Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Exclude processing mechanism. Processes the FilesNotToBackup key and zero or more exclude files with exclude rules.
Stefan R. Steiner [ssteiner] 03-21-2000
Revision History:
#ifndef __H_EXCLPROC_
#define __H_EXCLPROC_
#define FSD_REG_EXCLUDE_PATH L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\BackupRestore\\FilesNotToBackup"
struct SFsdVolumeId;
// Structure definition of one exclude rule
class SFsdExcludeRule { public: CBsString cwsExcludeFromSource; // File name or key name
CBsString cwsExcludeDescription; // Description of the exclusion rule
CBsString cwsExcludeRule; // The actual exclude pattern
// Compiled match string fields follow:
BOOL bInvalidRule; // If TRUE, rule was deemed invalid by pattern compiler
BOOL bAnyVol; // If TRUE, matches any volume in the system
SFsdVolumeId *psVolId; // If bAnyVol is FALSE, volid of the file system
CBsString cwsDirPath; // Directory path relative to volume mountpoint (no \ at start of string, \ at end of string)
CBsString cwsFileNamePattern; // File name pattern; may include * and ? chars (no \ at start of string)
BOOL bInclSubDirs; // If TRUE, include subdirectories under cwsDirPath
BOOL bWCInFileName; // If TRUE, Wildcard chars in the file name
CVssDLList< CBsString > cExcludedFileList; // List of files excluded by this rule
SFsdExcludeRule() : bAnyVol( FALSE ), bInclSubDirs( FALSE ), bWCInFileName( FALSE ), psVolId( NULL ), bInvalidRule( FALSE ) {} virtual ~SFsdExcludeRule(); VOID PrintRule( IN FILE *fpOut, IN BOOL bInvalidRulePrint ); };
class CFsdFileSystemExcludeProcessor;
// Class that maintains the complete list of exclusion rules. There should be one of
// these objects per base mountpoint. This object will manage mountpoints within that
// mountpoint.
class CFsdExclusionManager { public: CFsdExclusionManager( IN CDumpParameters *pcDumpParameters ); virtual ~CFsdExclusionManager();
VOID GetFileSystemExcludeProcessor( IN CBsString cwsVolumePath, IN SFsdVolumeId *psVolId, OUT CFsdFileSystemExcludeProcessor **ppcFSExcludeProcessor );
VOID PrintExclusionInformation(); private: VOID ProcessRegistryExcludes( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pwszFromSource ); VOID ProcessExcludeFiles( IN const CBsString& cwsPathToExcludeFiles ); BOOL ProcessOneExcludeFile( IN const CBsString& cwsExcludeFileName ); VOID CompileExclusionRules(); CDumpParameters *m_pcParams; CVssDLList< SFsdExcludeRule * > m_cCompleteExcludeList; // pointers cleaned up in destructor
// Class that maintains the list of exclusion rules for one particular file system.
class CFsdFileSystemExcludeProcessor { friend class CFsdExclusionManager;
public: CFsdFileSystemExcludeProcessor( IN CDumpParameters *pcDumpParameters, IN const CBsString& cwsVolumePath, IN SFsdVolumeId *psVolId ); virtual ~CFsdFileSystemExcludeProcessor();
BOOL IsExcludedFile( IN const CBsString &cwsFullDirPath, IN DWORD dwEndOfVolMountPointOffset, IN const CBsString &cwsFileName ); private: CDumpParameters *m_pcParams; CBsString m_cwsVolumePath; SFsdVolumeId *m_psVolId; CVssDLList< SFsdExcludeRule * > m_cFSExcludeList; };
#endif // __H_EXCLPROC_