Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. #ifndef C2FUNRES_H
  2. #define C2FUNRES_H
  3. #define IDC_STATIC -1
  4. #define IDC_LIST_BOX 101
  5. #define IDC_TEXT 102
  6. #define IDC_OVERWRITE_AS_NEEDED 103
  7. #define IDC_OVERWRITE_OLDER 104
  8. #define IDC_DO_NOT_OVERWRITE 105
  9. #define IDC_DAYS 106
  10. #define IDC_C2 107
  11. #define IDC_HALT_WHEN_LOG_FULL 109
  12. #define IDC_LOGON_CAPTION 110
  13. #define IDC_LOGON_MESSAGE 111
  14. #define IDC_NO_LOGON_MESSAGE 112
  15. #define IDC_LOGON_CAPTION_TITLE 114
  16. #define IDC_LOGON_MESSAGE_TITLE 115
  17. #define IDC_HIDE_LAST_USER 116
  18. #define IDC_HIDE_SHUTDOWN_BUTTON 117
  19. #define IDC_ALLOW_BLANK_PASSWORD 118
  20. #define IDC_MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH 119
  21. #define IDC_PASSWORD_LENGTH_EDIT 120
  23. #ifdef IDC_HELP
  24. #undef IDC_HELP
  25. #endif
  26. // martin - shuts-up compiler warning - IDC_HELP is def'ed in winuser.h
  27. #define IDC_HELP 122
  28. #define IDC_ADMIN_ASSIGN_DRIVES 123
  29. #define IDC_ALLOCATE_FLOPPY 124
  30. #define IDC_ALLOCATE_CDROM 125
  31. #define IDD_LIST_DLG 1000
  32. #define IDD_SECLOG_WRAP 1100
  33. #define IDD_AUDIT_FAIL 1200
  34. #define IDD_LOGON_MESSAGE 1300
  35. #define IDD_LAST_USER 1400
  36. #define IDD_SHUTDOWN_BUTTON 1500
  37. #define IDD_PASSWORD_LENGTH 1600
  38. #define IDD_GUEST_ACCOUNT 1700
  39. #define IDD_DRIVES_AND_PRINTERS 1800
  40. #define IDD_ALLOC_DRIVES 1900
  41. #define IDS_GENERIC_COMPLY 20001
  42. #define IDS_GENERIC_NOT_COMPLY 20002
  43. #define IDS_GENERIC_MB_MESSAGE 20003
  44. #define IDS_GENERIC_CAPTION 20004
  45. #define IDS_IS 20005
  46. #define IDS_IS_NOT 20006
  47. #define IDS_DLL_NAME 20007
  48. #define IDS_UNABLE_READ 20008
  49. #define IDS_NTFS 20101
  50. #define IDS_FS_LIST_TEXT_FORMAT 20102
  51. #define IDS_ERR_LIST_TEXT_FORMAT 20103
  52. #define IDS_NOT_C2_MESSAGE_FORMAT 20104
  53. #define IDS_C2_MESSAGE_FORMAT 20105
  54. #define IDS_SET_FS_MESSAGE 20106
  55. #define IDS_FS_CAPTION 20107
  56. #define IDS_C2_DISPLAY_MESSAGE 20108
  57. #define IDS_FS_DLG_TEXT 20109
  58. #define IDS_AUTOCHEK_CMD 20110
  59. #define IDS_AUTOCONV_CMD 20111
  60. #define IDS_FS_LAST_CHANCE 20112
  61. #define IDS_SESSION_MANAGER_KEY 20113
  62. #define IDS_BOOT_EXECUTE_VALUE 20114
  63. #define IDS_FS_CONVERT_FORMAT 20115
  64. #define IDS_NOT_C2_MESSAGE_FORMAT_1 20116
  65. #define IDS_IO_SYS 20201
  66. #define IDS_MSDOS_SYS 20202
  67. #define IDS_PCDOS_SYS 20203
  68. #define IDS_BOOT_LOADER 20204
  69. #define IDS_TIMEOUT 20205
  70. #define IDS_BOOT_INI_PATH 20206
  71. #define IDS_DOS_ON_SYSTEM 20207
  72. #define IDS_TIMEOUT_NOT_ZERO 20208
  73. #define IDS_OS_OK 20209
  74. #define IDS_OS_DLG_TEXT 20210
  75. #define IDS_OS_CAPTION 20211
  76. #define IDS_USE_CONTROL_PANEL 20212
  77. #define IDS_CURRENT_SYS_NOT_DEFAULT 20213
  78. #define IDS_BOOT_LOADER_SECTION 20214
  79. #define IDS_DEFAULT_KEY 20215
  80. #define IDS_BOOT_INI_FILENAME 20216
  81. #define IDS_OP_SYSTEMS_SECTION 20217
  82. #define IDS_OS_DELETE_DOS_FILES 20218
  83. #define IDS_OS_ZERO_BOOT_TIMEOUT 20219
  84. #define IDS_OS_RISC_BOOT_TIMEOUT 20220
  85. #define IDS_OS2SS_FILE 20301
  86. #define IDS_OS2_ON_SYSTEM 20302
  87. #define IDS_OS2_NOT_ON_SYSTEM 20303
  88. #define IDS_DELETE_OS2 20304
  89. #define IDS_OS2_CAPTION 20305
  90. #define IDS_OS2_DISPLAY_MESSAGE 20306
  91. #define IDS_NEW_OS2SS_FILE 20307
  92. #define IDS_OS2_FILE 20308
  93. #define IDS_NEW_OS2_FILE 20309
  94. #define IDS_OS2_ERROR_MOVING 20310
  95. #define IDS_OS2_CONFIRM 20311
  96. #define IDS_POSIX_FILE 20401
  97. #define IDS_POSIX_ON_SYSTEM 20402
  98. #define IDS_POSIX_NOT_ON_SYSTEM 20403
  99. #define IDS_DELETE_POSIX 20404
