Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

824 lines
28 KiB

  1. <HTML xmlns:ctls >
  2. <HEAD>
  3. <META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>
  4. <META http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes">
  5. <TITLE ID=ARP>Add or Remove Programs</TITLE>
  6. <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="arp.css">
  7. <STYLE>
  8. ctls\:PLACES { behavior: url(; }
  9. ctls\:LISTBOX { behavior: url(; }
  10. ctls\:ACCEL { behavior: url(; }
  11. .PlacesBar {
  12. background-color:threedshadow
  13. }
  14. .Hide {
  15. display:none
  16. }
  17. .NonClientBackground { /* non-client area background */
  18. background-color: buttonface;
  19. }
  20. .Header { /* group headers */
  21. padding-bottom: 5px;
  22. vertical-align: text-top;
  23. }
  24. .GroupImage { /* used for the images adjacent to group descriptions */
  25. margin-right: 5px;
  26. }
  27. .GroupDesc {
  28. padding-left: 1em;
  29. padding-right: 1em;
  30. }
  31. .AppNameRow {
  32. }
  33. .AppImageTD {
  34. width: 20px;
  35. padding: '4px 2px 2px 2px';
  36. }
  37. .InfoPane { /* The pane that has the 'support info' */
  38. padding-top:4px; /* give a little breathing room */
  39. vertical-align: top;
  40. }
  41. /* Property label style for TD elements. The datasource object spits
  42. out HTML using this class.
  43. */
  44. .PropLabel {
  45. width: 7em;
  46. padding-top: 2px;
  47. padding-bottom: 2px;
  48. padding-right: 3px;
  49. text-align: right;
  50. }
  51. /* Property value style for TD elements. The datasource object spits
  52. out HTML using this class.
  53. */
  54. .PropValue {
  55. width: 6em;
  56. text-align: right;
  57. padding-right: 7px;
  58. }
  59. /* Property label style for TD elements. The datasource object spits
  60. out HTML using this class.
  61. */
  62. .AddPropLabel {
  63. padding-top: 2px;
  64. padding-bottom: 2px;
  65. padding-right: 3px;
  66. text-align: right;
  67. }
  68. /* Property value style for TD elements. The datasource object spits
  69. out HTML using this class.
  70. */
  71. .AddPropValue {
  72. width: 13em;
  73. text-align: right;
  74. padding-right: 7px;
  75. }
  76. .ButtonDescPane { /* The pane that contains the button instructions */
  77. padding-top: 5px; /* give a little breathing room */
  78. padding-bottom: 7px;
  79. padding-right: 5px;
  80. }
  81. .ButtonPane { /* The pane that contains the buttons */
  82. width: 15em; /* Cause the columns to line up nicely */
  83. padding: 5px; /* give a little breathing room */
  84. text-align: right;
  85. }
  86. .FakeAnchor {
  87. cursor:hand;
  88. }
  89. /* idTblExtendedProps is the table that contains the extended properties (installed on,
  90. last used, etc.). The datasource object spits out HTML using this ID.
