Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Trace formatting library. Converts binary trace file to CSV format, and other formattted string formats.
Jee Fung Pang (jeepang) 03-Dec-1997
Revision History:
GorN: 10/09/2000: ItemHRESULT added
--*/ #ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{ #endif
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <ntwmi.h>
#include <netevent.h>
#include <netevent.dbg>
#include <winerror.dbg>
#pragma warning( disable : 4005) // Disable warning message 4005
#include <ntstatus.h>
#include <ntstatus.dbg>
#pragma warning( default : 4005) // Enable warning message 4005
#include "traceint.h"
#undef TRACE_API
#define TRACE_API
#include "traceprt.h"
#include <sddl.h> // for ConvertStringSidToSid //
// %1 GUID Friendly Name string
// %2 GUID SubType Name string
// %3 Thread ID ULONG_PTR
// %4 System Time String
// %5 Kernel Time or User Time String
// %6 User Time or NULL String
// %7 Sequence Number LONG
// %8 Unused String
// %9 CPU Number LONG
// %128 Indent String
ULONG TimerResolution = 10; __int64 ElapseTime;
ULONG UserMode = FALSE ; // TODO: Pick this up from the stream itself.
#define MAXBUFS 4096
#define MAXBUFS2 2 * MAXBUFS
#define MAXCHARS2 MAXBUFS2/sizeof(TCHAR)
#define MAXITEMS 256
#define MAXINDENT 256
#define MAXNAMEARG 256
TCHAR ItemBuf[MAXBUFS]; // Temporary String Item buffer
TCHAR ItemBBuf[MAXBUFS2]; // Item String Buffer
TCHAR * pItemBuf[MAXITEMS]; // Pointer to items in the String Item Buffer.
BYTE ItemRBuf[MAXBUFS]; // Item Raw Byte Buffer
ULONG_PTR * pItemRBuf[MAXITEMS]; // Pointer to Raw Byte Items
SIZE_T ItemRSize; // Size of Item in Raw Buffer.
BOOL bItemIsString = FALSE ; // And type of item
int iItemCount, i; LONG ItemsInBuf = 0; LONG ItemsInRBuf = 0; ULONG PointerSize = sizeof(PVOID) ; BYTE Event[4096]; HANDLE hLibrary ; TCHAR StdPrefix[MAXSTR]; TCHAR IndentBuf[MAXINDENT + 1]; INT Indent;
//#define STD_PREFIX L"[%!CPU!]%!PID!.%!TID!::%!NOW! [%!FILE!] "
#define STD_PREFIX_NOSEQ L"[%9!d!]%8!04X!.%3!04X!::%4!s! [%1!s!]"
#define STD_PREFIX_SEQ L"[%9!d!]%8!04X!.%3!04X!::%4!s! %7!08x! [%1!s!]"
TCHAR *pNoValueString = _T("<NoValue>");
void ReplaceStringUnsafe(TCHAR* buf, TCHAR* find, TCHAR* replace) { TCHAR source[MAXCHARS], *src, *dst; int nf = _tcslen(find); int nr = _tcslen(replace);
src = source; dst = buf;
_tcsncpy(source, buf, MAXCHARS );
for(;;) { TCHAR* p = src; for(;;) { p = _tcsstr(p, find); if (!p) goto exit_outer_loop; // special kludge not to replace
// %!Someting! when it is actually %%!Something!
if (p == source || p[0] != '%' || p[-1] != '%') { break; } p += nf; } memcpy(dst, src, (p-src) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); dst += p-src; src = p + nf; _tcsncpy(dst, replace,(MAXCHARS - (p-source))); dst += nr; } exit_outer_loop: _tcscpy(dst, src); }
TCHAR* FindValue(TCHAR* buf, TCHAR* ValueName) { static TCHAR valueBuf[256]; // largest identifier in PDB
TCHAR *p = _tcsstr(buf, ValueName); TCHAR *q = p; if (p) { p += _tcslen(ValueName); q = p; while ( *p && !isspace(*p) ) ++p; memcpy(valueBuf, q, (p-q) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); } valueBuf[p-q] = 0; return valueBuf; }
int FindIntValue(TCHAR* buf, TCHAR* ValueName) { TCHAR* v = FindValue(buf, ValueName), *end; int sgn = 1; if (v[0] == '+') { ++v; } else if (v[0] == '-') { sgn = -1; ++v; } return sgn * _tcstol(v, &end, 10); }
PMOF_INFO GetMofInfoHead( OUT PLIST_ENTRY * EventListhead, IN LPGUID pGuid, IN LPTSTR strType, IN LONG TypeIndex, IN ULONG TypeOfType, IN LPTSTR TypeFormat, IN BOOL bBestMatch );
void RemoveMofInfo(PLIST_ENTRY pMofInfo); ULONG ahextoi(TCHAR *s); PTCHAR GuidToString(PTCHAR s, LPGUID piid);
ULONG WINAPI GetTraceGuidsW( TCHAR * GuidFile, PLIST_ENTRY * HeadEventList );
static void reduce( PCHAR Src ) { char *Start = Src; if (!Src) return; while (*Src) { if ('\t' == *Src) *Src = ' '; else if (',' == *Src) *Src = ' '; else if ('\n' == *Src) *Src = ','; else if ('\r' == *Src) *Src = ' '; ++Src; } --Src; while ((Start < Src) && ((' ' == *Src) || (',' == *Src))) { *Src = 0x00; --Src; } }
static void reduceW(WCHAR *Src) { WCHAR *Start = Src; if (!Src) return; while (*Src) { if (L'\t' == *Src) *Src = L' '; else if (L',' == *Src) *Src = L' '; else if (L'\n' == *Src) *Src = L','; else if (L'\r' == *Src) *Src = L' '; ++Src; } --Src; while ((Start < Src) && ((L' ' == *Src) || (L',' == *Src))) { *Src = 0x00; --Src; } }
#ifdef UNICODE
# define _stnprintf _snwprintf
# define _stnprintf _snprintf
int FormatTimeDelta(TCHAR *buffer, size_t count, LONGLONG time) { SYSTEMTIME st; int s = 0, result; ZeroMemory(&st, sizeof(st) );
if (count == 0) return -1;
if (time < 0) { *buffer++ = '-'; --count; time = -time; s = 1; }
// Get rid of the nano and micro seconds
time /= 10000;
st.wMilliseconds = (USHORT)(time % 1000); time /= 1000;
if (time == 0) { result = _stnprintf(buffer,count,L"%dms",st.wMilliseconds); goto end; }
st.wSecond = (USHORT)(time % 60);
time /= 60;
st.wMinute = (USHORT)(time % 60);
time /= 60;
if (time == 0) { if (st.wMinute <= 10) { result = _stnprintf(buffer,count,L"%d.%03ds",st.wMinute * 60 + st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); } else { result = _stnprintf(buffer,count,L"%d:%d.%03ds",st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); } goto end; } st.wHour = (USHORT)(time % 24);
time /= 24; if (time == 0) { result = _stnprintf(buffer,count,L"%d:%d:%d.%03ds",st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); goto end; } st.wDay = (USHORT)time;
result = _stnprintf(buffer,count,L"%d~%d:%d:%d.%03ds",st.wDay,st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); end: if (result >= 0) result += s; return result; }
typedef struct _ERROR_MAP{ NTSTATUS MessageId; char *SymbolicName; } ERROR_MAP;
SIZE_T WINAPI FormatTraceEventW( PLIST_ENTRY HeadEventList, PEVENT_TRACE pInEvent, TCHAR *EventBuf, ULONG SizeEventBuf, TCHAR * pszMask ) { PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER pHeader; PEVENT_TRACE pEvent = NULL; ULONG TraceMarker, TraceType; TCHAR tstrName[MAXSTR]; TCHAR tstrType[MAXSTR]; ULONG tstrTypeOfType = 0; TCHAR * tstrFormat; int iItemCount, i; SIZE_T ItemsInBuf = 0; ULONG_PTR MessageSequence = -1 ; USHORT MessageNumber = 0 ; USHORT MessageFlags = 0 ; char * pMessageData ; ULONG MessageLength ;
if (pInEvent == NULL) { return (0); }
pEvent = pInEvent ; // Make a copy of the PTR and length as we may adjust these depending
// on the header
pMessageData = pEvent->MofData ; MessageLength = pEvent->MofLength ;
TraceMarker = ((PSYSTEM_TRACE_HEADER)pInEvent)->Marker;
if ((TraceMarker & TRACE_MESSAGE)== TRACE_MESSAGE ) {
// This handles the TRACE_MESSAGE type.
