#include "stdafx.h"
#if 0
// File: D3DApp.cpp
// Desc: Application class for the Direct3D samples framework library.
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <pbt.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "D3DApp.h"
// Internal function prototypes and variables
static CD3DApplication* g_pD3DApp;
// Name: CD3DApplication()
// Desc:
CD3DApplication::CD3DApplication() { m_pFramework = NULL; m_hWnd = NULL; m_pDD = NULL; m_pD3D = NULL; m_pd3dDevice = NULL;
m_pddsRenderTarget = NULL; m_pddsRenderTargetLeft = NULL;
m_bActive = FALSE; m_bReady = FALSE; m_bFrameMoving = TRUE; m_bSingleStep = FALSE;
m_strWindowTitle = TEXT("Direct3D Application"); m_bAppUseZBuffer = FALSE; m_bAppUseStereo = FALSE; m_bShowStats = FALSE; m_fnConfirmDevice = NULL;
g_pD3DApp = this; }
// Name: Create()
// Desc:
HRESULT CD3DApplication::Create(HINSTANCE hInst, TCHAR* strCmdLine) { HRESULT hr;
// Enumerate available D3D devices. The callback is used so the app can
// confirm/reject each enumerated device depending on its capabilities.
if (FAILED(hr = D3DEnum_EnumerateDevices(m_fnConfirmDevice))) { DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); return hr; }
// Select a device. Ask for a hardware device that renders in a window.
if (FAILED(hr = D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDevice(&m_pDeviceInfo))) { DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); return hr; }
// Initialize the app's custom scene stuff
if (FAILED(hr = OneTimeSceneInit())) { DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); return hr; }
// Create a new CD3DFramework class. This class does all of our D3D
// initialization and manages the common D3D objects.
if (NULL == (m_pFramework = new CD3DFramework7())) { DisplayFrameworkError(E_OUTOFMEMORY, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Register the window class
WNDCLASS wndClass = { 0, WndProc, 0, 0, hInst, LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN_ICON)), LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH), NULL, TEXT("D3D Window") }; RegisterClass(&wndClass);
// Create the render window
m_hWnd = CreateWindow(TEXT("D3D Window"), m_strWindowTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_VISIBLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 300, 300, 0L, LoadMenu(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU)), hInst, 0L); UpdateWindow(m_hWnd);
// Initialize the 3D environment for the app
if (FAILED(hr = Initialize3DEnvironment())) { DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); Cleanup3DEnvironment(); return E_FAIL; }
// Setup the app so it can support single-stepping
m_dwBaseTime = timeGetTime();
// The app is ready to go
m_bReady = TRUE;
return S_OK; }
// Name: Run()
// Desc: Message-processing loop. Idle time is used to render the scene.
INT CD3DApplication::Run() { // Load keyboard accelerators
// Now we're ready to recieve and process Windows messages.
BOOL bGotMsg; MSG msg; PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_NOREMOVE);
while(WM_QUIT != msg.message) { // Use PeekMessage() if the app is active, so we can use idle time to
// render the scene. Else, use GetMessage() to avoid eating CPU time.
if (m_bActive) bGotMsg = PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE); else bGotMsg = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U);
if (bGotMsg) { // Translate and dispatch the message
if (0 == TranslateAccelerator(m_hWnd, hAccel, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else { // Render a frame during idle time (no messages are waiting)
if (m_bActive && m_bReady) { if (FAILED(Render3DEnvironment())) DestroyWindow(m_hWnd); } } }
return msg.wParam; }
// Name: WndProc()
// Desc: Static msg handler which passes messages to the application class.
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (g_pD3DApp) return g_pD3DApp->MsgProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// Name: AboutProc()
// Desc: Minimal message proc function for the about box
BOOL CALLBACK AboutProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { if (WM_COMMAND == uMsg) if (IDOK == LOWORD(wParam) || IDCANCEL == LOWORD(wParam)) EndDialog(hWnd, TRUE);
return WM_INITDIALOG == uMsg ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// Name: MsgProc()
// Desc: Message handling function.
