#include "precomp.h"
// MCS Glue Layer, Legacy from simultaneous R.11 and T.120 support
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// These arrays map between MCAT and DC-Grouwpare constants. They are not
// in separate data file since only referenced from this source file.
UINT McsErrToNetErr (UINT rcMCS);
// MG_Register()
BOOL MG_Register ( MGTASK task, PMG_CLIENT * ppmgClient, PUT_CLIENT putTask ) { PMG_CLIENT pmgClient = NULL; CMTASK cmTask; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Check the putTask passed in:
// Does this already exist?
if (g_amgClients[task].putTask != NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("MG task %d already exists", task)); DC_QUIT; }
pmgClient = &(g_amgClients[task]); ZeroMemory(pmgClient, sizeof(MG_CLIENT));
pmgClient->putTask = putTask;
// Register an exit procedure
UT_RegisterExit(putTask, MGExitProc, pmgClient); pmgClient->exitProcReg = TRUE;
// We register a high priority event handler (join by key handler) to
// intercept various events which are generated as part of the join by
// key processing. We register it now, before the call to
// MG_ChannelJoin below, to prevent events which we cant stop from
// going to the client if UT_RegisterEvent fails. This high priority
// handler also looks after our internal scheduling of pending
// requests.
UT_RegisterEvent(putTask, MGEventHandler, pmgClient, UT_PRIORITY_OBMAN); pmgClient->eventProcReg = TRUE;
// Register our hidden event handler for the client (the parameter to
// be passed to the event handler is the pointer to the client CB):
UT_RegisterEvent(putTask, MGLongStopHandler, pmgClient, UT_PRIORITY_NETWORK); pmgClient->lowEventProcReg = TRUE;
// Register as a call manager secondary.
switch (task) { case MGTASK_OM: cmTask = CMTASK_OM; break;
case MGTASK_DCS: cmTask = CMTASK_DCS; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); }
if (!CMS_Register(putTask, cmTask, &(pmgClient->pcmClient))) { ERROR_OUT(("CMS_Register failed")); DC_QUIT; }
rc = TRUE;
*ppmgClient = pmgClient;
DebugExitBOOL(MG_Register, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_Deregister(...)
void MG_Deregister(PMG_CLIENT * ppmgClient) { PMG_CLIENT pmgClient;
ASSERT(ppmgClient); pmgClient = *ppmgClient; ValidateMGClient(pmgClient);
// Dereg CMS handler. In abnormal situations, the CMS exit proc will
// clean it up for us.
if (pmgClient->pcmClient) { CMS_Deregister(&pmgClient->pcmClient); }
*ppmgClient = NULL; UT_Unlock(UTLOCK_T120);
DebugExitVOID(MG_Deregister); }
// MGExitProc()
void CALLBACK MGExitProc(LPVOID uData) { PMG_CLIENT pmgClient = (PMG_CLIENT)uData; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer;
// If the client has attached, detach it
if (pmgClient->userAttached) { MG_Detach(pmgClient); }
// Free all buffers the client may be using:
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->buffers), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain)); while (pmgBuffer != NULL) { ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
// This implicitly frees any user memory or MCS memory associated
// with the buffer CB.
MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer);
// MGFreeBuffer removed this CB from the list, so we get the first
// one in what's left of the list - if the list is now empty, this
// will give us NULL and we will break out of the while loop:
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->buffers), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain)); }
// Deregister our event handler and exit procedure:
if (pmgClient->exitProcReg) { UT_DeregisterExit(pmgClient->putTask, MGExitProc, pmgClient); pmgClient->exitProcReg = FALSE; }
if (pmgClient->lowEventProcReg) { UT_DeregisterEvent(pmgClient->putTask, MGLongStopHandler, pmgClient); pmgClient->lowEventProcReg = FALSE; }
if (pmgClient->eventProcReg) { UT_DeregisterEvent(pmgClient->putTask, MGEventHandler, pmgClient); pmgClient->eventProcReg = FALSE; }
// We should only ever be asked to free a client CB which has had all
// of its child resources already freed, so do a quick sanity check:
ASSERT(pmgClient->buffers.next == 0);
// Set the putTask to NULL; that's how we know if a client is in use or
// not.
pmgClient->putTask = NULL;
DebugExitVOID(MGExitProc); }
// MG_Attach(...)
UINT MG_Attach ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT callID, PNET_FLOW_CONTROL pFlowControl ) { UINT rc = 0;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); if (!g_pcmPrimary->callID) { //
// We aren't in a call yet/anymore.
WARNING_OUT(("MG_Attach failing; not in T.120 call")); rc = NET_RC_MGC_NOT_CONNECTED; DC_QUIT; }
ASSERT(callID == g_pcmPrimary->callID);
pmgClient->userIDMCS = NET_UNUSED_IDMCS; ZeroMemory(&pmgClient->flo, sizeof(FLO_STATIC_DATA)); pmgClient->userAttached = TRUE;
// Call through to the underlying MCS layer (normally, we need our
// callbacks to happen with a task switch but since this is Windows it
// doesn't really matter anyway):
rc = MCS_AttachRequest(&(pmgClient->m_piMCSSap), (DomainSelector) &g_pcmPrimary->callID, sizeof(g_pcmPrimary->callID), (MCSCallBack) MGCallback, (void *) pmgClient, ATTACHMENT_DISCONNECT_IN_DATA_LOSS); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MCSAttachUserRequest failed with error %x", rc));
MGDetach(pmgClient); rc = McsErrToNetErr(rc); DC_QUIT; }
if (++g_mgAttachCount == 1) { UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, MG_TIMER_PERIOD, NET_MG_WATCHDOG, 0, 0); }
ASSERT(g_mgAttachCount <= MGTASK_MAX);
// It is assumed that the client will use the same latencies for every
// attachment, so we keep them at the client level.
pmgClient->flowControl = *pFlowControl;
DebugExitDWORD(MG_Attach, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_Detach(...)
void MG_Detach ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient ) { DebugEntry(MG_Detach);
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_Detach: client %x not attached", pmgClient)); DC_QUIT; }
// Call FLO_UserTerm to ensure that flow control is stopped on all the
// channels that have been flow controlled on our behalf.
// Clear out the buffers, variabls.
DebugExitVOID(MG_Detach); }
// MG_ChannelJoin(...)
UINT MG_ChannelJoin ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID * pCorrelator, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_ChannelJoin: client %x not attached", pmgClient)); rc = NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE; DC_QUIT; }
// MCAT may bounce this request, so we must queue the request
rc = MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, MG_RQ_CHANNEL_JOIN, &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
MGNewCorrelator(pmgClient, pCorrelator);
pmgBuffer->work = *pCorrelator; pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)channel;
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting join message 0x%08x into pending chain", pmgBuffer)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
DebugExitDWORD(MG_ChannelJoin, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_ChannelJoinByKey(...)
UINT MG_ChannelJoinByKey ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID * pCorrelator, WORD channelKey ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_ChannelJoinByKey: client %x not attached", pmgClient)); rc = NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE; DC_QUIT; }
// MCAT may bounce this request, so we must queue the request
rc = MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, MG_RQ_CHANNEL_JOIN_BY_KEY, &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Store the various pieces of information in the joinByKeyInfo
// structure of the client CB
MGNewCorrelator(pmgClient, pCorrelator);
pmgBuffer->work = *pCorrelator; pmgBuffer->channelKey = (ChannelID)channelKey; pmgBuffer->channelId = 0;
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting join message 0x%08x into pending chain", pmgBuffer)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
DebugExitDWORD(MG_ChannelJoinByKey, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_ChannelLeave(...)
void MG_ChannelLeave ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_ChannelLeave: client %x not attached", pmgClient)); DC_QUIT; }
// MCAT may bounce this request, so instead of processing it straight
// away, we put it on the user's request queue and kick off a process
// queue loop: This is a request CB, but we don't need any data buffer
if (MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, MG_RQ_CHANNEL_LEAVE, &pmgBuffer) != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Fill in the specific data fields in the request CB:
pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)channel;
COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
DebugExitVOID(MG_ChannelLeave); }
// MG_SendData(...)
