* PAN1PTBL.C - ElseWare PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper penalty database. * * $keywords: pan1ptbl.c 1.9 15-Apr-94 3:53:54 PM$ * * This is a stand-alone program that writes a 'C' style header file * containing the penalty tables for the font mapper. The tables are * in MEMORY format, e.g., they use Intel or Motorola byte ordering * depending on the platform upon which the program is compiled. * * This program should accompany ELSEPAN.C, the ElseWare PANOSE Mapper * source code, which assumes the output from this program is in a file * named PAN1PTBL.H. * * The command-line is as follows: * * pan1ptbl [-b] [-v] [-l] [-d] <in-filename> <out-filename> * * where: * * -b means produce a binary file (instead of a 'C' struct) * -v means get from and put to version control * -l means precede the struct with the keyword FAR * -d means dump the database to the screen * <in-filename> is the name of the text file containing the * penalty database (PAN1PTBL.TXT) * <out-filename> is the name of the output file (PAN1PTBL.H) * * The '-b' switch causes the MEMORY representation of the struct to be * dumped to file (in binary form). The normal behavior (no '-b' switch) * is to produce a text file containing a C-style declaration of the * struct. * * The '-v' switch presumes the user has Sorcerer's Apprentice, and causes * a 'vout' of pan1ptbl.h followed by a 'vin' of the newly generated file. * Notice that Sorcerer's Apprentice ignores the transaction if the file * is not different from the previous revision. * * The '-l' switch causes the database to be declared 'FAR,' which in * DOS and Windows large model programs causes the data structure to be * placed in its own data segment. * * The '-d' switch causes a textual description of the database to be * dumped to stdout for debugging purposes. * * Copyright (C) 1991-93 ElseWare Corporation. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************/ #define ELSE_MAPPER_CORE
#include "elsepan.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "osutils.h"
#endif /* MACINTOSH */
# define SZ_TABLE "TABLE"
# define PT_strupr(p) uprstring((p), FALSE)
BOOL PT_strcmpi(char *s, char *t) { uprstring(s, FALSE); return strcmp(s, t); }
#else /* WINDOWS */
# define SZ_DATABASE TEXT("Database")
# define SZ_TABLE TEXT("Table")
# define PT_strupr(p) _strupr(p)
# define PT_strcmpi(s, t) _strcmpi(s, t)
static EW_BOOL bReadDB(FILE *fpin, EW_BOOL bBuildIt); static EW_BOOL bReadPTbl(FILE *fpin, EW_BOOL bBuildIt, EW_BOOL bExpectSquare, char *pLnBuf, int iBufSize, EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl, EW_BYTE *pDataBuf); static int iGetCompressKind(EW_BYTE *pDataBuf, int iRow, int iCol, int iNoFit); static EW_BOOL bAddUniqueTable(EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl, int iSize); static int iReadData(FILE *fpin, char *pLnBuf, int iBufSize, EW_BYTE *pDataBuf); static EW_BOOL bGetLine(char *pBuf, int iLen, FILE *fpin); static void vShowDB(void); static EW_BOOL bShowDupTbl(EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl);
static EW_BYTE s_buf[8192]; static EW_USHORT s_unOffs; static int s_iLnPos;
* FUNCTION: main * * PURPOSE: Write the file PAN1PTBL.H, which is a 'C'-style .H file * containing the declaration of the memory copy of the * penalty database. * * RETURNS: The program returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if there is a failure. ***************************************************************************/ int main ( int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int j; int iRet = 1; EW_BOOL bDumpBin = FALSE; EW_BOOL bDoVCS = FALSE; EW_BOOL bMakeFar = FALSE; EW_BOOL bShowDB = FALSE; time_t ltime; EW_PDICT_MEM *pHead = (EW_PDICT_MEM *)s_buf; FILE *fpin; FILE *fpout; char *p; char *pszInFileNm; char *pszOutFileNm; char szIncNm[64]; char szTime[64];
printf("ElseWare Penalty Table Maker v1.2\n");
/* Display 'usage' message if the minimum number of parameters
* was not recieved. */ if( argc < 3 ) { printf("Usage: pan1ptbl [-b] [-v] [-l] [-d] <infile> <outfile>\n"); printf(" -b means dump in binary form (not C-struct)\n"); printf(" -v means get from and put to version control\n"); printf(" -l means precede the struct with the keyword FAR\n"); printf(" -d dump the database to the screen\n"); printf(" <infile> is the text penalty database (PAN1PTBL.TXT)\n"); printf(" <outfile> is the output file (PAN1PTBL.H)\n"); goto backout0; } /* Set flags.
