/** FILE: cursors.c ********** Module Header ********************************
* * Control panel applet for Cursors configuration. This file holds * everything to do with the "Cursors" dialog box in the Control Panel. * * If this applet gets incorporated into the MAIN.CPL module, look * for the define NOTINMAIN below. This marks some code that will * need to be modified. * * History: * 12:30 on Tues 23 Apr 1991 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Took base code from Win 3.1 source * 12-22-91 DarrinM Created from MOUSE.C * 07-31-92 DarrinM Revived. * 01-04-93 ByronD Cleaned up, etc. * 03-25-93 JonPa Changed .ANI file format from RAD to RIFF * 04-29-93 JonPa Pull strings out of resource file * 05-20-93 ErikGav Added schemes * * Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Microsoft Corporation * *************************************************************************/
// Marks code that will need to be modified if this module is ever
// incorporated into MAIN.CPL instead of being a separate applet.
// Include files
// C Runtime
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Windows SDK
/* cut out unnec stuff from windows.h */ #define NOCLIPBOARD
#include <windows.h>
// Common dialog includes.
#include <dlgs.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
// Utility library
#include <cplib.h>
// Application specific
#include "cursors.h"
#include <winuserp.h>
#include "..\main\cphelp.h" //For the help id's.
#endif //NOTINMAIN
#ifndef RAD_FORMAT
#include <asdf.h>
// Local Definitions
#ifndef LATER
// darrinm - 07/31/92
// Replace with something good
#define gcxAvgChar 8
#define CCURSORS 11
#define PM_NEWCURSOR (WM_USER + 1)
typedef struct _CURSORINFO { // curi
DWORD fl; HCURSOR hcur; int ccur; int icur; char szFile[FILENAME_MAX]; char szTitle[80]; char szCreator[80]; } CURSORINFO, *PCURSORINFO;
#define CIF_FILE 0x0001
#define CIF_ANICURSOR 0x0002
#define CIF_MODIFIED 0x0004
#define CIF_TITLE 0x0008
#define CIF_CREATOR 0x0010
#pragma pack(2)
typedef struct tagNEWHEADER { WORD reserved; WORD rt; WORD cResources; } NEWHEADER, *LPNEWHEADER; #pragma pack()
typedef struct { UINT idVisName; LPSTR idResource; LPSTR pszIniName; LPSTR pszVisName; } CURSORDESC, *PCURSORDESC;
// Structure that contains data used within a preview window. This
// data is unique for each preview window, and is used to optimize
// the painting.
typedef struct { HDC hdcMem; HBITMAP hbmMem; HBITMAP hbmOld; PCURSORINFO pcuri; } PREVIEWDATA, *PPREVIEWDATA;
// Local Data Declarations
extern HANDLE ghmod; // These guys are defined in INIT.C
extern int gcxCursor, gcyCursor;
HWND ghwndDlg, ghwndFile, ghwndFileH, ghwndTitle, ghwndTitleH; HWND ghwndCreator, ghwndCreatorH, ghwndLB, ghwndPreview; HWND ghwndSchemeCB; HBRUSH ghbrHighlight, ghbrHighlightText, ghbrWindow; COLORREF gcrHighlightText; TCHAR gszFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR gszFileName2[MAX_PATH]; HFONT ghfontLabels; UINT gnMsgLBSelChString; UINT gnMsgFileOK; UINT wBrowseHelpMessage; LPTSTR gszFileNotFound = NULL; LPTSTR gszBrowse = NULL; LPTSTR gszFilter = NULL; TCHAR gszNoMem[256] = "No Memory"; HHOOK ghhkMsgFilter; // Hook handle for message filter func.
// registry keys
char szSchemeINI[] = "Cursor Schemes"; char szCurrentINI[] = "Current"; char gszSchemeName[MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN+1];
// Local Function Prototypes
BOOL InitCursorsDlg(HWND hwnd); VOID CreateBrushes(VOID); VOID DestroyBrushes(VOID); LPTSTR GetResourceString(HINSTANCE hmod, int id); void DrawCursorListItem(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pdis); BOOL GetCursorFromFile(CURSORINFO *pcuri); BOOL Browse(HWND hwndOwner); UINT_PTR CALLBACK OpenFileNameHookDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void CleanUpEverything(void); VOID UpdateCursorList(VOID); VOID NextFrame(HWND hwnd); BOOL ReadTag( HANDLE hf, PRTAG ptag); BOOL ReadChunk(HANDLE hf, PRTAG ptag, PVOID pv); BOOL ReadChunkN(HANDLE hf, PRTAG ptag, PVOID pv, DWORD cbMax); DWORD Skip( HANDLE hf, DWORD cbSkip); void HourGlass(BOOL fOn); DWORD FAR PASCAL MsgFilterHookFunc(INT nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPMSG lpMsg);
BOOL TryToLoadCursor(HWND hwnd,int i,CURSORINFO *pcuri); BOOL LoadScheme(void); BOOL SaveScheme(void); BOOL SaveSchemeAs(void); BOOL RemoveScheme(void); BOOL InitSchemeComboBox(void); BOOL SchemeUpdate(int); LPSTR MakeFilename(LPSTR sz); INT_PTR CALLBACK SaveSchemeDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void StripBlanks (LPSTR pszString);
// Functions
// This is a hack to get around the mess in CPLIB.H. It can all go away
// when this applet is incorporated into MAIN.CPL.