LRESULT CD3DApplication::MsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr;
switch(uMsg) { case WM_PAINT: // Handle paint messages when the app is not ready
if (m_pFramework && !m_bReady) { if (m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) m_pFramework->ShowFrame(); else m_pFramework->FlipToGDISurface(TRUE); } break;
case WM_MOVE: // If in windowed mode, move the Framework's window
if (m_pFramework && m_bActive && m_bReady && m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) m_pFramework->Move((SHORT)LOWORD(lParam), (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_SIZE: // Check to see if we are losing our window...
if (SIZE_MAXHIDE==wParam || SIZE_MINIMIZED==wParam) m_bActive = FALSE; else m_bActive = TRUE;
// A new window size will require a new backbuffer
// size, so the 3D structures must be changed accordingly.
if (m_bActive && m_bReady && m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) { m_bReady = FALSE;
if (FAILED(hr = Change3DEnvironment())) return 0;
m_bReady = TRUE; } break;
case WM_SETCURSOR: // Prevent a cursor in fullscreen mode
if (m_bActive && m_bReady && !m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) { SetCursor(NULL); return 1; } break;
case WM_ENTERMENULOOP: // Pause the app when menus are displayed
Pause(TRUE); break; case WM_EXITMENULOOP: Pause(FALSE); break;
case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: // Halt frame movement while the app is sizing or moving
if (m_bFrameMoving) m_dwStopTime = timeGetTime(); break; case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: if (m_bFrameMoving) m_dwBaseTime += timeGetTime() - m_dwStopTime; break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: // Handle the app's context menu (via right mouse click)
TrackPopupMenuEx( GetSubMenu(LoadMenu(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_POPUP)), 0), TPM_VERTICAL, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), hWnd, NULL); break;
case WM_NCHITTEST: // Prevent the user from selecting the menu in fullscreen mode
if (!m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) return HTCLIENT;
case WM_POWERBROADCAST: switch(wParam) { case PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND: // At this point, the app should save any data for open
// network connections, files, etc.., and prepare to go into
// a suspended mode.
return OnQuerySuspend((DWORD)lParam);
case PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND: // At this point, the app should recover any data, network
// connections, files, etc.., and resume running from when
// the app was suspended.
return OnResumeSuspend((DWORD)lParam); } break;
case WM_SYSCOMMAND: // Prevent moving/sizing and power loss in fullscreen mode
switch(wParam) { case SC_MOVE: case SC_SIZE: case SC_MAXIMIZE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: if (FALSE == m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) return 1; break; } break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_TOGGLESTART: // Toggle frame movement
m_bFrameMoving = !m_bFrameMoving;
if (m_bFrameMoving) m_dwBaseTime += timeGetTime() - m_dwStopTime; else m_dwStopTime = timeGetTime(); break;
case IDM_SINGLESTEP: // Single-step frame movement
if (FALSE == m_bFrameMoving) m_dwBaseTime += timeGetTime() - (m_dwStopTime + 100);
m_dwStopTime = timeGetTime(); m_bFrameMoving = FALSE; m_bSingleStep = TRUE; break;
case IDM_CHANGEDEVICE: // Display the device-selection dialog box.
if (m_bActive && m_bReady) { Pause(TRUE);
if (SUCCEEDED(D3DEnum_UserChangeDevice(&m_pDeviceInfo))) { if (FAILED(hr = Change3DEnvironment())) return 0; } Pause(FALSE); } return 0;
case IDM_TOGGLEFULLSCREEN: // Toggle the fullscreen/window mode
if (m_bActive && m_bReady) { m_bReady = FALSE;
m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed = !m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed;
if (FAILED(hr = Change3DEnvironment())) return 0;
m_bReady = TRUE; } return 0;
case IDM_ABOUT: // Display the About box
Pause(TRUE); DialogBox((HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_HINSTANCE), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUT), hWnd, AboutProc); Pause(FALSE); return 0;
case IDM_EXIT: // Recieved key/menu command to exit app
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return 0; } break;
case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.x = 100; ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y = 100; break;
case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hWnd); return 0;
case WM_DESTROY: Cleanup3DEnvironment(); PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; }
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// Name: Initialize3DEnvironment()
// Desc: Initializes the sample framework, then calls the app-specific function
// to initialize device specific objects. This code is structured to
// handled any errors that may occur duing initialization
HRESULT CD3DApplication::Initialize3DEnvironment() { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwFrameworkFlags = 0L; dwFrameworkFlags |= (!m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed ? D3DFW_FULLSCREEN : 0L); dwFrameworkFlags |= (m_pDeviceInfo->bStereo ? D3DFW_STEREO : 0L); dwFrameworkFlags |= (m_bAppUseZBuffer ? D3DFW_ZBUFFER : 0L);
// Initialize the D3D framework
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pFramework->Initialize(m_hWnd, m_pDeviceInfo->pDriverGUID, m_pDeviceInfo->pDeviceGUID, &m_pDeviceInfo->ddsdFullscreenMode, dwFrameworkFlags))) { m_pDD = m_pFramework->GetDirectDraw(); m_pD3D = m_pFramework->GetDirect3D(); m_pd3dDevice = m_pFramework->GetD3DDevice();
m_pddsRenderTarget = m_pFramework->GetRenderSurface(); m_pddsRenderTargetLeft = m_pFramework->GetRenderSurfaceLeft();
m_ddsdRenderTarget.dwSize = sizeof(m_ddsdRenderTarget); m_pddsRenderTarget->GetSurfaceDesc(&m_ddsdRenderTarget);
// Let the app run its startup code which creates the 3d scene.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = InitDeviceObjects())) return S_OK; else { DeleteDeviceObjects(); m_pFramework->DestroyObjects(); } }
// If we get here, the first initialization passed failed. If that was with a
// hardware device, try again using a software rasterizer instead.
