#include "pch.h"
#include <dsgetdc.h> // DsGetDCName and DS structures
#include <lm.h>
#pragma hdrstop
/ GetGlobalCatalogPath / -------------------- / Look up the GC using DsGcDcName and return a string containing the path. / / In: / pszServer, server to get the path for / pszBuffer, cchBuffer = buffer to fill / / Out: / HRESULT /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define GC_PREFIX L"GC://"
#define CCH_GC_PREFIX 5
// NOTE: ChandanaS says use LocalFree when building for Win95 as the
// NetApiBufferFree is not available, she will fix this in
// time.
#if !defined(UNICODE)
#define NetApiBufferFree(x) LocalFree(x)
TraceEnter(TRACE_SCOPES, "GetGlobalCatalogPath");
dwres = DsGetDcNameW(pszServer, NULL, NULL, NULL, uFlags, &pdci);
if ( ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN == dwres ) { TraceMsg("Trying with rediscovery bit set"); dwres = DsGetDcNameW(pszServer, NULL, NULL, NULL, uFlags|DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY, &pdci); } if ( (NO_ERROR != dwres) || !pdci->DnsForestName ) ExitGracefully(hres, E_UNEXPECTED, "Failed to find the GC");
if ( (lstrlenW(pdci->DnsForestName)+CCH_GC_PREFIX) > cchBuffer ) ExitGracefully(hres, E_UNEXPECTED, "Buffer too small for the GC path");
StrCpyW(pszPath, GC_PREFIX); StrCatW(pszPath, pdci->DnsForestName);
Trace(TEXT("Resulting GC path is: %s"), W2T(pszPath)); hres = S_OK;
TraceLeaveResult(hres); }
/ Scope handling /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct { LPSCOPETHREADDATA ptd; // thread data structure
INT index; // insert index into the visible scope list
INT cScopes; // number of items enumerated
LPWSTR pszDefaultDnsDomain; // default domain to be selected
/ _ScopeProc / ---------- / Handle scope messages from for the scope blocks we have allocated. / / In: / pScope -> refernce to scope block / uMsg = message / pVoid = arguments to message / = NULL / / Out: / HRESULT /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CALLBACK _ScopeProc(LPCQSCOPE pScope, UINT uMsg, LPVOID pVoid) { HRESULT hres = S_OK; LPDSQUERYSCOPE pDsQueryScope = (LPDSQUERYSCOPE)pScope; LPWSTR pScopeADsPath = OBJECT_NAME_FROM_SCOPE(pDsQueryScope); LPWSTR pScopeObjectClass = OBJECT_CLASS_FROM_SCOPE(pDsQueryScope); IADsPathname* pDsPathname = NULL; IDsDisplaySpecifier* pdds = NULL; BSTR bstrProvider = NULL; BSTR bstrLeaf = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; USES_CONVERSION; TraceEnter(TRACE_SCOPES, "_ScopeProc");
TraceAssert(pDisplayInfo); TraceAssert(pDisplayInfo->pDisplayName);
pDisplayInfo->iIndent = pDsQueryScope->iIndent;
hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (LPVOID*)&pDsPathname); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to get the IADsPathname interface");
hres = pDsPathname->Set(pScopeADsPath, ADS_SETTYPE_FULL); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to set the path of the name");
hres = pDsPathname->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_PROVIDER, &bstrProvider); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to get the provider");
Trace(TEXT("Provider name is: %s"), W2T(bstrProvider));
if ( !StrCmpW(bstrProvider, L"GC") ) { TraceMsg("Provider is GC: so changing to Entire Directory");
GetModuleFileName(GLOBAL_HINSTANCE, pDisplayInfo->pIconLocation, pDisplayInfo->cchIconLocation); pDisplayInfo->iIconResID = -IDI_GLOBALCATALOG;
if ( SUCCEEDED(FormatDirectoryName(&pDirectoryName, GLOBAL_HINSTANCE, IDS_GLOBALCATALOG)) ) { StrCpyN(pDisplayInfo->pDisplayName, pDirectoryName, pDisplayInfo->cchDisplayName); LocalFreeString(&pDirectoryName); } } else { TraceMsg("Non GC provider, so looking up icon and display name");
// get the leaf name for the object we want to display in the scope picker for the
// DS.
