Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements Device Manager exported APIs.
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
--*/ #include "devmgr.h"
#include "devgenpg.h"
#include "devdrvpg.h"
#include "devpopg.h"
#include "api.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "tswizard.h"
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManager_ExecuteA( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCWSTR lpMachineName, int nCmdShow ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(lpMachineName); return DeviceManager_Execute(hwndStub, hAppInstance, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, nCmdShow ); }
catch(CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return FALSE; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManager_ExecuteW( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCWSTR lpMachineName, int nCmdShow ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(lpMachineName); return DeviceManager_Execute(hwndStub, hAppInstance, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, nCmdShow ); }
catch(CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL DeviceManager_Execute( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpMachineName, int nCmdShow ) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei; TCHAR MachineOptions[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Parameters[MAX_PATH * 2]; if (lpMachineName) { wsprintf(MachineOptions, DEVMGR_MACHINENAME_OPTION, lpMachineName); }
else { MachineOptions[0] = _T('\0'); }
WCHAR* FilePart; DWORD Size; Size = SearchPath(NULL, DEVMGR_MSC_FILE, NULL, MAX_PATH, Parameters, &FilePart); if (!Size || Size >=MAX_PATH) { lstrcpy(Parameters, DEVMGR_MSC_FILE); }
lstrcat(Parameters, MMC_COMMAND_LINE); lstrcat(Parameters, MachineOptions);
memset(&sei, 0, sizeof(sei)); sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei); sei.hwnd = hwndStub; sei.nShow = nCmdShow; sei.hInstApp = hAppInstance; sei.lpFile = MMC_FILE; sei.lpParameters = Parameters; return ShellExecuteEx(&sei); }
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManagerPrintA( LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR FileName, int ReportType, DWORD ClassGuids, LPGUID ClassGuidList ) { BOOL Result;
try { CTString strMachineName(MachineName); CTString strFileName(FileName); Result = DeviceManagerDoPrint(strMachineName, strFileName, ReportType, ClassGuids, ClassGuidList ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Result = 0; }
return Result; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManagerPrintW( LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR FileName, int ReportType, DWORD ClassGuids, LPGUID ClassGuidList ) { BOOL Result; try { CTString strMachineName(MachineName); CTString strFileName(FileName); Result = DeviceManagerDoPrint(strMachineName, strFileName, ReportType, ClassGuids, ClassGuidList ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Result = FALSE; }
return Result; }
BOOL DeviceManagerDoPrint( LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR FileName, int ReportType, DWORD ClassGuids, LPGUID ClassGuidList ) { int PrintStatus = 0; if (!FileName || _T('\0') == *FileName) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
TCHAR FullPathName[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPTSTR FilePart; if (!GetFullPathName(FileName, ARRAYLEN(FullPathName), FullPathName, &FilePart)) { return FALSE; }
CMachine TheMachine(MachineName); if (TheMachine.Initialize()) { CPrinter ThePrinter; if (ThePrinter.StartDoc(FullPathName)) { if (0 == ReportType) { // print system and resource summary
PrintStatus = ThePrinter.PrintResourceSummary(TheMachine); } else if (1 == ReportType) { // print selected classes
CClass* pClass; for (DWORD i = 0; i < ClassGuids; i++) { pClass = TheMachine.ClassGuidToClass(&ClassGuidList[i]); if (pClass) { PrintStatus = ThePrinter.PrintClass(pClass); } } } else if (2 == ReportType) { // print resource/system summary and all device information
PrintStatus = ThePrinter.PrintAll(TheMachine); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } ThePrinter.EndDoc(); } }
return 0 != PrintStatus; }
BOOL AddPageCallback( HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage, LPARAM lParam ) { CPropSheetData* ppsData = (CPropSheetData*)lParam; ASSERT(ppsData); return ppsData->InsertPage(hPage); }
