Copyright (c) 1994-2000, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module implements the general property sheet for the Regional Options applet.
Revision History:
// Include Files.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include "intl.h"
#include "winnlsp.h"
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <syssetup.h>
#include <winuserp.h>
#include <userenv.h>
#include "intlhlp.h"
#include "maxvals.h"
#include "util.h"
// Constant Declarations.
#define MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES 5 // limit on number of second level pages
static TCHAR szLayoutFile[] = TEXT("layout file");
// Global Variables.
DWORD g_savedLocaleId;
// Context Help Ids.
0, 0 };
// Function Prototypes.
void Region_ShowSettings( HWND hDlg, LCID lcid);
int Region_CommandCustomize( HWND hDlg, LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData);
// Region_EnumAlternateSorts
BOOL Region_EnumAlternateSorts() { LPLANGUAGEGROUP pLG; UINT ctr;
// Initialize the globals for the alternate sort locales.
if (!pAltSorts) { if (!(hAltSorts = GlobalAlloc(GHND, MAX_PATH * sizeof(DWORD)))) { return (FALSE); } pAltSorts = GlobalLock(hAltSorts); }
// Reset the global counter so that we don't get duplicates each time
// this gets called. We need to update the list each time in case any
// language groups get added or removed.
g_NumAltSorts = 0;
// Go through the language groups to see which ones are installed.
// Save the alternate sorts for these language groups.
pLG = pLanguageGroups; while (pLG) { //
// If the language group is originally installed and not marked for
// removal OR is marked to be installed, then add the locales for
// this language group to the System and User combo boxes.
if (pLG->wStatus & ML_INSTALL) { for (ctr = 0; ctr < pLG->NumAltSorts; ctr++) { //
// Save the locale id.
if (g_NumAltSorts >= MAX_PATH) { return (TRUE); } pAltSorts[g_NumAltSorts] = (pLG->pAltSortList)[ctr]; g_NumAltSorts++; } } pLG = pLG->pNext; }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_EnableSortingPanel
void Region_EnableSortingPanel( HWND hDlg) { LCID LocaleID; LANGID LangID; int ctr; int sortCount = 0;
// Get the language id from the locale id.
// Special case Spanish (Spain) - list International sort first.
if ((LangID == LANG_SPANISH_TRADITIONAL) || (LangID == LANG_SPANISH_INTL)) { g_bShowSortingTab = TRUE; return; }
// Fill in the drop down if necessary.
for (ctr = 0; ctr < g_NumAltSorts; ctr++) { LocaleID = pAltSorts[ctr]; if (LANGIDFROMLCID(LocaleID) == LangID) { sortCount++; } }
// Enable the combo box if there is more than one entry in the list.
// Otherwise, disable it.
if (sortCount >= 1) { g_bShowSortingTab = TRUE; } else { g_bShowSortingTab = FALSE; } }
// Region_SetRegionListValues
BOOL Region_SetRegionListValues( GEOID GeoId, HWND handle) { static HWND hUserRegion = NULL; DWORD dwIndex; WCHAR szBuf[SIZE_300];
if (!GeoId) { hUserRegion = handle; } else if (hUserRegion) { if (GetGeoInfo(GeoId, GEO_FRIENDLYNAME, szBuf, SIZE_300, 0)) { dwIndex = ComboBox_AddString(hUserRegion, szBuf); if (dwIndex != CB_ERR) { ComboBox_SetItemData(hUserRegion, dwIndex, GeoId); } } } else { return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
// Region_EnumProc
BOOL Region_EnumProc( GEOID GeoId) { return (Region_SetRegionListValues(GeoId, NULL)); }
// Region_EnumRegions
void Region_EnumRegions( HWND hUserRegion) { //
// Fill in the UI.
Region_SetRegionListValues(0, hUserRegion); EnumSystemGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION, 0, Region_EnumProc); Region_SetRegionListValues(0, NULL); }
// Region_SaveValues
// Save values in the case that we need to restore them.
void Region_SaveValues() { //
// Save locale values.
g_savedLocaleId = RegUserLocaleID; }
// Region_ApplyValues
BOOL Region_ApplyValues( HWND hDlg, LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData) { DWORD dwLocale; LCID NewLocale; HCURSOR hcurSave; HWND hUserLocale = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCALE);
// See if there are any changes.
if (pDlgData->Changes <= RC_EverChg) { return (TRUE); }
// Put up the hour glass.
hcurSave = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// See if there are any changes to the user locale.
if (pDlgData->Changes & RC_UserLocale) { //
// Get the current selections.
dwLocale = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserLocale);
// See if the current selections are different from the original
// selections.
if ((dwLocale != CB_ERR) && (dwLocale != pDlgData->dwCurUserLocale)) { //
// Get the locale id for the current selection.
NewLocale = (LCID)ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserLocale, dwLocale);
// Set the current locale values in the pDlgData structure.
pDlgData->dwCurUserLocale = dwLocale;
// Save the new locale information.
UserLocaleID = NewLocale; bShowRtL = IsRtLLocale(UserLocaleID); bHebrewUI = (PRIMARYLANGID(UserLocaleID) == LANG_HEBREW); bShowArabic = (bShowRtL && (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(UserLocaleID)) != LANG_HEBREW));
// Install the new locale by adding the appropriate information
// to the registry.
Intl_InstallUserLocale( NewLocale, FALSE, TRUE);
// Update the NLS process cache.
// Reset the registry user locale value.
