#include "ctlspriv.h"
// SUBCLASS.C -- subclassing helper functions
// SetWindowSubclass
// GetWindowSubclass
// RemoveWindowSubclass
// DefSubclassProc
// This module defines helper functions that make subclassing windows safe(er)
// and easy(er). The code maintains a single property on the subclassed window
// and dispatches various "subclass callbacks" to its clients a required. The
// client is provided reference data and a simple "default processing" API.
// Semantics:
// A "subclass callback" is identified by a unique pairing of a callback
// function pointer and an unsigned ID value. Each callback can also store a
// single DWORD of reference data, which is passed to the callback function
// when it is called to filter messages. No reference counting is performed
// for the callback, it may repeatedly call the SetWindowSubclass API to alter
// the value of its reference data element as desired.
// Warning: You cannot use these to subclass a window across threads since
// the critical sections have been removed. 05-May-97
// History:
// 26-April-96 francish Created.
// 05-May -97 davidds Stopped serializing the world.
// NOTE: Although a linked list would have made the code slightly simpler, this
// module uses a packed callback array to avoid unneccessary fragmentation. fh
typedef struct { SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass; // subclass procedure
WPARAM uIdSubclass; // unique subclass identifier
DWORD_PTR dwRefData; // optional ref data
typedef struct _SUBCLASS_FRAME { UINT uCallIndex; // index of next callback to call
UINT uDeepestCall; // deepest uCallIndex on stack
struct _SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFramePrev; // previous subclass frame pointer
struct _SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; // header associated with this frame
typedef struct _SUBCLASS_HEADER { UINT uRefs; // subclass count
UINT uAlloc; // allocated subclass call nodes
UINT uCleanup; // index of call node to clean up
DWORD dwThreadId; // thread id of window we are hooking
SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrameCur; // current subclass frame pointer
SUBCLASS_CALL CallArray[1]; // base of packed call node array
#define CALLBACK_ALLOC_GRAIN (3) // 1 defproc, 1 subclass, 1 spare
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL IsValidPSUBCLASS_CALL(SUBCLASS_CALL * pcall) { return (IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(pcall, SUBCLASS_CALL) && (NULL == pcall->pfnSubclass || IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pcall->pfnSubclass, SUBCLASSPROC))); }
// The LITE version does not validate the pHeader.
// Use this if you expect the pHeader to be bad.
BOOL IsValidPSUBCLASS_FRAME_LITE(SUBCLASS_FRAME * pframe) { return (IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(pframe, SUBCLASS_FRAME) && (NULL == pframe->pFramePrev || IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(pframe->pFramePrev, SUBCLASS_FRAME))); } // The regular version does all the LITE validation plus validates
// the pHeader. Most people will use this version.
// The LITE version validates the SUBCLASS_FRAME the LITE way rather
// than the regular way.
if (bRet) { UINT i; SUBCLASS_CALL * pcall = phdr->CallArray;
for (i = 0; i < phdr->uRefs; i++, pcall++) { if (!IS_VALID_STRUCT_PTR(pcall, SUBCLASS_CALL)) return FALSE; } } return bRet; }
// The regular version does regular validation of the SUBCLASS_FRAME.
// Since we don't do any serialization, we need this to make sure of this.
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL IsWindowOnCurrentThread(HWND hWnd) { DWORD foo;
if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) // bail if the window is dead so we dont bogusly rip
return(TRUE); if (GetCurrentThreadId() != GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &foo)) { DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("wn: WindowSubclass - Called from wrong thread %08X"), hWnd); return(FALSE); } else return(TRUE); } #endif
LRESULT CALLBACK MasterSubclassProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CallNextSubclassProc(SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// this macro controls the generation of diagnostic code for an error condition
// in the subclass code (see the SubclassDeath function below).
// commenting out this macro will zombie windows using DefWindowProc instead.
#ifndef DEBUG
#pragma message("\r\nWARNING: disable retail ZombieWndProc before final release\r\n")
LRESULT ZombieWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #else
#define ZombieWndProc DefWindowProc
// SubclassDeath
// this function is called if we ever enter one of our subclassing procedures
// without our reference data (and hence without the previous wndproc).
// hitting this represents a catastrophic failure in the subclass code.
