#include "stdafx.h"
#include "icwcfg.h"
#pragma hdrstop
EXTERN_C const TCHAR c_szPatterns[] = TEXT("patterns"); EXTERN_C const TCHAR c_szBackgroundPreview2[] = TEXT("BackgroundPreview2"); EXTERN_C const TCHAR c_szComponentPreview[] = TEXT("ComponentPreview"); EXTERN_C const TCHAR c_szRegDeskHtmlProp[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Controls Folder\\Display\\shellex\\PropertySheetHandlers\\DeskHtmlExt"); EXTERN_C const TCHAR c_szWallPaperDir[] = TEXT("WallPaperDir");
// 98/10/01 vtan: Added local function prototypes.
// Some of these functions are commented out. The linker may not be smart
// enough to strip the dead code so this is done manually. These prototypes
// will allow the code to compile but it won't link. If you get linker
// errors, uncomment the desired function and recompile. It should then link.
// Point arithmetic
void SetPt (POINT& pt, LONG x, LONG y); void OffsetPt (POINT& pt, LONG dh, LONG dv);
// Virtual screen calculation
BOOL CALLBACK GDIToTridentEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hDC, RECT* rcMonitor, LPARAM lpUserData); void CalculateVirtualScreen (RECT& rcVirtualScreen);
// GDI point to Trident point co-ordinate mapping
void GDIToTrident (int& leftCoordinate, int& topCoordinate); void GDIToTrident (POINT& pt); void GDIToTrident (RECT& r); void GDIToTrident (HRGN hRgn); void TridentToGDI (int& leftCoordinate, int& topCoordinate); void TridentToGDI (POINT& pt); void TridentToGDI (RECT& r); void TridentToGDI (HRGN hRgn);
// Component position validation
BOOL CALLBACK ValidateComponentPositionEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, RECT* r, LPARAM lParam);
void GetNextComponentPosition (COMPPOS *pcp)
{ int iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight, iBorderSize; DWORD dwComponentPosition, dwComponentLayer, dwRegDataScratch; HKEY hKey; RECT rcScreen; TCHAR lpszDeskcomp[MAX_PATH];
TBOOL(SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcScreen, false));
// 99/04/13 vtan: A result of zero-width or zero-height occurred on a machine.
// Make a defensive stand against this and assert that this happened but also
// handle this cause so that division by zero doesn't happen.
iScreenWidth = rcScreen.right - rcScreen.left; iScreenHeight = rcScreen.bottom - rcScreen.top; iBorderSize = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMCAPTION);
ASSERT(iScreenWidth > 0); // get vtan
ASSERT(iScreenHeight > 0); // if any of
ASSERT(iBorderSize > 0); // these occur
if ((iScreenWidth <= 0) || (iScreenHeight <= 0) || (iBorderSize <= 0)) { pcp->iLeft = pcp->iTop = 0; pcp->dwWidth = MYCURHOME_WIDTH; pcp->dwHeight = MYCURHOME_HEIGHT; } else {
// Get the number of components positioned. If no such registry key exists
// or an error occurs then use 0.
GetRegLocation(lpszDeskcomp, SIZECHARS(lpszDeskcomp), REG_DESKCOMP_GENERAL, NULL); dwComponentPosition = 0; if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszDeskcomp, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &dwRegDataScratch) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD regDataSize;
regDataSize = sizeof(dwComponentPosition); TW32(SHQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_GENERAL_CCOMPPOS, NULL, &dwRegDataScratch, &dwComponentPosition, ®DataSize)); TW32(RegCloseKey(hKey)); }
// Compute the layer we live on (see below).
dwComponentLayer = dwComponentPosition / (COMPONENT_PER_ROW * COMPONENT_PER_COL); if (((dwComponentLayer * iBorderSize) > (DWORD)(iScreenWidth / (COMPONENT_PER_ROW + 1))) || ((dwComponentLayer * iBorderSize) > (DWORD)(iScreenHeight / (COMPONENT_PER_COL + 1)))) { int iLayerModulo;
// 99/04/29 vtan: It's possible for SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA) to
// return a work area that's small horizontally. Here's a repro scenario for
// that.
// 1. Set screen resolution 1280 x 1024.
// 2. Move the taskbar to the left of the screen.
// 3. Grow the taskbar to the right until the center of the screen.
// 4. Open display control panel.
// 5. Go to "Settings" tab.
// 6. Change monitor resolution to 640x480.
// 7. Click either "OK" or "Apply".
// 8. BOOM - divide zero.
iLayerModulo = (iScreenWidth / (COMPONENT_PER_ROW + 1) / iBorderSize); if (iLayerModulo != 0) dwComponentLayer %= iLayerModulo; }
// Compute the position. Assuming 3 components per row,
// and 2 per column, we position components thusly:
// +-------+
// |x 4 2 0|
// |x 5 3 1| <-- screen, divided into 4x3 block coordinates
// |x x x x|
// +-------+
// The 6th component sits in a new layer, offset down
// and to the left of component 0 by the amount iBorder.
// The first calculation for iLeft and iTop determines the
// block coordinate value (for instance, component 0 would
// be at block coordinate value [3,0] and component 1 at [3,1]).
// The second calculation turns the block coordinate into
// a screen coordinate.
// The third calculation adjusts for the border (always down and
// to the right) and the layers (always down and to the left).
pcp->iLeft = COMPONENT_PER_ROW - ((dwComponentPosition / COMPONENT_PER_COL) % COMPONENT_PER_ROW); // 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 ...
pcp->iLeft *= (iScreenWidth / (COMPONENT_PER_ROW + 1)); pcp->iLeft += iBorderSize - (dwComponentLayer * iBorderSize);
pcp->iTop = dwComponentPosition % COMPONENT_PER_COL; // 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
pcp->iTop *= (iScreenHeight / (COMPONENT_PER_COL + 1)); pcp->iTop += iBorderSize + (dwComponentLayer * iBorderSize); pcp->iTop += GET_CYCAPTION; //vtan: Added this to allow for the title area of the component window
pcp->dwWidth = (iScreenWidth / (COMPONENT_PER_ROW + 1)) - 2 * iBorderSize; pcp->dwHeight = (iScreenHeight / (COMPONENT_PER_COL + 1)) - 2 * iBorderSize; }
if (IS_BIDI_LOCALIZED_SYSTEM()) { pcp->iLeft = iScreenWidth - (pcp->iLeft + pcp->dwWidth); } }
void IncrementComponentsPositioned (void)
{ DWORD dwRegDataScratch; HKEY hKey; TCHAR lpszDeskcomp[MAX_PATH];
// Increment the registry count. If no such count exists create it.
GetRegLocation(lpszDeskcomp, SIZECHARS(lpszDeskcomp), REG_DESKCOMP_GENERAL, NULL); if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszDeskcomp, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &dwRegDataScratch) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwComponentPosition, regDataSize;
regDataSize = sizeof(dwComponentPosition); dwComponentPosition = 0; TW32(SHQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_GENERAL_CCOMPPOS, NULL, &dwRegDataScratch, &dwComponentPosition, ®DataSize)); ++dwComponentPosition; TW32(RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_GENERAL_CCOMPPOS, 0, REG_DWORD, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&dwComponentPosition), sizeof(dwComponentPosition))); TW32(RegCloseKey(hKey)); } }
// vtan: Point arithmetic functions. Simple. It may be worth
// converting these to inline C++ functions or macros if they
// get used a lot.
void SetPt (POINT& pt, LONG x, LONG y)
{ pt.x = x; pt.y = y; }
void OffsetPt (POINT& pt, LONG dh, LONG dv)
{ pt.x += dh; pt.y += dv; }
BOOL CALLBACK GDIToTridentEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hDC, RECT* rcMonitor, LPARAM lpUserData)
{ RECT* prcNew, rcOld;
prcNew = reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(lpUserData);
// Documentation for UnionRect does not specify whether the
// RECT structures passed must be distinct. To be safe they
// are passed as distinct structures.
TBOOL(CopyRect(&rcOld, prcNew)); TBOOL(UnionRect(prcNew, &rcOld, rcMonitor)); return(TRUE); }
void CalculateVirtualScreen (RECT& rcVirtualScreen)
// vtan: Calculates the virtual screen in GDI co-ordinates for
// use in converting co-ordinates from trident scheme to GDI
// scheme.