RegUserLocaleID = UserLocaleID; } }
// Turn off the hour glass.
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_RestoreValues
void Region_RestoreValues() { //
// See if the current selections are different from the original
// selections.
if (UserLocaleID != g_savedLocaleId) { //
// Install the new locale by adding the appropriate information
// to the registry.
Intl_InstallUserLocale(g_savedLocaleId, FALSE, TRUE);
// Update the NLS process cache.
// Reset the registry user locale value.
UserLocaleID = g_savedLocaleId; RegUserLocaleID = g_savedLocaleId;
// Need to make sure the proper keyboard layout is installed.
Intl_InstallKeyboardLayout(NULL, g_savedLocaleId, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } }
// Region_ClearValues
// Reset each of the list boxes in the region property sheet page.
void Region_ClearValues( HWND hDlg) { ComboBox_ResetContent(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCALE)); ComboBox_ResetContent(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_REGION)); }
// Region_SetValues
// Initialize all of the controls in the region property sheet page.
void Region_SetValues( HWND hDlg, LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData, BOOL fInit) { TCHAR szUserBuf[SIZE_128]; GEOID geoID = GEOID_NOT_AVAILABLE; TCHAR szDefaultUserBuf[SIZE_128]; TCHAR szLastUserBuf[SIZE_128]; TCHAR szBuf[SIZE_128]; DWORD dwIndex; HWND hUserLocale = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCALE); HWND hUserRegion = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_REGION ); DWORD dwItemCount;
// Get the strings to search for in the combo boxes in order to set
// the current selections.
if (fInit) { //
// It's init time, so get the local user's default settings.
if ((UserLocaleID == LCID_SPANISH_TRADITIONAL) || (UserLocaleID == LCID_SPANISH_INTL)) { LoadString(hInstance, IDS_SPANISH_NAME, szUserBuf, SIZE_128); } else { GetLocaleInfo(UserLocaleID, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, szUserBuf, SIZE_128); }
// It's init time, so get the region user default settings.
geoID = GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION); } else { //
// It's not init time, so get the settings from the combo boxes.
ComboBox_GetLBText( hUserLocale, ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserLocale), szUserBuf ); geoID = (GEOID)ComboBox_GetItemData( hUserRegion, ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserRegion));
if (pDlgData) { ComboBox_GetLBText( hUserLocale, pDlgData->dwCurUserLocale, szDefaultUserBuf ); ComboBox_GetLBText( hUserLocale, pDlgData->dwLastUserLocale, szLastUserBuf ); } }
// Reset the combo boxes.
// Get the list of locales and fill in the user locale combo box.
Intl_EnumLocales(hDlg, hUserLocale, FALSE);
// Select the current user locale id in the list.
// Special case Spanish.
dwIndex = ComboBox_FindStringExact(hUserLocale, -1, szUserBuf); if (dwIndex == CB_ERR) { szBuf[0] = 0; GetLocaleInfo(SysLocaleID, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, szBuf, SIZE_128); dwIndex = ComboBox_FindStringExact(hUserLocale, -1, szBuf); if (dwIndex == CB_ERR) { GetLocaleInfo(US_LOCALE, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, szBuf, SIZE_128); dwIndex = ComboBox_FindStringExact(hUserLocale, -1, szBuf); if (dwIndex == CB_ERR) { dwIndex = 0; } } if (!fInit && pDlgData) { pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserLocale; } } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hUserLocale, dwIndex);
// Get the list of regions and fill in the region combo box.
// Select the current user region in the list.
dwItemCount = (DWORD)ComboBox_GetCount(hUserRegion); dwIndex = 0; while(dwIndex < dwItemCount) { if (ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserRegion,dwIndex) == geoID) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(hUserRegion, dwIndex); break; } dwIndex++; }
// If it's fail, try with User Locale.
if(dwIndex >= dwItemCount) { //
// Get the GEOID associated with the User Locale.
szBuf[0] = 0; GetLocaleInfo(UserLocaleID, LOCALE_IGEOID | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, szBuf, SIZE_128); geoID = *((LPDWORD)szBuf);
// Search for it...
dwIndex = 0; while(dwIndex < dwItemCount) { if (ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserRegion,dwIndex) == geoID) { //
// Note:
// Mark this as being changed so that the region will be set
// when the user hits apply. This avoids the problem of having
// the region change every time the user closes and reopens the
// applet after changing the user locale.
if (pDlgData) { pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserRegion; } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hUserRegion, dwIndex); break; } dwIndex++; } }
// If it's fail, try with System Locale.
if(dwIndex >= dwItemCount) { //
// Get the GEOID associated with the User Locale.
szBuf[0] = 0; GetLocaleInfo(SysLocaleID, LOCALE_IGEOID | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, szBuf, SIZE_128); geoID = *((LPDWORD)szBuf);
// Search for it...
dwIndex = 0; while(dwIndex < dwItemCount) { if (ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserRegion,dwIndex) == geoID) { //
// Note:
// Mark this as being changed so that the region will be set
// when the user hits apply. This avoids the problem of having
// the region change every time the user closes and reopens the
// applet after changing the user locale.
if (pDlgData) { pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserRegion; } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hUserRegion, dwIndex); break; } dwIndex++; } }
// If it's fail, try with US Locale.
if(dwIndex >= dwItemCount) { //
// Get the GEOID associated with the User Locale.
szBuf[0] = 0; GetLocaleInfo(US_LOCALE, LOCALE_IGEOID | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, szBuf, SIZE_128); geoID = *((LPDWORD)szBuf);
// Search for it...
