Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mbctype.h>
#include <pdh.h>
#include "strings.h"
#include <pdhmsg.h>
#include "pdhidef.h"
#include <sql.h>
#include <odbcss.h>
// pragma to supress /W4 errors
#pragma warning ( disable : 4201 )
#include <sqlext.h>
#pragma warning ( default : 4201 )
#include "log_SQL.h"
#include "log_bin.h" // to get the binary log file record formatting
#include "log_pm.h" // to get PDH_LOG_... structure definition.
#pragma warning ( disable : 4213)
#define PDH_SQL_BULK_COPY_REC 2048
#define PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE 1024
#define SQLSTMTSIZE 1024
#define INITIAL_MSZ_SIZE 1024
#define MSZ_SIZE_ADDON 1024
#define ALLOC_CHECK(pB) if(NULL == pB){assert(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS);return PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE;}
#define ALLOC_CHECK_HSTMT(pB) if(NULL == pB) {SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);assert(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS);return PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE;}
typedef struct _PDH_SQL_BULK_COPY { GUID dbGuid; INT dbCounterId; INT dbRecordIndex; CHAR dbDateTime[24]; double dbCounterValue; INT dbFirstValueA; INT dbFirstValueB; INT dbSecondValueA; INT dbSecondValueB; INT dbMultiCount; DWORD dwRecordCount; } PDH_SQL_BULK_COPY, * PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY;
FILETIME RecordTime; DWORD dwRunId; };
int PdhiCompareLogCounterInstance( IN PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter, IN LPWSTR szCounter, IN LPWSTR szInstance, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPWSTR szParent ) { int iResult; WCHAR szTmp[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1];
ZeroMemory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)); lstrcpynW(szTmp, szCounter, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); iResult = lstrcmpiW(szTmp, pCounter->szCounter); if (iResult != 0) goto Cleanup;
if ( (pCounter->szInstance != NULL && pCounter->szInstance[0] != L'\0') && (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != L'\0')) { ZeroMemory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)); lstrcpynW(szTmp, szInstance, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); iResult = lstrcmpiW(szTmp, pCounter->szInstance); } else if ((pCounter->szInstance != NULL && pCounter->szInstance[0] != L'\0') && (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == L'\0')) { iResult = -1; } else if ((pCounter->szInstance == NULL || pCounter->szInstance[0] == L'\0') && (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != L'\0')) { iResult = 1; } if (iResult != 0) goto Cleanup;
iResult = (dwInstance < pCounter->dwInstance) ? (-1) : ((dwInstance > pCounter->dwInstance) ? (1) : (0)); if (iResult != 0) goto Cleanup;
if ( (pCounter->szParent != NULL && pCounter->szParent[0] != L'\0') && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != L'\0')) { ZeroMemory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)); lstrcpynW(szTmp, szParent, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); iResult = lstrcmpiW(szTmp, pCounter->szParent); } else if ((pCounter->szParent != NULL && pCounter->szParent[0] != L'\0') && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == L'\0')) { iResult = -1; } else if ((pCounter->szParent == NULL || pCounter->szParent[0] == L'\0') && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != L'\0')) { iResult = 1; }
Cleanup: return iResult; }
void PdhiFreeLogCounterNode( IN PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter, IN DWORD dwLevel ) { if (pCounter == NULL) return;
if (pCounter->left != NULL) { PdhiFreeLogCounterNode(pCounter->left, dwLevel + 1); } if (pCounter->right != NULL) { PdhiFreeLogCounterNode(pCounter->right, dwLevel + 1); }
G_FREE(pCounter); }
void PdhiFreeLogObjectNode( IN PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject, IN DWORD dwLevel ) { if (pObject == NULL) return;
if (pObject->left != NULL) { PdhiFreeLogObjectNode(pObject->left, dwLevel + 1); }
PdhiFreeLogCounterNode(pObject->CtrTable, 0);
if (pObject->right != NULL) { PdhiFreeLogObjectNode(pObject->right, dwLevel + 1); }
G_FREE(pObject); }
void PdhiFreeLogMachineTable( IN PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE * MachineTable ) { PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter;
if (MachineTable == NULL) return;
pMachine = * MachineTable; while (pMachine != NULL) { PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pDelMachine = pMachine; pMachine = pMachine->next; PdhiFreeLogObjectNode(pDelMachine->ObjTable, 0); G_FREE(pDelMachine); }
* MachineTable = NULL; }
if (MachineTable != NULL) { ZeroMemory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)); lstrcpynW(szTmp, szMachine, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); for (pMachine = (* MachineTable); pMachine && lstrcmpiW(pMachine->szMachine, szTmp) != 0; pMachine = pMachine->next);
if (bInsert && pMachine == NULL) { pMachine = G_ALLOC(sizeof(PDHI_LOG_MACHINE) + (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pMachine != NULL) { pMachine->szMachine = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pMachine) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_MACHINE)); lstrcpynW(pMachine->szMachine, szMachine, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); pMachine->ObjTable = NULL; pMachine->next = (* MachineTable); * MachineTable = pMachine; } } } return pMachine; }
ZeroMemory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)); lstrcpynW(szTmp, szObject, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE);
pStack[dwStack ++] = ObjectTable; while (pNode != NULL) { iCompare = lstrcmpiW(szTmp, pNode->szObject); if (iCompare < 0) { pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pNode->left); pNode = pNode->left; } else if (iCompare > 0) { pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pNode->right); pNode = pNode->right; } else { break; } }
if (pNode != NULL) { pObject = pNode; } else if (bInsert) { pObject = G_ALLOC(sizeof(PDHI_LOG_OBJECT) + (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pObject == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pObject->next = pMachine->ObjList; pMachine->ObjList = pObject;
pObject->bIsRed = TRUE; pObject->left = NULL; pObject->right = NULL; pObject->CtrTable = NULL; pObject->szObject = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pObject) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_OBJECT)); lstrcpynW(pObject->szObject, szObject, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE);
pLink = pStack[-- dwStack]; * pLink = pObject;
pChild = NULL; pNode = pObject; while (dwStack > 0) { pLink = pStack[-- dwStack]; pParent = * pLink; if (! pParent->bIsRed) { pSibling = (pParent->left == pNode) ? pParent->right : pParent->left; if (pSibling && pSibling->bIsRed) { pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; pSibling->bIsRed = FALSE; pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; } else { if (pChild && pChild->bIsRed) { if (pChild == pNode->left) { if (pNode == pParent->left) { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->left = pNode->right; pNode->right = pParent; pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pNode; } else { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->right = pChild->left; pChild->left = pParent; pNode->left = pChild->right; pChild->right = pNode; pChild->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pChild; } } else { if (pNode == pParent->right) { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->right = pNode->left; pNode->left = pParent; pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pNode; } else { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->left = pChild->right; pChild->right = pParent; pNode->right = pChild->left; pChild->left = pNode; pChild->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pChild; } } } break; } } pChild = pNode; pNode = pParent; }
(* ObjectTable)->bIsRed = FALSE; } else { pObject = NULL; }
Cleanup: return pObject; }
PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER PdhiFindLogCounter( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE * MachineTable, IN LPWSTR szMachine, IN LPWSTR szObject, IN LPWSTR szCounter, IN DWORD dwCounterType, IN DWORD dwDefaultScale, IN LPWSTR szInstance, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPWSTR szParent, IN DWORD dwParent, IN LPDWORD pdwIndex, IN BOOL bInsert ) { PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pNode = NULL;
pMachine = PdhiFindLogMachine(MachineTable, szMachine, bInsert); if (pMachine == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pObject = PdhiFindLogObject(pMachine, & (pMachine->ObjTable), szObject, bInsert); if (pObject == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pObject->CtrTable); pCounter = pObject->CtrTable; while (pCounter != NULL) { iCompare = PdhiCompareLogCounterInstance(pCounter, szCounter, szInstance, dwInstance, szParent); #if 0
if (iCompare == 0) { if (dwCounterType < pCounter->dwCounterType) { iCompare = -1; } else if (dwCounterType > pCounter->dwCounterType) { iCompare = 1; } else { iCompare = 0; } } #endif
if (iCompare < 0) { pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pCounter->left); pCounter = pCounter->left; } else if (iCompare > 0) { pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pCounter->right); pCounter = pCounter->right; } else { break; } }
if (bInsert) { if (pCounter == NULL) { DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER) + 3 * sizeof(WCHAR) * (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1); pCounter = G_ALLOC(dwBufSize); if (pCounter == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pCounter->next = pObject->CtrList; pObject->CtrList = pCounter;
pCounter->bIsRed = TRUE; pCounter->left = NULL; pCounter->right = NULL; pCounter->dwCounterID = * pdwIndex; pCounter->dwCounterType = dwCounterType; pCounter->dwDefaultScale = dwDefaultScale; pCounter->dwInstance = dwInstance; pCounter->dwParent = dwParent; pCounter->TimeStamp = 0;
pCounter->szCounter = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pCounter) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER)); lstrcpynW(pCounter->szCounter, szCounter, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); if (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == L'\0') { pCounter->szInstance = NULL; } else { pCounter->szInstance = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pCounter) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1)); lstrcpynW(pCounter->szInstance, szInstance, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); }
if (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == L'\0') { pCounter->szParent = NULL; } else { pCounter->szParent = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pCounter) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER) + 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) * (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1)); lstrcpynW(pCounter->szParent, szParent, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); }
pLink = pStack[-- dwStack]; * pLink = pCounter;
pChild = NULL; pNode = pCounter; while (dwStack > 0) { pLink = pStack[-- dwStack]; pParent = * pLink; if (! pParent->bIsRed) { pSibling = (pParent->left == pNode) ? pParent->right : pParent->left; if (pSibling && pSibling->bIsRed) { pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; pSibling->bIsRed = FALSE; pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; } else { if (pChild && pChild->bIsRed) { if (pChild == pNode->left) { if (pNode == pParent->left) { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->left = pNode->right; pNode->right = pParent; pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pNode; } else { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->right = pChild->left; pChild->left = pParent; pNode->left = pChild->right; pChild->right = pNode; pChild->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pChild; } } else { if (pNode == pParent->right) { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->right = pNode->left; pNode->left = pParent; pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pNode; } else { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->left = pChild->right; pChild->right = pParent; pNode->right = pChild->left; pChild->left = pNode; pChild->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pChild; } } } break; } } pChild = pNode; pNode = pParent; }
pObject->CtrTable->bIsRed = FALSE; } } else if (pCounter != NULL) { * pdwIndex = pCounter->dwCounterID; }
Cleanup: return pCounter; }
/* external functions */ BOOL __stdcall IsValidLogHandle ( IN HLOG hLog );
/* forward declares */ PDH_FUNCTION PdhpGetSQLLogHeader ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog);
BOOL __stdcall PdhpConvertFileTimeToSQLString( FILETIME *pFileTime, WCHAR *szStartDate ) { //1998-01-02 12:00:00.000
if (0 == FileTimeToSystemTime(pFileTime,&st)) return 0;
swprintf(szStartDate, L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); return 1; }
BOOL __stdcall PdhpConvertSQLStringToFileTime( WCHAR *szStartDate, FILETIME *pFileTime ) // 1111111111222
{ //01234567890123456789012
//1998-01-02 12:00:00.000
lstrcpyW(buffer,szStartDate); buffer[4] = 0; st.wYear = (WORD) _wtoi(buffer); pwchar = &(buffer[5]); buffer[7] = 0; st.wMonth = (WORD) _wtoi(pwchar); pwchar = &(buffer[8]); buffer[10] = 0; st.wDay = (WORD) _wtoi(pwchar); pwchar = &(buffer[11]); buffer[13] = 0; st.wHour = (WORD) _wtoi(pwchar); pwchar = &(buffer[14]); buffer[16] = 0; st.wMinute = (WORD) _wtoi(pwchar); pwchar = &(buffer[17]); buffer[19] = 0; st.wSecond = (WORD) _wtoi(pwchar); pwchar = &(buffer[20]); st.wMilliseconds = (WORD) _wtoi(pwchar);
return SystemTimeToFileTime (&st, pFileTime); }
LPWSTR __stdcall PdhpGetNextMultisz( IN LPWSTR mszSource ) { // get the next string in a multisz
LPVOID szDestElem;
szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + (lstrlenW((LPCWSTR)szDestElem)+1));
return ((LPWSTR)szDestElem); }
DWORD PdhpAddUniqueUnicodeStringToMultiSz ( IN LPVOID mszDest, IN LPWSTR wszSource, IN BOOL bUnicodeDest ) /*++
Routine Description:
searches the Multi-SZ list, mszDest for wszSource and appends it to mszDest if it wasn't found. Assumes wszSource is UNICODE - and may have to be converted to ASCII for an ascii destination
OUT LPVOID mszDest Multi-SZ list to get new string IN LPSTR wszSource string to add if it's not already in list
The new length of the destination string including both trailing NULL characters if the string was added, or 0 if the string is already in the list.