UINT MG_SendData ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_PRIORITY priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT length, void ** ppData ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT numControlBlocks; UINT i; UINT rc;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_SendData: client %x not attached", pmgClient)); rc = NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE; DC_QUIT; }
// Check for a packet greater than the permitted size
// It must not cause the length to wrap into the flow flag
// Ensure we have a priority which is valid for our use of MCS.
priority = (NET_PRIORITY)(MG_VALID_PRIORITY(priority));
if (pmgClient->userIDMCS == NET_UNUSED_IDMCS) { //
// We are not yet attached, so don't try to send data.
ERROR_OUT(("Sending data prior to attach indication")); rc = NET_RC_INVALID_STATE; DC_QUIT; }
// The <ppData> parameter points to a data buffer pointer. This buffer
// pointer should point to a buffer which the client acquired using
// MG_GetBuffer. MG_GetBuffer should have added a buffer CB to the
// client's buffer list containing the same pointer. Note that if the
// NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES flag is set then there will be four buffers
// in the client's buffer list containing the same pointer.
// So, we search through the client's buffer list looking for a match
// on the data buffer pointer. Move to the first position in the list.
COM_BasedListFind(LIST_FIND_FROM_FIRST, &(pmgClient->buffers), (void**)&pmgBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pDataBuffer), (DWORD_PTR)*ppData, FIELD_SIZE(MG_BUFFER, pDataBuffer));
// Check the NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES flag to see if it is set
if (pmgBuffer->priority & NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES) { //
// Check that the priority and channel has not changed. Changing
// the priority between calling MG_GetBuffer and calling
// MG_SendData is not allowed.
ASSERT(pmgBuffer->channelId == channel); ASSERT(priority & NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES);
// The flag is set so there should be multiple control buffers
// waiting to be sent.
numControlBlocks = MG_NUM_PRIORITIES; } else { //
// Check that the priority and channel has not changed.
ASSERT(pmgBuffer->channelId == channel); ASSERT(pmgBuffer->priority == priority);
// The flag is not set so there should be only one control buffer
// waiting.
numControlBlocks = 1; }
// Now send the control blocks
for (i = 0; i < numControlBlocks; i++) { ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
// Clear the NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES flag.
pmgBuffer->priority &= ~NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES;
// Set up the packet length for the send (this may be different
// from the length in the buffer header since the app may not have
// used all the buffer).
ASSERT(length + sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER) <= pmgBuffer->length); pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength = (TSHR_UINT16)(length + sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER));
// If the length has changed then tell FC about it.
if ((length + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER)) < pmgBuffer->length) { FLO_ReallocSend(pmgClient, pmgBuffer->pStr, pmgBuffer->length - (length + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER))); }
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting send 0x%08x into pend chain, pri %u, chan 0x%08x", pmgBuffer, pmgBuffer->priority, pmgBuffer->channelId));
COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
// If there is one or more control block left to find then search
// the client's buffer list for it.
if ((numControlBlocks - (i + 1)) > 0) { COM_BasedListFind(LIST_FIND_FROM_NEXT, &(pmgClient->buffers), (void**)&pmgBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pDataBuffer), (DWORD_PTR)*ppData, FIELD_SIZE(MG_BUFFER, pDataBuffer)); } }
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
// Everything went OK - set the ppData pointer to NULL to prevent
// the caller from accessing the memory.
*ppData = NULL; rc = 0;
DebugExitDWORD(MG_SendData, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_TokenGrab(...)
UINT MG_TokenGrab ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_TOKEN_ID tokenID ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_TokenGrab: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); rc = NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE; DC_QUIT; }
// MCAT may bounce this request, so instead of processing it straight
// away, we put it on the user's request queue and kick off a process
// queue loop:
rc = MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, MG_RQ_TOKEN_GRAB, &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewBuffer failed in MG_TokenGrab")); DC_QUIT; }
pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)tokenID;
COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
DebugExitDWORD(MG_TokenGrab, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_TokenInhibit(...)
UINT MG_TokenInhibit ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_TOKEN_ID tokenID ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_TokenInhibit: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); rc = NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE; DC_QUIT; }
// MCAT may bounce this request, so instead of processing it straight
// away, we put it on the user's request queue and kick off a process
// queue loop:
rc = MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, MG_RQ_TOKEN_INHIBIT, &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewBuffer failed in MG_TokenInhibit")); DC_QUIT; }
pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)tokenID;
COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
DebugExitDWORD(MG_TokenInhibit, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_GetBuffer(...)
UINT MG_GetBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT length, NET_PRIORITY priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, void ** ppData ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc;
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_GetBuffer: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); rc = NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE; DC_QUIT; }
// Ensure we have a priority which is valid for our use of MCS.
priority = (NET_PRIORITY)(MG_VALID_PRIORITY(priority));
// Obtain a buffer and store the info in a buffer CB hung off the
// client's list:
rc = MGNewTxBuffer(pmgClient, priority, channel, length, &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// We always return a pointer to the data buffer to an application.
// The MG packet header is only used when giving data to MCS or
// receiving data from MCS.
*ppData = pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer;
DebugExitDWORD(MG_GetBuffer, rc); return(rc); }
// MG_FreeBuffer(...)
void MG_FreeBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, void ** ppData ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer;
// Find the buffer CB associated with the buffer - an application
// always uses a pointer to the data buffer rather than the packet
// header.
COM_BasedListFind(LIST_FIND_FROM_FIRST, &(pmgClient->buffers), (void**)&pmgBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pDataBuffer), (DWORD_PTR)*ppData, FIELD_SIZE(MG_BUFFER, pDataBuffer));
// If the app is freeing a send buffer (e.g. because it decided not to
// send it) then inform flow control:
if (pmgBuffer->type == MG_TX_BUFFER) { FLO_ReallocSend(pmgClient, pmgBuffer->pStr, pmgBuffer->length); }
// Now free the buffer CB and all associated data:
MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer);
// Reset the client's pointer:
*ppData = NULL;
DebugExitVOID(MG_FreeBuffer); }
// MG_FlowControlStart
void MG_FlowControlStart ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, NET_PRIORITY priority, UINT backlog, UINT maxBytesOutstanding ) { DebugEntry(MG_FlowControlStart);
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_FlowControlStart: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); DC_QUIT; }
// Ensure we have a priority which is valid for our use of MCS.
priority = (NET_PRIORITY)(MG_VALID_PRIORITY(priority));
FLO_StartControl(pmgClient, channel, priority, backlog, maxBytesOutstanding);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(MG_FlowControlStart); }
// MGLongStopHandler(...)
BOOL CALLBACK MGLongStopHandler ( LPVOID pData, UINT event, UINT_PTR UNUSEDparam1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { PMG_CLIENT pmgClient; BOOL processed = FALSE;
pmgClient = (PMG_CLIENT)pData; ValidateMGClient(pmgClient);
if (event == NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to process NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN; freeing buffer 0x%08x", param2)); MG_FreeBuffer(pmgClient, (void **)¶m2);
processed = TRUE; } else if (event == NET_FLOW) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to process NET_FLOW; freeing buffer 0x%08x", param2)); processed = TRUE; }
DebugExitBOOL(MGLongStopHandler, processed); return(processed); }
// MGEventHandler(...)
