#include "precomp.h"
// Bounds Accumulator
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// BA_SyncOutgoing()
// Reset rect count
void ASHost::BA_SyncOutgoing(void) { DebugEntry(ASHost::BA_SyncOutgoing);
m_baNumRects = 0;
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::BA_SyncOutgoing); }
// BA_AddRect()
void ASHost::BA_AddRect(LPRECT pRect) { DebugEntry(ASHost::BA_AddRect);
// Make sure that we don't have too many rects
if (m_baNumRects >= BA_NUM_RECTS) { ERROR_OUT(( "Too many rectangles")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that the caller has passed a valid rectangle. If not, do a
// trace alert, and then return immediately (as an invalid rectangle
// shouldn't contribute to the accumulated bounds) - but report an OK
// return code, so we keep running.
if ((pRect->right < pRect->left) || (pRect->bottom < pRect->top)) { WARNING_OUT(("BA_AddRect: empty rect {%04d, %04d, %04d, %04d}", pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom )); DC_QUIT; }
// Add the rect to the bounds.
m_abaRects[m_baNumRects++] = *pRect;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASHost::BA_AddRect); }
// BA_QueryAccumulation()
UINT ASHost::BA_QueryAccumulation(void) { UINT totalSDA; LPBA_FAST_DATA lpbaFast;
// Get the current setting and clear the previous one.
totalSDA = lpbaFast->totalSDA; lpbaFast->totalSDA = 0;
DebugExitDWORD(ASHost::BA_QueryAccumulation, totalSDA); return(totalSDA); }
// BA_FetchBounds()
void ASHost::BA_FetchBounds(void) { BA_BOUNDS_INFO boundsInfo; UINT i;
// Clear our copy of the bounds
m_baNumRects = 0;
// Get the driver's latest bounds rects
OSI_FunctionRequest(BA_ESC_GET_BOUNDS, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&boundsInfo, sizeof(boundsInfo));
// Add the driver's bounds into our array
TRACE_OUT(( "Retreived %d rects from driver", boundsInfo.numRects));
for (i = 0; i < boundsInfo.numRects; i++) { TRACE_OUT(( "Rect %d, (%d, %d) (%d, %d)", i, boundsInfo.rects[i].left, boundsInfo.rects[i].top, boundsInfo.rects[i].right, boundsInfo.rects[i].bottom)); BA_AddRect((LPRECT)&boundsInfo.rects[i]); }
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::BA_FetchBounds); }
// BA_ReturnBounds()
void ASHost::BA_ReturnBounds(void) { BA_BOUNDS_INFO boundsInfo;
// Copy the share core's bounds into the structure which we pass to the
// driver. This will also clear the share core's copy of the bounds.
BA_CopyBounds((LPRECT)boundsInfo.rects, (LPUINT)&boundsInfo.numRects, TRUE);
// Now set up for, and then call into the driver to fetch the driver's
// bounds.
TRACE_OUT(( "Passing %d rects to driver", boundsInfo.numRects)); OSI_FunctionRequest(BA_ESC_RETURN_BOUNDS, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&boundsInfo, sizeof(boundsInfo));
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::BA_ReturnBounds); }
// BA_CopyBounds()
void ASHost::BA_CopyBounds(LPRECT pRects, LPUINT pNumRects, BOOL fReset) { DebugEntry(ASHost::BA_CopyBounds);
if (*pNumRects = m_baNumRects) { TRACE_OUT(( "num rects : %d", m_baNumRects));
memcpy(pRects, m_abaRects, m_baNumRects * sizeof(RECT));
if (fReset) { m_baNumRects = 0; } }
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::BA_CopyBounds); }