*/ for( p = argv[i = 1]; i < (argc - 2 ); p = argv[++i]) { if( p[0] != '-' ) { printf("Expected command line flag at '%s,' pan1ptbl aborted.\n", p); goto backout0; } switch( p[1] ) { case 'b': case 'B': bDumpBin = TRUE; break; case 'v': case 'V': bDoVCS = TRUE; break; case 'l': case 'L': bMakeFar = TRUE; break; case 'd': case 'D': bShowDB = TRUE; break; default: printf("Unrecognized command line flag '%s' ignored.\n", p); break; } } /* Make sure the last few params are not flags (should be
* file names). */ if( *p == '-' ) { printf("Expected input file name at '%s,' pan1ptbl ignored.\n", p); goto backout0; } PT_strupr(pszInFileNm = p);
p = argv[argc - 1]; if( *p == '-' ) { printf("Expected output file name at '%s,' pan1ptbl ignored.\n", p); goto backout0; } PT_strupr(pszOutFileNm = p);
/* Extract the file from version control if we're supposed to
* do that (Sorcerer's Apprentice is assumed). */
if( bDoVCS ) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
char cmd[128]; sprintf(cmd, "vout %s", pszOutFileNm); if( system(cmd ) != 0) { printf("Failed to get %s from version control, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", pszOutFileNm); goto backout0; } #endif /* WINDOWS */
printf("VCS mode not valid on the Macintosh. Continuing anyway...\n"); #endif /* MACINTOSH */
/* Open the input file.
*/ if( !(fpin = fopen(pszInFileNm, "rt" ))) { printf("Could not open input file %s, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", pszInFileNm); goto backout0; } /* Create the output file.
*/ if( bDumpBin ) { fpout = fopen(pszOutFileNm, "wb"); } else { fpout = fopen(pszOutFileNm, "wt"); } if( !fpout ) { printf("Could not open output file %s, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", pszOutFileNm); if( bDoVCS ) { #ifdef WINDOWS
char cmd[128]; sprintf(cmd, "vadmin u %s", pszOutFileNm); if( system(cmd ) != 0) { printf("Failed to unlock %s from version control.\n", pszOutFileNm); } #endif /* WINDOWS */
} goto backout1; } /* Build the database.
*/ s_iLnPos = 0; if( !bReadDB(fpin, FALSE )) { goto backout2; } rewind(fpin); s_iLnPos = 0; if( !bReadDB(fpin, TRUE )) { goto backout2; } printf("%s: %u bytes in database.\n", pszOutFileNm, pHead->unSizeDB);
if( bShowDB ) { vShowDB(); } /* If we're writing binary, then dump it now and exit.
*/ if( bDumpBin ) { fwrite(s_buf, pHead->unSizeDB, 1, fpout); goto webedun; }
/* 'C' header write.
* * Write the file containing the 'C' structure that defines * the penalty database. */ if( time(<ime )) { strcpy(szTime, asctime(localtime(<ime))); szTime[strlen(szTime) - 1] = '\0'; } else { szTime[0] = '\0'; } strcpy(szIncNm, "__"); if( (p = strrchr(pszOutFileNm, '\\' )) || ( p = strrchr(pszOutFileNm, ':' ))) { strcat(szIncNm, &p[1]); } else { strcat(szIncNm, pszOutFileNm); } if( p = strchr(szIncNm, '.' )) { *p = '_'; } strcat(szIncNm, "__"); if( bDoVCS ) { fprintf(fpout, "/*\044change:Updated by PAN1PTBL.EXE on %s.\044*/\n", szTime); } fprintf(fpout, "/***************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * %s - ElseWare PANOSE(tm) default penalty tables.\n", pszOutFileNm); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); if( bDoVCS ) { fprintf(fpout, " * $keywords: pan1ptbl.c 1.9 15-Apr-94 3:53:54 PM$\n"); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); } fprintf(fpout, " * This file was generated by PAN1PTBL.EXE.\n"); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * This file contains the penalty tables for the PANOSE 1.0 font\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * mapper. It was generated from the file %s.\n", pszInFileNm); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * Penalty database structure version %x.%02x.\n", PANOSE_PENALTY_VERS / 0x100, PANOSE_PENALTY_VERS % 0x100); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); if( !bDoVCS ) { fprintf(fpout, " * File created %s.\n", szTime); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); } fprintf(fpout, " * Copyright( C ) 1992-93 ElseWare Corporation. All rights reserved.\n"); fprintf(fpout, " ***************************************************************************/\n"); fprintf(fpout, "\n"); fprintf(fpout, "#ifndef %s\n", szIncNm); fprintf(fpout, "#define %s\n", szIncNm); fprintf(fpout, "\n"); fprintf(fpout, "/***************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * PENALTY DATABASE\n"); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * Below is the default penalty database for the PANOSE font\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * mapper. It is in the MEMORY format.\n"); fprintf(fpout, " *\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * Look at PAN1PTBL.C to see how this is created.\n"); fprintf(fpout, " ***************************************************************************/\n"); if( bMakeFar ) { fprintf(fpout, "EW_BYTE FAR s_panDB[] = {"); } else { fprintf(fpout, "EW_BYTE s_panDB[] = {"); } for( i = 1, p = s_buf; i < (int )pHead->unSizeDB; ) { fprintf(fpout, "\n "); for( j = 0; (i < (int )pHead->unSizeDB) &&( j < 10 ); ++i, ++j, ++p) { fprintf(fpout, " 0x%02x,",( EW_BYTE )*p); } } if( j == 10 ) { fprintf(fpout, "\n "); } fprintf(fpout, " 0x%02x\n};\n",( EW_BYTE )*p);
fprintf(fpout, "\n"); fprintf(fpout, "#endif /* ifndef %s */\n", szIncNm);
if( bDoVCS ) { fprintf(fpout, "\n"); fprintf(fpout, "/***************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * Revision log:\n"); fprintf(fpout, " ***************************************************************************/\n"); fprintf(fpout, "/*\n"); fprintf(fpout, " * \044log\044\n"); fprintf(fpout, " */\n"); } webedun: fclose(fpout); fpout = NULL;
/* Return the file to version control.