--*/ { LPVOID szDestElem; DWORD_PTR dwReturnLength; LPSTR aszSource = NULL; DWORD dwLength;
// check arguments
if ((mszDest == NULL) || (wszSource == NULL)) return 0; // invalid buffers
if (*wszSource == '\0') return 0; // no source string to add
// if ascii list, make an ascii copy of the source string to compare
// and ultimately copy if it's not already in the list
if (!bUnicodeDest) { dwLength = lstrlenW(wszSource) + 1; aszSource = G_ALLOC ((dwLength * 3 * sizeof(CHAR))); // DBCS concern
if (aszSource != NULL) { dwReturnLength = WideCharToMultiByte(_getmbcp(), 0, wszSource, lstrlenW(wszSource), aszSource, dwLength * 3 * sizeof(CHAR), NULL, NULL); } else { // unable to allocate memory for the temp string
dwReturnLength = 0; } } else { // just use the Unicode version of the source file name
dwReturnLength = 1; }
if (dwReturnLength > 0) { // go to end of dest string
for (szDestElem = mszDest; (bUnicodeDest ? (*(LPWSTR)szDestElem != 0) : (*(LPSTR)szDestElem != 0)); ) { if (bUnicodeDest) { // bail out if string already in list
if (lstrcmpiW((LPCWSTR)szDestElem, wszSource) == 0) { dwReturnLength = 0; goto AddString_Bailout; } else { // goto the next item
szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + (lstrlenW((LPCWSTR)szDestElem)+1)); } } else { // bail out if string already in list
if (lstrcmpiA((LPSTR)szDestElem, aszSource) == 0) { dwReturnLength = 0; goto AddString_Bailout; } else { // goto the next item
szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPSTR)szDestElem + (lstrlenA((LPCSTR)szDestElem)+1)); } } }
// if here, then add string
// szDestElem is at end of list
if (bUnicodeDest) { lstrcpyW ((LPWSTR)szDestElem, wszSource); szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + lstrlenW(wszSource) + 1); *((LPWSTR)szDestElem)++ = L'\0'; dwReturnLength = (DWORD)((LPWSTR)szDestElem - (LPWSTR)mszDest); // return len is in wide char
} else { lstrcpyA ((LPSTR)szDestElem, aszSource); szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPSTR)szDestElem + lstrlenA(szDestElem) + 1); *((LPSTR)szDestElem)++ = '\0'; // add second NULL
dwReturnLength = (DWORD)((LPSTR)szDestElem - (LPSTR)mszDest); // return len is in bytes
} }
AddString_Bailout: if (aszSource != NULL) { G_FREE (aszSource); } return (DWORD)dwReturnLength; }
DWORD __stdcall PdhpSQLAddUniqueStringToMultiSz ( IN LPVOID mszDest, IN LPWSTR wszSource ) /*++
Routine Description:
searches the Multi-SZ list, mszDest for szSource and appends it to mszDest if it wasn't found (source & dest assumed to be both UNICODE)
OUT LPVOID mszDest Multi-SZ list to get new string IN LPSTR szSource string to add if it's not already in list
The new length of the destination string including both trailing NULL characters if the string was added, or 0 if the string is already in the list.
--*/ { LPVOID szDestElem; DWORD dwReturnLength;
// check arguments
if ((mszDest == NULL) || (wszSource == NULL)) return 0; // invalid buffers
if (*wszSource == '\0') return 0; // no source string to add
// go to end of dest string
for (szDestElem = mszDest;(*(LPWSTR)szDestElem != 0); ) { // bail out if string already in lsit
if (lstrcmpiW((LPCWSTR)szDestElem, wszSource) == 0) { dwReturnLength = 0; goto Bailout; } else { // goto the next item
szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + (lstrlenW((LPCWSTR)szDestElem)+1)); }
// if here (at end of multi sz), then add string
// szDestElem is at end of list
lstrcpyW ((LPWSTR)szDestElem, wszSource); szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + lstrlenW(wszSource) + 1); *((LPWSTR)szDestElem)++ = L'\0'; dwReturnLength = (DWORD)((LPWSTR)szDestElem - (LPWSTR)mszDest); // return len is in wide char
return dwReturnLength; }
DWORD __stdcall PdhpSQLAddStringToMultiSz ( IN LPVOID mszDest, IN LPWSTR wszSource ) /*++
Routine Description:
Appends wszSource to mszDest (source & dest assumed to be both UNICODE)
OUT LPVOID mszDest Multi-SZ list to get new string IN LPSTR szSource string to add
The new length of the destination string including both trailing NULL characters
--*/ { LPVOID szDestElem; DWORD dwReturnLength;
// check arguments
if ((mszDest == NULL) || (wszSource == NULL)) return 0; // invalid buffers
if (*wszSource == '\0') return 0; // no source string to add
// go to end of dest string
for (szDestElem = mszDest;(*(LPWSTR)szDestElem != 0); ) { // goto the next item
szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + (lstrlenW((LPCWSTR)szDestElem)+1)); }
// if here (at end of multi sz), then add string
// szDestElem is at end of list
lstrcpyW ((LPWSTR)szDestElem, wszSource); szDestElem = (LPVOID)((LPWSTR)szDestElem + lstrlenW(wszSource) + 1); *((LPWSTR)szDestElem)++ = L'\0'; dwReturnLength = (DWORD)((LPWSTR)szDestElem - (LPWSTR)mszDest); // return len is in wide char
return dwReturnLength; }
if (pBulk != NULL) return pBulk;
pBulk = G_ALLOC(sizeof(PDH_SQL_BULK_COPY)); if (pBulk != NULL) { pLog->lpMappedFileBase = pBulk; pBulk->dbGuid = pLog->guidSQL; pBulk->dwRecordCount = 0;
rc = bcp_initW(pLog->hdbcSQL, L"CounterData", NULL, NULL, DB_IN); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbGuid), 0, sizeof(GUID), NULL, 0, SQLUNIQUEID, 1); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbCounterId), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 2); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbRecordIndex), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 3); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) (pBulk->dbDateTime), 0, 24, NULL, 0, SQLCHARACTER, 4); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbCounterValue), 0, sizeof(double), NULL, 0, SQLFLT8, 5); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbFirstValueA), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 6); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbFirstValueB), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 7); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbSecondValueA), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 8); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbSecondValueB), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 9); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = bcp_bind(pLog->hdbcSQL, (LPCBYTE) & (pBulk->dbMultiCount), 0, sizeof(INT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 10); if (rc == FAIL) { Status = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; } } else { Status = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
Cleanup: if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pBulk != NULL) G_FREE(pBulk); pBulk = pLog->lpMappedFileBase = NULL; Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, SQL_ERROR, NULL, Status); SetLastError(Status); } return pBulk; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiSqlUpdateCounterDetails( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN BOOL bBeforeSendRow, IN PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine, IN PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject, IN PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter, IN LONGLONG TimeBase, IN LPWSTR szMachine, IN LPWSTR szObject, IN LPWSTR szCounter, IN DWORD dwCounterType, IN DWORD dwDefaultScale, IN LPWSTR szInstance, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPWSTR szParent, IN DWORD dwParent ) { PDH_STATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; WCHAR szSQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE]; DWORD dwCounterId; SQLLEN dwCounterIdLen; SQLLEN dwRowCount;
PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY pBulk = (PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY) pLog->lpMappedFileBase;
if (! bBeforeSendRow) { if (pBulk != NULL && pBulk->dwRecordCount > 0) { DBINT rcBCP = bcp_batch(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (rcBCP < 0) { DebugPrint((1,"bcp_batch(%05d,0x%08X,%d,%d)\n", __LINE__, pLog->hdbcSQL, rcBCP, pBulk->dwRecordCount)); ReportSQLError(pLog, SQL_ERROR, NULL, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } pBulk->dwRecordCount = 0; } }
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// need to cover the following cases where 0 = NULL, 1 = present,
// can't have an Instance Index without an Instance Name
// Instance Name
// Instance Index
// Parent Name
// Parent Object ID
// 0000
// 1000 pos 4 & 5 are countertype,defscale
// 0010
// 0001
// 1100
// 1010
// 1001
// 0011
// 1110
// 1101
// 1011
// 1111
if ( (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == L'\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == L'\0') && dwParent == 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 0000
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == '\0') && dwParent == 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1000
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',NULL,NULL,NULL,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase));
} else if ( (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != '\0') && dwParent == 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 0010
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, NULL,NULL,'%ws',NULL,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == '\0') && dwParent != 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 0001
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, NULL,NULL,NULL,%d,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, dwParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance != 0 && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == '\0') && dwParent == 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1100
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',%d,NULL,NULL,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, dwInstance, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != '\0') && dwParent == 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1010
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',NULL,'%ws',NULL,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, szParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == '\0') && dwParent != 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1001
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',NULL,NULL,%d,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, dwParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != '\0') && dwParent != 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 0011
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, NULL,NULL,'%ws',%d,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szParent, dwParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance != 0 && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != '\0') && dwParent == 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1110
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',%d,'%ws',NULL,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, dwInstance, szParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance != 0 && (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == '\0') && dwParent != 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, //1101
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',%d,NULL,%d,%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, dwInstance, dwParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance == 0 && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != '\0') && dwParent != 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1011
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d, '%ws',NULL,'%ws',%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, szParent, dwParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else if ( (szInstance != NULL && szInstance[0] != '\0') && dwInstance != 0 && (szParent != NULL && szParent[0] != '\0') && dwParent != 0) { swprintf(szSQLStmt, // 1111
L"begin transaction AddCounterDetails insert into CounterDetails values ('%ws','%ws','%ws', %d, %d,'%ws',%d,'%ws',%d,%d) Select @@Identity commit transaction AddCounterDetails", szMachine, szObject, szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, szInstance, dwInstance, szParent, dwParent, LODWORD(TimeBase), HIDWORD(TimeBase)); } else { Status = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLRowCount(hstmt, & dwRowCount); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ROWCOUNT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLMoreResults(hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_MORE_RESULTS_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_SLONG, & dwCounterId, 0, & dwCounterIdLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
if (SQL_NO_DATA == rc) { Status = PDH_NO_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
if (pCounter != NULL) { pCounter->dwCounterID = dwCounterId; }
Cleanup: if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return Status; }
PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER PdhiSqlFindCounter( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE * MachineTable, IN LPWSTR szMachine, IN LPWSTR szObject, IN LPWSTR szCounter, IN DWORD dwCounterType, IN DWORD dwDefaultScale, IN LPWSTR szInstance, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPWSTR szParent, IN DWORD dwParent, IN LONGLONG TimeBase, IN BOOL bBeforeSendRow, IN BOOL bInsert ) { PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pNode = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER * pStack[MAX_BTREE_DEPTH]; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER * pLink; int dwStack = 0; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pParent; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pSibling; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pChild; int iCompare; BOOL bUpdateCounterDetail = FALSE;
pMachine = PdhiFindLogMachine(MachineTable, szMachine, bInsert); if (pMachine == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pObject = PdhiFindLogObject(pMachine, & (pMachine->ObjTable), szObject, bInsert); if (pObject == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pObject->CtrTable); pCounter = pObject->CtrTable; while (pCounter != NULL) { iCompare = PdhiCompareLogCounterInstance(pCounter, szCounter, szInstance, dwInstance, szParent); if (iCompare == 0) { if (dwCounterType < pCounter->dwCounterType) { iCompare = -1; } else if (dwCounterType > pCounter->dwCounterType) { iCompare = 1; } else { iCompare = 0; } } if (iCompare < 0) { pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pCounter->left); pCounter = pCounter->left; } else if (iCompare > 0) { pStack[dwStack ++] = & (pCounter->right); pCounter = pCounter->right; } else { break; } }
if (pCounter == NULL) { pCounter = G_ALLOC(sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (3 * (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1))); if (pCounter == NULL) goto Cleanup;
pCounter->bIsRed = TRUE; pCounter->left = NULL; pCounter->right = NULL; pCounter->dwCounterType = dwCounterType; pCounter->dwDefaultScale = dwDefaultScale; pCounter->dwInstance = dwInstance; pCounter->dwParent = dwParent; pCounter->TimeStamp = 0; pCounter->TimeBase = TimeBase;
pCounter->szCounter = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pCounter) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER)); lstrcpynW(pCounter->szCounter, szCounter, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); if (szInstance == NULL || szInstance[0] == L'\0') { pCounter->szInstance = NULL; } else { pCounter->szInstance = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pCounter) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1)); lstrcpynW(pCounter->szInstance, szInstance, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); }