// the function resets the wndproc of the window to a 'zombie' window
// procedure to avoid faulting. the RETAIL_ZOMBIE_MESSAGE_WNDPROC macro above
// controls the generation of diagnostic code for this wndproc.
LRESULT SubclassDeath(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //
// if we do please find francish to debug it immediately
DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("fatal: SubclassDeath in window %08X"), hWnd);
#ifdef DEBUG
// if we are in a debugger, stop now regardless of break flags
__try { DebugBreak(); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {;} __endexcept #endif
// we call the outside world so prepare to deadlock if we have the critsec
// in theory we could save the original wndproc in a separate property
// but that just wastes memory for something that should never happen
// convert this window to a zombie in hopes that it will get debugged
InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); SubclassWindow(hWnd, ZombieWndProc); return ZombieWndProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// GetWindowProc
// this inline function returns the current wndproc for the specified window.
__inline WNDPROC GetWindowProc(HWND hWnd) { return (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC); }
// g_aCC32Subclass
// This is the global ATOM we use to store our SUBCLASS_HEADER property on
// random windows that come our way.
// Win95's property code is BROKEN. If you SetProp using a text string, USER
// adds and removes atoms for the property symmetrically, including when the
// window is destroyed with properties lying around (good). Unfortunately, if
// you SetProp using a global atom, USER doesn't do things quite right in the
// window cleanup case. It uses the atom without adding references in SetProp
// calls and without deleting them in RemoveProp calls (good so far). However,
// when a window with one of these properties lying around is cleaned up, USER
// will delete the atom on you. This tends to break apps that do the
// following:
// - MyAtom = GlobalAddAtom("foo"); // at app startup
// - SetProp(SomeWindow, MyAtom, MyData);
// - <window gets destroyed, USER deletes atom>
// - <time passes>
// - SetProp(SomeOtherWindow, MyAtom, MyData); // fails or uses random atom
// - GlobalDeleteAtom(MyAtom); // fails or deletes random atom
// One might be tempted to ask why this file uses atom properties if they are
// so broken. Put simply, it is the only way to defend yourself against other
// apps that use atom properties (like the one described above). Imagine that
// we call SetProp(OurWindow, "bar", OurData) in some other app at about the
// <time passes> point in the sequence above. USER has just nuked some poor
// app's atom, and we wander into SetProp, which calls GlobalAddAtom, which
// just happens to give us the free slot created by USER's window cleanup code.
// Now we have a real problem because the very same atom is sitting in some
// global variable in the other app, just waiting to be deleted when that app
// exits (Peachtree Accounting tends to be very good at this...) Of course the
// ultimate outcome of this is that we will call GetProp in some critical
// routine and our data will have vanished (it's actually still in the window's
// property table but GetProp("bar") calls GlobalFindAtom("bar") to get the
// atom to scan the property table for; and that call will fail so the property
// will be missed and we'll get back NULL).
// Basically, we create an atom and aggressively increment its reference count
// so that it can withstand a few GlobalDeleteAtom calls every now and then.
// Since we are using an atom property, we need to worry about USER's cleanup
// code nuking us too. Thus we just keep incrementing the reference count
// until it pegs.
// We doesn't have the above problems, but MainWin SetProp implementation
// doesn't create GlobalAtom when it gets 2nd argument as a string.
// And it doesn't have to - that's non-documented NT/Win95 implementation.
// So, if UNIX, we will use the ATOM in all the cases, marking #ifdef MAINWIN.
extern ATOM g_aCC32Subclass;
// FastGetSubclassHeader
// this inline function returns the subclass header for the specified window.
// if the window has no subclass header the return value is NULL.
__inline SUBCLASS_HEADER *FastGetSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd) { return (g_aCC32Subclass ? ((SUBCLASS_HEADER *)GetProp(hWnd, MAKEINTATOM(g_aCC32Subclass))) : NULL); }
// GetSubclassHeader
// this function returns the subclass header for the specified window. it
// fails if the caller is on the wrong process, but will allow the caller to
// get the header from a thread other than the specified window's thread.