*/ if( bDoVCS ) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
char cmd[128]; sprintf(cmd, "vin -c\"File updated by PAN1PTBL.EXE %s\" %s", szTime, pszOutFileNm); if( system(cmd ) != 0) { printf("Failed to put %s into version control.\n", pszOutFileNm); } #endif /* WINDOWS */
} iRet = 0; goto backout1;
backout2: fclose(fpout); backout1: fclose(fpin); backout0: return( iRet ); }
* FUNCTION: bReadDB * * PURPOSE: Read the text penalty database. This routine is called twice: * once to gather statistics, and then a second time to fill in * everything else. * * RETURNS: The function returns TRUE if parses the whole file without * detecting errors. ***************************************************************************/ static EW_BOOL bReadDB( FILE *fpin, EW_BOOL bBuildIt) { int i; int j; int w; int iNumTbl; EW_BOOL bUseAtoB; EW_PDICT_MEM *pHead =( EW_PDICT_MEM * )s_buf; EW_PIND_MEM *pInd = pHead->pind; EW_BYTE *pWt = NULL; EW_ATOB_MEM *pAtoB = NULL; EW_ATOB_ITEM_MEM *pAtoBItem = NULL; EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl = NULL; char szBuf[256]; char szKey[128];
/* First pass: init header. On the second pass it contains
* the count of dictionaries in the database. */ if( bBuildIt ) { s_unOffs = sizeof(EW_PDICT_MEM) + ( sizeof(EW_PIND_MEM ) *( pHead->unNumDicts - 1 )); } else { pHead->unVersion = PANOSE_PENALTY_VERS; pHead->unByteOrder = PTBL_BYTE_ORDER; pHead->unNumDicts = 0; pHead->unSizeDB = 0; s_unOffs = sizeof(EW_PDICT_MEM); } /* Get the first line.
*/ if( !bGetLine(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf ), fpin)) { printf("No data found in the input file, pan1ptbl aborted.\n"); return( FALSE ); } /* For each database.
* * Look for [ Database ] */ while( (sscanf(szBuf, "[ %s ]", szKey ) == 1) && ( PT_strcmpi(szKey, "Database" ) == 0)) {
/* Init vars.
*/ iNumTbl = 0; bUseAtoB = FALSE; pWt = NULL; pAtoB = NULL; pAtoBItem = NULL; pPTbl = NULL;
/* If we're really building then set up the vars
* to recieve the tables. */ if( bBuildIt ) { /* The weight array is always exactly 10 bytes long,
* initialized to all zeroes. The first byte contains * the weight for the family digit, which does not * have a penalty table associated with it. */ pWt = &s_buf[s_unOffs]; pInd->unOffsWts = s_unOffs; memset(pWt, 0, j =( sizeof(EW_BYTE ) * NUM_PAN_DIGITS)); ++pWt; s_unOffs += j;
/* For the A-to-B remapping array, the offset
* variable in the index contains the count of * items from the first pass. Use that to set * up the array. */ if( pInd->unOffsAtoB > 0 ) { pAtoB =( EW_ATOB_MEM * )&s_buf[s_unOffs]; pAtoBItem = pAtoB->AtoBItem; i = pInd->unOffsAtoB; pInd->unOffsAtoB = s_unOffs; memset((char *)pAtoB, 0, j =( sizeof(EW_ATOB_MEM ) + ( sizeof(EW_ATOB_ITEM_MEM ) *( i - 1 )))); pAtoB->unNumAtoB = i; s_unOffs += j; } else { i = NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1; } /* Set up penalty table pointer.
*/ pPTbl =( EW_PTBL_MEM * )&s_buf[s_unOffs]; pInd->unOffsPTbl = s_unOffs; memset((char *)pPTbl, 0, j =( sizeof(EW_PTBL_MEM ) * i)); s_unOffs += j;
} else { pInd->jFamilyA = 0; pInd->jFamilyB = 0; pInd->jDefAnyPenalty = 0; pInd->jDefNoFitPenalty = 10; pInd->jDefMatchPenalty = 0; pInd->jReserved = 0; pInd->unOffsWts = 0; pInd->unOffsAtoB = 0; pInd->unOffsPTbl = 0; } /* Look for row = <PANOSE-family-digit-for-row>
*/ if( !bGetLine(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf ), fpin) || ( sscanf(szBuf, "row = %d", &i ) != 1)) { printf("%d: Expected 'row' statement, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } if( (i < PANOSE_NOFIT ) ||( i > MAX_PAN1_FAMILY )) { printf("%d: Row PANOSE digit out of range, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } pInd->jFamilyA = i;
/* Look for col = <PANOSE-family-digit-for-column>
*/ if( !bGetLine(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf ), fpin) || ( sscanf(szBuf, "col = %d", &i ) != 1)) { printf("%d: Expected 'col' statement, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } if( (i < PANOSE_NOFIT ) ||( i > MAX_PAN1_FAMILY )) { printf("%d: Column PANOSE digit out of range, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } pInd->jFamilyB = i;
/* Read in a table heading:
* * [ Table : <ind-row> : <ind-col> : <default-weight> ] */ if( !bGetLine(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf ), fpin)) { printf("%d: Expected penalty table after database header, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* For each table.
