Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements CPrinter -- class that support printing
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#include "devmgr.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "cdriver.h"
#include "sysinfo.h"
const TCHAR* const g_BlankLine = TEXT(""); const TCHAR* const g_NewLine = TEXT("\r\n"); const CHAR* const g_NewLineA = "\r\n"; //
// CPrinter Class implementation
BOOL CPrinter::s_UserAborted = FALSE; HWND CPrinter::s_hCancelDlg = NULL;
void CPrintCancelDialog::OnCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (BN_CLICKED == HIWORD(wParam) && IDCANCEL == LOWORD(wParam)) { CPrinter::s_UserAborted = TRUE; } }
CPrinter::CPrinter( HWND hwndOwner, HDC hDC ) { m_hwndOwner = hwndOwner; s_UserAborted = FALSE; m_hDC = hDC; ASSERT(hDC); m_CurLine = 0; m_CurPage = 0; m_Indent = 0; m_Status = 1; TEXTMETRIC tm; GetTextMetrics(m_hDC, &tm); m_yChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading; m_xChar = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
// Give a little room for dot matrix printers.
m_xMargin = GetDeviceCaps(m_hDC, LOGPIXELSX) * 3 / 4; DWORD LinesPerPage;
LinesPerPage = GetDeviceCaps(m_hDC, VERTRES) / m_yChar; m_yBottomMargin = LinesPerPage - 3; // Bottom Margin 3 lines from bottom of page.
m_CancelDlg.DoModaless(hwndOwner, (LPARAM)&m_CancelDlg); s_hCancelDlg = m_CancelDlg.m_hDlg;
// Set the abort proc to allow cancel
SetAbortProc(m_hDC, AbortPrintProc); //
// Four lines for top margin
m_yTopMargin = 4; m_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
int CPrinter::StartDoc( LPCTSTR DocTitle ) { if (m_hDC) {
if (m_hwndOwner) { ::EnableWindow(m_hwndOwner, FALSE); }
// Initialize DOCINFO
DOCINFO DocInfo; DocInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DocInfo); TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyn(Temp, DocTitle, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); DocInfo.lpszDocName = Temp; DocInfo.lpszOutput = NULL; DocInfo.lpszDatatype = NULL; DocInfo.fwType = 0; m_CurPage = 1; m_CurLine = 0; m_Status = ::StartDoc(m_hDC, &DocInfo); } else {
if (!DocTitle || _T('\0') == *DocTitle) { m_Status = 0; } else {
m_Status = (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hLogFile) ? 0 : 1; } }
return m_Status; }
int CPrinter::EndDoc() {
if (m_hDC) {
if (m_hwndOwner) { ::EnableWindow(m_hwndOwner, TRUE); } if (s_hCancelDlg) {
DestroyWindow(s_hCancelDlg); s_hCancelDlg = NULL; } if (!s_UserAborted) {
m_Status = ::EndDoc(m_hDC); } } else { m_Status = 1; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hLogFile) { CloseHandle(m_hLogFile); } else { m_Status = 0; } m_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return m_Status; }
int CPrinter::AbortDoc() { if (m_hDC) {
if (m_hwndOwner) { ::EnableWindow(m_hwndOwner, TRUE); } if (s_hCancelDlg) {
DestroyWindow(s_hCancelDlg); s_hCancelDlg = NULL; } m_Status = ::AbortDoc(m_hDC); } else {
m_Status = 1; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hLogFile) { CloseHandle(m_hLogFile); } else { m_Status = 0; } m_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return m_Status; }
int CPrinter::FlushPage() { return PrintLine(NULL); }
int CPrinter::PrintLine( LPCTSTR LineText ) { if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hLogFile) {
if (LineText) {
DWORD BytesWritten; if (m_Indent) {
int Count = m_Indent * 2; CHAR Blanks[MAX_PATH]; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { Blanks[i] = _T(' '); }
WriteFile(m_hLogFile, Blanks, Count * sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL); } #ifdef UNICODE
int LenW = wcslen(LineText); CHAR LineTextA[MAX_PATH]; int LenA; LenA = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, LineText, LenW, LineTextA, ARRAYLEN(LineTextA), NULL, NULL); WriteFile(m_hLogFile, LineTextA, LenA * sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL); WriteFile(m_hLogFile, g_NewLineA, strlen(g_NewLineA) * sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL); #else
WriteFile(m_hLogFile, LineText, lstrlen(LineText) * sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL); WriteFike(m_hLogFile, g_NewLine, lstrlen(g_NewLine) * sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL); #endif
} } else { //
// !LineText means flush the page
if ((!LineText && m_CurLine) || (m_CurLine > m_yBottomMargin)) {
m_CurLine = 0; if (m_Status) { m_Status = ::EndPage(m_hDC); } } if (LineText) {