  91. */
  92. #idTblExtendedProps.Focus {
  93. color: highlighttext;
  94. }
  95. </STYLE>
  96. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="preload.js" DEFER></SCRIPT>
  97. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
  98. // Set the initial size of the window. This must come before
  99. // the HTA:APPLICATION tag, otherwise we'd see the window resize
  100. //
  101. window.resizeTo(600, 450);
  102. </SCRIPT>
  103. <!-- Show the window as soon as we can, to improve perf perception -->
  105. id=idAppARP
  106. icon=appwiz.ico
  107. applicationName="Windows Add/Remove Programs"
  108. version=1.0
  109. singleInstance=yes
  110. border=normal
  111. borderStyle=normal
  112. innerBorder=off
  113. sysMenu=yes
  114. windowState=Normal
  115. selection=off
  116. contextMenu=off
  117. scroll=off
  118. scrollFlat=off
  119. Caption=yes
  120. >
  121. </HEAD>
  122. <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
  123. <!-- MAIN BODY -->
  124. <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
  125. <BODY scroll=no style='margin:0px' onload="Body_OnLoad()">
  126. <!-- App Data Control -->
  127. <OBJECT id=idCtlAppsDso classid="clsid:3964D9A0-AC96-11D1-9851-00C04FD91972"
  128. style='display:none'
  129. >
  130. <PARAM name="Sort" value="displayname">
  131. </OBJECT>
  132. <!-- Fake version
  133. <OBJECT id=idCtlCategory classid=clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83
  134. style='display:none'
  135. >
  136. <PARAM name="DataURL" value="category.csv">
  137. <PARAM name="UseHeader" value="1">
  138. </OBJECT>
  139. <OBJECT id=idCtlRemoveApps classid=clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83
  140. style='display:none'
  141. >
  142. <PARAM name="DataURL" value="installed.csv">
  143. <PARAM name="Sort" value="displayname">
  144. <PARAM name="UseHeader" value="1">
  145. </OBJECT>
  146. <OBJECT id=idCtlAddApps classid=clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83
  147. style='display:none'
  148. >
  149. <PARAM name="DataURL" value="published.csv">
  150. <PARAM name="Sort" value="displayname">
  151. <PARAM name="UseHeader" value="1">
  152. </OBJECT>
  153. <OBJECT id=idCtlOcsetup classid=clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83
  154. style='display:none'
  155. >
  156. <PARAM name="DataURL" value="config.csv">
  157. <PARAM name="Sort" value="displayname">
  158. <PARAM name="UseHeader" value="1">
  159. </OBJECT>
  160. -->
  161. <ctls:PLACES id=idPlaces
  162. onSelectItem='Places_OnSelectItem()'
  163. onExecItem='Places_OnExecItem()'
  164. onComplete='Places_OnComplete()'
  165. style='position:absolute;
  166. left:0;
  167. top:0;
  168. right:0;'
  169. >
  170. <SPAN id=idChangeRemove img=install_lg.gif>Change or Remove Programs</SPAN>
  171. <SPAN id=idAdd img=add_lg.gif>Add New Programs</SPAN>
  172. <SPAN id=idConfig img=config_lg.gif execItem>Add/Remove Windows Components</SPAN>
  173. </ctls:PLACES>
  174. <TABLE id=idTblOuter cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% height=100%
  175. style="border-collapse:collapse;"
  176. >
  177. <!-- Set the width of the Places column. The definitive width is set in script. -->
  178. <COL id=idColPlaces width=83>
  179. <THEAD>
  180. <!-- *********************** REMOVE PROGRAMS PAGE ********************** -->
  181. <TR id=idTrHeadMargin_Remove class=Hide>
  182. <TD class=PlacesBar rowspan=15>
  183. <!-- Trick: place a dummy image to keep the column from shrinking
  184. too small. Columns w/o any content are lowest priority to the
  185. table layout code, so we're placing something here to avoid that. -->
  186. <IMG id=idImgDummy1 width=83 height=0>
  187. </TD>
  188. <!-- Universal padding across the top of the pane -->
  189. <!-- Trick: specify the width of the 1st column as a percentage so the
  190. layout doesn't jump around as the page renders.