*/ while ((sscanf(szBuf, "[ %s : %d : %d : %d ]", szKey, &i, &j, &w) == 4) &&( PT_strcmpi(szKey, "Table" ) == 0)) {
/* Make sure indices in range.
*/ if( (i <= 0 ) ||( j <= 0 ) || ( i >= NUM_PAN_DIGITS ) ||( j >= NUM_PAN_DIGITS )) { printf("%d: Digit index out of range, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* Test non-zero weight.
*/ if( !w && !bBuildIt ) { printf("%d: Warning: Weight value of zero.\n", s_iLnPos); } /* Detect need for A-to-B remapping array. This happens
* when the row-ind != col-ind or when the inds do not * count from 1 to 9. */ if( (i != j ) ||( i != (iNumTbl + 1 ))) { bUseAtoB = TRUE; } /* Attempt to read the table.
* * This routine bumps s_unOffs. */ if (!bReadPTbl(fpin, bBuildIt, ( EW_BOOL )((i == j) &&( pInd->jFamilyA == pInd->jFamilyB )), szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), pPTbl, &s_buf[s_unOffs])) { return( FALSE ); } /* Pick up default weight value and A-to-B settings.
*/ if( bBuildIt ) { *pWt++ = w; if( pAtoBItem ) { pAtoBItem->jAttrA = i; pAtoBItem->jAttrB = j; { EW_ATOB_ITEM_MEM *pAtoBCmp = pAtoB->AtoBItem; for( ; pAtoBCmp < pAtoBItem; ++pAtoBCmp ) { if( (pAtoBCmp->jAttrA == pAtoBItem->jAttrA ) && ( pAtoBCmp->jAttrB == pAtoBItem->jAttrB )) { printf("%u: Row & col pair used in a previous table, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } } } ++pAtoBItem; } ++pPTbl; } ++iNumTbl; } /* End of dictionary handling.
*/ if( !iNumTbl ) { printf("%d: Expected penalty table header, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* Verify count of tables: there should be exactly 9 without
* an A-to-B remapping array. */ if( bUseAtoB ) { if( bBuildIt ) { if( iNumTbl != (int )pAtoB->unNumAtoB) { printf("%d: Second-pass: Error in AtoB count.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } } else if( iNumTbl > (NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1 )) { printf("%d: Cannot have more that %u tables, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos,( int )(NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1)); return( FALSE ); } else { /* Save the count of tables here for second pass.
*/ pInd->unOffsAtoB = iNumTbl; } } else if( iNumTbl != (NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1 )) { printf("%d: Expected exactly %d tables, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos,( int )(NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1)); return( FALSE ); } /* Bump count of dictionaries, as we successfully read one.
*/ if( !bBuildIt ) { ++pHead->unNumDicts; s_unOffs += sizeof(EW_PIND_MEM); } ++pInd; } if( !pHead->unNumDicts ) { printf("No penalty dictionaries found, pan1ptbl aborted.\n"); return( FALSE ); } if( bBuildIt ) { pHead->unSizeDB = s_unOffs; } return( TRUE ); }
* FUNCTION: bReadPTbl * * PURPOSE: Read, validate, and compress a table. * * RETURNS: The function returns TRUE if it succesfully processes the * table, FALSE if it does not. ***************************************************************************/ static EW_BOOL bReadPTbl( FILE *fpin, EW_BOOL bBuildIt, EW_BOOL bExpectSquare, char *pLnBuf, int iBufSize, EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl, EW_BYTE *pDataBuf) { int i; int j; int k; int iNoFit; int iCol; int iRow;
*pDataBuf = 0;
/* Read in the data table.
* * First line is the column headings. */ if( !(iCol = iReadData(fpin, pLnBuf, iBufSize, &pDataBuf[1] ))) { printf("%d: Expected table data, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } ++iCol;
/* Read the remaining rows, watching for the same number of columns.
*/ for (iRow = 1; (i = iReadData(fpin, pLnBuf, iBufSize, &pDataBuf[iRow * iCol])); ++iRow) { if( i != iCol ) { printf("%d: Inconsistent number of columns, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } } /* Test for table too small.
*/ if( (iRow < 5 ) ||( iCol < 5 )) { printf("%d: The table is too small, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* Look for a square table.
*/ if( bExpectSquare && (iRow != iCol )) { printf("%d: Expected a square table( #row = #col ), pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* Test 'any' penalties. They should all equal zero.
