#include "precomp.h"
#include <RegEntry.h>
#include <asmaster.h>
ASMaster *g_pMaster = NULL;
HRESULT WINAPI CreateASObject ( IAppSharingNotify * pNotify, UINT flags, IAppSharing** ppAS ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ASMaster * pMaster = NULL;
if (g_pMaster != NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("CreateASObject: IAppSharing * alreadycreated; only one allowed at a time")); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; DC_QUIT; }
ASSERT(!g_asMainThreadId); ASSERT(!g_putAS);
pMaster = new ASMaster(flags, pNotify); if (pMaster != NULL) { //
// Register as the groupware primary, with an event proc but no exit proc
if (!UT_InitTask(UTTASK_UI, &g_putUI)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to register UI task")); DC_QUIT; }
UT_RegisterEvent(g_putUI, eventProc, g_putUI, UT_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
// Start groupware thread.
if (!DCS_StartThread(WorkThreadEntryPoint)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't start groupware thread")); DC_QUIT; }
// Make sure the work thread initialization is ok
if (! g_asMainThreadId) { ERROR_OUT(("Init failed in the work thread")); DC_QUIT; }
// Success!
hr = S_OK;
DC_EXIT_POINT: if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pMaster) { ERROR_OUT(("CreateASObject: Init of ASMaster failed")); pMaster->Release(); pMaster = NULL; } }
*ppAS = pMaster; DebugExitHRESULT(CreateASObject, hr); return hr; }
ASMaster::ASMaster(UINT flags, IAppSharingNotify * pNotify) : m_cRefs (1), m_pNotify (pNotify) { DebugEntry(ASMaster::ASMaster);
if (m_pNotify) { m_pNotify->AddRef(); }
ASSERT(!g_pMaster); g_pMaster = this;
// Set up global flags:
// * service
// * unattended
g_asOptions = flags;
DebugExitVOID(ASMaster::ASMaster); }
ASMaster::~ASMaster() { DebugEntry(ASMaster::~ASMaster);
// Kill any share that's current or pending in the queue
// This will do nothing if no share is extant at the time the
// message is received.
if (g_asMainWindow) { PostMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_KILLSHARE_MSG, 0, 0); }
// Kill off the worker thread
if (g_asMainThreadId) { PostThreadMessage(g_asMainThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); }
// Clean up the UI
if (g_putUI) { UT_TermTask(&g_putUI); }
// global variables cleanup
if (m_pNotify) { m_pNotify->Release(); m_pNotify = NULL; }
if (g_pMaster == this) { g_pMaster = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(ASMaster::~ASMaster); }
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** pv) { return E_NOINTERFACE; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) ASMaster::AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRefs); return m_cRefs; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) ASMaster::Release() { ASSERT(m_cRefs > 0); if (::InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRefs) == 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRefs; }
// WorkThreadEntryPoint()
// This is the groupware code--obman, taskloader, and app sharing
DWORD WINAPI WorkThreadEntryPoint(LPVOID hEventWait) { BOOL result = FALSE; BOOL fCMGCleanup = FALSE; BOOL fDCSCleanup = FALSE; MSG msg; HWND hwndTop;
// Get the current thread ID. This is used in the stop code to know
// if the previous thread is still exiting. In the run-when-windows
// starts mode, our init code is called when Conf brings up UI and our
// term code is called when Conf brings it down. We have a race condition
// because this thread is created on each init. If we create a new
// one while the old one is exiting, we will stomp over each other and
// GP-fault.
g_asMainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Get our policies
// Register the call primary code, for T.120 GCC
if (!CMP_Init(&fCMGCleanup)) { ERROR_OUT(("CMP_Init failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// Do DCS fast init; slow font enum will happen later off a posted
// message. We can still share & participate in sharing without a
// full font list...
fDCSCleanup = TRUE; if (!DCS_Init()) { ERROR_OUT(("AS did not initialize")); DC_QUIT; }
// We've successfully initialised - let the thread which created this
// one continue
// Enter the main message processing loop:
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { //
// For dialogs, it's OK to do normal message processing.
if (hwndTop = IsForDialog(msg.hwnd)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(hwndTop, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else { //
// Note that this message dispatch loop DOES NOT include a call to
// Translate Message. This is because we do not want it to call
// ToAscii and affect the state maintained internally by ToAscii.