SUBCLASS_HEADER *GetSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd) { DWORD dwProcessId;
// only return the header if we are in the right process
if (!GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId)) dwProcessId = 0;
if (dwProcessId != GetCurrentProcessId()) { if (dwProcessId) DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("error: XxxWindowSubclass - wrong process for window %08X"), hWnd);
if (g_aCC32Subclass == 0) { //
// HACK: we are intentionally incrementing the refcount on this atom
// WE DO NOT WANT IT TO GO BACK DOWN so we will not delete it in process
// detach (see comments for g_aCC32Subclass in subclass.c for more info)
ATOM a; if ((a = GlobalAddAtom(c_szCC32Subclass)) != 0) g_aCC32Subclass = a; // in case the old atom got nuked
// return the header
return FastGetSubclassHeader(hWnd); }
// SetSubclassHeader
// this function sets the subclass header for the specified window.
BOOL SetSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrameFixup) { BOOL fResult = TRUE; // assume success
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we are partying on the header and frame list
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// update the frame list if required
while (pFrameFixup) { pFrameFixup->pHeader = pHeader; pFrameFixup = pFrameFixup->pFramePrev; }
// do we have a window to update?
if (hWnd) { //
// update/remove the property as required
if (!pHeader) { //
// HACK: we remove with an ATOM so the refcount won't drop
// (see comments for g_aCC32Subclass above)
RemoveProp(hWnd, MAKEINTATOM(g_aCC32Subclass)); } else { LPCTSTR lpPropAtomOrStr; #ifndef MAINWIN
// HACK: we add using a STRING so the refcount will go up
// (see comments for g_aCC32Subclass above)
lpPropAtomOrStr = c_szCC32Subclass; #else
if (! g_aCC32Subclass) g_aCC32Subclass = GlobalAddAtom(c_szCC32Subclass); if (! g_aCC32Subclass) { DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("wn: SetWindowSubclass - couldn't subclass window %08X\
GlobalAddAtom failed for %s"), hWnd, c_szCC32Subclass); return FALSE; } lpPropAtomOrStr = g_aCC32Subclass; #endif
if (!SetProp(hWnd, lpPropAtomOrStr, (HANDLE)pHeader)) { DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("wn: SetWindowSubclass - couldn't subclass window %08X"), hWnd); fResult = FALSE; } } }
return fResult; }
// FreeSubclassHeader
// this function frees the subclass header for the specified window.
void FreeSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader) { #ifdef FREETHREADEDSUBCLASSGOOP
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we will be removing the subclass header
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// sanity
if (!pHeader) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; }
// clean up the header
SetSubclassHeader(hWnd, NULL, pHeader->pFrameCur); LocalFree((HANDLE)pHeader); }
// ReAllocSubclassHeader
// this function allocates/reallocates a subclass header for the specified
// window.
SUBCLASS_HEADER *ReAllocSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, UINT uCallbacks) { UINT uAlloc;
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we will be replacing the subclass header
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// granularize the allocation
// do we need to change the allocation?
if (!pHeader || (uAlloc != pHeader->uAlloc)) { //
// compute bytes required
uCallbacks = uAlloc * sizeof(SUBCLASS_CALL) + sizeof(SUBCLASS_HEADER);
// and try to alloc
pHeader = CCLocalReAlloc(pHeader, uCallbacks);
// did it work?
if (pHeader) { //
// yup, update info
pHeader->uAlloc = uAlloc;
if (!SetSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader, pHeader->pFrameCur)) { FreeSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader); pHeader = NULL; }
} }
return pHeader; }
// CallOriginalWndProc
// this procedure is the default SUBCLASSPROC which is always installed when we
// subclass a window. the original window procedure is installed as the
// reference data for this callback. it simply calls the original wndproc and
// returns its result.
LRESULT CALLBACK CallOriginalWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { //
// dwRefData should be the original window procedure
// and call it
return CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)dwRefData, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// AttachSubclassHeader
// this procedure makes sure that a given window is subclassed by us. it
// maintains a reference count on the data structures associated with our
// subclass. if the window is not yet subclassed by us then this procedure
// installs our subclass procedure and associated data structures.
SUBCLASS_HEADER *AttachSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd) { SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; DWORD dwThreadId;
// we party on the subclass call chain here
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// we only call SetWindowLong for the first caller, which would cause this
// operation to work out of context sometimes and fail others...