#define wHelpMessage xwHelpMessage
#define dwContext xdwContext
#define szControlHlp xszControlHlp
#define CPHelp xCPHelp
UINT wHelpMessage; // stuff for help
DWORD dwContext = 0L; char szControlHlp[] = "control.hlp";
void CPHelp (HWND hWnd) { // char szBuf[80];
// wsprintf (szBuf, "Help Context %ld", dwContext);
WinHelp (hWnd, szControlHlp, HELP_CONTEXT, dwContext); // hWnd = hWnd;
#endif //NOTINMAIN
* InitCursorsDlg * * * History: * 12-22-91 DarrinM Created. * 04-10-93 ErikGav Added init for schemes \***************************************************************************/
BOOL InitCursorsDlg( HWND hwnd) { CURSORINFO *pcuri; LOGFONT lf; int i; DWORD dwDummy; static TCHAR szBuffer[256]; LPTSTR p,p2;
wHelpMessage = RegisterWindowMessage("ShellHelp"); dwContext = IDH_CHILD_CURSORS; #endif //NOTINMAIN
if (szBuffer[0] == '\0') { //
// this key doesn't exist-- this is the first time
// the applet has been run. Create the default
// scheme sets.
LoadString(ghmod, IDS_DEFAULTSCHEME, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); WriteProfileString(szCurrentINI,szSchemeINI,szBuffer);
// fill in the schemes for
// the listbox
for (i=IDS_FIRSTSCHEME;i<=IDS_LASTSCHEME;i++) { LoadString(ghmod, i, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); p = szBuffer;
while (*p != '=') p = CharNext(p); p2 = CharNext(p); *p = '\0';
WriteProfileString(szSchemeINI,szBuffer,p2); } }
// Register the help message from the File Open (Browse) dialog.
wBrowseHelpMessage = RegisterWindowMessage(HELPMSGSTRING); LoadAccelerators(ghmod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CP_ACCEL));
* Load Strings */
if (gszFileNotFound == NULL) {
gszFileNotFound = GetResourceString(ghmod, IDS_CUR_BADFILE);
if (gszFileNotFound == NULL) { return FALSE; } }
if (gszBrowse == NULL) {
gszBrowse = GetResourceString(ghmod, IDS_CUR_BROWSE);
if (gszBrowse == NULL) { return FALSE; } }
if (gszFilter == NULL) { gszFilter = GetResourceString(ghmod, IDS_CUR_FILTER); if (gszFilter == NULL) { return FALSE; } }
* Load description strings from the resource file */ for( i = 0; i < CCURSORS; i++ ) {
if (gacd[i].idVisName != 0) { gacd[i].pszVisName = GetResourceString(ghmod, gacd[i].idVisName);
if (gacd[i].pszVisName != NULL) { /*
* We got a buffer for the string, * clear the string id so we won't try to load it again. */ gacd[i].idVisName = 0; } else { /*
* Could not get the string. Use the registry name in this * emergency case. */ gacd[i].pszVisName = gacd[i].pszIniName; } } }
* As an optimization, remember the window handles of the cursor * information fields. */ ghwndPreview = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_PREVIEW); ghwndFile = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_FILE); ghwndFileH = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_FILEH); ghwndTitle = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_TITLE); ghwndTitleH = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_TITLEH); ghwndCreator = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_CREATOR); ghwndCreatorH = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_CREATORH); ghwndLB = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_CURSORLIST); ghwndSchemeCB = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_SCHEMECOMBO); /*
* Create some brushes we'll be using. */ CreateBrushes();
// ErikGav -
// Initialize the scheme list box
* Get a nice small font for some of the controls. * LATER: How many of these fields do I really need to initialize? */ memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Helv"); lf.lfHeight = 8; lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; lf.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; ghfontLabels = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
* Change the font for the info fields. */ SendMessage(ghwndFile, WM_SETFONT, (DWORD)ghfontLabels, FALSE); SendMessage(ghwndTitle, WM_SETFONT, (DWORD)ghfontLabels, FALSE); SendMessage(ghwndCreator, WM_SETFONT, (DWORD)ghfontLabels, FALSE);
* Pre-clear the cursor info array. */ memset(acuri, 0, sizeof(acuri));
* Loop through all cursors checking WIN.INI to see if they've been * superceded by a 'soft' cursor. If so, get the soft cursor's filename. */ for (pcuri = &acuri[0], i = 0; i < CCURSORS; i++, pcuri++) {
GetProfileString("Cursors", gacd[i].pszIniName, "", pcuri->szFile, sizeof(pcuri->szFile));
if ( (*(pcuri->szFile) == '\0') || !TryToLoadCursor(hwnd,i,pcuri)) { /*
* The cursor is either not redirected, or we could not load * the file, either way we should use the default system cursor. */ pcuri->hcur = LoadCursor(NULL, gacd[i].idResource); GetCursorInfo(pcuri->hcur, NULL, 0, &dwDummy, &pcuri->ccur); if (pcuri->ccur > 1) { pcuri->fl |= CIF_ANICURSOR; } } SendMessage(ghwndLB, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, i); }
* Select the first cursor in the list ('Arrow'). */ SendMessage(ghwndLB, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
* Force an update of the preview window and the cursor details. */ UpdateCursorList();
gnMsgLBSelChString = RegisterWindowMessage(LBSELCHSTRING); gnMsgFileOK = RegisterWindowMessage(FILEOKSTRING);
return TRUE; }
* CreateBrushes * * Creates the brushes that are used to paint within the Cursors applet. * \*****************************************************************************/