// If this is the first line and we are still in good shape,
// start a new page
if (!m_CurLine && m_Status) {
m_Status = ::StartPage(m_hDC); if (m_Status) {
TCHAR PageTitle[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(PageTitle, (LPCTSTR)m_strPageTitle, m_CurPage); m_CurLine = m_yTopMargin; TextOut(m_hDC, m_xMargin, m_yChar*m_CurLine, PageTitle, lstrlen(PageTitle)); //
// Have one blank line right after page title
LineFeed(); m_CurLine++; m_CurPage++; } } if (m_Status) { TextOut(m_hDC, m_xMargin + m_xChar*m_Indent*2, m_yChar*m_CurLine, LineText, lstrlen(LineText)); } m_CurLine++; } }
return m_Status; }
inline void CPrinter::LineFeed() { PrintLine(g_BlankLine); }
// the abort procedure
BOOL CALLBACK AbortPrintProc( HDC hDC, int nCode ) { MSG msg;
while (!CPrinter::s_UserAborted && PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
if (!IsDialogMessage(CPrinter::s_hCancelDlg, &msg)) {
TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } return !CPrinter::s_UserAborted; }
// This function prints system summary.
// Machine -- the machine
// 0 -- failed else succeeded.
int CPrinter::PrintSystemSummary( CMachine& Machine ) { CSystemInfo SysInfo; TCHAR Line[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Format[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Unknown[30]; TCHAR szTemp[30]; DWORD Size, BufferSize; BufferSize = ARRAYLEN(Buffer); //
// Preload the "Unknown" string which will be used as default when
// the corresponding value can not found
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_UNKNOWN, Unknown, ARRAYLEN(Unknown));
// Print System summary heading
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_SYSSUMMARY, Buffer, ARRAYLEN(Buffer)); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_BANNER, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, Buffer); PrintLine(Line); LineFeed();
// Windows version
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_WINVER, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.WindowsVersion(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line); //
// Registered Owner
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_OWNER, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.RegisteredOwner(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line); //
// Registered Organization
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_ORGANIZATION, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.RegisteredOrganization(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line); //
// Computer name
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_COMPUTERNAME, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); lstrcat(Line, SysInfo.ComputerName()); PrintLine(Line); //
// Machine Type
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_MACHINE_TYPE, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.MachineType(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line); //
// System BIOS Version
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_SYSBIOS_VERSION, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.SystemBiosVersion(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line);
// System BIOS Date
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_SYSBIOS_DATE, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.SystemBiosDate(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line); //
// Processor type
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_PROCESSOR_TYPE, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.ProcessorType(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line);
// Processor vendor
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_PROCESSOR_VENDOR, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); Size = SysInfo.ProcessorVendor(Buffer, BufferSize); lstrcat(Line, Size ? Buffer : Unknown); PrintLine(Line);
// Number of processors
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_PROCESSORS, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); DWORD NumProcessors = SysInfo.NumberOfProcessors(); if (NumProcessors) {
wsprintf(Buffer, TEXT("%u"), NumProcessors); lstrcat(Line, Buffer); } else {
lstrcat(Line, Unknown); }
PrintLine(Line); //
// Total physical memory