if ( SUCCEEDED(pDsPathname->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrLeaf)) ) { #if UNICODE
StrCpyNW(pDisplayInfo->pDisplayName, bstrLeaf, pDisplayInfo->cchDisplayName); #else
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrLeaf, -1, pDisplayInfo->pDisplayName, pDisplayInfo->cchDisplayName, 0, FALSE); #endif
SysFreeString(bstrLeaf); }
// Now retrieve the display specifier information for the object.
hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DsDisplaySpecifier, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDsDisplaySpecifier, (LPVOID*)&pdds); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to get the IDsDisplaySpecifier object");
#ifdef UNICODE
pdds->GetIconLocation(pScopeObjectClass, DSGIF_GETDEFAULTICON, pDisplayInfo->pIconLocation, pDisplayInfo->cchIconLocation, &pDisplayInfo->iIconResID); #else
pdds->GetIconLocation(pScopeObjectClass, DSGIF_GETDEFAULTICON, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), &pDisplayInfo->iIconResID);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szBuffer, -1, pDisplayInfo->pIconLocation, pDisplayInfo->cchIconLocation, 0, FALSE); #endif
break; }
Trace(TEXT("Comparing %s against %s"), W2T(pScopeADsPath), W2T(pScopeADsPath2)); hres = StrCmpIW(pScopeADsPath, pScopeADsPath2) ? S_FALSE:S_OK;
break; }
default: hres = E_NOTIMPL; break; }
DoRelease(pDsPathname); DoRelease(pdds);
TraceLeaveResult(hres); }
/ AddScope / -------- / Given an ADs path, get it converted to a scope block and then / call the add function to add it to the list of scopes we are going to be using. / / In: / ptd -> SCOPETHREADDATA structure / pDsQuery -> IQueryHandler interface to be AddRef'd i = index to insert the scope at / iIndent = horizontal indent / pPath -> ADS path to store as the scope / pObjectClass = object class to select / fSelect = if the scope should be selected / / Out: / HRESULT /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddScope(HWND hwndFrame, INT index, INT iIndent, LPWSTR pPath, LPWSTR pObjectClass, BOOL fSelect) { HRESULT hres; LPCQSCOPE pScope = NULL; USES_CONVERSION;
TraceEnter(TRACE_SCOPES, "AddScope"); Trace(TEXT("index %d, iIndent %d, fSelect %d"), index, iIndent, fSelect); Trace(TEXT("Object name: %s"), W2T(pPath)); Trace(TEXT("Class: %s"), pObjectClass ? W2T(pObjectClass):TEXT("<none>")); hres = AllocScope(&pScope, iIndent, pPath, pObjectClass); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to allocate DSQUERYSCOPE");
if ( !SendMessage(hwndFrame, CQFWM_ADDSCOPE, (WPARAM)pScope, MAKELPARAM(fSelect, index)) ) ExitGracefully(hres, E_FAIL, "Failed when sending ADDSCOPE message");
hres = S_OK; // success
if ( pScope ) CoTaskMemFree(pScope);
TraceLeaveResult(hres); }
/ AllocScope / ---------- / Convert the given ADs path into a scope block that can be passed to the / common query interfaces. / / In: / iIndent = index to indent the scope by / ppScope = receives the newly allocated scope block / pPath -> name to package for the DS scope / pObjectClass -> object class of scope / / Out: / HRESULT /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AllocScope(LPCQSCOPE* ppScope, INT iIndent, LPWSTR pPath, LPWSTR pObjectClass) { HRESULT hres; LPDSQUERYSCOPE pDsQueryScope = NULL; IADsPathname* pPathname = NULL; DWORD cb, offset; USES_CONVERSION;
TraceEnter(TRACE_SCOPES, "AllocScope"); Trace(TEXT("indent %d"), iIndent); Trace(TEXT("pPath: %s"), W2T(pPath)); Trace(TEXT("pObjectClass: %s"), W2T(pObjectClass));
// Allocate a new structure, note that the buffer for the ADs path is variable
// size and lives at the end of the allocation.