TraceType = TRACE_HEADER_TYPE_MESSAGE ; // This one has special processing
// Now Process the header options
MessageNumber = ((PMESSAGE_TRACE_HEADER)pEvent)->Packet.MessageNumber ; // Message Number
MessageFlags = ((PMESSAGE_TRACE_HEADER)pEvent)->Packet.OptionFlags ;
// Note that the order in which these are added is critical New entries must
// be added at the end!
// [First Entry] Sequence Number
if (MessageFlags&TRACE_MESSAGE_SEQUENCE) { RtlCopyMemory(&MessageSequence, pMessageData, sizeof(ULONG)) ; pMessageData += sizeof(ULONG) ; MessageLength -= sizeof(ULONG); }
// [Second Entry] GUID ? or CompnentID ?
if (MessageFlags&TRACE_MESSAGE_COMPONENTID) { RtlCopyMemory(&pEvent->Header.Guid,pMessageData,sizeof(ULONG)) ; pMessageData += sizeof(ULONG) ; MessageLength -= sizeof(ULONG) ; } else if (MessageFlags&TRACE_MESSAGE_GUID) { // Can't have both
RtlCopyMemory(&pEvent->Header.Guid,pMessageData, sizeof(GUID)); pMessageData += sizeof(GUID) ; MessageLength -= sizeof(GUID); }
// [Third Entry] Timestamp?
if (MessageFlags&TRACE_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP) { RtlCopyMemory(&pEvent->Header.TimeStamp,pMessageData,sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); pMessageData += sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER); MessageLength -= sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER); }
// [Fourth Entry] System Information?
if (MessageFlags&TRACE_MESSAGE_SYSTEMINFO) { pHeader = (PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER) &pEvent->Header; RtlCopyMemory(&pHeader->ThreadId, pMessageData, sizeof(ULONG)) ; pMessageData += sizeof(ULONG); MessageLength -=sizeof(ULONG); RtlCopyMemory(&pHeader->ProcessId,pMessageData, sizeof(ULONG)) ; pMessageData += sizeof(ULONG); MessageLength -=sizeof(ULONG); } //
// Add New Header Entries immediately before this comment!
} else { // Must be WNODE_HEADER
TraceType = 0; pEvent = pInEvent ;
MessageNumber = pEvent->Header.Class.Type ; if (MessageNumber == 0xFF) { // W2K Compatability escape code
if (pEvent->MofLength >= sizeof(USHORT)) { // The real Message Number is in the first USHORT
memcpy(&MessageNumber,pEvent->MofData,sizeof(USHORT)) ; pMessageData += sizeof(USHORT); MessageLength -= sizeof(USHORT); } } } // Reset the Pointer and length if they have been adjusted
pEvent->MofData = pMessageData ; pEvent->MofLength = MessageLength ;
pHeader = (PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER) &pEvent->Header; MapGuidToName( &HeadEventList, & pEvent->Header.Guid, MessageNumber, tstrName);
if ( IsEqualGUID(&pEvent->Header.Guid, &EventTraceGuid) && pEvent->Header.Class.Type == EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_INFO) { PTRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER head = (PTRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER)pEvent->MofData; if (head->TimerResolution > 0) { TimerResolution = head->TimerResolution / 10000; } ElapseTime = head->EndTime.QuadPart - pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.QuadPart; PointerSize = head->PointerSize; if (PointerSize < 2 ) // minimum is 16 bits
PointerSize = 4 ; // defaults = 32 bits
if (pEvent != NULL) { PITEM_DESC pItem; char str[MAXSTR]; #ifdef UNICODE
TCHAR wstr[MAXSTR]; #endif /* #ifdef UNICODE */
PCHAR ptr = NULL; PCHAR iMofPtr = NULL; ULONG ulongword; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; int i;
pMofInfo = GetMofInfoHead( (PLIST_ENTRY *) HeadEventList, &pEvent->Header.Guid, NULL, MessageNumber, 0, NULL, TRUE);
if((pMofInfo != NULL) && (pMofInfo->strType != NULL)) { TCHAR* p ; _sntprintf(tstrType,MAXSTR,_T("%s"),pMofInfo->strType); tstrFormat = pMofInfo->TypeFormat; // Pointer to the format string
tstrTypeOfType = pMofInfo->TypeOfType; // And the type of Format
p = tstrFormat; if(p) { while (*p != 0) { if(*p == 'Z' && p > tstrFormat && p[-1] == '!' && p[1] == '!') { *p = 's'; } ++p; } } } else { _sntprintf(tstrType,MAXSTR,_T("%3d"),MessageNumber); tstrFormat = NULL ; tstrTypeOfType = 0 ; } // From here on we start processing the parameters, we actually do
// two versions. One is built for original #type format statements,
// and everything is converted to being an ASCII string.
// The other is built for #type2 format statements and everything is
// converted into a string of raw bytes aliggned on a 64-bit boundary.
iItemCount = 0 ; // How many Items we process
for (i = 0; i < MAXITEMS; i++) // Clean up the pointers
{ pItemBuf[i] = pNoValueString; pItemRBuf[i] = 0 ; }
RtlZeroMemory(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS * sizeof(TCHAR)); RtlZeroMemory(ItemBBuf, (2*MAXBUFS) * sizeof(TCHAR)); RtlZeroMemory(ItemRBuf, MAXBUFS * sizeof(BYTE)); RtlZeroMemory(EventBuf, SizeEventBuf * sizeof(TCHAR));
pItemBuf[iItemCount] = ItemBBuf; // Where they go (Strings)
// Make Parameter %1 Type Name
_sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), tstrName); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(tstrName) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(tstrName) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same for Raw bytes
iItemCount ++;
// Make Parameter %2 Type sub Type
_sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), tstrType); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(tstrType) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(tstrType) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *)pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same for raw bytes
iItemCount ++;
// Make Parameter %3 ThreadId
RtlCopyMemory(&pItemRBuf[iItemCount] , &pHeader->ThreadId, sizeof(ULONG)) ; _sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("0x%04X"), pItemRBuf[iItemCount]); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("0x%04X"), pHeader->ThreadId); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; iItemCount++;
// Make Parameter %4 System Time
if (tstrFormat != NULL) {
FILETIME stdTime, localTime; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; stdTime.dwHighDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.HighPart; stdTime.dwLowDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.LowPart; if (bGmt) { FileTimeToSystemTime(&stdTime, &sysTime); } else { FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&stdTime, &localTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&localTime, &sysTime); }
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%02d/%02d/%04d-%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"), sysTime.wMonth, sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wYear, sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds); } else { _sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%20I64u"), pHeader->TimeStamp.QuadPart); } _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *)pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same
iItemCount ++;
if (!UserMode) { // Make Parameter %5 Kernel Time
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%8lu"), pHeader->KernelTime * TimerResolution); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same
iItemCount ++;
// Make Parameter %6 User Time
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%8lu"), pHeader->UserTime * TimerResolution);
_sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same
iItemCount ++; } else { // Make Parameter %5 processor Time
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS,_T("%I64u"), pHeader->ProcessorTime); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf,_T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same
iItemCount ++;
// Make Parameter %6 NULL
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%s"), NULL); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf,_T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; // just use the same
iItemCount ++; }
// Make Parameter %7 Sequence Number
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%d"), MessageSequence); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) MessageSequence ; // Raw just point at the value
iItemCount ++;
// Make Parameter %8 ProcessId
