Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Registry ACL processing and display functions
Bob Watson (a-robw)
Revision History:
23 Dec 94
--*/ #include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <c2dll.h>
#include <c2inc.h>
#include <c2utils.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "c2acls.h"
#include "c2aclres.h"
// define action codes here. They are only meaningful in the
// context of this module.
#define AC_REG_ACLS_MAKE_C2 1
#define SECURE C2DLL_C2
static LONG ProcessRegistryInf ( IN LPCTSTR szInfFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read the Registry INF file and update the registry key security
Return Value:
WIN32 status of function
--*/ { LONG lReturn; LONG lStatus;
LPTSTR mszRegKeyList; DWORD dwKeyListSize; DWORD dwReturnSize;
if (FileExists(szInfFileName)) { // file found, so continue
dwReturnSize = 0; dwKeyListSize = 0; mszRegKeyList = NULL; do { // allocate buffer to hold key list
dwKeyListSize += MAX_PATH * 1024; // add room for 1K keys
// free any previous allocations
mszRegKeyList = (LPTSTR)GLOBAL_ALLOC(dwKeyListSize * sizeof(TCHAR));
// read the keys to process (i.e. get a list of the section
// headers in the .ini file.
dwReturnSize = GetPrivateProfileString ( NULL, // list all sections
NULL, // not used
cmszEmptyString, // empty string for default,
mszRegKeyList, dwKeyListSize, // buffer size in characters
szInfFileName); // file name
} while (dwReturnSize == (dwKeyListSize -2)); // this value indicates truncation
if (dwReturnSize != 0) { // process all keys in list
for (szThisKey = mszRegKeyList; *szThisKey != 0; szThisKey += lstrlen(szThisKey)+1) {
// read in all the ACEs for this key
dwReturnSize = GetPrivateProfileSection ( szThisKey, mszThisSection, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szInfFileName);
if (dwReturnSize != 0) { paclKey = (PACL)GLOBAL_ALLOC(SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); if (paclKey != NULL) { InitializeSecurityDescriptor (&sdKey, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); if (InitializeAcl(paclKey, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, ACL_REVISION)) { // make ACL from section
lStatus = MakeAclFromRegSection ( mszThisSection, paclKey);
// add ACL to Security Descriptor
if (SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ( &sdKey, TRUE, paclKey, FALSE)) {
// DACL built now update key
szRegKey = GetKeyPath (szThisKey, &bDoSubKeys);
lStatus = SetRegistryKeySecurity ( GetRootKey(szThisKey), szRegKey, bDoSubKeys, &sdKey); } else { // unable to set securityDesc.
} } else { // unable to initialize ACL
} GLOBAL_FREE_IF_ALLOC (paclKey); } else { // unable to allocate ACL buffer
} } else { // no entries found in this section
} } // end while scanning list of sections
} else { // no section list returned
} GLOBAL_FREE_IF_ALLOC (mszRegKeyList); } else { lReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } return lReturn; }
LONG C2QueryRegistryAcls ( IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Function called to find out the current state of this configuration item. This function reads the current state of the item and sets the C2 Compliance flag and the Status string to reflect the current value of the configuration item.
For the moment, the registry is not read and compared so no status is returned.
Pointer to the Dll data block passed as an LPARAM.
ERROR_SUCCESS if the function succeeds otherwise a WIN32 error is returned if an error occurs
--*/ { PC2DLL_DATA pC2Data;
if (lParam != 0) { pC2Data = (PC2DLL_DATA)lParam; // return message based on flag for now
pC2Data->lC2Compliance = C2DLL_UNKNOWN; lstrcpy (pC2Data->szStatusName, GetStringResource (GetDllInstance(), IDS_UNABLE_READ)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; } }
LONG C2SetRegistryAcls ( IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Function called to change the current state of this configuration item based on an action code passed in the DLL data block. If this function successfully sets the state of the configuration item, then the C2 Compliance flag and the Status string to reflect the new value of the configuration item.
Pointer to the Dll data block passed as an LPARAM.
ERROR_SUCCESS if the function succeeds otherwise a WIN32 error is returned if an error occurs
--*/ { PC2DLL_DATA pC2Data; TCHAR szInfFileName[MAX_PATH];
if (lParam != 0) { pC2Data = (PC2DLL_DATA)lParam; switch (pC2Data->lActionCode ) { case AC_REG_ACLS_MAKE_C2: if (DisplayDllMessageBox( pC2Data->hWnd, IDS_REG_ACLS_CONFIRM, IDS_REG_ACLS_CAPTION, MBOKCANCEL_QUESTION) == IDOK) {
SET_WAIT_CURSOR; if (GetFilePath( GetStringResource(GetDllInstance(), IDS_REGISTRY_ACL_INF), szInfFileName)) { if (ProcessRegistryInf(szInfFileName) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pC2Data->lC2Compliance = SECURE; lstrcpy (pC2Data->szStatusName, GetStringResource(GetDllInstance(), IDS_REG_ACLS_COMPLY)); } else { // unable to set acl security
} } else { // unable to get acl file path
} SET_ARROW_CURSOR; } else { // user opted not to set acls
} break;
default: // no change;
break; } } else { return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; }
LONG C2DisplayRegistryAcls ( IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Function called to display more information on the configuration item and provide the user with the option to change the current setting (if appropriate). If the User "OK's" out of the UI, then the action code field in the DLL data block is set to the appropriate (and configuration item-specific) action code so the "Set" function can be called to perform the desired action. If the user Cancels out of the UI, then the Action code field is set to 0 (no action) and no action is performed.
Pointer to the Dll data block passed as an LPARAM.
ERROR_SUCCESS if the function succeeds otherwise a WIN32 error is returned if an error occurs
--*/ { PC2DLL_DATA pC2Data;
if (lParam != 0) { pC2Data = (PC2DLL_DATA)lParam; } else { return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; }
if (pC2Data->lC2Compliance == SECURE) { DisplayDllMessageBox ( pC2Data->hWnd, IDS_REG_ACLS_COMPLY, IDS_REG_ACLS_CAPTION, MBOK_INFO); } else { if (DisplayDllMessageBox ( pC2Data->hWnd, IDS_REG_ACLS_QUERY_SET, IDS_REG_ACLS_CAPTION, MBOKCANCEL_QUESTION) == IDOK) { pC2Data->lActionCode = AC_REG_ACLS_MAKE_C2; pC2Data->lActionValue = 0; // not used
} else { pC2Data->lActionCode = 0; // no action
pC2Data->lActionValue = 0; // not used
} }