#include "precomp.h"
#include <it120app.h>
// CMG.C
// Call Management
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// CMP_Init()
BOOL CMP_Init(BOOL * pfCleanup) { BOOL rc = FALSE; GCCError gcc_rc;
if (g_putCMG || g_pcmPrimary) { *pfCleanup = FALSE; ERROR_OUT(("Can't start CMP primary task; already running")); DC_QUIT; } else { *pfCleanup = TRUE; }
// Register CMG task
if (!UT_InitTask(UTTASK_CMG, &g_putCMG)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to start CMG task")); DC_QUIT; }
// Allocate a Call Manager handle, ref counted
g_pcmPrimary = (PCM_PRIMARY)UT_MallocRefCount(sizeof(CM_PRIMARY), TRUE); if (!g_pcmPrimary) { ERROR_OUT(("CMP_Init failed to allocate CM_PRIMARY data")); DC_QUIT; }
SET_STAMP(g_pcmPrimary, CMPRIMARY); g_pcmPrimary->putTask = g_putCMG;
// Init the people list
// Register event and exit procedures
UT_RegisterExit(g_putCMG, CMPExitProc, g_pcmPrimary); g_pcmPrimary->exitProcRegistered = TRUE;
// - GCCCreateSap, which is the interesting one.
gcc_rc = GCC_CreateAppSap((IGCCAppSap **) &(g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap), g_pcmPrimary, CMPGCCCallback); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != gcc_rc || NULL == g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap) { ERROR_OUT(( "Error from GCCCreateSap")); DC_QUIT; }
rc = TRUE;
DebugExitBOOL(CMP_Init, rc); return(rc); }
// CMP_Term()
void CMP_Term(void) { DebugEntry(CMP_Term);
if (g_pcmPrimary) { ValidateCMP(g_pcmPrimary);
// Unregister our GCC SAP.
if (NULL != g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap) { g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap->ReleaseInterface(); g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap = NULL; }
// Call the exit procedure to do all our termination
CMPExitProc(g_pcmPrimary); }
DebugExitVOID(CMP_Term); }
// CMPExitProc()
void CALLBACK CMPExitProc(LPVOID data) { PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary = (PCM_PRIMARY)data;
// Check parameters
ValidateCMP(pcmPrimary); ASSERT(pcmPrimary == g_pcmPrimary);
// Deregister the exit procedure.
if (pcmPrimary->exitProcRegistered) { UT_DeregisterExit(pcmPrimary->putTask, CMPExitProc, pcmPrimary); pcmPrimary->exitProcRegistered = FALSE; }
// Free the CMP data
UT_FreeRefCount((void**)&g_pcmPrimary, TRUE);
// CMPCallEnded()
void CMPCallEnded ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary ) { PCM_PERSON pPerson; PCM_PERSON pPersonT; int cmTask;
if (!(pcmPrimary->currentCall)) { TRACE_OUT(("CMCallEnded: not in call")); DC_QUIT; }
// Issue CMS_PERSON_LEFT events for all people still in the call.
// Do this back to front.
