Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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41 lines
1017 B

  1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. //
  3. // File: shell\themes\test\ctlperf\stdafx.h
  4. //
  5. // Contents: include file for standard system include files,
  6. // or project specific include files that are used frequently,
  7. // but are changed infrequently
  8. //
  9. // Classes: none
  10. //
  11. //------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. #pragma once
  13. // Change these values to use different versions
  14. /*#ifndef WINVER
  15. #define WINVER 0x0500
  16. #endif*/
  17. #ifndef _WIN32_IE
  18. #define _WIN32_IE 0x0500
  19. #endif
  20. #define _RICHEDIT_VER 0x0300
  21. #include <w4warn.h>
  22. #if defined(_IA64_)
  23. // Cheating to avoid having to change WTL
  24. #pragma warning(disable:4311) // 'type cast' : pointer truncation from 'HMENU' to 'UINT'
  25. #endif
  26. #include <atlbase.h>
  27. #include <atlapp.h>
  28. extern CAppModule _Module;
  29. #include <atlwin.h>
  30. #include <stdio.h>
  31. //** Macros
  32. #ifndef _countof
  33. #define _countof(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
  34. #endif