ULARGE_INTEGER MemorySize; SysInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory(MemorySize); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_PHY_MEMORY, Line, ARRAYLEN(Line)); if (MemorySize.QuadPart) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_MEMORY_UNIT, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); MemorySize.QuadPart += 1024*1024 - 1; wsprintf(Buffer, Format, Int64ShrlMod32(MemorySize.QuadPart, 20)); lstrcat(Line, Buffer); } else {
lstrcat(Line, Unknown); }
PrintLine(Line); LineFeed(); //
// Local disk drive information
// Print Disk info summary heading
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_DISKINFO, Buffer, ARRAYLEN(Buffer)); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_BANNER, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, Buffer); PrintLine(Line); LineFeed();
DISK_INFO DiskInfo; DiskInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DiskInfo); for(int Drive = 0; Drive < 25; Drive++) {
// information we want to report on the drive:
// (1). drive letter and type
// (2). Total space
// (3). Free space(if available)
// (4). Cylinders
// (5). Heads
// (6). Sectors per track
// (7). Bytes per sector
Indent(); if(SysInfo.GetDiskInfo(Drive, DiskInfo)) {
TCHAR DriveLetter; DriveLetter = Drive + _T('A'); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DRIVE_LETTER, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, DriveLetter); PrintLine(Line); Indent(); //
// Drive type
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DRIVE_TYPE, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); int StringId; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MEDIA_BASE + (int)DiskInfo.MediaType, Buffer, ARRAYLEN(Buffer)); wsprintf(Line, Format, Buffer); PrintLine(Line); //
//Total and free space
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_TOTAL_SPACE, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, AddCommas64(DiskInfo.TotalSpace.QuadPart, szTemp, ARRAYLEN(szTemp))); PrintLine(Line);
if (-1 != DiskInfo.FreeSpace.QuadPart) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_FREE_SPACE, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, AddCommas64(DiskInfo.FreeSpace.QuadPart, szTemp, ARRAYLEN(szTemp))); PrintLine(Line); } //
// Disk physical dimension
// skip CD-ROM because the dimension it reports is bogus
if (DRIVE_CDROM != DiskInfo.DriveType) {
// Heads
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADS, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, DiskInfo.Heads); PrintLine(Line); //
// Cylinders
if (DiskInfo.Cylinders.HighPart) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_CYLINDERS_XL, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, DiskInfo.Cylinders.HighPart, DiskInfo.Cylinders.LowPart); PrintLine(Line); } else { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_CYLINDERS, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, DiskInfo.Cylinders.LowPart); PrintLine(Line); } //
// Sectors per track
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_TRACKSIZE, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, DiskInfo.SectorsPerTrack); PrintLine(Line); //
// Bytes per sector
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_SECTORSIZE, Format, ARRAYLEN(Format)); wsprintf(Line, Format, DiskInfo.BytesPerSector); PrintLine(Line); }
UnIndent(); LineFeed(); }
UnIndent(); }
return 1; }
int CPrinter::PrintResourceSummary( CMachine& Machine ) { TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH]; CResource* pResource; String str; String strBanner;
// print IRQ summary heading
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_IRQSUMMARY); strBanner.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_BANNER); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)str); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed(); CResourceList IrqSummary(&Machine, ResType_IRQ); if (IrqSummary.GetCount()) {
CResource* pResRoot; IrqSummary.CreateResourceTree(&pResRoot); str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_IRQSUM); PrintLine(str); Indent(); PrintResourceSubtree(pResRoot); UnIndent(); LineFeed(); }
// print DMA summary heading
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_DMASUMMARY); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)str); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed(); CResourceList DmaSummary(&Machine, ResType_DMA); if (DmaSummary.GetCount()) {
