* FILERES.C * * File resource extraction routines. * ***************************************************************************/ //
// REARCHITECT - GetVerInfoSize plays tricks and tells the caller to allocate
// some extra slop at the end of the buffer in case we need to thunk all
// the strings to ANSI. The bug is that it only tells it to allocate
// one extra ANSI char (== BYTE) for each Unicode char. This is not correct
// in the DBCS case (since one Unicode char can equal a two byte DBCS char)
// We should change GetVerInfoSize return the Unicode size * 2 (instead
// of (Unicode size * 1.5) and then change VerQueryInfoA to also use the
// * 2 computation instead of * 1.5 (== x + x/2)
// 23-May-1996 JonPa
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include "verpriv.h"
#include <memory.h>
#define DWORDUP(x) (((x)+3)&~03)
typedef struct tagVERBLOCK { WORD wTotLen; WORD wValLen; WORD wType; WCHAR szKey[1]; } VERBLOCK ;
typedef struct tagVERHEAD { WORD wTotLen; WORD wValLen; WORD wType; /* always 0 */ WCHAR szKey[(sizeof("VS_VERSION_INFO")+3)&~03]; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO vsf; } VERHEAD ;
typedef struct tagVERBLOCK16 { WORD wTotLen; WORD wValLen; CHAR szKey[1]; } VERBLOCK16 ;
typedef struct tagVERHEAD16 { WORD wTotLen; WORD wValLen; CHAR szKey[(sizeof("VS_VERSION_INFO")+3)&~03]; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO vsf; // same as win31
extern WCHAR szTrans[];
// function resides in this file
extern LPSTR WINAPI VerCharNextA(LPCSTR lpCurrentChar);
/* ----- Functions ----- */ DWORD MyExtractVersionResource16W ( LPCWSTR lpwstrFilename, LPHANDLE hVerRes ) { DWORD dwTemp = 0; DWORD (__stdcall *pExtractVersionResource16W)(LPCWSTR, LPHANDLE); HINSTANCE hShell32 = LoadLibraryW(L"shell32.dll");
if (hShell32) { pExtractVersionResource16W = (DWORD(__stdcall *)(LPCWSTR, LPHANDLE)) GetProcAddress(hShell32, "ExtractVersionResource16W"); if (pExtractVersionResource16W) { dwTemp = pExtractVersionResource16W( lpwstrFilename, hVerRes ); } else { dwTemp = 0; } FreeLibrary(hShell32); } return dwTemp; }
/* GetFileVersionInfoSize
* Gets the size of the version information; notice this is quick * and dirty, and the handle is just the offset * * Returns size of version info in bytes * lpwstrFilename is the name of the file to get version information from * lpdwHandle is outdated for the Win32 api and is set to zero. */ DWORD APIENTRY GetFileVersionInfoSizeW( LPWSTR lpwstrFilename, LPDWORD lpdwHandle ) { DWORD dwTemp; VERHEAD *pVerHead; HANDLE hMod; HANDLE hVerRes; HANDLE h; DWORD dwError;
if (lpdwHandle != NULL) *lpdwHandle = 0;
dwTemp = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); hMod = LoadLibraryEx(lpwstrFilename, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); SetErrorMode(dwTemp);
pVerHead = NULL; if (!hMod) { hVerRes = NULL; __try { dwTemp = MyExtractVersionResource16W( lpwstrFilename, &hVerRes );
if (!dwTemp) { dwError = ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND; __leave; }
if (!(pVerHead = GlobalLock(hVerRes)) || (pVerHead->wTotLen > dwTemp)) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; __leave; }
} __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0 ; }
if (pVerHead) GlobalUnlock(hVerRes);
if (hVerRes) GlobalFree(hVerRes);
return dwTemp ? dwTemp * 3 : 0; // 3x == 1x for ansi input, 2x for unicode convert space
__try { dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ((hVerRes = FindResource(hMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(VS_VERSION_INFO), VS_FILE_INFO)) == NULL) { dwError = ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND; dwTemp = 0; __leave; }
if ((dwTemp=SizeofResource(hMod, hVerRes)) == 0) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; __leave; }
if ((h = LoadResource(hMod, hVerRes)) == NULL) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; __leave; }
if ((pVerHead = (VERHEAD*)LockResource(h)) == NULL) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; __leave; }
if ((DWORD)pVerHead->wTotLen > dwTemp) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; __leave; }
dwTemp = (DWORD)pVerHead->wTotLen;
dwTemp = DWORDUP(dwTemp);
if (pVerHead->vsf.dwSignature != VS_FFI_SIGNATURE) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; __leave; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; dwTemp = 0; }
if (pVerHead) UnlockResource(h);
// dwTemp should be evenly divisible by two since not single
// byte components at all (also DWORDUP for safety above):
// alloc space for ansi components
// Keep space for DBCS chars.