RtlCopyMemory(&pItemRBuf[iItemCount],&pHeader->ProcessId,sizeof(ULONG)); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("0x%04X"),pItemRBuf[iItemCount]); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; iItemCount ++;
// Make Parameter %9 CPU Number
_sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%d"), ((PWMI_CLIENT_CONTEXT)&(pEvent->ClientContext))->ProcessorNumber); _sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + 1; pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) (((PWMI_CLIENT_CONTEXT)&(pEvent->ClientContext))->ProcessorNumber) ; iItemCount ++;
// Done processing Parameters
if (pMofInfo != NULL) { Head = pMofInfo->ItemHeader; pMofInfo->EventCount ++; Next = Head->Flink; } else { Head = Next = NULL ; }
__try { iMofPtr = (char *) malloc(pEvent->MofLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
if(iMofPtr == NULL) return -1;
RtlZeroMemory(iMofPtr, pEvent->MofLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); RtlCopyMemory(iMofPtr, pEvent->MofData, pEvent->MofLength); ptr = iMofPtr; while (Head != Next) { ULONG * ULongPtr = (ULONG *) & ItemRBuf[0]; USHORT * UShortPtr = (USHORT *) & ItemRBuf[0]; LONGLONG * LongLongPtr = (LONGLONG *) & ItemRBuf[0]; ULONGLONG * ULongLongPtr = (ULONGLONG *) & ItemRBuf[0]; double * DoublePtr = (double *) & ItemRBuf[0];
TCHAR * PtrFmt1, * PtrFmt2 ;
if ((ULONG) (ptr - iMofPtr) >= pEvent->MofLength) { break; }
RtlZeroMemory(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS * sizeof(TCHAR)); RtlZeroMemory(ItemRBuf, MAXBUFS * sizeof(BYTE)); bItemIsString = FALSE ; // Assume its a RAW value
ItemRSize = 0 ; // Raw length of zero
switch (pItem->ItemType) { case ItemChar: case ItemUChar: ItemRSize = sizeof(CHAR); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%c"), ItemRBuf); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemCharSign: ItemRSize = sizeof(CHAR) * 2; RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); ItemRBuf[2] = '\0'; _sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS,_T("\"%s\""), ItemRBuf); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemCharShort: ItemRSize = sizeof(CHAR); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%d"), * ItemRBuf); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemShort: ItemRSize = sizeof(USHORT); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%6d"), * UShortPtr); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemDouble: ItemRSize = sizeof(double); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%g"), * DoublePtr); ptr += ItemRSize; ItemRSize = 0; // FormatMessage cannot print 8 byte stuff properly on x86
case ItemUShort: ItemRSize = sizeof(USHORT); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%6u"), * UShortPtr); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemLong: ItemRSize = sizeof(LONG); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%8l"), (LONG) * ULongPtr); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemULong: ItemRSize = sizeof(ULONG); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%8lu"), * ULongPtr); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemULongX: ItemRSize = sizeof(ULONG); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("0x%08X"), * ULongPtr); ptr += ItemRSize; break;
case ItemPtr : PtrFmt2 = _T("%08X%08X") ; PtrFmt1 = _T("%08X") ; // goto ItemPtrCommon ;
{ ULONG ulongword2; if (PointerSize == 8) { // 64 bits
RtlCopyMemory(&ulongword,ptr,4); RtlCopyMemory(&ulongword2,ptr+4,4); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, PtrFmt2 , ulongword2,ulongword); } else { // assumes 32 bit otherwise
RtlCopyMemory(&ulongword,ptr,PointerSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, PtrFmt1 , ulongword); } ItemRSize = 0 ; // Pointers are always co-erced to be strings
ptr += PointerSize; } break;
case ItemIPAddr: ItemRSize = 0; // Only String form exists
memcpy(&ulongword, ptr, sizeof(ULONG));
// Convert it to readable form
_sntprintf( ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, _T("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d"), (ulongword >> 0) & 0xff, (ulongword >> 8) & 0xff, (ulongword >> 16) & 0xff, (ulongword >> 24) & 0xff); ptr += sizeof (ULONG); break;
case ItemPort: ItemRSize = 0; // Only String form exists
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%u"), (UCHAR)ptr[0] * 256 + (UCHAR)ptr[1] * 1); ptr += sizeof (USHORT); break;
case ItemLongLong: ItemRSize = sizeof(LONGLONG); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%16I64x"), *LongLongPtr); ptr += sizeof(LONGLONG); ItemRSize = 0; // FormatMessage cannot print 8 byte stuff properly on x86
case ItemULongLong: ItemRSize = sizeof(ULONGLONG); RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, ItemRSize); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%16I64x"), *ULongLongPtr); ptr += sizeof(ULONGLONG); ItemRSize = 0; // FormatMessage cannot print 8 byte stuff properly on x86
case ItemString: case ItemRString: { SIZE_T pLen = strlen((CHAR *) ptr); if (pLen > 0) { strcpy(str, ptr); if (pItem->ItemType == ItemRString) { reduce(str); } #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MAXSTR); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%ws"), wstr); #else
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s\""), str); _stprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS,_T("%s"), str); #endif /* #ifdef UNICODE */
} else { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("<NULL>")); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf,MAXCHARS,_T("<NULL>")); } ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR); bItemIsString = TRUE; ptr += (pLen + 1); break; } case ItemRWString: case ItemWString: { size_t pLen = 0; size_t i;
if (*(WCHAR *) ptr) { if (pItem->ItemType == ItemRWString) { reduceW((WCHAR *) ptr); } pLen = ((wcslen((WCHAR*)ptr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(wstr, ptr, pLen); for (i = 0; i < pLen / 2; i++) { if (((USHORT) wstr[i] == (USHORT) 0xFFFF)) { wstr[i] = (USHORT) 0; } }
wstr[pLen / 2] = wstr[(pLen / 2) + 1]= '\0'; _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS,_T("%ws"), wstr); ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR); bItemIsString = TRUE; } ptr += pLen; // + sizeof(ULONG);
break; }
case ItemDSString: // Counted String
{ USHORT pLen = 256 * ((USHORT) * ptr) + ((USHORT) * (ptr + 1)); ptr += sizeof(USHORT); if (pLen > 0) { strcpy(str, ptr); #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MAXSTR); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS,_T("%ws"), wstr); #else
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s\""), str); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%s"), str); #endif
} ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR); bItemIsString = TRUE; ptr += (pLen + 1); break; }
case ItemPString: // Counted String
{ USHORT pLen = 256 * ((USHORT) * ptr) + ((USHORT) * (ptr + 1)); ptr += sizeof(USHORT); if (pLen > 0) { strcpy(str, ptr); #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MAXSTR); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS,_T("%ws"), wstr); #else
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s\""), str); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%s"), str); #endif /* #ifdef UNICODE */
} else { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("<NULL>")); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("<NULL>")); } ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR); bItemIsString = TRUE; ptr += (pLen + 1); break; }
case ItemDSWString: // DS Counted Wide Strings
case ItemPWString: // Counted Wide Strings
{ USHORT pLen = ( pItem->ItemType == ItemDSWString) ? (256 * ((USHORT) * ptr) + ((USHORT) * (ptr + 1))) : (* ((USHORT *) ptr));
ptr += sizeof(USHORT); if (pLen > MAXSTR * sizeof(WCHAR)) { pLen = MAXSTR * sizeof(WCHAR); } if (pLen > 0) { memcpy(wstr, ptr, pLen); wstr[pLen / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%ws"), wstr); ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR) ; bItemIsString = TRUE; } ptr += pLen; break; }
case ItemNWString: // Non Null Terminated String
{ USHORT Size;