VOID CreateBrushes( VOID ) { ghbrHighlight = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); gcrHighlightText = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); ghbrHighlightText = CreateSolidBrush(gcrHighlightText); ghbrWindow = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); }
* DestroyBrushes * * Cleans up the brushes that were used to paint within the Cursors applet. * \*****************************************************************************/
VOID DestroyBrushes( VOID ) { DeleteObject(ghbrHighlight); DeleteObject(ghbrHighlightText); DeleteObject(ghbrWindow); }
* LPTSTR GetResourceString(HINSTANCE hmod, int id); * * Gets a string out of the resouce file. * \*****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR GetResourceString(HINSTANCE hmod, int id) { TCHAR szBuffer[256]; LPTSTR psz; int cch;
if ( (cch = LoadString(hmod, id, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR) )) == 0){ return NULL; }
psz = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cch * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (psz != NULL) { int i;
for( i = 0; i <= cch; i++ ) { psz[i] = (szBuffer[i] == TEXT('\1')) ? TEXT('\0') : szBuffer[i]; } }
return psz; }
* CursorsDlgProc * * * History: * 12-22-91 DarrinM Created. \***************************************************************************/
INT_PTR CALLBACK CursorsDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CURSORINFO *pcuri; DWORD dwDummy; HDWP hdwp; INT i;
switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: ghwndDlg = hwnd; if(!InitCursorsDlg(hwnd)) { MessageBox(hwnd, gszNoMem, NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); EndDialog(hwnd, 0); } break;
case WM_MEASUREITEM: ((MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *)lParam)->itemHeight = gcyCursor + 2; break;
case WM_DRAWITEM: DrawCursorListItem((DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam); break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
case ID_SCHEMECOMBO: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_SELCHANGE: LoadScheme(); break; }
case ID_DEFAULT: /*
* Throw away any fancy new cursor and replace it with the * system's original. */ i = SendMessage(ghwndLB, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); pcuri = &acuri[i]; if (!(pcuri->fl & CIF_FILE)) break;
pcuri->fl = CIF_MODIFIED;
if (pcuri->hcur != NULL) DestroyCursor(pcuri->hcur);
pcuri->hcur = GetCursorInfo(NULL, (LPWSTR)gacd[i].idResource, 0, &dwDummy, (LPINT)&dwDummy); *pcuri->szFile = '\0';
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_SAVESCHEME), TRUE);
UpdateCursorList(); break;
case ID_CURSORLIST: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: i = SendMessage((HWND)lParam, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); pcuri = &acuri[i];
* Show a preview (including animation) in the preview window. */ PreviewWndProc(ghwndPreview, PM_NEWCURSOR, 0, (LPARAM)pcuri);
* Show/Hide and update if necessary the information text * controls that show the cursor's filename, title, and * creator. */ hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(6); if (pcuri->fl & CIF_TITLE) { SetWindowText(ghwndTitle, pcuri->szTitle); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndTitleH, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndTitle, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } else { hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndTitleH, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndTitle, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); }
if (pcuri->fl & CIF_CREATOR) { SetWindowText(ghwndCreator, pcuri->szCreator); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndCreatorH, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndCreator, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } else { hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndCreatorH, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndCreator, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); }
if (pcuri->fl & CIF_FILE) { SetWindowText(ghwndFile, pcuri->szFile); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndFileH, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndFile, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } else { hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndFileH, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, ghwndFile, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp);
// Enable the "Set Default" button if the cursor is
// from a file.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_DEFAULT), (pcuri->fl & CIF_FILE) ? TRUE : FALSE);
case LBN_DBLCLK: Browse(hwnd); break; } break;
case ID_BROWSE: Browse(hwnd); break;
case IDD_HELP: goto DoHelp;
case IDOK: /*
* change cursor to hourglass */ HourGlass(TRUE);
// Save the modified scheme
* Save any modified cursor information to WIN.INI. */ for (pcuri = &acuri[0], i = 0; i < CCURSORS; i++, pcuri++) { // if (pcuri->fl & CIF_MODIFIED) {
WriteProfileString("Cursors", gacd[i].pszIniName, pcuri->fl & CIF_FILE ? pcuri->szFile : NULL); SetSystemCursor(pcuri->hcur, (DWORD)gacd[i].idResource); // }
* Free everything. */ CleanUpEverything();
EndDialog(hwnd, 0L); break;
case IDCANCEL: /*
* Don't leave a mess. */ CleanUpEverything();
EndDialog(hwnd, 0L); break;
case ID_SAVESCHEME: SaveSchemeAs(); break;
case ID_REMOVESCHEME: RemoveScheme(); break; } break;
// Recreate the brushes with the new colors.