if (m_pDeviceInfo->bHardware) { // Try again with a software rasterizer
DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGWARN_SWITCHEDTOSOFTWARE); D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDevice(&m_pDeviceInfo, D3DENUM_SOFTWAREONLY); return Initialize3DEnvironment(); }
return hr; }
// Name: Change3DEnvironment()
// Desc: Handles driver, device, and/or mode changes for the app.
HRESULT CD3DApplication::Change3DEnvironment() { HRESULT hr; static BOOL bOldWindowedState = TRUE; static DWORD dwSavedStyle; static RECT rcSaved;
// Release all scene objects that will be re-created for the new device
// Release framework objects, so a new device can be created
if (FAILED(hr = m_pFramework->DestroyObjects())) { DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); SendMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return hr; }
// Check if going from fullscreen to windowed mode, or vice versa.
if (bOldWindowedState != m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) { if (m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) { // Coming from fullscreen mode, so restore window properties
SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwSavedStyle); SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, rcSaved.left, rcSaved.top, (rcSaved.right - rcSaved.left), (rcSaved.bottom - rcSaved.top), SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } else { // Going to fullscreen mode, save/set window properties as needed
dwSavedStyle = GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE); GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &rcSaved); SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP|WS_SYSMENU|WS_VISIBLE); }
bOldWindowedState = m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed; }
// Inform the framework class of the driver change. It will internally
// re-create valid surfaces, a d3ddevice, etc.
if (FAILED(hr = Initialize3DEnvironment())) { DisplayFrameworkError(hr, MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT); SendMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return hr; }
// If the app is paused, trigger the rendering of the current frame
if (FALSE == m_bFrameMoving) { m_bSingleStep = TRUE; m_dwBaseTime += timeGetTime() - m_dwStopTime; m_dwStopTime = timeGetTime(); } return S_OK; }
// Name: Render3DEnvironment()
// Desc: Draws the scene.
HRESULT CD3DApplication::Render3DEnvironment() { HRESULT hr;
// Check the cooperative level before rendering
if (FAILED(hr = m_pDD->TestCooperativeLevel())) { switch(hr) { case DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET: case DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE: // Do nothing because some other app has exclusive mode
return S_OK;
case DDERR_WRONGMODE: // The display mode changed on us. Resize accordingly
if (m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) return Change3DEnvironment(); break; } return hr; }
// Get the relative time, in seconds
FLOAT fTime = (timeGetTime() - m_dwBaseTime) * 0.001f;
// FrameMove (animate) the scene
if (m_bFrameMoving || m_bSingleStep) { if (FAILED(hr = FrameMove(fTime))) return hr;
m_bSingleStep = FALSE; }
// If the display is in a stereo mode, render the scene from the left eye
// first, then the right eye.
if (m_bAppUseStereo && m_pDeviceInfo->bStereo && !m_pDeviceInfo->bWindowed) { // Render the scene from the left eye
m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW, &m_matLeftView); if (FAILED(hr = m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget(m_pddsRenderTargetLeft, 0))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = Render())) return hr;
//Render the scene from the right eye
m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW, &m_matRightView); if (FAILED(hr = m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget(m_pddsRenderTarget, 0))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = Render())) return hr; } else { // Set center viewing matrix if app is stereo-enabled
if (m_bAppUseStereo) m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW, &m_matView);
// Render the scene as normal
if (FAILED(hr = Render())) return hr; }
// Show the frame rate, etc.