cb = SIZEOF(DSQUERYSCOPE) + StringByteSizeW(pPath) + StringByteSizeW(pObjectClass);; pDsQueryScope = (LPDSQUERYSCOPE)CoTaskMemAlloc(cb); TraceAssert(pDsQueryScope);
if ( !pDsQueryScope ) ExitGracefully(hres, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate scope");
pDsQueryScope->cq.cbStruct = cb; pDsQueryScope->cq.dwFlags = 0; pDsQueryScope->cq.pScopeProc = _ScopeProc; pDsQueryScope->cq.lParam = 0;
pDsQueryScope->iIndent = iIndent; pDsQueryScope->dwOffsetADsPath = SIZEOF(DSQUERYSCOPE); pDsQueryScope->dwOffsetClass = 0;
StringByteCopyW(pDsQueryScope, pDsQueryScope->dwOffsetADsPath, pPath); pDsQueryScope->dwOffsetClass = pDsQueryScope->dwOffsetADsPath + StringByteSizeW(pPath); StringByteCopyW(pDsQueryScope, pDsQueryScope->dwOffsetClass, pObjectClass);
hres = S_OK; // success
if ( ppScope ) *ppScope = SUCCEEDED(hres) ? (LPCQSCOPE)pDsQueryScope:NULL;
TraceLeaveResult(hres); }
/ AddScopesThread / --------------- / Gather the scopes in the background and pass them to the / query window to allow it to populate the view scope controls. / / In: / pThreadParams -> structure that defines out thread information / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Walk the DOMAINDESC structures building ADSI paths and adding
// them as search scopes to the scope list by calling AddScope
// with the ADSI path stored in the domainDesc strucutre. If a domainDesc
// entry has any children then recurse (increasing the indent). Otherwise
// just continue through the piers.
HRESULT _AddFromDomainTree(LPENUMSTATE pState, LPDOMAINDESC pDomainDesc, INT indent) { HRESULT hres; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwIndex; BOOL fDefault = FALSE; USES_CONVERSION;
TraceEnter(TRACE_SCOPES, "_AddFromDomainTree");
while ( pDomainDesc ) { //
// include the server name in the path we are generating if we have one
StrCpyW(szBuffer, L"LDAP://");
if ( pState->ptd->pServer ) { StrCatW(szBuffer, pState->ptd->pServer); StrCatW(szBuffer, L"/"); }
StrCatW(szBuffer, pDomainDesc->pszNCName); Trace(TEXT("Scope is: %s"), W2T(szBuffer));
// now check to see if this is the default scope for the machine
if ( pState->pszDefaultDnsDomain ) { if ( !StrCmpIW(pState->pszDefaultDnsDomain, pDomainDesc->pszName) ) { TraceMsg("Default domain found in the domain list"); fDefault = TRUE; } }
// add the scope, bumping the counters are required
hres = AddScope(pState->ptd->hwndFrame, pState->index, indent, szBuffer, pDomainDesc->pszObjectClass, fDefault);
FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to add scope");
pState->index++; pState->cScopes++; // bump the count before recursing
if ( pDomainDesc->pdChildList ) { hres = _AddFromDomainTree(pState, pDomainDesc->pdChildList, indent+1); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to add children"); }
pDomainDesc = pDomainDesc->pdNextSibling; }
hres = S_OK;
TraceLeaveResult(hres); }
DWORD WINAPI AddScopesThread(LPVOID pThreadParams) { HRESULT hres, hresCoInit; LPSCOPETHREADDATA ptd = (LPSCOPETHREADDATA)pThreadParams; IADs *pDsObject = NULL; IDsBrowseDomainTree* pDsDomains = NULL; BSTR bstrObjectClass = NULL; LPDOMAINTREE pDomainTree = NULL; ENUMSTATE enumState = { 0 }; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDefaultDnsDomain[MAX_PATH]; USES_CONVERSION;
TraceEnter(TRACE_SCOPES, "AddScopesThread");
hres = hresCoInit = CoInitialize(NULL); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed in CoInitialize");
// Initialize ready to go and enumerate the scopes from the DS, this can be
// quite a lengthy process therefore we live on a seperate thread.
enumState.ptd = ptd; //enumState.index = 0;
//enumState.cScopes = 0;
//enumState.pszDefaultDnsDomain = NULL;
// If the caller specified a scope we should be using then add it, if this
// scope is already in the list we will end up select it anyway.