DestroyBrushes(); CreateBrushes(); break;
default: if (msg == wHelpMessage || msg == wBrowseHelpMessage) { DoHelp: CPHelp(hwnd);
return TRUE; } else return FALSE;
break; }
return TRUE; }
* DrawCursorListItem * * * History: * 12-22-91 DarrinM Created. \***************************************************************************/
void DrawCursorListItem( DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pdis) { CURSORINFO *pcuri; COLORREF crPrev;
* LATER: Deal with focus rect. */ if (pdis->itemAction == ODA_FOCUS) return;
SetBkMode(pdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT); pcuri = &acuri[pdis->itemData];
if (pdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { FillRect(pdis->hDC, &pdis->rcItem, ghbrHighlight); crPrev = SetTextColor(pdis->hDC, gcrHighlightText); } else { FillRect(pdis->hDC, &pdis->rcItem, ghbrWindow); } if (pcuri->hcur != NULL) { DrawIcon(pdis->hDC, pdis->rcItem.left + 2, pdis->rcItem.top + 1, pcuri->hcur); } pdis->rcItem.left += gcxCursor + 2 + gcxAvgChar; DrawText(pdis->hDC, gacd[pdis->itemData].pszVisName, strlen(gacd[pdis->itemData].pszVisName), &pdis->rcItem, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER);
if (pdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { SetTextColor(pdis->hDC, crPrev); } }
* TryToLoadCursor * * * History: * 01-28-93 JonPa Created. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL TryToLoadCursor( HWND hwnd, int i, CURSORINFO *pcuri) { DWORD dwDummy; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
if (!GetCursorFromFile(pcuri)) { HWND hwndControl = GetParent(hwnd); LPSTR pszText;
pszText = LocalAlloc(LPTR, strlen(gszFileNotFound) + strlen(gacd[i].pszVisName) + strlen(pcuri->szFile));
if (pszText == NULL) return FALSE;
wsprintf(pszText, gszFileNotFound, pcuri->szFile, gacd[i].pszVisName);
/* do a little multimedia action here */ MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if(MessageBox(hwndControl, pszText, NULL, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { /*
* Cursor file is bad or can't be found. User wants to * reset registry to use the default instead. */
pcuri->fl = CIF_MODIFIED;
if (pcuri->hcur != NULL) DestroyCursor(pcuri->hcur);
pcuri->hcur = GetCursorInfo(NULL, (LPWSTR)gacd[i].idResource, 0, &dwDummy, (LPINT)&dwDummy);
GetCursorInfo(pcuri->hcur, NULL, 0, &dwDummy, &pcuri->ccur); if (pcuri->ccur > 1) { pcuri->fl |= CIF_ANICURSOR; }
} else { /* load file failed, use the default */ fRet = FALSE; }
LocalFree(pszText); } /* Load file worked! Display what we read */ return fRet; }
* GetCursorFromFile * * * History: * 12-25-91 DarrinM Created. * 03-25-93 JonPa Rewote to use RIFF format \***************************************************************************/
BOOL GetCursorFromFile( CURSORINFO *pcuri) { HANDLE hf; RTAG tag; DWORD cbRead; BOOL fBadCur = FALSE; ANIHEADER anih;
pcuri->fl = 0;
hf = CreateFile(MakeFilename(pcuri->szFile), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { pcuri->fl |= CIF_FILE; return FALSE; }
* Determine if this is an .ICO/.CUR file or an .ANI file. */ if (ReadTag(hf, &tag) && tag.ckID == FOURCC_RIFF && ReadFile(hf, &tag.ckID, sizeof(tag.ckID), &cbRead, NULL) && cbRead >= sizeof(tag.ckID) && tag.ckID == FOURCC_ACON) { BOOL fNeedANI = TRUE; BOOL fNeedInfo = TRUE;
* It's an ANICURSOR! * * Search for each chunk (LIST, anih, rate, seq, and icon). * while we search, we will assume the ani file is bad. */ fBadCur = TRUE; while((fNeedANI || fNeedInfo) && ReadTag(hf, &tag)) { if( tag.ckID == FOURCC_LIST) { /* look for type INFO */ DWORD cbChunk = (tag.ckSize + 1) & ~1;
if (ReadFile(hf, &tag.ckID, sizeof(tag.ckID), &cbRead, NULL) && cbRead >= sizeof(tag.ckID) && tag.ckID == FOURCC_INFO){
// I think this should be here???
cbChunk -= cbRead;
/* now look for INAM and IART chunks */
while( cbChunk >= sizeof(tag) && ((pcuri->fl & (CIF_TITLE | CIF_CREATOR)) != (CIF_TITLE | CIF_CREATOR))) {
if (!ReadTag(hf, &tag)) goto gcffExit;
cbChunk -= sizeof(tag);
switch( tag.ckID ) { case FOURCC_INAM: if (cbChunk < tag.ckSize || !ReadChunkN(hf, &tag, pcuri->szTitle, sizeof(pcuri->szTitle))) goto gcffExit;
pcuri->fl |= CIF_TITLE; cbChunk -= (tag.ckSize + 1) & ~1; break;
case FOURCC_IART: if (cbChunk < tag.ckSize || !ReadChunkN(hf, &tag, pcuri->szCreator, sizeof(pcuri->szCreator))) goto gcffExit;
pcuri->fl |= CIF_CREATOR; cbChunk -= (tag.ckSize + 1) & ~1; break;
default: cbChunk -= Skip( hf, tag.ckSize ); break; } }
fNeedInfo = FALSE;
if (cbChunk != 0) { // This is right, isn't it?
