Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
a collection of utility functions used by other routines.
Bob Watson (a-robw)
Revision History:
24 Aug 1994 Written
--*/ #include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include "c2inc.h"
#include "c2utils.h"
#include "strings.h"
#define NUM_BUFS 4
// local "helper" functions
static BOOL MediaPresent ( IN LPCTSTR szPath, IN BOOL bPresentAndValid ) /*++
Routine Description:
determines if the specified path is present and available
IN LPCTSTR szPath path to examine (Must be a DOS path)
Return Value:
TRUE: path is available FALSE: unable to find/open path
--*/ { BOOL bMediaPresent = FALSE; TCHAR szDev[8]; DWORD dwBytes = 0; DWORD dwAttrib; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; UINT nErrorMode;
if (!IsUncPath(szPath)) { // build device name string
szDev[0] = szPath[0]; szDev[1] = cColon; szDev[2] = cBackslash; szDev[3] = 0;
// disable windows error message popup
dwAttrib = QuietGetFileAttributes (szDev); if ((dwAttrib != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // if the root dir is a dir, then it must be present and formatted
bMediaPresent = TRUE; } else { // otherwise see if it's present and not formatted or not present
dwLastError = GetMyLastError(); if (dwLastError == ERROR_NOT_READY) { // then no disk in drive
bMediaPresent = FALSE; } else if ((dwLastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (dwLastError == ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA)) { // then and UNFORMATTED disk is in drive
if (bPresentAndValid) { // this isn't good enough if it's supposed to be formatted
bMediaPresent = FALSE; } else { // we're just looking for a disk so this is OK
bMediaPresent = TRUE; } } }
SetErrorMode (nErrorMode); // restore old error mode
} else { // assume UNC path devices are present
bMediaPresent = TRUE; } return bMediaPresent; }
// Global functions
DWORD QuietGetFileAttributes ( IN LPCTSTR lpszFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads the attributes of the path in lpzsFileName without triggering any Windows error dialog if there's an OS error (e.g. drive not ready)
IN LPCTSTR lpszFileName path to retrieve attributes from
Return Value:
file attributes DWORD returned from GetFileAttributes or 0xFFFFFFFF if unable to open path.
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn; UINT nErrorMode; unsigned uAttrib; // used in WIN 16 builds only
// disable windows error message popup
dwReturn = GetFileAttributes (lpszFileName); uAttrib = 0; // to prevent unused var error in WIN32 build
#else // WIN16
if (_dos_getfileattr (lpszFileName, &uAttrib) == 0) { dwReturn = uAttrib; } else { dwReturn = 0xFFFFFFFF; SetLastError (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } #endif
SetErrorMode (nErrorMode); // restore old error mode
return dwReturn; }
BOOL EnableSecurityPriv ( ) { HANDLE hToken; LUID SeSecurityNameValue; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp;
/* Retrieve a handle of the access token. */
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { return FALSE; }
* Enable the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege */
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue((LPCTSTR) NULL, SE_SECURITY_NAME, &SeSecurityNameValue)) { return FALSE; } tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Luid = SeSecurityNameValue; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tkp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, (PDWORD) NULL);
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
BOOL EnableAllPriv ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine enables all privileges in the token.
Return Value:
--*/ { HANDLE Token; ULONG ReturnLength, Index; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState; BOOL Result;
Token = NULL; NewState = NULL;
Result = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &Token ); if (Result) { ReturnLength = 4096; NewState = malloc( ReturnLength ); Result = (BOOL)(NewState != NULL); if (Result) { Result = GetTokenInformation( Token, // TokenHandle
TokenPrivileges, // TokenInformationClass
NewState, // TokenInformation
ReturnLength, // TokenInformationLength
&ReturnLength // ReturnLength
if (Result) { //
// Set the state settings so that all privileges are enabled...