  191. Without this percentage, the 1st column will default to some narrow
  192. width, and then the table engine would recalc after everything is
  193. parsed, and you would see the layout shift dramatically. Very
  194. unpleasant. -->
  195. <TD width=70%><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  196. <TD colspan=4><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  197. </TR>
  198. <TR id=idTrHead_Remove class=Hide>
  199. <!-- HEADER -->
  200. <TD valign=baseline style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; padding-bottom:5px' colspan=4>
  201. <DIV id=idDivInstalledHeader>
  202. Currently installed programs:
  203. </DIV>
  204. </TD>
  205. <!-- SORT -->
  206. <TD id=idTdSort valign=baseline align=right
  207. style='padding-right:11px; padding-left:11px; padding-bottom:5px'
  208. >
  209. <NOBR>
  210. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblSort style='top:-.1em' forElem=idSelSortBy>&Sort by:</ctls:ACCEL>
  211. <SELECT id=idSelSortBy size="1">
  212. <OPTION id=idOptName value="displayname" selected>Name</OPTION>
  213. <OPTION id=idOptSize value="size">Size</OPTION>
  214. <OPTION id=idOptFreq value="timesused">Frequency Of Use</OPTION>
  215. <OPTION id=idOptLastUsed value="lastused">Date Last Used</OPTION>
  216. </SELECT>
  217. </NOBR>
  218. </TD>
  219. </TR>
  220. <!-- *********************** ADD PROGRAMS PAGE ********************** -->
  221. <TR id=idTrHeadMargin_Add class=Hide>
  222. <TD class=PlacesBar rowspan=15>
  223. <!-- Trick: place a dummy image to keep the column from shrinking
  224. too small. Columns w/o any content are lowest priority to the
  225. table layout code, so we're placing something here to avoid that. -->
  226. <IMG id=idImgDummy2 width=83 height=0>
  227. </TD>
  228. <!-- Universal padding across the top of the pane -->
  229. <!-- Trick: the columns on this page are *highly* volatile. specify widths
  230. of the 3rd and 4th columns so we can get our layout correct.
  231. General rule of thumb is: columns with no specified width get squeezed
  232. first, followed by percentage-widths, followed by pixel widths.
  233. Determining what these values should be are the result of trial and
  234. error on different resolutions. Can we say painful? That's not the
  235. end of it. Changing the width by just one pixel can result in a large
  236. skew. Also, the existence of <NOBR> changes the layout heuristic
  237. even more. -->
  238. <TD><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  239. <TD><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  240. <TD width=40><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  241. <TD width=3><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  242. <TD><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  243. </TR>
  244. <!-- Install from CD-ROM or Floppy section -->
  245. <TR id=idTrHeadCDROM1_Add class=Hide>
  246. <TD id=idLocCDROMHeader class='Header' colspan=5
  247. style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px'
  248. >
  249. Add a program from CD-ROM or floppy disk
  250. </TD>
  251. </TR>
  252. <TR id=idTrHeadCDROM2_Add class=Hide>
  253. <TD width=8% style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px'>
  254. <IMG id=idImgCDROM class='GroupImage' src='install_lg.gif' title='' alt='CD-ROM Graphic'>
  255. </TD>
  256. <TD id=idLocCDROMDesc class='GroupDesc' colspan=3 width=80%>
  257. To add a program from a CD-ROM or floppy disk, click CD or Floppy.
  258. </TD>
  259. <TD id=idTdCDFloppy align=right style='padding-right:11px; padding-left:11px'>
  260. <BUTTON id=idBtnCDFloppy style='width:9em'>
  261. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblCDFloppy forElem=idBtnCDFloppy>CD or &Floppy</ctls:ACCEL>
  262. </BUTTON>
  263. </TD>
  264. </TR>
  265. <!-- Install from the Internet section -->
  266. <TR id=idTrHeadInternet1_Add class=Hide>
  267. <TD class='Header' colspan=5
  268. style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; padding-top:1.5em'
  269. >
  270. <DIV id=idLocInetHeader>
  271. Add programs from Microsoft
  272. </DIV>
  273. </TD>
  274. </TR>
  275. <TR id=idTrHeadInternet2_Add class=Hide>
  276. <TD style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; width:8%'>
  277. <IMG id=idImgInet class='GroupImage' src='winupd_lg.gif' title='' alt='Windows Globe Graphic'>
  278. </TD>
  279. <TD id=idLocInetDesc class='GroupDesc' colspan=3 width=80%>
  280. To add new Windows features, device drivers, and system updates over
  281. the Internet, click Windows Update.