return dwTemp ? (dwTemp * 2) + sizeof(VER2_SIG) : 0; }
/* GetFileVersionInfo
* Gets the version information; fills in the structure up to * the size specified by the dwLen parameter (since Control Panel * only cares about the version numbers, it won't even call * GetFileVersionInfoSize). Notice this is quick and dirty * version, and dwHandle is just the offset (or NULL). * * lpwstrFilename is the name of the file to get version information from. * dwHandle is the handle filled in from the GetFileVersionInfoSize call. * dwLen is the length of the buffer to fill. * lpData is the buffer to fill. */ BOOL APIENTRY GetFileVersionInfoW( LPWSTR lpwstrFilename, DWORD dwHandle, DWORD dwLen, LPVOID lpData ) { VERHEAD *pVerHead; VERHEAD16 *pVerHead16; HANDLE hMod; HANDLE hVerRes; HANDLE h; UINT dwTemp; BOOL bTruncate, rc; DWORD dwError;
// Check minimum size to prevent access violations
// WORD for the VERHEAD wTotLen field
if (dwLen < sizeof(WORD)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return (FALSE); }
dwTemp = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); hMod = LoadLibraryEx(lpwstrFilename, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); SetErrorMode(dwTemp);
if (hMod == NULL) {
// Allow 16bit stuff
__try { dwTemp = MyExtractVersionResource16W( lpwstrFilename, &hVerRes ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwTemp = 0 ; }
if (!dwTemp) { SetLastError(ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND); return (FALSE); }
if (!(pVerHead16 = GlobalLock(hVerRes))) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); GlobalFree(hVerRes); return (FALSE); }
__try { dwTemp = (DWORD)pVerHead16->wTotLen;
if (dwTemp > dwLen / 3) {
// We are forced to truncate.
dwTemp = dwLen/3;
bTruncate = TRUE;
} else {
bTruncate = FALSE; }
// Now mem copy only the real size of the resource. (We alloced
// extra space for unicode)
memcpy((PVOID)lpData, (PVOID)pVerHead16, dwTemp); if (bTruncate) {
// If we truncated above, then we must set the new
// size of the block so that we don't overtraverse.
((VERHEAD16*)lpData)->wTotLen = (WORD)dwTemp; } rc = TRUE; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { rc = FALSE; }
GlobalUnlock(hVerRes); GlobalFree(hVerRes); SetLastError(rc ? ERROR_INVALID_DATA : ERROR_SUCCESS);
return rc; }
rc = TRUE; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (((hVerRes = FindResource(hMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(VS_VERSION_INFO), VS_FILE_INFO)) == NULL) || ((pVerHead = LoadResource(hMod, hVerRes)) == NULL)) { dwError = ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND; rc = FALSE; } else { __try { dwTemp = (DWORD)pVerHead->wTotLen;
if (dwTemp > (dwLen - sizeof(VER2_SIG)) / 2) {
// We are forced to truncate.
// dwLen = UnicodeBuffer + AnsiBuffer.
// if we try to "memcpy" with "(dwLen/3) * 2" size, pVerHead
// might not have such a big data...
dwTemp = (dwLen - sizeof(VER2_SIG)) / 2;
bTruncate = TRUE; } else { bTruncate = FALSE; }
// Now mem copy only the real size of the resource. (We alloced
// extra space for ansi)
memcpy((PVOID)lpData, (PVOID)pVerHead, dwTemp);
// Store a sig between the raw data and the ANSI translation area so we know
// how much space we have available in VerQuery for ANSI translation.
*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)((ULONG_PTR)lpData + dwTemp)) = VER2_SIG; if (bTruncate) { // If we truncated above, then we must set the new
// size of the block so that we don't overtraverse.