if (szParent == NULL || szParent[0] == L'\0') { pCounter->szParent = NULL; } else { pCounter->szParent = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pCounter) + sizeof(PDHI_LOG_COUNTER) + 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) * (PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE + 1)); lstrcpynW(pCounter->szParent, szParent, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); }
if (bInsert) { bUpdateCounterDetail = TRUE; }
pLink = pStack[-- dwStack]; * pLink = pCounter;
pChild = NULL; pNode = pCounter; while (dwStack > 0) { pLink = pStack[-- dwStack]; pParent = * pLink; if (! pParent->bIsRed) { pSibling = (pParent->left == pNode) ? pParent->right : pParent->left; if (pSibling && pSibling->bIsRed) { pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; pSibling->bIsRed = FALSE; pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; } else { if (pChild && pChild->bIsRed) { if (pChild == pNode->left) { if (pNode == pParent->left) { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->left = pNode->right; pNode->right = pParent; pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pNode; } else { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->right = pChild->left; pChild->left = pParent; pNode->left = pChild->right; pChild->right = pNode; pChild->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pChild; } } else { if (pNode == pParent->right) { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->right = pNode->left; pNode->left = pParent; pNode->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pNode; } else { pParent->bIsRed = TRUE; pParent->left = pChild->right; pChild->right = pParent; pNode->right = pChild->left; pChild->left = pNode; pChild->bIsRed = FALSE; * pLink = pChild; } } } break; } } pChild = pNode; pNode = pParent; }
pObject->CtrTable->bIsRed = FALSE; }
if (bUpdateCounterDetail && pCounter) { PdhiSqlUpdateCounterDetails(pLog, bBeforeSendRow, pMachine, pObject, pCounter, pCounter->TimeBase, pMachine->szMachine, pObject->szObject, pCounter->szCounter, dwCounterType, dwDefaultScale, pCounter->szInstance, dwInstance, pCounter->szParent, dwParent); }
Cleanup: return pCounter; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiSqlBuildCounterObjectNode( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LPWSTR szMachine, IN LPWSTR szObject ) { PDH_STATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; RETCODE rc = SQL_SUCCESS; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; DWORD CounterID = 0; SQLLEN dwCounterID = 0; WCHAR CounterName[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE]; SQLLEN dwCounterName = 0; DWORD CounterType = 0; SQLLEN dwCounterType = 0; DWORD DefaultScale = 0; SQLLEN dwDefaultScale = 0; WCHAR InstanceName[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE]; SQLLEN dwInstanceName = 0; DWORD InstanceIndex = 0; SQLLEN dwInstanceIndex = 0; WCHAR ParentName[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE]; SQLLEN dwParentName = 0; DWORD ParentObjectID = 0; SQLLEN dwParentObjectID = 0; LARGE_INTEGER lTimeBase; SQLLEN dwTimeBaseA = 0; SQLLEN dwTimeBaseB = 0; WCHAR SQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE]; BOOL bFind = FALSE; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter;
for (pMachine = ((PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE) (pLog->pPerfmonInfo)); pMachine != NULL && lstrcmpiW(pMachine->szMachine, szMachine) != 0; pMachine = pMachine->next); if (pMachine != NULL) { pObject = pMachine->ObjTable; while (pObject != NULL) { int iCompare = lstrcmpiW(szObject, pObject->szObject); if (iCompare < 0) pObject = pObject->left; else if (iCompare > 0) pObject = pObject->right; else break; } } if (pObject != NULL) goto Cleanup;
swprintf(SQLStmt, L"select CounterID, CounterName, CounterType, DefaultScale, InstanceName, InstanceIndex, ParentName, ParentObjectID, TimeBaseA, TimeBaseB from CounterDetails where MachineName = '%ws' and ObjectName = '%ws'", szMachine, szObject);
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, & CounterID, 0, & dwCounterID); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_WCHAR, CounterName, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwCounterName); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, & CounterType, 0, & dwCounterType); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_LONG, & DefaultScale, 0, & dwDefaultScale); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_WCHAR, InstanceName, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwInstanceName); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_LONG, & InstanceIndex, 0, & dwInstanceIndex); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_WCHAR, ParentName, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwParentName); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_LONG, & ParentObjectID, 0, & dwParentObjectID); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 9, SQL_C_LONG, & lTimeBase.LowPart, 0, & dwTimeBaseA); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 10, SQL_C_LONG, & lTimeBase.HighPart, 0, & dwTimeBaseB); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, SQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
ZeroMemory(CounterName, sizeof(CounterName)); ZeroMemory(InstanceName, sizeof(InstanceName)); ZeroMemory(ParentName, sizeof(ParentName)); CounterType = DefaultScale = InstanceIndex = ParentObjectID = 0; rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); while (rc == SQL_SUCCESS || rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { pCounter = PdhiSqlFindCounter( pLog, (PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE *) (& (pLog->pPerfmonInfo)), szMachine, szObject, CounterName, CounterType, DefaultScale, InstanceName, InstanceIndex, ParentName, ParentObjectID, 0, TRUE, FALSE); if (pCounter != NULL) { pCounter->dwCounterID = CounterID; if (dwTimeBaseA != SQL_NULL_DATA && dwTimeBaseB != SQL_NULL_DATA) { pCounter->TimeBase = lTimeBase.QuadPart; } else { pCounter->TimeBase = 0; pCounter->dwCounterType = PERF_DOUBLE_RAW; } } ZeroMemory(CounterName, sizeof(CounterName)); ZeroMemory(InstanceName, sizeof(InstanceName)); ZeroMemory(ParentName, sizeof(ParentName)); CounterType = DefaultScale = InstanceIndex = ParentObjectID = 0; rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); } if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);
Cleanup: return Status; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiSqlGetCounterArray( IN PPDHI_COUNTER pCounter, IN LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize, IN LPDWORD lpdwItemCount, IN LPVOID ItemBuffer ) { PDH_STATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDH_STATUS PdhFnStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwRequiredSize = 0; PPDHI_RAW_COUNTER_ITEM pThisItem = NULL; PPDHI_RAW_COUNTER_ITEM pLastItem = NULL; LPWSTR szThisItem = NULL; LPWSTR szLastItem = NULL; PPDH_RAW_COUNTER pThisRawCounter = NULL; PPDH_RAW_COUNTER pLastRawCounter = NULL; PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W pThisFmtItem = NULL; DWORD dwThisItemIndex; LPWSTR wszNextString; DWORD dwRetItemCount = 0;
LIST_ENTRY InstList; PPDHI_INSTANCE pInstance; WCHAR szPound[16];
InitializeListHead(& InstList); Status = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX(pCounter->pOwner->hMutex); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
if(pCounter->pThisRawItemList == NULL) { Status = PDH_CSTATUS_ITEM_NOT_VALIDATED; goto Cleanup; }
dwRetItemCount = pCounter->pThisRawItemList->dwItemCount; dwThisItemIndex = 0;
if (ItemBuffer != NULL) { pThisRawCounter = (PPDH_RAW_COUNTER) ItemBuffer; } else { pThisRawCounter = NULL; } assert(((DWORD) pThisRawCounter & 0x00000007) == 0);
dwRequiredSize = (DWORD) (dwRetItemCount * sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER)); if ((ItemBuffer != NULL) && (dwRequiredSize <= * lpdwBufferSize)) { pThisFmtItem = (PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W) (((LPBYTE) ItemBuffer) + dwRequiredSize); } else { pThisFmtItem = NULL; } assert(((DWORD) pThisFmtItem & 0x00000007) == 0);
dwRequiredSize += (DWORD) (dwRetItemCount * sizeof(PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W)); if ((ItemBuffer != NULL) && (dwRequiredSize <= * lpdwBufferSize)) { wszNextString = (LPWSTR) (((LPBYTE) ItemBuffer) + dwRequiredSize); } else { wszNextString = NULL; } assert(((DWORD) wszNextString & 0x00000007) == 0);
for (pThisItem = & (pCounter->pThisRawItemList->pItemArray[0]); dwThisItemIndex < dwRetItemCount; dwThisItemIndex ++, pThisItem ++, pLastItem ++) { szThisItem = (LPWSTR) ( ((LPBYTE) pCounter->pThisRawItemList) + pThisItem->szName); pInstance = NULL; Status = PdhiFindInstance(& InstList, szThisItem, TRUE, & pInstance); if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS && pInstance != NULL && pInstance->dwCount > 1) { ZeroMemory(szPound, 16 * sizeof(WCHAR)); _itow(pInstance->dwCount - 1, szPound, 10); dwRequiredSize += (lstrlenW(szThisItem) + lstrlenW(szPound) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { dwRequiredSize += (lstrlenW(szThisItem) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } if ((dwRequiredSize <= * lpdwBufferSize) && (wszNextString != NULL)) { DWORD dwNextString;
pThisFmtItem->szName = wszNextString; lstrcpyW(wszNextString, szThisItem); if (pInstance != NULL) { if (pInstance->dwCount > 1) { lstrcatW(wszNextString, cszPoundSign); lstrcatW(wszNextString, szPound); } } dwNextString = lstrlenW(wszNextString); wszNextString += (dwNextString + 1); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Status = PDH_MORE_DATA; }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pCounter->pThisRawItemList != NULL) { pThisRawCounter->CStatus = pCounter->pThisRawItemList->CStatus; pThisRawCounter->TimeStamp = pCounter->pThisRawItemList->TimeStamp; pThisRawCounter->FirstValue = pThisItem->FirstValue; pThisRawCounter->SecondValue = pThisItem->SecondValue; pThisRawCounter->MultiCount = pThisItem->MultiCount; } else { ZeroMemory(pThisRawCounter, sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER)); }
pLastRawCounter = NULL; if (pCounter->pLastRawItemList != NULL) { PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W pFmtValue; DWORD dwLastItem = pCounter->LastValue.MultiCount; DWORD i;
pFmtValue = (PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W) ( ((LPBYTE) pCounter->pLastObject) + sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER) * dwLastItem);
for (i = 0; i < dwLastItem; i ++) { if (lstrcmpiW(pThisFmtItem->szName, pFmtValue->szName) == 0) { pLastRawCounter = (PPDH_RAW_COUNTER) ( ((LPBYTE) pCounter->pLastObject) + sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER) * i); break; } else { pFmtValue = (PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W) ( ((LPBYTE) pFmtValue) + sizeof(PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W)); } } }
PdhFnStatus = PdhiComputeFormattedValue( pCounter->CalcFunc, pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType, pCounter->lScale, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE | PDH_FMT_NOCAP100, pThisRawCounter, pLastRawCounter, & pCounter->TimeBase, 0L, & pThisFmtItem->FmtValue); if (PdhFnStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Status = PdhFnStatus;
pThisFmtItem->FmtValue.CStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_INVALID_DATA; pThisFmtItem->FmtValue.doubleValue = 0; }
pThisRawCounter = (PPDH_RAW_COUNTER) (((LPBYTE) pThisRawCounter) + sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER)); pThisFmtItem = (PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W) (((LPBYTE) pThisFmtItem) + sizeof(PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W)); } }
dwRetItemCount = dwThisItemIndex;
Cleanup: RELEASE_MUTEX(pCounter->pOwner->hMutex); if (! IsListEmpty(& InstList)) { PLIST_ENTRY pHead = & InstList; PLIST_ENTRY pNext = pHead->Flink; while (pNext != pHead) { pInstance = CONTAINING_RECORD(pNext, PDHI_INSTANCE, Entry); pNext = pNext->Flink; RemoveEntryList(& pInstance->Entry); G_FREE(pInstance); } } if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS || Status == PDH_MORE_DATA) { * lpdwBufferSize = dwRequiredSize; * lpdwItemCount = dwRetItemCount; }
return Status; }
RETCODE PdhiCheckSQLExist(IN HSTMT hstmt, IN RETCODE rcIn) { SQLCHAR szSQLStat[6]; SQLCHAR szMessage[1024]; RETCODE rc = rcIn; SQLSMALLINT iMessage = 1024; SQLSMALLINT iSize = 0; SQLINTEGER iNativeError = 0;
ZeroMemory(szSQLStat, 6 * sizeof(SQLCHAR)); ZeroMemory(szMessage, 1024 * sizeof(SQLCHAR)); rc = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, 1, szSQLStat, & iNativeError, szMessage, iMessage, & iSize); DebugPrint((4,"SQLGetDiagRec(0x%08X,%d,%s,%d,\"%s\")\n", hstmt, rcIn, szSQLStat, rc, szMessage)); if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS || rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { if ( lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "42S01") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "S0001") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "42S02") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "S0002") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "42S11") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "S0011") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "42S12") == 0 || lstrcmpi(szSQLStat, "S0012") == 0) { rc = SQL_SUCCESS; } else { rc = rcIn; } } else { rc = rcIn; }
return rc; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiSQLUpdateCounterDetailTimeBase( PPDHI_LOG pLog, DWORD dwCounterId, LONGLONG lTimeBase, BOOL bBeforeSendRow ) { PDH_STATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; WCHAR szSQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE];
if (! bBeforeSendRow) { PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY pBulk = (PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY) pLog->lpMappedFileBase;
if (pBulk != NULL && pBulk->dwRecordCount > 0) { DBINT rcBCP = bcp_batch(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (rcBCP < 0) { ReportSQLError(pLog, SQL_ERROR, NULL, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } pBulk->dwRecordCount = 0; } }
wsprintfW(szSQLStmt, L"UPDATE CounterDetails SET TimeBaseA = %d, TimeBaseB = %d WHERE CounterID = %d", LODWORD(lTimeBase), HIDWORD(lTimeBase), dwCounterId);
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); } else { rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); } return Status; }
wsprintfW(szSQLStmt, L"SELECT TimeBaseA FROM CounterDetails"); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); } else { rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, & dwTimeBaseA, 0, & lenTimeBaseA); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); } else { rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { long iError; short cbErrMsg = SQLSTMTSIZE; WCHAR szErrMsg[SQLSTMTSIZE];
SQLErrorW(pLog->henvSQL, pLog->hdbcSQL, hstmt, NULL, & iError, szErrMsg, SQLSTMTSIZE, & cbErrMsg); if (iError == 0x00CF) { // 207, Invalid Column Name.
bExtend = TRUE; } else { ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); }
if (bExtend) { wsprintfW(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ADD TimeBaseA int NULL"); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); } else { rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wsprintfW(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ADD TimeBaseB int NULL"); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); } else { rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { Status = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); } } }
return Status; }
//Create the correct perfmon tables in the database
// difficult to cleanup old tables, also dangerous so we won't...