dwIndex = 0; while(dwIndex >= dwItemCount) { if (ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserRegion,dwIndex) == geoID) { //
// Note:
// Mark this as being changed so that the region will be set
// when the user hits apply. This avoids the problem of having
// the region change every time the user closes and reopens the
// applet after changing the user locale.
if (pDlgData) { pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserRegion; } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hUserRegion, dwIndex); break; } dwIndex++; } }
// If it's fail, set to the first item.
if(dwIndex >= dwItemCount) { //
// Note:
// Mark this as being changed so that the region will be set
// when the user hits apply. This avoids the problem of having
// the region change every time the user closes and reopens the
// applet after changing the user locale.
if (pDlgData) { pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserRegion; } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hUserRegion, 0); }
// Store the initial locale state in the pDlgData structure.
if (pDlgData) { //
// Set the current user locale and the last user locale.
if (fInit) { pDlgData->dwCurUserLocale = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserLocale); pDlgData->dwLastUserLocale = pDlgData->dwCurUserLocale; } else { pDlgData->dwCurUserLocale = ComboBox_FindStringExact(hUserLocale, -1, szDefaultUserBuf); pDlgData->dwLastUserLocale = ComboBox_FindStringExact(hUserLocale, -1, szLastUserBuf); }
// Set the current region selection.
// Note: The current region is only set if there is actually
// a region set in the registry. Otherwise, if the
// selection is based off of the user locale, then we
// don't set this so that it will get set when the user
// hits Apply. See above note.
if (pDlgData->Changes & RC_UserRegion) { pDlgData->dwCurUserRegion = CB_ERR; } else { pDlgData->dwCurUserRegion = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserRegion); } } }
// Region_RevertChanges
// If the user has changed something at the second level, call
// Set_Locale_Values to restore the user locale information.
BOOL Region_RevertChanges() { HCURSOR hcurSave;
// Put up the hour glass.
hcurSave = SetCursor( LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT) );
// Revert any changes.
if (g_dwCustChange) { DWORD dwRecipients;
// Revert changes.
Date_RestoreValues(); Currency_RestoreValues(); Time_RestoreValues(); Number_RestoreValues(); Sorting_RestoreValues(); }
// Turn off the hour glass.
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_ApplySettings
// If the Locale has changed, call Set_Locale_Values to update the
// user locale information. Notify the parent of changes and reset the
// change flag stored in the property sheet page structure appropriately.
BOOL Region_ApplySettings( HWND hDlg, LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData) { DWORD dwLocale, dwRegion; LCID NewLocale; GEOID CurGeoID; HCURSOR hcurSave; HWND hUserLocale = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCALE); HWND hUserRegion = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_REGION); DWORD dwRecipients; LPLANGUAGEGROUP pLG; BOOL bState, fUserCancel = FALSE; LVITEM lvItem; int iIndex=0, cCount=0; BOOL bBroadcast = FALSE;
// See if there are any changes.
if ((pDlgData->Changes <= RC_EverChg) && (g_dwCustChange == 0L)) { return (TRUE); }
// Check if the second level has changed.
if (g_dwCustChange) { bBroadcast = TRUE; }
// Put up the hour glass.
hcurSave = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// See if there are any changes to the user locale.
if (pDlgData->Changes & RC_UserLocale) { //
// Need to make sure the proper keyboard layout is installed.
Intl_InstallKeyboardLayout(hDlg, UserLocaleID, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
// We need to broadcast the change
bBroadcast = TRUE; }
// See if there are any changes to the user region.
if (pDlgData->Changes & RC_UserRegion) { //
// Get the current selection.
dwRegion = (GEOID)ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserRegion);
// See if the current selection is different from the original
// selection.
if ((dwRegion != CB_ERR) && ((dwRegion != pDlgData->dwCurUserRegion))) { //
// Get the Region for the current selection.
CurGeoID = (GEOID)ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserRegion, dwRegion);
// Set the current Region value in the pDlgData structure.
pDlgData->dwCurUserRegion = dwRegion;
// Set the Region value in the user's registry.
SetUserGeoID(CurGeoID); } }
// Broadcast the message that the international settings in the
// registry have changed.
// Reset the property page settings.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); pDlgData->Changes = RC_EverChg;
// Turn off the hour glass.
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_ValidatePPS
// Validate each of the combo boxes whose values are constrained.
// If any of the input fails, notify the user and then return FALSE
// to indicate validation failure.
// Also, if the user locale has changed, then register the change so
// that all other property pages will be updated with the new locale
// settings.
BOOL Region_ValidatePPS( HWND hDlg, LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData) { LPARAM Changes = pDlgData->Changes;
// If nothing has changed, return TRUE immediately.
if (Changes <= RC_EverChg) { return (TRUE); }
// See if the user locale has changed.
if (Changes & RC_UserLocale) { HWND hUserLocale = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USER_LOCALE); DWORD dwLocale = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hUserLocale); LCID NewLocale;
// See if the current selections are different from the original
// selections.
if ((dwLocale != CB_ERR) && (dwLocale != pDlgData->dwLastUserLocale)) { //
// Get the locale id for the current selection.
NewLocale = (LCID)ComboBox_GetItemData(hUserLocale, dwLocale);
// Set the current locale values in the pDlgData structure.
pDlgData->dwLastUserLocale = dwLocale;
// Set the UserLocaleID value.
