Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
ULONG GetBitFieldOffset ( IN LPSTR Type, IN LPSTR Field, OUT PULONG pOffset, OUT PULONG pSize ) { FIELD_INFO flds = { Field, "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_RETURN_ADDRESS | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_SIZE_IN_BITS, 0, NULL}; SYM_DUMP_PARAM Sym = { sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), Type, DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, &flds }; ULONG Err, i=0; LPSTR dot, last=Field; Sym.nFields = 1; Err = Ioctl( IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &Sym, Sym.size ); *pOffset = (ULONG) (flds.address - Sym.addr); *pSize = flds.size; return Err; }
ULONG GetUlongFromAddress ( ULONG64 Location ) { ULONG Value; ULONG result;
if ((!ReadMemory(Location,&Value,sizeof(ULONG),&result)) || (result < sizeof(ULONG))) { dprintf("unable to read from %08x\n",Location); return 0; }
return Value; }
ULONG64 GetPointerFromAddress ( ULONG64 Location ) { ULONG64 Value; ULONG result;
if (!ReadPointer(Location,&Value)) { dprintf("unable to read from %08p\n",Location); return 0; }
return Value; }
ULONG GetUlongValue ( PCHAR String ) { ULONG64 Location; ULONG Value; ULONG result;
Location = GetExpression( String ); if (!Location) { dprintf("unable to get %s\n",String); return 0; }
return GetUlongFromAddress( Location ); }
ULONG64 GetPointerValue ( PCHAR String ) { ULONG64 Location, Val=0;
Location = GetExpression( String ); if (!Location) { dprintf("unable to get %s\n",String); return 0; }
ReadPointer(Location, &Val);
return Val; } #if 0
VOID DumpImageName( IN ULONG64 Process ) { ULONG64 ImageFileName; STRING String; ULONG Result; IN WCHAR Buf[512];
if ( !GetFieldValue(Process, "EPROCESS", "ImageFileName.Buffer", ImageFileName ) ){
wcscpy(Buf,L"*** image name unavailable ***"); if ( ReadMemory( ImageFileName, &String, sizeof(STRING), &Result) ) { if ( ReadMemory( (DWORD)String.Buffer, &Buf[0], String.Length, &Result) ) { Buf[String.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; } } } else { wcscpy(Buf,L"System Process"); } dprintf("%ws",Buf); } #endif
BOOLEAN DbgRtlIsRightChild( ULONG64 pLinks, ULONG64 Parent ) { ULONG64 RightChild; if (Parent == pLinks) {
return FALSE; }
if (GetFieldValue(Parent, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "RightChild", RightChild)) {
return FALSE; }
if (RightChild == pLinks) {
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOLEAN DbgRtlIsLeftChild( ULONG64 pLinks, ULONG64 Parent ) { ULONG64 LeftChild; if (Parent == pLinks) {
return FALSE; }
if (GetFieldValue(Parent, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "LeftChild", LeftChild)) {
return FALSE; }
if (LeftChild == pLinks) {
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
ULONG DumpSplayTree( IN ULONG64 pSplayLinks, IN PDUMP_SPLAY_NODE_FN DumpNodeFn ) /*++
Perform an in-order iteration across a splay tree, calling a user supplied function with a pointer to each RTL_SPLAY_LINKS structure encountered in the tree, and the level in the tree at which it was encountered (zero based).
pSplayLinks - pointer to root of a splay tree
DumpNodeFn - user supplied dumping function
Count of nodes encountered in the tree.
Errors reading memory do not terminate the iteration if more work is possible.
Consumes the Control-C flag to terminate possible loops in corrupt structures.
--*/ { ULONG Level = 0; ULONG NodeCount = 0;
if (pSplayLinks) { ULONG64 LeftChild, RightChild, Parent, Current;
// Retrieve the root links, find the leftmost node in the tree
if (GetFieldValue(Current = pSplayLinks, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "LeftChild", LeftChild)) {
return NodeCount; }
while (LeftChild != 0) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) {
return NodeCount; }
if (GetFieldValue(Current = LeftChild, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "LeftChild", LeftChild)) {
// We can try to continue from this
break; }
Level++; }
while (TRUE) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) {
return NodeCount; }
NodeCount++; pSplayLinks = Current; (*DumpNodeFn)(pSplayLinks, Level);
first check to see if there is a right subtree to the input link if there is then the real successor is the left most node in the right subtree. That is find and return P in the following diagram
Links \ . . . / P \ */
GetFieldValue(Current, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "RightChild", RightChild); if (RightChild != 0) {
if (GetFieldValue(Current = RightChild, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "RightChild", RightChild)) {
// We've failed to step through to a successor, so
// there is no more to do
return NodeCount; }
GetFieldValue(Current,"RTL_SPLAY_LINKS","LeftChild",LeftChild); while (LeftChild != 0) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) {
return NodeCount; }
if (GetFieldValue(Current = LeftChild, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "LeftChild", LeftChild)) {
// We can continue from this
break; }
Level++; }
} else {
we do not have a right child so check to see if have a parent and if so find the first ancestor that we are a left decendent of. That is find and return P in the following diagram
P / . . . Links */
// If the IsLeft or IsRight functions fail to read through a parent
// pointer, then we will quickly exit through the break below
GetFieldValue(Current, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "Parent", Parent); while (DbgRtlIsRightChild(Current, Parent)) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) {
return NodeCount; }
Level--; pSplayLinks = (Current = Parent); }
GetFieldValue(Current, "RTL_SPLAY_LINKS", "Parent", Parent); if (!DbgRtlIsLeftChild(Current, Parent)) {
// we do not have a real successor so we break out
} else {
Level--; pSplayLinks = (Current = Parent); } } } }
return NodeCount; }
// dprintf("L %x, M %x, B %p ", u.Length, u.MaximumLength, u.Buffer);
if ((u.Length <= u.MaximumLength) && (u.Buffer) && (u.Length > 0)) {
v.Buffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, u.MaximumLength); if (v.Buffer != NULL) { v.MaximumLength = u.MaximumLength; v.Length = u.Length; if (ReadMemory(u.Buffer, v.Buffer, u.Length, (PULONG) &u.Buffer)) { dprintf("%wZ", &v); } else { dprintf("<???>"); } LocalFree(v.Buffer);
return; } } }
BOOLEAN IsHexNumber( const char *szExpression ) { if (!szExpression[0]) { return FALSE ; }
for(;*szExpression; szExpression++) { if ((*szExpression)< '0') { return FALSE ; } else if ((*szExpression)> 'f') { return FALSE ; } else if ((*szExpression)>='a') { continue ; } else if ((*szExpression)> 'F') { return FALSE ; } else if ((*szExpression)<='9') { continue ; } else if ((*szExpression)>='A') { continue ; } else { return FALSE ; } } return TRUE ; }
BOOLEAN IsDecNumber( const char *szExpression ) { if (!szExpression[0]) { return FALSE ; }
while(*szExpression) { if ((*szExpression)<'0') { return FALSE ; } else if ((*szExpression)>'9') { return FALSE ; } szExpression ++ ; } return TRUE ; }