// PdhiOpenOutputSQLLog calls this routine to ensure the tables are here without checking
// create the CounterDetails Table
swprintf(szSQLStmt,L"CREATE TABLE CounterDetails(\
CounterID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,\ MachineName varchar(%d) NOT NULL,\ ObjectName varchar(%d) NOT NULL,\ CounterName varchar(%d) NOT NULL,\ CounterType int NOT NULL,\ DefaultScale int NOT NULL,\ InstanceName varchar(%d),\ InstanceIndex int,\ ParentName varchar(%d),\ ParentObjectID int,\ TimeBaseA int,\ TimeBaseB int\ )", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE);
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the create statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = PdhiCheckSQLExist(hstmt, rc); if (!(SQLSUCCEEDED(rc))) { // don't report the error, as this could be called from
// opening a database that already exists...
pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } else { SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
if ((pdhStatus = PdhiSQLExtendCounterDetail(pLog)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ALTER COLUMN MachineName varchar(%d) NOT NULL", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ALTER COLUMN ObjectName varchar(%d) NOT NULL", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ALTER COLUMN CounterName varchar(%d) NOT NULL", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ALTER COLUMN InstanceName varchar(%d)", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"ALTER TABLE CounterDetails ALTER COLUMN ParentName varchar(%d)", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
// Create the CounterData table
swprintf(szSQLStmt,L"CREATE TABLE CounterData(\
GUID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,\ CounterID int NOT NULL,\ RecordIndex int NOT NULL,\ CounterDateTime char(24) NOT NULL,\ CounterValue float NOT NULL,\ FirstValueA int,\ FirstValueB int,\ SecondValueA int,\ SecondValueB int,\ MultiCount int,\ )");
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the create statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = PdhiCheckSQLExist(hstmt, rc); if (!(SQLSUCCEEDED(rc))) { // don't report the error, as this could be called from
// opening a database that already exists...
pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } else { bExistData = TRUE; } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
if (! bExistData) { // add the primary keys
swprintf(szSQLStmt,L"ALTER TABLE CounterData ADD PRIMARY KEY (GUID,counterID,RecordIndex)");
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the create statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = PdhiCheckSQLExist(hstmt, rc); if (!(SQLSUCCEEDED(rc))) { // don't report the error, as this could be called from
// opening a database that already exists...
pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
// create the DisplayToID table
swprintf(szSQLStmt,L"CREATE TABLE DisplayToID(\
GUID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\ RunID int,\ DisplayString varchar(%d) NOT NULL UNIQUE,\ LogStartTime char(24),\ LogStopTime char(24),\ NumberOfRecords int,\ MinutesToUTC int,\ TimeZoneName char(32)\ )", PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE);
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the create statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = PdhiCheckSQLExist(hstmt, rc); if (!(SQLSUCCEEDED(rc))) { // don't report the error, as this could be called from
// opening a database that already exists...
pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the create statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = PdhiCheckSQLExist(hstmt, rc); if (!(SQLSUCCEEDED(rc))) { // don't report the error, as this could be called from
// opening a database that already exists...
pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } }
// if any failures to create a table, return that
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) pdhStatus = pdhCreateStatus;
Cleanup: if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiGetSQLLogCounterInfo ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN PPDHI_COUNTER pCounter ) // Figures out if a particular counter is in the log...
// this must be fetched from SQL with a select since
// there is no header record, this will be a complex select
// Use the function PdhpGetSQLLogHeader - which will
// do this, and save the results for subsequent calls.
// store away in the pCounter structure the actual SQL index
// based on how this is used, I think the counterID can be resused.
// however, probably safer to assign one sequentially
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pLogCounter = NULL; DWORD dwCtrIndex = 0; BOOL bNoMachine = FALSE; LPWSTR szMachine;
pdhStatus = PdhpGetSQLLogHeader(pLog); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) pLog->pPerfmonInfo; if (pLogInfo == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_LOG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; goto Cleanup; }
if (pCounter->pCounterPath->szMachineName == NULL) { bNoMachine = TRUE; szMachine = szStaticLocalMachineName; } else if (lstrcmpiW(pCounter->pCounterPath->szMachineName, L"\\\\.") == 0) { bNoMachine = TRUE; szMachine = szStaticLocalMachineName; } else { szMachine = pCounter->pCounterPath->szMachineName; }
pLogCounter = PdhiFindLogCounter(pLog, & pLogInfo->MachineList, szMachine, pCounter->pCounterPath->szObjectName, pCounter->pCounterPath->szCounterName, 0, 0, pCounter->pCounterPath->szInstanceName, pCounter->pCounterPath->dwIndex, pCounter->pCounterPath->szParentName, 0, & dwCtrIndex, FALSE); if (pLogCounter != NULL) { if (bNoMachine) { pCounter->pCounterPath->szMachineName = NULL; } pCounter->TimeBase = pLogCounter->TimeBase; pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwObjectId = 0; pCounter->plCounterInfo.lInstanceId = pLogCounter->dwInstance; pCounter->plCounterInfo.szInstanceName = pLogCounter->szInstance; pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwParentObjectId = pLogCounter->dwParent; pCounter->plCounterInfo.szParentInstanceName = pLogCounter->szParent; pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterId = pLogCounter->dwCounterID; pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType = pLogCounter->dwCounterType; pCounter->plCounterInfo.lDefaultScale = pLogCounter->dwDefaultScale; pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterSize = (pLogCounter->dwCounterType & PERF_SIZE_LARGE) ? sizeof(LONGLONG) : sizeof(DWORD); pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwSQLCounterId = dwCtrIndex; pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { pdhStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_COUNTER; }
Cleanup: return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiOpenSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN BOOL bOpenInput ) { // string to compare with file name to see if SQL
WCHAR szSQLType[] = L"SQL:";
pLog->henvSQL = NULL ; pLog->hdbcSQL = NULL ;
// parse out the DSN name and 'dataset' (comment) name from the LogFileName
// pLog->szDSN - pointer to Data Source Name within LogFileName
// (separators replaced with 0's)
// pLog->szCommentSQL - pointer to the Comment string that defines the
// name of the data set within the SQL database
pLog->szDSN = pLog->szLogFileName + (sizeof(szSQLType) / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
pLog->szCommentSQL = wcschr((const wchar_t *) pLog->szDSN, '!'); if (NULL == pLog->szCommentSQL) { return PDH_INVALID_DATASOURCE; } pLog->szCommentSQL[0] = 0; // null terminate the DSN name
pLog->szCommentSQL ++; // increment past to the Comment string
if (0 == lstrlenW(pLog->szCommentSQL)) { return PDH_INVALID_DATASOURCE; }
// initialize the rest of the SQL fields
pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite = 1; // start with record 1
pLog->dwRecord1Size = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// obtain the ODBC environment and connection
rc = SQLAllocEnv(&pLog->henvSQL); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) goto Cleanup; rc = SQLAllocConnect(pLog->henvSQL, &pLog->hdbcSQL); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) goto Cleanup;
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(pLog->hdbcSQL, SQL_COPT_SS_BCP, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_BCP_ON, SQL_IS_INTEGER); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); if (pLog->hdbcSQL) SQLDisconnect(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (pLog->hdbcSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, pLog->hdbcSQL); if (pLog->henvSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, pLog->henvSQL); pLog->henvSQL = NULL; pLog->hdbcSQL = NULL; }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiOpenInputSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog ) // open SQL database for input - or anything that isn't actually creating a new space
// database MUST exist
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus; WCHAR szSQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE]; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; LONG lMinutesToUTC = 0; WCHAR szTimeZoneName[32]; SQLLEN dwTimeZoneLen; pdhStatus = PdhiOpenSQLLog(pLog, TRUE); if (SUCCEEDED (pdhStatus)) { if ((pdhStatus = PdhiSQLExtendCounterDetail(pLog)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
// Check that the database exists
// Select the guid & runid from DisplayToId table
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select GUID, RunID, NumberOfRecords, MinutesToUTC, TimeZoneName from DisplayToID where DisplayString = '%ws'", pLog->szCommentSQL);
// bind the columns
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_GUID, &pLog->guidSQL, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_LONG, &pLog->iRunidSQL, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, &pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_LONG, &lMinutesToUTC, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_WCHAR, szTimeZoneName, sizeof(szTimeZoneName), &dwTimeZoneLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite ++; // increment number of current records to get next recordid to write
Cleanup: if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiOpenOutputSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog ) // open SQL database for output
// May have to create DB
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = PdhiOpenSQLLog(pLog, FALSE); WCHAR szSQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE]; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; SQLLEN dwGuid = 0; SQLLEN dwRunIdSQL = 0; SQLLEN dwNextRecord = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED(pdhStatus)) { // see if we need to create the database
// creating the tables is harmless, it won't drop
// them if they already exist, but ignore any errors
pdhStatus = PdhpCreateSQLTables(pLog);
// See if logset already exists. If it does, treat it as an
// logset append case.
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select GUID, RunID, NumberOfRecords from DisplayToID where DisplayString = '%ws'", pLog->szCommentSQL);
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_GUID, & pLog->guidSQL, 0, & dwGuid); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED; goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_LONG, & pLog->iRunidSQL, 0, & dwRunIdSQL); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED; goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, & pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite, 0, & dwNextRecord); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if ((! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) || (rc == SQL_NO_DATA)) { pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED; goto Cleanup; }
pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite ++; pLog->dwRecord1Size = 1;
Cleanup: if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);
if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // initialize the GUID
HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(& pLog->guidSQL); pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite = 1; pLog->iRunidSQL = 0; pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(pdhStatus)) { PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY pBulk = PdhiBindBulkCopyStructure(pLog); if (pBulk == NULL) { pdhStatus = GetLastError(); } }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION ReportSQLError ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, RETCODE rc, HSTMT hstmt, DWORD dwEventNumber) { PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = dwEventNumber; }
if (FAILED(pdhStatus)) { // for now this will be reported only whe specifically enabled
short cbErrMsgSize = 512; WCHAR szError[512]; LPWSTR lpszStrings[1]; DWORD dwData[1]; long iError; lpszStrings[0] = szError; SQLErrorW( pLog->henvSQL, pLog->hdbcSQL, hstmt, NULL, &iError, szError, 512, &cbErrMsgSize ); dwData[0] = iError; if (pdhStatus == PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED && iError == 1105) { pdhStatus = ERROR_DISK_FULL; } ReportEventW (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // error type
0, // category (not used)
(DWORD)dwEventNumber, // event,
NULL, // SID (not used),
1, // number of strings
1, // sizeof raw data
(LPCWSTR *)lpszStrings, // message text array
(LPVOID) & dwData[0]); // raw data
return pdhStatus ; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiCloseSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN DWORD dwFlags ) // close the SQL database
if ((pLog->dwLogFormat & PDH_LOG_ACCESS_MASK) == PDH_LOG_WRITE_ACCESS) { // need to save the last datetime in the DisplayToID as well as the number of records written
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// first have to read the date time from the last record
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select CounterDateTime from CounterData where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x' and RecordIndex = %d", pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7], (pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite - 1));
// bind the column
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_WCHAR, szDateTime, sizeof(szDateTime), &dwDateTimeLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// close the hstmt since we're done, and don't want more rows
SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
if (SQL_NO_DATA != rc) // if there is no data, we didn't write any rows
{ // allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// szDateTime should have the correct date & time in it from above.