void ReportCmdLineError( HWND hwndParent, int ErrorStringID, LPCTSTR Caption ) { TCHAR Title[LINE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR Msg[LINE_LEN + 1]; ::LoadString(g_hInstance, ErrorStringID, Msg, ARRAYLEN(Msg)); if (!Caption) { ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NAME_DEVMGR, Title, ARRAYLEN(Title));
Caption = Title; }
MessageBox(hwndParent, Msg, Caption, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); }
STDAPI_(void) DeviceProperties_RunDLLA( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) {
try { CTString tstrCmdLine(lpCmdLine); DeviceProperties_RunDLL(hwndStub, hAppInstance, (LPCTSTR)tstrCmdLine, nCmdShow ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } }
STDAPI_(void) DeviceProperties_RunDLLW( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { try { CTString tstrCmdLine(lpCmdLine); DeviceProperties_RunDLL(hwndStub, hAppInstance, (LPCTSTR)tstrCmdLine, nCmdShow ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } }
void DeviceProperties_RunDLL( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { try { CRunDLLCommandLine CmdLine; CmdLine.ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine); if (NULL == CmdLine.GetDeviceID()) { ReportCmdLineError(hwndStub, IDS_NO_DEVICEID); return; } DevicePropertiesEx(hwndStub, CmdLine.GetMachineName(), CmdLine.GetDeviceID(), CmdLine.GetFlags(), CmdLine.ToShowDeviceTree() ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); return; } }
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceID, BOOL ShowDeviceTree ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceID(DeviceID); return DevicePropertiesEx(hwndParent, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, (LPCTSTR)tstrDeviceID, DEVPROP_SHOW_RESOURCE_TAB, ShowDeviceTree ); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); } return 0; }
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceID, BOOL ShowDeviceTree ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceID(DeviceID); return DevicePropertiesEx(hwndParent, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, (LPCTSTR)tstrDeviceID, DEVPROP_SHOW_RESOURCE_TAB, ShowDeviceTree ); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); } return 0; }
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesExA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceID, DWORD Flags, BOOL ShowDeviceTree ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceID(DeviceID); return DevicePropertiesEx(hwndParent, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, (LPCTSTR)tstrDeviceID, Flags, ShowDeviceTree ); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); } return 0; }
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesExW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceID, DWORD Flags, BOOL ShowDeviceTree ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceID(DeviceID); return DevicePropertiesEx(hwndParent, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, (LPCTSTR)tstrDeviceID, Flags, ShowDeviceTree ); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); } return 0; }
int DevicePropertiesEx( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceID, DWORD Flags, BOOL ShowDeviceTree ) { HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage; DWORD DiFlags; DWORD DiFlagsEx;
// Verify that a DeviceID was passed in unless they want to show the
// whole device tree.
if ((!DeviceID || (TEXT('\0') == *DeviceID)) && !ShowDeviceTree) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return -1; }
// Verify that valid flags are passed in
if (Flags &~ DEVPROP_BITS) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); return -1; }
if (ShowDeviceTree) {
return PropertyRunDeviceTree(hwndParent, MachineName, DeviceID); }
int Result = -1;
CDeviceGeneralPage* pGenPage = NULL; CDeviceDriverPage* pDrvPage = NULL; CDevice* pDevice; PVOID Context;
try {
CMachine TheMachine(MachineName);
// create the machine just for this device
if (!TheMachine.Initialize(hwndParent, DeviceID)) {
return -1; }
if (!TheMachine.GetFirstDevice(&pDevice, Context)) {
SetLastError(SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST); return -1; }
// If the troubleshooter should be launched then set the appropriate
// BOOL inside of the pDevice class.
if (Flags & DEVPROP_LAUNCH_TROUBLESHOOTER) { pDevice->m_bLaunchTroubleShooter = TRUE; } CPropSheetData& psd = pDevice->m_psd;
// Initialize CPropSheetData without ConsoleHandle
if (psd.Create(g_hInstance, hwndParent, MAX_PROP_PAGES, 0l)) {
psd.m_psh.pszCaption = pDevice->GetDisplayName();
// Add any class/device specific property pages.