  282. </TD>
  283. <TD id=idTdWindowsUpdate align=right style='padding-right:11px; padding-left:11px'>
  284. <BUTTON id=idBtnInternet style='width:9em'>
  285. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblInternet forElem=idBtnInternet>Windows &Update</ctls:ACCEL>
  286. </BUTTON>
  287. </TD>
  288. </TR>
  289. <!-- Install from Corporate Network -->
  290. <TR id=idTrHeadPub_Add class=Hide>
  291. <TD valign=baseline colspan=3
  292. style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; padding-top:1.5em; padding-bottom:3px; width:80%'
  293. >
  294. <DIV id=idLocPubHeader>
  295. Add programs from your network:
  296. </DIV>
  297. </TD>
  298. <!-- FILTER -->
  299. <TD valign=baseline colspan=2 align=right
  300. style='padding-right:11px; padding-left:11px; padding-top:1.5em; padding-bottom:3px; width:20%'>
  301. <NOBR>
  302. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblCategory style='top:-.1em' forElem=idSelCategory>&Category:</ctls:ACCEL>
  303. <SELECT id=idSelCategory size=1>
  304. <OPTION id=idOptAll value=all>All Categories
  305. </SELECT>
  306. </NOBR>
  307. <!-- Bind something so the category DSO is loaded. This is not bound
  308. until the user navigates to this page -->
  309. <SPAN id=idBindCategories style="display:none"></SPAN>
  310. </TD>
  311. </TR>
  312. <!-- ************************** CONFIG PAGE ************************* -->
  313. <TR id=idTrHeadMargin_Config class=Hide>
  314. <TD class=PlacesBar rowspan=15>
  315. <!-- Trick: place a dummy image to keep the column from shrinking
  316. too small. Columns w/o any content are lowest priority to the
  317. table layout code, so we're placing something here to avoid that. -->
  318. <IMG id=idImgDummy3 width=83 height=0>
  319. </TD>
  320. <!-- Universal padding across the top of the pane -->
  321. <TD width=8%><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  322. <TD width=80% colspan=3><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  323. <TD><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  324. </TR>
  325. <!-- Configure Windows Components section -->
  326. <TR id=idTrHeadComponents1_Config class=Hide>
  327. <TD id=idLocConfigHeader class='Header' colspan=5 style='padding-left:11px'>
  328. Add or remove Windows components
  329. </TD>
  330. </TR>
  331. <TR id=idTrHeadComponents2_Config class=Hide>
  332. <TD style='padding-left:11px'>
  333. <IMG id=idImgComponent class='GroupImage' src='install_lg.gif' title='' alt='Computer Graphic'>
  334. </TD>
  335. <TD id=idLocConfigDesc class='GroupDesc' colspan=3>
  336. To add or remove a Windows component, such as Internet Information
  337. Services (IIS), click Components.
  338. </TD>
  339. <TD style='padding-right:11px; text-align:right'>
  340. <BUTTON id=idBtnNTOptions>
  341. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblNTOptions forElem=idBtnNTOptions>&Components</ctls:ACCEL>
  342. </BUTTON>
  343. </TD>
  344. </TR>
  345. <TR id=idTrHeadServices_Config class=Hide>
  346. <TD colspan=5 valign=baseline
  347. style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; padding-top:1.5em; padding-bottom:5px'>
  348. <DIV id=idLocConfigHeader>
  349. Set up services:
  350. </DIV>
  351. </TD>
  352. </TR>
  353. </THEAD>
  354. <TBODY>
  355. <!-- *********************** REMOVE PROGRAMS PAGE ********************** -->
  356. <TR id=idTrBody_Remove height=100% class=Hide>
  357. <TD class=PlacesBar></TD>
  358. <TD valign=top colspan=5 style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px'>
  359. <ctls:LISTBOX id=idRemoveListbox
  360. onCustomDraw='Remove_OnCustomDraw()'
  361. onSetFocus='Remove_OnSetFocus()'
  362. defaultSelection=0
  363. autoExpand=true
  364. freeze=true
  365. templateSource="idRemoveTemplates"
  366. >
  367. </ctls:LISTBOX>
  368. </TD>
  369. </TR>
  370. <!-- *********************** ADD PROGRAMS PAGE ********************** -->
  371. <TR id=idTrBody1_Add height=100% class=Hide>
  372. <TD class=PlacesBar rowspan=3></TD>
  373. </TR>
  374. <TR id=idTrBody2_Add height=100% class=Hide>
  375. <TD class=PlacesBar></TD>
  376. <TD valign=top colspan=5 style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px'>