// We will call ToAscii ourselves in the IM when the user is typing
// in a view and calling it more than once for a keystroke
// will cause it to return wrong results (eg for dead keys).
// The consequence of this is that any windows which are driven by
// this dispatch loop will NOT receive WM_CHAR or WM_SYSCHAR
// messages. This is not a problem for dialog windows belonging to
// a task using this message loop as the dialog will run its own
// dispatch loop.
// If it becomes necessary for windows driven by this dispatch loop
// to get their messages translated then we could add logic to
// determine whether the message is destined for a view
// before deciding whether to translate it.
// Because we don't have a translate message in our message loop we
// need to do the following to ensure the keyboard LEDs follow what
// the user does when their input is going to this message loop.
if (((msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN) || (msg.message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) || (msg.message == WM_KEYUP) || (msg.message == WM_SYSKEYUP)) && IM_KEY_IS_TOGGLE(msg.wParam)) { BYTE kbState[256];
// There is a chance the LEDs state has changed so..
GetKeyboardState(kbState); SetKeyboardState(kbState); }
DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
result = (int)msg.wParam;
// We emerge from the processing loop when someone posts us a WM_QUIT.
// We do ObMan specific termination then call UT_TermTask (which will
// call any exit procedures we have registered).
if (fDCSCleanup) DCS_Term();
if (fCMGCleanup) CMP_Term();
g_asMainThreadId = 0;
DebugExitDWORD(WorkThreadEntryPoint, result); return(result); }
// IsForDialog()
// Returns if the message is intended for a window in a dialog. AppSharing
// has the host UI dialog, incoming request dialogs, and possibly
// notification message box dialogs.
HWND IsForDialog(HWND hwnd) { BOOL rc = FALSE; HWND hwndParent;
if (!hwnd) DC_QUIT;
while (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); if (hwndParent == GetDesktopWindow()) break;
hwnd = hwndParent; }
if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) { // This is a dialog
} else { hwnd = NULL; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitPTR(IsForDialog, hwnd); return(hwnd); }
// ASMaster member functions
// ASMaster::OnEvent
// Parameters: event event type
// param1 other parameter
// param2 other parameter
BOOL CALLBACK eventProc ( LPVOID cpiHandle_, UINT event, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { BOOL rc;
if (g_pMaster) { rc = g_pMaster->OnEvent(event, param1, param2); } else { WARNING_OUT(("Received ASMaster event %d but no g_pMaster", event)); rc = FALSE; }
return rc; }
BOOL ASMaster::OnEvent ( UINT event, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
if (!m_pNotify) { // Nothing to do
rc = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
switch (event) { case SH_EVT_APPSHARE_READY: m_pNotify->OnReadyToShare(param1 != 0); break;
case SH_EVT_SHARE_STARTED: m_pNotify->OnShareStarted(); break;
case SH_EVT_SHARING_STARTED: m_pNotify->OnSharingStarted(); break;
case SH_EVT_SHARE_ENDED: m_pNotify->OnShareEnded(); break;
case SH_EVT_PERSON_JOINED: m_pNotify->OnPersonJoined((IAS_GCC_ID)param1); break;
case SH_EVT_PERSON_LEFT: m_pNotify->OnPersonLeft((IAS_GCC_ID)param1); break;
case SH_EVT_STARTINCONTROL: m_pNotify->OnStartInControl((IAS_GCC_ID)param1); break;
case SH_EVT_STOPINCONTROL: m_pNotify->OnStopInControl((IAS_GCC_ID)param1); break;
case SH_EVT_CONTROLLABLE: m_pNotify->OnControllable(param1 != 0); break;
case SH_EVT_STARTCONTROLLED: m_pNotify->OnStartControlled((IAS_GCC_ID)param1); break;
case SH_EVT_STOPCONTROLLED: m_pNotify->OnStopControlled((IAS_GCC_ID)param1); break;
default: // Unrecognized, unhandled event
rc = FALSE; break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(ASMaster::OnEvent, rc); return(rc); }
// ASMaster::IsSharingAvailable()
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) ASMaster::IsSharingAvailable() { return(g_asCanHost); }
// ASMaster::CanShareNow()
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) ASMaster::CanShareNow() { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// We can share if
// * We can capture graphic output on this OS
// * We're in a call
if (g_asCanHost && g_asSession.callID && (g_s20State >= S20_NO_SHARE)) { rc = TRUE; }
return(rc); }
// ASMaster::InInShare()
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) ASMaster::IsInShare() { return(g_asSession.pShare != NULL); }
// ASMaster::IsSharing()
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) ASMaster::IsSharing() { IAS_PERSON_STATUS personStatus;
::ZeroMemory(&personStatus, sizeof(personStatus)); personStatus.cbSize = sizeof(personStatus); GetPersonStatus(0, &personStatus);
return(personStatus.AreSharing != 0); }
// CanAllowControl()
// We can allow control if we're sharing and it's not prevented by policy
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) ASMaster::CanAllowControl(void) { return(IsSharing()); }
// IsControllable()
// We are controllable if our state isn't detached.