// artifically prevent people from subclassing from the wrong thread
if ((dwThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, NULL)) != GetCurrentThreadId()) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: SetWindowSubclass - wrong thread for window %08X"), hWnd); return NULL; }
// if haven't already subclassed the window then do it now
if ((pHeader = GetSubclassHeader(hWnd)) == NULL) { WNDPROC pfnOldWndProc; SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall;
// attach our header data to the window
// we need space for two callbacks; the subclass and the original proc
if ((pHeader = ReAllocSubclassHeader(hWnd, NULL, 2)) == NULL) return NULL;
pHeader->dwThreadId = dwThreadId;
// actually subclass the window
if ((pfnOldWndProc = SubclassWindow(hWnd, MasterSubclassProc)) == NULL) { // clean up and get out
FreeSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader); return NULL; }
// set up the first node in the array to call the original wndproc
pCall = pHeader->CallArray; pCall->pfnSubclass = CallOriginalWndProc; pCall->uIdSubclass = 0; pCall->dwRefData = (DWORD_PTR)pfnOldWndProc;
// init our subclass refcount...
pHeader->uRefs = 1; }
return pHeader; }
// DetachSubclassHeader
// this procedure attempts to detach the subclass header from the specified
// window
void DetachSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, BOOL fForce) { WNDPROC pfnOldWndProc; #ifdef DEBUG
SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall; UINT uCur; #endif
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we party on the subclass call chain here
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
ASSERT(pHeader); // fear
// if we are not being forced to remove and the window is still valid then
// sniff around a little and decide if it's a good idea to detach now
if (!fForce && hWnd) { ASSERT(pHeader == FastGetSubclassHeader(hWnd)); // paranoia
// do we still have active clients?
if (pHeader->uRefs > 1) return;
ASSERT(pHeader->uRefs); // should always have the "call original" node
// are people on our stack?
if (pHeader->pFrameCur) return;
// if we are out of context then we should try again later
if (pHeader->dwThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { SendNotifyMessage(hWnd, WM_NULL, 0, 0L); return; }
// we keep the original window procedure as refdata for our
// CallOriginalWndProc subclass callback
pfnOldWndProc = (WNDPROC)pHeader->CallArray[0].dwRefData; ASSERT(pfnOldWndProc);
// if somebody else is subclassed after us then we can't detach now
if (GetWindowProc(hWnd) != MasterSubclassProc) return;
// go ahead and try to detach
if (!SubclassWindow(hWnd, pfnOldWndProc)) { ASSERT(FALSE); // just plain shouldn't happen
return; } }
// warn about anybody who hasn't unhooked yet
#ifdef DEBUG
uCur = pHeader->uRefs; pCall = pHeader->CallArray + uCur; while (--uCur) // don't complain about our 'call original' node
{ pCall--; if (pCall->pfnSubclass) { //
// always warn about these they could be leaks
DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("warning: orphan subclass: fn %08X, id %08X, dw %08X"), pCall->pfnSubclass, pCall->uIdSubclass, pCall->dwRefData); } } #endif
// free the header now
FreeSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader); }
// PurgeSingleCallNode
// this procedure purges a single dead node in the call array
void PurgeSingleCallNode(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader) { UINT uRemain;
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we will try to re-arrange the call array
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
if (!pHeader->uCleanup) // a little sanity
{ ASSERT(FALSE); // nothing to do!
return; }
// and a little paranoia
ASSERT(!pHeader->pFrameCur || (pHeader->uCleanup < pHeader->pFrameCur->uDeepestCall));
// are there any call nodes above the one we're about to remove?
if ((uRemain = (pHeader->uRefs - pHeader->uCleanup)) > 0) { //
// yup, need to fix up the array the hard way
// move the remaining nodes down into the empty space
pCall = pHeader->CallArray + pHeader->uCleanup; MoveMemory(pCall, pCall + 1, uRemain * sizeof(SUBCLASS_CALL));
// update the call indices of any active frames
uCur = pHeader->uCleanup; pFrame = pHeader->pFrameCur; while (pFrame) { if (pFrame->uCallIndex >= uCur) { pFrame->uCallIndex--;
if (pFrame->uDeepestCall >= uCur) pFrame->uDeepestCall--; }
pFrame = pFrame->pFramePrev; }
// now search for any other dead call nodes in the reamining area
uMax = pHeader->uRefs - 1; // we haven't decremented uRefs yet
while (uCur < uMax) { if (!pCall->pfnSubclass) break;
pCall++; uCur++; } pHeader->uCleanup = (uCur < uMax)? uCur : 0; } else { //
// nope, this case is easy
pHeader->uCleanup = 0; }
// finally, decrement the client count
pHeader->uRefs--; }
// CompactSubclassHeader
// this procedure attempts to compact the subclass call array, freeing the
// subclass header if the array is empty
void CompactSubclassHeader(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader) { #ifdef FREETHREADEDSUBCLASSGOOP
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we will try to re-arrange the call array
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// we must handle the "window destroyed unexpectedly during callback" case
if (hWnd) { //
// clean out as many dead callbacks as possible
while (pHeader->uCleanup && (!pHeader->pFrameCur || (pHeader->uCleanup < pHeader->pFrameCur->uDeepestCall))) { PurgeSingleCallNode(hWnd, pHeader); }
// do we still have clients?
