| //
|Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated //
| //
|Description: //
| //
| This file implements the CProcConUser class methods defined in ProcConSvc.h //
| //
|Created: //
| //
| Jarl McDonald 07-98 //
| //
|Revision History: //
| //
|=======================================================================================*/ #include "ProcConSvc.h"
const TCHAR *CProcConUser::PIPENAME = TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\ProcConPip");
// Constructor
// Note: this function runs as part of service start so keep it quick!
CProcConUser::CProcConUser( PCContext *ctxt ) : m_cPC( *ctxt->cPC ), m_cDB( *ctxt->cDB ), m_inBufChars( 4096 ), m_outBufChars( 65536 ), m_clientTimeout( 5000 ), m_clientCount( 0 ) { PCBuildAdminSecAttr( m_secAttr );
m_hConnEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( !m_hConnEvent ) PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("CreateEvent") );
m_olConn.hEvent = m_hConnEvent; }
// Destructor
CProcConUser::~CProcConUser( void ) { PCFreeSecAttr( m_secAttr ); if ( m_hConnEvent ) CloseHandle( m_hConnEvent ); }
// Function to determine if all CProcConUser initial conditions have been met //
// Input: None //
// Returns: TRUE if ready, FALSE if not //
BOOL CProcConUser::ReadyToRun( void ) { return m_hConnEvent != NULL && m_secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor && !m_cPC.GotShutdown(); }
// Function to set a new timeout //
// Input: proposed new timeout //
// Returns: NT or PC error code //
// Note: lower and upper limits on timeout are a bit arbitrary (.1 secs to 30 secs OK) //
// This timeout only applies to the pipe connection timeout at clients, not to //
// transaction timeouts (which are handled by the client alone). //
PCULONG32 CProcConUser::SetTimeout( PCULONG32 newTimeout ) { if ( newTimeout >= PC_MIN_TIMEOUT && newTimeout <= PC_MAX_TIMEOUT ) { m_clientTimeout = newTimeout; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else return PCERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// CProcConUser thread function -- this function runs in its own thread and simply offers the //
// PC named pipe to the world. Each pipe connection causes a client thread with //
// its own context to be launched and then a new pipe 'port' is created. //
// Input: None //
// Returns: 0 //
PCULONG32 CProcConUser::Run( void ) {
// Wait for DB initialization to complete before establishing user service environment.
// If this isn't the first call here, the delay serves to provide some pacing.
WaitForSingleObject( m_cDB.GetDbEvent(), 1000 ); HANDLE waitList[] = { m_olConn.hEvent, m_cPC.GetShutEvent() }; HANDLE hThread = NULL; ClientContext *context = NULL;
// User connect thread main loop -- handles all user connections to ProcCon.
// There is only one user connect thread.
// This loop runs until shutdown is signalled or until a bad NT error occurs.
for ( ; !m_cPC.GotShutdown(); ++m_clientCount ) {
// Create a new client context..
context = new ClientContext( m_clientCount, &m_cPC, &m_cDB, this, m_inBufChars, m_outBufChars ); if ( !context ) { PCLogNoMemory( TEXT("ClientContext"), sizeof(ClientContext) ); break; }
// Create a pipe instance...
context->hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( PIPENAME, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // read/write access, overlapped enabled
m_outBufChars, // output buffer size
m_inBufChars, // input buffer size
m_clientTimeout, // client side time-out
&m_secAttr ); // our security attr -- built in constructor
if ( context->hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("CreatePipe") ); context->hPipe = NULL; break; } // Initiate pipe connect (but don't wait for a connection)...
DWORD connError = 0; BOOL launchClient = FALSE; ResetEvent( m_olConn.hEvent ); if ( !ConnectNamedPipe( context->hPipe, &m_olConn ) ) connError = GetLastError(); // If we have a suspended client from our last connect, release it before waiting on a new connection...
if ( hThread ) { if ( ResumeThread( hThread ) == 0xffffffff ) PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("ResumeThread1") ); CloseHandle( hThread ); hThread = NULL; }
// Analyze result of connect. If necessary, wait for a client or a shutdown request...
if ( !connError || connError == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED ) launchClient = TRUE; else if ( connError == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { PCULONG32 rc = WaitForMultipleObjects( ENTRY_COUNT(waitList), waitList, FALSE, INFINITE );
// If we got a client, create a thread for it...
if ( rc - WAIT_OBJECT_0 == 0 ) { PCULONG32 bytes; if ( !GetOverlappedResult( context->hPipe, &m_olConn, &bytes, TRUE ) ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("ConnectPipeResult") ); break; } else launchClient = TRUE; } // If we got a shutdown request, just break out...
else if ( rc - WAIT_OBJECT_0 == 1 ) break; else { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("WaitOnPipeOrShutdown") ); break; } } else { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("ConnectPipe") ); break; }
// If we have a good connection, start a suspended client thread.
// The thread will be released after we have a new pipe instance ready to go.
// This minimizes the interval during which a pipe instance is not available.
if ( launchClient ) { hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, PCClientThread, context, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL ); if ( !hThread ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("CreateThread") ); break; } context = NULL; // Client thread deletes its context, we're done with it
} } // Clean up if we have a context that has not been passed to a client thread...
if ( context ) { if ( context->hPipe ) { CancelIo( context->hPipe ); CloseHandle( context->hPipe ); } delete context; }
// If we have a suspended client, release it before leaving...
if ( hThread ) { if ( ResumeThread( hThread ) == 0xffffffff ) PCLogUnExError( TEXT("PCClientConn"), TEXT("ResumeThread2") ); CloseHandle( hThread ); }
// Note: if this return is not due to a shutdwon request, this function will be called again.
// This 'pipe restart' is the last line of recovery in case of serious pipe (or other) errors.
return 0; }
// End of CProcConUser.cpp
//============================================================================J McDonald fecit====//