TheMachine.DiGetClassDevPropertySheet(*pDevice, &psd.m_psh, MAX_PROP_PAGES, TheMachine.IsLocal() ? DIGCDP_FLAG_ADVANCED : DIGCDP_FLAG_REMOTE_ADVANCED);
// Add the general tab
DiFlags = TheMachine.DiGetFlags(*pDevice); DiFlagsEx = TheMachine.DiGetExFlags(*pDevice);
LoadResourceString(IDS_GENERAL_PAGE_WARNING, szText, ARRAYLEN(szText));
MessageBox(hwndParent, szText, pDevice->GetDisplayName(), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
// fall through to create our general page.
SafePtr<CDeviceGeneralPage> GenPagePtr; CDeviceGeneralPage* pGeneralPage = new CDeviceGeneralPage(); GenPagePtr.Attach(pGeneralPage);
hPage = pGeneralPage->Create(pDevice);
if (hPage) {
if (psd.InsertPage(hPage, 0)) {
GenPagePtr.Detach(); }
else {
::DestroyPropertySheetPage(hPage); } }
// Add the driver tab
if (!(DiFlags & DI_DRIVERPAGE_ADDED)) {
SafePtr<CDeviceDriverPage> DrvPagePtr; CDeviceDriverPage* pDriverPage = new CDeviceDriverPage(); DrvPagePtr.Attach(pDriverPage);
hPage = pDriverPage->Create(pDevice);
if (hPage) {
if (psd.InsertPage(hPage)) {
DrvPagePtr.Detach(); }
else {
::DestroyPropertySheetPage(hPage); } } }
// Add the resource tab
if ((Flags & DEVPROP_SHOW_RESOURCE_TAB) && pDevice->HasResources() && !(DiFlags & DI_RESOURCEPAGE_ADDED)) {
TheMachine.DiGetExtensionPropSheetPage(*pDevice, AddPageCallback, SPPSR_SELECT_DEVICE_RESOURCES, (LPARAM)&psd ); }
#ifndef _WIN64
// Add the power tab if this is the local machine
if (TheMachine.IsLocal() && !(DiFlagsEx & DI_FLAGSEX_POWERPAGE_ADDED)) { //
// Check if the device support power management
CPowerShutdownEnable ShutdownEnable; CPowerWakeEnable WakeEnable; if (ShutdownEnable.Open(pDevice->GetDeviceID()) || WakeEnable.Open(pDevice->GetDeviceID())) { ShutdownEnable.Close(); WakeEnable.Close(); SafePtr<CDevicePowerMgmtPage> PowerMgmtPagePtr; CDevicePowerMgmtPage* pPowerPage = new CDevicePowerMgmtPage; PowerMgmtPagePtr.Attach(pPowerPage); hPage = pPowerPage->Create(pDevice); if (hPage) { if (psd.InsertPage(hPage)) { PowerMgmtPagePtr.Detach(); } else { ::DestroyPropertySheetPage(hPage); } } } } #endif
// Add any Bus property pages if this is the local machine
if (TheMachine.IsLocal()) { CBusPropPageProvider* pBusPropPageProvider = new CBusPropPageProvider(); SafePtr<CBusPropPageProvider> ProviderPtr; ProviderPtr.Attach(pBusPropPageProvider); if (pBusPropPageProvider->EnumPages(pDevice, &psd)) { psd.AddProvider(pBusPropPageProvider); ProviderPtr.Detach(); } }
Result = (int)psd.DoSheet();
if (-1 != Result) {
if (TheMachine.DiGetExFlags(*pDevice) & DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING) {
// property change pending, issue a DICS_PROPERTYCHANGE
// to the class installer
SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS pcp; pcp.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); pcp.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
pcp.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL; pcp.StateChange = DICS_PROPCHANGE;
TheMachine.DiSetClassInstallParams(*pDevice, &pcp.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(pcp) );