UserLocaleID = NewLocale; bShowRtL = IsRtLLocale(UserLocaleID); bHebrewUI = (PRIMARYLANGID(UserLocaleID) == LANG_HEBREW); bShowArabic = (bShowRtL && (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(UserLocaleID)) != LANG_HEBREW)); } }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_InitPropSheet
// Make sure we have a REGDLGDATA buffer.
if (pDlgData == NULL) { return (FALSE); }
// See if we're in setup mode.
if (g_bSetupCase) { //
// Use the registry system locale value for the setup case.
SysLocaleID = RegSysLocaleID;
// Use the registry user locale value for the setup case.
UserLocaleID = RegUserLocaleID; bShowRtL = IsRtLLocale(UserLocaleID); bHebrewUI = (PRIMARYLANGID(UserLocaleID) == LANG_HEBREW); bShowArabic = (bShowRtL && (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(UserLocaleID)) != LANG_HEBREW)); }
// Save the data.
psp->lParam = (LPARAM)pDlgData; SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LPARAM)psp);
// Load the information into the dialog.
if (pLanguageGroups == NULL) { Intl_LoadLanguageGroups(hDlg); } Region_SetValues(hDlg, pDlgData, TRUE); Region_ShowSettings(hDlg, UserLocaleID);
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_FreeGlobalInfo
// Processing for a WM_DESTROY message.
void Region_FreeGlobalInfo() { LPLANGUAGEGROUP pPreLG, pCurLG; HANDLE hAlloc;
// Remove Language Group info.
pCurLG = pLanguageGroups; pLanguageGroups = NULL;
while (pCurLG) { pPreLG = pCurLG; pCurLG = pPreLG->pNext; hAlloc = pPreLG->hLanguageGroup; GlobalUnlock(hAlloc); GlobalFree(hAlloc); }
// Remove Alternate Sorts info.
g_NumAltSorts = 0; pAltSorts = NULL; GlobalUnlock(hAltSorts); GlobalFree(hAltSorts); }
// Region_CommandCustomize
int Region_CommandCustomize( HWND hDlg, LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData) { int rc = 0; HPROPSHEETPAGE rPages[MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES]; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; LPARAM lParam = 0;
// Start at the first page.
psh.nStartPage = 0;
// Set up the property sheet information.
psh.dwSize = sizeof(psh); psh.dwFlags = 0; psh.hwndParent = hDlg; psh.hInstance = hInstance; psh.pszCaption = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_NAME_CUSTOM); psh.nPages = 0; psh.phpage = rPages;
// Add the appropriate property pages.
Intl_AddPage(&psh, DLG_NUMBER, NumberDlgProc, lParam, MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES); Intl_AddPage(&psh, DLG_CURRENCY, CurrencyDlgProc, lParam, MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES); Intl_AddPage(&psh, DLG_TIME, TimeDlgProc, lParam, MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES); Intl_AddPage(&psh, DLG_DATE, DateDlgProc, lParam, MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES); if (g_bShowSortingTab) { Intl_AddPage(&psh, DLG_SORTING, SortingDlgProc, lParam, MAX_CUSTOM_PAGES); }
// Make the property sheet.
// Return the result.
return (rc); }
// Region_ShowSettings
void Region_ShowSettings( HWND hDlg, LCID lcid) { WCHAR szBuf[MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE];
// Show Number Sample.
if (GetNumberFormat(lcid, 0, szSample_Number, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_NUMBER_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_NUMBER_SAMPLE, L""); }
// Show Currency Sample.
if (GetCurrencyFormat(lcid, 0, szSample_Number, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_CURRENCY_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_CURRENCY_SAMPLE, L""); }
// Show Time Sample.
if (GetTimeFormat(lcid, 0, NULL, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_TIME_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_TIME_SAMPLE, L""); }
// Show Short Date Sample.
if (bShowArabic) { if (GetDateFormat( lcid, DATE_RTLREADING | DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE )) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_SHRTDATE_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_SHRTDATE_SAMPLE, L""); } } else { // If user locale is not Arabic, make sure that the controls for date samples are:
// * LTR reading orders for non-Hebrew locales
// * RTL reading orders for Hebrew locales.
SetControlReadingOrder(bHebrewUI, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SHRTDATE_SAMPLE)); if (GetDateFormat( lcid, (bShowRtL ? DATE_LTRREADING : 0) | DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE )) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_SHRTDATE_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_SHRTDATE_SAMPLE, L""); } }
// Show Long Date Sample.
if (bShowArabic) { if (GetDateFormat( lcid, DATE_RTLREADING | DATE_LONGDATE, NULL, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE )) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LONGDATE_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LONGDATE_SAMPLE, L""); } } else { // If user locale is not Arabic, make sure that the control for date samples are:
// * LTR reading orders for non-Hebrew locales
// * RTL reading orders for Hebrew locales.
