// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: util.cpp
// This file contains misc functions.
#include "rshx32.h"
#include <shlobjp.h> // SHFree
#include <shlwapip.h> // IsOS
#include <safeboot.h> // SAFEBOOT_* flags
#include <xpsp1res.h>
TraceEnter(TRACE_UTIL, "IDA_BindToFolder"); TraceAssert(pIDA != NULL); TraceAssert(ppsf != NULL);
*ppsf = NULL;
hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = (LPCITEMIDLIST)ByteOffset(pIDA, pIDA->aoffset[0]);
if (ILIsEmpty(pidlFolder)) { // We're binding to the desktop
*ppsf = psfDesktop; } else { hr = psfDesktop->BindToObject(pidlFolder, NULL, IID_IShellFolder, (PVOID*)ppsf); psfDesktop->Release(); } }
TraceLeaveResult(hr); }
hr = psf->GetDisplayNameOf(pidl, uFlags, &str);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwErr; LPSTR psz;
switch (str.uType) { case STRRET_WSTR: #ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpyn(pszName, str.pOleStr, cchName); #else // !UNICODE
if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str.pOleStr, -1, pszName, cchName, NULL, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } #endif // !UNICODE
// Since this string was alocated from the shell's IMalloc heap,
// we must free it to the same place.
SHFree(str.pOleStr); break;
case STRRET_OFFSET: psz = (LPSTR)ByteOffset(pidl, str.uOffset); goto GetItemName_ANSI;
case STRRET_CSTR: psz = str.cStr; GetItemName_ANSI: #ifdef UNICODE
if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pszName, cchName)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } #else // !UNICODE
lstrcpyn(pszName, psz, cchName); #endif // !UNICODE
default: hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; } }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP IDA_GetItemName(LPSHELLFOLDER psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPTSTR *ppszName, SHGNO uFlags) { TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = IDA_GetItemName(psf, pidl, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = LocalAllocString(ppszName, szName); else *ppszName = NULL; return hr; }
// Helper functions used by DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection
BOOL IsEqualSID(PSID pSid1, PSID pSid2) { //
// Are they both NULL?
if (pSid1 || pSid2) { //
// At least one is non-NULL, so if one is NULL then they can't
// be equal.
if (pSid1 == NULL || pSid2 == NULL) return FALSE;
// Both are non-NULL. Check the SIDs.
if (!EqualSid(pSid1, pSid2)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsEqualACL(PACL pA1, PACL pA2) { //
// Are they both NULL?
if (pA1 || pA2) { //
// At least one is non-NULL, so if one is NULL then they can't
// be equal.
if (pA1 == NULL || pA2 == NULL) return FALSE;
// At this point we know that both are non-NULL. Check the
// sizes and contents.
// could do a lot more here
if (pA1->AclSize != pA2->AclSize || memcmp(pA1, pA2, pA1->AclSize)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: CompareSecurityDescriptors
// Synopsis: Determines if 2 security descriptors are identical. It does
// this by comparing control fields, owner/group, and acls.
// Arguments: [IN] pSD1 - 1st SD to compare
// [IN] pSD2 - 2nd SD to compare
// [OUT] pfOwnerConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if the Owner SIDs are not equal
// [OUT] pfGroupConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if the Group SIDs are not equal
// [OUT] pfDACLConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if the DACLs are not equal
// [OUT] pfSACLConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if the SACLs are not equal
// Returns: nothing
// Are the pointers identical?
// This includes the case where both are NULL.
if (pS1 == pS2) { if (pfOwnerConflict) *pfOwnerConflict = FALSE; if (pfGroupConflict) *pfGroupConflict = FALSE; if (pfSACLConflict) *pfSACLConflict = FALSE; if (pfDACLConflict) *pfDACLConflict = FALSE; return; }
// Is (only) one of them NULL? If so, then we can't compare so
// assume that nothing matches.