BOOL CALLBACK MGEventHandler ( LPVOID pData, UINT event, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { PMG_CLIENT pmgClient; PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT pNetJoinCnf = NULL; BOOL processed = TRUE; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; BOOL joinComplete = FALSE; UINT result = NET_RESULT_USER_REJECTED;
pmgClient = (PMG_CLIENT)pData; ValidateMGClient(pmgClient);
switch (event) { case NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN: { //
// If there are no join requests queued off the client CB then
// we have nothing more to do. The only NET events we are
// interested in are NET_EV_JOIN_CONFIRM events - pass any others
// on.
if (pmgClient->joinChain.next == 0) { //
// Pass the event on...
processed = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
// We must be careful not to process a completed channel join
// which we intend to go to the client. The correlator is only
// filled in on completed events and is always non-zero.
pNetJoinCnf = (PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT)param2;
if (pNetJoinCnf->correlator != 0) { //
// Pass the event on...
processed = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
// There is only ever one join request outstanding per client,
// so the join confirm is for the first join request in the
// list.
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->joinChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain));
// We will post a join confirm to the application. Set up the
// parameters which are needed.
result = pNetJoinCnf->result;
// Assume for now that we have completed the pending join
// request.
joinComplete = TRUE;
// If the result is a failure, we've finished
if (result != NET_RESULT_OK) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to join channel 0x%08x, result %u", pmgBuffer->channelId, pNetJoinCnf->result)); DC_QUIT; }
// The join request was successful. There are three different
// scenarios for issuing a join request...
// (a) A regular channel join.
// (b) Stage 1 of a channel join by key (get MCS to assign a
// channel number, which we will try to register).
// (c) Stage 2 of a channel join by key (join the registered
// channel).
if (pmgBuffer->type == MG_RQ_CHANNEL_JOIN) { //
// This is the completion of a regular channel join. Copy
// the channel Id from the join confirm to the bufferCB
// (the join request may have been for channel 0).
pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)pNetJoinCnf->channel; TRACE_OUT(("Channel join complete, channel 0x%08x", pmgBuffer->channelId)); DC_QUIT; }
// This is channel join by key
if (pmgBuffer->channelId != 0) { //
// This is the completion of a channel join by key.
TRACE_OUT(("Channel join by key complete, channel 0x%08x, key %d", pmgBuffer->channelId, pmgBuffer->channelKey)); DC_QUIT; }
// This is Stage 1 of a channel join by key. Fill in the
// channel Id which MCS has assigned us into the bufferCB,
// otherwise we'll lose track of the channel Id which we're
// registering.
pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)pNetJoinCnf->channel;
// This must be completion of stage 1 of a join by key. We now
// have to register the channel Id.
TRACE_OUT(("Registering channel 0x%08x, key %d", pmgBuffer->channelId, pmgBuffer->channelKey));
if (!CMS_ChannelRegister(pmgClient->pcmClient, pmgBuffer->channelKey, pmgBuffer->channelId)) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to register channel, " "channel 0x%08x, key %d, result %u", pmgBuffer->channelId, pmgBuffer->channelKey, param1));
// This causes us to post an error notification
// We're now waiting for a CMS_CHANNEL_REGISTER_CONFIRM, so we
// haven't finished processing the join request
joinComplete = FALSE;
break; }
// If there are no join requests queued off the client CB then
// we have nothing more to do.
if (pmgClient->joinChain.next == 0) { processed = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("CMS_CHANNEL_REGISTER rcvd, result %u, channel %u", param1, param2));
// Assume for now that we have completed the pending join
// request.
joinComplete = TRUE;
// There is only ever one join request outstanding per client,
// so the channel register confirm is for the first join
// request in the list.
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->joinChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain));
// Param1 contains the result, LOWORD(param2) contains the
// channel number of the registered channel (NOT necessarily
// the same as the channel we tried to register).
if (!param1) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to register channel, " "channel 0x%08x, key %d, result %u", pmgBuffer->channelId, pmgBuffer->channelKey, param1)); result = NET_RESULT_USER_REJECTED; DC_QUIT; }
// If the channel number returned in the confirm event is the
// same as the channel number which we tried to register, then
// we have finished. Otherwise we have to leave the channel we
// tried to register and join the channel returned instead.
if (LOWORD(param2) == pmgBuffer->channelId) { TRACE_OUT(("Channel join by key complete, " "channel 0x%08x, key %d", pmgBuffer->channelId, pmgBuffer->channelKey)); result = NET_RESULT_OK; DC_QUIT; }
MG_ChannelLeave(pmgClient, pmgBuffer->channelId); pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)LOWORD(param2);
// Now we simply requeue the request onto the pending execution
// chain, but now with a set channel id to join
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting 0x%08x into pending chain",pmgBuffer)); COM_BasedListRemove(&(pmgBuffer->pendChain)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
// We are now waiting for a join confirm (we've not finished
// yet !). However, we've requeued the bufferCB, so we can now
// process another join request (or the one we've requeued if
// its the only one).
joinComplete = FALSE; pmgClient->joinPending = FALSE; MGProcessPendingQueue(pmgClient); break; }
case NET_MG_SCHEDULE: { MGProcessPendingQueue(pmgClient); break; }
case NET_MG_WATCHDOG: { MGProcessDomainWatchdog(pmgClient); break; }
default: { //
// Don't do anything - we want to pass this event on.
processed = FALSE; break; } }
if (processed && pNetJoinCnf) { //
// Call MG_FreeBuffer to free up the event memory (we know that
// MG_FreeBuffer doesn't use the hUser so we pass in zero):
MG_FreeBuffer(pmgClient, (void **)&pNetJoinCnf); }
if (joinComplete) { //
// We have either completed the channel join, or failed -
// either way we have finished processing the join request.
// We have to:
// - post a NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN event to the client
// - free up the bufferCB
// - reset the client's joinPending state
MGPostJoinConfirm(pmgClient, (NET_RESULT)result, pmgBuffer->channelId, (NET_CHANNEL_ID)pmgBuffer->work);
MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer); pmgClient->joinPending = FALSE; }
DebugExitBOOL(MGEventHandler, processed); return(processed); }
// MGCallback(...)
