#include <windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "pstore.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "enumid.h"
LPCITEMIDLIST SearchPidlByType( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD dwPidlType ) /*++
This function searches a pidl, looking for an entry of the type specified by the dwPidlType argument.
On success, the return value in non-NULL.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return NULL;
// travel through pidls in list, then pull out the type and compare
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { if(GetPidlType(pidlTemp) == dwPidlType) { pidlResult = pidlTemp; break; }
pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
return pidlResult; }
DWORD GetLastPidlType( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function traverses the items in the specified pidl until the end of the list, returning the type value associated with the last valid entry.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
// travel to last pidl in list, then pull out the type
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidl; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast = pidlTemp;
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { pidlLast = pidlTemp; pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
return GetPidlType(pidlLast); }
PST_KEY GetLastPidlKeyType( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function traverses the items in the specified pidl until the end of the list, returning the key type (PST_KEY) value associated with the last valid entry.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
// travel to last pidl in list, then pull out the type
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidl; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast = pidlTemp;
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { pidlLast = pidlTemp; pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
return GetPidlKeyType(pidlLast); }
GUID * GetLastPidlGuid( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function traverses the items in the specified pidl until the end of the list, returning a pointer to the GUID data associated with the last valid entry.
The caller should make a copy of the data if it is to be used persistently.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
// travel to last pidl in list, then pull out the guid
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidl; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast = pidlTemp;
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { pidlLast = pidlTemp; pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
return GetPidlGuid(pidlLast); }
LPCWSTR GetLastPidlText( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function traverses the items in the specified pidl until the end of the list, returning a pointer to the text data associated with the last valid entry.
The caller should make a copy of the data if it is to be used persistently.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
// travel to last pidl in list, then pull out the guid
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidl; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast = pidlTemp;
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { pidlLast = pidlTemp; pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
return GetPidlText(pidlLast); }
LPCWSTR GetPidlText( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This helper routine returns the display text associated with the specified pidl.
The caller should make a copy of the string if the string is for persistent use.
--*/ { LPPIDL_CONTENT pidlContent = (LPPIDL_CONTENT)&(pidl->mkid.abID);
return (LPCWSTR)(pidlContent + 1); }
GUID * GetPidlGuid( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This helper routine is called by IShellFolder::CompareIDs() to get the GUID identifiers associated with the specified pidl.
The caller should make a copy of the output buffer pointer if the item is for persistent use.
--*/ { LPPIDL_CONTENT pidlContent = (LPPIDL_CONTENT)&(pidl->mkid.abID);
return &(pidlContent->guid); }
DWORD GetPidlType( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function returns the type value associated with the specified pidl.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
LPPIDL_CONTENT pidlContent = (LPPIDL_CONTENT)&(pidl->mkid.abID);
return pidlContent->dwType; }
PST_KEY GetPidlKeyType( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function returns the key type associated with the specified pidl.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
LPPIDL_CONTENT pidlContent = (LPPIDL_CONTENT)&(pidl->mkid.abID);
return pidlContent->KeyType; }
This function examines the specified pidl and returns to the caller a pointer to the next pidl entry.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return NULL;
return (LPCITEMIDLIST) (LPBYTE)(((LPBYTE)pidl) + pidl->mkid.cb); }
UINT GetPidlSize( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl ) /*++
This function gets the total size associated with the specified pidl. This accounts for all items, item data, and the terminal entry.
--*/ { if(pidl == NULL) return 0;
UINT cbTotal = 0; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidl;
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { cbTotal += pidlTemp->mkid.cb; pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
// Requires a 16 bit zero value for the NULL terminator
cbTotal += 2 * sizeof(BYTE);
return cbTotal; }
This function copies the specified pidl to new storage allocated by the specified allocation interface.
On success, the return value is non-NULL and points to the copy of the pidl.
--*/ { LPITEMIDLIST pidlTarget = NULL; UINT cbSource = 0;
if(NULL == pidlSource) return NULL;
// Allocate the new pidl
cbSource = GetPidlSize(pidlSource);
pidlTarget = (LPITEMIDLIST) pMalloc->Alloc(cbSource); if(pidlTarget == NULL) return NULL;
// Copy the source to the target
CopyMemory(pidlTarget, pidlSource, cbSource);
return pidlTarget; }
This function allocated sufficient storage for a copy of: the two specified pidls, catanated together.
On success, the return value is non-NULL and points to the copy of the pidl.
--*/ { LPMALLOC pMalloc; LPITEMIDLIST pidlTarget; UINT cbSource1; UINT cbSource2;
if( NOERROR != SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc) ) return NULL;
// Allocate the new pidl
cbSource1 = GetPidlSize(pidl1); cbSource2 = GetPidlSize(pidl2);
pidlTarget = (LPITEMIDLIST) pMalloc->Alloc(cbSource1 + cbSource2);
if(pidlTarget != NULL) {
// Copy first pidl source to the target
if( cbSource1 ) CopyMemory(pidlTarget, pidl1, cbSource1); else {
// no source pidl: insure zero termination for search.
ZeroMemory(pidlTarget, cbSource2); }
// find the null terminator
if( cbSource2 ) { LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidlTarget;
while(pidlTemp->mkid.cb) { pidlTemp = GetPidlNextItem(pidlTemp); }
// Copy second pidl source to target.
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)pidlTemp, pidl2, cbSource2); } }
return pidlTarget; }
VOID FreePidl( LPITEMIDLIST pidl ) { LPMALLOC pMalloc;
if( NOERROR != SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc) ) return;
pMalloc->Free(pidl); pMalloc->Release();