Size = (USHORT) (pEvent->MofLength - (ULONG) (ptr - iMofPtr)); if (Size > MAXSTR ) { Size = MAXSTR; } if (Size > 0) { memcpy(wstr, ptr, Size); wstr[Size / 2] = '\0'; _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%ws"), wstr); ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR) ; bItemIsString = TRUE; } ptr += Size; break; }
case ItemMLString: // Multi Line String
{ SIZE_T pLen; char * src, * dest; BOOL inQ = FALSE; BOOL skip = FALSE; UINT lineCount = 0;
ptr += sizeof(UCHAR) * 2; pLen = strlen(ptr); if (pLen > 0) { src = ptr; dest = str; while (*src != '\0') { if (*src == '\n') { if (!lineCount) { * dest ++ = ' '; } lineCount ++; } else if (*src == '\"') { if (inQ) { char strCount[32]; char * cpy;
sprintf(strCount, "{%dx}", lineCount); cpy = &strCount[0]; while (*cpy != '\0') { * dest ++ = * cpy ++; } } inQ = !inQ; } else if (!skip) { *dest++ = *src; } skip = (lineCount > 1 && inQ); src++; } *dest = '\0'; #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MAXSTR); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%ws\""), wstr); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%ws"), wstr); #else
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s\""), str); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%s"), str); #endif /* #ifdef UNICODE */
ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR) ; bItemIsString = TRUE; } ptr += (pLen); break; }
case ItemSid: { TCHAR UserName[64]; TCHAR Domain[64]; TCHAR FullName[256]; ULONG asize = 0; ULONG bsize = 0; ULONG Sid[64]; PULONG pSid = &Sid[0]; SID_NAME_USE Se; ULONG nSidLength; pSid = (PULONG) ptr; if (* pSid == 0) { ptr += 4; _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("<NULL>")); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("<NULL>")); ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR) ; bItemIsString = TRUE ; } else { ptr += 8; // skip the TOKEN_USER structure
nSidLength = 8 + (4 * ptr[1]); asize = 64; bsize = 64;
// LookupAccountSid cannot accept asize, bsize as size_t
if (LookupAccountSid( NULL, (PSID) ptr, (LPTSTR) & UserName[0], &asize, (LPTSTR) & Domain[0], & bsize, & Se)) { LPTSTR pFullName = & FullName[0];
_tcscpy(pFullName, _T("\\\\")); _tcscat(pFullName, Domain); _tcscat(pFullName, _T("\\")); _tcscat(pFullName, UserName); asize = (ULONG) _tcslen(pFullName); // Truncate here
if (asize > 0) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s\""), pFullName); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS, _T("%s"), pFullName); } } else { LPTSTR sidStr; if ( ConvertSidToStringSid(pSid, &sidStr) ) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s\""), sidStr); // BUGBUG check size
_sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS,_T("%s"), sidStr); } else { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("\"%s(%d)\""), _T("System"), GetLastError() ); _sntprintf((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf, MAXCHARS,_T("%s(%d)"), _T("System"), GetLastError() ); } } SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); ItemRSize = _tcslen((TCHAR *)ItemRBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR); bItemIsString = TRUE; ptr += nSidLength; } break; }
case ItemChar4: ItemRSize = 4 * sizeof(TCHAR); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%c%c%c%c"), ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3]); ptr += ItemRSize ; _tcscpy((LPTSTR)ItemRBuf, ItemBuf); bItemIsString = TRUE; break;
case ItemCharHidden: ItemRSize = 0 ; _stscanf(pItem->ItemList,_T("%d"),&ItemRSize); if (ItemRSize > MAXBUFS) { ItemRSize = MAXBUFS ; } _tprintf(_T("size is %d\n"),ItemRSize); RtlCopyMemory(ItemBuf,ptr,ItemRSize); ptr += ItemRSize ; bItemIsString = TRUE ; break;
case ItemSetByte: ItemRSize = sizeof(BYTE); goto ItemSetCommon;
case ItemSetShort: ItemRSize = sizeof(USHORT); goto ItemSetCommon;
case ItemSetLong: ItemRSize = sizeof(ULONG); // goto ItemSetCommon;
ItemSetCommon: { TCHAR * name; ULONG Countr = 0; ULONG ItemMask = 0; TCHAR iList[MAXBUFS]; BOOL first = TRUE;
RtlCopyMemory(&ItemMask, ptr, ItemRSize); ptr += ItemRSize;
_tcscpy(ItemBuf, _T("[")); _sntprintf(iList, MAXBUFS,_T("%s"), pItem->ItemList); name = _tcstok(iList, _T(",")); while( name != NULL ) { // While there are tokens in "string"
if (ItemMask & (1 << Countr) ) { if (!first) _tcscat(ItemBuf, _T(",")); _tcscat(ItemBuf, name); first = FALSE; } // Get next token:
name = _tcstok( NULL, _T(",")); Countr++; } while (Countr < ItemRSize * 8) { if (ItemMask & (1 << Countr) ) { TCHAR smallBuf[20]; _sntprintf(smallBuf, 20, _T("%d"),Countr); if (!first) _tcscat(ItemBuf, _T(",")); _tcscat(ItemBuf, smallBuf); first = FALSE; } Countr++; } _tcscat(ItemBuf, _T("]") ); ItemRSize = 0; // Strings will be the same Raw and otherwise
} break;
case ItemListByte: ItemRSize = sizeof(BYTE); goto ItemListCommon;
case ItemListShort: ItemRSize = sizeof(USHORT); goto ItemListCommon;
case ItemListLong: ItemRSize = sizeof(ULONG); // goto ItemListCommon;
ItemListCommon: { TCHAR * name; ULONG Countr = 0; ULONG ItemIndex = 0; TCHAR iList[MAXBUFS];
RtlCopyMemory(&ItemIndex, ptr, ItemRSize); ptr += ItemRSize; ItemRSize = 0; // Strings will be the same Raw and otherwise
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("!%X!"),ItemIndex); _sntprintf(iList, MAXBUFS, _T("%s"), pItem->ItemList); name = _tcstok(iList, _T(",")); while( name != NULL ) { // While there are tokens in "string"
if (ItemIndex == Countr ++) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%s"), name); break; } // Get next token:
name = _tcstok( NULL, _T(",")); } } break;
case ItemNTerror: ItemRSize = 0; // Only string form exists
RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, sizeof(ULONG)); ptr += sizeof(ULONG); // Translate the NT Error Message
ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, NULL )) == 0) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("!NT Error %d unrecognised!"),*ULongPtr); } break;
case ItemMerror: ItemRSize = 0; // Only string form exists
RtlCopyMemory(ItemRBuf, ptr, sizeof(ULONG)); ptr += sizeof(ULONG); // Translate the Module Message
if (pItem->ItemList == NULL) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("! Error %d No Module Name!"),*ULongPtr); } else { if ((hLibrary = LoadLibraryEx( pItem->ItemList, // file name of module
NULL, // reserved, must be NULL
LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE // entry-point execution flag
)) == NULL) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("!ItemMerror %d : LoadLibrary of %s failed %d!"), *ULongPtr, pItem->ItemList, GetLastError()); } else { if ((FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, hLibrary, *ULongPtr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, NULL )) == 0) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("!Module Error %d unrecognised!"),*ULongPtr); } if (!FreeLibrary(hLibrary)) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("Failed to free library (%s) handle, err = %d"), pItem->ItemList, GetLastError()); } } } break;
case ItemHRESULT: { NTSTATUS TempNTSTATUS, Error ; ItemRSize = 0 ; RtlCopyMemory(&TempNTSTATUS, ptr, sizeof(NTSTATUS)); ptr += sizeof(ULONG); Error = TempNTSTATUS; if (TempNTSTATUS == 0) { // Special case STATUS_SUCCESS just like everyone else!
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("S_OK")); } else { const ERROR_MAP* map = (ERROR_MAP*)winerrorSymbolicNames;
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("HRESULT=%8X"),TempNTSTATUS); if( FACILITY_NT_BIT & TempNTSTATUS ) { map = (ERROR_MAP*)ntstatusSymbolicNames; Error &= ~FACILITY_NT_BIT; } else if (HRESULT_FACILITY(Error) == FACILITY_WIN32) { Error &= 0xFFFF; } while (map->MessageId != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (map->MessageId == Error) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("0x%08x(%S)"), TempNTSTATUS, map->SymbolicName); break; } ++map; } } } break;
case ItemNTSTATUS: { int i = 0 ; NTSTATUS TempNTSTATUS ; ItemRSize = 0 ; RtlCopyMemory(&TempNTSTATUS, ptr, sizeof(NTSTATUS)); ptr += sizeof(ULONG); if (TempNTSTATUS == 0) { // Special case STATUS_SUCCESS just like everyone else!