#ifdef _DEBUG
const char * c_szMCSMsgTbl[22] = { "MCS_CONNECT_PROVIDER_INDICATION", // 0
char * DbgGetMCSMsgStr(unsigned short mcsMessageType) { if (mcsMessageType <= 21) { return (char *) c_szMCSMsgTbl[mcsMessageType]; } #ifdef USE_MERGE_DOMAIN_CODE
else if (mcsMessageType == MCS_TRANSPORT_STATUS_INDICATION) { return "MCS_TRANSPORT_STATUS_INDICATION"; } return "Unknown"; } #endif // _DEBUG
void CALLBACK MGCallback ( unsigned int mcsMessageType, unsigned long eventData, unsigned long pData ) { PMG_CLIENT pmgClient; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
pmgClient = (PMG_CLIENT)pData; ValidateMGClient(pmgClient);
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MGCallback: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); DC_QUIT; }
// The processing for a SEND_DATA_INDICATION is complicated
// significantly by MCS segmenting packets, so we call
// MGHandleSendInd to do all the work , then quit out of the
// function rather than special casing throughout.
rc = MGHandleSendInd(pmgClient, (PSendData)eventData); DC_QUIT;
break; }
user = LOWUSHORT(eventData); result = TranslateResult(HIGHUSHORT(eventData));
// If the attach did not succeed, clean up:
if (HIGHUSHORT(eventData) != RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) { WARNING_OUT(("MG_Attach failed; cleaning up")); MGDetach(pmgClient); } else { pmgClient->userIDMCS = user;
// Now initialize flow control for this user attachment
ZeroMemory(&(pmgClient->flo), sizeof(pmgClient->flo)); pmgClient->flo.callBack = MGFLOCallBack; }
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_USER_ATTACH, MAKELONG(user, result), g_pcmPrimary->callID);
break; }
user = LOWUSHORT(eventData);
// If the detach is for the local user, then clean up
// the user CB:
if (user == pmgClient->userIDMCS) { //
// First terminate flow control
FLO_UserTerm(pmgClient); MGDetach(pmgClient); } else { //
// Just remove the offending user from flow control
FLO_RemoveUser(pmgClient, user); }
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_USER_DETACH, user, g_pcmPrimary->callID);
break; }
// Allocate a buffer for the event
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_EV_BUFFER, sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER) + sizeof(NET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT), &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer failed in MGCallback")); DC_QUIT; }
pNetEvent = (PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer;
// Fill in the call ID:
pNetEvent->callID = g_pcmPrimary->callID; pNetEvent->channel = LOWUSHORT(eventData); pNetEvent->result = TranslateResult(HIGHUSHORT(eventData));
// Now establish flow control for the newly joined channel
// Only control priorities that have a non-zero latency
// And remember to ignore our own user channel! And top priority.
if (HIGHUSHORT(eventData) == RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) { if (pNetEvent->channel != pmgClient->userIDMCS) { for (i = 0; i < NET_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { if ((i == MG_VALID_PRIORITY(i)) && (pmgClient->flowControl.latency[i] != 0)) { FLO_StartControl(pmgClient, pNetEvent->channel, i, pmgClient->flowControl.latency[i], pmgClient->flowControl.streamSize[i]); } } } }
// OK, we've built the DCG event so now post it to our client:
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN, 0, (UINT_PTR)pNetEvent); pmgBuffer->eventPosted = TRUE;
break; }
channel = LOWUSHORT(eventData); MGProcessEndFlow(pmgClient, channel);
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_LEAVE, channel, g_pcmPrimary->callID);
break; }
result = TranslateResult(HIGHUSHORT(eventData)); UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_TOKEN_GRAB, result, g_pcmPrimary->callID);
break; }
result = TranslateResult(HIGHUSHORT(eventData)); UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_TOKEN_INHIBIT, result, g_pcmPrimary->callID);
break; }
default: break; }
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
DC_EXIT_POINT: if (rc != 0) { //
// We hit an error, but must return OK to MCS - otherwise it will
// keep sending us the callback forever!
WARNING_OUT(("MGCallback: Error 0x%08x processing MCS message %u", rc, mcsMessageType)); }
DebugExitDWORD(MGCallback, MCS_NO_ERROR); }
// ProcessEndFlow(...)
void MGProcessEndFlow ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, ChannelID channel ) { UINT i;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
// Terminate flow control for the newly left channel
if (channel != pmgClient->userIDMCS) { for (i = 0; i < NET_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { if ((i == MG_VALID_PRIORITY(i)) && (pmgClient->flowControl.latency[i] != 0)) { TRACE_OUT(("Ending flow control on channel 0x%08x priority %u", channel, i));
FLO_EndControl(pmgClient, channel, i); } } }
DebugExitVOID(MGProcessEndFlow); }
// MGHandleSendInd(...)
UINT MGHandleSendInd ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, PSendData pSendData ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT pEvent; NET_PRIORITY priority; LPBYTE pData; UINT cbData; UINT rc = 0; TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER pktHeader;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
priority = (NET_PRIORITY)MG_VALID_PRIORITY( (NET_PRIORITY)pSendData->data_priority);
pData = pSendData->user_data.value; ASSERT(pData != NULL); cbData = pSendData->user_data.length; ASSERT(cbData > sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER));
TRACE_OUT(("MCS Data Indication: flags 0x%08x, size %u, first dword 0x%08x", pSendData->segmentation, pSendData->user_data.length, *((DWORD *)pData)));
TRACE_OUT(("Only segment: channel %u, priority %u, length %u", pSendData->channel_id, pSendData->data_priority, cbData));
// Look at the header
memcpy(&pktHeader, pData, sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER));
// Trace out the MG header word
TRACE_OUT(("Got 1st MG segment (header=%X)", pktHeader.pktLength));
// First of all try for a flow control packet
if (pktHeader.pktLength & TSHR_PKT_FLOW) { TRACE_OUT(("Flow control packet")); if (pktHeader.pktLength == TSHR_PKT_FLOW) { FLO_ReceivedPacket(pmgClient, (PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL)(pData + sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER))); } else { WARNING_OUT(("Received obsolete throughput packet size 0x%04x", pktHeader.pktLength)); }
pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->FreeBuffer((PVoid) pData); DC_QUIT; }
// Allocate headers for the incoming buffer.
ASSERT((sizeof(NET_SEND_IND_EVENT) + pktHeader.pktLength) <= 0xFFFF); ASSERT(pktHeader.pktLength == cbData);
rc = MGNewRxBuffer(pmgClient, priority, pSendData->channel_id, pSendData->initiator, &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewRxBuffer of size %u failed", sizeof(NET_SEND_IND_EVENT) + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER))); pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->FreeBuffer((PVoid) pData); DC_QUIT; }
pEvent = (PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT) pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer;
pEvent->callID = g_pcmPrimary->callID; pEvent->priority = priority; pEvent->channel = pSendData->channel_id;
// Copy the length into the data buffer header.
pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header = pktHeader;
// We want to skip past the packet header to the user data
pData += sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER); cbData -= sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER);
// Set the pointer in the buffer header to point to the received data.
// pEvent->lengthOfData contains the number of bytes received in this
// event so far.
ASSERT(pData); pEvent->data_ptr = pData; pEvent->lengthOfData = cbData;
TRACE_OUT(("New RX pmgBuffer 0x%08x pDataBuffer 0x%08x", pmgBuffer, pEvent));
// OK, we've got all the segments, so post it to our client:
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED, 0, (UINT_PTR)pEvent); pmgBuffer->eventPosted = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(MGHandleSendInd, rc); return(rc); }
// MGNewBuffer(...)
UINT MGNewBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT bufferType, PMG_BUFFER * ppmgBuffer ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; void * pBuffer = NULL; UINT rc = 0;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
pmgBuffer = new MG_BUFFER; if (!pmgBuffer) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewBuffer failed; out of memory")); rc = NET_RC_NO_MEMORY; DC_QUIT; } ZeroMemory(pmgBuffer, sizeof(*pmgBuffer));
SET_STAMP(pmgBuffer, MGBUFFER); pmgBuffer->type = bufferType;
// Insert it at the head of this client's list of allocated buffers:
COM_BasedListInsertAfter(&(pmgClient->buffers), &(pmgBuffer->clientChain));
// return the pointer
*ppmgBuffer = pmgBuffer;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(MGNewBuffer, rc); return(rc); }
// MGNewDataBuffer(...)