SetControlReadingOrder(bHebrewUI, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LONGDATE_SAMPLE)); if (GetDateFormat( lcid, (bHebrewUI ? DATE_RTLREADING : (bShowRtL ? DATE_LTRREADING : 0)) | DATE_LONGDATE, NULL, NULL, szBuf, MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE )) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LONGDATE_SAMPLE, szBuf); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LONGDATE_SAMPLE, L""); } } }
// GeneralDlgProc
INT_PTR CALLBACK GeneralDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPPROPSHEETPAGE lpPropSheet = (LPPROPSHEETPAGE)(GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER)); LPREGDLGDATA pDlgData = lpPropSheet ? (LPREGDLGDATA)lpPropSheet->lParam : NULL;
switch (message) { case ( WM_INITDIALOG ) : { if (!Region_InitPropSheet( hDlg, (LPPROPSHEETPAGE)lParam)) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg), PSBTN_CANCEL); } Region_SaveValues(); break; } case ( WM_DESTROY ) : { Region_FreeGlobalInfo(); if (pDlgData) { lpPropSheet->lParam = 0; LocalFree((HANDLE)pDlgData); } break; } case ( WM_HELP ) : { WinHelp( (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, szHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR)(LPTSTR)aRegionHelpIds ); break; } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : // right mouse click
{ WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, szHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR)(LPTSTR)aRegionHelpIds ); break; } case ( WM_NOTIFY ) : { LPNMHDR psn = (NMHDR *)lParam; switch (psn->code) { case ( PSN_SETACTIVE ) : { //
// If there has been a change in the regional Locale
// setting, clear all of the current info in the
// property sheet, get the new values, and update the
// appropriate registry values.
if (Verified_Regional_Chg & Process_Regional) { Verified_Regional_Chg &= ~Process_Regional; Region_SetValues(hDlg, pDlgData, FALSE); Region_ShowSettings(hDlg, UserLocaleID); } break; } case ( PSN_RESET ) : { //
// Revert any changes made
if (g_bCustomize) { Region_RevertChanges(); g_bCustomize = FALSE; } Region_RestoreValues(); break; } case ( PSN_KILLACTIVE ) : { //
// Validate the entries on the property page.
if (pDlgData) { SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, !Region_ValidatePPS(hDlg, pDlgData) ); } break; } case ( PSN_APPLY ) : { if (pDlgData) { //
// Apply the settings.
if (Region_ApplySettings(hDlg, pDlgData)) { SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_NOERROR ); //
// Check if we need to do something for the
// default user.
if (g_bDefaultUser) { g_bSettingsChanged = TRUE; Intl_SaveDefaultUserSettings(); }
// Zero out the RC_EverChg bit.
pDlgData->Changes = 0;
// Save the new user locale.
// Update settings.
Region_ShowSettings(hDlg, UserLocaleID); } else { SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE ); } } break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case ( IDC_USER_LOCALE ) : { if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { if (pDlgData) { //
// User locale has changed.
pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserLocale;
// Apply second level changes.
Region_ApplyValues(hDlg, pDlgData);
// Update settings.
Region_ShowSettings(hDlg, UserLocaleID); } PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); } break; } case ( IDC_USER_REGION ) : { //
// See if it's a selection change.
if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { if (pDlgData) { pDlgData->Changes |= RC_UserRegion; } PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); } break; } case ( IDC_CUSTOMIZE ) : { //
// Show second level tabs.
g_bCustomize = TRUE; Region_EnumAlternateSorts(); Region_EnableSortingPanel(hDlg); Region_CommandCustomize(hDlg, pDlgData);
// Update Settings.
if (g_dwCustChange) { Region_ShowSettings(hDlg, UserLocaleID); PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); }
break; } } break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Region_InstallSystemLocale
BOOL Region_InstallSystemLocale( LCID Locale) { //
// Make sure the locale is valid and then call setup to install the
// requested locale.
if (IsValidLocale(Locale, LCID_INSTALLED)) { if (!SetupChangeLocaleEx( HWND_DESKTOP, LOWORD(Locale), pSetupSourcePath, SP_INSTALL_FILES_QUIETLY, NULL, 0 )) { //
// Check if we need to proceed with the Font Substitution
if (Intl_IsUIFontSubstitute() && ((LANGID)LANGIDFROMLCID(Locale) == Intl_GetDotDefaultUILanguage())) { Intl_ApplyFontSubstitute(Locale); }
// Log system locale change.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_SYS_LOCALE_CHG, NULL);
// Update current SysLocale, so we can use it later.
SysLocaleID = LOWORD(Locale);
// Return success.
return (TRUE); } else { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); } } else { //
// Log invalid locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INVALID_LOCALE, NULL); }
// Return failure.
return (FALSE); }
// Region_UpdateShortDate
// Updates the user's short date setting to contain a 4-digit year.
// The setting is only updated if it is the same as the default setting
// for the current locale (except for the 2-digit vs. 4-digit year).
void Region_UpdateShortDate() { TCHAR szBufCur[SIZE_64]; TCHAR szBufDef[SIZE_64]; LPTSTR pCur, pDef; BOOL bChange = FALSE;
// Get the current short date format setting and the default short date
// format setting.
// See if the current setting and the default setting only differ
// in a 2-digit year ("yy") vs. a 4-digit year ("yyyy").
// Note: For this, we want an Exact match, so we don't need to
// use CompareString to compare the formats.
pCur = szBufCur; pDef = szBufDef; while ((*pCur) && (*pCur == *pDef)) { //
// See if it's a 'y'.
if (*pCur == CHAR_SML_Y) { if (((*(pCur + 1)) == CHAR_SML_Y) && ((*(pDef + 1)) == CHAR_SML_Y) && ((*(pDef + 2)) == CHAR_SML_Y) && ((*(pDef + 3)) == CHAR_SML_Y)) { bChange = TRUE; pCur += 1; pDef += 3; } } pCur++; pDef++; }
// Set the default short date format as the user's setting.
if (bChange && (*pCur == *pDef)) { SetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, szBufDef); } } }
// Region_DoUnattendModeSetup
// NOTE: The unattend mode file contains strings rather than integer
// values, so we must get the string field and then convert it
// to the appropriate integer format. The Setup APIs won't just
// do the right thing, so we have to roll our own.