// get MinutesToUTC
dwReturn = GetTimeZoneInformation(&TimeZone);
if (dwReturn != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { if (dwReturn == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) { pTimeZone = TimeZone.DaylightName; lMinutesToUTC = TimeZone.Bias + TimeZone.DaylightBias; } else { pTimeZone = TimeZone.StandardName; lMinutesToUTC = TimeZone.Bias + TimeZone.StandardBias; } }
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"update DisplayToID set LogStopTime = '%ws', NumberOfRecords = %d, MinutesToUTC = %d, TimeZoneName = '%ws' where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x'", szDateTime, (pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite - 1), lMinutesToUTC,pTimeZone, pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7]);
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rcBCP = bcp_done(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (pLog->lpMappedFileBase != NULL) { G_FREE(pLog->lpMappedFileBase); pLog->lpMappedFileBase = NULL; }
if (pLog->pPerfmonInfo != NULL) { PdhiFreeLogMachineTable( (PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE *) (& (pLog->pPerfmonInfo))); pLog->pPerfmonInfo = NULL; } pLog->dwRecord1Size = 0; }// end of extra processing when closing a sql dataset open for writing
else if (pLog->pPerfmonInfo != NULL) { PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) pLog->pPerfmonInfo;
PdhiFreeLogMachineTable((PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE *) (& pLogInfo->MachineList)); //PdhiFreeSqlCounterDataNode(pLogInfo->LogData, 0);
G_FREE(pLog->pPerfmonInfo); pLog->pPerfmonInfo = NULL; }
Cleanup: // clean up the headers for the enumerations of counters
if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); if (pLog->hdbcSQL) { SQLDisconnect(pLog->hdbcSQL); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, pLog->hdbcSQL); } if (pLog->henvSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, pLog->henvSQL);
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhpWriteSQLCounters( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog ) // write the CounterTable entries that are new.
// An entry might already exist for a counter from a previous run
// so the first step is to read a counter (server+object+instance name)
// and see if it exists - if so - just record the counterid in the
// PDHI_LOG structure under pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead in the
// PDHI_COUNTER. If the counter doesn't exist - create it in SQL and
// record the counterid in the PDHI_LOG structure under
// pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead in the PDHI_COUNTER.
if(NULL == pLog->pQuery) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // no counters to process
pCtrEntry = pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead;
if (NULL != pCtrEntry) do { PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pSqlCounter = NULL; pdhStatus = PdhiSqlBuildCounterObjectNode( pLog, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szMachineName, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szObjectName); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) return pdhStatus;
if ((pCtrEntry->dwFlags & PDHIC_MULTI_INSTANCE) == 0) { pSqlCounter = PdhiSqlFindCounter( pLog, (PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE *) (& (pLog->pPerfmonInfo)), pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szMachineName, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szObjectName, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szCounterName, pCtrEntry->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType, pCtrEntry->plCounterInfo.lDefaultScale, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szInstanceName, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->dwIndex, pCtrEntry->pCounterPath->szParentName, pCtrEntry->plCounterInfo.dwParentObjectId, pCtrEntry->TimeBase, TRUE, TRUE); if (pSqlCounter != NULL) { pCtrEntry->pBTreeNode = (LPVOID) pSqlCounter; pCtrEntry->plCounterInfo.dwSQLCounterId = pSqlCounter->dwCounterID; if (pSqlCounter->dwCounterType == PERF_DOUBLE_RAW) { pSqlCounter->dwCounterType = pCtrEntry->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType; pSqlCounter->TimeBase = pCtrEntry->TimeBase; pdhStatus = PdhiSQLUpdateCounterDetailTimeBase(pLog, pCtrEntry->plCounterInfo.dwSQLCounterId, pCtrEntry->TimeBase, TRUE); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { pSqlCounter->dwCounterType = PERF_DOUBLE_RAW; pSqlCounter->TimeBase = 0; } }
} }
pCtrEntry = pCtrEntry->next.flink; } while (pCtrEntry != pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead); // loop thru pCtrEntry's
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiWriteSQLLogHeader ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LPCWSTR szUserCaption ) // there is no 'header record' in the SQL database,
// but we need to write the CounterTable entries that are new.
// use PdhpWriteSQLCounters to do that
// then write the DisplayToID record to identify this logset
pdhStatus = PdhpWriteSQLCounters(pLog);
if (pLog->dwRecord1Size == 0) { // we also need to write the DisplayToID record at this point
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"insert into DisplayToID values ('%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x',%d,'%ws',0,0,0,0,'')", pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7], pLog->iRunidSQL, pLog->szCommentSQL);
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } }
Cleanup: if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
if ( pThisValue->CStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS || ( pThisValue->TimeStamp.dwLowDateTime == 0 && pThisValue->TimeStamp.dwHighDateTime == 0)) { SystemTimeToFileTime(stTimeStamp, & pThisValue->TimeStamp); } PdhpConvertFileTimeToSQLString(& (pThisValue->TimeStamp), szDateTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(& (pThisValue->TimeStamp), & st);
if (pBulk == NULL) { pdhStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
pBulk->dbCounterId = dwCounterID; pBulk->dbRecordIndex = pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite; pBulk->dbFirstValueA = LODWORD(pThisValue->FirstValue); pBulk->dbFirstValueB = HIDWORD(pThisValue->FirstValue); pBulk->dbSecondValueA = LODWORD(pThisValue->SecondValue); pBulk->dbSecondValueB = HIDWORD(pThisValue->SecondValue); pBulk->dbMultiCount = (pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType == PERF_DOUBLE_RAW) ? MULTI_COUNT_DOUBLE_RAW : pThisValue->MultiCount;
sprintf(pBulk->dbDateTime, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
pBulk->dbCounterValue = pFmtValue->doubleValue; rc = bcp_sendrow(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (rc == FAIL) { DebugPrint((1,"bcp_sendrow(\"%ws\",%d,%d,\"%s\")(%d,%d)\n", pCounter->szFullName, pBulk->dbCounterId, pBulk->dbRecordIndex, pBulk->dbDateTime, rc, pBulk->dwRecordCount)); pdhStatus = PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED; } else { pBulk->dwRecordCount ++; if (pBulk->dwRecordCount == PDH_SQL_BULK_COPY_REC) { DBINT rcBCP = bcp_batch(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (rcBCP < 0) { DebugPrint((1,"bcp_batch(%05d,0x%08X,%d,%d)\n", __LINE__, pLog->hdbcSQL, rcBCP, pBulk->dwRecordCount)); pdhStatus = ReportSQLError( pLog, SQL_ERROR, NULL, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); } pBulk->dwRecordCount = 0; } }
Cleanup: return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiWriteSQLLogRecord ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN SYSTEMTIME *stTimeStamp, IN LPCWSTR szUserString ) // write multiple CounterData rows - one for each counter. use the
// SQLCounterID from PDHI_COUNTER, pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead to
// get the counterid for this entry.
// see if we've written to many records already
if (0 < pLog->llMaxSize) // ok we have a limit
if (pLog->llMaxSize < pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite) return PDH_LOG_FILE_TOO_SMALL;
// check each counter in the list of counters for this query and
// write them to the file
pThisCounter = pLog->pQuery ? pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead : NULL;
if (pThisCounter != NULL) { // lock the query while we read the data so the values
// written to the log will all be from the same sample
WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX(pThisCounter->pOwner->hMutex); do { if ((pThisCounter->dwFlags & PDHIC_MULTI_INSTANCE) != 0) { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwItem;
if ( pThisCounter->pLastObject != NULL && pThisCounter->pLastObject != pThisCounter->pThisObject) { G_FREE(pThisCounter->pLastObject); } pThisCounter->pLastObject = pThisCounter->pThisObject; pThisCounter->LastValue.MultiCount = pThisCounter->ThisValue.MultiCount;
pThisCounter->pThisObject = NULL; pThisCounter->ThisValue.MultiCount = 0; dwSize = 0; pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA;
while (pdhStatus == PDH_MORE_DATA) { pdhStatus = PdhiSqlGetCounterArray(pThisCounter, & dwSize, & dwItem, (LPVOID) pThisCounter->pThisObject); if (pdhStatus == PDH_MORE_DATA) { LPVOID pTemp = pThisCounter->pThisObject;
if (pTemp != NULL) { pThisCounter->pThisObject = G_REALLOC(pTemp, dwSize); if (pThisCounter->pThisObject == NULL) { G_FREE(pTemp); pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } } else { pThisCounter->pThisObject = G_ALLOC(dwSize); if (pThisCounter->pThisObject == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } } } } if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PPDH_RAW_COUNTER pRawValue; PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W pFmtValue; DWORD dwInstanceName; DWORD dwParentName; DWORD dwInstanceIndex; WCHAR szInstanceName[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE]; WCHAR szParentName[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE];
pThisCounter->ThisValue.MultiCount = dwItem; pRawValue = (PPDH_RAW_COUNTER) (pThisCounter->pThisObject); pFmtValue = (PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W) ( ((LPBYTE) pThisCounter->pThisObject) + sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER) * dwItem); for (dwSize = 0; dwSize < dwItem; dwSize ++) { dwInstanceName = PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE; dwParentName = PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE; dwInstanceIndex = 0; ZeroMemory(szInstanceName, sizeof(szInstanceName)); ZeroMemory(szParentName, sizeof(szParentName)); PdhParseInstanceNameW(pFmtValue->szName, szInstanceName, & dwInstanceName, szParentName, & dwParentName, & dwInstanceIndex); pSqlCounter = PdhiSqlFindCounter( pLog, (PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE *) (& (pLog->pPerfmonInfo)), pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szMachineName, pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szObjectName, pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szCounterName, pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType, pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.lDefaultScale, szInstanceName, dwInstanceIndex, szParentName, pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.dwParentObjectId, pThisCounter->TimeBase, FALSE, TRUE); ThisTimeStamp = MAKELONGLONG( pRawValue->TimeStamp.dwLowDateTime, pRawValue->TimeStamp.dwHighDateTime); if (pSqlCounter != NULL) { if (pSqlCounter->dwCounterType == PERF_DOUBLE_RAW) { pSqlCounter->dwCounterType = pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType; pSqlCounter->TimeBase = pThisCounter->TimeBase; pdhStatus = PdhiSQLUpdateCounterDetailTimeBase(pLog, pSqlCounter->dwCounterID, pThisCounter->TimeBase, FALSE); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { pSqlCounter->dwCounterType = PERF_DOUBLE_RAW; pSqlCounter->TimeBase = 0; } } if (pSqlCounter->TimeStamp < ThisTimeStamp) { dwCounterID = pSqlCounter->dwCounterID; pSqlCounter->TimeStamp = ThisTimeStamp; if (dwCounterID == 0) { DebugPrint((1,"bcp_sendrow-1(\"%ws\",\"%ws\",%d,\"%ws\")\n", pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szCounterName, szInstanceName, dwInstanceIndex, szParentName)); } pdhStatus = PdhiWriteOneSQLRecord( pLog, pThisCounter, dwCounterID, pRawValue, & (pFmtValue->FmtValue), stTimeStamp, szDateTime); } } pRawValue = (PPDH_RAW_COUNTER) ( ((LPBYTE) pRawValue) + sizeof(PDH_RAW_COUNTER)); pFmtValue = (PPDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W) ( ((LPBYTE) pFmtValue) + sizeof(PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM_W)); } } } else { pSqlCounter = (PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER) pThisCounter->pBTreeNode; ThisTimeStamp = MAKELONGLONG( pThisCounter->ThisValue.TimeStamp.dwLowDateTime, pThisCounter->ThisValue.TimeStamp.dwHighDateTime); if (pSqlCounter != NULL) { if (pSqlCounter->TimeStamp < ThisTimeStamp) { dwCounterID = pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.dwSQLCounterId; pSqlCounter->TimeStamp = ThisTimeStamp; pdhStatus = PdhiComputeFormattedValue( pThisCounter->CalcFunc, pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType, pThisCounter->lScale, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE | PDH_FMT_NOCAP100, & (pThisCounter->ThisValue), & (pThisCounter->LastValue), & (pThisCounter->TimeBase), 0L, & PdhValue); if ( (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ( (PdhValue.CStatus != PDH_CSTATUS_VALID_DATA) && (PdhValue.CStatus != PDH_CSTATUS_NEW_DATA))) { PdhValue.doubleValue = 0.0; } if (dwCounterID == 0) { DebugPrint((1,"bcp_sendrow-2(\"%ws\",\"%ws\",%d,\"%ws\")\n", pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szCounterName, pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szInstanceName, pThisCounter->pCounterPath->dwIndex, pThisCounter->pCounterPath->szParentName)); } pdhStatus = PdhiWriteOneSQLRecord( pLog, pThisCounter, dwCounterID, & (pThisCounter->ThisValue), & PdhValue, stTimeStamp, szDateTime); } #if DBG
else { DebugPrint((1,"DuplicateCounter-2(\"%ws\",%d,%I64d)\n", pThisCounter->szFullName, pThisCounter->plCounterInfo.dwSQLCounterId, ThisTimeStamp)); } #endif
} #if DBG
else { DebugPrint((1,"NullCounter-2(\"%ws\",%I64d)\n", pThisCounter->szFullName, ThisTimeStamp)); } #endif
pThisCounter = pThisCounter->next.flink; // go to next in list
} while (pThisCounter != pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead); // free (i.e. unlock) the query
rcBCP = bcp_batch(pLog->hdbcSQL); if (rcBCP < 0) { pBulk = (PPDH_SQL_BULK_COPY) pLog->lpMappedFileBase; if (pBulk != NULL) { DebugPrint((1,"bcp_batch(%05d,0x%08X,%d,0x%08X,%d)\n", __LINE__, pLog->hdbcSQL, rcBCP, pBulk, pBulk->dwRecordCount)); pBulk->dwRecordCount = 0; } return ReportSQLError(pLog, SQL_ERROR, NULL, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); }
RELEASE_MUTEX(pThisCounter->pOwner->hMutex); pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite++; }
// if this is the first record then save the start time in DisplayToID
// we also need to write the DisplayToID record at this point (we just incremented
// so check for 2)
if (2 == pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite) { // allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); } else { // szDateTime should have the correct date & time in it from above.