UINT MGNewDataBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT bufferType, UINT bufferSize, PMG_BUFFER * ppmgBuffer ) { void * pBuffer = NULL; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
// Buffers include an MG internal packet header that has a length field
// which we add to the start of all user data passed to/received from
// MCS. This is four byte aligned, and since the data buffer starts
// immediately after this, the data buffer will be aligned.
pBuffer = new BYTE[bufferSize]; if (!pBuffer) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer allocation of size %u failed", bufferSize)); rc = NET_RC_NO_MEMORY; DC_QUIT; } ZeroMemory(pBuffer, bufferSize);
// Now we allocate the buffer CB which we will use to track the use of
// the buffer.
rc = MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, bufferType, ppmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewBuffer failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// Initialise the buffer entry
pmgBuffer = *ppmgBuffer;
pmgBuffer->length = bufferSize; pmgBuffer->pPktHeader = (PMG_INT_PKT_HEADER)pBuffer; pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer = (LPBYTE)pBuffer + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER);
// Initialize the use count of the data buffer
pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->useCount = 1;
if (rc != 0) { //
// Cleanup:
if (pBuffer != NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("Freeing MG_BUFFER data 0x%08x; MGNewBuffer failed", pBuffer)); delete[] pBuffer; } }
DebugExitDWORD(MGNewDataBuffer, rc); return(rc); }
// MGNewTxBuffer(...)
UINT MGNewTxBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_PRIORITY priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT bufferSize, PMG_BUFFER * ppmgBuffer ) { int i; UINT numPrioritiesToUse; UINT rc = 0; UINT nextPriority; PMG_BUFFER pmgBufferArray[MG_NUM_PRIORITIES]; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr[MG_NUM_PRIORITIES]; NET_PRIORITY priorities[MG_NUM_PRIORITIES];
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
// Initialise the control buffer pointer array. The first member of
// this array is the normal buffer which is allocated regardless of the
// NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES flag. The remaining members are used for
// duplicate control buffer pointers needed for sending data on all
// priorities.
ZeroMemory(pmgBufferArray, sizeof(pmgBufferArray)); ZeroMemory(pStr, sizeof(pStr));
// SFR6025: Check for the NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES flag. This means
// that the data will be sent at all four priorities. If it
// is not set then we just need to send data at one priority.
// In either case we need to:
// Check with flow control that it is possible to send data on
// all channels
// Allocate an additional three control blocks which all point
// to the same data block and bump up the usage count.
// NOTE: Previously this function just checked with flow control for
// a single channel.
if (priority & NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES) { numPrioritiesToUse = MG_NUM_PRIORITIES; } else { numPrioritiesToUse = 1; }
// Disable the flag to prevent FLO_AllocSend being sent an invalid
// priority.
nextPriority = priority; for (i = 0; i < (int) numPrioritiesToUse; i++) { //
// Check with flow control to ensure that send space is available.
// Start with the requested priority level and continue for the
// other priority levels.
priorities[i] = (NET_PRIORITY)nextPriority; rc = FLO_AllocSend(pmgClient, nextPriority, channel, bufferSize + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER), &(pStr[i]));
// If we have got back pressure then just return.
if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Received back pressure"));
// Free any buffer space allocated by FLO_AllocSend.
for ( --i; i >= 0; i--) { FLO_ReallocSend(pmgClient, pStr[i], bufferSize + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER)); }
// Move on to the next priority level. There are MG_NUM_PRIORITY
// levels, numbered contiguously from MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST. The
// first priority processed can be any level in the valid range so
// rather than simply add 1 to get to the next level, we need to
// cope with the wrap-around back to MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST when we
// have just processed the last priority, ie MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST +
// MG_NUM_PRIORITIES - 1. This is achieved by rebasing the priority
// level to zero (the - MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, below), incrementing
// the rebased priority (+1), taking the modulus of the number of
// priorities to avoid exceeding the limit (% MG_NUM_PRIORITIES)
// and then restoring the base by adding back the first priority
nextPriority = (((nextPriority + 1 - MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) % MG_NUM_PRIORITIES) + MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); }
// Use MGNewDataBuffer to allocate the buffer
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_TX_BUFFER, bufferSize + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER), &pmgBufferArray[0]);
if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer failed in MGNewTxBuffer")); DC_QUIT; }
// Add the fields required for doing the send
pmgBufferArray[0]->priority = priority; pmgBufferArray[0]->channelId = (ChannelID) channel; pmgBufferArray[0]->senderId = pmgClient->userIDMCS;
ValidateFLOStr(pStr[0]); pmgBufferArray[0]->pStr = pStr[0];
// Now allocate an additional three control blocks which are identical
// to the first one if required.
if (numPrioritiesToUse > 1) { //
// Firstly re-enable the NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES flag. This is to
// ensure that traversing the linked list in MG_SendData is
// efficient.
pmgBufferArray[0]->priority |= NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES;
// Create the duplicate buffers and initialise them.
for (i = 1; i < MG_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { TRACE_OUT(("Task allocating extra CB, priority %u", priorities[i]));
// Allocate a new control buffer.
rc = MGNewBuffer(pmgClient, MG_TX_BUFFER, &pmgBufferArray[i]);
if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewBuffer failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// Initialise the buffer control block. The priority values of
// these control blocks are in increasing order from that of
// pmgBuffer.
pmgBufferArray[i]->priority = priorities[i]; pmgBufferArray[i]->channelId = pmgBufferArray[0]->channelId; pmgBufferArray[i]->senderId = pmgBufferArray[0]->senderId; pmgBufferArray[i]->length = pmgBufferArray[0]->length; pmgBufferArray[i]->pPktHeader = pmgBufferArray[0]->pPktHeader; pmgBufferArray[i]->pDataBuffer = pmgBufferArray[0]->pDataBuffer;
ValidateFLOStr(pStr[i]); pmgBufferArray[i]->pStr = pStr[i];
pmgBufferArray[i]->priority |= NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES;
// Now bump up the usage count of the data block.
TRACE_OUT(("Use count of data buffer %#.8lx now %d", pmgBufferArray[i]->pPktHeader, pmgBufferArray[i]->pPktHeader->useCount)); } }
// Assign the passed first control buffer allocated to the passed
// control buffer parameter.
*ppmgBuffer = pmgBufferArray[0];
// In the event of a problem we free any buffers that we have already
// allocated.
if (rc != 0) { for (i = 0; i < MG_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { if (pmgBufferArray[i] != NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("About to free control buffer %u", i)); MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBufferArray[i]); } } }
DebugExitDWORD(MGNewTxBuffer, rc); return(rc); }
// MGNewRxBuffer(...)
UINT MGNewRxBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_PRIORITY priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, NET_CHANNEL_ID senderID, PMG_BUFFER * ppmgBuffer ) { UINT rc = 0;
// First tell flow control we need a buffer.
// No back pressure may be applied here, but flow control uses this
// notification to control responses to the sender.
// Note that we always use the sizes including the internal packet
// header for flow control purposes.
FLO_AllocReceive(pmgClient, priority, channel, senderID);
// Use MGNewDataBuffer to allocate the buffer. bufferSize includes the
// size of the network packet header (this comes over the wire), but
// not the remainder of the internal packet header.