if (!pS1 || !pS2) { if (pfOwnerConflict) *pfOwnerConflict = TRUE; if (pfGroupConflict) *pfGroupConflict = TRUE; if (pfSACLConflict) *pfSACLConflict = TRUE; if (pfDACLConflict) *pfDACLConflict = TRUE; return; }
// Owner
if (pfOwnerConflict) { if ((pS1->Control & SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED) != (pS2->Control & SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED)) { *pfOwnerConflict = TRUE; } else { *pfOwnerConflict = !IsEqualSID(RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS1), RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS2)); } }
// Group
if (pfGroupConflict) { if ((pS1->Control & SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED) != (pS2->Control & SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED)) { *pfGroupConflict = TRUE; } else { *pfGroupConflict = !IsEqualSID(RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS1), RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS2)); } }
// Sacl
if (pfSACLConflict) { if ((pS1->Control & SACL_CONTROL_MASK) != (pS2->Control & SACL_CONTROL_MASK)) { *pfSACLConflict = TRUE; } else { *pfSACLConflict = !IsEqualACL(RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS1), RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS2)); } }
// Dacl
if (pfDACLConflict) { if ((pS1->Control & DACL_CONTROL_MASK) != (pS2->Control & DACL_CONTROL_MASK)) { *pfDACLConflict = TRUE; } else { *pfDACLConflict = !IsEqualACL(RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS1), RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(pS2)); } } }
NAME: DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection
SYNOPSIS: Determines if the selected objects have equivalent security descriptors
ENTRY: hItemList - DPA containing item names pfnReadSD - callback function to read the Security Descriptor for a single item. pfOwnerConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if not all Owner SIDs are equal pfGroupConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if not all Group SIDs are equal pfDACLConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if not all DACLs are equal pfSACLConflict - (optional) Set to TRUE if not all SACLs are equal ppszOwnerConflict - (optional) The name of the first item with a different Owner is returned here. Free with LocalFreeString. ppszGroupConflict - (optional) similar to ppszOwnerConflict ppszDaclConflict - (optional) similar to ppszOwnerConflict ppszSaclConflict - (optional) similar to ppszOwnerConflict
RETURNS: S_OK if successful, HRESULT error code otherwise
NOTES: The function may exit without checking all objects if all of the requested flags become FALSE. All out parameters are valid if the function succeeds, and undetermined otherwise.
HISTORY: JeffreyS 18-Feb-1997 Created
STDMETHODIMP DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection(HDPA hItemList, PFN_READ_SD pfnReadSD, BOOL *pfOwnerConflict, BOOL *pfGroupConflict, BOOL *pfSACLConflict, BOOL *pfDACLConflict, LPTSTR *ppszOwnerConflict, LPTSTR *ppszGroupConflict, LPTSTR *ppszSaclConflict, LPTSTR *ppszDaclConflict, LPBOOL pbCancel) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwErr; SECURITY_INFORMATION si = 0; DWORD dwPriv = SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE; HANDLE hToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPTSTR pszItem; LPTSTR pszFile; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD1 = NULL; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD2 = NULL; int i;
#if DBG
DWORD dwTimeStart = GetTickCount(); #endif
TraceEnter(TRACE_UTIL, "DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection"); TraceAssert(hItemList != NULL); TraceAssert(pfnReadSD != NULL);
if (pfOwnerConflict) { *pfOwnerConflict = FALSE; si |= OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (pfGroupConflict) { *pfGroupConflict = FALSE; si |= GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (pfSACLConflict) { *pfSACLConflict = FALSE;
// SeAuditPrivilege must be enabled to read the SACL.
hToken = EnablePrivileges(&dwPriv, 1); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hToken) { si |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } else { // Leave *pfSACLConflict set to FALSE
pfSACLConflict = NULL; TraceMsg("Security privilege not enabled -- not checking SACL"); } } if (pfDACLConflict) { *pfDACLConflict = FALSE; si |= DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; }
if (ppszOwnerConflict != NULL) *ppszOwnerConflict = NULL; if (ppszGroupConflict != NULL) *ppszGroupConflict = NULL; if (ppszSaclConflict != NULL) *ppszSaclConflict = NULL; if (ppszDaclConflict != NULL) *ppszDaclConflict = NULL;
if (si == 0 || DPA_GetPtrCount(hItemList) < 2) ExitGracefully(hr, S_OK, "Nothing requested or list contains only one item");
if (pbCancel && *pbCancel) ExitGracefully(hr, S_OK, "DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection cancelled");
// Get the first item name and load its security descriptor.
pszItem = (LPTSTR)DPA_FastGetPtr(hItemList, 0); if (NULL == pszItem) ExitGracefully(hr, E_UNEXPECTED, "Item list is empty");
dwErr = (*pfnReadSD)(pszItem, si, &pSD1); if (dwErr) ExitGracefully(hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), "Unable to read Security Descriptor");
// Go through the rest of the list and compare their security
// descriptors to the first one.