if (pHeader->uRefs > 1) { //
// yes, shrink our allocation, leaving room for at least one client
ReAllocSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader, pHeader->uRefs + 1); return; } }
// try to detach and free
DetachSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader, FALSE); }
// FindCallRecord
// this procedure searches for a call record with the specified subclass proc
// and id, and returns its address. if no such call record is found then NULL
// is returned.
SUBCLASS_CALL *FindCallRecord(SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, WPARAM uIdSubclass) { SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall; UINT uCallIndex;
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we'll be scanning the call array
// scan the call array. note that we assume there is always at least
// one member in the table (our CallOriginalWndProc record)
pCall = pHeader->CallArray + (uCallIndex = pHeader->uRefs); do { uCallIndex--; pCall--; if ((pCall->pfnSubclass == pfnSubclass) && (pCall->uIdSubclass == uIdSubclass)) { return pCall; } } while (uCallIndex != (UINT)-1);
return NULL; }
// GetWindowSubclass
// this procedure retrieves the reference data for the specified window
// subclass callback
BOOL GetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR *pdwRefData) { SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall; BOOL fResult = FALSE; DWORD_PTR dwRefData = 0;
// sanity
if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: GetWindowSubclass - %08X not a window"), hWnd); goto ReturnResult; }
// more sanity
if (!pfnSubclass #ifdef DEBUG
|| IsBadCodePtr((PROC)pfnSubclass) #endif
) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: GetWindowSubclass - invalid callback %08X"), pfnSubclass); goto ReturnResult; }
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// if we've subclassed it and they are a client then get the refdata
if (((pHeader = GetSubclassHeader(hWnd)) != NULL) && ((pCall = FindCallRecord(pHeader, pfnSubclass, uIdSubclass)) != NULL)) { //
// fetch the refdata and note success
dwRefData = pCall->dwRefData; fResult = TRUE; }
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// we always fill in/zero pdwRefData regradless of result
ReturnResult: if (pdwRefData) *pdwRefData = dwRefData;
return fResult; }
// SetWindowSubclass
// this procedure installs/updates a window subclass callback. subclass
// callbacks are identified by their callback address and id pair. if the
// specified callback/id pair is not yet installed then the procedure installs
// the pair. if the callback/id pair is already installed then this procedure
// changes the refernce data for the pair.
BOOL SetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall; BOOL bResult;
// some sanity
if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: SetWindowSubclass - %08X not a window"), hWnd); return FALSE; }
// more sanity
if (!pfnSubclass #ifdef DEBUG
|| IsBadCodePtr((PROC)pfnSubclass) #endif
) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: SetWindowSubclass - invalid callback %08X"), pfnSubclass); return FALSE; }
bResult = FALSE; // assume failure
// we party on the subclass call chain here
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// actually subclass the window
if ((pHeader = AttachSubclassHeader(hWnd)) == NULL) goto bail;
// find a call node for this caller
if ((pCall = FindCallRecord(pHeader, pfnSubclass, uIdSubclass)) == NULL) { //
// not found, alloc a new one
SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeaderT = ReAllocSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader, pHeader->uRefs + 1);
if (!pHeaderT) { //
// re-query in case it is already gone
if ((pHeader = FastGetSubclassHeader(hWnd)) != NULL) CompactSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader);
goto bail; }
pHeader = pHeaderT; pCall = pHeader->CallArray + pHeader->uRefs; pHeader->uRefs++; }
// fill in the subclass call data
pCall->pfnSubclass = pfnSubclass; pCall->uIdSubclass = uIdSubclass; pCall->dwRefData = dwRefData;
bResult = TRUE;
bail: //
// release the critical section and return the result
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
return bResult; }
// RemoveWindowSubclass
// this procedure removes a subclass callback from a window. subclass
// callbacks are identified by their callback address and id pair.
