// Package Title ratpak
// File itransh.c
// Author Timothy David Corrie Jr. ([email protected])
// Copyright (C) 1995-97 Microsoft
// Date 01-16-95
// Description
// Contains inverse hyperbolic sin, cos, and tan functions.
// Special Information
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined( DOS )
#include <dosstub.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ratpak.h>
// FUNCTION: asinhrat
// ARGUMENTS: x PRAT representation of number to take the inverse
// hyperbolic sine of
// RETURN: asinh of x in PRAT form.
// EXPLANATION: This uses Taylor series
// n
// ___ 2 2
// \ ] -(2j+1) X
// \ thisterm ; where thisterm = thisterm * ---------
// / j j+1 j (2j+2)*(2j+3)
// /__]
// j=0
// thisterm = X ; and stop when thisterm < precision used.
// 0 n
// For abs(x) < .85, and
// asinh(x) = log(x+sqrt(x^2+1))
// For abs(x) >= .85
void asinhrat( PRAT *px )
{ PRAT neg_pt_eight_five = NULL;
DUPRAT(neg_pt_eight_five,pt_eight_five); neg_pt_eight_five->pp->sign *= -1; if ( rat_gt( *px, pt_eight_five) || rat_lt( *px, neg_pt_eight_five) ) { PRAT ptmp = NULL; DUPRAT(ptmp,(*px)); mulrat(&ptmp,*px); addrat(&ptmp,rat_one); rootrat(&ptmp,rat_two); addrat(px,ptmp); lograt(px); destroyrat(ptmp); } else { CREATETAYLOR(); xx->pp->sign *= -1;
DUPRAT(pret,(*px)); DUPRAT(thisterm,(*px));
do { NEXTTERM(xx,MULNUM(n2) MULNUM(n2) INC(n2) DIVNUM(n2) INC(n2) DIVNUM(n2)); } while ( !SMALL_ENOUGH_RAT( thisterm ) );
DESTROYTAYLOR(); } destroyrat(neg_pt_eight_five); }
// FUNCTION: acoshrat
// ARGUMENTS: x PRAT representation of number to take the inverse
// hyperbolic cose of
// RETURN: acosh of x in PRAT form.
// EXPLANATION: This uses
// acosh(x)=ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))
// For x >= 1
void acoshrat( PRAT *px )
{ if ( rat_lt( *px, rat_one ) ) { throw CALC_E_DOMAIN; } else { PRAT ptmp = NULL; DUPRAT(ptmp,(*px)); mulrat(&ptmp,*px); subrat(&ptmp,rat_one); rootrat(&ptmp,rat_two); addrat(px,ptmp); lograt(px); destroyrat(ptmp); } }
// FUNCTION: atanhrat
// ARGUMENTS: x PRAT representation of number to take the inverse
// hyperbolic tangent of
// RETURN: atanh of x in PRAT form.
// EXPLANATION: This uses
// 1 x+1
// atanh(x) = -*ln(----)
// 2 x-1
void atanhrat( PRAT *px )
{ PRAT ptmp = NULL; DUPRAT(ptmp,(*px)); subrat(&ptmp,rat_one); addrat(px,rat_one); divrat(px,ptmp); (*px)->pp->sign *= -1; lograt(px); divrat(px,rat_two); destroyrat(ptmp); }