TheMachine.DiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, *pDevice); TheMachine.DiTurnOnDiFlags(*pDevice, DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE); TheMachine.DiTurnOffDiExFlags(*pDevice, DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING); }
// Merge restart/reboot flags
DiFlags = TheMachine.DiGetFlags(*pDevice);
if (DI_NEEDREBOOT & DiFlags) {
if (DI_NEEDRESTART & DiFlags) {
Result |= ID_PSRESTARTWINDOWS; } } } }
catch (CMemoryException* e) {
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); } return -1; }
STDAPI_(UINT) DeviceProblemTextA( HMACHINE hMachine, DEVNODE DevNode, ULONG ProblemNumber, LPSTR Buffer, UINT BufferSize ) { #ifndef UNICODE
return GetDeviceProblemText(hMachine, DevNode, ProblemNumber, Buffer, BufferSize); #else
WCHAR* wchBuffer = NULL; UINT RealSize = 0;
if (BufferSize && !Buffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
if (BufferSize) { try { wchBuffer = new WCHAR[BufferSize]; }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } }
RealSize = GetDeviceProblemText(hMachine, DevNode, ProblemNumber, wchBuffer, BufferSize); if (RealSize && BufferSize > RealSize) { ASSERT(wchBuffer); RealSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wchBuffer, RealSize, Buffer, BufferSize, NULL, NULL); Buffer[RealSize] = '\0'; }
if (wchBuffer) { delete wchBuffer; }
return RealSize;
STDAPI_(UINT) DeviceProblemTextW( HMACHINE hMachine, DEVNODE DevNode, ULONG ProblemNumber, LPWSTR Buffer, UINT BufferSize ) { #ifdef UNICODE
return GetDeviceProblemText(hMachine, DevNode, ProblemNumber, Buffer, BufferSize); #else
CHAR* chBuffer = NULL; UINT RealSize = 0;
if (BufferSize && !Buffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
if (BufferSize) { try { chBuffer = new CHAR[BufferSize]; }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } }
RealSize = GetDeviceProblemText(hMachine, DevNode, ProblemNumber, chBuffer, BufferSize); if (RealSize && BufferSize > RealSize) { ASSERT(chBuffer); RealSize = MultiByteToWideChar((CP_ACP, 0, chBuffer, RealSize, Buffer, BufferSize); Buffer[RealSize] = UNICODE_NULL; }
if (chBuffer) { delete chBuffer; }
return RealSize;
int PropertyRunDeviceTree( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceID ) {
SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei; TCHAR MachineOptions[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DeviceIdOptions[MAX_PATH*2]; TCHAR CommandOptions[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Parameters[MAX_PATH * 3]; TCHAR* FilePart; DWORD Size; Size = SearchPath(NULL, DEVMGR_MSC_FILE, NULL, MAX_PATH, Parameters, &FilePart); if (!Size || Size >=MAX_PATH) { lstrcpy(Parameters, DEVMGR_MSC_FILE); }
lstrcat(Parameters, MMC_COMMAND_LINE);
if (MachineName) { wsprintf(MachineOptions, DEVMGR_MACHINENAME_OPTION, MachineName); lstrcat(Parameters, MachineOptions); }
if (DeviceID) { wsprintf(DeviceIdOptions, DEVMGR_DEVICEID_OPTION, DeviceID); wsprintf(CommandOptions, DEVMGR_COMMAND_OPTION, DEVMGR_CMD_PROPERTY); lstrcat(Parameters, DeviceIdOptions); lstrcat(Parameters, CommandOptions); }
// no deviceid, no command.
