#ifndef __API_H__
#define __API_H__
Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
header file for api.cpp
Note that no other file can #include "api.h" because the file contains definitions, not just declarations.
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
// Exported APIs
// This function launches Device Manager as a separate process.
// This function is provided for any application who wants to
// launch Device Manager but do not want to know the detail about
// MMC.
// INPUT: HWND hwndParent -- the Window Handle of the caller.
// HINSTANCE hInstance -- The caller's module instance handle
// LPCTSTR lpMachineName -- optional machine name. NULL for local machine.
// int nCmdShow -- controlling how the Device Manager window
// to be shown. Refer to Windows API
// reference manual for detail.
// OUTPUT: TRUE if the process is created successfully.
// FALSE if the process is not created. Use GetLastError()
// API to retreive error code.
BOOL DeviceManager_ExecuteA( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCSTR lpMachineName, int nCmdShow );
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManager_ExecuteW( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCWSTR lpMachineName, int nCmdShow );
BOOL DeviceManager_Execute( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpMachineName, int nCmdShow );
// This API parses the given command line, creates a property sheet
// for the device ID specified in the command line and
// displays the property sheet.
// The command line syntax is:
// /deviceid <DeviceID> [/machinename <Machine Name>] [/showdevicetree]
// <DeviceID> specifiec the target device
// <MachineName> specifies the optional computer name.
// ShowDeviceTree, if specifies indicates that device tree should be displayed.
STDAPI_(void) DeviceProperties_RunDLLA( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
STDAPI_(void) DeviceProperties_RunDLLW( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
// This function creates and display a property sheet for the given device
// if a valid device id is given. It can also display the device tree
// in the same time(with or without property sheet display).
// INPUT: HWND hwndParent -- the Window Handle of the caller.
// LPCTSTR MachineName -- optional machine name. If not specified
// local machine is used.
// LPCTSTR DeviceId -- the device ID. Must be provided if
// ShowDeviceTree is FALSE, otherwise,
// this function returns 0 and the last
// DWORD Flags --
// BOOL ShowDeviceTree -- TRUE if to shwo device tree
// 0 if error, call GetLastError API to retrieve the error code.
// 1 if succeeded.
// This function will not return to the caller until the property
// sheet(or the device tree, if requested) dismissed.
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesExA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceID, DWORD Flags, BOOL ShowDeviceTree );
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesExW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceID, DWORD Flags, BOOL ShowDeviceTree );
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceID, BOOL ShowDeviceTree );
STDAPI_(int) DevicePropertiesW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceID, BOOL ShowDeviceTree );
// DevicePropertiesEx Flags
#define DEVPROP_SHOW_RESOURCE_TAB 0x00000001
#define DEVPROP_BITS 0x00000003
// This function returns the appropriate problem text based on the given
// device and problem number.
// INPUT: HMACHINE hMachine -- Machine handle, NULL for local machine
// DEVNODE DevNode -- The device. This paramter is required.
// ULONG ProblemNumber -- The CM problem number
// LPTSTR Buffer -- Buffer to receive the text.
// UINT BufferSize -- Buffer size in chars
// 0 if the function failed. Call GetLastError API to retreive the
// error code.
// <> 0 The required buffer size in chars to receive the text.
// not including the NULL termianted char.
// The caller should check this value to decide it has provided
// enough buffer. ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER is not set
// in this function
STDAPI_(UINT) DeviceProblemTextA( HMACHINE hMachine, DEVNODE DevNode, ULONG ProblemNumber, LPSTR Buffer, UINT BufferSize );
STDAPI_(UINT) DeviceProblemTextW( HMACHINE hMachine, DEVNODE DevNode, ULONG ProblemNumber, LPWSTR Buffer, UINT BufferSize );
// This function prints the machine's hardware report
// INPUT: LPCTSTR MachineName -- The machine name. NULL for local machine
// LPCTSTR FileName -- The file name to which the report
// will be written to. If the file already
// exist, this function return FALSE.
// The caller should delete the file and
// call the function again.
// int ReportType -- 0 -- print system summary
// 1 -- print selected classes
// 2 -- print all
// DWORD ClassGuids -- number of class guid are in ClassGuidList
// Only required if ReportType is 1
// LPGUID ClassGuidList -- class guid list. Only required if
// ReportType is 1.
// TRUE if the function succeeded.
// FLASE if the function failed. GetLastError() returns the error code
// error code.
// <> 0 The required buffer size in chars to receive the text.
// not including the NULL termianted char.