Skip( hf, cbChunk ); }
} else { Skip( hf, cbChunk - cbRead); }
} else if (tag.ckID == FOURCC_anih) { if (!ReadChunk(hf, &tag, &anih)) goto gcffExit;
if (!(anih.fl & AF_ICON) || (anih.cFrames == 0)) goto gcffExit;
} else { Skip(hf, tag.ckSize); } }
/* if we get here, it must be a real ani cursor */ fBadCur = FALSE; pcuri->fl |= CIF_ANICURSOR; }
gcffExit: CloseHandle(hf);
if (!fBadCur) { pcuri->hcur = LoadCursorFromFile(MakeFilename(pcuri->szFile)); GetCursorInfo(pcuri->hcur, NULL, 0, &cbRead, &pcuri->ccur); pcuri->fl |= CIF_FILE; }
return fBadCur ? FALSE : pcuri->hcur != NULL; }
* Browse * * Browse the file system for a new cursor for the selected item. * * History: * 12-25-91 DarrinM Created. \***************************************************************************/
BOOL Browse( HWND hwndOwner) { static OPENFILENAME ofn; static char szCustomFilter[80]; CHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH]; CURSORINFO curi; int i; DWORD dwContextSave; HOOKPROC lpfnMsgFilterHookFunc; // The message filter proc instance.
* Hook the message filter stream so that we can detect F1 keystrokes. */ lpfnMsgFilterHookFunc = MakeProcInstance((HOOKPROC)MsgFilterHookFunc, ghInst); ghhkMsgFilter = SetWindowsHook(WH_MSGFILTER, lpfnMsgFilterHookFunc);
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; ofn.hInstance = ghmod; ofn.lpstrFilter = gszFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustomFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = sizeof(szCustomFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; gszFileName[0] = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = gszFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(gszFileName); ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szSystemDir; ofn.lpstrTitle = gszBrowse; ofn.Flags = OFN_SHOWHELP | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE | OFN_ENABLEHOOK; ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL; ofn.lpfnHook = OpenFileNameHookDlgProc; ofn.lpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_FILEOPEN);
SendDlgItemMessage(hwndOwner, ID_PREVIEW, PM_PAUSEANIMATION, 0, 0);
dwContextSave = dwContext; dwContext = IDH_DLG_CURBROWSE; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { dwContext = dwContextSave; SendDlgItemMessage(hwndOwner, ID_PREVIEW, PM_UNPAUSEANIMATION, 0, 0); goto brErrExit; } dwContext = dwContextSave;
strcpy(curi.szFile, gszFileName); if (!GetCursorFromFile(&curi)) goto brErrExit;
i = SendMessage(ghwndLB, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); curi.fl |= CIF_MODIFIED;
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ghwndDlg, ID_SAVESCHEME), TRUE);
* Destroy the old cursor before we retain the new one. */ DestroyCursor(acuri[i].hcur);
acuri[i] = curi; UpdateCursorList(); fRet = TRUE;
if (ghhkMsgFilter != NULL) { UnhookWindowsHook(WH_MSGFILTER, lpfnMsgFilterHookFunc); FreeProcInstance(lpfnMsgFilterHookFunc); } return fRet; }
* OpenFileNameHookDlgProc * * Hook function for the GetOpenFileName common dialog function. * Used to make the preview window work. * \*****************************************************************************/
UINT_PTR CALLBACK OpenFileNameHookDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static CURSORINFO curiPreview; static BOOL fInSelMode;
if (msg == gnMsgLBSelChString && wParam == lst1) { fInSelMode = TRUE; PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDOK, 0), (LPARAM)GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDOK)); } else if (msg == gnMsgFileOK) { if (fInSelMode) { HCURSOR hcurOld; PCURSORINFO pcuri;
hcurOld = curiPreview.hcur; strcpy(curiPreview.szFile, gszFileName); if (GetCursorFromFile(&curiPreview)) pcuri = &curiPreview; else pcuri = NULL;
if (hcurOld) { DestroyCursor(hcurOld); }
* Show a preview (including animation) in the preview window, * or else clear the preview window (if pcuri is NULL). */ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_PREVIEW), PM_NEWCURSOR, 0, (LPARAM)pcuri);
fInSelMode = FALSE;
// Do NOT close the dialog.
return 1; } else { //
// OK to close the dialog.