*/ for (i = 1, j = iCol; ( i < j ) &&( (i == 2 ) ||( pDataBuf[iCol + i] == 0 )); ++i) ; if( i >= j ) { for (i = 1, j = iRow; ( i < j ) &&( (i == 2 ) ||( pDataBuf[(iCol * i ) + 1] == 0)); ++i) ; } if( i < j ) { printf("%d: All 'any' penalties should be zero, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* Test 'no-fit' penalties. They should all have the same value.
*/ iNoFit = pDataBuf[iCol + 2]; for (i = 1, j = iCol; ( i < j ) &&( pDataBuf[(iCol * 2 ) + i] ==( EW_BYTE )iNoFit); ++i) ; if( i >= j ) { for (i = 1, j = iRow; ( i < j ) &&( pDataBuf[(iCol * i ) + 2] ==( EW_BYTE )iNoFit); ++i) ; } if( i < j ) { printf("%d: All 'no-fit' penalties should match, pan1ptbl aborted.\n", s_iLnPos); return( FALSE ); } /* If we're just scanning, then we're done collecting info.
*/ if( !bBuildIt || !pPTbl ) { return( TRUE ); } /* Init table.
*/ pPTbl->jRangeLast =( (iRow > iCol ) ? iRow : iCol) - 2; pPTbl->unOffsTbl = 0; pPTbl->unTblSize = 0; k = 0;
/* Determine the compression type, and then copy the table
* based upon the type. */ switch (pPTbl->jCompress = ( EW_BYTE )iGetCompressKind(pDataBuf, iRow, iCol, iNoFit)) {
case PAN_COMPRESS_C0: /* C0 compression: suck in the whole table except
* the any and no-fit values. This table is preceded * by a header containing the row and column dimensions. */ { EW_PTBL_C0_MEM *pPC0 =( EW_PTBL_C0_MEM * )&pDataBuf[k]; pPC0->jARangeLast =( EW_BYTE )iRow - 2; pPC0->jBRangeLast =( EW_BYTE )iCol - 2; pPC0->jReserved = 0; k +=( sizeof(EW_PTBL_C0_MEM ) - sizeof(EW_BYTE)); } for( i = 3; i < iRow; ++i ) { for( j = 3; j < iCol; ++j, ++k ) { pDataBuf[k] = pDataBuf[(i * iCol) + j]; } } bAddUniqueTable(pPTbl, k); break;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C1: /* C1 compression: perfectly symmetrical table with
* penalties increasing the further they are away * from the diagonal. No additional data stored. */ break;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C3: /* C3 compression: same as C2 compression except the
* first byte is the no-fit penalty. */ pDataBuf[k++] = iNoFit;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C2: /* C2 compression: symmetrical about the diagonal,
* suck in the lower left corner. */ for( i = 4; i < iRow; ++i ) { for( j = 3; j < i; ++j, ++k ) { pDataBuf[k] = pDataBuf[(i * iCol) + j]; } } bAddUniqueTable(pPTbl, k); break;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C4: /* C4 compression: similar to C1, except the start
* and increment values are specified. */ { EW_PTBL_C4_MEM *pPC4 =( EW_PTBL_C4_MEM * )&pDataBuf[k]; pPC4->jStart = pDataBuf[(iCol * 4) + 3]; pPC4->jIncrement = pDataBuf[(iCol * 5) + 3] - pPC4->jStart; k += sizeof(EW_PTBL_C4_MEM); } bAddUniqueTable(pPTbl, k); break; } return( TRUE ); }
* FUNCTION: iGetCompressKind * * PURPOSE: Examine the data table and determine what kind, if any, of * data compression can be used. * * Notice the tables have an extra row and column for the * headings. The minimum table size should be 5 x 5, which * is really a 4 x 4 table (the parse loop catches anything * smaller and aborts). * * RETURNS: The function returns the compression id. ***************************************************************************/ static int iGetCompressKind( EW_BYTE *pDataBuf, int iRow, int iCol, int iNoFit) { int i; int j;
/* All compression mechanisms require a square table.
*/ if( (iRow != iCol ) ||( iCol < 5 )) { return( PAN_COMPRESS_C0 ); } /* Test for symmetry around the diagonal.
*/ for( i = 3; i < iCol; ++i ) { /* The diagonal( exact match value ) must be zero.
*/ if( pDataBuf[(iCol * i ) + i] != 0) { return( PAN_COMPRESS_C0 ); } /* Test for value at( i,j ) ==( j,i ).