memset(&sei, 0, sizeof(sei)); sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei); sei.hwnd = hwndParent; sei.nShow = SW_NORMAL; sei.hInstApp = g_hInstance; sei.lpFile = MMC_FILE; sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; sei.lpParameters = Parameters; if (ShellExecuteEx(&sei) && sei.hProcess) { WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, INFINITE); return 1; }
return 0; }
STDAPI_(void) DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLLA( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) {
try { CTString tstrCmdLine(lpCmdLine); DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLL(hwndStub, hAppInstance, (LPCTSTR)tstrCmdLine, nCmdShow ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } }
STDAPI_(void) DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLLW( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { try { CTString tstrCmdLine(lpCmdLine); DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLL(hwndStub, hAppInstance, (LPCTSTR)tstrCmdLine, nCmdShow ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } }
void DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLL( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { try { CRunDLLCommandLine CmdLine; CmdLine.ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine); if (NULL == CmdLine.GetDeviceID()) { ReportCmdLineError(hwndStub, IDS_NO_DEVICEID); return; } DeviceProblemWizard(hwndStub, CmdLine.GetMachineName(), CmdLine.GetDeviceID() ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); return; } }
STDAPI_(int) DeviceProblemWizardA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceId ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceId(DeviceId); return DeviceProblemWizard(hwndParent, tstrMachineName, tstrDeviceId); }
catch(CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return 0; }
STDAPI_(int) DeviceProblemWizardW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceId ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceId(DeviceId); return DeviceProblemWizard(hwndParent, tstrMachineName, tstrDeviceId); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return 0; }
int DeviceProblemWizard( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceId ) { DWORD Problem, Status;
try { if (!DeviceId) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
CMachine TheMachine(MachineName);
// create the machine just for this device
if (!TheMachine.Initialize(hwndParent, DeviceId)) { return 0; }
PVOID Context; CDevice* pDevice; if (!TheMachine.GetFirstDevice(&pDevice, Context)) { SetLastError(SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST); return 0; }
if (pDevice->GetStatus(&Status, &Problem)) {
// if the device is a phantom device, use the CM_PROB_DEVICE_NOT_THERE
if (pDevice->IsPhantom()) {
Problem = CM_PROB_PHANTOM; }
// if the device is not started and no problem is assigned to it
// fake the problem number to be failed start.
if (!(Status & DN_STARTED) && !Problem && pDevice->IsRAW()) {
CProblemAgent* pProblemAgent = new CProblemAgent(pDevice, Problem, TRUE);
if (pProblemAgent) {
pProblemAgent->FixIt(hwndParent); }
return TRUE; }
catch(CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return 0; }
// This API creates a property sheet and asks the given device's property
// provider to add any advanced pages to the property sheet.
// The purpose of this API is for application to manage device advanced
// properties. Standard device property pages(General, Driver, Resource,
// Power, Bus) are not added.
// hwndParent -- the caller's window handle to be used as the owner
// window of any widnows this function may create
// MachineName -- optional machine name. If given, it must be in
// its fully qualified form. NULL means local machine
// DeviceId -- device id.
// See PropertySheet API for the return value
STDAPI_(int) DeviceAdvancedPropertiesA( HWND hwndParent, LPTSTR MachineName, LPTSTR DeviceId ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceID(DeviceId); return DeviceAdvancedProperties(hwndParent, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, (LPCTSTR)tstrDeviceID ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); }
return 0; }
STDAPI_(int) DeviceAdvancedPropertiesW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceId ) { try { CTString tstrMachineName(MachineName); CTString tstrDeviceID(DeviceId); return DeviceAdvancedProperties(hwndParent, (LPCTSTR)tstrMachineName, (LPCTSTR)tstrDeviceID ); }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); }
return 0; }
int DeviceAdvancedProperties( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceId ) { if (!DeviceId) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return -1; }
CMachine TheMachine(MachineName); CDevice* pDevice; PVOID Context; try { if (TheMachine.Initialize(hwndParent, DeviceId) && TheMachine.GetFirstDevice(&pDevice, Context)) {
CPropSheetData& psd = pDevice->m_psd; //initialize CPropSheetData without ConsoleHandle
if (psd.Create(g_hInstance, hwndParent, MAX_PROP_PAGES, 0l)) { psd.m_psh.pszCaption = pDevice->GetDisplayName(); if (TheMachine.DiGetClassDevPropertySheet(*pDevice, &psd.m_psh, MAX_PROP_PAGES, TheMachine.IsLocal() ? DIGCDP_FLAG_ADVANCED : DIGCDP_FLAG_REMOTE_ADVANCED)) { int Result = (int)psd.DoSheet(); if (-1 != Result) { // merge restart/reboot flags
DWORD DiFlags = TheMachine.DiGetFlags(*pDevice); if (DI_NEEDREBOOT & DiFlags) { Result |= ID_PSREBOOTSYSTEM; }
if (DI_NEEDRESTART & DiFlags) { Result |= ID_PSRESTARTWINDOWS; } } return Result; } } } }
catch (CMemoryException* e) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); e->Delete(); }
return -1; }