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("STATUS_SUCCESS")); } else { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("NTSTATUS=%8X"),TempNTSTATUS); while (ntstatusSymbolicNames[i].MessageId != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (ntstatusSymbolicNames[i].MessageId == TempNTSTATUS) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("0x%08x(%S)"), TempNTSTATUS, ntstatusSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName); break; } i++ ; } } } break;
case ItemWINERROR: { int i = 0 ; DWORD TempWINERROR ; ItemRSize = 0 ; RtlCopyMemory(&TempWINERROR, ptr, sizeof(DWORD)); ptr += sizeof(ULONG); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("WINERROR=%8X"),TempWINERROR); while (winerrorSymbolicNames[i].MessageId != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (winerrorSymbolicNames[i].MessageId == TempWINERROR) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("%d(%S)"), TempWINERROR, winerrorSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName); break; } i++ ; } } break;
case ItemNETEVENT: { int i = 0 ; DWORD TempNETEVENT ; ItemRSize = 0 ; RtlCopyMemory(&TempNETEVENT, ptr, sizeof(DWORD)); ptr += sizeof(ULONG); _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("NETEVENT=%8X"),TempNETEVENT); while (neteventSymbolicNames[i].MessageId != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (neteventSymbolicNames[i].MessageId == TempNETEVENT) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("%S"), neteventSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName); break; } i++ ; } } break;
case ItemGuid: GuidToString(ItemBuf, (LPGUID) ptr); ItemRSize = 0; // Only string form exists
ptr += sizeof(GUID); break;
case ItemTimeDelta: { LONGLONG time; RtlCopyMemory(&time, ptr, sizeof(time)); FormatTimeDelta(ItemBuf, MAXBUFS, time);
ItemRSize = 0; // Only string form exists
ptr += sizeof(LONGLONG); } break;
case ItemWaitTime: { LONGLONG time; RtlCopyMemory(&time, ptr, sizeof(time));
if (time <= 0) { time = -time; ItemBuf[0]='+'; FormatTimeDelta(ItemBuf+1, MAXBUFS-1, time); ItemRSize = 0; // Only string form exists
ptr += sizeof(LONGLONG); break; } // Fall thru
} case ItemTimestamp: { LARGE_INTEGER LargeTmp; FILETIME stdTime, localTime; SYSTEMTIME sysTime;
RtlCopyMemory(&LargeTmp, ptr, sizeof(ULONGLONG)); stdTime.dwHighDateTime = LargeTmp.HighPart; stdTime.dwLowDateTime = LargeTmp.LowPart; if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&stdTime, &localTime)) { _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("FileTimeToLocalFileTime error 0x%8X\n"),GetLastError()); break; } if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&localTime, &sysTime)){ _sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS,_T("FileTimeToSystemTime error 0x%8X\n"),GetLastError()); break; }
_sntprintf(ItemBuf,MAXBUFS, _T("%02d/%02d/%04d-%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"), sysTime.wMonth, sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wYear, sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds); } ItemRSize = 0; // Only string form exists
ptr += sizeof(ULONGLONG);
default: ptr += sizeof (int); }
_sntprintf(pItemBuf[iItemCount], MAXBUFS2-ItemsInBuf, _T("%s"), ItemBuf); pItemBuf[iItemCount + 1] = pItemBuf[iItemCount] + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + sizeof(TCHAR); ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + _tcslen(ItemBuf) + sizeof(TCHAR);
if (ItemRSize == 0) { // Raw and String are the same
pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; } else { if (ItemRSize > MAXBUFS) { ItemRSize = MAXBUFS ; } pItemRBuf[iItemCount] =pItemRBuf[iItemCount+1] = 0 ; if (!bItemIsString) { RtlCopyMemory(&pItemRBuf[iItemCount],ItemRBuf,ItemRSize); } else { // Share scratch buffer
if ((LONG)(ItemsInBuf+ItemRSize+sizeof(TCHAR)) < (LONG)sizeof(ItemBBuf)) { (TCHAR *)pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = pItemBuf[iItemCount+1] ; RtlCopyMemory(pItemRBuf[iItemCount],ItemRBuf,ItemRSize); pItemBuf[iItemCount+1] =(TCHAR *)pItemRBuf[iItemCount] + ItemRSize + sizeof(TCHAR) ; ItemsInBuf = ItemsInBuf + ItemRSize + sizeof(TCHAR) ; } else { pItemRBuf[iItemCount] = (ULONG_PTR *) pItemBuf[iItemCount]; } } } iItemCount ++; Next = Next->Flink;
} // Ok we are finished with the MofData
free(iMofPtr); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _sntprintf(EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("\n*****FormatMessage %s of %s, parameter %d raised an exception*****\n"), tstrName, tstrFormat, iItemCount); return( (SIZE_T)_tcslen(EventBuf)); } }
// All argument processing is complete
// No prepare the final formatting.
if ((tstrFormat == NULL) || (tstrFormat[0] == 0)) { TCHAR GuidString[32] ; // Build a helpful format
RtlZeroMemory(EventBuf, SizeEventBuf);
if (!IsEqualGUID(&pEvent->Header.Guid, &EventTraceGuid) ) { GuidToString(GuidString, (LPGUID) &pEvent->Header.Guid); _sntprintf(EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("%s(%s): GUID=%s (No Format Information found)."), pItemBuf[0], // name if any
pItemBuf[1], // sub name or number
GuidString // GUID
); } else { // Display nothing for a header for now
// Might be a good place to display some general info ?
} } else { DWORD dwResult;
if (tstrTypeOfType == 1) { __try { dwResult = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING + FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, // source and processing options
(LPCVOID) tstrFormat, // pointer to message source
0, // requested message identifier
0, // language identifier
(LPTSTR) EventBuf, // pointer to message buffer
SizeEventBuf, // maximum size of message buffer
(va_list *) pItemBuf); // pointer to array of message inserts
if (dwResult == 0) { _sntprintf( EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("FormatMessage (Type 1) Failed 0x%X (%s/%s) (\n"), GetLastError(), pItemBuf[0], pItemBuf[1]); return(GetLastError()); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _sntprintf(EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("\n*****FormatMessage (#Type) of %s, raised an exception*****\n"), tstrFormat); return( (SIZE_T)_tcslen(EventBuf)); } } else if (tstrTypeOfType == 2) { __try { #if !defined(STRINGFIXUP)
dwResult = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING + FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, // source and processing options
(LPCVOID) tstrFormat, // pointer to message source
0, // requested message identifier
0, // language identifier
(LPTSTR) EventBuf, // pointer to message buffer
SizeEventBuf, // maximum size of message buffer
(va_list *) pItemRBuf); // pointer to array of message inserts
if (dwResult == 0) { _sntprintf( EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("FormatMessage (#Typev) Failed 0x%X (%s/%s) (\n"), GetLastError(), pItemBuf[0], pItemBuf[1]); return(GetLastError()); }
#else // if !defined(STRINGFIXUP)
ULONG ReturnLength ; dwResult = (DWORD)TraceFormatMessage( tstrFormat, // message format
0, FALSE, // Don't ignore inserts,
#if defined(UNICODE)
FALSE, // Arguments Are not Ansi,
#else // #if defined(UNICODE)
TRUE, // Arguments are Ansi
#endif // #if defined(UNICODE)
TRUE, // Arguments Are An Array,
(va_list *) pItemRBuf, // Arguments,
EventBuf, // Buffer,
SizeEventBuf, // maximum size of message buffer
&ReturnLength // Coutnof Data Returned
); if (ReturnLength == 0) { _sntprintf( EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("FormatMessage (#Typev) Failed 0x%X (%s/%s) (\n"), dwResult, pItemBuf[0], pItemBuf[1]); return(dwResult); }
#endif // if !defined(STRINGFIXUP)
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _sntprintf( EventBuf, SizeEventBuf, _T("\n*****FormatMessage (#Typev) raised an exception (Format = %s) ****\n**** [Check for missing \"!\" Formats]*****\n"), tstrFormat); return((SIZE_T)_tcslen(EventBuf)); } } else { return (-12); } }
if (pszMask != NULL) { // Has he imposed a Filter?
if (_tcsstr(_tcslwr(pszMask), _tcslwr(tstrName)) !=0) { return( (SIZE_T)_tcslen(EventBuf)); } else { return(0); } }
return ( (SIZE_T)_tcslen(EventBuf)); }
PMOF_INFO GetMofInfoHead( PLIST_ENTRY * HeadEventList, LPGUID pGuid, LPTSTR strType, LONG TypeIndex, ULONG TypeOfType, LPTSTR TypeFormat, BOOL bBestMatch ) { PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo;
// Search the eventList for this Guid and find the head
if (HeadEventList == NULL) { return NULL ; } if (*HeadEventList == NULL) { if( (*HeadEventList = (PLIST_ENTRY) malloc(sizeof(LIST_ENTRY))) == NULL) return NULL; RtlZeroMemory(*HeadEventList, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)); InitializeListHead(*HeadEventList); }
// Traverse the list and look for the Mof info head for this Guid.