{ TBOOL(SetRectEmpty(&rcVirtualScreen)); TBOOL(EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, GDIToTridentEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&rcVirtualScreen))); }
void GDIToTrident (int& leftCoordinate, int& topCoordinate)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); leftCoordinate -= rcVirtualScreen.left; topCoordinate -= rcVirtualScreen.top; }
void GDIToTrident (POINT& pt)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); OffsetPt(pt, -rcVirtualScreen.left, -rcVirtualScreen.top); } */
void GDIToTrident (RECT& rc)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rc, -rcVirtualScreen.left, -rcVirtualScreen.top)); }
void GDIToTrident (HRGN hRgn)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); TBOOL(OffsetRgn(hRgn, -rcVirtualScreen.left, -rcVirtualScreen.top)); }
void TridentToGDI (int& leftCoordinate, int& topCoordinate)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); leftCoordinate += rcVirtualScreen.left; topCoordinate += rcVirtualScreen.top; } */
void TridentToGDI (POINT& pt)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); OffsetPt(pt, +rcVirtualScreen.left, +rcVirtualScreen.top); } */
void TridentToGDI (RECT& rc)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rc, +rcVirtualScreen.left, +rcVirtualScreen.top)); }
void TridentToGDI (HRGN hRgn)
{ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
CalculateVirtualScreen(rcVirtualScreen); (BOOL)OffsetRgn(hRgn, +rcVirtualScreen.left, +rcVirtualScreen.top); } */
// 98/08/14 vtan #196180, #196185: The following code validates
// a new component's position within the current desktop area. This
// allows a component to have co-ordinates that seem to be unusual
// on a single monitor system (such as negative co-ordinates).
class CRGN { public: CRGN (void) { mRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); } CRGN (const RECT& rc) { mRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rc); } ~CRGN (void) { TBOOL(DeleteObject(mRgn)); }
operator HRGN (void) const { return(mRgn); } void SetRegion (const RECT& rc) { TBOOL(SetRectRgn(mRgn, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom)); } private: HRGN mRgn; };
typedef struct { bool bAllowEntireDesktopRegion; int iMonitorCount; CRGN hRgn; int iWorkAreaCount; RECT *prcWorkAreaRects; } tDesktopRegion;
void ListView_GetWorkAreasAsGDI (HWND hWndListView, int iWorkAreaCount, RECT *prcWorkAreas)
{ int i;
ListView_GetWorkAreas(hWndListView, iWorkAreaCount, prcWorkAreas); for (i = 0; i < iWorkAreaCount; ++i) { TridentToGDI(prcWorkAreas[i]); } }
int CopyMostSuitableListViewWorkAreaRect (const RECT *pcrcMonitor, int iListViewWorkAreaCount, const RECT *pcrcListViewWorkAreaRects, RECT *prcWorkArea)
{ int i, iResult; const RECT *pcrcRects;
// This function given a rectangle for a GDI monitor (typically the monitor's
// work area) as well as given the desktop's list view work area rectangle
// array (obtained by ListView_GetWorkArea()) will search the list view
// work area array to find a match for the GDI monitor and use the list view
// work area rectangle instead as this has docked toolbar information which
// GDI does not have access to.
// This function works on the principle that the list view rectangle is
// always a complete subset of the GDI monitor rectangle which is true.
// The list view rectangle may be smaller but it should never be bigger.
// It's ok to pass a NULL pcrcListViewWorkAreaRects as long as
// iListViewWorkAreaCount is 0.
pcrcRects = pcrcListViewWorkAreaRects; iResult = -1; i = 0; while ((iResult == -1) && (i < iListViewWorkAreaCount)) { RECT rcIntersection;
(BOOL)IntersectRect(&rcIntersection, pcrcMonitor, pcrcRects); if (EqualRect(&rcIntersection, pcrcRects) != 0) { iResult = i; } else { ++pcrcRects; ++i; } } if (iResult < 0) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CopyMostSuitableListViewWorkAreaRect() unable to find matching list view rectangle for GDI monitor rectangle"); TBOOL(CopyRect(prcWorkArea, pcrcMonitor)); } else { TBOOL(CopyRect(prcWorkArea, &pcrcListViewWorkAreaRects[iResult])); } return(iResult); }
BOOL GetMonitorInfoWithCompensation (int iMonitorCount, HMONITOR hMonitor, MONITORINFO *pMonitorInfo)
{ BOOL fResult;
// 99/05/20 #338585 vtan: Transplanted the logic explained in the
// comment below for #211510 from GetZoomRect to here so that other
// functions can share the behavior. Remember that this ONLY applies
// a single monitor system where there is part of the monitor's
// rectangle excluded by a docked toolbar on the left or top of the
// monitor. A very specific case.
// 98/10/30 #211510 vtan: Oops. If the task bar is at the top of the
// screen and there is only one monitor then the shell returns a work
// area starting at (0, 0) instead of (0, 28); the same applies when
// the task bar is at the left of the screen; this does NOT occur in
// a multiple monitor setting. In the single monitor case GDI returns
// a work area starting at (0, 28) so this code checks for the case
// where there is a single monitor and offsets the GDI information to
// (0, 0) so that it matches the shell work area which is compared
// against in the while loop.
fResult = GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, pMonitorInfo); if ((fResult != 0) && (iMonitorCount == 1)) { TBOOL(OffsetRect(&pMonitorInfo->rcWork, -pMonitorInfo->rcWork.left, -pMonitorInfo->rcWork.top)); } return(fResult); }
// MonitorCountEnumProc()'s body is located in adjust.cpp
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorCountEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC dc, RECT *rc, LPARAM data);
BOOL CALLBACK ValidateComponentPositionEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, RECT* prc, LPARAM lpUserData)
{ HRGN hRgnDesktop; HMONITOR hMonitorTopLeft, hMonitorTopRight; POINT ptAbove; RECT rcMonitor; MONITORINFO monitorInfo; tDesktopRegion *pDesktopRegion;
pDesktopRegion = reinterpret_cast<tDesktopRegion*>(lpUserData); monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo); if (GetMonitorInfoWithCompensation(pDesktopRegion->iMonitorCount, hMonitor, &monitorInfo) != 0) { TINT(CopyMostSuitableListViewWorkAreaRect(&monitorInfo.rcWork, pDesktopRegion->iWorkAreaCount, pDesktopRegion->prcWorkAreaRects, &rcMonitor)); } else { TBOOL(CopyRect(&rcMonitor, prc)); }
// If this monitor does not have a monitor above it then
// make the monitor rectangle one pixel lower from the
// top.
CRGN hRgnMonitor(rcMonitor);
if (!pDesktopRegion->bAllowEntireDesktopRegion) {
// This bizarre little algorithm calculates the margins of the current
// monitor that do not have a monitor above them. The rcExclude is the
// the final rectangle that contains this information and is one pixel
// high. This calculation is only valid if the entire desktop region
// has been DISALLOWED (not zooming a component).
// Note that the algorithm fails if there is a monitor that is above
// this one but is contained within the confines of it. For example,
// this monitor is at 1024x768 and the one above is at 640x480 and
// centered. In this case it should be possible to drop the component
// on the exact zero pixel point but this case is disallowed due to
// this fault. No big deal.
SetPt(ptAbove, rcMonitor.left, rcMonitor.top - 1); hMonitorTopLeft = MonitorFromPoint(ptAbove, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); SetPt(ptAbove, rcMonitor.right, rcMonitor.top - 1); hMonitorTopRight = MonitorFromPoint(ptAbove, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if ((hMonitorTopLeft == NULL) && (hMonitorTopRight == NULL)) {
// No monitor above this one
++rcMonitor.top; hRgnMonitor.SetRegion(rcMonitor); } else if (hMonitorTopLeft != hMonitorTopRight) { RECT rcExclude;
// Either one or two different monitors above this one
// == case is the same monitor completely covers this
// monitor.
TBOOL(SetRect(&rcExclude, rcMonitor.left, rcMonitor.top, rcMonitor.right, rcMonitor.top + 1)); if (hMonitorTopLeft != NULL) { TBOOL(GetMonitorInfoWithCompensation(pDesktopRegion->iMonitorCount, hMonitorTopLeft, &monitorInfo)); rcExclude.left = monitorInfo.rcWork.right + 1; } if (hMonitorTopRight != NULL) { TBOOL(GetMonitorInfoWithCompensation(pDesktopRegion->iMonitorCount, hMonitorTopRight, &monitorInfo)); rcExclude.right = monitorInfo.rcWork.left; }
CRGN hRgnExclude(rcExclude);
TINT(CombineRgn(hRgnMonitor, hRgnMonitor, hRgnExclude, RGN_DIFF)); } }
hRgnDesktop = pDesktopRegion->hRgn; TINT(CombineRgn(hRgnDesktop, hRgnDesktop, hRgnMonitor, RGN_OR));
return(true); }
void ValidateComponentPosition (COMPPOS *pcp, DWORD dwComponentState, int iComponentType, bool *pbChangedPosition, bool *pbChangedSize)
{ bool bChangedPosition, bChangedSize; HRGN hRgnDesktop; HWND hWndDesktopListView, hWndShell, hWndShellChild; RECT rcComponent, rcComponentTop; tDesktopRegion desktopRegion; COMPPOS defaultComponentPosition;
bChangedPosition = bChangedSize = false; GetNextComponentPosition(&defaultComponentPosition); GDIToTrident(defaultComponentPosition.iLeft, defaultComponentPosition.iTop);
// If the component has default left or top then give it the next
// default component position.
if ((pcp->iLeft == COMPONENT_DEFAULT_LEFT) && (pcp->iTop == COMPONENT_DEFAULT_TOP)) { pcp->iLeft = defaultComponentPosition.iLeft; pcp->iTop = defaultComponentPosition.iTop; IncrementComponentsPositioned(); bChangedPosition = true; }
// If the component has default width or height then give it the
// next default component size unless it is type COMP_TYPE_PICTURE
// 98/10/02 #222449 vtan: Only change the size of an unpositioned
// component if it's not a picture.
if ((pcp->dwWidth == COMPONENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH) && (pcp->dwHeight == COMPONENT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT) && (iComponentType != COMP_TYPE_PICTURE)) { pcp->dwWidth = defaultComponentPosition.dwWidth; pcp->dwHeight = defaultComponentPosition.dwHeight; bChangedSize = false; }
// Make sure that the top line of the component is visible or at
// least one pixel below the top most part of a virtual screen.