  100. #define IDS_POSIX_CAPTION 20405
  101. #define IDS_POSIX_DISPLAY_MESSAGE 20406
  102. #define IDS_NEW_POSIX_FILE 20407
  103. #define IDS_POSIX_ERROR_MOVING 20408
  104. #define IDS_POSIX_CONFIRM 20409
  105. #define IDS_SECLOG_WRAP_KEY 20501
  106. #define IDS_SECLOG_WRAP_VALUE 20502
  107. #define IDS_SECLOG_IS_C2 20503
  108. #define IDS_SECLOG_WRAPS_AS_NEEDED 20504
  109. #define IDS_SECLOG_OVERWRITE_OLD 20505
  110. #define IDS_SECLOG_DAYS_ERROR 20506
  111. #define IDS_SECLOG_CAPTION 20507
  112. #define IDS_SECLOG_ERROR_NO_SET 20508
  113. #define IDS_LSA_KEY 20601
  114. #define IDS_AUDIT_FAIL_VALUE 20602
  115. #define IDS_AUDIT_FAIL_CRASH 20603
  116. #define IDS_AUDIT_FAIL_NO_CRASH 20604
  117. #define IDS_AUDIT_ERROR_NO_SET 20605
  118. #define IDS_AUDIT_CAPTION 20606
  119. #define IDS_AUDIT_ERROR_NO_GET 20607
  120. #define IDS_WINLOGON_KEY 20701
  121. #define IDS_LOGON_CAPTION_VALUE 20702
  122. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_VALUE 20703
  123. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_DEFINED 20704
  124. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_NOT_DEF 20705
  125. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_C2_BTN 20706
  126. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_NO_TEXT 20707
  127. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_CAPTION 20708
  128. #define IDS_LOGON_MESSAGE_ERROR_SET 20709
  129. #define IDS_LAST_USER_VALUE 20801
  130. #define IDS_1 20802
  131. #define IDS_0 20803
  132. #define IDS_LAST_USER_HIDDEN 20804
  133. #define IDS_LAST_USER_DISPLAYED 20805
  134. #define IDS_LAST_USER_ERROR_NO_GET 20806
  135. #define IDS_LAST_USER_CAPTION 20807
  136. #define IDS_LAST_USER_ERROR_NO_SET 20808
  137. #define IDS_SHUTDOWN_BTN_VALUE 20901
  138. #define IDS_SHUTDOWN_BTN_HIDDEN 20902
  139. #define IDS_SHUTDOWN_BTN_DISPLAYED 20903
  140. #define IDS_SHUTDOWN_ERROR_NOT_SET 20904
  141. #define IDS_SHUTDOWN_CAPTION 20905
  142. #define IDS_PASSWORD_NOT_BLANK 21001
  143. #define IDS_PASSWORD_CAN_BE_BLANK 21002
  144. #define IDS_PASSWORD_INVALID_LEN 21003
  145. #define IDS_PASSWORD_CAPTION 21004
  146. #define IDS_PASSWORD_ERROR_NO_SET 21005
  147. #define IDS_GUEST_ACCOUNT_ENABLED 21101
  148. #define IDS_GUEST_ACCOUNT_DISABLED 21102
  149. #define IDS_GUEST_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND 21103
  150. #define IDS_GUEST_ACCOUNT_CAPTION 21104
  151. #define IDS_SOFTWARE_KEY 21201
  152. #define IDS_NETWORK_SERVICE_ID_KEY 21202
  153. #define IDS_NETWORK_SERVICE_FOUND 21203
  154. #define IDS_NETWORK_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND 21204
  155. #define IDS_NETWORK_SHOW_NCPA 21205
  156. #define IDS_NETWORK_CAPTION 21206
  157. #define IDS_NCPA_DLL 21207
  158. #define IDS_NCPA_CPL_APPLET 21208
  159. #define IDS_NCPA_NETWORK_APPLET 21209
  160. #define IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_LOAD_DLL 21210
  161. #define IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_FIND_CPL 21211
  162. #define IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_INIT_CPL 21212
  163. #define IDS_PROTECTION_MODE_VALUE 21301
  164. #define IDS_ONLY_ADMINS_ASSIGN_DRIVE 21302
  165. #define IDS_ANYONE_CAN_ASSIGN_DRIVE 21303
  167. #define IDS_DRIVES_AND_PRINTERS_NOT_SET 21305
  168. #define IDS_ALLOCATE_FLOPPIES_VALUE 21401
  169. #define IDS_ALLOCATE_CDROMS_VALUE 21402
  170. #define IDS_ALLOCATE_NO_DRIVES_MSG 21403
  171. #define IDS_ALLOCATE_FLOPPY_DRIVE_MSG 21404
  172. #define IDS_ALLOCATE_CDROM_DRIVE_MSG 21405
  173. #define IDS_ALLOCATE_BOTH_DRIVES_MSG 21406
  174. #define IDD_OTHER_ITEMS 2000
  175. #define IDS_MAKE_C2_COMPLIANT 21500
  176. #define IDS_IS_C2_COMPLIANT 21501
  177. #define IDS_IS_NOT_C2_COMPLIANT 21502
  178. #endif