Head = *HeadEventList; Next = Head->Flink; if (bBestMatch) { PMOF_INFO pBestMatch = NULL;
while (Head != Next) { pMofInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, MOF_INFO, Entry); if (IsEqualGUID(&pMofInfo->Guid, pGuid)) { if (pMofInfo->TypeIndex == TypeIndex) { return pMofInfo; } else if (pMofInfo->strType == NULL) { pBestMatch = pMofInfo; } } Next = Next->Flink; } if(pBestMatch != NULL) { return pBestMatch; } } else { while (Head != Next) { pMofInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, MOF_INFO, Entry);
if ( (strType != NULL) && (pMofInfo->strType != NULL) && (IsEqualGUID(&pMofInfo->Guid, pGuid)) && (!(_tcscmp(strType, pMofInfo->strType)))) { return pMofInfo; } else if ( (strType == NULL) && (pMofInfo->strType == NULL) && (IsEqualGUID(&pMofInfo->Guid, pGuid))) { return pMofInfo; } Next = Next->Flink; } }
// If One does not exist, create one.
if( (pMofInfo = (PMOF_INFO) malloc(sizeof(MOF_INFO))) == NULL) return NULL; RtlZeroMemory(pMofInfo, sizeof(MOF_INFO)); memcpy(&pMofInfo->Guid, pGuid, sizeof(GUID)); pMofInfo->ItemHeader = (PLIST_ENTRY) malloc(sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)); if( pMofInfo->ItemHeader == NULL){ free(pMofInfo); return NULL; } RtlZeroMemory(pMofInfo->ItemHeader, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)); if (strType != NULL) { if ((pMofInfo->strType = (LPTSTR) malloc((_tcslen(strType) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL ) { free(pMofInfo); return NULL ; } _tcscpy(pMofInfo->strType,strType); } if (TypeOfType != 0) { pMofInfo->TypeOfType = TypeOfType; } if (TypeFormat != NULL) { if ((pMofInfo->TypeFormat = (LPTSTR) malloc((_tcslen(TypeFormat) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)))== NULL) { free(pMofInfo->strType); free(pMofInfo); return NULL ; } _tcscpy(pMofInfo->TypeFormat,TypeFormat);
} pMofInfo->TypeIndex = bBestMatch ? -1 : TypeIndex; InitializeListHead(pMofInfo->ItemHeader); InsertTailList(*HeadEventList, &pMofInfo->Entry); return pMofInfo; }
void MapGuidToName( OUT PLIST_ENTRY *HeadEventList, IN LPGUID pGuid, IN ULONG nType, OUT LPTSTR wstr ) { if (IsEqualGUID(pGuid, &EventTraceGuid)) { _tcscpy(wstr, GUID_TYPE_HEADER); } else if (!UserDefinedGuid(*HeadEventList,pGuid, wstr)) { TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH], filepath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpFilePart ; LPTSTR lppath = NULL; // Path for finding TMF files
INT len, waslen = 0 ; while (((len = GetEnvironmentVariable(TRACE_FORMAT_SEARCH_PATH, lppath, waslen )) - waslen) > 0) { if (len - waslen > 0 ) { if (lppath != NULL) { free(lppath); } lppath = malloc((len+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ; waslen = len ; } } if (lppath != NULL) { // Try to find it on the path //
swprintf(filename,L"%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x.tmf", pGuid->Data1,pGuid->Data2,pGuid->Data3, pGuid->Data4[0],pGuid->Data4[1],pGuid->Data4[2],pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4],pGuid->Data4[5],pGuid->Data4[6],pGuid->Data4[7] );
if ((len = SearchPath( lppath, // search path semi-colon seperated
filename, // file name with extension
NULL, // file extension (not reqd.)
MAX_PATH, // size of buffer
filepath, // found file name buffer
&lpFilePart // file component
) !=0) && (len <= MAX_PATH)) { //_tprintf(_T("Opening file %s\n"),filepath);
if(GetTraceGuidsW(filepath, HeadEventList)) { if (UserDefinedGuid(*HeadEventList,pGuid, wstr)) { free(lppath); return; } } } free(lppath); }
_tcscpy(wstr, GUID_TYPE_UNKNOWN); } }
ULONG UserDefinedGuid( OUT PLIST_ENTRY HeadEventList, IN LPGUID pGuid, OUT LPTSTR wstr ) { PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo;
// Search the eventList for this Guid and find the head
if (HeadEventList == NULL) { /*
HeadEventList = (PLIST_ENTRY) malloc(sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)); if(HeadEventList == NULL) return FALSE;
InitializeListHead(HeadEventList); */ return FALSE; }
// Traverse the list and look for the Mof info head for this Guid.
Head = HeadEventList; Next = Head->Flink; while(Head != Next && Next != NULL){ pMofInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, MOF_INFO, Entry); if (pMofInfo != NULL && IsEqualGUID(&pMofInfo->Guid, pGuid)) { if ( pMofInfo->strDescription == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { _tcscpy(wstr, pMofInfo->strDescription); return TRUE; } } Next = Next->Flink; } return FALSE; }
ULONG WINAPI GetTraceGuidsW( TCHAR * GuidFile, PLIST_ENTRY * HeadEventList ) { FILE * f; TCHAR line[MAXSTR], nextline[MAXSTR], arg[MAXSTR], strGuid[MAXSTR]; PMOF_TYPE types; LPGUID Guid; UINT i, n; TCHAR * name, * s, * guidName; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo; SIZE_T len = 0; UINT typeCount = 0; BOOL inInfo = FALSE; BOOL eof = FALSE ; BOOL nextlineF = FALSE ;
if (HeadEventList == NULL) { return 0 ; } if (*HeadEventList == NULL) { if( (*HeadEventList = (PLIST_ENTRY) malloc(sizeof(LIST_ENTRY))) == NULL) return 0 ; RtlZeroMemory(*HeadEventList, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)); InitializeListHead(*HeadEventList); }
Guid = (LPGUID) malloc(sizeof(GUID)); if (Guid == NULL) { return 0; }
types = (PMOF_TYPE) malloc(MAXTYPE * sizeof(MOF_TYPE)); if (types == NULL) { free(Guid); return 0; }
RtlZeroMemory(types, MAXTYPE * sizeof(MOF_TYPE)); RtlZeroMemory(line, MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR)); RtlZeroMemory(strGuid, MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR));
f = _tfopen( GuidFile, _T("r")); if (f == NULL) { free(Guid); free(types); return 0; } n = 0;
while (!eof ) { if (nextlineF) { // Sometimes we read ahead a bit
_tcscpy(line, nextline); nextlineF = FALSE ; } else { if (_fgetts(line, MAXSTR, f) == NULL) { eof = TRUE ; break; } } // jump_inside:;
if (line[0] == '/') { continue; } else if (line[0] == '{') { inInfo = TRUE; } else if ( line[0] == '}') { typeCount = 0; inInfo = FALSE; } else if (inInfo) { ITEM_TYPE type; PTCHAR ItemListValue = NULL;
name = _tcstok(line, _T("\n\t,")); s = _tcstok(NULL, _T(" \n\t,(")); if (s != NULL && name != NULL ) { if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemChar)) type = ItemChar; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemUChar)) type = ItemUChar; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemCharShort)) type = ItemCharShort; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemCharSign)) type = ItemCharSign; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemShort)) type = ItemShort; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemHRESULT)) type = ItemHRESULT; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemDouble)) type = ItemDouble; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemUShort)) type = ItemUShort; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemLong)) type = ItemLong; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemULong)) type = ItemULong; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemULongX)) type = ItemULongX; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemLongLong)) type = ItemLongLong; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemULongLong)) type = ItemULongLong; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemString)) type = ItemString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemWString)) type = ItemWString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemRString)) type = ItemRString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemRWString)) type = ItemRWString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemPString)) type = ItemPString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemMLString)) type = ItemMLString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemNWString)) type = ItemNWString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemPWString)) type = ItemPWString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemDSString)) type = ItemDSString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemDSWString)) type = ItemDSWString; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemPtr)) type = ItemPtr; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemSid)) type = ItemSid; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemChar4)) type = ItemChar4; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemIPAddr)) type = ItemIPAddr; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemPort)) type = ItemPort; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemListLong)) type = ItemListLong; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemListShort)) type = ItemListShort; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemListByte)) type = ItemListByte; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemSetLong)) type = ItemSetLong; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemSetShort)) type = ItemSetShort; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemSetByte)) type = ItemSetByte; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemNTerror)) type = ItemNTerror; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemMerror)) type = ItemMerror; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemTimestamp)) type = ItemTimestamp; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemGuid)) type = ItemGuid; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemWaitTime)) type = ItemWaitTime; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemTimeDelta)) type = ItemTimeDelta; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemNTSTATUS)) type = ItemNTSTATUS; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemWINERROR)) type = ItemWINERROR; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemNETEVENT)) type = ItemNETEVENT; else if (!_tcsicmp(s,STR_ItemCharHidden)) type = ItemCharHidden; else type = ItemUnknown;
// Get List elements
if ((type == ItemListLong) || (type == ItemListShort) || (type == ItemListByte) ||(type == ItemSetLong) || (type == ItemSetShort) || (type == ItemSetByte) ) { s = _tcstok(NULL, _T("()")); ItemListValue = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ItemListValue == NULL) { return 1 ; } RtlCopyMemory( ItemListValue, s, (_tcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } // Get Module specification for ItemMerror
if ((type == ItemMerror)) { TCHAR * ppos ; s = _tcstok(NULL, _T(" \t")); ppos = _tcsrchr(s,'\n'); if (ppos != NULL) { *ppos = UNICODE_NULL ; ItemListValue = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ItemListValue == NULL) { return 1 ; } RtlCopyMemory( ItemListValue, s, (_tcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } } // Get size for ItemCharHidden
if (type == ItemCharHidden) { TCHAR * ppos ; s = _tcstok(NULL, _T("[")); ppos = _tcsrchr(s,']'); if (ppos != NULL) { *ppos = UNICODE_NULL ; ItemListValue = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ItemListValue == NULL) { return 1 ; } RtlCopyMemory( ItemListValue, s, (_tcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } }
if (typeCount == 0) { AddMofInfo( * HeadEventList, Guid, NULL, -1, name, type, NULL, 0, NULL); } else { for (i = 0; i < typeCount; i ++) { AddMofInfo( * HeadEventList, Guid, types[i].strType, types[i].TypeIndex, name, type, ItemListValue, types[i].TypeType, types[i].TypeFormat); } } } } else if (line[0] == '#') { TCHAR * token, * etoken; int Indent ; // Special parameter values(numeric) from comments
TCHAR FuncName[MAXNAMEARG], // Special parameter values from comment
LevelName[MAXNAMEARG], CompIDName[MAXNAMEARG], *v ; //This is a workaround to defend against newlines in TMF files.