// Check to see if the component has a negative width and height or
// a width and height that is too small. The only exception to this
// is if the component is a picture.
desktopRegion.bAllowEntireDesktopRegion = IsZoomedState(dwComponentState); if (iComponentType != COMP_TYPE_PICTURE) { if (static_cast<int>(pcp->dwWidth) < 10) { pcp->dwWidth = defaultComponentPosition.dwWidth; bChangedSize = false; } if (static_cast<int>(pcp->dwHeight) < 10) { pcp->dwHeight= defaultComponentPosition.dwHeight; bChangedSize = false; } } TBOOL(SetRect(&rcComponent, pcp->iLeft, pcp->iTop, pcp->iLeft + pcp->dwWidth, pcp->iTop + pcp->dwHeight)); TBOOL(CopyRect(&rcComponentTop, &rcComponent)); rcComponentTop.bottom = rcComponentTop.top + 1;
// Before calculating the desktopRegion as a region by using GDI calls
// get the List View work area which will have information about docked
// toolbars in addition to the taskbar which is the only thing that GDI
// has. This will allow this function to invalidate regions occupied by
// toolbars also.
desktopRegion.iWorkAreaCount = 0; desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects = NULL;
hWndDesktopListView = NULL; hWndShell = GetShellWindow(); if (hWndShell != NULL) { hWndShellChild = GetWindow(hWndShell, GW_CHILD); if (hWndShellChild != NULL) { hWndDesktopListView = FindWindowEx(hWndShellChild, NULL, WC_LISTVIEW, NULL); } } if (hWndDesktopListView != NULL) { DWORD dwProcessID;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndDesktopListView, &dwProcessID); if (GetCurrentProcessId() == dwProcessID) { ListView_GetNumberOfWorkAreas(hWndDesktopListView, &desktopRegion.iWorkAreaCount); desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects = reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(LocalAlloc(GPTR, desktopRegion.iWorkAreaCount * sizeof(desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects[0]))); ListView_GetWorkAreasAsGDI(hWndDesktopListView, desktopRegion.iWorkAreaCount, desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects); } }
CRGN hRgnComponentTop(rcComponentTop), hRgnResult;
desktopRegion.iMonitorCount = 0; TBOOL(EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorCountEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&desktopRegion.iMonitorCount))); TBOOL(EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, ValidateComponentPositionEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&desktopRegion))); hRgnDesktop = desktopRegion.hRgn; GDIToTrident(hRgnDesktop);
// 99/03/23 #266412 vtan: Make sure that the top pixel of the component is within
// the visible desktop. This allows the deskmovr to be positioned over the
// component and therefore allows it to be moved. If the deskmovr cannot be
// positioned over it then "snap" the component back into the visible region
// to a maximum best fit algorithm.
if (CombineRgn(hRgnResult, hRgnDesktop, hRgnComponentTop, RGN_AND) == NULLREGION) { LONG lDeltaX, lDeltaY; HMONITOR hMonitorNearest; RECT rcComponentGDI, rcMonitorWork, rcIntersection; MONITORINFO monitorInfo;
TBOOL(CopyRect(&rcComponentGDI, &rcComponent)); TridentToGDI(rcComponentGDI); hMonitorNearest = MonitorFromRect(&rcComponentGDI, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); ASSERT(hMonitorNearest != NULL); monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo); TBOOL(GetMonitorInfoWithCompensation(desktopRegion.iMonitorCount, hMonitorNearest, &monitorInfo)); TINT(CopyMostSuitableListViewWorkAreaRect(&monitorInfo.rcWork, desktopRegion.iWorkAreaCount, desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects, &rcMonitorWork)); ++rcMonitorWork.top; lDeltaX = lDeltaY = 0; if (rcComponentGDI.left < rcMonitorWork.left) lDeltaX = rcMonitorWork.left - rcComponentGDI.left; if (rcComponentGDI.top < rcMonitorWork.top) lDeltaY = rcMonitorWork.top - rcComponentGDI.top; if (rcComponentGDI.right > rcMonitorWork.right) lDeltaX = rcMonitorWork.right - rcComponentGDI.right; if (rcComponentGDI.bottom > rcMonitorWork.bottom) lDeltaY = rcMonitorWork.bottom - rcComponentGDI.bottom; TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rcComponentGDI, lDeltaX, lDeltaY)); TBOOL(IntersectRect(&rcIntersection, &rcComponentGDI, &rcMonitorWork)); GDIToTrident(rcIntersection); pcp->iLeft = rcIntersection.left; pcp->iTop = rcIntersection.top; pcp->dwWidth = rcIntersection.right - rcIntersection.left; pcp->dwHeight = rcIntersection.bottom - rcIntersection.top; bChangedPosition = bChangedSize = true; }
if (desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects != NULL) LocalFree(desktopRegion.prcWorkAreaRects);
if (pbChangedPosition != NULL) *pbChangedPosition = bChangedPosition; if (pbChangedSize != NULL) *pbChangedSize = bChangedSize; }
// 98/12/11 #250938 vtan: these two functions are lifted from
// SHBrows2.cpp which is part of browseui.dll.
EXTERN_C DWORD WINAPI IsSmartStart (void);
#ifdef NEVER
// For WinMillennium, we do not want to launch the ICW when active desktop is turned on because
// we do not have a "My Current Homepage" desktop component. So, I am disabling the following code
// This is the temporary fix for Mill bug # 98107 also.
BOOL IsICWCompleted (void) { DWORD dwICWCompleted, dwICWSize;
dwICWCompleted = 0; dwICWSize = sizeof(dwICWCompleted); TW32(SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT(ICW_REGPATHSETTINGS), TEXT(ICW_REGKEYCOMPLETED), NULL, &dwICWCompleted, &dwICWSize));
// 99/01/15 #272829 vtan: This is a horrible hack!!! If ICW has
// not been run but settings have been made manually then values
// in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections
// exists with the values given. Look for the presence of a key
// to resolve that settings are present but that ICW hasn't been
// launched.
// The ideal solution is to get ICW to make this determination
// Currently it will only launch. There is no way to get the
// desired result without a launch.
// 99/02/01 #280138 vtan: Well the solution put in for #272829
// doesn't work. So peeking at the CheckConnectionWizard()
// source in inetcfg\export.cpp shows that it uses a
// wininet.dll function to determine whether manually configured
// internet settings exist. It also exports this function so
// look for it and bind to it dynamically. This uses the
// DELAY_LOAD macros in dllload.c
if (dwICWCompleted == 0) { #define SMART_RUNICW TRUE
dwICWCompleted = BOOLIFY(IsSmartStart() == SMART_QUITICW); } return(dwICWCompleted != 0); } #else //NEVER
BOOL IsICWCompleted (void) { return TRUE; //For Millennium we want to always return TRUE for this function.
} #endif //NEVER
void LaunchICW (void)
{ static bool sbCheckedICW = false;
if (!sbCheckedICW && !IsICWCompleted()) { HINSTANCE hICWInst;
// Prevent an error in finding the ICW from causing this to
// execute again and again and again.
sbCheckedICW = true; hICWInst = LoadLibrary(TEXT("inetcfg.dll")); if (hICWInst != NULL) { PFNCHECKCONNECTIONWIZARD pfnCheckConnectionWizard;
pfnCheckConnectionWizard = reinterpret_cast<PFNCHECKCONNECTIONWIZARD>(GetProcAddress(hICWInst, "CheckConnectionWizard")); if (pfnCheckConnectionWizard != NULL) { DWORD dwICWResult;
// If the user cancels ICW then it needs to be launched
// again. Allow this case.
sbCheckedICW = false;
pfnCheckConnectionWizard(ICW_LAUNCHFULL | ICW_LAUNCHMANUAL, &dwICWResult); } TBOOL(FreeLibrary(hICWInst)); } } }
BOOL IsLocalPicture (LPCTSTR pszURL)
{ return(!PathIsURL(pszURL) && IsUrlPicture(pszURL)); }
BOOL DisableUndisplayableComponents (IActiveDesktop *pIAD)
{ bool bHasVisibleNonLocalPicture; int iItemCount;
// 98/12/16 vtan #250938: If ICW has not been run to completion then only
// allow the user to show components that are local pictures of some sort.