*/ for( j = i + 1; (j < iCol ); ++j) { if( pDataBuf[(iCol * i ) + j] != pDataBuf[(iCol * j) + i]) { return( PAN_COMPRESS_C0 ); } } } /* The table is symmetrical, now walk it looking for a special
* pattern: it starts at a given value and increments by a given * value. If we find this, then we just store the start and * increment values. * * The table must be atleast 4 x 4 to try this test. Note if * it is exactly 4 x 4 and the one value in the table is a 1, * then C1 is the most compact way to store it (the 'else' * statement below checks for that). Otherwise C2 or C3 is * the best. */ if( (iCol > 5 ) &&( iNoFit == 10 )) { EW_BOOL bFits = TRUE; EW_BYTE jStart = pDataBuf[(iCol * 4) + 3]; EW_BYTE jInc = pDataBuf[(iCol * 5) + 3] - jStart;
for( i = 5; (i < iCol ) && bFits; ++i) { for( j = 3; (j < i ) && bFits; ++j) { bFits =( pDataBuf[(iCol * i ) + j] == ( EW_BYTE )(((EW_BYTE)(i - j - 1) * jInc) + jStart)); } } /* C1 compression implies( start, inc ) ==( 1, 1 ),
* C4 stores the start and inc values. */ if( bFits ) { return( ((jStart == 1 ) &&( jInc == 1 )) ? PAN_COMPRESS_C1 : PAN_COMPRESS_C4); } } else if( (pDataBuf[(iCol * 4 ) + 3] == 1) &&( iNoFit == 10 )) { return( PAN_COMPRESS_C1 ); } /* The table is symmetrical about the diagonal, but there
* is no recognized pattern within it, so return C2 or C3 * compression (C3 is C2 compression with a specifier for * the 'no-fit' value). */ return( (iNoFit == 10 ) ? PAN_COMPRESS_C2 : PAN_COMPRESS_C3); }
* FUNCTION: bAddUniqueTable * * PURPOSE: Add a unique table to the accumulated penalty database, if * a table matching this table's data already exists, then re-use * that data. * * Upon entry to this routine, s_unOffs should point to the * data that is about to be added. This func walks all the * tables that have already been added looking for duplicate * data. * * This function should be called when we're building the * database( second pass ). * * RETURNS: The function returns TRUE if a new table was added, or FALSE * if an existing table was re-used. ***************************************************************************/ static EW_BOOL bAddUniqueTable( EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl, int iSize) { int i; int j; int iNumTbl; EW_PDICT_MEM *pHead =( EW_PDICT_MEM * )s_buf; EW_PIND_MEM *pInd = pHead->pind; EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTblTst;
/* Shortcut for C1 compression: it has no data.
*/ if( !iSize ) { return( FALSE ); } /* This walk is kind of tricky: we are walking a penalty
* database that is in the process of being created. Some * fields are valid, some are not. * * For each dictionary. */ for( i = 0; i < (int )pHead->unNumDicts; ++i, ++pInd) {
/* If the ptbl offset is NULL, then we've reached the
* end of the filled-in dictionaries. */ if( !pInd->unOffsPTbl ) { break; } /* Get the count of tables.
*/ if( pInd->unOffsAtoB ) { iNumTbl =( int )((EW_ATOB_MEM *)&s_buf[pInd->unOffsAtoB])->unNumAtoB; } else { iNumTbl = NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1; } /* For each penalty table.
*/ for( j = 0, pPTblTst = (EW_PTBL_MEM * )&s_buf[pInd->unOffsPTbl]; j < iNumTbl; ++j, ++pPTblTst) {
/* The last filled-in table should be the one that
* was passed in. */ if( (pPTblTst >= pPTbl ) || !pPTblTst->jRangeLast) { break; } /* Look for matching data, and return if it is found.
*/ if( (pPTblTst->unOffsTbl > 0 ) && ( pPTbl->jCompress == pPTblTst->jCompress ) && ( iSize == (int )pPTblTst->unTblSize) && (memcmp(&s_buf[s_unOffs], &s_buf[pPTblTst->unOffsTbl], iSize) == 0)) { pPTbl->unTblSize = iSize; pPTbl->unOffsTbl = pPTblTst->unOffsTbl; return( FALSE ); } } } /* No duplicate was found, keep the structure that is currently
* in the buffer. */ pPTbl->unOffsTbl = s_unOffs; s_unOffs += pPTbl->unTblSize = iSize;
return( TRUE ); }
* FUNCTION: iReadData * * PURPOSE: Read an array of numbers from file. * * RETURNS: The function returns the count of numbers it read from the * line. ***************************************************************************/ static int iReadData( FILE *fpin, char *pLnBuf, int iBufSize, EW_BYTE *pDataBuf) { int i; int j = 0;
/* Get the test line.
*/ if( !bGetLine(pLnBuf, iBufSize, fpin )) { return( 0 ); } /* For each number.
*/ while( TRUE ) {
/* Walk white space.
*/ for( ; *pLnBuf && ((*pLnBuf == ' ' ) ||( *pLnBuf == '\t' )); ++pLnBuf) ; /* Stop if not at a number.
*/ if( !*pLnBuf || (*pLnBuf < '0' ) ||( *pLnBuf > '9' )) { break; } /* Read the number.
*/ for( i = 0; *pLnBuf && (*pLnBuf >= '0' ) &&( *pLnBuf <= '9' ); ++pLnBuf) { i =( i * 10 ) +( *pLnBuf - '0' ); } *pDataBuf++ = i; ++j; } /* Sanity check. At this point the buffer should be empty,
* the end of the line, or the start of a comment. */ if( *pLnBuf && (*pLnBuf >= ' ' ) &&( *pLnBuf != ';' )) { return( 0 ); } return( j ); }
* FUNCTION: bGetLine * * PURPOSE: Read a line from file. Skip blank and comment lines. * * RETURNS: The function returns TRUE if it finds a line, FALSE if it * does not. ***************************************************************************/ static EW_BOOL bGetLine( char *pBuf, int iLen, FILE *fpin) { int i; char ch; char *p;
#define M_EOL(ch)( ((ch ) == '\r') ||( (ch ) == '\n'))
do { /* First read through end of line characters.