if (NewState->PrivilegeCount > 0) { for (Index = 0; Index < NewState->PrivilegeCount; Index++ ) { NewState->Privileges[Index].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; } }
Result = AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, // TokenHandle
FALSE, // DisableAllPrivileges
NewState, // NewState (OPTIONAL)
ReturnLength, // BufferLength
NULL, // PreviousState (OPTIONAL)
&ReturnLength // ReturnLength
); } } }
if (NewState != NULL) { free( NewState ); }
if (Token != NULL) { CloseHandle( Token ); }
return( Result ); }
#ifdef _UNICODE
FARPROC GetProcAddressW ( IN HMODULE hModule, IN LPCWSTR lpwszProc ) { LPSTR szProc; LONG lProcLen; LONG lAnsiLen; FARPROC lpReturn;
lProcLen = lstrlen(lpwszProc); szProc = GLOBAL_ALLOC (lProcLen + 1);
if (szProc != NULL) { lAnsiLen = wcstombs (szProc, lpwszProc, lProcLen); if (lAnsiLen == lProcLen) { lpReturn = GetProcAddress ( hModule, szProc); } else { lpReturn = NULL; } // free allocated string buffer
GLOBAL_FREE_IF_ALLOC (szProc); } else { lpReturn = NULL; } return lpReturn; } #endif
#ifdef _UNICODE
HFILE OpenFileW( LPCTSTR lpwszFile, LPWOFSTRUCT lpWOpenBuff, UINT fuMode ) { LPSTR szFileName; OFSTRUCT ofStruct; HFILE hReturn; LONG lFileNameLen; LONG lAnsiNameLen; // check arguments
if ((lpwszFile == NULL) || (lpWOpenBuff == NULL)) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); hReturn = HFILE_ERROR; } else { lFileNameLen = lstrlen(lpwszFile); szFileName = GLOBAL_ALLOC (lFileNameLen + 1); if (szFileName != NULL) { lAnsiNameLen = wcstombs (szFileName, lpwszFile, lFileNameLen); if (lAnsiNameLen == lFileNameLen) { hReturn = OpenFile ( szFileName, &ofStruct, fuMode);
if (hReturn != HFILE_ERROR){ lpWOpenBuff->cBytes = ofStruct.cBytes; lpWOpenBuff->fFixedDisk = ofStruct.fFixedDisk; lpWOpenBuff->nErrCode = ofStruct.nErrCode; lpWOpenBuff->Reserved1 = ofStruct.Reserved1; lpWOpenBuff->Reserved2 = ofStruct.Reserved2; lAnsiNameLen = strlen (ofStruct.szPathName); mbstowcs (lpWOpenBuff->szPathName, ofStruct.szPathName, lAnsiNameLen); } } GLOBAL_FREE_IF_ALLOC (szFileName); } else { SetLastError (ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); hReturn = HFILE_ERROR; } } return hReturn; } #endif
BOOL TrimSpaces ( IN OUT LPTSTR szString ) /*++
Routine Description:
Trims leading and trailing spaces from szString argument, modifying the buffer passed in
IN OUT LPTSTR szString buffer to process
Return Value:
TRUE if string was modified FALSE if not
--*/ { LPTSTR szSource; LPTSTR szDest; LPTSTR szLast; BOOL bChars;
szLast = szSource = szDest = szString; bChars = FALSE;
while (*szSource != 0) { // skip leading non-space chars
if (*szSource > cSpace) { szLast = szDest; bChars = TRUE; } if (bChars) { // remember last non-space character
// copy source to destination & increment both
*szDest++ = *szSource++; } else { szSource++; } }
if (bChars) { *++szLast = 0; // terminate after last non-space char
} else { // string was all spaces so return an empty (0-len) string
*szString = 0; }
return (szLast != szSource); }
BOOL IsUncPath ( IN LPCTSTR szPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
examines path as a string looking for "tell-tale" double backslash indicating the machine name syntax of a UNC path
IN LPCTSTR szPath path to examine
Return Value:
TRUE if \\ found at start of string FALSE if not
--*/ { LPTSTR szPtChar;
szPtChar = (LPTSTR)szPath; if (*szPtChar == cBackslash) { if (*++szPtChar == cBackslash) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
LPTSTR GetFileNameFromPath ( IN LPCTSTR szPath ) { LPTSTR szLastBs; LPTSTR szThisChar;
szLastBs = (LPTSTR)szPath;
for (szThisChar = (LPTSTR)szPath; *szThisChar != 0; szThisChar++) { if (*szThisChar == cBackslash) { szLastBs = szThisChar; } } if (*szLastBs == cBackslash) { szLastBs++; } return szLastBs; }
BOOL CenterWindow ( HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent ) /*++
Routine Description:
Centers the child window in the Parent window
HWND hwndChild, handle of child window to center
HWND hwndParent handle of parent window to center child window in
Return value of SetWindowPos
--*/ { RECT rChild, rParent; LONG wChild, hChild, wParent, hParent; LONG wScreen, hScreen, xNew, yNew; HDC hdc;
// Get the Height and Width of the child window
GetWindowRect (hwndChild, &rChild); wChild = rChild.right - rChild.left; hChild = rChild.bottom - rChild.top;
// Get the Height and Width of the parent window
GetWindowRect (hwndParent, &rParent); wParent = rParent.right - rParent.left; hParent = rParent.bottom - rParent.top;
// Get the display limits
hdc = GetDC (hwndChild); wScreen = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES); hScreen = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES); ReleaseDC (hwndChild, hdc);
// Calculate new X position, then adjust for screen
xNew = rParent.left + ((wParent - wChild) /2); if (xNew < 0) { xNew = 0; } else if ((xNew+wChild) > wScreen) { xNew = wScreen - wChild; }
// Calculate new Y position, then adjust for screen
yNew = rParent.top + ((hParent - hChild) /2); if (yNew < 0) { yNew = 0; } else if ((yNew+hChild) > hScreen) { yNew = hScreen - hChild; }
// Set it, and return
return SetWindowPos (hwndChild, NULL, (int)xNew, (int)yNew, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); }
UINT GetDriveTypeFromDosPath ( IN LPCTSTR szDosPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Strips the filename and path from the path in the argument and returns the drive type as returned by the GetDriveType Win32 API fn.
IN LPCTSTR szDosPath dos path in the format: <Drive>:\path... This format is NOT checked by the function!
Return Value:
DRIVE TYPE value returned by the GetDriveType API.
--*/ { #ifdef WIN32
TCHAR szRootDir[4];
szRootDir[0] = szDosPath[0]; szRootDir[1] = cColon; szRootDir[2] = cBackslash; szRootDir[3] = 0; #else // win16 version isn't as robust
int szRootDir; // not really an SZ, but it keeps the call compatible
TCHAR szLocalPath[4];
szLocalPath[0] = szDosPath[0]; szLocalPath[1] = 0;
_strupr(szLocalPath); szRootDir = szLocalPath[0] - cA; #endif
return (GetDriveType(szRootDir)); }
LPCTSTR GetItemFromIniEntry ( IN LPCTSTR szEntry, IN DWORD dwItem
) /*++
Routine Description:
returns nth item from comma separated list returned from inf file. leaves (double)quoted strings intact.
IN LPCTSTR szEntry entry string returned from INF file
IN DWORD dwItem 1-based index indicating which item to return. (i.e. 1= first item in list, 2= second, etc.)
Return Value:
pointer to buffer containing desired entry in string. Note, this routine may only be called 4 times before the string buffer is re-used. (i.e. don't use this function more than 4 times in single function call!!)
--*/ { static TCHAR szReturnBuffer[4][MAX_PATH]; static LONG dwBuff; LPTSTR szSource, szDest; DWORD dwThisItem;
dwBuff = ++dwBuff % 4; // wrap buffer index
szSource = (LPTSTR)szEntry; szDest = &szReturnBuffer[dwBuff][0];
// clear previous contents
memset (szDest, 0, (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)));
// go past ini key
while ((*szSource != cEqual) && (*szSource != 0)) szSource++; if (*szSource == 0){ // no equals found so start at beginning
// presumably this is just the "value"
szSource = (LPTSTR)szEntry; } else { szSource++; } dwThisItem = 1; while (dwThisItem < dwItem) { if (*szSource != 0) { while ((*szSource != cComma) && (*szSource != 0)) { if (*szSource == cDoubleQuote) { // if this is a quote, then go to the close quote
szSource++; while ((*szSource != cDoubleQuote) && (*szSource != 0)) szSource++; } if (*szSource != 0) szSource++; } } dwThisItem++; if (*szSource != 0) szSource++; } // copy this entry to the return buffer
if (*szSource != 0) { while ((*szSource != cComma) && (*szSource != 0)) { if (*szSource == cDoubleQuote) { // if this is a quote, then go to the close quote
// don't copy quotes!
szSource++; while ((*szSource != cDoubleQuote) && (*szSource != 0)) { *szDest++ = *szSource++; } if (*szSource != 0) szSource++; } else { *szDest++ = *szSource++; } } *szDest = 0; }
// remove any leading and/or trailing spaces
TrimSpaces (&szReturnBuffer[dwBuff][0]);
return &szReturnBuffer[dwBuff][0]; }
LPCTSTR GetStringResource ( IN HANDLE hInstance, IN UINT nId ) /*++
Routine Description:
look up string resource and return string
IN UINT nId Resource ID of string to look up
Return Value:
pointer to string referenced by ID in arg list
--*/ { static TCHAR szBufArray[NUM_BUFS][SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; static DWORD dwIndex; LPTSTR szBuffer; DWORD dwLength;
if (hInstance != NULL) { hMod = hInstance; } else { hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); }
dwIndex++; dwIndex %= NUM_BUFS; szBuffer = &szBufArray[dwIndex][0];
// clear previous contents
memset (szBuffer, 0, (SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)));
dwLength = LoadString ( hMod, nId, szBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
return (LPCTSTR)szBuffer; }
LPCTSTR GetQuotedStringResource ( IN HANDLE hInstance, IN UINT nId ) /*++
Routine Description:
look up string resource and return string inside double quotes
IN HANDLE hInstance handle to application instance
IN UINT nId Resource ID of string to look up
Return Value:
pointer to string referenced by ID in arg list
--*/ { static TCHAR szBufArray[NUM_BUFS][SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; static DWORD dwIndex; LPTSTR szBuffer; DWORD dwLength;
if (hInstance != NULL) { hMod = hInstance; } else { hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); }
dwIndex++; dwIndex %= NUM_BUFS; szBuffer = &szBufArray[dwIndex][0];
// clear previous contents
memset (szBuffer, 0, (SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)));
szBuffer[0] = cSpace; szBuffer[1] = cSpace; szBuffer[2] = cDoubleQuote;
dwLength = LoadString ( hMod, nId, &szBuffer[3], SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
lstrcat(szBuffer, cszDoubleQuote);
return (LPCTSTR)szBuffer; }
LPCTSTR EnquoteString ( IN LPCTSTR szInString ) /*++
Routine Description:
return the input string wrapped in double quotes
Return Value:
pointer to string buffer containing a copy of szInString enclosed in double quotes
--*/ { static TCHAR szBufArray[NUM_BUFS][SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; static DWORD dwIndex; LPTSTR szBuffer;
dwIndex++; dwIndex %= NUM_BUFS; szBuffer = &szBufArray[dwIndex][0];
// clear previous contents
memset (szBuffer, 0, (SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)));
szBuffer[0] = cSpace; szBuffer[1] = cSpace; szBuffer[2] = cDoubleQuote; lstrcpy (&szBuffer[3], szInString); lstrcat (szBuffer, cszDoubleQuote);
return (LPCTSTR)szBuffer; }
LONG GetExpandedFileName ( IN LPTSTR szInFileName, IN DWORD dwMaxExpandedSize, OUT LPTSTR szExpandedFileName, OUT LPTSTR *pFileNamePart ) /*++
Routine Description:
expands any environment variables in InFileName, then gets the fully qualified pathname of the result and returns that in the buffer provided by the caller
IN LPTSTR szInFileName input file string to expand IN DWORD dwMaxExpandedSize size of output Buffer OUT LPTSTR szExpandedFileName buffer to recieve expanded name OUT LPTSTR *pFileNamePart pointer to filename in output buffer
WIN32 error status of procedure
--*/ { LPTSTR szEnvBuffer;
LPTSTR szPathReturn;
LONG lStatus; DWORD dwSize;
// validate arguments
if ((szInFileName != NULL) && (dwMaxExpandedSize != 0)) {
#ifdef WIN32
// allocate working buffers
szEnvBuffer = (LPTSTR)GLOBAL_ALLOC (((dwMaxExpandedSize + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
if (szEnvBuffer != NULL) {
// expand env. strings if any
dwSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( szInFileName, szEnvBuffer, (GlobalSize(szEnvBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR)));
if (dwSize != 0) { // get full pathname
CLEAR_FIRST_FOUR_BYTES(szExpandedFileName); if (GetFullPathName ( szEnvBuffer, dwMaxExpandedSize, szExpandedFileName, &szPathReturn) > 0) { if (pFileNamePart != NULL) { *pFileNamePart = szPathReturn; } lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // unable to get full path name
} else { // error expanding env strings
lStatus = GetMyLastError(); } } else { lStatus == ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
GLOBAL_FREE_IF_ALLOC (szEnvBuffer); #else // if WIN16
strncpy (szExpandedFileName, szInFileName, (size_t)dwMaxExpandedSize); lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; // unreferenced vars in WIN 16 mode
dwSize = dwSize; szEnvBuffer = szEnvBuffer; szPathReturn = szPathReturn; #endif
} else { lStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // bad argument
return lStatus; }
LONG CreateDirectoryFromPath ( IN LPCTSTR szPath, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSA ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates the directory specified in szPath and any other "higher" directories in the specified path that don't exist.
IN LPCTSTR szPath directory path to create (assumed to be a DOS path, not a UNC)
IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSA pointer to security attributes argument used by CreateDirectory
Return Value:
TRUE (non-zero) if directory(ies) created FALSE if error (GetMyLastError to find out why)
--*/ { LPTSTR szLocalPath; LPTSTR szEnd; LONG lReturn = 0L;
if (szLocalPath == NULL) { SetLastError (ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return 0; } else { // so far so good...
SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); // initialize error value to SUCCESS
GetExpandedFileName ( (LPTSTR)szPath, MAX_PATH, szLocalPath, NULL);
szEnd = &szLocalPath[3];
if (*szEnd != 0) { // then there are sub dirs to create
while (*szEnd != 0) { // go to next backslash
while ((*szEnd != cBackslash) && (*szEnd != 0)) szEnd++; if (*szEnd == cBackslash) { // terminate path here and create directory
*szEnd = 0; if (!CreateDirectory (szLocalPath, lpSA)) { // see what the error was and "adjust" it if necessary
if (GetMyLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // this is OK
SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); } else { lReturn = 0; } } else { // directory created successfully so update count
lReturn++; } // replace backslash and go to next dir
*szEnd++ = cBackslash; } } // create last dir in path now
if (!CreateDirectory (szLocalPath, lpSA)) { // see what the error was and "adjust" it if necessary
if (GetMyLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // this is OK
SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); lReturn++; } else { lReturn = 0; } } else { // directory created successfully
lReturn++; } } else { // else this is a root dir only so return success.
lReturn = 1; } GLOBAL_FREE_IF_ALLOC (szLocalPath); return lReturn; }
BOOL FileExists ( IN LPCTSTR szPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
returns TRUE if the file in the path argument exists (NOTE: that the file is not actually opened to save time, rather the directory entry is read in order to determine existence)
szPath pointer to filename to look up
Return Value:
TRUE if file exists FALSE if file not found
--*/ { BOOL bMediaPresent; UINT nDriveType; DWORD dwAttr;
nDriveType = GetDriveTypeFromDosPath((LPTSTR)szPath); if ((nDriveType == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) || (nDriveType == DRIVE_CDROM)) { // see if a formatted drive is really there
bMediaPresent = MediaPresent(szPath, TRUE); } else { // if drive is not removable, then assume it's there
bMediaPresent = TRUE; }
// try to get inforation on the file
dwAttr = QuietGetFileAttributes ((LPTSTR)szPath); if (dwAttr == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // unable to obtain attributes, so assume it's not there
// or we can't access it
return FALSE; } else { // found, so close it and return TRUE
return TRUE; } }
LPCTSTR GetKeyFromIniEntry ( IN LPCTSTR szEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { static TCHAR szReturnBuffer[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR szSource, szDest;
szSource = (LPTSTR)szEntry; szDest = &szReturnBuffer[0];
// clear previous contents
memset (szDest, 0, (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)));
*szDest = 0;
if (*szSource != 0) { while ((*szSource != cEqual) && (*szSource != 0)) { *szDest++ = *szSource++; } *szDest = 0; }
TrimSpaces(szReturnBuffer); return szReturnBuffer; }
DWORD StripQuotes ( IN OUT LPSTR szBuff ) /*++
Routine Description:
removes all double quote characters (") from the string in the argument. this function modifies the contents of the buffer passed in the argument list.
IN OUT LPSTR szBuff string to removed quote characters from
Return Value:
length of new string in characters
--*/ { LPSTR szSrcChar; LPSTR szDestChar;
DWORD dwCharCount;
szSrcChar = szBuff; szDestChar = szBuff; dwCharCount = 0;
while (*szSrcChar != '\0') { if (*szSrcChar != '\"') { *szDestChar = *szSrcChar; szDestChar++; dwCharCount++; } szSrcChar++; } *szDestChar = '\0';
return dwCharCount; }
BOOL GetFilePath ( IN LPCTSTR szFileName, OUT LPTSTR szPathBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Scans for the file specified in the argument list. The OpenFile function looks in the following directories in the following order for the INF.
1 The current directory.
2 The Windows directory (the directory containing WIN.COM), whose path the GetWindowsDirectory function retrieves.
3 The Windows system directory (the directory containing such system files as GDI.EXE), whose path the GetSystemDirectory function retrieves.
4 The directory containing the executable file for the current task; the GetModuleFileName function obtains the path of this directory.
5 The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
6 The list of directories mapped in a network.
szFileName base filename of file to find szPathBuffer buffer that application inf file path is written to.
Return Value:
TRUE if a file path is written to szPathBuffer FALSE if no file is found and szPathBuffer is empty
--*/ { TOFSTRUCT ofFile; HFILE hFile;
hFile = OpenFileT ( szFileName, &ofFile, OF_SEARCH);
if (hFile != HFILE_ERROR) { // file found (and opened!) successfully
lstrcpy (szPathBuffer, ofFile.szPathName); _lclose(hFile); // close file handle for now.
return TRUE; } else { *szPathBuffer = 0; return FALSE; } }
BOOL GetInfPath ( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT nFileNameId, OUT LPTSTR szPathBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Scans for the INF file described by the string resource ID in the arg list. The OpenFile function looks in the following directories in the following order for the INF.
1 The current directory.
2 The Windows directory (the directory containing WIN.COM), whose path the GetWindowsDirectory function retrieves.
3 The Windows system directory (the directory containing such system files as GDI.EXE), whose path the GetSystemDirectory function retrieves.
4 The directory containing the executable file for the current task; the GetModuleFileName function obtains the path of this directory.
5 The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
6 The list of directories mapped in a network.
hWnd Window handle of application main window nFileNameId ID of string resource containing filename to locate szPathBuffer buffer that application inf file path is written to.
Return Value:
TRUE if a file path is written to szPathBuffer FALSE if no file is found and szPathBuffer is empty
--*/ { return GetFilePath( GetStringResource (GET_INSTANCE(hWnd), nFileNameId), szPathBuffer); }
BOOL DrawRaisedShading ( IN LPRECT prShadeWnd, IN LPPAINTSTRUCT ps, IN LONG lDepth, IN HPEN hpenHighlight, IN HPEN hpenShadow ) { LONG lLineDepth; RECT rWnd; // local window rectangle dimensions
rWnd = *prShadeWnd; // make local copy of rectangle
// adjust rectangle to fit within client area
rWnd.right -= 1; rWnd.bottom -= 1;
if ((lDepth > 0) && (lDepth < (rWnd.bottom / 2)) && (lDepth < (rWnd.right / 2))) {
// draw shading line
for (lLineDepth = 0; lLineDepth < lDepth; lLineDepth++) { // start at bottom left corner and draw highlight
SelectObject (ps->hdc, hpenHighlight); MoveToEx (ps->hdc, rWnd.left, rWnd.bottom, NULL); LineTo (ps->hdc, rWnd.left, rWnd.top); LineTo (ps->hdc, rWnd.right, rWnd.top);
// draw shadow lines
SelectObject (ps->hdc, hpenShadow); LineTo (ps->hdc, rWnd.right, rWnd.bottom); LineTo (ps->hdc, rWnd.left-1, rWnd.bottom);
// shrink rectangle for next iteration
rWnd.top += 1; rWnd.left += 1; if (rWnd.left < rWnd.right) rWnd.right -= 1; if (rWnd.top < rWnd.bottom) rWnd.bottom -= 1; }
return TRUE; } else { // depth is bigger than window
return FALSE; } }
BOOL DrawSeparatorLine ( IN LPRECT lprLine, IN LPPAINTSTRUCT ps, IN HPEN hpenLine ) { SelectObject (ps->hdc, hpenLine); return Rectangle (ps->hdc, lprLine->left, lprLine->top, lprLine->right, lprLine->bottom); }
DWORD GetFileSizeFromPath ( LPCTSTR szPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
returns the size of the file specified in szPath (if it exists) (up to 4 GB)
returns 0 byte size if: the file could not be found the file is 0 bytes long
szPath path and name of file to query
Return Value: see description
--*/ { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwSize, dwHiSize;
if (FileExists(szPath)) { hFile = CreateFile(szPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwSize = GetFileSize (hFile, &dwHiSize); if (dwSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // an error so return 0
dwSize = 0; } else if (dwHiSize > 0) { // file is > 4GB so return Max Int
dwSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { // file size was returned and <= 4GB so return size
} CloseHandle (hFile); return dwSize; } else { return 0; // unable to open file
} } else { return 0; // file not found
} }