CResource* pResRoot; DmaSummary.CreateResourceTree(&pResRoot); str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DMASUM); PrintLine(str); Indent(); PrintResourceSubtree(pResRoot); UnIndent(); LineFeed(); }
// print MEM summary heading
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_MEMSUMMARY); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)str); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed(); CResourceList MemSummary(&Machine, ResType_Mem); if (MemSummary.GetCount()) {
CResource* pResRoot; MemSummary.CreateResourceTree(&pResRoot); str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_MEMSUM); PrintLine(str); Indent(); PrintResourceSubtree(pResRoot); UnIndent(); LineFeed(); }
// print IO summary heading
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_IOSUMMARY); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)str); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed(); CResourceList IoSummary(&Machine, ResType_IO); if (IoSummary.GetCount()) {
CResource* pResRoot; IoSummary.CreateResourceTree(&pResRoot); str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_IOSUM); PrintLine(str); Indent(); PrintResourceSubtree(pResRoot); UnIndent(); LineFeed(); }
return 1; }
int CPrinter::PrintResourceSubtree( CResource* pResRoot ) { while (pResRoot) { DWORD Status, Problem; if (pResRoot->m_pDevice->GetStatus(&Status, &Problem) && Problem || pResRoot->m_pDevice->IsDisabled()) {
TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH]; Temp[0] = _T('*'); lstrcpy(&Temp[1], pResRoot->GetViewName()); PrintLine(Temp); } else {
PrintLine(pResRoot->GetViewName()); }
if (pResRoot->GetChild()) {
if ((ResType_IO == pResRoot->ResType()) || (ResType_Mem == pResRoot->ResType())) { Indent(); }
PrintResourceSubtree(pResRoot->GetChild()); if ((ResType_IO == pResRoot->ResType()) || (ResType_Mem == pResRoot->ResType())) { UnIndent(); } }
pResRoot = pResRoot->GetSibling(); }
return 1; }
int CPrinter::PrintAllClassAndDevice( CMachine* pMachine ) {
if (!pMachine) { return 0; } String strHeading; String strBanner; TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH]; strHeading.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_SYSDEVINFO); strBanner.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_BANNER); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)strHeading); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed();
CClass* pClass; PVOID Context; if (pMachine->GetFirstClass(&pClass, Context)) {
do {
PrintClass(pClass, FALSE);
} while (pMachine->GetNextClass(&pClass, Context)); }
return 1; }
int CPrinter::PrintClass( CClass* pClass, BOOL PrintBanner ) { PVOID Context; CDevice* pDevice;
if (!pClass) { return 0; }
if (PrintBanner) {
String strHeading; String strBanner; TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH]; strHeading.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_SYSDEVCLASS); strBanner.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_BANNER); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)strHeading); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed(); } if (pClass && pClass->GetFirstDevice(&pDevice, Context)) {
do {
// Do print banner on the device
PrintDevice(pDevice, FALSE);
} while (pClass->GetNextDevice(&pDevice, Context)); } return 1; }
int CPrinter::PrintDevice( CDevice* pDevice, BOOL PrintBanner ) {
if (!pDevice) { return 0; } String str; TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH];
if (PrintBanner) {
String strBanner; str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_HEADING_SYSDEVICE); strBanner.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_BANNER); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)strBanner, (LPCTSTR)str); PrintLine(Temp); LineFeed(); } DWORD Status, Problem; if (pDevice->GetStatus(&Status, &Problem) && Problem || pDevice->IsDisabled()) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DEVICE_DISABLED, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); PrintLine(Temp); } str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_CLASS); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)str, pDevice->GetClassDisplayName()); PrintLine(Temp); str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DEVICE); wsprintf(Temp, (LPCTSTR)str, pDevice->GetDisplayName()); PrintLine(Temp); PrintDeviceResource(pDevice); PrintDeviceDriver(pDevice); return 1; }
int CPrinter::PrintAll( CMachine& Machine ) { PrintResourceSummary(Machine); PrintAllClassAndDevice(&Machine); return 1; }
// This function prints the given device's resource summary
int CPrinter::PrintDeviceResource( CDevice* pDevice ) {
if (!pDevice) { return 0; }
CResourceList IrqSummary(pDevice, ResType_IRQ); CResourceList DmaSummary(pDevice, ResType_DMA); CResourceList MemSummary(pDevice, ResType_Mem); CResourceList IoSummary(pDevice, ResType_IO);
String str; TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH];
// If the device has any kind of resources, print it
if (IrqSummary.GetCount() || DmaSummary.GetCount() || MemSummary.GetCount() || IoSummary.GetCount()) {
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_RESOURCE); PrintLine(str); //
// Start printing individual resources
Indent(); PVOID Context; CResource* pResource; DWORDLONG dlBase, dlLen; TCHAR Format[MAX_PATH]; if (IrqSummary.GetFirst(&pResource, Context)) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_IRQ_FORMAT, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); do {
pResource->GetValue(&dlBase, &dlLen); str.Format(Temp, (ULONG)dlBase); PrintLine((LPCTSTR)str);
} while (IrqSummary.GetNext(&pResource, Context)); }
if (DmaSummary.GetFirst(&pResource, Context)) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DMA_FORMAT, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); do {
pResource->GetValue(&dlBase, &dlLen); str.Format(Temp, (ULONG)dlBase); PrintLine((LPCTSTR)str);
} while (DmaSummary.GetNext(&pResource, Context)); }
if (MemSummary.GetFirst(&pResource, Context)) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_MEM_FORMAT, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); do {
pResource->GetValue(&dlBase, &dlLen); str.Format(Temp, (ULONG)dlBase, (ULONG)(dlBase + dlLen - 1)); PrintLine((LPCTSTR)str);
} while (MemSummary.GetNext(&pResource, Context)); }
if (IoSummary.GetFirst(&pResource, Context)) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_IO_FORMAT, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); do {
pResource->GetValue(&dlBase, &dlLen); str.Format(Temp, (ULONG)dlBase, (ULONG)(dlBase + dlLen -1)); PrintLine((LPCTSTR)str);
} while (IoSummary.GetNext(&pResource, Context)); }
UnIndent(); } else { str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_NORES); PrintLine(str); }
return 1; }
// This function prints the given device's driver information
// pDevice -- the device
// >0 if the function succeeded.
// 0 if the function failed.
int CPrinter::PrintDeviceDriver( CDevice* pDevice ) { if (!pDevice) { return 0; }
String str; TCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH];
CDriver* pDriver; pDriver = pDevice->CreateDriver(); SafePtr<CDriver> DrvPtr; if (pDriver) {
DrvPtr.Attach(pDriver); str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DRVINFO); PrintLine(str); PVOID Context; CDriverFile* pDrvFile; Indent(); if (pDriver->GetFirstDriverFile(&pDrvFile, Context)) {
do {
DWORD FileSize; FileSize = ::GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_FILESIZE, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); str.Format(Temp, FileSize); PrintLine(str); // print the driver version infomation
TCHAR Unknown[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_UNKNOWN, Unknown, ARRAYLEN(Unknown)); if (pDrvFile->HasVersionInfo()) {
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_FILEVERSION, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); if (pDrvFile->GetVersion()) {
str.Format(Temp, pDrvFile->GetVersion()); } else {
str.Format(Temp, Unknown); } PrintLine(str);
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_FILEMFG, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); if (pDrvFile->GetProvider()) {
str.Format(Temp, pDrvFile->GetProvider()); } else {
str.Format(Temp, Unknown); } PrintLine(str);
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_FILECOPYRIGHT, Temp, ARRAYLEN(Temp)); if (pDrvFile->GetCopyright()) {
str.Format(Temp, pDrvFile->GetCopyright()); } else {
str.Format(Temp, Unknown); } PrintLine(str); } else {
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_NOVERSION); PrintLine(str); } } else {
str.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_DRVMISSING); PrintLine(str); } UnIndent();
} while (pDriver->GetNextDriverFile(&pDrvFile, Context)); }
UnIndent(); }
LineFeed(); return 1; }