*/ while( ((ch = fgetc(fpin )) != EOF) && M_EOL(ch)) { if( ch == '\n' ) { ++s_iLnPos; } } if( ch == EOF ) { return( FALSE ); } /* Read the line.
*/ for (i = 1, p = pBuf, *p++ = ch; ( i < iLen ) &&( (*p = fgetc(fpin )) != EOF) && !M_EOL(*p); ++i, ++p) ; *p = '\0';
/* Bump the line counter.
*/ ++s_iLnPos;
/* Skip this line if it begins with a comment character.
*/ } while( pBuf[0] == ';' );
return( TRUE ); }
* FUNCTION: vShowDB * * PURPOSE: Dump the database to stdout. * * RETURNS: Nothing. ***************************************************************************/ static void vShowDB() { int i; int j; int k; int m; int n; int iNumPTbl; EW_PDICT_MEM *pHead =( EW_PDICT_MEM * )s_buf; EW_PIND_MEM *pInd = pHead->pind; EW_BYTE *pWt; EW_ATOB_MEM *pAtoB; EW_ATOB_ITEM_MEM *pAtoBItem; EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl; EW_BYTE *pData;
printf("\n\nDATABASE DUMP\n"); printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); printf("vers = 0x%04x\n", pHead->unVersion); printf("num dicts = %u\n", pHead->unNumDicts); printf("size db = %u\n", pHead->unSizeDB);
for( i = 0; i < (int )pHead->unNumDicts; ++i, ++pInd) { printf("\n=======================================================\n"); printf("0x%04x:Index entry:\n", ( (unsigned )(char *)pInd -( unsigned )(char *)pHead)); printf("family row = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pInd->jFamilyA); printf("family col = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pInd->jFamilyB); printf("any = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pInd->jDefAnyPenalty); printf("no-fit = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pInd->jDefNoFitPenalty); printf("match = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pInd->jDefMatchPenalty); printf("reserved = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pInd->jReserved); printf("offs wt = 0x%04x\n", pInd->unOffsWts); printf("offs atob = 0x%04x\n", pInd->unOffsAtoB); printf("offs ptbl = 0x%04x\n", pInd->unOffsPTbl);
if( pInd->unOffsWts ) { pWt =( EW_BYTE * )&s_buf[pInd->unOffsWts]; printf("\n0x%04x:weights:", pInd->unOffsWts); for( j = 0; j < NUM_PAN_DIGITS; ++j, ++pWt ) { printf(" %u",( EW_USHORT )*pWt); } printf("\n"); } else { printf("\nERROR: NO WEIGHTS\n"); }
if( pInd->unOffsAtoB ) { pAtoB =( EW_ATOB_MEM * )&s_buf[pInd->unOffsAtoB]; pAtoBItem = pAtoB->AtoBItem; printf("\n0x%04x:AtoB:\n", pInd->unOffsAtoB); printf("count = %u\n", pAtoB->unNumAtoB); for( j = 0; j < (int )pAtoB->unNumAtoB; ++j, ++pAtoBItem) { printf("pair = %u, %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pAtoBItem->jAttrA, ( EW_USHORT )pAtoBItem->jAttrB); } iNumPTbl = pAtoB->unNumAtoB; } else { iNumPTbl = NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1; }
if( pInd->unOffsPTbl && (iNumPTbl > 0 )) { pPTbl =( EW_PTBL_MEM * )&s_buf[pInd->unOffsPTbl];
for( j = 0; j < iNumPTbl; ++j, ++pPTbl ) { printf("\n0x%04x:penalty table:\n", ( (unsigned )(char *)pPTbl -( unsigned )(char *)pHead)); printf("rng last = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pPTbl->jRangeLast); printf("compress = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )pPTbl->jCompress); printf("offs tbl = 0x%04x\n", pPTbl->unOffsTbl); printf("tbl size = %u\n", pPTbl->unTblSize);
if( pPTbl->unOffsTbl && !bShowDupTbl(pPTbl )) { k = 0; pData =( EW_BYTE * )&s_buf[pPTbl->unOffsTbl];
switch( pPTbl->jCompress ) {
case PAN_COMPRESS_C0: { EW_PTBL_C0_MEM *pPC0 =( EW_PTBL_C0_MEM * )&pData[k]; pData += k =( sizeof(EW_PTBL_C0_MEM ) - sizeof(EW_BYTE)); printf("Non-symmetrical table, row = %u, col = %u, reserved = %u\n", ( EW_USHORT )pPC0->jARangeLast, ( EW_USHORT )pPC0->jBRangeLast, ( EW_USHORT )pPC0->jReserved); printf(" "); for( m = 0; m <= (int )pPC0->jBRangeLast; ++m) { printf(" %2u", m); } printf("\n"); for( m = 0; m <= (int )pPC0->jARangeLast; ++m) { printf("%2u", m); if( m > 1 ) { printf(" "); for( n = 2; (n <= (int )pPC0->jBRangeLast) && ( k < (int )pPTbl->unTblSize); ++n, ++k, ++pData) { printf(" %2u",( EW_USHORT )*pData); } } printf("\n"); } } break;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C1: printf("ERROR: TABLE SHOULD BE EMPTY\n"); break;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C3: printf("no-fit value = %u\n",( EW_USHORT )*pData); ++pData, ++k;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C2: printf(" "); for( m = 0; m <= (int )pPTbl->jRangeLast; ++m) { printf(" %2u", m); } printf("\n"); for( m = 0; m <= (int )pPTbl->jRangeLast; ++m) { printf("%2u", m); if( m > 2 ) { printf(" "); for( n = 2; (n < m ) &&( k < (int )pPTbl->unTblSize); ++n, ++k, ++pData) { printf(" %2u",( EW_USHORT )*pData); } } printf("\n"); } break;
case PAN_COMPRESS_C4: { EW_PTBL_C4_MEM *pPC4 =( EW_PTBL_C4_MEM * )&pData[k]; pData += k = sizeof(EW_PTBL_C4_MEM); printf("start = %u, increment = %u\n", ( EW_USHORT )pPC4->jStart, ( EW_USHORT )pPC4->jIncrement); } break;
default: printf("ERROR: INVALID COMPRESSION TYPE\n"); break; } } else if (!pPTbl->unOffsTbl && ( pPTbl->jCompress != PAN_COMPRESS_C1 )) { printf("ERROR: NO DATA\n"); } } } else { printf("\nERROR: NO PENALTIES\n"); } } printf("\n=======================================================\n"); printf("Raw data dump:\n"); pData =( EW_BYTE * )s_buf; printf(" 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f\n"); for( k = 0; k < (int )pHead->unSizeDB; ) { printf("0x%04x:", k); for( i = 0; (i < 16 ) &&( k < (int )pHead->unSizeDB); ++i, ++k, ++pData) { printf(" %02x",( EW_USHORT )*pData); } printf("\n"); } }
* FUNCTION: bShowDupTbl * * PURPOSE: Search for a duplicate table and don't show it twice, instead * indicate it is a duplicate table. * * RETURNS: The function returns TRUE if this is, indeed, a duplicate * table, or FALSE if it is not. ***************************************************************************/ static EW_BOOL bShowDupTbl( EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTbl) { int i; int j; int iNumTbl; EW_PDICT_MEM *pHead =( EW_PDICT_MEM * )s_buf; EW_PIND_MEM *pInd = pHead->pind; EW_PTBL_MEM *pPTblTst;
/* Quick test for C1 compression.
*/ if( !pPTbl->unTblSize || !pPTbl->unOffsTbl ) { return( FALSE ); } /* For each dictionary.
*/ for( i = 0; i < (int )pHead->unNumDicts; ++i, ++pInd) {
/* Get the count of tables.
*/ if( pInd->unOffsAtoB ) { iNumTbl =( int )((EW_ATOB_MEM *)&s_buf[pInd->unOffsAtoB])->unNumAtoB; } else { iNumTbl = NUM_PAN_DIGITS - 1; } /* For each penalty table.
*/ for( j = 0, pPTblTst = (EW_PTBL_MEM * )&s_buf[pInd->unOffsPTbl]; j < iNumTbl; ++j, ++pPTblTst) {
/* Walk up to the current table.
*/ if( pPTblTst >= pPTbl ) { break; } /* Look for matching data, and return if it is found.
*/ if( (pPTblTst->unOffsTbl > 0 ) && ( pPTbl->jRangeLast == pPTblTst->jRangeLast ) && ( pPTbl->jCompress == pPTblTst->jCompress ) && ( pPTbl->unTblSize == pPTblTst->unTblSize ) && ( pPTbl->unOffsTbl == pPTblTst->unOffsTbl )) { printf("The data has already dumped( duplicate table ).\n"); return( TRUE ); } } } /* No duplicate found.
*/ return( FALSE ); }
* Revision log: ***************************************************************************/ /*
* $lgb$ * 1.0 31-Jan-93 msd PANOSE 1.0 penalties database, textual version. * 1.1 31-Jan-93 msd Modified the way a file is written if we know we're checking it in and out of vcs. * 1.2 1-Feb-93 msd Fixed a bug with the vcs handling stuff. * 1.3 3-Feb-93 msd Removed ctrl-z at EOF. Ifdef'd in Mac code to get this to build as an MPW tool. Ifdef'd out system calls on the Mac. * 1.4 3-Feb-93 msd Added generic line-read routine that can handle both mac- and pc-format test files. * 1.5 6-Feb-93 msd Init reserved bye in C0 penalty header. * 1.6 18-Feb-93 msd Implemented binary file writing, init penalty table byte-ordering variable, and C4 ptbl compression( new version of ptbl ). Identical tables are not repeated. * 1.7 26-Feb-93 msd Don't abort on weight values of zero( just warn ). Also repaired line counter. * 1.8 1-Apr-93 msd Added _cdecl keyword to main(). * 1.9 15-Apr-94 jasons Removed cdecl on main for Mac. * $lge$ */