// The caller should check this value to decide it has provided
// enough buffer. ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER is not set
// in this function
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManagerPrintA( LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR FileName, int ReportType, DWORD ClassGuids, LPGUID ClassGuidList );
STDAPI_(BOOL) DeviceManagerPrintW( LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR FileName, int ReportType, DWORD ClassGuids, LPGUID ClassGuidList );
BOOL DeviceManagerDoPrint( LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR FileName, int ReportType, DWORD ClassGuids, LPGUID ClassGuidList ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const TCHAR* MMC_FILE = TEXT("mmc.exe"); const TCHAR* DEVMGR_MSC_FILE = TEXT("devmgmt.msc"); const TCHAR* MMC_COMMAND_LINE = TEXT(" /s "); const TCHAR* DEVMGR_MACHINENAME_OPTION = TEXT(" /dmmachinename %s"); const TCHAR* DEVMGR_DEVICEID_OPTION = TEXT(" /dmdeviceid %s"); const TCHAR* DEVMGR_COMMAND_OPTION = TEXT(" /dmcommand %s"); const TCHAR* DEVMGR_CMD_PROPERTY = TEXT("property");
const TCHAR* RUNDLL_MACHINENAME = TEXT("machinename"); const TCHAR* RUNDLL_DEVICEID = TEXT("deviceid"); const TCHAR* RUNDLL_SHOWDEVICETREE = TEXT("showdevicetree"); const TCHAR* RUNDLL_FLAGS = TEXT("flags");
void ReportCmdLineError( HWND hwndParent, int ErrorStringID, LPCTSTR Caption = NULL ); BOOL AddPageCallback( HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage, LPARAM lParam );
int PropertyRunDeviceTree( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceID );
int DevicePropertiesEx( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceID, DWORD Flags, BOOL ShowDeviceTree );
void DeviceProperties_RunDLL( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
int DeviceAdvancedPropertiesA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceId );
STDAPI_(int) DeviceAdvancedPropertiesW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceId ); int DeviceAdvancedProperties( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceId );
void DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLLA( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
void DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLLW( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
void DeviceProblenWizard_RunDLL( HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
// This function brings up the troubleshooter for the specified
// DeviceId.
// INPUT: HWND hwndParent -- the Window Handle of the caller.
// LPCTSTR MachineName -- optional machine name. If not specified
// local machine is used.
// LPCTSTR DeviceId -- the device ID. Must be provided.
// 0 if error, call GetLastError API to retrieve the error code.
// 1 if succeeded.
STDAPI_(int) DeviceProblemWizardA( HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR MachineName, LPCSTR DeviceId );
STDAPI_(int) DeviceProblemWizardW( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR MachineName, LPCWSTR DeviceId );
int DeviceProblemWizard( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR MachineName, LPCTSTR DeviceId );
// Object to parse command line passed in the lpCmdLine parameter
// passed in DeviceProperties_RunDLL APIs
class CRunDLLCommandLine : public CCommandLine { public: CRunDLLCommandLine() : m_ShowDeviceTree(FALSE), m_Flags(0), m_WaitMachineName(FALSE), m_WaitDeviceID(FALSE), m_WaitFlags(FALSE) {} virtual void ParseParam(LPCTSTR Param, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast) { if (bFlag) { if (!lstrcmpi(RUNDLL_MACHINENAME, Param)) { m_WaitMachineName = TRUE; } if (!lstrcmpi(RUNDLL_DEVICEID, Param)) { m_WaitDeviceID = TRUE; } if (!lstrcmpi(RUNDLL_SHOWDEVICETREE, Param)) { m_ShowDeviceTree = TRUE; } if (!lstrcmpi(RUNDLL_FLAGS, Param)) { m_WaitFlags = TRUE; } } else { if (m_WaitMachineName) { m_strMachineName = Param; m_WaitMachineName = FALSE; } if (m_WaitDeviceID) { m_strDeviceID = Param; m_WaitDeviceID = FALSE; } if (m_WaitFlags) { m_Flags = (DWORD)StrToInt(Param); m_WaitFlags = FALSE; } } } LPCTSTR GetMachineName() { return (m_strMachineName.IsEmpty()) ? NULL : (LPCTSTR)m_strMachineName; } LPCTSTR GetDeviceID() { return (m_strDeviceID.IsEmpty()) ? NULL : (LPCTSTR)m_strDeviceID; } BOOL ToShowDeviceTree() { return m_ShowDeviceTree; } DWORD GetFlags() { return m_Flags; }
private: BOOL m_WaitMachineName; BOOL m_WaitDeviceID; BOOL m_WaitFlags; String m_strDeviceID; String m_strMachineName; BOOL m_ShowDeviceTree; DWORD m_Flags; };
// Object to return the corresponding LPTSTR for the given
// string.
class CTString { public: CTString(LPCWSTR pWString); CTString(LPCSTR pString); ~CTString() { if (m_Allocated && m_pTString) { delete [] m_pTString; } } operator LPCTSTR() { return (LPCTSTR)m_pTString; } private: LPTSTR m_pTString; BOOL m_Allocated; };
CTString::CTString( LPCWSTR pWString ) { m_pTString = NULL; m_Allocated = FALSE; #ifdef UNICODE
m_pTString = (LPTSTR)pWString; #else
int wLen = pWString ? wcslen(pWString) : 0; if (wLen) { int tLen; tLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWString, wLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (tLen) { m_pTString = new TCHAR[tLen + 1]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWString, wLen, m_pTString, tLen, NULL, NULL); m_pTString[tLen] = _T('\0'); } m_Allocated = TRUE; } #endif
CTString::CTString( LPCSTR pAString ) { m_pTString = NULL; m_Allocated = FALSE; #ifndef UNICODE
m_pTString = (LPTSTR)pAString; #else
int aLen = pAString ? strlen(pAString) : 0; if (aLen) { int tLen; tLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pAString, aLen, NULL, 0); if (tLen) { m_pTString = new TCHAR[tLen + 1]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pAString, aLen, m_pTString, tLen); m_pTString[tLen] = _T('\0'); } m_Allocated = TRUE; } #endif
} #endif // __API_H__