if ( ptd->pDefaultScope ) { Trace(TEXT("Adding default scope is: %s"), ptd->pDefaultScope);
hres = ADsOpenObject(ptd->pDefaultScope, ptd->pUserName, ptd->pPassword, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, IID_IADs, (LPVOID*)&pDsObject); if ( SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { hres = pDsObject->get_Class(&bstrObjectClass); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to get the object class");
hres = AddScope(ptd->hwndFrame, 0, 0, ptd->pDefaultScope, bstrObjectClass, TRUE); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to add the default scope during AddScopes"); enumState.cScopes++; } }
// Enumerate the GC using the GC: ADSI provider, this allows us to
// have a single scope in the list, and avoids us having to pass
// around the GC path to all and sundry.
if ( SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalCatalogPath(ptd->pServer, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath))) ) { hres = AddScope(ptd->hwndFrame, enumState.index, 0, szPath, GC_OBJECTCLASS, FALSE);
FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to add GC: too to the scope list");
enumState.index++; enumState.cScopes++; } else if ( ptd->pDefaultScope ) { //
// get the domain the user has logged into, and use it to generate a default
// scope that we can select in the list.
TraceMsg("No GC discovered, nor was a default scope, so setting default DNS domain accordingly");
dwres = DsGetDcNameW(ptd->pServer, NULL, NULL, NULL, uFlags, &pdci);
if ( ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN == dwres ) { TraceMsg("Trying with rediscovery bit set"); dwres = DsGetDcNameW(ptd->pServer, NULL, NULL, NULL, uFlags|DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY, &pdci); } if ( (NO_ERROR == dwres) && pdci->DomainName && (pdci->Flags & DS_DNS_DOMAIN_FLAG) ) { Trace(TEXT("Default domain name is: %s"), W2T(pdci->DomainName)); StrCpyW(szDefaultDnsDomain, pdci->DnsForestName); cchDefaultDnsDomain = lstrlenW(szDefaultDnsDomain)-1;
if ( cchDefaultDnsDomain && szDefaultDnsDomain[cchDefaultDnsDomain] == L'.' ) { TraceMsg("Removing trailing . from the DNS name"); szDefaultDnsDomain[cchDefaultDnsDomain] = L'\0'; }
enumState.pszDefaultDnsDomain = szDefaultDnsDomain; }
NetApiBufferFree(pdci); }
// Get the IDsBrowseDomainTree interface and ask it for the list of
// trusted domains. Once we have that blob add them to the scope list,
// indenting as requried to indicate the relationship. If we found a GC
// then we must indent further, to indicate that all these are to be found
// in the GC (as it encompases the entire org).
hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DsDomainTreeBrowser, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDsBrowseDomainTree, (LPVOID*)&pDsDomains); if ( SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { hres = pDsDomains->SetComputer(ptd->pServer, ptd->pUserName, ptd->pPassword); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed when setting computer in the IDsBrowseDomainTree object");
if ( SUCCEEDED(pDsDomains->GetDomains(&pDomainTree, DBDTF_RETURNFQDN)) ) { Trace(TEXT("Domain count from GetDomains %d"), pDomainTree->dwCount);
hres = _AddFromDomainTree(&enumState, &pDomainTree->aDomains[0], 0); FailGracefully(hres, "Failed to add from domain tree"); } }
hres = S_OK; // success
exit_gracefully: // Release all our dangly bits
DoRelease(pDsObject); SysFreeString(bstrObjectClass);
if ( !enumState.cScopes ) { // we have no scopes, therefore lets inform the user and post a close
// message to the parent window so we can close it.
PostMessage(ptd->hwndFrame, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0L); } else { // tell tell the frame we ahve added all the scopes we will, that
// way it can issue the query if the caller wants that.
TraceMsg("Informing frame all scopes have been enumerated"); SendMessage(ptd->hwndFrame, CQFWM_ALLSCOPESADDED, 0, 0); }
if ( pDsDomains ) { pDsDomains->FreeDomains(&pDomainTree); DoRelease(pDsDomains); }
if ( ptd ) { LocalFreeStringW(&ptd->pDefaultScope);
LocalFreeStringW(&ptd->pServer); LocalFreeStringW(&ptd->pUserName); LocalFreeStringW(&ptd->pPassword);
LocalFree((HLOCAL)ptd); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hresCoInit) ) CoUninitialize();
DllRelease(); ExitThread(0); return 0; }