if (m_bShowStats) ShowStats();
// Show the frame on the primary surface.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pFramework->ShowFrame())) { if (DDERR_SURFACELOST != hr) return hr;
m_pFramework->RestoreSurfaces(); RestoreSurfaces(); }
return S_OK; }
// Name: Cleanup3DEnvironment()
// Desc: Cleanup scene objects
VOID CD3DApplication::Cleanup3DEnvironment() { m_bActive = FALSE; m_bReady = FALSE;
if (m_pFramework) { DeleteDeviceObjects(); SAFE_DELETE(m_pFramework);
FinalCleanup(); }
D3DEnum_FreeResources(); }
// Name: Pause()
// Desc: Called in to toggle the pause state of the app. This function
// brings the GDI surface to the front of the display, so drawing
// output like message boxes and menus may be displayed.
VOID CD3DApplication::Pause(BOOL bPause) { static DWORD dwAppPausedCount = 0L;
dwAppPausedCount += (bPause ? +1 : -1); m_bReady = (dwAppPausedCount ? FALSE : TRUE);
// Handle the first pause request (of many, nestable pause requests)
if (bPause && (1 == dwAppPausedCount)) { // Get a surface for the GDI
if (m_pFramework) m_pFramework->FlipToGDISurface(TRUE);
// Stop the scene from animating
if (m_bFrameMoving) m_dwStopTime = timeGetTime(); }
if (0 == dwAppPausedCount) { // Restart the scene
if (m_bFrameMoving) m_dwBaseTime += timeGetTime() - m_dwStopTime; } }
// Name: OnQuerySuspend()
// Desc: Called when the app receives a PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND message, meaning
// the computer is about to be suspended. At this point, the app should
// save any data for open network connections, files, etc.., and prepare
// to go into a suspended mode.
LRESULT CD3DApplication::OnQuerySuspend(DWORD dwFlags) { Pause(TRUE);
return TRUE; }
// Name: OnResumeSuspend()
// Desc: Called when the app receives a PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND message, meaning
// the computer has just resumed from a suspended state. At this point,
// the app should recover any data, network connections, files, etc..,
// and resume running from when the app was suspended.
LRESULT CD3DApplication::OnResumeSuspend(DWORD dwData) { Pause(FALSE);
return TRUE; }
// Name: ShowStats()
// Desc: Shows frame rate and dimensions of the rendering device.
VOID CD3DApplication::ShowStats() { static FLOAT fFPS = 0.0f; static FLOAT fLastTime = 0.0f; static DWORD dwFrames = 0L;
// Keep track of the time lapse and frame count
FLOAT fTime = timeGetTime() * 0.001f; // Get current time in seconds
// Update the frame rate once per second
if (fTime - fLastTime > 1.0f) { fFPS = dwFrames / (fTime - fLastTime); fLastTime = fTime; dwFrames = 0L; }
// Setup the text buffer to write out dimensions
TCHAR buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, TEXT("%7.02f fps (%dx%dx%d)"), fFPS, m_ddsdRenderTarget.dwWidth, m_ddsdRenderTarget.dwHeight, m_ddsdRenderTarget.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount); OutputText(0, 0, buffer); }
// Name: OutputText()
// Desc: Draws text on the window.
VOID CD3DApplication::OutputText(DWORD x, DWORD y, TCHAR* str) { HDC hDC;
// Get a DC for the surface. Then, write out the buffer
if (m_pddsRenderTarget) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_pddsRenderTarget->GetDC(&hDC))) { SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(255,255,0)); SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); ExtTextOut(hDC, x, y, 0, NULL, str, lstrlen(str), NULL); m_pddsRenderTarget->ReleaseDC(hDC); } }
// Do the same for the left surface (in case of stereoscopic viewing).
