Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements CClassGeneralPage -- class general property page
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
--*/ // clsgenpg.cpp : implementation file
#include "devmgr.h"
#include "clsgenpg.h"
// help topic ids
BOOL CClassGeneralPage::OnInitDialog( LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ) { // notify CPropSheetData about the page creation
// the controls will be initialize in UpdateControls virtual function.
m_pClass->m_psd.PageCreateNotify(m_hDlg); return CPropSheetPage::OnInitDialog(ppsp); }
UINT CClassGeneralPage::DestroyCallback() { // the property sheet is going away, consolidate the changes on the
// device.
// We do this because this is the page we are sure will be created --
// this page is ALWAYS the first page.
// The DevInfoList returned from GetDevInfoList() function
// is maintained by the class object during its lifetime.
// we must NOT release the object.
CDevInfoList* pClassDevInfo = m_pClass->GetDevInfoList();
if (pClassDevInfo) { if (pClassDevInfo->DiGetExFlags(NULL) & DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING) { //
// property change pending, issue a DICS_PROPERTYCHANGE to the
// class installer. A DICS_PROPCHANGE would basically remove the
// device subtree and reenumerate it. If each property page issues
// its own DICS_PROPCHANGE command, the device subtree would
// be removed/reenumerate several times even though one is enough.
// A property page sets DI_FLAGEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING when it needs
// a DICS_PROPCHANGE command to be issued.
SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS pcp; pcp.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); pcp.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
pcp.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL; pcp.StateChange = DICS_PROPCHANGE; pClassDevInfo->DiSetClassInstallParams(NULL, &pcp.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(pcp) ); pClassDevInfo->DiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, NULL); pClassDevInfo->DiTurnOnDiFlags(NULL, DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE); pClassDevInfo->DiTurnOffDiExFlags(NULL, DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING); } DWORD RestartFlags = pClassDevInfo->DiGetFlags();
// Do not use our window handle(or its parent) as the parent
// to the newly create dialog because they are in "detroyed state".
// WM_CLOSE does not help either.
// NULL window handle(Desktop) should be okay here.
// We only want to prompt for a reboot if device manager is connected
// to the local machine.
if (RestartFlags && m_pClass->m_pMachine->IsLocal()) { if (PromptForRestart(NULL, RestartFlags) == IDNO) {
if (m_pClass->m_pMachine->m_ParentMachine) {
} else { m_pClass->m_pMachine->ScheduleRefresh(); } } }
// notify CPropSheetData that the property sheet is going away
m_pClass->m_psd.PageDestroyNotify(m_hDlg); if (RestartFlags & DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE) { // Class properties changed. We need to refresh the machine.
// Since we are running in a separate thread, we can not
// call the refresh function, instead, we schedule it.
// This must be done before enabling refresh.
m_pClass->m_pMachine->ScheduleRefresh(); } }
// Destory the CMachine.
CMachine* pMachine; pMachine = m_pClass->m_pMachine;
if (pMachine->ShouldPropertySheetDestroy()) { delete pMachine; }
return CPropSheetPage::DestroyCallback(); }
void CClassGeneralPage::UpdateControls( LPARAM lParam ) { if (lParam) m_pClass = (CClass*)lParam;
HICON hClassIcon = m_pClass->LoadIcon(); if (hClassIcon) { HICON hIconOld; m_IDCicon = IDC_CLSGEN_ICON; // Save for cleanup in OnDestroy.
hIconOld = (HICON)SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_CLSGEN_ICON, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)hClassIcon, 0 );
if (NULL != hIconOld) DestroyIcon(hIconOld); } SetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, IDC_CLSGEN_NAME, m_pClass->GetDisplayName()); }
HPROPSHEETPAGE CClassGeneralPage::Create( CClass* pClass ) { m_pClass = pClass; m_psp.lParam = (LPARAM) this; return CreatePage(); }
BOOL CClassGeneralPage::OnHelp( LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo ) { WinHelp((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, DEVMGR_HELP_FILE_NAME, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)g_a108HelpIDs); return FALSE; }
BOOL CClassGeneralPage::OnContextMenu( HWND hWnd, WORD xPos, WORD yPos ) { WinHelp(hWnd, DEVMGR_HELP_FILE_NAME, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)g_a108HelpIDs); return FALSE; }