// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: MessageBroadcast.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// Class to manager sending or posting messages to windows to tell them that
// things have changed.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created (split from services.cpp)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MessageBroadcast.h"
#include "Services.h"
#include "ThemeSection.h"
#include "Loader.h"
#define TBOOL(x) ((BOOL)(x))
#define TW32(x) ((DWORD)(x))
#define THR(x) ((HRESULT)(x))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::CMessageBroadcast
// Arguments: fAllDesktops - if TRUE, all accessible desktops will be enum-ed
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CMessageBroadcast
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMessageBroadcast::CMessageBroadcast (BOOL fAllDesktops) : _hwnd(NULL), _dwProcessID(0), _fExclude(FALSE)
{ ZeroMemory(&_msg, sizeof(_msg));
_eMsgType = MT_SIMPLE; // default (set in each request function)
_fAllDesktops = fAllDesktops; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::~CMessageBroadcast
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for CMessageBroadcast
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMessageBroadcast::~CMessageBroadcast (void)
{ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::EnumRequestedWindows
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Enumerate all windows in all desktops or just on current desktop
// History: 2000-12-20 rfernand created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessageBroadcast::EnumRequestedWindows (void) { if (_fAllDesktops) { //---- enumerate all desktops in current session/station ----
TBOOL(EnumDesktops(GetProcessWindowStation(), DesktopCallBack, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this))); } else { //---- enumerate all windows in current desktop ----
TopWindowCallBack(GetDesktopWindow(), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessageBroadcast::PostSimpleMsg(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { _eMsgType = MT_SIMPLE;
_msg.message = msg; _msg.wParam = wParam; _msg.lParam = lParam;
EnumRequestedWindows(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessageBroadcast::PostAllThreadsMsg(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //---- post the msg to a window on each unique processid/threadid ----
_ThreadsProcessed.RemoveAll(); // will track unique processid/threadid we have posted to
_msg.message = msg; _msg.wParam = wParam; _msg.lParam = lParam;
EnumRequestedWindows(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::PostFilteredMsg
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Builds a message and stores conditions for the enumerator to
// make a decision on whether a message needs to be posted. Then
// enumerate all the windows (and children).
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessageBroadcast::PostFilteredMsg(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, HWND hwndTarget, BOOL fProcess, BOOL fExclude) { _eMsgType = MT_FILTERED;
//---- set up the message ----
_msg.message = msg;
_msg.wParam = wParam; _msg.lParam = lParam; _hwnd = hwndTarget;
if (fProcess) { _dwProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); } else { _dwProcessID = 0; }
_fExclude = (fExclude != NULL);
//---- enumerate all desktops in current session/station ----
EnumRequestedWindows(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::DesktopCallBack
// Arguments: See the platform SDK under EnumDesktops.
// Returns: BOOL
// Purpose: enum all windows for specified desktop
// History: 2000-12-13 rfernand created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK CMessageBroadcast::DesktopCallBack(LPTSTR lpszDesktop, LPARAM lParam) { HDESK hDesk = OpenDesktop(lpszDesktop, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_READOBJECTS | DESKTOP_ENUMERATE); if (hDesk) { Log(LOG_TMCHANGEMSG, L"CMessageBroadcast: Desktop Opened: %s", lpszDesktop);
//---- enum windows on desktop ----
TBOOL(EnumDesktopWindows(hDesk, TopWindowCallBack, lParam));
CloseDesktop(hDesk); }
return TRUE; // EnumDesktopWindows() returns unreliable errors
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::TopWindowCallBack
// Arguments: hwnd, lParam
// Returns: TRUE (keep enumerating)
// Purpose: call "Worker" for hwnd and all of its (nested) children
// History: 2000-12-13 rfernand created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK CMessageBroadcast::TopWindowCallBack (HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
{ //---- process top level window ----
//---- process all children windows ----
TBOOL(EnumChildWindows(hwnd, ChildWindowCallBack, lParam));
return TRUE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::ChildWindowCallBack
// Arguments: hwnd, lParam
// Returns: TRUE (keep enumerating)
// Purpose: call "Worker" for hwnd
// History: 2000-12-13 rfernand created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK CMessageBroadcast::ChildWindowCallBack (HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
{ //---- process top level window ----
return TRUE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMessageBroadcast::Worker
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Performs validation on whether the HWND should get the built
// message.
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessageBroadcast::Worker (HWND hwnd)
{ if (_eMsgType == MT_SIMPLE) { TBOOL(PostMessage(hwnd, _msg.message, _msg.wParam, _msg.lParam)); } else if (_eMsgType == MT_ALLTHREADS) { DWORD dwThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL); BOOL fSendIt = TRUE;
//---- is this a new thread? ----
for (int i=0; i < _ThreadsProcessed.m_nSize; i++) { if (_ThreadsProcessed[i] == dwThreadId) { fSendIt = FALSE; break; } }
if (fSendIt) { TBOOL(PostMessage(hwnd, _msg.message, _msg.wParam, _msg.lParam));
_ThreadsProcessed.Add(dwThreadId); } } else // MT_FILTERED
{ bool fMatch;
fMatch = true;
if (_dwProcessID != 0) { fMatch = (IsWindowProcess(hwnd, _dwProcessID) != FALSE); if (_fExclude) { fMatch = !fMatch; } }
if (fMatch) { if (_hwnd != NULL) { fMatch = ((_hwnd == hwnd) || IsChild(_hwnd, hwnd)); if (_fExclude) { fMatch = !fMatch; } }
if (fMatch) { TBOOL(PostMessage(hwnd, _msg.message, _msg.wParam, _msg.lParam));
//Log(LOG_TMCHANGE, L"Worker: just POSTED msg=0x%x to hwnd=0x%x",
// _msg.message, hwnd);
} } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------