while (!nextlineF && !eof) { if (_fgetts(nextline,MAXSTR,f) != NULL) { if ((nextline[0] != '{') && nextline[0] != '#') { TCHAR * eol ; if ((eol = _tcsrchr(line,'\n')) != NULL) { *eol = 0 ; } _tcsncat(line,nextline,MAXSTR-_tcslen(line)) ; } else { nextlineF = TRUE ; } } else { eof = TRUE ; } }
// Find any special names in the comments
// As this gets longer we should make it generic
Indent = FindIntValue(line,_T("INDENT=")); // Indentaion Level
v = FindValue(line,_T("FUNC=")); // Function Name
_tcsncpy(FuncName, v, MAXNAMEARG); v = FindValue(line,_T("LEVEL=")); // Tracing level or Flags
_tcsncpy(LevelName, v, MAXNAMEARG); v = FindValue(line,_T("COMPNAME=")); // Component ID
_tcsncpy(CompIDName, v, MAXNAMEARG);
token = _tcstok(line,_T(" \t")); if (_tcsicmp(token,_T("#type")) == 0) { types[typeCount].TypeType = 1 ; } else if (_tcsicmp(token,_T("#typev")) == 0) { types[typeCount].TypeType = 2 ; } else { fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return(-10); } token = _tcstok( NULL, _T(" \t\n")); // Get Type Name
_tcscpy(types[typeCount].strType,token); token =_tcstok( NULL, _T("\"\n,")); // Look for a Format String
if (token != NULL) { types[typeCount].TypeIndex = _ttoi(token); // Get the type Index
token =_tcstok( NULL, _T("\n")); } etoken = NULL; if (token != NULL) { etoken = _tcsrchr(token,_T('\"')); // Find the closing quote
if (etoken !=NULL) { etoken[0] = 0; } else { token = NULL; }
if (token != NULL) { if (token[0] == '%' && token[1] == '0') { // add standard prefix
if (StdPrefix[0] == 0) { // need to initialize it.
LPTSTR Prefix = NULL ; int len, waslen = 0 ; while (((len = GetEnvironmentVariable(TRACE_FORMAT_PREFIX, Prefix, waslen )) - waslen) > 0) { if (len - waslen > 0 ) { if (Prefix != NULL) { free(Prefix); } Prefix = malloc((len+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ; if (Prefix == NULL) { return -11 ; } waslen = len ; } }
if (Prefix) { _tcsncpy(StdPrefix, Prefix, MAXSTR); } else { _tcscpy(StdPrefix, STD_PREFIX); } free(Prefix) ; } _tcscpy(types[typeCount].TypeFormat,StdPrefix); _tcscat(types[typeCount].TypeFormat,token + 2); } else { _tcscpy(types[typeCount].TypeFormat,token); } // process the special variable names
// Make generic in future
ReplaceStringUnsafe(types[typeCount].TypeFormat, _T("%!FUNC!"), FuncName); ReplaceStringUnsafe(types[typeCount].TypeFormat, _T("%!LEVEL!"), LevelName); ReplaceStringUnsafe(types[typeCount].TypeFormat, _T("%!COMPNAME!"), CompIDName);
} else { types[typeCount].TypeFormat[0] = types[typeCount].TypeFormat[1] = 0; }
if ( types[typeCount].TypeFormat[0] == 0 && types[typeCount].TypeFormat[1] == 0) { pMofInfo = GetMofInfoHead( HeadEventList, Guid, types[typeCount].strType, types[typeCount].TypeIndex, types[typeCount].TypeType, NULL, FALSE); } else { pMofInfo = GetMofInfoHead( HeadEventList, Guid, types[typeCount].strType, types[typeCount].TypeIndex, types[typeCount].TypeType, types[typeCount].TypeFormat, FALSE); }
if(pMofInfo == NULL){ fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return 0;
} if (_tcslen(strGuid) > 0) { pMofInfo->strDescription = (PTCHAR) malloc((_tcslen(strGuid) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pMofInfo->strDescription == NULL) { fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return 0; } _tcscpy(pMofInfo->strDescription, strGuid); }
typeCount++; if(typeCount >= MAXTYPE) { fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return(-11); } } else if ( (line[0] >= '0' && line[0] <= '9') || (line[0] >= 'a' && line[0] <= 'f') || (line[0] >= 'A' && line[0] <= 'F')) { typeCount = 0;
_tcsncpy(arg, line, 8); arg[8] = 0; Guid->Data1 = ahextoi(arg);
_tcsncpy(arg, &line[9], 4); arg[4] = 0; Guid->Data2 = (USHORT) ahextoi(arg);
_tcsncpy(arg, &line[14], 4); arg[4] = 0; Guid->Data3 = (USHORT) ahextoi(arg);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i ++) { _tcsncpy(arg, &line[19 + (i * 2)], 2); arg[2] = 0; Guid->Data4[i] = (UCHAR) ahextoi(arg); }
for (i = 2; i < 8; i ++) { _tcsncpy(arg, &line[20 + (i * 2)], 2); arg[2] = 0; Guid->Data4[i] = (UCHAR) ahextoi(arg); }
// Find the next non whitespace character
guidName = &line[36];
while (*guidName == ' '|| *guidName == '\t') { guidName++; }
// cut comment out (if present)
{ TCHAR* comment = _tcsstr(guidName, TEXT("//")); if (comment) { // remove whitespace
--comment; while (comment >= guidName && isspace(*comment)) --comment; *++comment = 0; } }
len = _tcslen(guidName); s = guidName;
while (len > 0) { len -= 1; if (*s == '\n' || *s == '\0' || *s == '\t') { *s = '\0'; break; } s++; }
pMofInfo = GetMofInfoHead( HeadEventList, Guid, NULL, -1, 0, NULL, FALSE);
if(pMofInfo == NULL){ fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return (ULONG) 0; }
if (pMofInfo->strDescription != NULL) { free(pMofInfo->strDescription); pMofInfo->strDescription = NULL; } _tcscpy(strGuid, guidName); pMofInfo->strDescription = (PTCHAR) malloc((_tcslen(guidName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pMofInfo->strDescription == NULL ) { // We really have problems
fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return (ULONG) 0 ; } _tcscpy(pMofInfo->strDescription, strGuid); n++ ; // Thats one more GUID
} RtlZeroMemory(line, MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR)); }
fclose(f); free(Guid); free(types); return (ULONG) n; }
ULONG ahextoi( TCHAR *s ) { SSIZE_T len; ULONG num, base, hex;
len = _tcslen(s); hex = 0; base = 1; num = 0; while (--len >= 0) { if ((s[len] == 'x' || s[len] == 'X') && (s[len-1] == '0')) { break; }
if (s[len] >= '0' && s[len] <= '9') { num = s[len] - '0'; } else if (s[len] >= 'a' && s[len] <= 'f') { num = (s[len] - 'a') + 10; } else if (s[len] >= 'A' && s[len] <= 'F') { num = (s[len] - 'A') + 10; } else { continue; }
hex += num * base; base = base * 16; } return hex; }
void WINAPI SummaryTraceEventListW( TCHAR * SummaryBlock, ULONG SizeSummaryBlock, PLIST_ENTRY EventListHead ) { PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo; TCHAR strGuid[MAXSTR]; TCHAR strName[MAXSTR]; TCHAR strBuffer[MAXSTR];
if (EventListHead == NULL) { return; } if (SummaryBlock == NULL) { return; } RtlZeroMemory(SummaryBlock, sizeof(TCHAR) * SizeSummaryBlock);
Head = EventListHead; Next = Head->Flink; while (Head != Next) { RtlZeroMemory(strName, 256); RtlZeroMemory(strBuffer, 256); pMofInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, MOF_INFO, Entry); if (pMofInfo->EventCount > 0) { GuidToString((PTCHAR) strGuid, &pMofInfo->Guid); MapGuidToName(&EventListHead, &pMofInfo->Guid, 0, strName); _sntprintf(strBuffer, MAXSTR, _T("|%10d %-20s %-10s %36s|\n"), pMofInfo->EventCount, strName, pMofInfo->strType ? pMofInfo->strType : _T("General"), strGuid);
_tcscat(SummaryBlock, strBuffer); if (_tcslen(SummaryBlock) >= SizeSummaryBlock) { return; } }
Next = Next->Flink; } }
PTCHAR GuidToString( PTCHAR s, LPGUID piid ) { _stprintf(s, _T("%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"), piid->Data1, piid->Data2, piid->Data3, piid->Data4[0], piid->Data4[1], piid->Data4[2], piid->Data4[3], piid->Data4[4], piid->Data4[5], piid->Data4[6], piid->Data4[7]); return(s); }
// This routine is called by the WBEM interface routine for each property
// found for this Guid. The ITEM_DESC structure is allocted for each Property.