BOOL RemoveWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass) { SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall; BOOL bResult; UINT uCall;
// some sanity
if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: RemoveWindowSubclass - %08X not a window"), hWnd); return FALSE; }
// more sanity
if (!pfnSubclass #ifdef DEBUG
|| IsBadCodePtr((PROC)pfnSubclass) #endif
) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: RemoveWindowSubclass - invalid callback %08X"), pfnSubclass); return FALSE; }
bResult = FALSE; // assume failure
// we party on the subclass call chain here
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// obtain our subclass data
if ((pHeader = GetSubclassHeader(hWnd)) == NULL) goto bail;
// find the callback to remove
if ((pCall = FindCallRecord(pHeader, pfnSubclass, uIdSubclass)) == NULL) goto bail;
// disable this node and remember that we have something to clean up
pCall->pfnSubclass = NULL;
uCall = (UINT) (pCall - pHeader->CallArray);
if (!pHeader->uCleanup || (uCall < pHeader->uCleanup)) pHeader->uCleanup = uCall;
// now try to clean up any unused nodes
CompactSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader); #ifdef DEBUG
// the call above can realloc or free the subclass header for this window
pHeader = NULL; #endif
bResult = TRUE; // it worked
bail: //
// release the critical section and return the result
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
return bResult; }
// DefSubclassProc
// this procedure calls the next handler in the window's subclass chain. the
// last handler in the subclass chain is installed by us, and calls the
// original window procedure for the window.
LRESULT DefSubclassProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; LRESULT lResult = 0L;
// make sure the window is still valid
if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("warning: DefSubclassProc - %08X not a window"), hWnd); goto BailNonCritical; }
// take the critical section while we figure out who to call next
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// complain if we are being called improperly
if ((pHeader = FastGetSubclassHeader(hWnd)) == NULL) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: DefSubclassProc - window %08X not subclassed"), hWnd); goto BailCritical; } else if (GetCurrentThreadId() != pHeader->dwThreadId) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: DefSubclassProc - wrong thread for window %08X"), hWnd); goto BailCritical; } else if (!pHeader->pFrameCur) { AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("error: DefSubclassProc - window %08X not in callback"), hWnd); goto BailCritical; }
// call the next proc in the subclass chain
// WARNING: this call temporarily releases the critical section
// WARNING: pHeader is invalid when this call returns
lResult = CallNextSubclassProc(pHeader, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); #ifdef DEBUG
pHeader = NULL; #endif
// return the result
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
BailNonCritical: return lResult; }
// UpdateDeepestCall
// this procedure updates the deepest call index for the specified frame
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we are partying on the frame list
if (pFrame->pFramePrev && (pFrame->pFramePrev->uDeepestCall < pFrame->uCallIndex)) { pFrame->uDeepestCall = pFrame->pFramePrev->uDeepestCall; } else pFrame->uDeepestCall = pFrame->uCallIndex; }
// EnterSubclassFrame
// this procedure sets up a new subclass frame for the specified header, saving
// away the previous one
__inline void EnterSubclassFrame(SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame) { #ifdef FREETHREADEDSUBCLASSGOOP
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we are partying on the header and frame list
// fill in the frame and link it into the header
pFrame->uCallIndex = pHeader->uRefs; pFrame->pFramePrev = pHeader->pFrameCur; pFrame->pHeader = pHeader; pHeader->pFrameCur = pFrame;
// initialize the deepest call index for this frame
UpdateDeepestCall(pFrame); }
// LeaveSubclassFrame
// this procedure cleans up the current subclass frame for the specified
// header, restoring the previous one
__inline SUBCLASS_HEADER *LeaveSubclassFrame(SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame) { SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader;
ASSERTCRITICAL; // we are partying on the header
// unlink the frame from its header (if it still exists)
if ((pHeader = pFrame->pHeader) != NULL) pHeader->pFrameCur = pFrame->pFramePrev;
return pHeader; }
// SubclassFrameException
// this procedure cleans up when an exception is thrown from a subclass frame
void SubclassFrameException(SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame) { //
// clean up the current subclass frame
DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("warning: cleaning up subclass frame after exception")); LeaveSubclassFrame(pFrame); #ifdef FREETHREADEDSUBCLASSGOOP
// MasterSubclassProc
// this is the window procedure we install to dispatch subclass callbacks.
