
_ASSERTE( false ); }
return dwLastRet; }
BOOL IsPackage ( IN LPTSTR lpszImageName ) { _ASSERTE( lpszImageName != NULL );
BOOL bRet = false; const DWORD cTemplates = 2; LPCTSTR szTemplate [cTemplates];
__try { if( !lpszImageName ) { return (bRet = false); }
_tcslwr( lpszImageName ); szTemplate[0] = _T("dllhost.exe"); szTemplate[1] = _T("mts.exe");
for( int i = 0; i < cTemplates; i++ ) {
if( _tcsstr( lpszImageName, szTemplate[i] ) != NULL ) {
bRet = true; break; } } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) {
bRet = false;
_ASSERTE( false ); }
return bRet; }
DWORD EnumRunningServices ( /* [in] */ ENUMPROCSANDSERVICES lpEnumSrvcsProc, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam, /* [in] */ UINT nStartIndex ) { return EnumServices( lpEnumSrvcsProc, lParam, SERVICE_ACTIVE, nStartIndex ); }
DWORD EnumStoppedServices ( /* [in] */ ENUMPROCSANDSERVICES lpEnumSrvcsProc, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam, /* [in] */ UINT nStartIndex ) { return EnumServices( lpEnumSrvcsProc, lParam, SERVICE_INACTIVE, nStartIndex ); }
DWORD EnumServices ( /* [in] */ ENUMPROCSANDSERVICES lpEnumSrvcsProc, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam, /* [in] */ DWORD dwSrvcState, /* [in] */ UINT nStartIndex ) { _ASSERTE ( lpEnumSrvcsProc != NULL );
bool bIsService = false; DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; int i = 0; SC_HANDLE scm = NULL, service = NULL; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG buffer = NULL; ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS *status = NULL; DWORD numServices = 0L, sizeNeeded = 0L, resume = 0L; UINT nItemNum = nStartIndex;
__try {
if( lpEnumSrvcsProc == NULL ) { dwLastRet = -1L; goto qEnumServices; } //
// Open a connection to the SCM
if ( !scm ){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qEnumServices; }
// Get the number of bytes to allocate
resume = 0; if( EnumServicesStatusEx( scm, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_WIN32, // We won't debug drivers
dwSrvcState, 0, 0, &sizeNeeded, &numServices, &resume, NULL ) == 0 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError();
// If it is any error other than this,
// we won't continue..
if(dwLastRet != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto qEnumServices; }
// Allocate space
status = (ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeNeeded );
if( status == NULL ){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qEnumServices; }
// Get the status records.
resume = 0; if( EnumServicesStatusEx( scm, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_WIN32, // We won't debug drivers
dwSrvcState, (LPBYTE)status, sizeNeeded, &sizeNeeded, &numServices, &resume, NULL ) == 0 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); goto qEnumServices; }
for (i = 0; i < (int)numServices; i++) { if(service){ CloseServiceHandle(service); service = NULL; }
service = OpenService( scm, status[i].lpServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG );
if (!service) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); InvalidCallback( lpEnumSrvcsProc, lParam, nItemNum++ ); continue; } //goto qEnumServices; }
// Find out how big the buffer needs to be
dwLastRet = QueryServiceConfig( service, 0, 0, &sizeNeeded );
if(dwLastRet == 0){ dwLastRet = GetLastError();
// If it is any error other than
// this, we won't continue..
InvalidCallback( lpEnumSrvcsProc, lParam, nItemNum++ ); continue; } }
// Allocate space for the buffer
buffer = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG) LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeNeeded );
// Get Buffer
dwLastRet = QueryServiceConfig( service, buffer, sizeNeeded, &sizeNeeded ); if (dwLastRet == 0){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); InvalidCallback( lpEnumSrvcsProc, lParam, nItemNum++ ); continue; }
if(lpEnumSrvcsProc( status[i].ServiceStatusProcess.dwProcessId, buffer->lpBinaryPathName, status[i].lpServiceName, status[i].lpDisplayName, lParam, nItemNum++ ) == FALSE) {
dwLastRet = FALSE; goto qEnumServices; // Stop when the Callback procedure returns FALSE.
// CleanUp
if(buffer != NULL){ LocalFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; }
dwLastRet = SUCCESS;
qEnumServices: if( scm ) { CloseServiceHandle(scm); scm = NULL; } if( status ){ LocalFree(status); status = NULL; } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError();
if( scm ) { CloseServiceHandle( scm ); scm = NULL; } if( status ){ LocalFree(status); status = NULL; }
_ASSERTE( false ); }
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD StartServiceAndGetPid ( IN LPCTSTR lpszServiceShortName, OUT UINT *pnPid ) { _ASSERTE(lpszServiceShortName != NULL);
DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; DWORD dwBytesNeeded = 0L; SC_HANDLE scm = NULL, service = NULL;
do { //
// Open a connection to the SCM
if (!scm){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
if (!service){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
if( StartService( service, 0L, NULL ) == 0 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
if( QueryServiceStatusEx( service, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (LPBYTE) &stInfo, sizeof stInfo, &dwBytesNeeded ) == 0 ) {
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
// Successful..