// get MinutesToUTC
dwReturn = GetTimeZoneInformation(&TimeZone);
if (dwReturn != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { if (dwReturn == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) { pTimeZone = TimeZone.DaylightName; lMinutesToUTC = TimeZone.Bias + TimeZone.DaylightBias; } else { pTimeZone = TimeZone.StandardName; lMinutesToUTC = TimeZone.Bias + TimeZone.StandardBias; } }
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"update DisplayToID set LogStartTime = '%ws', MinutesToUTC = %d, TimeZoneName = '%ws' where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x'", szDateTime, lMinutesToUTC,pTimeZone, pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7]);
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); }
SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); } }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); } else { swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"update DisplayToID set LogStopTime = '%ws', NumberOfRecords = %d where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x'", szDateTime, (pLog->dwNextRecordIdToWrite - 1), pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7]); rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); }
SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); } }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiEnumMachinesFromSQLLog ( PPDHI_LOG pLog, LPVOID pBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize, BOOL bUnicodeDest ) // Use the results of the function PdhpGetSQLLogHeader to build the list
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBufferUsed = 0; DWORD dwNewBuffer = 0; DWORD dwItemCount = 0; LPVOID LocalBuffer = NULL; LPVOID TempBuffer = NULL; DWORD LocalBufferSize = 0; PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine; PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo = NULL;
pdhStatus = PdhpGetSQLLogHeader(pLog); if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) pLog->pPerfmonInfo; if (pLogInfo == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_LOG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } } if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
LocalBufferSize = MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE; LocalBuffer = G_ALLOC(LocalBufferSize * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); if (LocalBuffer == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto Cleanup; }
dwItemCount = 0; dwBufferUsed = 0; dwItemCount = 0; for (pMachine = pLogInfo->MachineList; pMachine != NULL; pMachine = pMachine->next) { if (pMachine->szMachine != NULL) { dwNewBuffer = (lstrlenW(pMachine->szMachine) + 1); while (LocalBufferSize < (dwBufferUsed + dwNewBuffer)) { TempBuffer = LocalBuffer; LocalBufferSize += MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE; LocalBuffer = G_REALLOC(TempBuffer, LocalBufferSize * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); if (LocalBuffer == NULL) { if (TempBuffer != NULL) G_FREE(TempBuffer); pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto Cleanup; } } dwNewBuffer = AddUniqueWideStringToMultiSz((LPVOID) LocalBuffer, pMachine->szMachine, bUnicodeDest); } else { dwNewBuffer = 0; } if (dwNewBuffer > 0) { dwBufferUsed = dwNewBuffer; dwItemCount ++; } }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwItemCount > 0) { dwBufferUsed ++; } if (pBuffer && (dwBufferUsed <= * lpdwBufferSize)) { RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer, LocalBuffer, dwBufferUsed * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); } else { if (pBuffer != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer, LocalBuffer, (* lpdwBufferSize) * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); } pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; } * lpdwBufferSize = dwBufferUsed; }
Cleanup: if (LocalBuffer != NULL) G_FREE(LocalBuffer); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiEnumObjectsFromSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LPCWSTR szMachineName, IN LPVOID pBuffer, IN LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize, IN DWORD dwDetailLevel, IN BOOL bUnicodeDest ) // Use the results of the function PdhpGetSQLLogHeader to build the lists
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBufferUsed = 0; DWORD dwNewBuffer = 0; DWORD dwItemCount = 0; LPVOID LocalBuffer = NULL; LPVOID TempBuffer = NULL; DWORD LocalBufferSize = 0; PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject = NULL; LPWSTR szLocMachine = (LPWSTR) szMachineName; PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo = NULL;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwDetailLevel); pdhStatus = PdhpGetSQLLogHeader(pLog); if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) pLog->pPerfmonInfo; if (pLogInfo == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_LOG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } } if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
LocalBufferSize = MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE; LocalBuffer = G_ALLOC(LocalBufferSize * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); if (LocalBuffer == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto Cleanup; }
if (szLocMachine == NULL) szLocMachine = (LPWSTR) szStaticLocalMachineName;
dwBufferUsed = 0; dwNewBuffer = 0; dwItemCount = 0;
for (pMachine = pLogInfo->MachineList; pMachine != NULL; pMachine = pMachine->next) { if (lstrcmpiW(pMachine->szMachine, szLocMachine) == 0) break; }
if (pMachine != NULL) { for (pObject = pMachine->ObjList; pObject != NULL; pObject = pObject->next) { if (pObject->szObject != NULL) { dwNewBuffer = (lstrlenW(pObject->szObject) + 1); while (LocalBufferSize < (dwBufferUsed + dwNewBuffer)) { LocalBufferSize += MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE; TempBuffer = LocalBuffer; LocalBuffer = G_REALLOC(TempBuffer, LocalBufferSize * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); if (LocalBuffer == NULL) { if (TempBuffer != NULL) G_FREE(TempBuffer); pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto Cleanup; } } dwNewBuffer = AddUniqueWideStringToMultiSz((LPVOID) LocalBuffer, pObject->szObject, bUnicodeDest); } else { dwNewBuffer = 0; } if (dwNewBuffer > 0) { dwBufferUsed = dwNewBuffer; dwItemCount ++; } } } else { pdhStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwItemCount > 0) { dwBufferUsed ++; } if (dwBufferUsed > 0) { if (pBuffer && (dwBufferUsed <= * lpdwBufferSize)) { RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer, LocalBuffer, dwBufferUsed * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); } else { if (pBuffer) RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer, LocalBuffer, (* lpdwBufferSize) * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; } } * lpdwBufferSize = dwBufferUsed; }
Cleanup: G_FREE(LocalBuffer); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiEnumObjectItemsFromSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LPCWSTR szMachineName, IN LPCWSTR szObjectName, IN PDHI_COUNTER_TABLE CounterTable, IN DWORD dwDetailLevel, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo = NULL; DWORD dwItemCount = 0; LPWSTR szFullInstance = NULL; DWORD dwFullInstance = SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE; LPWSTR szLocMachine = (LPWSTR) szMachineName; PPDHI_INSTANCE pInstance; PPDHI_INST_LIST pInstList; PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject = NULL; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter = NULL;
pdhStatus = PdhpGetSQLLogHeader(pLog); if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) pLog->pPerfmonInfo; if (pLogInfo == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_LOG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } } if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
if (szLocMachine == NULL) szLocMachine = (LPWSTR) szStaticLocalMachineName;
for (pMachine = pLogInfo->MachineList; pMachine != NULL; pMachine = pMachine->next) { if (lstrcmpiW(pMachine->szMachine, szLocMachine) == 0) break; }
if (pMachine != NULL) { pObject = PdhiFindLogObject(pMachine, & (pMachine->ObjTable), (LPWSTR) szObjectName, FALSE); } else { pdhStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; pObject = NULL; }
if (pObject != NULL) { WCHAR szIndexNumber[20];
szFullInstance = G_ALLOC(dwFullInstance * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (szFullInstance == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto Cleanup; }
for (pCounter = pObject->CtrList; pCounter != NULL; pCounter = pCounter->next) { pdhStatus = PdhiFindCounterInstList(CounterTable, pCounter->szCounter, & pInstList); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
if (pCounter->szInstance != NULL && pCounter->szInstance[0] != L'\0') { if (pCounter->szParent != NULL && pCounter->szParent[0] != L'\0') { swprintf(szFullInstance, L"%ws%ws%ws", pCounter->szParent, L"/", pCounter->szInstance); } else { lstrcpynW(szFullInstance, pCounter->szInstance, dwFullInstance); } if (pCounter->dwInstance > 0) { ZeroMemory(szIndexNumber, 20 * sizeof(WCHAR)); _ultow(pCounter->dwInstance, szIndexNumber, 10); lstrcatW(szFullInstance, L"#"); lstrcatW(szFullInstance, szIndexNumber); } pdhStatus = PdhiFindInstance(& pInstList->InstList, szFullInstance, TRUE, & pInstance); }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwItemCount ++; } } } else if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pdhStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT; } if (dwItemCount > 0) { // then the routine was successful. Errors that occurred
// while scanning will be ignored as long as at least
// one entry was successfully read
pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
Cleanup: G_FREE(szFullInstance); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiGetMatchingSQLLogRecord ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LONGLONG *pStartTime, IN LPDWORD pdwIndex ) // find the counter detail rows with the correct start time & GUID,
// and return the record index
// and build the result
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szSQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE]; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; DWORD dwCounterId; DWORD dwRecordIndex; WCHAR szCounterDateTime[TIME_FIELD_BUFF_SIZE]; LONGLONG locStartTime = (* pStartTime) - 10; LARGE_INTEGER i64FirstValue, i64SecondValue; DWORD dwMultiCount; WCHAR szStartDate[30];
PdhpConvertFileTimeToSQLString((LPFILETIME) (& locStartTime), szStartDate);
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select CounterID, RecordIndex, CounterDateTime, FirstValueA, FirstValueB, SecondValueA, SecondValueB, MultiCount from CounterData where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x' and CounterDateTime >= '%ws'", pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7], szStartDate);
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// bind the columns
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, &dwCounterId, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_LONG, &dwRecordIndex, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_WCHAR, szCounterDateTime, sizeof(szCounterDateTime), NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_LONG, &i64FirstValue.LowPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_LONG, &i64FirstValue.HighPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_LONG, &i64SecondValue.LowPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_LONG, &i64SecondValue.HighPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_LONG, &dwMultiCount, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the select statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
if (SQL_NO_DATA == rc) { pdhStatus = PDH_NO_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
pLog->dwLastRecordRead = dwRecordIndex; *pdwIndex = dwRecordIndex;
Cleanup: if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiGetCounterValueFromSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN PPDHI_COUNTER pCounter, IN PPDH_RAW_COUNTER pValue ) // looks like this read one counter from the record line
// SQL can do this with a select
// It turns out the caller of this routine is looping thru
// pLog->pQuery->pCounterListHead and getting the pPath from PDHI_COUNTER
// then use the dwIndex as a recordid to get the pPath structure, so we can use the
// SQLCounterID from pPath directly and then use the dwIndex as a recordid.
{ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szSQLStmt[SQLSTMTSIZE]; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; DWORD dwMultiCount; WCHAR szCounterDateTime[TIME_FIELD_BUFF_SIZE]; FILETIME ftCounterDateTime; LARGE_INTEGER i64FirstValue, i64SecondValue; DOUBLE dCounterValue;
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select FirstValueA, FirstValueB, SecondValueA, SecondValueB, MultiCount, CounterDateTime, CounterValue from CounterData where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x' and CounterID = %d and RecordIndex = %d", pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7], pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwSQLCounterId,dwIndex);
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// bind the columns
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, &i64FirstValue.LowPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_LONG, &i64FirstValue.HighPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, &i64SecondValue.LowPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_LONG, &i64SecondValue.HighPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_LONG, &dwMultiCount, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_WCHAR, szCounterDateTime, sizeof(szCounterDateTime), NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &dCounterValue, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the select statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
if (SQL_NO_DATA == rc) { pdhStatus = PDH_NO_MORE_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
// build a raw counter on pValue
pValue->CStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_VALID_DATA; PdhpConvertSQLStringToFileTime(szCounterDateTime,&ftCounterDateTime); pValue->TimeStamp = ftCounterDateTime;
if (dwMultiCount == MULTI_COUNT_DOUBLE_RAW) { pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType = PERF_DOUBLE_RAW; pValue->FirstValue = i64FirstValue.QuadPart; pValue->MultiCount = 1; pValue->SecondValue = i64SecondValue.QuadPart; } else if (pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType == PERF_DOUBLE_RAW) { (double) pValue->FirstValue = dCounterValue; pValue->SecondValue = 0; pValue->MultiCount = 1; } else { pValue->FirstValue = i64FirstValue.QuadPart; pValue->MultiCount = dwMultiCount; pValue->SecondValue = i64SecondValue.QuadPart; }
Cleanup: if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiGetTimeRangeFromSQLLog ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LPDWORD pdwNumEntries, IN PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo, IN LPDWORD pdwBufferSize ) // The function PdhpGetSQLLogHeader or another routine that does
// something similar and saves the time range - which will
// do this, and save the results for subsequent calls - also
// gets the time range for a particular GUID. SQL will never
// have multiple's per DB as it assigns a new GUID for each run.
the first entry in the buffer returned is the total time range covered in the file, if there are multiple time blocks in the log file, then subsequent entries will identify each segment in the file. --*/ {
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select LogStartTime, LogStopTime, NumberOfRecords from DisplayToID where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x'", pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7]);
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// bind the date columns column
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_WCHAR, szStartTime, sizeof(szStartTime), &dwStartTimeStat); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_WCHAR, szEndTime, sizeof(szEndTime), &dwEndTimeStat); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, &dwNumberOfRecords, 0, &dwNumRecStat); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the select statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (SQL_NO_DATA == rc) { pdhStatus = PDH_NO_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
// if anything is missing - could try and re-create from existing log file
if ((SQL_NULL_DATA == dwStartTimeStat) || (SQL_NULL_DATA == dwEndTimeStat) || (SQL_NULL_DATA == dwNumRecStat)) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
// convert the dates
PdhpConvertSQLStringToFileTime (szStartTime,(LPFILETIME)&llStartTime); PdhpConvertSQLStringToFileTime (szEndTime,(LPFILETIME)&llEndTime);
// we have the info so update the args.
if (*pdwBufferSize >= sizeof(PDH_TIME_INFO)) { *(LONGLONG *)(&pInfo->StartTime) = llStartTime; *(LONGLONG *)(&pInfo->EndTime) = llEndTime; pInfo->SampleCount = dwNumberOfRecords; *pdwBufferSize = sizeof(PDH_TIME_INFO); *pdwNumEntries = 1; }
Cleanup: if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiReadRawSQLLogRecord ( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN FILETIME *ftRecord, IN PPDH_RAW_LOG_RECORD pBuffer, IN LPDWORD pdwBufferLength ) // requirement to connect counter/instance names makes this difficult - not needed anyway
PDH_FUNCTION PdhpGetSQLLogHeader( PPDHI_LOG pLog ) { PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; LPWSTR szSQLStmt = NULL; LPWSTR szMachineNamel = NULL; LPWSTR szObjectNamel = NULL; LPWSTR szCounterNamel = NULL; LPWSTR szInstanceNamel = NULL; LPWSTR szParentNamel = NULL; DWORD dwInstanceIndexl; DWORD dwParentObjIdl; DWORD dwSQLCounterIdl; DWORD dwCounterTypel; LARGE_INTEGER lTimeBase; LONG lDefaultScalel; SQLLEN dwMachineNameLen; SQLLEN dwObjectNameLen; SQLLEN dwCounterNameLen; SQLLEN dwInstanceNameLen; SQLLEN dwParentNameLen; SQLLEN dwInstanceIndexStat; SQLLEN dwParentObjIdStat; SQLLEN dwTimeBaseA; SQLLEN dwTimeBaseB; SQLLEN dwSQLCounterId;
if (pLog->pPerfmonInfo != NULL) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) G_ALLOC(sizeof(PDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO)); szSQLStmt = (LPWSTR) G_ALLOC((SQLSTMTSIZE + 5 * PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pLogInfo == NULL || szSQLStmt == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto Cleanup; }
pLog->pPerfmonInfo = pLogInfo; szMachineNamel = szSQLStmt + SQLSTMTSIZE; szObjectNamel = szMachineNamel + PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE; szCounterNamel = szObjectNamel + PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE; szInstanceNamel = szCounterNamel + PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE; szParentNamel = szInstanceNamel + PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE;
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, & hstmt); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select distinct MachineName, ObjectName, CounterName, CounterType, DefaultScale, InstanceName, InstanceIndex, ParentName, ParentObjectID, CounterID, TimeBaseA, TimeBaseB from CounterDetails where CounterID in (select distinct CounterID from CounterData where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x') Order by MachineName, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, InstanceIndex ", pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7]);
// note SQL returns the size in bytes without the terminating character
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_WCHAR, szMachineNamel, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwMachineNameLen); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_WCHAR, szObjectNamel, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwObjectNameLen); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_WCHAR, szCounterNamel, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwCounterNameLen); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_LONG, & dwCounterTypel, 0, NULL); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_LONG, & lDefaultScalel, 0, NULL); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } // check for SQL_NULL_DATA on the index's and on Instance Name & Parent Name
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_WCHAR, szInstanceNamel, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwInstanceNameLen); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_LONG, & dwInstanceIndexl, 0, & dwInstanceIndexStat); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_WCHAR, szParentNamel, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR), & dwParentNameLen); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 9, SQL_C_LONG, & dwParentObjIdl, 0, & dwParentObjIdStat); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 10, SQL_C_LONG, & dwSQLCounterIdl, 0, & dwSQLCounterId); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 11, SQL_C_LONG, & lTimeBase.LowPart, 0, & dwTimeBaseA); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 12, SQL_C_LONG, & lTimeBase.HighPart, 0, & dwTimeBaseB); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
// execute the sql command
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; } rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); while (rc != SQL_NO_DATA) { PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter;
if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); break; } else { LPWSTR szInstance = (dwInstanceNameLen != SQL_NULL_DATA) ? (szInstanceNamel) : (NULL); LPWSTR szParent = (dwParentNameLen != SQL_NULL_DATA) ? (szParentNamel) : (NULL);
if (dwInstanceIndexStat == SQL_NULL_DATA) dwInstanceIndexl = 0; if (dwParentObjIdStat == SQL_NULL_DATA) dwParentObjIdl = 0;
pCounter = PdhiFindLogCounter(pLog, & pLogInfo->MachineList, szMachineNamel, szObjectNamel, szCounterNamel, dwCounterTypel, lDefaultScalel, szInstance, dwInstanceIndexl, szParent, dwParentObjIdl, & dwSQLCounterIdl, TRUE); if (pCounter == NULL) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog, rc, hstmt, PDH_CSTATUS_NO_COUNTER); break; } if (dwTimeBaseA != SQL_NULL_DATA && dwTimeBaseB != SQL_NULL_DATA) { pCounter->TimeBase = lTimeBase.QuadPart; } else { pCounter->dwCounterType = PERF_DOUBLE_RAW; pCounter->TimeBase = 0; pCounter->dwDefaultScale = 0; } } rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); }
Cleanup: if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); G_FREE(szSQLStmt); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { G_FREE(pLogInfo); pLog->pPerfmonInfo = NULL; } return pdhStatus; }
// Check that a DSN points to a database that contains the correct Perfmon tables.
// select from the tables and check for an error
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; PDHI_LOG Log; // a fake log structure - just to make opens work ok
WCHAR szMachineNamel[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; WCHAR szObjectNamel[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; WCHAR szCounterNamel[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; WCHAR szInstanceNamel[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; WCHAR szParentNamel[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; SQLLEN dwMachineNameLen; SQLLEN dwObjectNameLen; SQLLEN dwCounterNameLen; SQLLEN dwInstanceNameLen; SQLLEN dwParentNameLen;
DWORD dwInstanceIndexl; DWORD dwParentObjIdl; SQLLEN dwInstanceIndexStat; SQLLEN dwParentObjIdStat;
DWORD dwSQLCounterIdl; DWORD dwCounterTypel; LONG lDefaultScalel; LONG lMinutesToUTC = 0; WCHAR szTimeZoneName[32]; SQLLEN dwTimeZoneLen;
DWORD dwNumOfRecs; double dblCounterValuel;
LARGE_INTEGER i64FirstValue, i64SecondValue; ZeroMemory((void *)(&Log), sizeof(PDHI_LOG)); // open the database
// obtain the ODBC environment and connection
rc = SQLAllocEnv(&Log.henvSQL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } rc = SQLAllocConnect(Log.henvSQL, &Log.hdbcSQL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(Log.hdbcSQL, SQL_COPT_SS_BCP, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_BCP_ON, SQL_IS_INTEGER); if (! SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLConnectW(Log.hdbcSQL, (SQLWCHAR*)szDataSource, SQL_NTS, NULL, SQL_NULL_DATA, // Use password & user name from DSN
NULL, SQL_NULL_DATA); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_CONNECT_FAILED); pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_DATASOURCE; goto CleanupExit; }
// do a select on the CounterDetails Table
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select MachineName, ObjectName, CounterName, CounterType, DefaultScale, InstanceName, InstanceIndex, ParentName, ParentObjectID, CounterID from CounterDetails");
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(Log.hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// note SQL returns the size in bytes without the terminating character
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_WCHAR, szMachineNamel, sizeof(szMachineNamel), &dwMachineNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_WCHAR, szObjectNamel, sizeof(szObjectNamel), &dwObjectNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_WCHAR, szCounterNamel, sizeof(szCounterNamel), &dwCounterNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_LONG, &dwCounterTypel, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_LONG, &lDefaultScalel, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_WCHAR, szInstanceNamel, sizeof(szInstanceNamel), &dwInstanceNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_LONG, &dwInstanceIndexl, 0, &dwInstanceIndexStat); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_WCHAR, szParentNamel, sizeof(szParentNamel), &dwParentNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 9, SQL_C_LONG, &dwParentObjIdl, 0, &dwParentObjIdStat); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 10, SQL_C_LONG, &dwSQLCounterIdl, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// execute the sql command
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_SQLDB; goto CleanupExit; }
SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
// do a select on the DisplayToID Table
swprintf(szSQLStmt,L"select GUID, RunID, DisplayString, LogStartTime, LogStopTime, NumberOfRecords, MinutesToUTC, TimeZoneName from DisplayToID");
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(Log.hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// bind the column names - reuse local strings as needed
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_GUID, &Log.guidSQL, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_LONG, &Log.iRunidSQL, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } // DislayString
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_WCHAR, szMachineNamel, sizeof(szMachineNamel), &dwMachineNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } //LogStartTime
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_WCHAR, szObjectNamel, sizeof(szObjectNamel), &dwObjectNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } //LogStopTime
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_WCHAR, szCounterNamel, sizeof(szCounterNamel), &dwCounterNameLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_LONG, &dwNumOfRecs, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_LONG, &lMinutesToUTC, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_WCHAR, szTimeZoneName, sizeof(szTimeZoneName), &dwTimeZoneLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// execute the sql command
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_SQLDB; goto CleanupExit; }
SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); hstmt = NULL;
// do a select on the CounterData Table
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"select GUID, CounterID, RecordIndex, CounterDateTime, CounterValue, FirstValueA, FirstValueB, SecondValueA, SecondValueB, MultiCount from CounterData");
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(Log.hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// bind the columns
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_GUID, &Log.guidSQL, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_LONG, &dwSQLCounterIdl, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } // record index
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_LONG, &dwNumOfRecs, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_WCHAR, szCounterDateTime, sizeof(szCounterDateTime), NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &dblCounterValuel, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_LONG, &i64FirstValue.LowPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_LONG, &i64FirstValue.HighPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_LONG, &i64SecondValue.LowPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 9, SQL_C_LONG, &i64SecondValue.HighPart, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 10, SQL_C_LONG, &dwMultiCount, 0, NULL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// execute the select statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = E_FAIL; // PDH_INVALID_SQLDB
goto CleanupExit; }
// close the database
CleanupExit: // verify db
if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); if (Log.hdbcSQL) { SQLDisconnect(Log.hdbcSQL); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, Log.hdbcSQL); } if (Log.henvSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, Log.henvSQL); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhVerifySQLDBA ( LPCSTR szDataSource) { //Check that a DSN points to a database that contains the correct Perfmon tables.
// check args
__try {
if (szDataSource != NULL) { WCHAR TestChar; // test for read access to the name
TestChar = *szDataSource; if (TestChar == 0) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) { dwLength = lstrlenA(szDataSource); RtlZeroMemory(wszDataSource, sizeof(wszDataSource)); MultiByteToWideChar(_getmbcp(), 0, szDataSource, dwLength, (LPWSTR) wszDataSource, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); pdhStatus = PdhiVerifySQLDB(wszDataSource); }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhVerifySQLDBW ( LPCWSTR szDataSource) { //Check that a DSN points to a database that contains the correct Perfmon tables.
__try {
if (szDataSource != NULL) { WCHAR TestChar; // test for read access to the name
TestChar = *szDataSource; if (TestChar == 0) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) { pdhStatus = PdhiVerifySQLDB (szDataSource); }
return pdhStatus; }
//Create the correct perfmon tables in the database pointed to by a DSN.