if (m_pddsRenderTargetLeft) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_pddsRenderTargetLeft->GetDC(&hDC))) { // Use a different color to help distinguish left eye view
SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(255,0,255)); SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); ExtTextOut(hDC, x, y, 0, NULL, str, lstrlen(str), NULL); m_pddsRenderTargetLeft->ReleaseDC(hDC); } } }
// Name: DisplayFrameworkError()
// Desc: Displays error messages in a message box
VOID CD3DApplication::DisplayFrameworkError(HRESULT hr, DWORD dwType) { TCHAR strMsg[512];
switch(hr) { case D3DENUMERR_NODIRECTDRAW: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Could not create DirectDraw!")); break; case D3DENUMERR_NOCOMPATIBLEDEVICES: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Could not find any compatible Direct3D\n" "devices.")); break; case D3DENUMERR_SUGGESTREFRAST: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Could not find any compatible devices.\n\n" "Try enabling the reference rasterizer using\n" "EnableRefRast.reg.")); break; case D3DENUMERR_ENUMERATIONFAILED: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Enumeration failed. Your system may be in an\n" "unstable state and need to be rebooted")); break; case D3DFWERR_INITIALIZATIONFAILED: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Generic initialization error.\n\nEnable " "debug output for detailed information.")); break; case D3DFWERR_NODIRECTDRAW: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No DirectDraw")); break; case D3DFWERR_NODIRECT3D: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No Direct3D")); break; case D3DFWERR_INVALIDMODE: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("This sample requires a 16-bit (or higher) " "display mode\nto run in a window.\n\nPlease " "switch your desktop settings accordingly.")); break; case D3DFWERR_COULDNTSETCOOPLEVEL: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Could not set Cooperative Level")); break; case D3DFWERR_NO3DDEVICE: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Could not create the Direct3DDevice object.")); if (MSGWARN_SWITCHEDTOSOFTWARE == dwType) lstrcat(strMsg, TEXT("\nThe 3D hardware chipset may not support" "\nrendering in the current display mode.")); break; case D3DFWERR_NOZBUFFER: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No ZBuffer")); break; case D3DFWERR_INVALIDZBUFFERDEPTH: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Invalid Z-buffer depth. Try switching modes\n" "from 16- to 32-bit (or vice versa)")); break; case D3DFWERR_NOVIEWPORT: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No Viewport")); break; case D3DFWERR_NOPRIMARY: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No primary")); break; case D3DFWERR_NOCLIPPER: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No Clipper")); break; case D3DFWERR_BADDISPLAYMODE: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Bad display mode")); break; case D3DFWERR_NOBACKBUFFER: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No backbuffer")); break; case D3DFWERR_NONZEROREFCOUNT: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("A DDraw object has a non-zero reference\n" "count (meaning it was not properly cleaned up).")); break; case D3DFWERR_NORENDERTARGET: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("No render target")); break; case E_OUTOFMEMORY: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Not enough memory!")); break; case DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("There was insufficient video memory " "to use the\nhardware device.")); break; default: lstrcpy(strMsg, TEXT("Generic application error.\n\nEnable " "debug output for detailed information.")); }
if (MSGERR_APPMUSTEXIT == dwType) { lstrcat(strMsg, TEXT("\n\nThis sample will now exit.")); MessageBox(NULL, strMsg, m_strWindowTitle, MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK); } else { if (MSGWARN_SWITCHEDTOSOFTWARE == dwType) lstrcat(strMsg, TEXT("\n\nSwitching to software rasterizer.")); MessageBox(NULL, strMsg, m_strWindowTitle, MB_ICONWARNING|MB_OK); } }
// Name: SetViewParams()
// Desc: Sets the parameters to be used by the SetViewMatrix() function. You
// must call this function rather than setting the D3D view matrix
// yourself in order for stereo modes to work properly.
VOID CD3DApplication::SetViewParams(D3DVECTOR* vEyePt, D3DVECTOR* vLookatPt, D3DVECTOR* vUpVec, FLOAT fEyeDistance) { // Adjust camera position for left or right eye along the axis
// perpendicular to the view direction vector and the up vector.
D3DVECTOR vView = (*vLookatPt) - (*vEyePt); vView = CrossProduct(vView, (*vUpVec)); vView = Normalize(vView) * fEyeDistance;
D3DVECTOR vLeftEyePt = (*vEyePt) + vView; D3DVECTOR vRightEyePt = (*vEyePt) - vView;
// Set the view matrices
D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix(m_matLeftView, vLeftEyePt, *vLookatPt, *vUpVec); D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix(m_matRightView, vRightEyePt, *vLookatPt, *vUpVec); D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix(m_matView, *vEyePt, *vLookatPt, *vUpVec); }