*pnPid = stInfo.dwProcessId; dwLastRet = 0L; } while(FALSE);
if(scm){ CloseServiceHandle(scm); scm = NULL; }
if(service){ CloseServiceHandle(service); service = NULL; }
return dwLastRet; }
BOOL IsImageRunning ( /* [in] */ ULONG lPID ) { bool bRet = FALSE;
if(hProcess != NULL){ CloseHandle(hProcess); bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
DWORD GetImageNameFromPID ( /* [in] */ ULONG lPID, /* [out] */ LPTSTR lpszImagePath, /* [in] */ DWORD dwBuffSize ) { DWORD dwLastRet = S_OK; HANDLE hProcess = NULL; HMODULE hMod = NULL; DWORD cbNeeded = 0L;
// 0 is a valid PID..
// _ASSERT(lPID != 0L);
_ASSERT(lpszImagePath != NULL);
do { if( /*(lPID == 0L) ||*/ (lpszImagePath == NULL) ){ dwLastRet = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Get a handle to the process.
if (hProcess == NULL){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
// We do not want to enumerate all the modules in the
// process, but only one..
dwLastRet = EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded );
if(dwLastRet == NULL){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
// Get the process name.
dwLastRet = GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, hMod, lpszImagePath, dwBuffSize );
if(dwLastRet == NULL){ dwLastRet = GetLastError(); break; }
// We will store all the strings in
// lower case..
_tcslwr(lpszImagePath); dwLastRet = SUCCESS;
if(hProcess) CloseHandle(hProcess);
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD IsValidImage ( /* [in] */ ULONG lPID, /* [in] */ LPCTSTR lpszImageName, /* [out] */ bool *pbValidImage ) { _ASSERTE( lpszImageName != NULL );
DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; TCHAR szImageName[_MAX_PATH+1] = _T("");
__try { if( lpszImageName == NULL ) {
return (dwLastRet = -1L); }
*pbValidImage = false;
dwLastRet = GetImageNameFromPID( lPID, szImageName, _MAX_PATH ); if( dwLastRet != SUCCESS ) return dwLastRet;
*pbValidImage = (_tcsicmp( szImageName, lpszImageName) == 0); } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); _ASSERTE(false); }
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD IsValidProcess ( /* [in] */ ULONG lPID, /* [in] */ LPCTSTR lpszImageName, /* [out] */ bool *pbValidImage ) { return IsValidImage( lPID, lpszImageName, pbValidImage ); }
DWORD IsValidService ( /* [in] */ ULONG lPID, /* [in] */ LPCTSTR lpszImageName, /* [out] */ bool *pbValidImage ) { _ASSERTE( lpszImageName != NULL );
DWORD dwLastRet = 0L; TCHAR szImageName[_MAX_PATH+1] = _T(""); LPCTSTR lpszImage = NULL;
__try { if( lpszImageName == NULL ) {
return (dwLastRet = -1L); }
lpszImage = _tcsrchr( lpszImageName, _T('\\') );
if( !lpszImage ) { lpszImage = lpszImageName; } else { lpszImage += 1; }
dwLastRet = IsValidImage( lPID, lpszImage, pbValidImage ); } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); _ASSERTE(false); }
return dwLastRet; }
DWORD GetProcessHandle ( IN ULONG lPid, OUT HANDLE *phProcess ) { DWORD dwLastRet = 0L;
__try { //
// Get a handle to the process.
if (*phProcess == NULL){
dwLastRet = GetLastError(); } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) { dwLastRet = GetLastError(); _ASSERTE(false); }
return dwLastRet; }
HRESULT GetPackageDescription ( IN const long nPid, OUT BSTR &bstrDescription ) { _ASSERTE( nPid != 0 );
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMtsGrp* pMtsGrp = NULL; IUnknown* pUnk = NULL; IMtsEvents* pEvents = NULL; long lPackages = 0; long lPID = 0; long lLp = 0;
__try { if( !nPid ) { return (hr = E_INVALIDARG); }
//Create the MTS Group object
hr = CoInitialize( NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; }
hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_MtsGrp, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMtsGrp, (void **)&pMtsGrp); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; }
hr = pMtsGrp->Refresh(); // its important to call this!