// If any components are not local pictures then hide these components,
// tell the user why it happened and launch ICW.
bHasVisibleNonLocalPicture = false; if (SUCCEEDED(pIAD->GetDesktopItemCount(&iItemCount, 0))) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < iItemCount; ++i) { COMPONENT component;
component.dwSize = sizeof(component); if (SUCCEEDED(pIAD->GetDesktopItem(i, &component, 0)) && (component.fChecked != 0)) { bool bIsVisibleNonLocalPicture; TCHAR szComponentSource[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH];
SHUnicodeToTChar(component.wszSource, szComponentSource, ARRAYSIZE(szComponentSource)); bIsVisibleNonLocalPicture = !IsLocalPicture(szComponentSource); bHasVisibleNonLocalPicture = bHasVisibleNonLocalPicture || bIsVisibleNonLocalPicture; if (bIsVisibleNonLocalPicture) { component.fChecked = FALSE; THR(pIAD->ModifyDesktopItem(&component, COMP_ELEM_CHECKED)); } } } } if (bHasVisibleNonLocalPicture) {
// Apply the changes. This should recurse to CActiveDesktop::_SaveSettings()
// but this code path is NOT taken because AD_APPLY_REFRESH is not passed in.
// CActiveDesktop::_SaveSettings() calls this function!
bHasVisibleNonLocalPicture = FAILED(pIAD->ApplyChanges(AD_APPLY_SAVE | AD_APPLY_HTMLGEN));
// Notify the user what happened and launch ICW.
int GetIconCountForWorkArea(HWND hwndLV, LPCRECT prect, int crect, int iWorkAreaIndex) { int iCount;
iCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndLV);
if (crect > 1) { int i, iCountWorkArea = 0;
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { POINT pt; ListView_GetItemPosition(hwndLV, i, &pt); if (iWorkAreaIndex == GetWorkAreaIndexFromPoint(pt, prect, crect)) iCountWorkArea++; }
iCount = iCountWorkArea; }
return iCount; }
BOOL GetZoomRect(BOOL fFullScreen, BOOL fAdjustListview, int iTridentLeft, int iTridentTop, DWORD dwComponentWidth, DWORD dwComponentHeight, LPRECT prcZoom, LPRECT prcWork) { HWND hwndShell, hwndLV; int icWorkAreas = 0, iWAC; RECT rcWork[LV_MAX_WORKAREAS];
hwndLV = NULL; hwndShell = GetShellWindow(); if (hwndShell != NULL) { HWND hwndShellChild;
hwndShellChild= GetWindow(hwndShell, GW_CHILD); if (hwndShellChild != NULL) { hwndLV = FindWindowEx(hwndShellChild, NULL, WC_LISTVIEW, NULL); } }
// First calculate the Work Areas and Work Area index for the component, then perform the
// particular operation based on lCommand.
if (hwndLV) { DWORD dwpid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndLV, &dwpid); // The listview doesn't thunk these messages so we can't do
// this inter-process!
if (dwpid == GetCurrentProcessId()) { ListView_GetNumberOfWorkAreas(hwndLV, &icWorkAreas); if (icWorkAreas <= LV_MAX_WORKAREAS) ListView_GetWorkAreas(hwndLV, icWorkAreas, &rcWork); else hwndLV = NULL; } else { return FALSE; } }
// 98/10/07 vtan: This used to use a variable icWorkAreasAdd.
// Removed this variable and directly increment icWorkAreas.
// This doesn't affect the call to ListView_SetWorkAreas()
// below because in this case hwndLV is NULL.
if (icWorkAreas == 0) { RECT rc;
++icWorkAreas; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, (PVOID)&rc, 0); rcWork[0] = rc; hwndLV = NULL; }
// 98/10/02 #212654 vtan: Changed the calculation code to find a
// rectangle to zoom the component to based on GDI co-ordinates.
// The component is passed in trident co-ordinates which are
// stored in a RECT and converted to GDI co-ordinates. The system
// then locates the monitor which the component is on and if it
// cannot find the monitor then defaults to the primary. The
// dimensions of the monitor are used before converting back to
// trident co-ordinates.
int i, iMonitorCount; HMONITOR hMonitor; RECT rcComponentRect; MONITORINFO monitorInfo;
iMonitorCount = 0; TBOOL(EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorCountEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&iMonitorCount))); TBOOL(SetRect(&rcComponentRect, iTridentLeft, iTridentTop, iTridentLeft + dwComponentWidth, iTridentTop + dwComponentHeight)); TridentToGDI(rcComponentRect); hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&rcComponentRect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); ASSERT(hMonitor != NULL); monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo); TBOOL(GetMonitorInfoWithCompensation(iMonitorCount, hMonitor, &monitorInfo)); GDIToTrident(monitorInfo.rcWork);
// 99/05/19 #340772 vtan: Always try to key off work areas returned
// by ListView_GetWorkAreas because these take into account docked
// toolbars which GDI does not. In this case the listview work areas
// will always be the same rectangle when intersected with the GDI
// work area. Use this rule to determine which listview work area
// to use as the basis for the zoom rectangle.
i = CopyMostSuitableListViewWorkAreaRect(&monitorInfo.rcWork, icWorkAreas, rcWork, prcZoom); if (i < 0) { i = 0; } if (prcWork != NULL) { TBOOL(CopyRect(prcWork, prcZoom)); } iWAC = i;
if (!fFullScreen) { // For the split case we shrink the work area down temporarily to the smallest rectangle
// that can bound the current number of icons. This will force the icons into that rectangle,
// then restore it back to the way it was before. Finally, we set the size of the split
// component to fill the rest of the space.
if (hwndLV) { int iCount, iItemsPerColumn, icxWidth, iRightOld; DWORD dwSpacing;
iCount = GetIconCountForWorkArea(hwndLV, rcWork, icWorkAreas, iWAC); // Decrement the count so that rounding works right
if (iCount) iCount--;
// Calculate the new width for the view rectangle
dwSpacing = ListView_GetItemSpacing(hwndLV, FALSE); iItemsPerColumn = (rcWork[iWAC].bottom - rcWork[iWAC].top) / (HIWORD(dwSpacing)); if (iItemsPerColumn) icxWidth = ((iCount / iItemsPerColumn) + 1) * (LOWORD(dwSpacing)); else icxWidth = LOWORD(dwSpacing);
// Don't let it get smaller than half the screen
if (icxWidth > ((rcWork[iWAC].right - rcWork[iWAC].left) / 2)) icxWidth = (rcWork[iWAC].right - rcWork[iWAC].left) / 2;
if (fAdjustListview) { // Now take the old work area rectangle and shrink it to our new width
iRightOld = rcWork[iWAC].right; rcWork[iWAC].right = rcWork[iWAC].left + icxWidth; ListView_SetWorkAreas(hwndLV, icWorkAreas, &rcWork);
// Finally restore the old work area
rcWork[iWAC].right = iRightOld; ListView_SetWorkAreas(hwndLV, icWorkAreas, &rcWork); }
// Adjust the left coordinate of the zoom rect to reflect our calculated split amount
// the rest of the screen.
if (IS_BIDI_LOCALIZED_SYSTEM()) { prcZoom->right -= icxWidth; } else { prcZoom->left += icxWidth; } } else { // Fallback case, if there is no listview use 20% of the screen for the icons.
if (IS_BIDI_LOCALIZED_SYSTEM()) { prcZoom->right -= ((prcZoom->right - prcZoom->left) * 2 / 10); } else { prcZoom->left += ((prcZoom->right - prcZoom->left) * 2 / 10); } } }
return TRUE; }
void ZoomComponent(COMPPOS * pcp, DWORD dwCurItemState, BOOL fAdjustListview) { RECT rcZoom;
if (GetZoomRect((dwCurItemState & IS_FULLSCREEN), fAdjustListview, pcp->iLeft, pcp->iTop, pcp->dwWidth, pcp->dwHeight, &rcZoom, NULL)) { // Copy the new Zoom rectangle over and put it on the bottom
pcp->iLeft = rcZoom.left; pcp->iTop = rcZoom.top; pcp->dwWidth = rcZoom.right - rcZoom.left; pcp->dwHeight = rcZoom.bottom - rcZoom.top; pcp->izIndex = 0; } else { // Failure implies we couldn't get the zoom rectangle through inter-process calls. Set the
// COMPONENTS_ZOOMDIRTY bit here so that when the desktop is refreshed we will recalculate
// the zoom rectangles in-process inside of EnsureUpdateHTML.