for (i = 1; i < DPA_GetPtrCount(hItemList) && si != 0; i++) { if (pbCancel && *pbCancel) ExitGracefully(hr, S_OK, "DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection cancelled");
pszItem = (LPTSTR)DPA_FastGetPtr(hItemList, i); if (NULL == pszItem) ExitGracefully(hr, E_UNEXPECTED, "Unable to retrieve item name from list");
dwErr = (*pfnReadSD)(pszItem, si, &pSD2); if (dwErr) ExitGracefully(hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), "Unable to read Security Descriptor");
CompareSecurityDescriptors(pSD1, pSD2, pfOwnerConflict, pfGroupConflict, pfSACLConflict, pfDACLConflict); if (pSD2 != NULL) { LocalFree(pSD2); pSD2 = NULL; }
// Get the leaf name of the item to return as the conflict name
pszFile = PathFindFileName(pszItem); if (!pszFile) pszFile = pszItem;
// If we find an owner that doesn't match, we can stop checking owners
if (pfOwnerConflict && *pfOwnerConflict) { pfOwnerConflict = NULL; si &= ~OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION;
if (ppszOwnerConflict) LocalAllocString(ppszOwnerConflict, pszFile); }
// Ditto for the group
if (pfGroupConflict && *pfGroupConflict) { pfGroupConflict = NULL; si &= ~GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION;
if (ppszGroupConflict) LocalAllocString(ppszGroupConflict, pszFile); }
// Same for SACLs
if (pfSACLConflict && *pfSACLConflict) { pfSACLConflict = NULL; si &= ~SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION;
if (ppszSaclConflict) LocalAllocString(ppszSaclConflict, pszFile); }
// Same for DACLs
if (pfDACLConflict && *pfDACLConflict) { pfDACLConflict = NULL; si &= ~DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION;
if (ppszDaclConflict) LocalAllocString(ppszDaclConflict, pszFile); } }
// Release any privileges we enabled
if (FAILED(hr)) { LocalFreeString(ppszOwnerConflict); LocalFreeString(ppszGroupConflict); LocalFreeString(ppszSaclConflict); LocalFreeString(ppszDaclConflict); }
if (pSD1 != NULL) LocalFree(pSD1);
#if DBG
Trace((TEXT("DPA_CompareSecurityIntersection done: %d"), GetTickCount() - dwTimeStart)); #endif
TraceLeaveResult(hr); }
// GetRemotePath
// Purpose: Return UNC version of a path
// Parameters: pszInName - initial path
// ppszOutName - UNC path returned here
// Return: HRESULT
// S_OK - UNC path returned
// S_FALSE - drive not connected (UNC not returned)
// or failure code
// Notes: The function fails is the path is not a valid
// network path. If the path is already UNC,
// a copy is made without validating the path.
// *ppszOutName must be LocalFree'd by the caller.
DWORD _WNetGetConnection(LPCTSTR pszLocal, LPTSTR pszRemote, LPDWORD pdwLen) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND;
// This is the only function we call in mpr.dll, and it's delay-loaded
// so wrap it with SEH.
__try { dwErr = WNetGetConnection(pszLocal, pszRemote, pdwLen); } __finally { }
return dwErr; }
TraceEnter(TRACE_UTIL, "GetRemotePath"); TraceAssert(pszInName); TraceAssert(ppszOutName);
*ppszOutName = NULL;
if (pszInName[1] == TEXT(':')) { DWORD dwErr; TCHAR szLocalName[3]; TCHAR szRemoteName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen = ARRAYSIZE(szRemoteName);
szLocalName[0] = pszInName[0]; szLocalName[1] = pszInName[1]; szLocalName[2] = TEXT('\0');
dwErr = _WNetGetConnection(szLocalName, szRemoteName, &dwLen);
if (NO_ERROR == dwErr) { hr = S_OK; dwLen = lstrlen(szRemoteName); } else if (ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED == dwErr) { ExitGracefully(hr, S_FALSE, "Drive not connected"); } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != dwErr) ExitGracefully(hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), "WNetGetConnection failed"); // if dwErr == ERROR_MORE_DATA, dwLen already has the correct value
// Skip the drive letter and add the length of the rest of the path
// (including NULL)
pszInName += 2; dwLen += lstrlen(pszInName) + 1;
// We should never get incomplete paths, so we should always
// see a backslash after the "X:". If this isn't true, then
// we should call GetFullPathName above.