if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; }
hr = pMtsGrp->get_Count( &lPackages ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; }
for (lLp = 0; lLp < lPackages; lLp++) {
hr = pMtsGrp->Item(lLp, &pUnk); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; }
hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMtsEvents, (void **)&pEvents); if( FAILED(hr) || !pEvents ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; } if( pUnk ) { pUnk->Release(); pUnk = NULL; }
hr = pEvents->GetProcessID( &lPID ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; }
if( lPID == nPid ) { // This is the package we are looking for..
hr = pEvents->get_PackageName( &bstrDescription ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qGetPackageDescription; } break; // We got what we were looking for.
if( pEvents ) { pEvents->Release(); pEvents = NULL; }
hr = S_OK;
qGetPackageDescription: if( pEvents ) { pEvents->Release(); pEvents = NULL; } if( pUnk ) { pUnk->Release(); pUnk = NULL; } if( pMtsGrp ) { pMtsGrp->Release(); pMtsGrp = NULL; }
} __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, 1 ) { if( pEvents ) { pEvents->Release(); pEvents = NULL; } if( pUnk ) { pUnk->Release(); pUnk = NULL; } if( pMtsGrp ) { pMtsGrp->Release(); pMtsGrp = NULL; }
_ASSERTE(false); }
return hr; }
EnumServicesStatusEx(..) is not supported on NT 4.0. <http://www.mvps.org/win32/security/is_svc.html>
HRESULT IsService_NT4 ( IN UINT nPid, OUT bool *pbIsService ) { _ASSERTE( nPid > 0 );
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HANDLE hProcess = NULL; HANDLE hProcessToken = NULL; DWORD groupLength = 50; PTOKEN_GROUPS groupInfo = NULL; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY siaNt = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; PSID pInteractiveSid = NULL; PSID pServiceSid = NULL; DWORD dwRet = NO_ERROR; DWORD ndx; bool isInteractive = FALSE, isService = FALSE;
__try {
if( nPid <= 0 ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto qIsService; }
hr = GetProcessHandle( nPid, &hProcess ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { goto qIsService; }
// open the token
if( !::OpenProcessToken( hProcess, TOKEN_QUERY, &hProcessToken) ) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto qIsService; }
// allocate a buffer of default size
groupInfo = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)::LocalAlloc(0, groupLength); if ( !groupInfo ) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto qIsService; }
// try to get the info
if (!::GetTokenInformation( hProcessToken, TokenGroups, groupInfo, groupLength, &groupLength ) ) {
// if buffer was too small, allocate to proper size, otherwise error
if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto qIsService; }
groupInfo = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)::LocalAlloc(0, groupLength); if (groupInfo == NULL) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto qIsService; }
if (!GetTokenInformation(hProcessToken, TokenGroups, groupInfo, groupLength, &groupLength)) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto qIsService; } }
// We now know the groups associated with this token. We want
// to look to see if the interactive group is active in the
// token, and if so, we know that this is an interactive process.
// We also look for the "service" SID, and if it's present,
// we know we're a service.
// The service SID will be present iff the service is running in a
// user account (and was invoked by the service controller).
// create comparison sids
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&siaNt, 1, SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pInteractiveSid)) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto qIsService; }
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&siaNt, 1, SECURITY_SERVICE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pServiceSid)) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto qIsService; }
// reset flags
isInteractive = FALSE; isService = FALSE;
// try to match sids
for (ndx = 0; ndx < groupInfo->GroupCount ; ndx += 1) { SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES sanda = groupInfo->Groups[ndx]; PSID pSid = sanda.Sid;
// Check to see if the group we're looking at is one of
// the two groups we're interested in.
if (::EqualSid(pSid, pInteractiveSid)) { //
// This process has the Interactive SID in its
// token. This means that the process is running as
// a console process
isInteractive = TRUE; isService = FALSE; break; } else if (::EqualSid(pSid, pServiceSid)) { //
// This process has the Service SID in its
// token. This means that the process is running as
// a service running in a user account ( not local system ).
isService = TRUE; isInteractive = FALSE; break; } }
if ( !( isService || isInteractive ) ) { //
// Neither Interactive or Service was present in the current
// users token, This implies that the process is running as
// a service, most likely running as LocalSystem.
isService = TRUE;
qIsService: if ( pServiceSid ) ::FreeSid( pServiceSid );
if ( pInteractiveSid ) ::FreeSid( pInteractiveSid );
if ( groupInfo ) ::LocalFree( groupInfo );
if ( hProcessToken ) ::CloseHandle( hProcessToken );
if( hProcess ) { CloseHandle( hProcess ); }
// BUGBUG: If the function fails, we treat
// the process as an app
*pbIsService = isService;
return hr; }