// PositionComponent will assign a screen position and
// make sure it fits on the screen.
void PositionComponent(COMPONENTA *pcomp, COMPPOS *pcp, int iCompType, BOOL fCheckItemState)
// vtan: Vastly simplified routine. The work is now done in
// ValidateComponentPosition.
if (ISZOOMED(pcomp)) { if (fCheckItemState) { SetStateInfo(&pcomp->csiRestored, pcp, IS_NORMAL); SetStateInfo(&pcomp->csiOriginal, pcp, pcomp->dwCurItemState); } ZoomComponent(pcp, pcomp->dwCurItemState, FALSE); } else { ValidateComponentPosition(pcp, pcomp->dwCurItemState, iCompType, NULL, NULL); if (fCheckItemState) SetStateInfo(&pcomp->csiOriginal, pcp, pcomp->dwCurItemState); } }
typedef struct _tagFILETYPEENTRY { DWORD dwFlag; int iFilterId; } FILETYPEENTRY;
// Opens either an HTML page or a picture.
BOOL GetFileName(HWND hdlg, LPTSTR pszFileName, int iSize, int iTypeId[], DWORD dwFlags[]) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (dwFlags) { int i, iIndex, cchRead; TCHAR szFilter[MAX_PATH*4];
// Set the friendly name.
LPTSTR pchFilter = szFilter; int cchFilter = ARRAYSIZE(szFilter) - 2; // room for term chars
for(iIndex = 0; dwFlags[iIndex]; iIndex++) { cchRead = LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, iTypeId[iIndex], pchFilter, cchFilter); pchFilter += cchRead + 1; cchFilter -= cchRead + 1;
// Append the file filters.
BOOL fAddedToString = FALSE; for (i=0; (cchFilter>0) && (i<ARRAYSIZE(afte)); i++) { if (dwFlags[iIndex] & afte[i].dwFlag) { if (fAddedToString) { *pchFilter++ = TEXT(';'); cchFilter--; } cchRead = LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, afte[i].iFilterId, pchFilter, cchFilter); pchFilter += cchRead; cchFilter -= cchRead; fAddedToString = TRUE; } } *pchFilter++ = TEXT('\0'); }
// Double-NULL terminate the string.
*pchFilter = TEXT('\0');
TCHAR szBrowserDir[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szBrowserDir, pszFileName); PathRemoveFileSpec(szBrowserDir);
*pszFileName = TEXT('\0');
OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; ofn.lStructSize = SIZEOF(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hdlg; ofn.hInstance = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = pszFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = iSize; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szBrowserDir; ofn.lpstrTitle = szBuf; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
fRet = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); }
return fRet; }
// Convert a pattern string to a bottom-up array of DWORDs,
// useful for BMP format files.
void PatternToDwords(LPTSTR psz, DWORD *pdwBits) { DWORD i, dwVal;
// Get eight groups of numbers separated by non-numeric characters.
for (i=0; i<8; i++) { dwVal = 0;
if (*psz != TEXT('\0')) { //
// Skip over any non-numeric characters.
while (*psz && (!(*psz >= TEXT('0') && *psz <= TEXT('9')))) { psz++; }
// Get the next series of digits.
while (*psz && (*psz >= TEXT('0') && *psz <= TEXT('9'))) { dwVal = dwVal*10 + *psz++ - TEXT('0'); } }
pdwBits[7-i] = dwVal; } }
// Convert a pattern string to a top-down array of WORDs,
// useful for CreateBitmap().
void PatternToWords(LPTSTR psz, WORD *pwBits) { WORD i, wVal;
// Get eight groups of numbers separated by non-numeric characters.
for (i=0; i<8; i++) { wVal = 0;
if (*psz != TEXT('\0')) { //
// Skip over any non-numeric characters.
while (*psz && (!(*psz >= TEXT('0') && *psz <= TEXT('9')))) { psz++; }
// Get the next series of digits.
while (*psz && ((*psz >= TEXT('0') && *psz <= TEXT('9')))) { wVal = wVal*10 + *psz++ - TEXT('0'); } }
pwBits[i] = wVal; } }
BOOL IsValidPattern(LPCTSTR pszPat) { BOOL fSawANumber = FALSE;
// We're mainly trying to filter multilingual upgrade cases
// where the text for "(None)" is unpredictable.
while (*pszPat) { if ((*pszPat < TEXT('0')) || (*pszPat > TEXT('9'))) { //
// It's not a number, it better be a space.
if (*pszPat != TEXT(' ')) { return FALSE; } } else { fSawANumber = TRUE; }
// We avoid the need for AnsiNext by only advancing on US TCHARs.
pszPat++; }
// TRUE if we saw at least one digit and there were only digits and spaces.
return fSawANumber; }
// Determines if the wallpaper can be supported in non-active desktop mode.
BOOL IsNormalWallpaper(LPCTSTR pszFileName) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
if (pszFileName[0] == TEXT('\0')) { fRet = TRUE; } else { LPTSTR pszExt = PathFindExtension(pszFileName);
//Check for specific files that can be shown only in ActiveDesktop mode!
if((StrCmpIC(pszExt, TEXT(".GIF")) == 0) || // 368690: Strange, but we must compare 'i' in both caps and lower case.
(lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".JPG")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".JPE")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".JPEG")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".PNG")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".HTM")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".HTML")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".HTT")) == 0)) return FALSE;
//Everything else (including *.BMP files) are "normal" wallpapers
} return fRet; }
// Determines if the wallpaper is a picture (vs. HTML).
BOOL IsWallpaperPicture(LPCTSTR pszWallpaper) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
if (pszWallpaper[0] == TEXT('\0')) { //
// Empty wallpapers count as empty pictures.
fRet = TRUE; } else { LPTSTR pszExt = PathFindExtension(pszWallpaper);
if ((lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".HTM")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".HTML")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszExt, TEXT(".HTT")) == 0)) { fRet = FALSE; } }
return fRet; }
void OnDesktopSysColorChange(void) { static COLORREF clrBackground = 0xffffffff; static COLORREF clrWindowText = 0xffffffff;
//Get the new colors!
COLORREF clrNewBackground = GetSysColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND); COLORREF clrNewWindowText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
//Have we initialized these before?
if(clrBackground != 0xffffffff) //Have we initialized the statics yet?
{ // Our HTML file depends only on these two system colors.
// Check if either of them has changed!
// If not, no need to regenerate HTML file.
// This avoids infinite loop. And this is a nice optimization.
if((clrBackground == clrNewBackground) && (clrWindowText == clrNewWindowText)) return; //No need to do anything. Just return.
// Remember the new colors in the statics.
clrBackground = clrNewBackground; clrWindowText = clrNewWindowText;
// The desktop got a WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE. We need to
// regenerate the HTML if there are any system colors
// showing on the desktop. Patterns and the desktop
// color are both based on system colors.
IActiveDesktop *pad; if (SUCCEEDED(CActiveDesktop_InternalCreateInstance((LPUNKNOWN *)&pad, IID_IActiveDesktop))) { BOOL fRegenerateHtml = FALSE; WCHAR szWallpaperW[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH];
if (SUCCEEDED(pad->GetWallpaper(szWallpaperW, ARRAYSIZE(szWallpaperW), 0))) { if (!*szWallpaperW) { //
// No wallpaper means the desktop color
// or a pattern is showing - we need to
// regenerate the desktop HTML.
fRegenerateHtml = TRUE; } else { TCHAR *pszWallpaper; #ifdef UNICODE
pszWallpaper = szWallpaperW; #else
CHAR szWallpaperA[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; SHUnicodeToAnsi(szWallpaperW, szWallpaperA, ARRAYSIZE(szWallpaperA)); pszWallpaper = szWallpaperA; #endif
if (IsWallpaperPicture(pszWallpaper)) { WALLPAPEROPT wpo = { SIZEOF(wpo) }; if (SUCCEEDED(pad->GetWallpaperOptions(&wpo, 0))) { if (wpo.dwStyle == WPSTYLE_CENTER) { //
// We have a centered picture,
// the pattern or desktop color
// could be leaking around the edges.
// We need to regenerate the desktop
// HTML.
fRegenerateHtml = TRUE; } } else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "SYSCLRCHG: Could not get wallpaper options!"); } } } } else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "SYSCLRCHG: Could not get selected wallpaper!"); }
if (fRegenerateHtml) { DWORD dwFlags = AD_APPLY_FORCE | AD_APPLY_HTMLGEN | AD_APPLY_REFRESH | AD_APPLY_DYNAMICREFRESH; WCHAR wszPattern[MAX_PATH]; //If we have a pattern, then we need to force a AD_APPLY_COMPLETEREFRESH
// because we need to re-generate the pattern.bmp file which can not be
// done through dynamic HTML.
if(SUCCEEDED(pad->GetPattern(wszPattern, ARRAYSIZE(wszPattern), 0))) { #ifdef UNICODE
LPTSTR szPattern = (LPTSTR)wszPattern; #else
CHAR szPattern[MAX_PATH]; SHUnicodeToAnsi(wszPattern, szPattern, sizeof(szPattern)); #endif //UNICODE
if(IsValidPattern(szPattern)) //Does this have a pattern?
dwFlags &= ~(AD_APPLY_DYNAMICREFRESH); //Then force a complete refresh!