void Region_DoUnattendModeSetup( LPCTSTR pUnattendFile) { HINF hFile, hIntlInf; HSPFILEQ FileQueue; PVOID QueueContext; INFCONTEXT Context; DWORD dwNum, dwCtr, dwLocale, dwLayout; UINT LanguageGroup, Language, SystemLocale, UserLocale; UINT UserLocale_DefUser = 0; LANGID MUILanguage, MUILanguage_DefUser; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLocaleACP = 0UL; BOOL bWinntUpgrade; BOOL bFound = FALSE; BOOL bFound_DefUser = FALSE; BOOL bLangGroup = FALSE; TCHAR szLCID[25]; BOOL bInstallBasic = FALSE; BOOL bInstallComplex = FALSE; BOOL bInstallExt = FALSE;
// Log the unattended file content.
if (g_bSetupCase) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH * 2] = {0};
// We are in setup mode. No need to log the unattended mode file
// because the file is located in the system directory and named
// $winnt$.inf.
GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); _tcscat(szPath, TEXT("\\$winnt$.inf")); Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_UNAT_LOCATED, szPath); } else { Intl_LogUnattendFile(pUnattendFile); }
// Open the unattend mode file.
hFile = SetupOpenInfFile(pUnattendFile, NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_FILE_ERROR); return; }
// Check if we're doing an upgrade or fresh install.
bWinntUpgrade = Intl_IsWinntUpgrade();
// Install the Basic Collection upfront when we are in setup.
if (g_bSetupCase) { //
// Open the intl.inf file.
if (!Intl_InitInf(0, &hIntlInf, szIntlInf, &FileQueue, &QueueContext)) { SetupCloseInfFile(hFile); return; }
if (!SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGBasicInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_SETUP_ERROR); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } else { //
// See if we need to install any files.
if ((SetupScanFileQueue( FileQueue, SPQ_SCAN_PRUNE_COPY_QUEUE | SPQ_SCAN_FILE_VALIDITY, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, NULL, &dwCtr )) && (dwCtr != 1)) { //
// Copy the files in the queue.
if (!SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, FileQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, QueueContext )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// Call setup to install other inf info for the various
// language groups.
if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGBasicInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// Close the inf file.
Intl_CloseInf(hIntlInf, FileQueue, QueueContext); }
// Open the intl.inf file.
if (!Intl_InitInf(0, &hIntlInf, szIntlInf, &FileQueue, &QueueContext)) { SetupCloseInfFile(hFile); return; }
// Install all requested Language Groups.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szLanguageGroup, &Context )) && (dwNum = SetupGetFieldCount(&Context))) { bLangGroup = TRUE;
// Check for admin privilege.
if (g_bAdmin_Privileges) { for (dwCtr = 1; dwCtr <= dwNum; dwCtr++) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, dwCtr, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { //
// Log language group info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_LANG_GROUP, szBuffer);
// Get the Language Group as an integer.
LanguageGroup = Intl_StrToLong(szBuffer);
// See which language collections need to be installed.
if ((LanguageGroup == LGRPID_JAPANESE) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_KOREAN) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE)) { bInstallExt = TRUE; } else if ((LanguageGroup == LGRPID_ARABIC) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_ARMENIAN) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_GEORGIAN) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_HEBREW) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_INDIC) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_VIETNAMESE) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_THAI)) { bInstallComplex = TRUE; } else { bInstallBasic = TRUE; } } }
// Enqueue the appropriate language group files so that they
// may be copied. This only handles the CopyFiles entries in
// the inf file.
// CJK Collection.
if (bInstallExt) { if (!SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGExtInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { bInstallExt = FALSE; Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_SETUP_ERROR); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// Complex Scripts Collection.
if (bInstallComplex) { if (!SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGComplexInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { bInstallComplex = FALSE; Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_SETUP_ERROR); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// Basic Collection.
// Only install the Basic Collection if we're not in setup
// mode. If we're in setup mode, this was already done above.
if (bInstallBasic && (!g_bSetupCase)) { if (!SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGBasicInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { bInstallBasic = FALSE; Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_SETUP_ERROR); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// See if we need to install any files.
if ((SetupScanFileQueue( FileQueue, SPQ_SCAN_PRUNE_COPY_QUEUE | SPQ_SCAN_FILE_VALIDITY, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, NULL, &dwCtr )) && (dwCtr != 1)) { //
// Copy the files in the queue.
if (!SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, FileQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, QueueContext )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// Call setup to install other inf info for the various
// language groups.
if (bInstallExt) { if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGExtInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
if (bInstallComplex) { if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGComplexInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
if (bInstallBasic && (!g_bSetupCase)) { if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGBasicInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } } //
// Run any necessary apps (for IME installation).
if (bInstallBasic || bInstallComplex || bInstallExt) { Intl_RunRegApps(c_szIntlRun); } } else { //
// Log that the unattend mode setup was blocked since they
// do not have admin privileges.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_ADMIN, NULL); } }
// Install the requested Language/Region information. If a
// Language/Region was not specified, then install the requested
// System Locale, User Locale, and Input Locales.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szLanguage, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { //
// Log language info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_LANG, szBuffer);
// Get the Language as an integer.
Language = TransNum(szBuffer);
// Block the invariant locale.
if (Language != LANG_INVARIANT) { //
// Check for admin privilege.
if (g_bAdmin_Privileges) { //
// Install the Language as the System Locale and the User Locale,
// and then install all layouts associated with the Language.