pPerson = (PCM_PERSON)COM_BasedListLast(&(pcmPrimary->people), FIELD_OFFSET(CM_PERSON, chain)); while (pPerson != NULL) { ASSERT(pcmPrimary->peopleCount > 0);
TRACE_OUT(("Person [%d] LEAVING call", pPerson->netID));
// Get the previous person
pPersonT = (PCM_PERSON)COM_BasedListPrev(&(pcmPrimary->people), pPerson, FIELD_OFFSET(CM_PERSON, chain));
// Remove this guy from the list
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pPerson->chain)); pcmPrimary->peopleCount--;
// Notify people of his leaving
CMPBroadcast(pcmPrimary, CMS_PERSON_LEFT, pcmPrimary->peopleCount, pPerson->netID);
// Free the memory for the item
delete pPerson;
// Move the previous person in the list
pPerson = pPersonT; }
// Inform all registered secondary tasks of call ending (call
// CMbroadcast() with CMS_END_CALL)
CMPBroadcast(pcmPrimary, CMS_END_CALL, 0, pcmPrimary->callID);
// Reset the current call vars
pcmPrimary->currentCall = FALSE; pcmPrimary->fTopProvider = FALSE; pcmPrimary->callID = 0; pcmPrimary->gccUserID = 0; pcmPrimary->gccTopProviderID = 0;
// Discard outstanding channel/token requests
for (cmTask = CMTASK_FIRST; cmTask < CMTASK_MAX; cmTask++) { if (pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]) { pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->channelKey = 0; pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->tokenKey = 0; } }
// Nobody should be in the call anymore
ASSERT(pcmPrimary->peopleCount == 0);
DebugExitVOID(CMCallEnded); }
// CMPGCCCallback
void CALLBACK CMPGCCCallback(GCCAppSapMsg * gccMessage) { PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary; GCCConferenceID confID; GCCApplicationRoster FAR * FAR * pRosterList; UINT roster; LPOSTR pOctetString; GCCObjectKey FAR * pObjectKey; UINT checkLen;
// The userDefined parameter is the Primary's PCM_CLIENT.
pcmPrimary = (PCM_PRIMARY)gccMessage->pAppData;
if (pcmPrimary != g_pcmPrimary) { ASSERT(NULL == g_pcmPrimary); return; }
switch (gccMessage->eMsgType) { case GCC_PERMIT_TO_ENROLL_INDICATION: { //
// This indicates a conference has started:
CMPProcessPermitToEnroll(pcmPrimary, &gccMessage->AppPermissionToEnrollInd); } break;
// This contains the result of a GCCApplicationEnrollRequest.
CMPProcessEnrollConfirm(pcmPrimary, &gccMessage->AppEnrollConfirm); } break;
// This contains the result of a GCCRegisterChannelRequest.
CMPProcessRegistryConfirm( pcmPrimary, gccMessage->eMsgType, &gccMessage->RegistryConfirm); } break;
// This contains the result of a GCCRegistryAssignTokenRequest.
CMPProcessRegistryConfirm( pcmPrimary, gccMessage->eMsgType, &gccMessage->RegistryConfirm); } break;
// This indicates that the application roster has changed.
confID = gccMessage->AppRosterReportInd.nConfID; pRosterList = gccMessage->AppRosterReportInd.apAppRosters;
for (roster = 0; roster < gccMessage->AppRosterReportInd.cRosters; roster++) {
// Check this app roster to see if it relates to the
// Groupware session (the first check is because we always
// use a NON_STANDARD application key).
pObjectKey = &(pRosterList[roster]-> session_key.application_protocol_key);
// We only ever use a non standard key.
if (pObjectKey->key_type != GCC_H221_NONSTANDARD_KEY) { TRACE_OUT(("Standard key, so not a roster we are interested in...")); continue; }
pOctetString = &pObjectKey->h221_non_standard_id;
// Now check the octet string. It should be the same
// length as our hardcoded GROUPWARE- string (including
// NULL term) and should match byte for byte:
checkLen = sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY); if ((pOctetString->length != checkLen) || (memcmp(pOctetString->value, GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY, checkLen) != 0)) { //
// This roster is not for our session - go to the next
// one.
TRACE_OUT(("Roster not for Groupware session - ignore")); continue; }
// Process the application roster.