} pad->ApplyChanges(dwFlags); }
pad->Release(); } else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "SYSCLRCHG: Could not create CActiveDesktop!"); } }
// Convert a .URL file into its target.
void CheckAndResolveLocalUrlFile(LPTSTR pszFileName, int cchFileName) { //
// This function only works on *.URL files.
if (!PathIsURL(pszFileName)) { LPTSTR pszExt;
// Check if the extension of this file is *.URL
pszExt = PathFindExtension(pszFileName); if (pszExt && *pszExt) { TCHAR szUrl[15]; LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_URL_EXTENSION, szUrl, ARRAYSIZE(szUrl));
if (lstrcmpi(pszExt, szUrl) == 0) { HRESULT hr;
IUniformResourceLocator *purl;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetShortcut, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUniformResourceLocator, (LPVOID *)&purl);
if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr))) // This works for both Ansi and Unicode
{ ASSERT(purl);
IPersistFile *ppf;
hr = purl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID *)&ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR szFileW[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszTemp;
SHTCharToUnicode(pszFileName, szFileW, ARRAYSIZE(szFileW)); ppf->Load(szFileW, STGM_READ); hr = purl->GetURL(&pszTemp); // Wow, an ANSI/UNICODE COM interface!
if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr))) { StrCpyN(pszFileName, pszTemp, cchFileName); CoTaskMemFree(pszTemp); } ppf->Release(); } purl->Release(); } } } } }
void GetMyCurHomePageStartPos(int *piLeft, int *piTop, DWORD *pdwWidth, DWORD *pdwHeight) { #define INVALID_POS 0x80000000
HKEY hkey;
// Assume nothing.
*piLeft = INVALID_POS; *piTop = INVALID_POS; *pdwWidth = INVALID_POS; *pdwHeight = INVALID_POS;
// Read from registry first.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType, cbData;
cbData = SIZEOF(*piLeft); SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("MyCurHome_Left"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)piLeft, &cbData);
cbData = SIZEOF(*piTop); SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("MyCurHome_Top"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)piTop, &cbData);
cbData = SIZEOF(*pdwWidth); SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("MyCurHome_Width"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pdwWidth, &cbData);
cbData = SIZEOF(*pdwHeight); SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("MyCurHome_Height"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pdwHeight, &cbData);
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// Fill in defaults when registry provides no info.
if (*piLeft == INVALID_POS) { *piLeft = -MYCURHOME_WIDTH; } if (*piTop == INVALID_POS) { *piTop = MYCURHOME_TOP; } if (*pdwWidth == INVALID_POS) { *pdwWidth = MYCURHOME_WIDTH; } if (*pdwHeight == INVALID_POS) { *pdwHeight = MYCURHOME_HEIGHT; }
// Convert negative values into positive ones.
RECT rect; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rect, FALSE); if (*piLeft < 0) { *piLeft += (rect.right - rect.left) - *pdwWidth; } if (*piTop < 0) { *piTop += (rect.bottom - rect.top) - *pdwHeight; }
// Find the virtual dimensions.
EnumMonitorsArea ema; GetMonitorSettings(&ema); // Position it in the primary monitor.
*piLeft -= ema.rcVirtualMonitor.left; *piTop -= ema.rcVirtualMonitor.top; #undef INVALID_POS
// Silently adds/removes a specified component to the desktop and use the given
// apply flags using which you can avoid nested unnecessary HTML generation,
// or refreshing which may lead to racing conditions.
BOOL AddRemoveDesktopComponentNoUI(BOOL fAdd, DWORD dwApplyFlags, LPCTSTR pszUrl, LPCTSTR pszFriendlyName, int iCompType, int iLeft, int iTop, int iWidth, int iHeight, BOOL fChecked, DWORD dwCurItemState, BOOL fNoScroll, BOOL fCanResize) { COMPONENTA Comp; BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hres;
// Build the pcomp structure.
Comp.dwSize = sizeof(COMPONENTA); Comp.dwID = -1; Comp.iComponentType = iCompType; Comp.fChecked = fChecked; Comp.fDirty = FALSE; Comp.fNoScroll = fNoScroll; Comp.cpPos.dwSize = SIZEOF(COMPPOS); Comp.cpPos.iLeft = iLeft; Comp.cpPos.iTop = iTop; Comp.cpPos.dwWidth = iWidth; Comp.cpPos.dwHeight = iHeight; Comp.cpPos.izIndex = (dwCurItemState & IS_NORMAL) ? COMPONENT_TOP : 0; Comp.cpPos.fCanResize = fCanResize; Comp.cpPos.fCanResizeX = fCanResize; Comp.cpPos.fCanResizeY = fCanResize; Comp.cpPos.iPreferredLeftPercent = 0; Comp.cpPos.iPreferredTopPercent = 0; Comp.dwCurItemState = dwCurItemState; lstrcpyn(Comp.szSource, pszUrl, ARRAYSIZE(Comp.szSource)); lstrcpyn(Comp.szSubscribedURL, pszUrl, ARRAYSIZE(Comp.szSource)); if (pszFriendlyName) { lstrcpyn(Comp.szFriendlyName, pszFriendlyName, ARRAYSIZE(Comp.szFriendlyName)); } else { Comp.szFriendlyName[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
IActiveDesktop *pActiveDesk;
// Add it to the system.
hres = CActiveDesktop_InternalCreateInstance((LPUNKNOWN *)&pActiveDesk, IID_IActiveDesktop); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { COMPONENT CompW;
CompW.dwSize = sizeof(CompW); //Required for the MultiCompToWideComp to work properly.
MultiCompToWideComp(&Comp, &CompW);
if(fAdd) pActiveDesk->AddDesktopItem(&CompW, 0); else pActiveDesk->RemoveDesktopItem(&CompW, 0); pActiveDesk->ApplyChanges(dwApplyFlags); pActiveDesk->Release(); fRet = TRUE; }
return fRet; }
// Summary:
// On upgrade from W2K, it is possible (under certain conditions) that the Active Desktop
// gets turned ON automatically. This is bug #154993. The following function fixes this bug.
// Details of why this happens:
// In W2K, it is possible to enable active desktop components, hide icons, lock the components
// and then turn off active desktop. But, all the details (like what AD components were ON etc.,)
// was persisted in the registry. When such a machine is upgraded to Whister, bug #154993 surfaces
// because of the following reason:
// In Whislter, ActiveDesktop is turned on/off silently based on whether any desktop component is
// on etc., As a result when a W2K machine (with AD off) is upgraded to Whistler, the AD will be
// turned on automatically, if one of the following is true:
// 1. If the desktop icons were off.
// 2. If the active desktop components were locked.
// 3. If any active desktop component is ON; but, not displayed because AD was OFF..
// Therefore on upgrade from a Win2K or older machine, we check if the AD is OFF. If so, then we
// need to check for conditions 1, 2 and 3 and change those settings such that AD continues to be
// OFF even after the upgrade. The following function OnUpgradeDisableActiveDesktopFeatures ()
// does precisely this.
// Returns: TRUE, if any setting was modified to keep the active desktop in the turned off state!
BOOL OnUpgradeDisableActiveDesktopFeatures() { IActiveDesktop *pActiveDesk; BOOL fModified = FALSE;
// Get the ActiveDesktop and HideIcons flags.
//Check if ActiveDesktop is already ON.
if(ss.fDesktopHTML) return FALSE; //ActiveDesktop is already ON. No need to change any settings.
//Active Desktop is OFF. We may need to change the other settings to be consistent with this!
// 1. Check if Desktop icons are hidden when ActiveDesktop is on.
if(ss.fHideIcons) { //Yes! Turn off this. Otherwise, AD will be turned on to support this!
ss.fHideIcons = FALSE; SHGetSetSettings(&ss, SSF_HIDEICONS, TRUE); fModified = TRUE; } // 2. If the ActiveDesktop components are locked, un-lock them.
DWORD dwDesktopFlags = GetDesktopFlags(); if(dwDesktopFlags & COMPONENTS_LOCKED) { if(SetDesktopFlags(COMPONENTS_LOCKED, 0)) //Remove the "locked" flag!
fModified = TRUE; }
// 3. Let's enumerate all active desktop components and make sure they are all off.
BOOL fModifiedComp = FALSE;
HRESULT hres = CActiveDesktop_InternalCreateInstance((LPUNKNOWN *)&pActiveDesk, IID_IActiveDesktop); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { int iCount = 0; pActiveDesk->GetDesktopItemCount(&iCount, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { COMPONENT Comp; Comp.dwSize = sizeof(Comp); if(SUCCEEDED(pActiveDesk->GetDesktopItem(i, &Comp, 0))) { if(Comp.fChecked) //If this component is enabled.....