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_RX_BUFFER, sizeof(NET_SEND_IND_EVENT) + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER), ppmgBuffer);
// Add the fields required for a receive buffer
if (rc == 0) { (*ppmgBuffer)->priority = priority; (*ppmgBuffer)->channelId = (ChannelID)channel; (*ppmgBuffer)->senderId = (ChannelID)senderID; } else { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer failed in MGNewRxBuffer")); }
DebugExitDWORD(MGNewRxBuffer, rc); return(rc); }
// MGFreeBuffer(...)
void MGFreeBuffer ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, PMG_BUFFER * ppmgBuffer ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; void * pBuffer;
pmgBuffer = *ppmgBuffer; ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
// If this is a receive buffer then we must first tell flow control
// about the space available
// This may trigger a pong, if we are waiting for the app to free up
// some space
if (pmgBuffer->type == MG_RX_BUFFER) { ASSERT (pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->useCount == 1); TRACE_OUT(("Free RX pmgBuffer 0x%08x", pmgBuffer));
// Do a sanity check on the client (there is a window where this
// may have been freed).
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MGFreeBuffer: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); } else { FLO_FreeReceive(pmgClient, pmgBuffer->priority, pmgBuffer->channelId, pmgBuffer->senderId);
// Free the MCS buffer
if ((pmgBuffer->pPktHeader != NULL) && (pmgClient->m_piMCSSap != NULL)) { ASSERT(pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer != NULL); ASSERT(((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer)->data_ptr != NULL);
pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->FreeBuffer ( (PVoid) (((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT) pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer) ->data_ptr - sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER)));
TRACE_OUT(("MGFreeBuffer: Freed data_ptr for pmgBuffer 0x%08x pDataBuffer 0x%08x", pmgBuffer, pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer)); ((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer)->data_ptr = NULL; } } }
// Free the data buffer, if there is one present. Note that this can
// be referenced by more than one bufferCB, and so has a use count
// which must reach zero before the buffer is freed.
if (pmgBuffer->pPktHeader != NULL) { ASSERT(pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->useCount != 0);
TRACE_OUT(("Data buffer 0x%08x use count %d", pmgBuffer->pPktHeader, pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->useCount));
if (pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->useCount == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Freeing MG_BUFFER data 0x%08x; use count is zero", pmgBuffer->pPktHeader));
delete[] pmgBuffer->pPktHeader; pmgBuffer->pPktHeader = NULL; } }
// If the buffer CB is in the pending queue then remove it first!
if (pmgBuffer->pendChain.next != 0) { COM_BasedListRemove(&(pmgBuffer->pendChain)); }
// Now remove the buffer CB itself from the list and free it up:
delete pmgBuffer; *ppmgBuffer = NULL;
DebugExitVOID(MGFreeBuffer); }
// MGDetach(...)
void MGDetach ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; PMG_BUFFER pmgT; PIMCSSap pMCSSap; #ifdef _DEBUG
UINT rc; #endif // _DEBUG
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
pMCSSap = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap; //
// Remove any entries for this user from the channel join pending list.
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->joinChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain)); while (pmgBuffer != NULL) { ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
// Get a pointer to the next bufferCB in the list - we have to do
// this before we free the current bufferCB (freeing it NULLs it,
// so we won't be able to step along to the next entry in the
// list).
pmgT = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListNext(&(pmgClient->joinChain), pmgBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain));
MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer);
// We won't get a match on a join request now, so we don't have
// a join pending.
pmgClient->joinPending = FALSE;
pmgBuffer = pmgT; }
// Remove any unsent receive buffers for this user from the buffer list
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->buffers), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain)); while (pmgBuffer != NULL) { ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
// Get a pointer to the next bufferCB in the list - we have to do
// this before we free the current bufferCB (freeing it NULLs it,
// so we won't be able to step along to the next entry in the
// list).
pmgT = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListNext(&(pmgClient->buffers), pmgBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, clientChain));
if (pmgBuffer->type == MG_RX_BUFFER) { if (pmgBuffer->eventPosted) { if ((pmgBuffer->pPktHeader != NULL) && (pMCSSap != NULL)) { ASSERT(pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer != NULL); ASSERT(((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer)->data_ptr != NULL);
pMCSSap->FreeBuffer ( (PVoid) (((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT) pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer) ->data_ptr - sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER)));
TRACE_OUT(("MGDetach: Freed data_ptr for pmgBuffer 0x%08x pDataBuffer 0x%08x", pmgBuffer, pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer)); ((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT) pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer)->data_ptr = NULL; } } else { //
// The bufferCB's user matches the user we are freeing up,
// and we haven't posted the event to the user, so free it.
// MGFreeBuffer removes it from the pending list, so we don't
// have to do that.
MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer); } }
pmgBuffer = pmgT; }
// Clear out the attachment info
pmgClient->userAttached = FALSE; pmgClient->userIDMCS = 0;
// We can safely do an MCS DetachRequest without adding a requestCB
// - MCS will not bounce the request due to congestion, domain merging
// etc.
if (pMCSSap != NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG
rc = pMCSSap->ReleaseInterface(); if (rc != 0) { //
// No quit - we need to do our own cleanup.
// lonchanc: what cleanup needs to be done???
rc = McsErrToNetErr(rc);
switch (rc) { case 0: case NET_RC_MGC_INVALID_USER_HANDLE: case NET_RC_MGC_TOO_MUCH_IN_USE: // These are normal.
TRACE_OUT(("MCSDetachUser normal error %d", rc)); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("MCSDetachUser abnormal error %d", rc)); break;
} } #else
pMCSSap->ReleaseInterface(); #endif //_DEBUG
pmgClient->m_piMCSSap = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(MGDetach); }
// MGProcessPendingQueue(...)
UINT MGProcessPendingQueue(PMG_CLIENT pmgClient) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; PMG_BUFFER pNextBuffer; UINT rc = 0;
pNextBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->pendChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain));
// Try and clear all the pending request queue
for ( ; (pmgBuffer = pNextBuffer) != NULL; ) { ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
pNextBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListNext(&(pmgClient->pendChain), pNextBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain));
TRACE_OUT(("Got request 0x%08x from queue, type %u", pmgBuffer, pmgBuffer->type));
// Check that the buffer is still valid. There is a race at
// conference termination where we can arrive here, but our user
// has actually already detached. In this case, free the buffer
// and continue.
if (!pmgClient->userAttached) { TRACE_OUT(("MGProcessPendingQueue: client 0x%08x not attached", pmgClient)); MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer); continue; }
switch (pmgBuffer->type) { case MG_RQ_CHANNEL_JOIN: case MG_RQ_CHANNEL_JOIN_BY_KEY: { //
// If this client already has a join outstanding, then skip
// this request.
if (pmgClient->joinPending) { //
// Break out of switch and goto next iteration of for()
continue; }
pmgClient->joinPending = TRUE;
// Attempt the join
rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->ChannelJoin( (unsigned short) pmgBuffer->channelId);
// If the join failed then post an error back immediately
if (rc != 0) { if ((rc != MCS_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_FULL) && (rc != MCS_DOMAIN_MERGING)) { //
// Something terminal went wrong - post a
// NET_EV_JOIN_CONFIRM (failed) to the client
MGPostJoinConfirm(pmgClient, NET_RESULT_USER_REJECTED, pmgBuffer->channelId, (NET_CHANNEL_ID)(pmgBuffer->work)); }
pmgClient->joinPending = FALSE; } else { //
// If the request worked then we must move it to the
// join queue for completion
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting 0x%08x into join queue",pmgBuffer));
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pmgBuffer->pendChain)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->joinChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
// Do not free this buffer - continue processing the
// pending queue
continue; } } break;
// Try to leave the channel:
rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->ChannelLeave( (unsigned short) pmgBuffer->channelId);
if (rc == 0) { MGProcessEndFlow(pmgClient, pmgBuffer->channelId); } } break;
case MG_RQ_TOKEN_GRAB: { rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->TokenGrab(pmgBuffer->channelId); } break;
case MG_RQ_TOKEN_INHIBIT: { rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->TokenInhibit(pmgBuffer->channelId); } break;
case MG_RQ_TOKEN_RELEASE: { rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->TokenRelease(pmgBuffer->channelId); } break;
case MG_TX_BUFFER: { ASSERT(!(pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength & TSHR_PKT_FLOW));
// Send the data. Remember that we don't send all of the
// packet header, only from the length...