  377. <ctls:LISTBOX id=idAddListbox
  378. onCustomDraw="Add_OnCustomDraw()"
  379. onSetFocus="Add_OnSetFocus()"
  380. defaultSelection=0
  381. autoExpand=true
  382. freeze=true
  383. templateSource="idAddTemplates"
  384. >
  385. </ctls:LISTBOX>
  386. </TD>
  387. </TR>
  388. <!-- ************************** CONFIG PAGE ************************* -->
  389. <TR id=idTrBody_Config height=100% class=Hide>
  390. <TD class=PlacesBar></TD>
  391. <TD valign=top colspan=5 style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px'>
  392. <ctls:LISTBOX id=idConfigListbox
  393. onCustomDraw="Config_OnCustomDraw()"
  394. onSetFocus="Config_OnSetFocus()"
  395. defaultSelection=0
  396. autoExpand=true
  397. freeze=true
  398. templateSource="idConfigTemplates"
  399. >
  400. </ctls:LISTBOX>
  401. </TD>
  402. </TR>
  403. </TBODY>
  404. <TFOOT>
  405. <!-- *********************** REMOVE PROGRAMS PAGE ********************** -->
  406. <TR id=idTrFoot_Remove class=Hide>
  407. <TD class=PlacesBar></TD>
  408. <!-- Force x86 Install -->
  409. <TD id=idRemoveForceX86 valign=center colSpan=2
  410. style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; padding-top:5px'
  411. >
  412. <INPUT type="checkbox" id=idChkRemoveForcex86
  413. accesskey=b
  414. name="forcex86">
  415. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblForce forElem=idChkRemoveForcex86>Emulate &x86 when changing or removing programs</ctls:ACCEL>
  416. </TD>
  417. </TR>
  418. <!-- *********************** ADD PROGRAMS PAGE ********************** -->
  419. <TR id=idTrFoot_Add class=Hide>
  420. <TD class=PlacesBar></TD>
  421. <!-- Force x86 install -->
  422. <TD id=idAddForceX86 valign=center colSpan=5
  423. style='padding-left:11px; padding-right:11px; padding-top:5px'
  424. >
  425. <INPUT id=idChkAddForcex86 type='checkbox'
  426. accesskey=b
  427. name="ForceX86">
  428. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblForceX86 forElem=idChkAddForcex86>Emulate &x86 when adding programs</ctls:ACCEL>
  429. </TD>
  430. </TR>
  431. <!-- ************************** UNIVERSAL ****************************** -->
  432. <TR>
  433. <TD class=PlacesBar></TD>
  434. <!-- Universal padding across the bottom of the pane -->
  435. <TD colspan=6><DIV style='height:11px'></DIV></TD>
  436. </TR>
  437. <TR>
  438. <TD class='NonClientBackground'></TD>
  439. <!-- Debug checkbox -->
  440. <TD class='NonClientBackground' colspan=3></TD>
  441. <!-- Fake version
  442. <TD class='NonClientBackground' colspan=3>
  443. <INPUT type="checkbox" id=idShowDebug
  444. name="showdebug">
  445. <LABEL for=idShowDebug>Show debug window</LABEL>
  446. </TD>
  447. -->
  448. <!-- Close Button -->
  449. <TD id=idTdClose class='NonClientBackground' colspan=3 align=right
  450. style='height:43px; padding-right:11px; padding-left:11px'
  451. >
  452. <BUTTON id=idBtnClose style='width:8em'>
  453. <ctls:ACCEL id=idLblClose forElem=idBtnClose>Cl&ose</ctls:ACCEL>
  454. </BUTTON>
  455. </TD>
  456. </TR>
  457. </TFOOT>
  458. </TABLE>
  459. <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
  460. <!-- REMOVE TEMPLATES -->
  461. <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
  462. <SPAN id=idRemoveTemplates style='display:none'>
  463. <TABLE>
  464. <TR class=AppNameRow>
  465. <TD class=AppImageTD>
  466. <IMG id=idImgRemove datafld="icon" dataformatas="html" hspace=3 align=absmiddle title='' alt='Computer Graphic'>
  467. </TD>
  468. <TD id=idTdDisplayName>
  469. <SPAN id=idDisplayName datafld="displayname" lbDisplayName nofocusrect></SPAN>
  470. </TD>
  471. <TD class=PropLabel>
  472. <SPAN datafld="indexlabel"></SPAN>
  473. </TD>
  474. <TD class=PropValue>
  475. <SPAN id=idSpnIndexValue datafld="indexvalue"></SPAN>
  476. </TD>
  477. </TR>
  478. <!-- "lbExpandedRow" templates -->
  479. <TR id=idTrInfo lbExpandedRow>
  480. <TD></TD>
  481. <TD id=idTdInfoDesc class=InfoPane>
  482. Click here for<SPAN id=idASupportInfo class="FakeAnchor" tabIndex=0 onKeyDown="_OnKeyDownFakeAnchor()" onClick="_OpenSupportInfo();">&nbsp;<U>support information</U></SPAN>.