return 0; } } else { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: curiPreview.hcur = 0; fInSelMode = FALSE; return TRUE;
case WM_DESTROY: if (curiPreview.hcur) { DestroyCursor(curiPreview.hcur); curiPreview.hcur = 0; }
break; } }
return FALSE; }
* CleanUpEverything * * Destroy all the outstanding cursors. * * History: * 12-25-91 DarrinM Created. \***************************************************************************/
void CleanUpEverything(void) { CURSORINFO *pcuri; int i;
for (pcuri = &acuri[0], i = 0; i < CCURSORS; i++, pcuri++) { if (pcuri->hcur != NULL) DestroyCursor(pcuri->hcur); }
DeleteObject(ghfontLabels); }
* UpdateCursorList * * Force the Cursor ListBox to repaint and the cursor information below the * listbox to be refreshed as well. * * History: * 12-25-91 DarrinM Created. \***************************************************************************/
VOID UpdateCursorList( VOID ) { InvalidateRect(ghwndLB, NULL, FALSE); SendMessage(ghwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(ID_CURSORLIST, LBN_SELCHANGE), (LPARAM)ghwndLB); }
* PreviewWndProc * * * History: * 08-07-92 DarrinM Created. \***************************************************************************/
LRESULT CALLBACK PreviewWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HDC hdc; RECT rc; int ccur; JIF jifRate; HCURSOR hcur; PAINTSTRUCT ps; PPREVIEWDATA ppd;
switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: if (!(ppd = (PPREVIEWDATA)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(PREVIEWDATA)))) return -1;
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LPARAM)ppd);
* Create a temp DC and bitmap to be used for buffering the * preview rendering. */ hdc = GetDC(hwnd); ppd->hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); ppd->hbmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, gcxCursor, gcyCursor); ppd->hbmOld = SelectObject(ppd->hdcMem, ppd->hbmMem); ppd->pcuri = NULL; ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); break;
case WM_DESTROY: ppd = (PPREVIEWDATA)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); SelectObject(ppd->hdcMem, ppd->hbmOld); DeleteObject(ppd->hbmMem); DeleteDC(ppd->hdcMem); LocalFree(ppd); break;
case PM_NEWCURSOR: KillTimer(hwnd, ID_PREVIEWTIMER); ppd = (PPREVIEWDATA)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
ppd->pcuri = (PCURSORINFO)lParam;
if (ppd->pcuri) { if (ppd->pcuri->fl & CIF_ANICURSOR) { ppd->pcuri->icur = 0; GetCursorInfo(ppd->pcuri->hcur, NULL, 0, &jifRate, &ccur); SetTimer(hwnd, ID_PREVIEWTIMER, jifRate * 16, NULL); } }
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); break;
case PM_PAUSEANIMATION: KillTimer(hwnd, ID_PREVIEWTIMER); break;
case PM_UNPAUSEANIMATION: NextFrame(hwnd); break;
case WM_TIMER: if (wParam != ID_PREVIEWTIMER) break;
NextFrame(hwnd); break;
case WM_PAINT: BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
ppd = (PPREVIEWDATA)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
if (ppd->pcuri && ppd->pcuri->hcur != NULL) { rc.left = rc.top = 0; rc.right = gcxCursor; rc.bottom = gcyCursor; FillRect(ppd->hdcMem, &rc, ghbrWindow);
hcur = GetCursorInfo(ppd->pcuri->hcur, NULL, ppd->pcuri->icur, &jifRate, &ccur); DrawIcon(ppd->hdcMem, 0, 0, hcur); BitBlt(ps.hdc, 0, 0, gcxCursor, gcyCursor, ppd->hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } else { FillRect(ps.hdc, &ps.rcPaint, ghbrWindow); }
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: break;
default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
return 0; }
* NextFrame * * Sets up for the next frame in the preview window. * * Arguments: * HWND hwnd - Dialog window handle. * \*****************************************************************************/
VOID NextFrame( HWND hwnd ) { INT ccur; JIF jifRate; PPREVIEWDATA ppd;
ppd = (PPREVIEWDATA)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
// Be sure there is a cursor specified. If not, or it is
// not an animated cursor, we are done.
if (!ppd->pcuri || !(ppd->pcuri->fl & CIF_ANICURSOR)) return;
if (++(ppd->pcuri->icur) >= ppd->pcuri->ccur) ppd->pcuri->icur = 0;
* Find how long this frame should be displayed (i.e. get jifRate) */ GetCursorInfo(ppd->pcuri->hcur, NULL, ppd->pcuri->icur, &jifRate, &ccur); SetTimer(hwnd, ID_PREVIEWTIMER, jifRate * 16, NULL);
* Redraw this frame of the cursor. */ InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); }
* ReadTag, ReadChunk, SkipChunk * * Some handy functions for reading RIFF files. * * History: * 10-02-91 DarrinM Created. * 03-25-93 Jonpa Changed to use RIFF format instead of ASDF \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ReadTag( HANDLE hf, PRTAG ptag) { DWORD cbActual;
ptag->ckID = ptag->ckSize = 0L;
if (!ReadFile(hf, ptag, sizeof(RTAG), &cbActual, NULL) || (cbActual != sizeof(RTAG))) return FALSE;
/* no need to align file pointer since RTAG is already word aligned */ return TRUE; }
BOOL ReadChunk( HANDLE hf, PRTAG ptag, PVOID pv) { DWORD cbActual;
if (!ReadFile(hf, pv, ptag->ckSize, &cbActual, NULL) || (cbActual != ptag->ckSize)) return FALSE;
/* WORD align file pointer */ if( ptag->ckSize & 1 ) SetFilePointer(hf, 1, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
return TRUE; }
BOOL ReadChunkN( HANDLE hf, PRTAG ptag, PVOID pv, DWORD cbMax) { DWORD cbActual; DWORD cbRead = min( cbMax, ptag->ckSize );
if (!ReadFile(hf, pv, ptag->ckSize, &cbActual, NULL) || (cbActual != cbRead)) return FALSE;
/* WORD align file pointer */
// this is right isn't it?