ASSERT((pmgBuffer->priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY)); rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->SendData(NORMAL_SEND_DATA, pmgBuffer->channelId, (Priority)(pmgBuffer->priority), (unsigned char *) &(pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header), pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength, APP_ALLOCATION);
// Check the return code.
if (rc == 0) { //
// Update the allocation. FLO_DecrementAlloc will
// check that the stream pointer is not null for us.
// (It will be null if flow control has ended on this
// channel since this buffer was allocated or if this
// is an uncontrolled channel).
// Note that for flow control purposes, we always use
// packet sizes including the internal packet header.
FLO_DecrementAlloc(pmgBuffer->pStr, (pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength - sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER) + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER))); } } break;
case MG_TX_PING: case MG_TX_PONG: case MG_TX_PANG: { //
// This is the length of a ping/pong message:
ASSERT(pmgBuffer->priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY); rc = pmgClient->m_piMCSSap->SendData(NORMAL_SEND_DATA, pmgBuffer->channelId, (Priority)(pmgBuffer->priority), (unsigned char *) &(pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header), sizeof(TSHR_NET_PKT_HEADER) + sizeof(TSHR_FLO_CONTROL), APP_ALLOCATION); } break; }
rc = McsErrToNetErr(rc);
// If the request failed due to back pressure then just get out
// now. We will try again later.
if (rc == NET_RC_MGC_TOO_MUCH_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("MCS Back pressure")); break; }
// Only for obman...
if (pmgClient == &g_amgClients[MGTASK_OM]) { ValidateCMP(g_pcmPrimary);
// For any other error or if everything worked so far
// then tell the user to keep going
TRACE_OUT(("Posting NET_FEEDBACK")); UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_FEEDBACK, 0, g_pcmPrimary->callID); }
// All is OK, or the request failed fatally. In either case we
// should free this request and attempt to continue.
MGFreeBuffer(pmgClient, &pmgBuffer); }
DebugExitDWORD(MGProcessPendingQueue, rc); return(rc); }
// MGPostJoinConfirm(...)
UINT MGPostJoinConfirm ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_RESULT result, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, NET_CHANNEL_ID correlator ) { PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT pNetJoinCnf; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc;
// Allocate a buffer to send the event in - this should only fail if we
// really are out of virtual memory.
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_EV_BUFFER, sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER) + sizeof(NET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT), &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to alloc NET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT")); DC_QUIT; }
pNetJoinCnf = (PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT) pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer;
ValidateCMP(g_pcmPrimary); if (!g_pcmPrimary->callID) { WARNING_OUT(("MGPostJoinConfirm failed; not in call")); rc = NET_RC_MGC_NOT_CONNECTED; DC_QUIT; }
// Fill in the fields.
pNetJoinCnf->callID = g_pcmPrimary->callID; pNetJoinCnf->result = result; pNetJoinCnf->channel = channel; pNetJoinCnf->correlator = correlator;
// OK, we've built the event so now post it to our client:
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN, 0, (UINT_PTR) pNetJoinCnf); pmgBuffer->eventPosted = TRUE;
DebugExitDWORD(MGPostJoinConfirm, rc); return(rc);
// MCSErrToNetErr()
// We use a static array of values to map the return code:
if (rcMCS < sizeof(c_RetCodeMap1) / sizeof(c_RetCodeMap1[0])) { rc = c_RetCodeMap1[rcMCS]; } else { UINT nNewIndex = rcMCS - MCS_DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS; if (nNewIndex < sizeof(c_RetCodeMap2) / sizeof(c_RetCodeMap2[0])) { rc = c_RetCodeMap2[nNewIndex]; } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
return rc; }
// TranslateResult(...)
NET_RESULT TranslateResult(WORD resultMCS) { //
// We use a static array of values to map the result code:
if (resultMCS >= MG_NUM_OF_MCS_RESULTS) resultMCS = MG_INVALID_MCS_RESULT; return(c_ResultMap[resultMCS]); }
// MGFLOCallback(...)
void MGFLOCallBack ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT callbackType, UINT priority, UINT newBufferSize ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
// If this is a buffermod callback then tell the app
if (pmgClient == &g_amgClients[MGTASK_DCS]) { if (callbackType == FLO_BUFFERMOD) { UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_FLOW, priority, newBufferSize); } } else { ASSERT(pmgClient == &g_amgClients[MGTASK_OM]);
// Wake up the app in case we have applied back pressure.
TRACE_OUT(("Posting NET_FEEDBACK")); UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_FEEDBACK, 0, g_pcmPrimary->callID); }
DebugExitVOID(MGFLOCallback); }
// MGProcessDomainWatchdog()
void MGProcessDomainWatchdog ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient ) { int task;
// Call FLO to check each user attachment for delinquency
if (g_mgAttachCount > 0) { for (task = MGTASK_FIRST; task < MGTASK_MAX; task++) { if (g_amgClients[task].userAttached) { FLO_CheckUsers(&(g_amgClients[task])); } }
// Continue periodic messages - but only if there are some users.
// TRACE_OUT(("Continue watchdog"));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, MG_TIMER_PERIOD, NET_MG_WATCHDOG, 0, 0); } else { TRACE_OUT(("Don't continue Watchdog timer")); }
DebugExitVOID(MGProcessDomainWatchdog); }
// FLO_UserTerm
void FLO_UserTerm(PMG_CLIENT pmgClient) { UINT i; UINT cStreams;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
cStreams = pmgClient->flo.numStreams;
// Stop flow control on all channels. We scan the list of streams and
// if flow control is active on a stream then we stop it.
for (i = 0; i < cStreams; i++) { //
// Check that the stream is flow controlled.
if (pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i] != NULL) { //
// End control on this controlled stream.
FLOStreamEndControl(pmgClient, i); } }
DebugExitVOID(FLO_UserTerm); }
// FLO_StartControl
void FLO_StartControl ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT priority, UINT backlog, UINT maxBytesOutstanding ) { UINT rc = 0; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr; UINT i; UINT stream;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached); ASSERT(priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
// Flow control is on by default.
// Check to see if the channel is already flow controlled. If it is
// then we just exit.
stream = FLOGetStream(pmgClient, channel, priority, &pStr); if (stream != FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED) { ValidateFLOStr(pStr);
TRACE_OUT(("Stream %u is already controlled (0x%08x:%u)", stream, channel, priority)); DC_QUIT; }
// If we already have hit the stream limit for this app then give up.
for (i = 0; i < FLO_MAX_STREAMS; i++) { if ((pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i]) == NULL) { break; } } if (i == FLO_MAX_STREAMS) { ERROR_OUT(("Too many streams defined already")); DC_QUIT; } TRACE_OUT(("This is stream %u", i));
// Allocate memory for our stream data. Hang the pointer off floHandle
// - this should be returned to us on all subsequent API calls.
pStr = new FLO_STREAM_DATA; if (!pStr) { WARNING_OUT(("FLO_StartControl failed; out of memory")); DC_QUIT; } ZeroMemory(pStr, sizeof(*pStr));
// Store the channel and priorities for this stream.