// it maintains a linked list of 'frames' through the stack which allow
// DefSubclassProc to call the right subclass procedure in multiple-message
// scenarios.
LRESULT CALLBACK MasterSubclassProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SUBCLASS_FRAME Frame; SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader; LRESULT lResult = 0;
// prevent people from partying on the callback chain while we look at it
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// we're in big trouble if we got here and we don't have our data
if ((pHeader = FastGetSubclassHeader(hWnd)) == NULL) { #ifdef FREETHREADEDSUBCLASSGOOP
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
return SubclassDeath(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// set up a new subclass frame and save away the previous one
EnterSubclassFrame(pHeader, &Frame);
__try // protect our state information from exceptions
{ //
// go ahead and call the subclass chain on this frame
// WARNING: this call temporarily releases the critical section
// WARNING: pHeader is invalid when this call returns
lResult = CallNextSubclassProc(pHeader, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); #ifdef DEBUG
pHeader = NULL; #endif
} __except ((SubclassFrameException(&Frame), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH)) { ASSERT(FALSE); } __endexcept
ASSERT(IsWindowOnCurrentThread(hWnd)); #endif
// restore the previous subclass frame
pHeader = LeaveSubclassFrame(&Frame);
// if the header is gone we have already cleaned up in a nested frame
if (!pHeader) goto BailOut;
// was the window nuked (somehow) without us seeing the WM_NCDESTROY?
if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { //
// EVIL! somebody subclassed after us and didn't pass on WM_NCDESTROY
AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("unknown subclass proc swallowed a WM_NCDESTROY"));
// go ahead and clean up now
hWnd = NULL; uMsg = WM_NCDESTROY; }
// if we are returning from a WM_NCDESTROY then we need to clean up
if (uMsg == WM_NCDESTROY) { DetachSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader, TRUE); goto BailOut; }
// is there any pending cleanup, or are all our clients gone?
if (pHeader->uCleanup || (!pHeader->pFrameCur && (pHeader->uRefs <= 1))) { CompactSubclassHeader(hWnd, pHeader); #ifdef DEBUG
pHeader = NULL; #endif
// all done
return lResult; }
// EnterSubclassCallback
// this procedure finds the next callback in the subclass chain and updates
// pFrame to indicate that we are calling it
UINT EnterSubclassCallback(SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame, SUBCLASS_CALL *pCallChosen) { SUBCLASS_CALL *pCall; UINT uDepth;
// we will be scanning the subclass chain and updating frame data
// scan the subclass chain for the next callable subclass callback
pCall = pHeader->CallArray + pFrame->uCallIndex; uDepth = 0; do { uDepth++; pCall--;
} while (!pCall->pfnSubclass);
// copy the callback information for the caller
pCallChosen->pfnSubclass = pCall->pfnSubclass; pCallChosen->uIdSubclass = pCall->uIdSubclass; pCallChosen->dwRefData = pCall->dwRefData;
// adjust the frame's call index by the depth we entered
pFrame->uCallIndex -= uDepth;
// keep the deepest call index up to date
return uDepth; }
// LeaveSubclassCallback
// this procedure finds the next callback in the cal
__inline void LeaveSubclassCallback(SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame, UINT uDepth) { //
// we will be updating subclass frame data
// adjust the frame's call index by the depth we entered and return
pFrame->uCallIndex += uDepth;
// keep the deepest call index up to date
UpdateDeepestCall(pFrame); }
// SubclassCallbackException
// this procedure cleans up when a subclass callback throws an exception
void SubclassCallbackException(SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame, UINT uDepth) { //
// clean up the current subclass callback
DebugMsg(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("warning: cleaning up subclass callback after exception")); LeaveSubclassCallback(pFrame, uDepth); #ifdef FREETHREADEDSUBCLASSGOOP
// CallNextSubclassProc
// this procedure calls the next subclass callback in the subclass chain
// WARNING: this call temporarily releases the critical section
// WARNING: pHeader is invalid when this call returns
LRESULT CallNextSubclassProc(SUBCLASS_HEADER *pHeader, HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SUBCLASS_CALL Call; SUBCLASS_FRAME *pFrame; LRESULT lResult; UINT uDepth;