((VERHEAD*)lpData)->wTotLen = (WORD)dwTemp; }
rc = TRUE; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; rc = FALSE; } }
return (rc); }
BOOL VerpQueryValue16( const LPVOID pb, LPVOID lpSubBlockX, INT nIndex, LPVOID *lplpKey, LPVOID *lplpBuffer, PUINT puLen, BOOL bUnicodeNeeded ) { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; LPSTR lpSubBlock; LPSTR lpSubBlockOrg; NTSTATUS Status; UINT uLen;
VERBLOCK16 *pBlock = (VERBLOCK16*)pb; LPSTR lpStart, lpEndBlock, lpEndSubBlock; CHAR cTemp, cEndBlock; BOOL bLastSpec; DWORD dwHeadLen, dwTotBlockLen; INT nCmp; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
BOOL bThunkNeeded;
* If needs unicode, then we must thunk the input parameter * to ansi. If it's ansi already, we make a copy so we can * modify it. */
if (bUnicodeNeeded) {
// Thunk is not needed if lpSubBlockX == \VarFileInfo\Translation
// or if lpSubBlockX == \ //
bThunkNeeded = (BOOL)((*(LPTSTR)lpSubBlockX != 0) && (lstrcmp(lpSubBlockX, TEXT("\\")) != 0) && (lstrcmpi(lpSubBlockX, szTrans) != 0));
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpSubBlockX); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastError(Status); return FALSE; } lpSubBlock = AnsiString.Buffer;
} else { lpSubBlockOrg = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,(lstrlenA(lpSubBlockX)+1)*sizeof(CHAR)); if (lpSubBlockOrg == NULL ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } lstrcpyA(lpSubBlockOrg,lpSubBlockX); lpSubBlock = lpSubBlockOrg; }
if (!puLen) puLen = &uLen;
*puLen = 0;
/* Ensure that the total length is less than 32K but greater than the
* size of a block header; we will assume that the size of pBlock is at * least the value of this first INT. */ if ((INT)pBlock->wTotLen < sizeof(VERBLOCK16)) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Fail; }
* Put a '\0' at the end of the block so that none of the lstrlen's will * go past then end of the block. We will replace it before returning. */ lpEndBlock = ((LPSTR)pBlock) + pBlock->wTotLen - 1; cEndBlock = *lpEndBlock; *lpEndBlock = '\0';
bLastSpec = FALSE;
while ((*lpSubBlock || nIndex != -1)) { //
// Ignore leading '\\'s
while (*lpSubBlock == '\\') ++lpSubBlock;
if ((*lpSubBlock || nIndex != -1)) { /* Make sure we still have some of the block left to play with
*/ dwTotBlockLen = (DWORD)(lpEndBlock - ((LPSTR)pBlock) + 1); if ((INT)dwTotBlockLen<sizeof(VERBLOCK16) || pBlock->wTotLen>dwTotBlockLen)
goto NotFound;
/* Calculate the length of the "header" (the two length WORDs plus
* the identifying string) and skip past the value */
dwHeadLen = sizeof(WORD)*2 + DWORDUP(lstrlenA(pBlock->szKey)+1) + DWORDUP(pBlock->wValLen);
if (dwHeadLen > pBlock->wTotLen) goto NotFound; lpEndSubBlock = ((LPSTR)pBlock) + pBlock->wTotLen; pBlock = (VERBLOCK16 FAR *)((LPSTR)pBlock+dwHeadLen);
/* Look for the first sub-block name and terminate it
*/ for (lpStart=lpSubBlock; *lpSubBlock && *lpSubBlock!='\\'; lpSubBlock=VerCharNextA(lpSubBlock)) /* find next '\\' */ ; cTemp = *lpSubBlock; *lpSubBlock = '\0';
/* Continue while there are sub-blocks left
* pBlock->wTotLen should always be a valid pointer here because * we have validated dwHeadLen above, and we validated the previous * value of pBlock->wTotLen before using it */
nCmp = 1; while ((INT)pBlock->wTotLen>sizeof(VERBLOCK16) && (INT)(lpEndSubBlock-((LPSTR)pBlock))>=(INT)pBlock->wTotLen) {
// Index functionality: if we are at the end of the path
// (cTemp == 0 set below) and nIndex is NOT -1 (index search)
// then break on nIndex zero. Else do normal wscicmp.
if (bLastSpec && nIndex != -1) {
if (!nIndex) {
if (lplpKey) { *lplpKey = pBlock->szKey; } nCmp=0;
// Index found, set nInde to -1
// so that we exit this loop
nIndex = -1; break; }
} else {
// Check if the sub-block name is what we are looking for
if (!(nCmp=lstrcmpiA(lpStart, pBlock->szKey))) break; }
/* Skip to the next sub-block
*/ pBlock=(VERBLOCK16 FAR *)((LPSTR)pBlock+DWORDUP(pBlock->wTotLen)); }
/* Restore the char NULLed above and return failure if the sub-block
* was not found */ *lpSubBlock = cTemp; if (nCmp) goto NotFound; } bLastSpec = !cTemp; }
/* Fill in the appropriate buffers and return success
*/ *puLen = pBlock->wValLen;
*lplpBuffer = (LPSTR)pBlock + 4 + DWORDUP(lstrlenA(pBlock->szKey) + 1);
// Shouldn't need zero-length value check since win31 compatible.
*lpEndBlock = cEndBlock;
* Must free string we allocated above */
if (bUnicodeNeeded) { RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiString); } else { LocalFree(lpSubBlockOrg); }
* thunk the results * * Must always thunk key, always ??? value * * We have no way of knowing if the resource info is binary or strings * Version stuff is usually string info, so thunk. * * The best we can do is assume that everything is a string UNLESS * we are looking at \VarFileInfo\Translation or at \. * * This is acceptable because the documenation of VerQueryValue * indicates that this is used only for strings (except these cases.) *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
if (bUnicodeNeeded) {
// Do thunk only if we aren't looking for \VarFileInfo\Translation or \ //
if (bThunkNeeded) {
// subtract 1 since puLen includes null
AnsiString.Length = AnsiString.MaximumLength = (SHORT)*puLen - 1; AnsiString.Buffer = *lplpBuffer;
// Do the string conversion in the second half of the buffer
// Assumes wTotLen is first filed in VERHEAD
UnicodeString.Buffer = (LPWSTR)((PBYTE)pb + DWORDUP(*((WORD*)pb)) + (DWORD)((PBYTE)*lplpBuffer - (PBYTE)pb)*2);
UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (SHORT)(*puLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE);
*lplpBuffer = UnicodeString.Buffer; }
if (lplpKey) {
// Thunk the key
dwHeadLen = lstrlenA(*lplpKey); AnsiString.Length = AnsiString.MaximumLength = (SHORT)dwHeadLen; AnsiString.Buffer = *lplpKey;
UnicodeString.Buffer = (LPWSTR) ((PBYTE)pb + DWORDUP(*((WORD*)pb)) + (DWORD)((PBYTE)*lplpKey - (PBYTE)pb)*2);
UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (SHORT)((dwHeadLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE);
*lplpKey = UnicodeString.Buffer; } }
return (TRUE);
/* Restore the char we NULLed above
*/ *lpEndBlock = cEndBlock; LastError = ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND;
if (bUnicodeNeeded) { RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiString); } else { LocalFree(lpSubBlockOrg); }
return (FALSE); }
/* VerpQueryValue
* Given a pointer to a branch of a version info tree and the name of a * sub-branch (as in "sub\subsub\subsubsub\..."), this fills in a pointer * to the specified value and a word for its length. Returns TRUE on success, * FALSE on failure. * * Note that a subblock name may start with a '\\', but it will be ignored. * To get the value of the current block, use lpSubBlock="" */ BOOL APIENTRY VerpQueryValue( const LPVOID pb, LPVOID lpSubBlockX, // can be ansi or unicode
INT nIndex, LPVOID *lplpKey, LPVOID *lplpBuffer, PUINT puLen, BOOL bUnicodeNeeded ) { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; LPWSTR lpSubBlockOrg; LPWSTR lpSubBlock; NTSTATUS Status;
VERBLOCK *pBlock = (PVOID)pb; LPWSTR lpStart, lpEndBlock, lpEndSubBlock; WCHAR cTemp, cEndBlock; DWORD dwHeadLen, dwTotBlockLen; BOOL bLastSpec; INT nCmp; BOOL bString; UINT uLen; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (!puLen) { puLen = &uLen; }
*puLen = 0;
* Major hack: wType is 0 for win32 versions, but holds 56 ('V') * for win16. */
if (((VERHEAD*)pb)->wType) return VerpQueryValue16(pb, lpSubBlockX, nIndex, lplpKey, lplpBuffer, puLen, bUnicodeNeeded);
* If doesnt need unicode, then we must thunk the input parameter * to unicode. */
if (!bUnicodeNeeded) {
RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, (LPSTR)lpSubBlockX); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, TRUE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastError(Status); return FALSE; } lpSubBlock = UnicodeString.Buffer;
} else { lpSubBlockOrg = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,(lstrlen(lpSubBlockX)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpSubBlockOrg == NULL ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } lstrcpy(lpSubBlockOrg,lpSubBlockX); lpSubBlock = lpSubBlockOrg; }
/* Ensure that the total length is less than 32K but greater than the
* size of a block header; we will assume that the size of pBlock is at * least the value of this first int. * Put a '\0' at the end of the block so that none of the wcslen's will * go past then end of the block. We will replace it before returning. */ if ((int)pBlock->wTotLen < sizeof(VERBLOCK)) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Fail; }
lpEndBlock = (LPWSTR)((LPSTR)pBlock + pBlock->wTotLen - sizeof(WCHAR)); cEndBlock = *lpEndBlock; *lpEndBlock = 0; bString = FALSE; bLastSpec = FALSE;
while ((*lpSubBlock || nIndex != -1)) { //
// Ignore leading '\\'s
while (*lpSubBlock == TEXT('\\')) ++lpSubBlock;
if ((*lpSubBlock || nIndex != -1)) { /* Make sure we still have some of the block left to play with
*/ dwTotBlockLen = (DWORD)((LPSTR)lpEndBlock - (LPSTR)pBlock + sizeof(WCHAR)); if ((int)dwTotBlockLen < sizeof(VERBLOCK) || pBlock->wTotLen > (WORD)dwTotBlockLen) goto NotFound;
/* Calculate the length of the "header" (the two length WORDs plus
* the data type flag plus the identifying string) and skip * past the value. */ dwHeadLen = (DWORD)(DWORDUP(sizeof(VERBLOCK) - sizeof(WCHAR) + (wcslen(pBlock->szKey) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + DWORDUP(pBlock->wValLen)); if (dwHeadLen > pBlock->wTotLen) goto NotFound; lpEndSubBlock = (LPWSTR)((LPSTR)pBlock + pBlock->wTotLen); pBlock = (VERBLOCK*)((LPSTR)pBlock+dwHeadLen);
/* Look for the first sub-block name and terminate it
*/ for (lpStart=lpSubBlock; *lpSubBlock && *lpSubBlock!=TEXT('\\'); lpSubBlock++) /* find next '\\' */ ; cTemp = *lpSubBlock; *lpSubBlock = 0;
/* Continue while there are sub-blocks left
* pBlock->wTotLen should always be a valid pointer here because * we have validated dwHeadLen above, and we validated the previous * value of pBlock->wTotLen before using it */ nCmp = 1; while ((int)pBlock->wTotLen > sizeof(VERBLOCK) && (int)pBlock->wTotLen <= (LPSTR)lpEndSubBlock-(LPSTR)pBlock) {
// Index functionality: if we are at the end of the path
// (cTemp == 0 set below) and nIndex is NOT -1 (index search)
// then break on nIndex zero. Else do normal wscicmp.
if (bLastSpec && nIndex != -1) {
if (!nIndex) {
if (lplpKey) { *lplpKey = pBlock->szKey; } nCmp=0;
// Index found, set nInde to -1
// so that we exit this loop
nIndex = -1; break; }
} else {
// Check if the sub-block name is what we are looking for
if (!(nCmp=_wcsicmp(lpStart, pBlock->szKey))) break; }
/* Skip to the next sub-block
*/ pBlock=(VERBLOCK*)((LPSTR)pBlock+DWORDUP(pBlock->wTotLen)); }
/* Restore the char NULLed above and return failure if the sub-block
* was not found */ *lpSubBlock = cTemp; if (nCmp) goto NotFound; } bLastSpec = !cTemp; }
/* Fill in the appropriate buffers and return success
*puLen = pBlock->wValLen;
/* Add code to handle the case of a null value.
* * If zero-len, then return the pointer to the null terminator * of the key. Remember that this is thunked in the ansi case. * * We can't just look at pBlock->wValLen. Check if it really is * zero-len by seeing if the end of the key string is the end of the * block (i.e., the val string is outside of the current block). */
lpStart = (LPWSTR)((LPSTR)pBlock+DWORDUP((sizeof(VERBLOCK)-sizeof(WCHAR))+ (wcslen(pBlock->szKey)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)));
*lplpBuffer = lpStart < (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)pBlock+pBlock->wTotLen) ? lpStart : (LPWSTR)(pBlock->szKey+wcslen(pBlock->szKey));
bString = pBlock->wType;
*lpEndBlock = cEndBlock;
* Must free string we allocated above */
if (!bUnicodeNeeded) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UnicodeString); } else { LocalFree(lpSubBlockOrg); }
* thunk the results * * Must always thunk key, sometimes (if bString true) value *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
if (!bUnicodeNeeded) {
// See if we're looking at a V1 or a V2 input block so we know how much space we
// have for decoding the strings.
DWORD cbAnsiTranslateBuffer; if (fV2) { cbAnsiTranslateBuffer = DWORDUP(*((WORD *)pb)); } else { cbAnsiTranslateBuffer = DWORDUP(*((WORD *)pb)) / 2; }
if (bString && *puLen != 0) { DWORD cb, cb2;
// Must multiply length by two (first subtract 1 since puLen includes the null terminator)
UnicodeString.Length = UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (SHORT)((*puLen - 1) * 2); UnicodeString.Buffer = *lplpBuffer;
// Do the string conversion in the second half of the buffer
// Assumes wTotLen is first filed in VERHEAD
// cb = offset in buffer to beginning of string
cb = (DWORD)((PBYTE)*lplpBuffer - (PBYTE)pb);
// cb2 = offset in translation area for this string
if (fV2) { cb2 = cb + sizeof(VER2_SIG); } else { cb2 = cb / 2; }
AnsiString.Buffer = (PBYTE)pb + DWORDUP(*((WORD*)pb)) + cb2;
AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&UnicodeString); if ( AnsiString.MaximumLength > MAXUSHORT ) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Fail; }
AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(__min((DWORD)AnsiString.MaximumLength, (DWORD)(cbAnsiTranslateBuffer-cb2)));
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, &UnicodeString, FALSE);
*lplpBuffer = AnsiString.Buffer; *puLen = AnsiString.Length + 1;
if (lplpKey) {
DWORD cb, cb2;
// Thunk the key
dwHeadLen = wcslen(*lplpKey); UnicodeString.Length = UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (SHORT)(dwHeadLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); UnicodeString.Buffer = *lplpKey;
// cb2 = offset in translation area for this string
cb = (DWORD)((PBYTE)*lplpKey - (PBYTE)pb); if (fV2) { cb2 = cb + sizeof(VER2_SIG); } else { cb2 = cb / 2; }
AnsiString.Buffer = (PBYTE)pb + DWORDUP(*((WORD*)pb)) + cb2;
AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&UnicodeString); if ( AnsiString.MaximumLength > MAXUSHORT ) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Fail; }
AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(__min((DWORD)AnsiString.MaximumLength, (DWORD)(cbAnsiTranslateBuffer-cb2))); RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, &UnicodeString, FALSE);
*lplpKey = AnsiString.Buffer; *puLen = AnsiString.Length+1; } }
return (TRUE);
NotFound: /* Restore the char we NULLed above
*/ *lpEndBlock = cEndBlock; LastError = ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND;
if (!bUnicodeNeeded) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UnicodeString); } else { LocalFree(lpSubBlockOrg); }
return (FALSE); }
// This is an EXACT replica of CharNextA api found in user
// it is here so that we won't have to link to user32
LPSTR WINAPI VerCharNextA( LPCSTR lpCurrentChar) { if ((!!NLS_MB_CODE_PAGE_TAG) && IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpCurrentChar)) { lpCurrentChar++; } /*
* if we have only DBCS LeadingByte, we will point to string-terminator */
if (*lpCurrentChar) { lpCurrentChar++; } return (LPSTR)lpCurrentChar; }