cbRead = ptag->ckSize - cbActual;
if( ptag->ckSize & 1 ) cbRead++;
return SetFilePointer(hf, cbRead, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) != 0xFFFFFFFF; }
DWORD Skip( HANDLE hf, DWORD cbSkip) { /* Round cbSize up to nearest word boundary to maintain alignment */ DWORD cb = (cbSkip + 1) & ~1;
if (SetFilePointer(hf, cb, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == 0xFFFFFFFF) cb = 0;
return cb; }
* HourGlass * * Turn hourglass cursor on or off. * * History: * 07-30-92 DarrinM Pulled from control\main\util.c \***************************************************************************/
void HourGlass(BOOL fOn) { if (!GetSystemMetrics (SM_MOUSEPRESENT)) ShowCursor (fOn);
SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, fOn ? IDC_WAIT : IDC_ARROW)); }
* MsgFilterHookFunc * * This is the exported message filter function that is hooked into * the message stream for detecting the pressing of the F1 key, at * which time it calls up the appropriate help. * * Arguments: * * History: * ************************************************************************/
DWORD FAR PASCAL MsgFilterHookFunc( INT nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPMSG lpMsg) { if ((nCode == MSGF_MENU || nCode == MSGF_DIALOGBOX) && (lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && lpMsg->wParam == VK_F1)) { /*
* Display help. */ CPHelp(lpMsg->hwnd);
* Tell Windows to swallow this message. */ return 1; }
return DefHookProc(nCode, wParam, (LONG)lpMsg, &ghhkMsgFilter); }
* Scheme Functions * * History: * 04-10-93 ErikGav Created \***************************************************************************/
BOOL SaveSchemeAs() { BOOL fSuccess=TRUE; LRESULT lr;
// dialog proc returns TRUE & sets filename entered
// to gszSchemeName if OK clicked
if (DialogBox (ghmod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_SCHEMESAVE), ghwndDlg, SaveSchemeDlgProc)) { lr = SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB,CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT,0xFFFF,(LPARAM) gszSchemeName);
// if not found, add it
if (lr==CB_ERR) { lr = SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) gszSchemeName); }
// select the name
SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM) lr,0);
fSuccess=SaveScheme(); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL SaveScheme() { const BUFFER_SIZE = CCURSORS * (FILENAME_MAX+1) + 1; char pszSchemeName[MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN+1]; LPSTR pszBuffer; BOOL fSuccess=TRUE; int i;
// allocate buffer for string
pszBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,BUFFER_SIZE); if (pszBuffer==NULL) return FALSE;
// get current scheme name
// store in registry
fSuccess = WriteProfileString(szCurrentINI,szSchemeINI,pszSchemeName);
// concatenate the filenames into a string, write it to the registry
pszBuffer[0]='\0'; for (i = 0; i < CCURSORS; i++) { lstrcat(pszBuffer,acuri[i].szFile); lstrcat(pszBuffer,","); }
pszBuffer[lstrlen(pszBuffer)-1]='\0'; // strip last comma
fSuccess &= WriteProfileString(szSchemeINI,pszSchemeName,pszBuffer);
if (fSuccess) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ghwndDlg, ID_SAVESCHEME), FALSE); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL LoadScheme() { const BUFFER_SIZE = CCURSORS * (FILENAME_MAX+1) + 1; char pszSchemeName[MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN+1]; LPSTR pszBuffer; BOOL fSuccess=TRUE; LPSTR pszFile; LPSTR pszNextFile; BOOL fEOL=FALSE; LRESULT lr; int i=0;
// allocate buffer for cursor paths
pszBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,BUFFER_SIZE); if (pszBuffer==NULL) return FALSE;
// get current scheme name
// read cursor paths from the registry
// parse string of format "filename1,filename2,filename3..."