TraceAssert(TEXT('\\') == *pszInName);
// Allocate the return buffer
*ppszOutName = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwLen * SIZEOF(TCHAR)); if (!*ppszOutName) ExitGracefully(hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "LocalAlloc failed");
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwErr) { // Try again with the bigger buffer
dwErr = _WNetGetConnection(szLocalName, *ppszOutName, &dwLen); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); FailGracefully(hr, "WNetGetConnection failed"); } else { // WNetGetConnection succeeded. Copy the result
lstrcpy(*ppszOutName, szRemoteName); }
// Copy the rest of the path
lstrcat(*ppszOutName, pszInName); } else if (PathIsUNC(pszInName)) { // Just copy the path without validating it
hr = LocalAllocString(ppszOutName, pszInName); }
if (FAILED(hr)) LocalFreeString(ppszOutName);
TraceLeaveResult(hr); }
NAME: LocalFreeDPA
SYNOPSIS: LocalFree's all pointers in a Dynamic Pointer Array and then frees the DPA.
ENTRY: hList - handle of list to destroy
RETURNS: nothing
********************************************************************/ int CALLBACK _LocalFreeCB(LPVOID pVoid, LPVOID /*pData*/) { if (pVoid) LocalFree(pVoid); return 1; }
void LocalFreeDPA(HDPA hList) { if (hList != NULL) DPA_DestroyCallback(hList, _LocalFreeCB, 0); }
// Function: IsSafeMode
// Synopsis: Checks the registry to see if the system is in safe mode.
// History: 06-Oct-00 JeffreyS Created
BOOL IsSafeMode(void) { BOOL fIsSafeMode = FALSE; LONG ec; HKEY hkey;
ec = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\Option"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey );
if (ec == NO_ERROR) { DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(dwValue);
ec = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("OptionValue"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwValueSize);
if (ec == NO_ERROR) { fIsSafeMode = (dwValue == SAFEBOOT_MINIMAL || dwValue == SAFEBOOT_NETWORK); }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return fIsSafeMode; }
// Function: IsGuestAccessMode
// Synopsis: Checks the registry to see if the system is using the
// Guest-only network access mode.
// History: 06-Oct-00 JeffreyS Created
// 19-Apr-00 GPease Modified and changed name
BOOL IsForcedGuestModeOn(void) { BOOL fIsForcedGuestModeOn = FALSE;
if (IsOS(OS_PERSONAL)) { // Guest mode is always on for Personal
fIsForcedGuestModeOn = TRUE; } else if (IsOS(OS_PROFESSIONAL) && !IsOS(OS_DOMAINMEMBER)) { LONG ec; HKEY hkey;
// Professional, not in a domain. Check the ForceGuest value.
ec = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\LSA"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey );
if (ec == NO_ERROR) { DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(dwValue);
ec = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("ForceGuest"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwValueSize);
if (ec == NO_ERROR && 1 == dwValue) { fIsForcedGuestModeOn = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); } }
return fIsForcedGuestModeOn; }
// Function: IsSimpleUI
// Synopsis: Checks whether to show the simple version of the UI.
// History: 06-Oct-00 JeffreyS Created
// 19-Apr-00 GPease Removed CTRL key check
BOOL IsSimpleUI(void) { // Show old UI in safe mode and anytime network access involves
// true user identity (server, pro with GuestMode off).
// Show simple UI anytime network access is done using the Guest
// account (personal, pro with GuestMode on) except in safe mode.
return (!IsSafeMode() && IsForcedGuestModeOn()); }
HRESULT BindToObjectEx(IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPBC pbc, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr; IShellFolder *psfRelease = NULL;
if (!psf) { SHGetDesktopFolder(&psf); psfRelease = psf; }
if (psf) { if (!pidl || ILIsEmpty(pidl)) { hr = psf->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } else { hr = psf->BindToObject(pidl, pbc, riid, ppv); } } else { *ppv = NULL; hr = E_FAIL; }
if (psfRelease) { psfRelease->Release(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (*ppv == NULL)) { // Some shell extensions (eg WS_FTP) will return success and a null out pointer
hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; } LPITEMIDLIST ILCloneParent(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlParent = ILClone(pidl); if (pidlParent) ILRemoveLastID(pidlParent);
return pidlParent; } // psfRoot is the base of the bind. If NULL, then we use the shell desktop.
