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template <class T> class CSimpleLinkedList { private:
class CLinkedListNode { private: CLinkedListNode *m_pNext; T m_Data; public: CLinkedListNode( const T &data ) : m_pNext(NULL), m_Data(data) { } const CLinkedListNode *Next(void) const { return (m_pNext); } CLinkedListNode *Next(void) { return (m_pNext); } void Next( CLinkedListNode *pNext ) { m_pNext = pNext; } const T &Data(void) const { return (m_Data); } T &Data(void) { return (m_Data); } };
CLinkedListNode *m_pHead, *m_pTail; int m_nItemCount;
public: CSimpleLinkedList( const CSimpleLinkedList &other ) : m_pHead(NULL),m_pTail(NULL),m_nItemCount(0) { for (Iterator i(other);i != other.End();i++) Append(*i); } CSimpleLinkedList(void) : m_pHead(NULL),m_pTail(NULL),m_nItemCount(0) { } CSimpleLinkedList &operator=( const CSimpleLinkedList &other ) { if (this != &other) { Destroy(); for (Iterator i(other);i != other.End();i++) Append(*i); } return *this; } virtual ~CSimpleLinkedList(void) { Destroy(); } void Destroy(void) { while (m_pHead) { CLinkedListNode *pCurr = m_pHead; m_pHead = m_pHead->Next(); delete pCurr; } m_pHead = m_pTail = NULL; m_nItemCount = 0; } void Remove( const T &data ) { CLinkedListNode *pPrev = NULL, *pCurr = m_pHead; while (pCurr && pCurr->Data() != data) { pPrev = pCurr; pCurr = pCurr->Next(); } if (!pCurr) return; if (!pPrev) { m_pHead = pCurr->Next(); delete pCurr; m_nItemCount--; } else { pPrev->Next(pCurr->Next()); delete pCurr; m_nItemCount--; } } void Append( const CSimpleLinkedList &other ) { for (Iterator i(other);i != other.End();i++) Append(*i); }
int Count(void) const { return m_nItemCount; }
class Iterator; friend class Iterator; class Iterator { private: CLinkedListNode *m_pCurr; public: Iterator( CLinkedListNode *pNode ) : m_pCurr(pNode) { } Iterator( const CSimpleLinkedList &list ) : m_pCurr(list.m_pHead) { } Iterator(void) : m_pCurr(NULL) { } Iterator &Next(void) { if (m_pCurr) m_pCurr = m_pCurr->Next(); return (*this); } Iterator &Begin(const CSimpleLinkedList &list) { m_pCurr = list.m_pHead; return (*this); } Iterator &operator=( const Iterator &other ) { m_pCurr = other.m_pCurr; return (*this); } bool End(void) const { return(m_pCurr == NULL); } T &operator*(void) { return (m_pCurr->Data()); } const T &operator*(void) const { return (m_pCurr->Data()); } Iterator &operator++(void) { Next(); return (*this); } Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator tmp(*this); Next(); return (tmp); } bool operator!=( const Iterator &other ) const { return (m_pCurr != other.m_pCurr); } bool operator==( const Iterator &other ) const { return (m_pCurr == other.m_pCurr); } }; Iterator Begin(void) const { return Iterator(*this); } Iterator End(void) const { return Iterator(); } Iterator Begin(void) { return Iterator(*this); } Iterator End(void) { return Iterator(); } Iterator Find( const T &data ) { for (Iterator i=Begin();i != End();++i) if (*i == data) return i; return End(); } Iterator Insert( Iterator &nextItem, const T &data ) { CLinkedListNode *pNewItem = new CLinkedListNode(data); if (pNewItem) { if (Empty()) { m_pHead = m_pTail = pNewItem; } else if (nextItem.Data() == m_pHead) { pNewItem->Next(m_pHead); m_pHead = pNewItem; } else if (nextItem.Data() == NULL) { m_pTail->Next(pNewItem); m_pTail = pNewItem; }
m_nItemCount++; } } Iterator Prepend( const T &data ) { CLinkedListNode *pNewItem = new CLinkedListNode(data); if (pNewItem) { if (Empty()) { m_pHead = m_pTail = pNewItem; } else { pNewItem->Next(m_pHead); m_pHead = pNewItem; } m_nItemCount++; } return Iterator(pNewItem); } Iterator Append( const T &data ) { CLinkedListNode *pNewItem = new CLinkedListNode(data); if (pNewItem) { if (Empty()) { m_pHead = m_pTail = pNewItem; } else { m_pTail->Next(pNewItem); m_pTail = pNewItem; } m_nItemCount++; } return Iterator(pNewItem); } bool Empty(void) const { return (m_pHead == NULL); } };
template <class T> class CSimpleStack : public CSimpleLinkedList<T> { private: CSimpleStack( const CSimpleStack &other ); CSimpleStack &operator=( const CSimpleStack &other ); public: CSimpleStack(void) { } virtual ~CSimpleStack(void) { } void Push( const T &data ) { Prepend(data); } bool Pop( T &data ) { if (Empty()) return false; Iterator iter(*this); data = *iter; Remove(*iter); return true; } };
template <class T> class CSimpleQueue : public CSimpleLinkedList<T> { private: CSimpleQueue( const CSimpleQueue &other ); CSimpleQueue &operator=( const CSimpleQueue &other ); public: CSimpleQueue(void) { } virtual ~CSimpleQueue(void) { } void Enqueue( const T &data ) { Append(data); } bool Dequeue( T &data ) { if (Empty()) return false; Iterator iter(*this); data = *iter; Remove(*iter); return true; } };