ASSERT(pHeader); // paranoia
// get the current subclass frame
pFrame = pHeader->pFrameCur; ASSERT(pFrame);
// get the next subclass call we need to make
uDepth = EnterSubclassCallback(pHeader, pFrame, &Call);
// leave the critical section so we don't deadlock in our callback
// WARNING: pHeader is invalid when this call returns
#ifdef DEBUG
pHeader = NULL; #endif
// we call the outside world so prepare to deadlock if we have the critsec
__try // protect our state information from exceptions
{ //
// call the chosen subclass proc
lResult = Call.pfnSubclass(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, Call.uIdSubclass, Call.dwRefData); } __except ((SubclassCallbackException(pFrame, uDepth), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH)) { ASSERT(FALSE); } __endexcept
// we left the critical section before calling out so re-enter it
// finally, clean up and return
LeaveSubclassCallback(pFrame, uDepth); return lResult; }
#ifdef DEBUG
static const TCHAR c_szZombieMessage[] = \ TEXT("This window has encountered an internal error which is preventing ") \ TEXT("it from operating normally.\r\n\nPlease report this problem to ") \ TEXT("FrancisH immediately."); #else
static const TCHAR c_szZombieMessage[] = \ TEXT("This window has encountered an internal error which is preventing ") \ TEXT("it from operating normally.\r\n\nPlease report this as a bug in the ") \ TEXT("COMCTL32 library."); #endif
LRESULT ZombieWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_ERASEBKGND: { HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam; HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,0));
if (hBrush) { RECT rcErase;
switch (GetClipBox(hDC, &rcErase)) { default: FillRect(hDC, &rcErase, hBrush); break; case NULLREGION: case ERROR: break; }
DeleteBrush(hBrush); } } return 1;
case WM_PAINT: { RECT rcClient; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
if (hDC && GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcClient)) { COLORREF clrBkSave = SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(255,255,0)); COLORREF clrFgSave = SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(255,0,0));
DrawText(hDC, c_szZombieMessage, -1, &rcClient, DT_LEFT | DT_TOP | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS);
SetTextColor(hDC, clrFgSave); SetBkColor(hDC, clrBkSave); }
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); } return 0; }
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } #endif
// See comments in InitForWinlogon() for an explanation of why this is
// necessary.
// FixupEnumChildWindowProc
// hwnd = child window
// lParam = new ATOM for subclass data
// If this window has an old subclass record, move it to the new atom
BOOL CALLBACK FixupEnumChildWindowProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hSubclass = RemoveProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(g_aCC32Subclass)); if (hSubclass) { SetProp(hwnd, (LPCTSTR)lParam, hSubclass); } return TRUE; }
// FixupEnumWindowProc
// hwnd = top-level window
// lParam = new ATOM for subclass data
// If this window belongs to our process, fix it up and fix up
// all its children, too.
BOOL CALLBACK FixupEnumWindowProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwPid; if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwPid) && dwPid == GetCurrentProcessId()) { FixupEnumChildWindowProc(hwnd, lParam); // fix up the window itself
EnumChildWindows(hwnd, FixupEnumChildWindowProc, lParam); // and all its kids
} return TRUE; }
// FixupEnumDesktopProc
// lpszDesktop = desktop name
// lParam = new ATOM for subclass data
BOOL CALLBACK FixupEnumDesktopProc(LPTSTR lpszDesktop, LPARAM lParam) { HDESK hdesk = OpenDesktop(lpszDesktop, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ENUMERATE | DESKTOP_READOBJECTS | DESKTOP_WRITEOBJECTS); if (hdesk) { HDESK hdeskPrev = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); if (hdeskPrev) { if (SetThreadDesktop(hdesk)) { EnumWindows(FixupEnumWindowProc, lParam); SetThreadDesktop(hdeskPrev); } } CloseDesktop(hdesk); } return TRUE; }
STDAPI_(void) FixupSubclassRecordsAfterLogoff() { ATOM a;
if (!g_aCC32Subclass) return; // No active subclasses; nothing to do
a = GlobalAddAtom(c_szCC32Subclass); if (a == g_aCC32Subclass) return; // We lucked out -- no actual change
EnumDesktops(GetProcessWindowStation(), FixupEnumDesktopProc, a); g_aCC32Subclass = a; }