CMPProcessAppRoster(pcmPrimary, confID, pRosterList[roster]); } } break; }
DebugExitVOID(CMPGCCCallback); }
// CMPBuildGCCRegistryKey(...)
void CMPBuildGCCRegistryKey ( UINT dcgKeyNum, GCCRegistryKey FAR * pGCCKey, LPSTR dcgKeyStr ) { DebugEntry(CMPBuildGCCRegistryKey);
// Build up a string of the form "Groupware-XX" where XX is a string
// representation (in decimal) of the <dcgKey> parameter passed in.
wsprintf(dcgKeyStr+sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY)-1, "%d", dcgKeyNum);
// Now build the GCCRegistryKey. This involves putting a pointer to
// our static <dcgKeyStr> deep inside the GCC structure. We also store
// the length, which is lstrlen+1, because we want to include the
// NULLTERM explicitly (since GCC treats the octet_string as an
// arbitrary array of bytes).
pGCCKey->session_key.application_protocol_key. key_type = GCC_H221_NONSTANDARD_KEY;
pGCCKey->session_key.application_protocol_key.h221_non_standard_id. length = sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY);
pGCCKey->session_key.application_protocol_key.h221_non_standard_id. value = (LPBYTE) GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY;
pGCCKey->session_key.session_id = 0;
pGCCKey->resource_id.length = (sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY) + lstrlen(&dcgKeyStr[sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY)-1]));
pGCCKey->resource_id.value = (LPBYTE) dcgKeyStr;
DebugExitVOID(CMPBuildGCCRegistryKey); }
// CMPProcessPermitToEnroll(...)
void CMPProcessPermitToEnroll ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary, GCCAppPermissionToEnrollInd * pMsg ) { DebugEntry(CMPProcessPermitToEnroll);
// We will send CMS_PERSON_JOINED events when we receive a
if (pMsg->fPermissionGranted) { // CALL STARTED
// If we haven't had a NCS yet then we store the conference ID.
// Otherwise ignore it.
// Initially, we do not consider ourselves to be in the call - we will
// add an entry when we get the ENROLL_CONFIRM:
ASSERT(pcmPrimary->peopleCount == 0);
pcmPrimary->currentCall = TRUE; pcmPrimary->callID = pMsg->nConfID; pcmPrimary->fTopProvider = pcmPrimary->pIAppSap->IsThisNodeTopProvider(pMsg->nConfID);
// Tell GCC whether we're interested:
if (!CMPGCCEnroll(pcmPrimary, pMsg->nConfID, TRUE)) { //
// We are only interested in an error if it is a Groupware conf.
// All we can really do is pretend the conference has ended due
// to a network error.
WARNING_OUT(("Error from CMPGCCEnroll")); CMPCallEnded(pcmPrimary); }
// The reply will arrive on a GCC_ENROLL_CONFIRM event.
} else { // CALL ENDED
if (g_pcmPrimary->currentCall) { //
// Inform Primary task and all secondary tasks that the call has ended
// Un-enroll from the GCC Application Roster.
if (g_pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled) { CMPGCCEnroll(g_pcmPrimary, g_pcmPrimary->callID, FALSE); g_pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled = FALSE; } } }
DebugExitVOID(CMPProcessPermitToEnroll); }
// CMPProcessEnrollConfirm(...)
void CMPProcessEnrollConfirm ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary, GCCAppEnrollConfirm * pMsg ) { DebugEntry(CMPProcessEnrollConfirm);
ASSERT(pcmPrimary->currentCall); ASSERT(pMsg->nConfID == pcmPrimary->callID);
// This event contains the GCC node ID (i.e. the MCS user ID of the
// GCC node controller at this node). Store it for later reference
// against the roster report:
TRACE_OUT(( "GCC user_id: %u", pMsg->nidMyself));
pcmPrimary->gccUserID = pMsg->nidMyself; pcmPrimary->gccTopProviderID = pcmPrimary->pIAppSap->GetTopProvider(pcmPrimary->callID); ASSERT(pcmPrimary->gccTopProviderID);
if (pMsg->nResult != GCC_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) { WARNING_OUT(( "Attempt to enroll failed (reason: %u", pMsg->nResult)); //
// All we can really do is pretend the conference has ended due to
// a network error.