// If you want to bind relative to the explorer root (e.g., CabView, MSN),
// then use SHBindToIDListParent.
HRESULT BindToFolderIDListParent(IShellFolder *psfRoot, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, REFIID riid, void **ppv, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlLast) { HRESULT hr;
// Old shell32 code in some cases simply whacked the pidl,
// but this is unsafe. Do what shdocvw does and clone/remove:
LPITEMIDLIST pidlParent = ILCloneParent(pidl); if (pidlParent) { hr = BindToObjectEx(psfRoot, pidlParent, NULL, riid, ppv); ILFree(pidlParent); } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (ppidlLast) *ppidlLast = ILFindLastID(pidl);
return hr; }
// Function: IsUIHiddenByPrivacyPolicy
// Synopsis: Checks if Security Tab is hidden by privacy policy
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-223899-2001/03/06-hiteshr
// History: 06-March-01 hiteshr Created
BOOL IsUIHiddenByPrivacyPolicy(void) { BOOL fIsUIHiddenByPrivacyPolicy = FALSE; LONG ec; HKEY hkey = NULL;
ec = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey );
if (ec == NO_ERROR) { DWORD dwValue = 0; DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(dwValue);
ec = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("NoSecurityTab"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwValueSize);
if (ec == NO_ERROR && 1 == dwValue) { fIsUIHiddenByPrivacyPolicy = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); } return fIsUIHiddenByPrivacyPolicy; }
// Function:SetAclOnRemoteNetworkDrive
// Synopsis: If Z: is a mapped drive( mapped to \\machineA\share), when
// we set DACL/SACL on Z:, Security API's cannot determine
// the parent of "share" on machineA and so we lose all the
// inherited aces. All UI can do is to detect such cases and
// show a warning. Thats what this function does.
// Arguments:hItemList List of items on which security is going to be set
// pSD: Security Descriptor to be set
// hWndPopupOwner: Owner window for message box
// Returns:
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-581195-2002/03/26-hiteshr
// NOTES:Since this fix is XPSP1, resources are going to be loaded from
// xpsp1res.dll
BOOL SetAclOnRemoteNetworkDrive(HDPA hItemList, SECURITY_INFORMATION si, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, HWND hWndPopupOwner) { if(!hItemList || !pSD) { ASSERT(hItemList); ASSERT(pSD); return FALSE; }
//We care only about DACL and SACL
SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL Control = 0; DWORD dwRevision = 0; //Check if DACL or SACL is protected
if(!GetSecurityDescriptorControl(pSD,&Control,&dwRevision)) { return FALSE; }
//If inheritance is prevented for this object,there is no loss of inheritance
//so we are fine
LPWSTR pszMessage = NULL; LPWSTR pszTitle = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE; HINSTANCE hResModule = NULL;
//Now Check if any of the items in hItemList is a mapped network drive
for (int i = 0; i < DPA_GetPtrCount(hItemList); i++) { LPTSTR pszPath = (LPTSTR)DPA_FastGetPtr(hItemList, i);
//Path in not a root
if(!PathIsRoot(pszPath)) { continue; }
//Path is root but not remote
if(GetDriveType(pszPath) != DRIVE_REMOTE) { continue; }
//LOAD Resource from
WCHAR szResourceDLL[] = L"xpsp1res.dll"; hResModule = LoadLibrary(szResourceDLL); if(hResModule) { if(!LoadStringAlloc(&pszTitle, hResModule, IDS_RSHX32_PROP_PAGE_TITLE)) break;
if(!LoadStringAlloc(&pszMessage, hResModule, nMsgId)) break; //Ok, this is a remote network drive, display Warning.
//We display only one warning per list
if (IDNO == MsgPopup(hWndPopupOwner, pszMessage, pszTitle, MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2| MB_ICONWARNING | MB_SETFOREGROUND, g_hInstance, pszPath)) { bRet = FALSE; } }
break; }
LocalFreeString(&pszTitle); LocalFreeString(&pszMessage);
if(hResModule) FreeLibrary(hResModule);
return bRet; }