// Don't set the system locale if the locale doesn't have
// an ACP.
if (dwLocaleACP) { if (Region_InstallSystemLocale(MAKELCID(Language, SORT_DEFAULT))) { bFound = TRUE; } } else { //
// Unicode locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_UNI_BLOCK, NULL); } //
// If we are in setup, try to set the Current User GEOID.
if( g_bSetupCase) { TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bSetGeoId = FALSE; //
// If it's a clean install, then always set the GEOID. If
// it's a upgrade install set the GEOID only if no value
// already set.
if (!bWinntUpgrade) { bSetGeoId = TRUE; } else if (GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION) != GEOID_NOT_AVAILABLE) { bSetGeoId = TRUE; }
if (bSetGeoId) { //
// Retreive the Geo Identifier from the NLS info
// Set The GeoId
SetUserGeoID(*((LPDWORD)szBuffer)); } } } } else { Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_LOCALE_ACP_FAIL); } } else { //
// Log that the unattend mode setup was blocked since they
// do not have admin privileges.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_ADMIN, NULL); }
// If we're doing an upgrade, then don't touch per-user settings.
if (!bWinntUpgrade) { //
// Install the requested User Locale.
if (Intl_InstallUserLocale(MAKELCID(Language, SORT_DEFAULT), FALSE, TRUE)) { bFound = TRUE; }
// Install Keyboard layout
Intl_InstallAllKeyboardLayout((LANGID)Language); } } else { //
// Log invariant locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INV_BLOCK, NULL); } }
// Make sure there was a valid Language setting. If not, then look
// for the individual keywords.
if (!bFound) { //
// Init the locale variables.
SystemLocale = 0; UserLocale = 0;
// Log : no valid language setting found.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_VALID_FOUND, NULL);
// Install the requested System Locale.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szSystemLocale, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { SystemLocale = TransNum(szBuffer);
// Check for admin privilege.
if (g_bAdmin_Privileges) { //
// Log system locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_SYS_LOCALE, szBuffer);
// Block the invariant locale.
if (SystemLocale != LOCALE_INVARIANT) { dwLocaleACP = 0UL; if (GetLocaleInfo( SystemLocale, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE | LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, (PTSTR) &dwLocaleACP, sizeof(dwLocaleACP) / sizeof(TCHAR) )) { //
// Don't set the system locale if the locale doesn't
// have an ACP.
if (dwLocaleACP) { if (Region_InstallSystemLocale(SystemLocale)) { bFound = TRUE; } } else { //
// Unicode locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_UNI_BLOCK, NULL); } } else { Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_LOCALE_ACP_FAIL); } } else { //
// Log invariant locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INV_BLOCK, NULL); } } else { //
// Log that the unattend mode setup was blocked since they
// do not have admin privileges.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_ADMIN, NULL); } }
// Install the requested User Locale.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szUserLocale, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { UserLocale = TransNum(szBuffer);
// Log User locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_USER_LOCALE, szBuffer);
// Block the invariant locale.
if (UserLocale != LOCALE_INVARIANT) { if ((!bWinntUpgrade) && (Intl_InstallUserLocale(UserLocale, FALSE, TRUE))) { bFound = TRUE; } } else { //
// Log invariant locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INV_BLOCK, NULL); } }
// Install the requested Input Locales.
if (SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szInputLocale, &Context )) { //
// Log Default User - Input Locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INPUT, NULL);
// Install the keyboard layout list.
if (Intl_InstallKeyboardLayoutList(&Context, 1, FALSE)) { bFound = TRUE; } } else { //
// No input locales are specified, so install the default
// input locale for the system locale and/or user locale if
// they were specified.
if (SystemLocale != 0) { //
// Log system locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_SYS_DEF_LAYOUT, NULL);
// Install the keyboard layout.
Intl_InstallKeyboardLayout(NULL, SystemLocale, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); } if ((UserLocale != 0) && (UserLocale != SystemLocale)) { //
// Log user locale info.
// Install the keyboard layout.
Intl_InstallKeyboardLayout(NULL, UserLocale, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } }
// Install the requested MUI Language.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szMUILanguage, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { MUILanguage = (LANGID)TransNum(szBuffer);
// Log MUI Language info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_MUI_LANG, szBuffer);
// Check UI language validity.
if (IsValidUILanguage(MUILanguage)) { //
// Block the invariant locale.
if (MUILanguage != LANG_INVARIANT) { if ((!bWinntUpgrade) && NT_SUCCESS(NtSetDefaultUILanguage(MUILanguage))) { // deleting the key this way makes the key invalid for this process
// this way the new UI doesn't get bogus cached values
SHDeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ShellNoRoam\\MUICache"));
// Install the default keyboard.
if (Intl_InstallKeyboardLayout( NULL, MAKELCID(MUILanguage, SORT_DEFAULT), 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE )) { bFound = TRUE; } } } else { //
// Log invariant locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INV_BLOCK, NULL); } } else { //
// Log invalid UI language blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_UI_BLOCK, NULL); } } }
// Install the requested User Locale for the Default User.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szUserLocale_DefUser, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { UserLocale_DefUser = TransNum(szBuffer);
// Log default user - user locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_USER_LOCALE_DEF, szBuffer);
// Block users that do not have administrative privilege.
if (g_bAdmin_Privileges) { //
// Block the invariant locale.
if (UserLocale_DefUser != LOCALE_INVARIANT) { if (Intl_InstallUserLocale(UserLocale_DefUser, TRUE, TRUE)) { if (Intl_InstallKeyboardLayout(NULL, UserLocale_DefUser, 0, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) { Intl_SaveDefaultUserInputSettings(); bFound_DefUser = TRUE; } } } else { //
// Log invariant locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INV_BLOCK, NULL); } } else { //
// Log that the unattend mode setup was blocked since they
// do not have admin privileges.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_ADMIN, NULL); } }
// Install the requested Input Locales for the Default User.
if (SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szInputLocale_DefUser, &Context )) { //
// Log Default User - Input Locale info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INPUT_DEF, NULL);
// Block users that do not have administrative privilege.
if (g_bAdmin_Privileges) { if (Intl_InstallKeyboardLayoutList(&Context, 1, TRUE)) { Intl_SaveDefaultUserInputSettings(); bFound_DefUser = TRUE; } } else { //
// Log that the unattend mode setup was blocked since they
// do not have admin privileges.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_ADMIN, NULL); } }
// Install the requested MUI Language for the Default User.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hFile, szRegionalSettings, szMUILanguage_DefUSer, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { MUILanguage_DefUser = (LANGID)TransNum(szBuffer);
// Log Default User - MUI Language info.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_MUI_LANG_DEF, szBuffer);
// Check UI language validity.
if (IsValidUILanguage(MUILanguage_DefUser)) { //
// Block users that do not have administrative privilege.
if (g_bAdmin_Privileges) { //
// Block the invariant locale.
if (MUILanguage_DefUser != LANG_INVARIANT) { if (Intl_ChangeUILangForAllUsers(MUILanguage_DefUser)) { Intl_SaveDefaultUserInputSettings(); bFound_DefUser = TRUE; } } else { //
// Log invariant locale blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_INV_BLOCK, NULL); } } else { //
// Log that the unattend mode setup was blocked since they
// do not have admin privileges.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_NO_ADMIN, NULL); } } else { //
// Log invalid UI language blocked.
Intl_LogSimpleMessage(IDS_LOG_UI_BLOCK, NULL); } }
// If we still didn't find anything, then load the default locale for
// the installation. It will be the equivalent of:
// LanguageGroup = "x"
// Language = "y"
// where x is the language group for the default locale and y is the
// default locale.
if (!bFound && !bLangGroup && !bFound_DefUser) { //
// Get the default locale.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hIntlInf, L"DefaultValues", L"Locale", &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { //
// Get the Language as an integer.
Language = TransNum(szBuffer);
// Install the Language Group needed for this Language.
if ((SetupFindFirstLine( hIntlInf, L"Locales", szBuffer, &Context )) && (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 3, szBuffer, MAX_PATH, NULL))) { //
// Get the Language Group as an integer.
bInstallBasic = FALSE; bInstallExt = FALSE; LanguageGroup = Intl_StrToLong(szBuffer);
// Enqueue the language group files so that they may be
// copied. This only handles the CopyFiles entries in the
// inf file.
if ((LanguageGroup == LGRPID_JAPANESE) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_KOREAN) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE)) { if (SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGExtInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { bInstallExt = TRUE; } } else if ((LanguageGroup == LGRPID_ARABIC) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_ARMENIAN) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_GEORGIAN) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_HEBREW) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_INDIC) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_VIETNAMESE) || (LanguageGroup == LGRPID_THAI)) { if (SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGComplexInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { bInstallComplex = TRUE; } } else { if (SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( hIntlInf, NULL, FileQueue, szLGBasicInstall, pSetupSourcePath, SP_COPY_NEWER )) { bInstallBasic = TRUE; } }
// See if we need to install any files.
if ((SetupScanFileQueue( FileQueue, SPQ_SCAN_PRUNE_COPY_QUEUE | SPQ_SCAN_FILE_VALIDITY, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, NULL, &dwCtr )) && (dwCtr != 1)) { //
// Copy the files in the queue.
if (!SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, FileQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, QueueContext )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } }
// Call setup to install other inf info for the various
// language groups.
if (bInstallExt) { if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGExtInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } } else if (bInstallComplex) { if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGComplexInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } } else { if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, hIntlInf, szLGBasicInstall, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, pSetupSourcePath, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) { //
// This can happen if the user hits Cancel from
// within the setup dialog.
Intl_LogFormatMessage(IDS_LOG_EXT_LANG_CANCEL); goto Region_UnattendModeExit; } } //
// Run any necessary apps (for IME installation).
if (bInstallBasic || bInstallComplex || bInstallExt) { Intl_RunRegApps(c_szIntlRun); } }
// Install the Language as the System Locale and the User Locale,
// and then install all layouts associated with the Language.
Region_InstallSystemLocale(MAKELCID(Language, SORT_DEFAULT));
// If we're doing an upgrade, then don't touch per-user settings.
if (!bWinntUpgrade) { Intl_InstallUserLocale(MAKELCID(Language, SORT_DEFAULT), FALSE, TRUE); Intl_InstallAllKeyboardLayout((LANGID)Language); } } }
// Run any necessary apps (for FSVGA/FSNEC installation).
Intl_RunRegApps(c_szSysocmgr); Region_UnattendModeExit: //
// Close the inf file.
Intl_CloseInf(hIntlInf, FileQueue, QueueContext);
// Close the unattend mode file.
SetupCloseInfFile(hFile); }