  483. </TD>
  484. <TD colSpan=2>
  485. <SPAN id=idSpnExpandedProps
  486. datasrc=#idCtlAppsDso.Remove
  487. datafld="htmlproperties" dataformatas="html"
  488. onClick="_OpenDefinition();"></SPAN>
  489. </TD>
  490. </TR>
  491. <TR id=idTrMultiBtns lbExpandedRow lbDisable>
  492. <TD></TD>
  493. <TD id=idTdMultiDesc class=ButtonDescPane>
  494. To change this program or remove it from your computer, click Change or Remove.
  495. </TD>
  496. <TD class=ButtonPane colSpan=2>
  497. <nobr>
  498. <BUTTON id=idBtnModify style='width:6em'>
  499. <LABEL id=idLblChange for=idBtnModify accesskey="c">
  500. <SPAN>C</SPAN>hange
  501. </LABEL>
  502. <!--<ctls:ACCEL id=idLblChange forElem=idBtnModify>&Change</ctls:ACCEL>-->
  503. </BUTTON>&nbsp&nbsp
  504. <BUTTON id=idBtnRemove style='width:6em'>
  505. <LABEL id=idLblRemove for=idBtnRemove accesskey="r">
  506. <SPAN>R</SPAN>emove
  507. </LABEL>
  508. <!--<ctls:ACCEL id=idLblRemove forElem=idBtnRemove>&Remove</ctls:ACCEL>-->
  509. </BUTTON>
  510. </nobr>
  511. </TD>
  512. </TR>
  513. <TR id=idTrSingleBtns lbExpandedRow>
  514. <TD></TD>
  515. <TD id=idTdSingleDesc class=ButtonDescPane>
  516. To change this program or remove it from your computer, click Change/Remove.
  517. </TD>
  518. <TD class=ButtonPane colSpan=2>
  519. <BUTTON id=idBtnBoth>
  520. <LABEL id=idLblBoth for=idBtnBoth accesskey="c">
  521. <SPAN>C</SPAN>hange/Remove
  522. </LABEL>
  523. <!--<ctls:ACCEL id=idLblBoth forElem=idBtnBoth>&Change/Remove</ctls:ACCEL>-->
  524. </BUTTON>
  525. </TD>
  526. </TR>
  527. </TABLE>
  528. </SPAN>
  529. <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
  530. <!-- ADD TEMPLATES -->
  531. <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
  532. <SPAN id=idAddTemplates style='display:none'>
  533. <TABLE>
  534. <TR class=AppNameRow>
  535. <TD class=AppImageTD>
  536. <IMG id=idImgAdd src="add.gif" hspace=3 align=absmiddle title='' alt='Graphic'>
  537. </TD>
  538. <TD>
  539. <SPAN id=idDisplayName datafld="displayname" lbDisplayName nofocusrect></SPAN>
  540. </TD>
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  583. To add this program, click Add.
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  620. It cannot run until you have supplied all the necessary information.
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