VOID AddMofInfo( PLIST_ENTRY HeadEventList, const GUID * Guid, LPTSTR strType, ULONG typeIndex, LPTSTR strDesc, ITEM_TYPE ItemType, TCHAR * ItemList, ULONG typeOfType, LPTSTR typeFormat ) { PITEM_DESC pItem; PLIST_ENTRY pListHead; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo;
if (strDesc == NULL) { return; }
pItem = (PITEM_DESC) malloc(sizeof(ITEM_DESC)); if(pItem == NULL)return; //silent error
RtlZeroMemory(pItem, sizeof(ITEM_DESC)); pItem->strDescription = (LPTSTR) malloc((_tcslen(strDesc) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
if( pItem->strDescription == NULL ){ free(pItem); return; }
_tcscpy(pItem->strDescription, strDesc); pItem->ItemType = ItemType; pItem->ItemList = ItemList ; pMofInfo = GetMofInfoHead( (PLIST_ENTRY *) HeadEventList, (LPGUID) Guid, strType, typeIndex, typeOfType, typeFormat, FALSE); if (pMofInfo != NULL) { pListHead = pMofInfo->ItemHeader; InsertTailList(pListHead, &pItem->Entry); } else{ free(pItem->strDescription); free(pItem); }
void WINAPI CleanupTraceEventList( PLIST_ENTRY HeadEventList ) {
if (HeadEventList == NULL) { return; }
Head = HeadEventList; Next = Head->Flink; while (Head != Next) { pMofInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, MOF_INFO, Entry); RemoveEntryList(&pMofInfo->Entry); RemoveMofInfo(pMofInfo->ItemHeader); free(pMofInfo->ItemHeader); free(pMofInfo->strDescription); free(pMofInfo->TypeFormat); free(pMofInfo->strType); Next = Next->Flink; free(pMofInfo); }
free(HeadEventList); }
void RemoveMofInfo( PLIST_ENTRY pMofInfo ) { PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; PITEM_DESC pItem;
Head = pMofInfo; Next = Head->Flink; while (Head != Next) { pItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, ITEM_DESC, Entry); Next = Next->Flink; RemoveEntryList(&pItem->Entry);
if (pItem->strDescription != NULL) free(pItem->strDescription); if (pItem->ItemList != NULL) free(pItem->ItemList); free(pItem); }
// Now for some of the ASCII Stuff
SIZE_T WINAPI FormatTraceEventA( PLIST_ENTRY HeadEventList, PEVENT_TRACE pInEvent, CHAR * EventBuf, ULONG SizeEventBuf, CHAR * pszMask ) { SIZE_T Status; ULONG uSizeEventBuf; TCHAR * EventBufW; TCHAR * pszMaskW;
EventBufW = (TCHAR *) malloc(SizeEventBuf * sizeof(TCHAR) + 2); if (EventBufW == (TCHAR *) NULL) { return -1; }
pszMaskW = (TCHAR *) NULL;
if (pszMask != NULL && strlen(pszMask) != 0) { pszMaskW = (TCHAR *) malloc(strlen(pszMask) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszMaskW == (TCHAR *) NULL) { free(EventBufW); return -1; } RtlZeroMemory(pszMaskW, strlen(pszMask) * sizeof(TCHAR)); }
uSizeEventBuf = SizeEventBuf;
Status = FormatTraceEventW( HeadEventList, pInEvent, EventBufW, SizeEventBuf, pszMaskW); if (Status == 0) { free(EventBufW); free(pszMaskW); return -1; }
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, EventBufW, (int) _tcslen(EventBufW), // Truncate in Sundown!!
EventBuf, uSizeEventBuf, NULL, NULL);
free(EventBufW); free(pszMaskW);
return Status; }
ULONG WINAPI GetTraceGuidsA( CHAR * GuidFile, PLIST_ENTRY * HeadEventList ) { INT Status; TCHAR * GuidFileW; SIZE_T len;
if ((len = strlen(GuidFile)) == 0) { return 0; }
GuidFileW = malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * strlen(GuidFile) + 2); if (GuidFileW == NULL) { return 0; }
if ((MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, GuidFile, -1, GuidFileW, (int) strlen(GuidFile) * sizeof(TCHAR))) // Truncate in Sundown!!
== 0) { free(GuidFileW); return 0; }
Status = GetTraceGuidsW(GuidFileW, HeadEventList);
free (GuidFileW); return Status; }
void WINAPI SummaryTraceEventListA( CHAR * SummaryBlock, ULONG SizeSummaryBlock, PLIST_ENTRY EventListhead ) { TCHAR * SummaryBlockW;
if(SizeSummaryBlock <= 0 || SizeSummaryBlock * sizeof(TCHAR) <= 0 )return;
SummaryBlockW = (TCHAR *) malloc(SizeSummaryBlock * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (SummaryBlockW == (TCHAR *)NULL) return; //RtlZeroMemory(SummaryBlock, SizeSummaryBlock);
RtlZeroMemory(SummaryBlockW, SizeSummaryBlock*sizeof(TCHAR)); SummaryTraceEventListW( SummaryBlockW, SizeSummaryBlock * ((ULONG)sizeof(TCHAR)), EventListhead);
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, SummaryBlockW, (int)_tcslen(SummaryBlockW), // Truncate in Sundown!!
SummaryBlock, SizeSummaryBlock, NULL, NULL); free(SummaryBlockW); }
void WINAPI GetTraceElapseTime( __int64 * pElapseTime ) { * pElapseTime = ElapseTime; }
ULONG WINAPI SetTraceFormatParameter( PARAMETER_TYPE Parameter , PVOID ParameterValue ) { switch (Parameter) { case ParameterINDENT: bIndent = PtrToUlong(ParameterValue); break;
case ParameterSEQUENCE: bSequence = PtrToUlong(ParameterValue); if (bSequence) { STD_PREFIX = STD_PREFIX_SEQ; } else { STD_PREFIX = STD_PREFIX_NOSEQ; } break;
case ParameterGMT: bGmt = PtrToUlong(ParameterValue); break;
case ParameterTraceFormatSearchPath: break; }
return 0 ; }
ULONG WINAPI GetTraceFormatParameter( PARAMETER_TYPE Parameter , PVOID ParameterValue ) { switch (Parameter) { case ParameterINDENT: return bIndent; case ParameterSEQUENCE: return bSequence; case ParameterGMT: return bGmt; }
return 0 ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif