// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// File:
// Contents:
// History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "license.h"
#include "cryptkey.h"
#include "lscsp.h"
#include "licecert.h"
#define SECRET_DATA "I love sushi"
BOOL GetCspData( LSCSPINFO CspInfo, LPBYTE * ppbData, LPDWORD pcbData );
int _cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; LPBYTE pbProprietoryCert = NULL, pbX509Cert = NULL, pbPrivKey = NULL, pbX509PrivKey = NULL, pbX509PubKey = NULL, pbEnvelopedData = NULL, pbData = NULL; DWORD cbProprietoryCert = 0, cbX509Cert = 0, cbPrivKey = 0, cbX509PrivKey = 0, cbX509PubKey = 0, cbEnvelopedData = 0, cbData = 0; BYTE abData[512]; //
// Initialize the CSP library
Status = LsCsp_Initialize();
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { printf( "Error initializing LSCSP: %x\n", Status ); return 1; }
// Retrieve the proprietory certificate
if( !GetCspData( LsCspInfo_Certificate, &pbProprietoryCert, &cbProprietoryCert ) ) { printf( "Cannot get proprietory certificate\n" ); } else { printf( "Got proprietory certificate\n" ); }
// Retrieve the X509 certificate
if( !GetCspData( LsCspInfo_X509Certificate, &pbX509Cert, &cbX509Cert ) ) { printf( "Cannot get X509 certificate\n" ); } else { printf( "Got X509 certificate\n" ); } //
// retrieve private key for the proprietory certificate
if( !GetCspData( LsCspInfo_PrivateKey, &pbPrivKey, &cbPrivKey ) ) { printf( "Cannot get private key for the proprietory certificate\n"); } else { printf( "Got the private key for the proprietory certificate\n" ); }
// retrieve the private key for the X509 certificate
if( !GetCspData( LsCspInfo_X509CertPrivateKey, &pbX509PrivKey, &cbX509PrivKey ) ) { printf( "Cannot get private key for the X509 certificate\n"); } else { printf( "Got the private key for the X509 certificate\n" ); }
// validate the X509 certificate and get the public key from the certificate
Status = VerifyCertChain( pbX509Cert, cbX509Cert, NULL, &cbX509PubKey );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == Status ) { pbX509PubKey = new BYTE[ cbX509PubKey ];
if( NULL != pbX509PubKey ) { Status = VerifyCertChain( pbX509Cert, cbX509Cert, pbX509PubKey, &cbX509PubKey ); } } if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { printf( "Cannot verify certificate chain\n" ); goto done; } //
// Use the public key to encrypt a blob of data
Status = LicenseEnvelopeData( pbX509PubKey, cbX509PubKey, ( LPBYTE )SECRET_DATA, strlen( SECRET_DATA ) + 1, NULL, &cbEnvelopedData );
pbEnvelopedData = new BYTE[ cbEnvelopedData ];
if( NULL == pbEnvelopedData ) { goto done; }
Status = LicenseEnvelopeData( pbX509PubKey, cbX509PubKey, ( LPBYTE )SECRET_DATA, strlen( SECRET_DATA ) + 1, pbEnvelopedData, &cbEnvelopedData );
// Decrypt the encrypted data
cbData = sizeof( abData );
Status = LsCsp_DecryptEnvelopedData( CERT_TYPE_X509, pbEnvelopedData, cbEnvelopedData, abData, &cbData );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == Status ) { printf( "Secret data is: %s", pbData ); }
if( pbProprietoryCert ) { delete [] pbProprietoryCert; } if( pbX509Cert ) { delete [] pbX509Cert; } if( pbPrivKey ) { delete [] pbPrivKey; }
if( pbX509PrivKey ) { delete [] pbX509PrivKey; }
if( pbX509PubKey ) { delete [] pbX509PubKey; }
if( pbEnvelopedData ) { delete [] pbEnvelopedData; }
LsCsp_Exit(); return 1; }
BOOL GetCspData( LSCSPINFO CspInfo, LPBYTE * ppbData, LPDWORD pcbData ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; BOOL fResult = TRUE;
*ppbData = NULL; *pcbData = 0;
Status = LsCsp_GetServerData( CspInfo, NULL, pcbData );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == Status ) { *ppbData = new BYTE[ *pcbData ];
if( NULL == *ppbData ) { printf( "Out of memory\n" ); fResult = FALSE; goto done; }
Status = LsCsp_GetServerData( CspInfo, *ppbData, pcbData ); }
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { printf( "cannot get LSCSP data: %x\n", Status );
if( *ppbData ) { delete [] *ppbData; *pcbData = 0; }
fResult = FALSE; }
return( fResult ); }