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; RETCODE rc; PDHI_LOG Log; // a fake log structure - just to make opens work ok
ZeroMemory((void *)(&Log), sizeof(PDHI_LOG));
// open the database
// obtain the ODBC environment and connection
rc = SQLAllocEnv(&Log.henvSQL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; } rc = SQLAllocConnect(Log.henvSQL, &Log.hdbcSQL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(Log.hdbcSQL, SQL_COPT_SS_BCP, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_BCP_ON, SQL_IS_INTEGER); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLConnectW(Log.hdbcSQL, (SQLWCHAR*)szDataSource, SQL_NTS, NULL, SQL_NULL_DATA, // Use password & user name from DSN
NULL, SQL_NULL_DATA); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_CONNECT_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// actually create the tables
pdhStatus = PdhpCreateSQLTables(&Log);
CleanupExit: if (Log.hdbcSQL) SQLDisconnect(Log.hdbcSQL); if (Log.hdbcSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, Log.hdbcSQL); if (Log.henvSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, Log.henvSQL); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhCreateSQLTablesA ( LPCSTR szDataSource) { //Create the correct perfmon tables in the database pointed to by a DSN.
WCHAR wszDataSource[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; DWORD dwLength;
// check args
__try {
if (szDataSource != NULL) { WCHAR TestChar; // test for read access to the name
TestChar = *szDataSource; if (TestChar == 0) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) { dwLength = lstrlenA(szDataSource); ZeroMemory(wszDataSource, sizeof(wszDataSource)); MultiByteToWideChar(_getmbcp(), 0, szDataSource, dwLength, (LPWSTR) wszDataSource, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); pdhStatus = PdhiCreateSQLTables (wszDataSource); }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhCreateSQLTablesW ( LPCWSTR szDataSource) { //Create the correct perfmon tables in the database pointed to by a DSN.
__try {
if (szDataSource != NULL) { WCHAR TestChar; // test for read access to the name
TestChar = *szDataSource; if (TestChar == 0) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) { pdhStatus = PdhiCreateSQLTables (szDataSource); }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiEnumLogSetNames ( LPCWSTR szDataSource, LPVOID mszDataSetNameList, LPDWORD pcchBufferLength, BOOL bUnicodeDest) { //Return the list of Log set names in the database pointed to by the DSN.
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDH_STATUS pdhBuffStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HSTMT hstmt = NULL; RETCODE rc; PDHI_LOG Log; // a fake log structure - just to make opens work ok
SQLLEN dwDisplayStringLen; DWORD dwNewBuffer; DWORD dwListUsed; DWORD dwAdditionalSpace;
ZeroMemory((void *)(&Log), sizeof(PDHI_LOG));
// open the database
// obtain the ODBC environment and connection
rc = SQLAllocEnv(&Log.henvSQL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLAllocConnect(Log.henvSQL, &Log.hdbcSQL); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(Log.hdbcSQL, SQL_COPT_SS_BCP, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_BCP_ON, SQL_IS_INTEGER); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_ALLOCCON_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
rc = SQLConnectW(Log.hdbcSQL, (SQLWCHAR*)szDataSource, SQL_NTS, NULL, SQL_NULL_DATA, // Use password & user name from DSN
NULL, SQL_NULL_DATA); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,NULL,PDH_SQL_CONNECT_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// do a select
// loop around in a fetch and
// build the list of names
swprintf(szSQLStmt,L"select DisplayString from DisplayToID");
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(Log.hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// bind the machine name column
rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_WCHAR, szDisplayStringl, sizeof(szDisplayStringl), &dwDisplayStringLen); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_BIND_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// execute the select statement
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
dwListUsed=1 *(bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR)); // include the null terminator to start;
dwAdditionalSpace = 0; // used to accumulate additional memory size req. when buffer overflows
// loop around the result set using fetch
while ( (rc = SQLFetch(hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA) { if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
// Append the DisplayName to the returned list
dwNewBuffer = (lstrlenW (szDisplayStringl) + 1) * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR));
if (0 == *pcchBufferLength) { // SQL won't let non unique LogSet names into the database
// so we don't really have to worry about duplicates
dwListUsed += dwNewBuffer; } else {// we actually think we have an extra terminator - so for an exact fit test against one extra in the output buffer
if ((dwListUsed + dwNewBuffer) > *pcchBufferLength * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))) { pdhBuffStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; dwAdditionalSpace += dwNewBuffer; } else { // add the display name
dwNewBuffer = PdhpAddUniqueUnicodeStringToMultiSz( (LPVOID)mszDataSetNameList, (LPWSTR)szDisplayStringl, bUnicodeDest); if (dwNewBuffer != 0) // if it got added returned new length in TCHAR
{ dwListUsed = dwNewBuffer * (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR)); } } } } // end of while fetch
if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(&Log,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_FETCH_FAILED); goto CleanupExit; }
if (0 == *pcchBufferLength) { pdhBuffStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; *pcchBufferLength = (dwListUsed / (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); } else if (pdhBuffStatus == PDH_MORE_DATA) { *pcchBufferLength = ((dwListUsed + dwAdditionalSpace) / (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); } else { *pcchBufferLength = (dwListUsed / (bUnicodeDest ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR))); } pdhStatus = pdhBuffStatus;
// close the database
CleanupExit: if (hstmt != NULL) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); if (Log.hdbcSQL) { SQLDisconnect(Log.hdbcSQL); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, Log.hdbcSQL); } if (Log.henvSQL) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, Log.henvSQL); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhEnumLogSetNamesA ( LPCSTR szDataSource, LPSTR mszDataSetNameList, LPDWORD pcchBufferLength) { //Return the list of Log set names in the database pointed to by the DSN.
WCHAR wszDataSource[PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE+1]; DWORD dwLength;
// check args
__try { if (szDataSource != NULL) { WCHAR TestChar; // test for read access to the name
TestChar = *szDataSource; if (TestChar == 0) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (mszDataSetNameList != NULL) { // test for write access to the name
*mszDataSetNameList = 0; }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && mszDataSetNameList != NULL) { if (*pcchBufferLength >= sizeof(DWORD)) { // test writing to the buffers to make sure they are valid
CLEAR_FIRST_FOUR_BYTES (mszDataSetNameList); mszDataSetNameList[*pcchBufferLength -1] = 0; } else if (*pcchBufferLength >= sizeof(WCHAR)) { // then just try the first byte
*mszDataSetNameList = 0; } else if (*pcchBufferLength != 0) { // it's smaller than a character so return if not 0
pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; } }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwBufferSize = *pcchBufferLength; *pcchBufferLength = 0; *pcchBufferLength = dwBufferSize; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) { dwLength = lstrlenA(szDataSource); ZeroMemory(wszDataSource, sizeof(wszDataSource)); MultiByteToWideChar(_getmbcp(), 0, szDataSource, dwLength, (LPWSTR) wszDataSource, PDH_SQL_STRING_SIZE); pdhStatus = PdhiEnumLogSetNames (wszDataSource, mszDataSetNameList, pcchBufferLength, FALSE); }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhEnumLogSetNamesW ( LPCWSTR szDataSource, LPWSTR mszDataSetNameList, LPDWORD pcchBufferLength) { //Return the list of Log set names in the database pointed to by the DSN.
// check args
__try {
if (szDataSource != NULL) { WCHAR TestChar; // test for read access to the name
TestChar = *szDataSource; if (TestChar == 0) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (mszDataSetNameList != NULL) { // test for write access to the name
*mszDataSetNameList = 0; }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && mszDataSetNameList != NULL) { if (*pcchBufferLength >= sizeof(DWORD)) { // test writing to the buffers to make sure they are valid
CLEAR_FIRST_FOUR_BYTES (mszDataSetNameList); mszDataSetNameList[*pcchBufferLength -1] = 0; } else if (*pcchBufferLength >= sizeof(WCHAR)) { // then just try the first byte
*mszDataSetNameList = 0; } else if (*pcchBufferLength != 0) { // it's smaller than a character so return if not 0
pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; } }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwBufferSize = *pcchBufferLength; *pcchBufferLength = 0; *pcchBufferLength = dwBufferSize; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) {
pdhStatus = PdhiEnumLogSetNames (szDataSource, mszDataSetNameList, pcchBufferLength, TRUE); }
return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhGetLogSetGUID ( HLOG hLog, GUID *pGuid, int *pRunId) { //Retrieve the GUID for an open Log Set
if (IsValidLogHandle (hLog)) { pLog = (PPDHI_LOG)hLog; WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX (pLog->hLogMutex); // make sure it's still valid as it could have
// been deleted while we were waiting
if (IsValidLogHandle (hLog)) { pLog = (PPDHI_LOG)hLog;
__try { // test the parameters before continuing
if ((pGuid == NULL) && (pRunId == NULL)) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { if (pGuid != NULL) { // if not NULL, it must be valid
*pGuid = pLog->guidSQL; } if (pRunId != NULL) { // if not NULL, it must be valid
*pRunId = pLog->iRunidSQL; } }
} __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // something failed so give up here
pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } else { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_HANDLE; }
RELEASE_MUTEX (pLog->hLogMutex); } else { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_HANDLE; } return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiSetLogSetRunID ( PPDHI_LOG pLog, int RunId) { //Set the RunID for an open Log Set
pLog->iRunidSQL = RunId;
// allocate an hstmt
rc = SQLAllocStmt(pLog->hdbcSQL, &hstmt); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_ALLOC_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
swprintf(szSQLStmt, L"update DisplayToID set RunID = %d where GUID = '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x'", RunId, pLog->guidSQL.Data1, pLog->guidSQL.Data2, pLog->guidSQL.Data3, pLog->guidSQL.Data4[0], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[1], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[2], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[3], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[4], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[5], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[6], pLog->guidSQL.Data4[7]);
rc = SQLExecDirectW(hstmt, szSQLStmt, SQL_NTS); if (!SQLSUCCEEDED(rc)) { pdhStatus = ReportSQLError(pLog,rc,hstmt,PDH_SQL_EXEC_DIRECT_FAILED); goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if (hstmt) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhSetLogSetRunID ( HLOG hLog, int RunId) { //Set the RunID for an open Log Set
if (IsValidLogHandle (hLog)) { pLog = (PPDHI_LOG)hLog; WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX (pLog->hLogMutex); // make sure it's still valid as it could have
// been deleted while we were waiting
if (IsValidLogHandle (hLog)) { pLog = (PPDHI_LOG)hLog;
pdhStatus = PdhiSetLogSetRunID (pLog, RunId); } else { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_HANDLE; }
RELEASE_MUTEX (pLog->hLogMutex); } else { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_HANDLE; } return pdhStatus; }
PDH_FUNCTION PdhiListHeaderFromSQLLog( IN PPDHI_LOG pLog, IN LPVOID pBufferArg, IN LPDWORD pcchBufferSize, IN BOOL bUnicode ) { PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO pLogInfo; PPDHI_LOG_MACHINE pMachine; PPDHI_LOG_OBJECT pObject; PPDHI_LOG_COUNTER pCounter; PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS_W pdhPathElem; WCHAR szPathString[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwNewBuffer = 0; DWORD dwBufferUsed = 0; DWORD nItemCount = 0;
if (pcchBufferSize == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto Cleanup; } pdhStatus = PdhpGetSQLLogHeader(pLog); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
pLogInfo = (PPDHI_SQL_LOG_INFO) pLog->pPerfmonInfo; if (pLogInfo == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_LOG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; goto Cleanup; }
for (pMachine = pLogInfo->MachineList; pMachine != NULL; pMachine = pMachine->next) { for (pObject = pMachine->ObjList; pObject != NULL; pObject = pObject->next) { for (pCounter = pObject->CtrList; pCounter != NULL; pCounter = pCounter->next) { ZeroMemory(szPathString, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); dwNewBuffer = SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE; ZeroMemory(& pdhPathElem, sizeof(PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS_W)); pdhPathElem.szMachineName = pMachine->szMachine; pdhPathElem.szObjectName = pObject->szObject; pdhPathElem.szCounterName = pCounter->szCounter; pdhPathElem.szInstanceName = pCounter->szInstance; pdhPathElem.szParentInstance = pCounter->szParent; pdhPathElem.dwInstanceIndex = (pCounter->dwInstance != 0) ? (pCounter->dwInstance) : (PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID); pdhStatus = PdhMakeCounterPathW(& pdhPathElem, szPathString, & dwNewBuffer, 0); if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwNewBuffer == 0) continue;
if ((dwBufferUsed + dwNewBuffer) < * pcchBufferSize) { if (pBufferArg != NULL) { dwNewBuffer = AddUniqueWideStringToMultiSz((LPVOID) pBufferArg, szPathString, bUnicode); } else { dwNewBuffer += dwBufferUsed; pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; } } else { dwNewBuffer += dwBufferUsed; pdhStatus = PDH_MORE_DATA; } if (dwNewBuffer > 0) dwBufferUsed = dwNewBuffer; nItemCount ++; } } }
if (nItemCount > 0 && pdhStatus != PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && pdhStatus != PDH_MORE_DATA) { pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (pBufferArg == NULL) { dwBufferUsed ++; }
* pcchBufferSize = dwBufferUsed;
Cleanup: return pdhStatus; }