{ Comp.fChecked = FALSE; //...., then disable it!
if(SUCCEEDED(pActiveDesk->ModifyDesktopItem(&Comp, COMP_ELEM_CHECKED))) fModifiedComp = TRUE; } } }
if(fModifiedComp) pActiveDesk->ApplyChanges(AD_APPLY_SAVE); //We just need to save the above changes.
pActiveDesk ->Release(); }
//return whether we modified any setting.
return (fModified || fModifiedComp); }
// Little helper function used to change the safemode state
void SetSafeMode(DWORD dwFlags) { IActiveDesktopP * piadp;
if (SUCCEEDED(CActiveDesktop_InternalCreateInstance((LPUNKNOWN *)&piadp, IID_IActiveDesktopP))) { piadp->SetSafeMode(dwFlags); piadp->Release(); } }
* * RefreshWebViewDesktop - regenerates desktop HTML from registry and updates * the screen * * ENTRY: * none * * RETURNS: * TRUE on success * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL PokeWebViewDesktop(DWORD dwFlags) { IActiveDesktop *pad; HRESULT hres; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
hres = CActiveDesktop_InternalCreateInstance((LPUNKNOWN *)&pad, IID_IActiveDesktop);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { pad->ApplyChanges(dwFlags); pad->Release();
fRet = TRUE; }
return (fRet); }
#define CCH_NONE 20 //big enough for "(None)" in german
TCHAR g_szNone[CCH_NONE] = {0};
void InitDeskHtmlGlobals(void) { static fGlobalsInited = FALSE;
if (fGlobalsInited == FALSE) { LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_WPNONE, g_szNone, ARRAYSIZE(g_szNone));
fGlobalsInited = TRUE; } }
// Loads the preview bitmap for property sheet pages.
HBITMAP LoadMonitorBitmap(void) { HBITMAP hbm,hbmT; BITMAP bm; HBRUSH hbrT; HDC hdc; COLORREF c3df = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE);
hbm = LoadBitmap(HINST_THISDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_MONITOR)); if (hbm == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Convert the "base" of the monitor to the right color.
// The lower left of the bitmap has a transparent color
// we fixup using FloodFill
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); hbmT = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbm); hbrT = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE));
GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
ExtFloodFill(hdc, 0, bm.bmHeight-1, GetPixel(hdc, 0, bm.bmHeight-1), FLOODFILLSURFACE);
// Round off the corners.
// The bottom two were done by the floodfill above.
// The top left is important since SS_CENTERIMAGE uses it to fill gaps.
// The top right should be rounded because the other three are.
SetPixel( hdc, 0, 0, c3df ); SetPixel( hdc, bm.bmWidth-1, 0, c3df );
// Fill in the desktop here.
HBRUSH hbrOld = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_DESKTOP)); PatBlt(hdc, MON_X, MON_Y, MON_DX, MON_DY, PATCOPY); SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld);
// Clean up after ourselves.
SelectObject(hdc, hbrT); SelectObject(hdc, hbmT); DeleteDC(hdc);
return hbm; }
STDAPI_(VOID) ActiveDesktop_ApplyChanges() { IActiveDesktop* piad; if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ActiveDesktop, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARG(IActiveDesktop, &piad)))) { piad->ApplyChanges(AD_APPLY_ALL | AD_APPLY_DYNAMICREFRESH); piad->Release(); } }
STDAPI_(DWORD) GetDesktopFlags(void) { DWORD dwFlags = 0, dwType, cbSize = SIZEOF(dwFlags); TCHAR lpszDeskcomp[MAX_PATH];
GetRegLocation(lpszDeskcomp, SIZECHARS(lpszDeskcomp), REG_DESKCOMP_COMPONENTS, NULL);
SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszDeskcomp, REG_VAL_COMP_GENFLAGS, &dwType, &dwFlags, &cbSize);
return dwFlags; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) SetDesktopFlags(DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwNewFlags) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HKEY hkey; DWORD dwDisposition; TCHAR lpszDeskcomp[MAX_PATH];
GetRegLocation(lpszDeskcomp, SIZECHARS(lpszDeskcomp), REG_DESKCOMP_COMPONENTS, NULL);
if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, (LPCTSTR)lpszDeskcomp, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(dwFlags); DWORD dwType;
if (SHQueryValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_GENFLAGS, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwFlags, &cbSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwFlags = 0; }
dwFlags = (dwFlags & ~dwMask) | (dwNewFlags & dwMask);
if (RegSetValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_GENFLAGS, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fRet = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return fRet; }
BOOL UpdateComponentFlags(LPCTSTR pszCompId, DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwNewFlags) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; TCHAR szRegPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey;
lstrcat(szRegPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szRegPath, pszCompId);
//Don't use RegCreateKeyEx here. It will result in Null components to be added.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegPath, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType, dwFlags, dwDataLength;
dwDataLength = sizeof(DWORD); if(SHQueryValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_FLAGS, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwFlags, &dwDataLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwFlags = 0; }
dwNewFlags = (dwFlags & ~dwMask) | (dwNewFlags & dwMask);
if (RegSetValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_FLAGS, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwNewFlags, SIZEOF(DWORD)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fRet = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); } else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "DS: Unable to UpdateComponentFlags"); }
return fRet; }
DWORD GetCurrentState(LPTSTR pszCompId) { TCHAR szRegPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbSize, dwType, dwCurState;
GetRegLocation(szRegPath, SIZECHARS(szRegPath), REG_DESKCOMP_COMPONENTS, NULL); lstrcat(szRegPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szRegPath, pszCompId);
cbSize = sizeof(dwCurState);
if (SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegPath, REG_VAL_COMP_CURSTATE, &dwType, &dwCurState, &cbSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) dwCurState = IS_NORMAL;
return dwCurState; }
GetRegLocation(szRegPath, SIZECHARS(szRegPath), REG_DESKCOMP_COMPONENTS, NULL); lstrcat(szRegPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szRegPath, pszCompId);
//No need to use RegCreateKeyEx here. Use RegOpenKeyEx instead.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cbSize, dwType; cbSize = SIZEOF(*pCompState); dwType = REG_BINARY; if (SHQueryValueEx(hkey, lpValName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pCompState, &cbSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //If the item state is missing, read the item current position and
// and return that as the saved state.
cbSize = SIZEOF(cpPos); dwType = REG_BINARY; if (SHQueryValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_POSITION, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&cpPos, &cbSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ZeroMemory(&cpPos, SIZEOF(cpPos)); } SetStateInfo(pCompState, &cpPos, IS_NORMAL); }
RegCloseKey(hkey); } else TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "DS: Unable to get SavedStateInfo()");
return fRet; }
BOOL UpdateDesktopPosition(LPTSTR pszCompId, int iLeft, int iTop, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, int izIndex, BOOL fSaveRestorePos, BOOL fSaveOriginal, DWORD dwCurState) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; TCHAR szRegPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey;
GetRegLocation(szRegPath, SIZECHARS(szRegPath), REG_DESKCOMP_COMPONENTS, NULL); lstrcat(szRegPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szRegPath, pszCompId);
//Don't use RegCreateKeyEx here; It will result in a NULL component being added.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegPath, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { COMPPOS cp; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwDataLength; COMPSTATEINFO csi;
dwType = REG_BINARY; dwDataLength = sizeof(COMPPOS);
if(SHQueryValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_POSITION, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&cp, &dwDataLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { cp.fCanResize = cp.fCanResizeX = cp.fCanResizeY = TRUE; cp.iPreferredLeftPercent = cp.iPreferredTopPercent = 0; }
//Read the current State
dwType = REG_DWORD; dwDataLength = SIZEOF(csi.dwItemState); if (SHQueryValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_CURSTATE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&csi.dwItemState, &dwDataLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { csi.dwItemState = IS_NORMAL; }
if(fSaveRestorePos) { //We have just read the current position; Let's save it as the restore position.
SetStateInfo(&csi, &cp, csi.dwItemState);
//Now that we know the complete current state, save it as the restore state!
//Save the current state too!
if(dwCurState) RegSetValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_CURSTATE, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwCurState, SIZEOF(dwCurState)); cp.dwSize = sizeof(COMPPOS); cp.iLeft = iLeft; cp.iTop = iTop; cp.dwWidth = dwWidth; cp.dwHeight = dwHeight; cp.izIndex = izIndex;
if (fSaveOriginal) { SetStateInfo(&csi, &cp, csi.dwItemState); RegSetValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_ORIGINALSTATEINFO, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&csi, SIZEOF(csi)); }
if (RegSetValueEx(hkey, REG_VAL_COMP_POSITION, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&cp, SIZEOF(cp)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fRet = TRUE; }
// Don't need to mark as dirty if we're just saving the original pos
if (!fSaveOriginal) SetDesktopFlags(COMPONENTS_DIRTY, COMPONENTS_DIRTY);
} else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "DS: Unable to UpdateDesktopPosition"); }
return fRet; }
HRESULT EnsureFilePathIsPresent(LPCTSTR pszFilePath) // Recursively process (in reverse) a path and create the first
// directory that does not exist and when unwinding the calling
// chain create each subsequent directory in the path until the
// whole original path is created.
if (pszFilePath && pszFilePath[0]) { TCHAR szDesktopFileDirectory[MAX_PATH];
hr = S_OK; lstrcpy(szDesktopFileDirectory, pszFilePath); ASSERT(lstrlen(szDesktopFileDirectory) > lstrlen(TEXT("C:\\"))); // something wrong if the root directory is hit
if ((PathRemoveFileSpec(szDesktopFileDirectory) != 0) && (GetFileAttributes(szDesktopFileDirectory) == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (CreateDirectory(szDesktopFileDirectory, NULL) == 0)) { hr = EnsureFilePathIsPresent(szDesktopFileDirectory); TBOOL(CreateDirectory(szDesktopFileDirectory, NULL)); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetPerUserFileName(LPTSTR pszOutputFileName, DWORD dwSize, LPTSTR pszPartialFileName) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlAppData;
*pszOutputFileName = TEXT('\0');
HRESULT hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, &pidlAppData); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlAppData, pszOutputFileName); PathAppend(pszOutputFileName, pszPartialFileName); ILFree(pidlAppData);
hr = EnsureFilePathIsPresent(pszOutputFileName); }
return hr; }
void GetRegLocation(LPTSTR lpszResult, DWORD cchResult, LPCTSTR lpszKey, LPCTSTR lpszScheme) { TCHAR szSubkey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwDataLength = sizeof(szSubkey) - 2 * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwType;
lstrcpy(szSubkey, TEXT("\\"));
// use what was given or get it from the registry
if (lpszScheme) StrCatBuff(szSubkey, lpszScheme, SIZECHARS(szSubkey)); else SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_DESKCOMP_SCHEME, REG_VAL_SCHEME_DISPLAY, &dwType, (LPBYTE)(szSubkey) + sizeof(TCHAR), &dwDataLength);
if (szSubkey[1]) StrCatBuff(szSubkey, TEXT("\\"), SIZECHARS(szSubkey));
wnsprintf(lpszResult, cchResult, lpszKey, szSubkey); }
BOOL ValidateFileName(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszFilename, int iTypeString) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pszFilename); if ((dwAttributes != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (dwAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN))) { TCHAR szType1[64]; TCHAR szType2[64];
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, iTypeString, szType1, ARRAYSIZE(szType1)); LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, iTypeString+1, szType2, ARRAYSIZE(szType2)); if (ShellMessageBox(HINST_THISDLL, hwnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_VALIDFN_FMT), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_VALIDFN_TITLE), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2, szType1, szType2) == IDNO) { fRet = FALSE; } }
return fRet; }
void GetWallpaperDirName(LPTSTR lpszWallPaperDir, int iBuffSize) { TCHAR szExp[MAX_PATH];
//Compute the default wallpaper name.
if (GetWindowsDirectory(lpszWallPaperDir, iBuffSize) != 0) { lstrcat(lpszWallPaperDir, DESKTOPHTML_WEB_DIR);
//Read it from the registry key, if it is set!
DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData = (DWORD)iBuffSize; SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_SETUP, c_szWallPaperDir, &dwType, (LPVOID)lpszWallPaperDir, &cbData);
// Maybe we should check if it is REG_EXPAND_SZ, to save a few CPU cycle?
SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpszWallPaperDir, szExp, ARRAYSIZE(szExp)); lstrcpyn(lpszWallPaperDir, szExp, iBuffSize); } }
BOOL CALLBACK MultiMonEnumAreaCallBack(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, LPARAM lData) { EnumMonitorsArea* pEMA = (EnumMonitorsArea*)lData; if (pEMA->iMonitors > LV_MAX_WORKAREAS - 1) { //ignore the other monitors because we can only handle up to LV_MAX_WORKAREAS
//REARCHITECT: should we dynamically allocate this?
return FALSE; } GetMonitorRect(hMonitor, &pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors]); GetMonitorWorkArea(hMonitor, &pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors]); if(pEMA->iMonitors == 0) { pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.left = pEMA->rcMonitor[0].left; pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.top = pEMA->rcMonitor[0].top; pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.right = pEMA->rcMonitor[0].right; pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.bottom = pEMA->rcMonitor[0].bottom;
pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.left = pEMA->rcWorkArea[0].left; pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.top = pEMA->rcWorkArea[0].top; pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.right = pEMA->rcWorkArea[0].right; pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.bottom = pEMA->rcWorkArea[0].bottom; } else { if(pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].left < pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.left) { pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.left = pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].left; } if(pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].top < pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.top) { pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.top = pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].top; } if(pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].right > pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.right) { pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.right = pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].right; } if(pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].bottom > pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.bottom) { pEMA->rcVirtualMonitor.bottom = pEMA->rcMonitor[pEMA->iMonitors].bottom; }
if(pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].left < pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.left) { pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.left = pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].left; } if(pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].top < pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.top) { pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.top = pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].top; } if(pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].right > pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.right) { pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.right = pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].right; } if(pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].bottom > pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.bottom) { pEMA->rcVirtualWorkArea.bottom = pEMA->rcWorkArea[pEMA->iMonitors].bottom; } } pEMA->iMonitors++; return TRUE; }
void GetMonitorSettings(EnumMonitorsArea* ema) { ema->iMonitors = 0;
ema->rcVirtualMonitor.left = 0; ema->rcVirtualMonitor.top = 0; ema->rcVirtualMonitor.right = 0; ema->rcVirtualMonitor.bottom = 0;
ema->rcVirtualWorkArea.left = 0; ema->rcVirtualWorkArea.top = 0; ema->rcVirtualWorkArea.right = 0; ema->rcVirtualWorkArea.bottom = 0;
EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MultiMonEnumAreaCallBack, (LPARAM)ema); }
int _GetWorkAreaIndexWorker(POINT pt, LPCRECT prect, int crect) { int iIndex;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < crect; iIndex++) { if (PtInRect(&prect[iIndex], pt)) { return iIndex; } }
return -1; }
int GetWorkAreaIndexFromPoint(POINT pt, LPCRECT prect, int crect) { ASSERT(crect);
// Map to correct coords...
pt.x += prect[0].left; pt.y += prect[0].top;
return _GetWorkAreaIndexWorker(pt, prect, crect); }
int GetWorkAreaIndex(COMPPOS *pcp, LPCRECT prect, int crect, LPPOINT lpptVirtualTopLeft) { POINT ptComp; ptComp.x = pcp->iLeft + lpptVirtualTopLeft->x; ptComp.y = pcp->iTop + lpptVirtualTopLeft->y;
return _GetWorkAreaIndexWorker(ptComp, prect, crect); }
// Prepends the Web wallpaper directory or the system directory to szWallpaper, if necessary
// (i.e., if the path is not specified). The return value is in szWallpaperWithPath, which is iBufSize
// bytes long
void GetWallpaperWithPath(LPCTSTR szWallpaper, LPTSTR szWallpaperWithPath, int iBufSize) { if (szWallpaper[0] && lstrcmpi(szWallpaper, g_szNone) != 0 && !StrChr(szWallpaper, TEXT('\\')) && !StrChr(szWallpaper, TEXT(':'))) // The file could be d:foo.bmp
{ // If the file is a normal wallpaper, we prepend the windows directory to the filename
if (IsNormalWallpaper(szWallpaper)) { GetWindowsDirectory(szWallpaperWithPath, iBufSize); } // else we prepend the wallpaper directory to the filename
else { GetWallpaperDirName(szWallpaperWithPath, iBufSize); } PathAppend(szWallpaperWithPath, szWallpaper); } else { lstrcpyn(szWallpaperWithPath, szWallpaper, iBufSize); } }
BOOL GetViewAreas(LPRECT lprcViewAreas, int* pnViewAreas) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HWND hwndDesktop = GetShellWindow(); // This is the "normal" desktop
if (hwndDesktop && IsWindow(hwndDesktop)) { DWORD dwProcID, dwCurrentProcID; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndDesktop, &dwProcID); dwCurrentProcID = GetCurrentProcessId(); if (dwCurrentProcID == dwProcID) { SendMessage(hwndDesktop, DTM_GETVIEWAREAS, (WPARAM)pnViewAreas, (LPARAM)lprcViewAreas); if (*pnViewAreas <= 0) { bRet = FALSE; } else { bRet = TRUE; } } else { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
// We need to enforce a minimum size for the deskmovr caption since it doesn't look
// right drawn any smaller
int GetcyCaption() { int cyCaption = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMCAPTION);
if (cyCaption < 15) cyCaption = 15;
cyCaption -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER);
return cyCaption; }
void PathUnExpandEnvStringsWrap(LPTSTR pszString, DWORD cchSize) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
StrCpyN(szTemp, pszString, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); if (!PathUnExpandEnvStrings(szTemp, pszString, cchSize)) { StrCpyN(pszString, szTemp, cchSize); } }
void PathExpandEnvStringsWrap(LPTSTR pszString, DWORD cchSize) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
StrCpyN(szTemp, pszString, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); if (0 == SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(szTemp, pszString, cchSize)) { StrCpyN(pszString, szTemp, cchSize); } }