// into cursor info array
do { pszNextFile=pszFile; while (*pszNextFile!='\0') { if (*pszNextFile==',') break;
pszNextFile=CharNext(pszNextFile); }
if (*pszNextFile=='\0') fEOL=TRUE; else *pszNextFile='\0';
if (lstrcmp(pszFile,acuri[i].szFile)) { // it's different than current, update
lstrcpy(acuri[i].szFile,pszFile); fSuccess &= SchemeUpdate(i); }
pszFile = pszNextFile;
if (!fEOL) pszFile++; // skip '\0' and move to next path
i++; } while (i < CCURSORS);
// select "Arrow" in list box
lr = SendMessage(ghwndLB, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); // avoid a "flash"
if (lr!=0) { SendMessage(ghwndLB, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); }
// repaint
// disable the SAVE button
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ghwndDlg, ID_SAVESCHEME), FALSE);
return fSuccess; }
// helper function --
// updates the cursor at index i
// in acuri
BOOL SchemeUpdate(int i) { DWORD dwDummy; BOOL fSuccess=TRUE;
if (acuri[i].hcur != NULL) { DestroyCursor(acuri[i].hcur); }
acuri[i].fl = CIF_MODIFIED;
// if "Set Default"
if (*(acuri[i].szFile) == '\0') { acuri[i].hcur = GetCursorInfo(NULL, (LPWSTR)gacd[i].idResource, 0, &dwDummy, (LPINT)&dwDummy); } else { fSuccess=TryToLoadCursor(ghwndDlg,i,&acuri[i]); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL RemoveScheme() { char pszSchemeName[MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN+1]; LRESULT lr; char RemoveMsg[PATHMAX]; char DialogMsg[PATHMAX];
if (*pszSchemeName=='\0') { return FALSE; }
// put up a warning dialog
LoadString (ghmod, IDS_REMOVESCHEME, RemoveMsg, PATHMAX); wsprintf(DialogMsg, RemoveMsg, (LPSTR) pszSchemeName);
// DebugBreak();
LoadString (ghmod, IDS_NAME, RemoveMsg, PATHMAX);
if (MessageBox (ghwndDlg, DialogMsg, RemoveMsg, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) != IDYES) return TRUE;
// delete from registry
// delete from list box
lr = SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0xFFFF, (LPARAM) pszSchemeName); SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB, CB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM) lr, 0);
// set new selection
SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
// Refresh everything
return LoadScheme(); }
BOOL InitSchemeComboBox() { const BUFFER_SIZE=4096; LPSTR pszBuffer, pszSchemeNames; LRESULT lr; BOOL fSuccess=TRUE;
// allocate a buffer for the scheme names
pszBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,BUFFER_SIZE); if (pszBuffer==NULL) return FALSE;
// copy the scheme names
// add each scheme name to the combo box
while (*pszSchemeNames!='\0') { SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)pszSchemeNames);
while (*pszSchemeNames!='\0') { pszSchemeNames=CharNext(pszSchemeNames); // skip to next string
pszSchemeNames++; // skip '\0' between strings
// determine which scheme is currently selected by the user
// try and find it in the combobox
lr = SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB,CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT,0xFFFF,(LPARAM) pszBuffer);
// if found, select it
if (lr!=CB_ERR) { SendMessage(ghwndSchemeCB,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM) lr,0); fSuccess=LoadScheme(); } else { // scheme was not found
// set text to nothing
// and disable the REMOVE/SAVE buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ghwndDlg, ID_SAVESCHEME), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ghwndDlg, ID_REMOVESCHEME), FALSE); }
return fSuccess; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK SaveSchemeDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char szSchemeName[MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN+1];
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
HourGlass (TRUE);
SetDlgItemText (hWnd, ID_SCHEMEFILENAME, szSchemeName); SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, ID_SCHEMEFILENAME, EM_SETSEL, 0, 32767); SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, ID_SCHEMEFILENAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN, 0L); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem (hWnd, IDOK), szSchemeName[0] != '\0'); HourGlass (FALSE); return (TRUE);
switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { case ID_SCHEMEFILENAME: if (HIWORD (wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { EnableWindow (GetDlgItem (hWnd, IDOK), GetDlgItemText (hWnd, ID_SCHEMEFILENAME, szSchemeName, 2)); } break;
case IDD_HELP: goto DoHelp;
case IDOK:
GetDlgItemText (hWnd, ID_SCHEMEFILENAME, szSchemeName, MAX_SCHEME_NAME_LEN); StripBlanks (szSchemeName);
if (*szSchemeName=='/0') { MessageBeep(0); break; }
lstrcpy (gszSchemeName, szSchemeName);
// fall through...
EndDialog (hWnd, LOWORD (wParam) == IDOK); return (TRUE); }
if (message == wHelpMessage) { DoHelp: CPHelp (hWnd); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } return (FALSE); // Didn't process a message
// returns Filename with a default path in system directory
// if no path is already specified
LPSTR MakeFilename(LPSTR sz) { if (sz[0]=='\\' || sz[1]==':') { return sz; } else { GetSystemDirectory(gszFileName2,sizeof(gszFileName2)); lstrcat(gszFileName2,"\\"); lstrcat(gszFileName2,sz);
return gszFileName2; } }
/* StripBlanks()
Strips leading and trailing blanks from a string. Alters the memory where the string sits.
ErikGav- Stolen from \control\main\util.c */
void StripBlanks (LPSTR pszString) { LPSTR pszPosn;
/* strip leading blanks */ pszPosn = pszString; while(*pszPosn == ' ') { pszPosn++; }
if (pszPosn != pszString); strcpy (pszString, pszPosn);
/* strip trailing blanks */ if ((pszPosn=pszString + strlen (pszString)) != pszString) { pszPosn = CharPrev (pszString, pszPosn); while(*pszPosn == ' ') pszPosn = CharPrev (pszString, pszPosn); pszPosn = CharNext (pszPosn); *pszPosn = '\0'; } }