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) ASMaster::IsControllable(void) { IAS_PERSON_STATUS personStatus;
::ZeroMemory(&personStatus, sizeof(personStatus)); personStatus.cbSize = sizeof(personStatus); GetPersonStatus(0, &personStatus);
return(personStatus.Controllable != 0); }
// GetPersonStatus()
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::GetPersonStatus(IAS_GCC_ID Person, IAS_PERSON_STATUS * pStatus) { return(::SHP_GetPersonStatus(Person, pStatus)); }
// ASMaster::ShareDesktop
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::ShareDesktop(void) { HRESULT hr;
hr = E_FAIL;
if (!CanShareNow()) { WARNING_OUT(("Share failing; can't share now")); DC_QUIT; }
if (SHP_ShareDesktop()) { hr = S_OK; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitHRESULT(ASMaster::ShareDesktop, hr); return hr; }
// ASMaster::UnshareDesktop
// Parameters: HWND of the window to unshare
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::UnshareDesktop(void) { return(::SHP_UnshareDesktop()); }
// TakeControl()
// From viewer to host, asking to take control of host.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::TakeControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonOf) { return(SHP_TakeControl(PersonOf)); }
// CancelTakeControl()
// From viewer to host, to cancel pending TakeControl request.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::CancelTakeControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonOf) { return(SHP_CancelTakeControl(PersonOf)); }
// ReleaseControl()
// From viewer to host, telling host that viewer is not in control of host
// anymore.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::ReleaseControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonOf) { return(SHP_ReleaseControl(PersonOf)); }
// PassControl()
// From viewer to host, when viewer is in control of host, asking to pass
// control of host to a different viewer.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::PassControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonOf, IAS_GCC_ID PersonTo) { return(SHP_PassControl(PersonOf, PersonTo)); }
// AllowControl()
// On host side, to allow/stop allowing control at all of shared apps/desktop.
// When one starts to host, allowing control always starts as off. So
// turning on allowing control, stopping sharing, then sharing something
// else will not leave host vulnerable.
// When turning it off, if a viewer was in control of the host, kill control
// from the host to the viewer will occur first.
// The "ESC" key is an accelerator to stop allowing control, when pressed
// by the user on the host who is currently controlled.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::AllowControl(BOOL fAllow) { return(::SHP_AllowControl(fAllow)); }
// GiveControl()
// From host to viewer, inviting the viewer to take control of the host.
// It's the inverse of TakeControl.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::GiveControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonTo) { return(SHP_GiveControl(PersonTo)); }
// CancelGiveControl()
// From host to viewer, to cancel pending GiveControl request
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::CancelGiveControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonTo) { return(SHP_CancelGiveControl(PersonTo)); }
// RevokeControl()
// From host to viewer, when host wishes to stop viewer from controlling him.
// AllowControl is still on, for another to possibly take control of the host.
// Mouse clicks and key presses other than "ESC" by the user on the controlled
// host host areaccelerators to kill control.
STDMETHODIMP ASMaster::RevokeControl(IAS_GCC_ID PersonTo) { return(SHP_RevokeControl(PersonTo)); }