CMPCallEnded(pcmPrimary); }
DebugExitVOID(CMProcessEnrollConfirm); }
// CMPProcessRegistryConfirm(...)
void CMPProcessRegistryConfirm ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary, GCCMessageType messageType, GCCRegistryConfirm *pConfirm ) { UINT event = 0; BOOL succeeded; LPSTR pGCCKeyStr; // extracted from the GCC registry key
UINT dcgKeyNum; // the value originally passed in as key
UINT itemID; // can be channel or token ID
int cmTask; PUT_CLIENT secondaryHandle = NULL;
// Check this is for the Groupware conference:
if (!pcmPrimary->currentCall || (pConfirm->nConfID != pcmPrimary->callID)) { WARNING_OUT(( "Got REGISTRY_XXX_CONFIRM for unknown conference %lu", pConfirm->nConfID)); DC_QUIT; }
// Embedded deep down inside the message from GCC is a pointer to an
// octet string which is of the form "Groupware-XX", where XX is a
// string representation of the numeric key the original Call Manager
// secondary used when registering the item. Extract it now:
pGCCKeyStr = (LPSTR)pConfirm->pRegKey->resource_id.value;
dcgKeyNum = DecimalStringToUINT(&pGCCKeyStr[sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY)-1]);
if (dcgKeyNum == 0) { WARNING_OUT(( "Received ASSIGN/REGISTER_CONFIRM with unknown key: %s", pGCCKeyStr)); DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(( "Conf ID %u, DCG Key %u, result %u", pConfirm->nConfID, dcgKeyNum, pConfirm->nResult));
// Check, and set up the relevant pointers:
switch (messageType) { case GCC_REGISTER_CHANNEL_CONFIRM: { event = CMS_CHANNEL_REGISTER_CONFIRM; itemID = pConfirm->pRegItem->channel_id;
// Look for task that registered this channel
for (cmTask = CMTASK_FIRST; cmTask < CMTASK_MAX; cmTask++) { if (pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask] && (pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->channelKey == dcgKeyNum)) { pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->channelKey = 0; secondaryHandle = pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->putTask; } } } break;
case GCC_ASSIGN_TOKEN_CONFIRM: { event = CMS_TOKEN_ASSIGN_CONFIRM; itemID = pConfirm->pRegItem->token_id;
// Look for task that assigned this token
for (cmTask = CMTASK_FIRST; cmTask < CMTASK_MAX; cmTask++) { if (pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask] && (pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->tokenKey == dcgKeyNum)) { pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->tokenKey = 0; secondaryHandle = pcmPrimary->tasks[cmTask]->putTask; } } } break;
default: { ERROR_OUT(( "Unexpected registry event %u", messageType)); DC_QUIT; } }
switch (pConfirm->nResult) { case GCC_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL: { //
// We were the first to register an item against this key.
TRACE_OUT(("We were first to register using key %u (itemID: %u)", dcgKeyNum, itemID)); succeeded = TRUE; } break;
// Someone beat us to it: they have registered a channel
// against the key we specified. This value is in the GCC
// message:
TRACE_OUT(("Another node registered using key %u (itemID: %u)", dcgKeyNum, itemID)); succeeded = TRUE; } break;
default: { ERROR_OUT(("Error %#hx registering/assigning item against key %u", pConfirm->nResult, dcgKeyNum)); succeeded = FALSE; } break; }
// Tell the secondary about the result.
if (secondaryHandle) { UT_PostEvent(pcmPrimary->putTask, secondaryHandle, 0, event, succeeded, MAKELONG(itemID, dcgKeyNum)); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(CMProcessRegistryConfirm); }
// CMPProcessAppRoster(...)
void CMPProcessAppRoster ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary, GCCConferenceID confID, GCCApplicationRoster* pAppRoster ) { UINT newList; UserID oldNode; UserID newNode; PCM_PERSON pPerson; PCM_PERSON pPersonT; BOOL found; int task; BOOL notInOldRoster = TRUE; BOOL inNewRoster = FALSE;
// If we are not in a call ignore this.
if (!pcmPrimary->currentCall || (confID != pcmPrimary->callID)) { WARNING_OUT(("Report not for active Groupware conference - ignore")); DC_QUIT; }
// At this point, pAppRoster points to the bit of the roster which
// relates to Groupware. Trace out some info:
TRACE_OUT(( "Number of records %u;", pAppRoster->number_of_records)); TRACE_OUT(( "Nodes added: %s, removed: %s", (pAppRoster->nodes_were_added ? "YES" : "NO"), (pAppRoster->nodes_were_removed ? "YES" : "NO")));
// We store the GCC user IDs in shared memory as TSHR_PERSONIDs.
// Compare this list of people we know to be in the call, and
// * Remove people no longer around
// * See if we are new to the roster
// * Add people who are new
pPerson = (PCM_PERSON)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pcmPrimary->people), FIELD_OFFSET(CM_PERSON, chain));
while (pPerson != NULL) { ASSERT(pcmPrimary->peopleCount > 0);
oldNode = (UserID)pPerson->netID;
// Get the next guy in the list in case we remove this one.
pPersonT = (PCM_PERSON)COM_BasedListNext(&(pcmPrimary->people), pPerson, FIELD_OFFSET(CM_PERSON, chain));
// Check to see if our node is currently in the roster
if (oldNode == pcmPrimary->gccUserID) { TRACE_OUT(( "We are currently in the app roster")); notInOldRoster = FALSE; }
// ...check if they're in the new list...
found = FALSE; for (newList = 0; newList < pAppRoster->number_of_records; newList++) { if (oldNode == pAppRoster->application_record_list[newList]->node_id) { found = TRUE; break; } }
if (!found) { //
// This node is no longer present, so remove him.
TRACE_OUT(("Person %u left", oldNode));
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pPerson->chain)); pcmPrimary->peopleCount--;
CMPBroadcast(pcmPrimary, CMS_PERSON_LEFT, pcmPrimary->peopleCount, oldNode);
// Free the memory for the person item
delete pPerson; }
pPerson = pPersonT; }
// Now see if we are new to the roster
for (newList = 0; newList < pAppRoster->number_of_records; newList++) { if (pAppRoster->application_record_list[newList]->node_id == pcmPrimary->gccUserID) { TRACE_OUT(( "We are in the new app roster")); inNewRoster = TRUE; break; } }
if (notInOldRoster && inNewRoster) { //
// We are new to the roster so we can now do all the processing we
// were previously doing in the enroll confirm handler. GCC spec
// requires that we do not do this until we get the roster
// notification back.
// Flag we are enrolled and start registering channels etc.
pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled = TRUE;
// Post a CMS_NEW_CALL events to all secondary tasks
TRACE_OUT(( "Broadcasting CMS_NEW_CALL with call handle 0x%08lx", pcmPrimary->callID));
// If we are not the caller then delay the broadcast a little
CMPBroadcast(pcmPrimary, CMS_NEW_CALL, pcmPrimary->fTopProvider, pcmPrimary->callID);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Process any outstanding channel register and assign token
// requests.
for (task = CMTASK_FIRST; task < CMTASK_MAX; task++) { if (pcmPrimary->tasks[task] != NULL) { ASSERT(pcmPrimary->tasks[task]->channelKey == 0); ASSERT(pcmPrimary->tasks[task]->tokenKey == 0); } } #endif // _DEBUG
// If we are not yet enrolled in the conference then do not start
// sending PERSON_JOINED notifications.
if (!pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled) { DC_QUIT; }
// Add the new people (this will include us). At this point, we know
// that everyone in the people list is currently in the roster, since
// we would have removed 'em above.
// We need to walk the existing list over and over.
// But at least we can skip the people we add. So we save the current
// front of the list.
pPersonT = (PCM_PERSON)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pcmPrimary->people), FIELD_OFFSET(CM_PERSON, chain));
for (newList = 0; newList < pAppRoster->number_of_records; newList++) { newNode = pAppRoster->application_record_list[newList]->node_id;
found = FALSE;
pPerson = pPersonT;
while (pPerson != NULL) { if (newNode == pPerson->netID) { //
// This person already existed - don't need to do anything
found = TRUE; break; // out of inner for loop
pPerson = (PCM_PERSON)COM_BasedListNext(&(pcmPrimary->people), pPerson, FIELD_OFFSET(CM_PERSON, chain)); }
if (!found) { //
// This dude is new; add him to our people list.
TRACE_OUT(("Person with GCC user_id %u joined", newNode));
pPerson = new CM_PERSON; if (!pPerson) { //
// Uh oh; can't add him.
ERROR_OUT(("Can't add person GCC user_id %u; out of memory", newNode)); break; }
ZeroMemory(pPerson, sizeof(*pPerson)); pPerson->netID = newNode;
// LONCHANC: We should collapse all these events into a single one
// that summarize all added and removed nodes,
// instead of posting the events one by one.
// Stick him in at the beginning. At least that way we don't
// have to look at his record anymore.
COM_BasedListInsertAfter(&(pcmPrimary->people), &pPerson->chain); pcmPrimary->peopleCount++;
CMPBroadcast(pcmPrimary, CMS_PERSON_JOINED, pcmPrimary->peopleCount, newNode); } }
TRACE_OUT(( "Num people now in call %u", pcmPrimary->peopleCount));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(CMPProcessAppRoster); }
// CMPBroadcast()
void CMPBroadcast ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary, UINT event, UINT param1, UINT param2 ) { int task;
// for every secondary task
for (task = CMTASK_FIRST; task < CMTASK_MAX; task++) { if (pcmPrimary->tasks[task] != NULL) { UT_PostEvent(pcmPrimary->putTask, pcmPrimary->tasks[task]->putTask, NO_DELAY, event, param1, param2);
} }
DebugExitVOID(CMPBroadcast); }
// CMPGCCEnroll(...)
BOOL CMPGCCEnroll ( PCM_PRIMARY pcmPrimary, GCCConferenceID conferenceID, BOOL fEnroll ) { GCCError rcGCC = GCC_NO_ERROR; GCCSessionKey gccSessionKey; GCCObjectKey FAR * pGCCObjectKey; BOOL succeeded = TRUE; GCCEnrollRequest er; GCCRequestTag nReqTag;
// Do some error checking.
if (fEnroll && pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled) { WARNING_OUT(("Already enrolled")); DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("CMGCCEnroll for CM_hnd 0x%08x, confID 0x%08x, in/out %d", pcmPrimary, conferenceID, fEnroll));
// Set up the session key which identifies us uniquely in the GCC
// AppRoster. We use a non-standard key (because we're not part of the
// T.120 standards series)
// Octet strings aren't null terminated, but we want ours to include
// the NULL at the end of the C string, so specify lstrlen+1 for the
// length.
pGCCObjectKey = &(gccSessionKey.application_protocol_key);
pGCCObjectKey->key_type = GCC_H221_NONSTANDARD_KEY;
pGCCObjectKey->h221_non_standard_id.value = (LPBYTE) GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY; pGCCObjectKey->h221_non_standard_id.length = sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY);
gccSessionKey.session_id = 0;
// Try to enroll/unenroll with GCC. This may fail because we have not
// Fill in the enroll request structure
ZeroMemory(&er, sizeof(er)); er.pSessionKey = &gccSessionKey; // er.fEnrollActively = FALSE;
// er.nUserID = 0; // no user ID
// er.fConductingCapable = FALSE;
er.nStartupChannelType = MCS_STATIC_CHANNEL; // er.cNonCollapsedCaps = 0;
// er.apNonCollapsedCaps = NULL;
// er.cCollapsedCaps = 0;
// er.apCollapsedCaps = NULL;
er.fEnroll = fEnroll;
rcGCC = pcmPrimary->pIAppSap->AppEnroll( conferenceID, &er, &nReqTag); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rcGCC) { //
// Leave the decision about any error processing to the caller.
TRACE_OUT(("Error 0x%08x from GCCApplicationEnrollRequest conf ID %lu enroll=%s", rcGCC, conferenceID, fEnroll ? "YES": "NO")); succeeded = FALSE; } else { //
// Whether we have asked to enroll or un-enroll, we act as if we
// are no longer enrolled at once. We are only really enrolled
// when we receive an enroll confirm event.
pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled = FALSE; ASSERT(succeeded); TRACE_OUT(( "%s with conference %d", fEnroll ? "Enroll Outstanding" : "Unenrolled", conferenceID)); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(CMPGCCEnroll, succeeded); return(succeeded); }
// CMS_Register()
BOOL CMS_Register ( PUT_CLIENT putTask, CMTASK taskType, PCM_CLIENT* ppcmClient ) { BOOL fRegistered = FALSE; PCM_CLIENT pcmClient = NULL;
if (!g_pcmPrimary) { ERROR_OUT(("CMS_Register failed; primary doesn't exist")); DC_QUIT; }
*ppcmClient = NULL;
// Is this task already present? If so, share it
if (g_pcmPrimary->tasks[taskType] != NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Sharing CMS task 0x%08x", g_pcmPrimary->tasks[taskType]));
*ppcmClient = g_pcmPrimary->tasks[taskType]; ValidateCMS(*ppcmClient);
// Return -- we exist.
fRegistered = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// If we got here the task is not a Call Manager Secondary yet, so go
// ahead with the registration.
// Allocate memory for the client
pcmClient = new CM_CLIENT; if (! pcmClient) { ERROR_OUT(("Could not allocate CM handle")); DC_QUIT; } ZeroMemory(pcmClient, sizeof(*pcmClient)); *ppcmClient = pcmClient;
// Fill in information
SET_STAMP(pcmClient, CMCLIENT); pcmClient->putTask = putTask; pcmClient->taskType = taskType; pcmClient->useCount = 1;
UT_BumpUpRefCount(g_pcmPrimary); g_pcmPrimary->tasks[taskType] = pcmClient;
// Register an exit procedure
UT_RegisterExit(putTask, CMSExitProc, pcmClient); pcmClient->exitProcRegistered = TRUE;
fRegistered = TRUE;
DebugExitBOOL(CMS_Register, fRegistered); return(fRegistered); }
// CMS_Deregister()
void CMS_Deregister(PCM_CLIENT * ppcmClient) { PCM_CLIENT pcmClient = *ppcmClient;
// Check the parameters are valid
// Only actually deregister the client if the registration count has
// reached zero.
pcmClient->useCount--; if (pcmClient->useCount != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Call the exit procedure to do our local cleanup
DC_EXIT_POINT: *ppcmClient = NULL;
DebugExitVOID(CMS_Deregister); }
// CMS_ChannelRegister()
BOOL CMS_ChannelRegister ( PCM_CLIENT pcmClient, UINT channelKey, UINT channelID ) { BOOL fRegistered = FALSE; GCCRegistryKey gccRegistryKey; GCCError rcGCC; char dcgKeyStr[sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY)+MAX_ITOA_LENGTH];
// Check the CMG task
// Check the parameters are valid
ValidateCMP(g_pcmPrimary); ValidateCMS(pcmClient);
// If we are not in a call it is an error.
if (!g_pcmPrimary->currentCall) { WARNING_OUT(("CMS_ChannelRegister failed; not in call")); DC_QUIT; } if (!g_pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled) { WARNING_OUT(("CMS_ChannelRegister failed; not enrolled in call")); DC_QUIT; }
// Make sure we don't have one pending already
ASSERT(pcmClient->channelKey == 0); TRACE_OUT(("Channel ID %u Key %u", channelID, channelKey));
// Build a GCCRegistryKey based on our channelKey:
CMPBuildGCCRegistryKey(channelKey, &gccRegistryKey, dcgKeyStr);
// Now call through to GCC. GCC will invoke our callback when it
// has processed the request.
rcGCC = g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap->RegisterChannel( g_pcmPrimary->callID, &gccRegistryKey, (ChannelID)channelID); if (rcGCC) { //
// Tell the secondary client that the request failed.
WARNING_OUT(( "Error %#lx from GCCRegisterChannel (key: %u)", rcGCC, channelKey)); } else { // Remember so we can post confirm event back to proper task
pcmClient->channelKey = channelKey;
fRegistered = TRUE; }
DebugExitBOOL(CMS_ChannelRegister, fRegistered); return(fRegistered); }
// CMS_AssignTokenId()
BOOL CMS_AssignTokenId ( PCM_CLIENT pcmClient, UINT tokenKey ) { GCCRegistryKey gccRegistryKey; GCCError rcGCC; char dcgKeyStr[sizeof(GROUPWARE_GCC_APPLICATION_KEY)+MAX_ITOA_LENGTH]; BOOL fAssigned = FALSE;
// Check the parameters are valid
ValidateCMP(g_pcmPrimary); ValidateCMS(pcmClient);
if (!g_pcmPrimary->currentCall) { WARNING_OUT(("CMS_AssignTokenId failing; not in call")); DC_QUIT; } if (!g_pcmPrimary->bGCCEnrolled) { WARNING_OUT(("CMS_AssignTokenId failing; not enrolled in call")); DC_QUIT; }
// Make sure we don't have one already
ASSERT(pcmClient->tokenKey == 0);
// Build a GCCRegistryKey based on our tokenKey:
CMPBuildGCCRegistryKey(tokenKey, &gccRegistryKey, dcgKeyStr);
// Now call through to GCC. GCC will invoke our callback when it
// has processed the request.
rcGCC = g_pcmPrimary->pIAppSap->RegistryAssignToken( g_pcmPrimary->callID, &gccRegistryKey); if (rcGCC) { //
// Tell the secondary client that the request failed.
WARNING_OUT(( "Error %x from GCCAssignToken (key: %u)", rcGCC, tokenKey)); } else { // Remember so we can post confirm to proper task
pcmClient->tokenKey = tokenKey; fAssigned = TRUE; }
DebugExitBOOL(CMS_AssignTokenId, fAssigned); return(fAssigned); }
// CMSExitProc()
void CALLBACK CMSExitProc(LPVOID data) { PCM_CLIENT pcmClient = (PCM_CLIENT)data;
// Check parameters
// Deregister exit procedure
if (pcmClient->exitProcRegistered) { UT_DeregisterExit(pcmClient->putTask, CMSExitProc, pcmClient); pcmClient->exitProcRegistered = FALSE; }
// Remove the task entry from the primary's list
g_pcmPrimary->tasks[pcmClient->taskType] = NULL; UT_FreeRefCount((void**)&g_pcmPrimary, TRUE);
// Free the client data
delete pcmClient;
DebugExitVOID(CMSExitProc); }
BOOL WINAPI CMS_GetStatus(PCM_STATUS pcmStatus) { BOOL inCall;
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pcmStatus, sizeof(CM_STATUS))); ZeroMemory(pcmStatus, sizeof(CM_STATUS));
T120_GetNodeName(pcmStatus->localName, CCHMAX(pcmStatus->localName));
pcmStatus->localHandle = g_pcmPrimary->gccUserID; pcmStatus->peopleCount = g_pcmPrimary->peopleCount; pcmStatus->fTopProvider = g_pcmPrimary->fTopProvider; pcmStatus->topProviderID = g_pcmPrimary->gccTopProviderID;
// Fill in information about other primary
pcmStatus->callID = g_pcmPrimary->callID; inCall = (g_pcmPrimary->currentCall != FALSE);
DebugExitBOOL(CMS_GetStatus, inCall); return(inCall); }