SET_STAMP(pStr, FLOSTR); pStr->channel = channel; pStr->priority = priority; pStr->backlog = backlog; if (maxBytesOutstanding == 0) { maxBytesOutstanding = FLO_MAX_STREAMSIZE; } pStr->DC_ABSMaxBytesInPipe = maxBytesOutstanding; pStr->maxBytesInPipe = FLO_INIT_STREAMSIZE; if (pStr->maxBytesInPipe > maxBytesOutstanding) { pStr->maxBytesInPipe = maxBytesOutstanding; }
// Set the initial stream bytesAllocated to 0.
pStr->bytesAllocated = 0;
// Ping needed immediately.
pStr->pingNeeded = TRUE; pStr->pingTime = FLO_INIT_PINGTIME; pStr->nextPingTime = GetTickCount();
// Initialize the users base pointers.
// Hang the stream CB off the base control block.
pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i] = pStr; if (i >= pmgClient->flo.numStreams) { pmgClient->flo.numStreams++; }
TRACE_OUT(("Flow control started, stream %u, (0x%08x:%u)", i, channel, priority));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(FLO_StartControl); }
// FLO_EndControl
void FLO_EndControl ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT priority ) { UINT stream; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached); ASSERT(priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
// Convert channel and stream into priority.
stream = FLOGetStream(pmgClient, channel, priority, &pStr);
// The stream is not controlled so we just trace and quit.
if (stream == FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED) { WARNING_OUT(("Uncontrolled stream channel 0x%08x priority %u", channel, priority)); DC_QUIT; }
// Call the internal FLOStreamEndControl to end flow control on a
// given stream.
ValidateFLOStr(pStr); FLOStreamEndControl(pmgClient, stream);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(FLO_EndControl); }
// FLO_AllocSend
UINT FLO_AllocSend ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT size, PFLO_STREAM_DATA * ppStr ) { UINT stream; UINT curtime; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr; BOOL denyAlloc = FALSE; BOOL doPing = FALSE; UINT rc = 0;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
// Convert channel and stream into priority
stream = FLOGetStream(pmgClient, channel, priority, ppStr); pStr = *ppStr;
// For non-controlled streams just send the data
if (stream == FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED) { TRACE_OUT(("Send %u bytes on uncontrolled channel/pri (0x%08x:%u)", size, channel, priority)); DC_QUIT; }
// Get the current tick count.
curtime = GetTickCount();
// Check whether this request is permitted. We must allow one packet
// beyond the specified limit to avoid problems determining when we
// have started rejecting requests and also to avoid situations where a
// single request exceeds the total pipe size.
// If we have not yet received a pong then we limit the amount of
// allocated buffer space to below FLO_MAX_PRE_FC_ALLOC. However this
// data can be sent immediately so the overall throughput is still
// relatively high. In this way we minimize the amount of data held in
// the glue layer to a maximum of FLO_MAX_PRE_FC_ALLOC if there are no
// remote users.
ValidateFLOStr(pStr); if (!pStr->gotPong) { //
// Flag that a ping is required.
pStr->pingNeeded = TRUE; if (curtime > pStr->nextPingTime) { doPing = TRUE; }
// We haven't got a pong yet (i.e. FC is non-operational) so we
// need to limit the maximum amount of data held in flow control to
if (pStr->bytesAllocated > FLO_MAX_PRE_FC_ALLOC) { denyAlloc = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Max allocation of %u bytes exceeded (currently %u)", FLO_MAX_PRE_FC_ALLOC, pStr->bytesAllocated)); DC_QUIT; }
pStr->bytesInPipe += size; pStr->bytesAllocated += size; TRACE_OUT(( "Alloc of %u succeeded: bytesAlloc %u, bytesInPipe %u" " (0x%08x:%u)", size, pStr->bytesAllocated, pStr->bytesInPipe, pStr->channel, pStr->priority));
if (pStr->bytesInPipe < pStr->maxBytesInPipe) { //
// Check to see if a ping is required and if so send it now.
if ((pStr->pingNeeded) && (curtime > pStr->nextPingTime)) { doPing = TRUE; }
pStr->bytesInPipe += size; pStr->bytesAllocated += size; TRACE_OUT(("Stream %u - alloc %u (InPipe:MaxInPipe %u:%u)", stream, size, pStr->bytesInPipe, pStr->maxBytesInPipe)); DC_QUIT; }
// If we get here then we cannot currently allocate any buffers so deny
// the allocation. Simulate back pressure with NET_OUT_OF_RESOURCE.
// We also flag that a "wake up" event is required to get the app to
// send more data.
denyAlloc = TRUE; pStr->eventNeeded = TRUE; pStr->curDenialTime = pStr->lastPingTime;
// We are not allowed to apply back pressure unless we can guarantee
// that we will wake up the app later on. This is dependent upon our
// receiving a pong later. But if there is no ping outstanding
// (because we have allocated all our buffer allowance within the ping
// delay time) then we should first send a ping to trigger the wake up.
// If this fails then our watchdog will finally wake us up.
if (pStr->pingNeeded) { doPing = TRUE; }
// Check to see if we should deny the buffer allocation.
if (denyAlloc) { rc = NET_RC_MGC_TOO_MUCH_IN_USE; TRACE_OUT(("Denying buffer request on stream %u InPipe %u Alloc %u", stream, pStr->bytesInPipe, pStr->bytesAllocated)); }
if (doPing) { //
// A ping is required so send it now.
FLOPing(pmgClient, stream, curtime); }
DebugExitDWORD(FLO_AllocSend, rc); return(rc); }
// FLO_ReallocSend
void FLO_ReallocSend ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr, UINT size ) { DebugEntry(FLO_ReallocSend);
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
// For non-controlled streams there is nothing to do so just exit.
if (pStr == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Realloc data on uncontrolled channel")); DC_QUIT; }
// Perform a quick sanity check.
if (size > pStr->bytesInPipe) { ERROR_OUT(("Realloc of %u makes bytesInPipe (%u) neg (0x%08x:%u)", size, pStr->bytesInPipe, pStr->channel, pStr->priority)); DC_QUIT; }
// Add the length not sent back into the pool.
pStr->bytesInPipe -= size; TRACE_OUT(("Realloc %u FC bytes (bytesInPipe is now %u) (0x%08x:%u)", size, pStr->bytesInPipe, pStr->channel, pStr->priority));
// Every time that we call FLO_ReallocSend we also want to call
// FLO_DecrementAlloc (but not vice-versa) so call it now.
FLO_DecrementAlloc(pStr, size);
DebugExitVOID(FLO_ReallocSend); }
// FLO_DecrementAlloc
void FLO_DecrementAlloc ( PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr, UINT size ) { DebugEntry(FLO_DecrementAlloc);
// For non-controlled streams there is nothing to do so just exit.
if (pStr == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Decrement bytesAllocated on uncontrolled channel")); DC_QUIT; }
// Perform a quick sanity check.
if (size > pStr->bytesAllocated) { ERROR_OUT(("Dec of %u makes bytesAllocated (%u) neg (0x%08x:%u)", size, pStr->bytesAllocated, pStr->channel, pStr->priority)); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the count of the data held in the glue for this stream.
pStr->bytesAllocated -= size; TRACE_OUT(("Clearing %u alloc bytes (bytesAlloc is now %u) (0x%08x:%u)", size, pStr->bytesAllocated, pStr->channel, pStr->priority));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(FLO_DecrementAlloc); }
// FLO_CheckUsers
void FLO_CheckUsers(PMG_CLIENT pmgClient) { PFLO_USER pFloUser; PBASEDLIST nextUser; int waited; BYTE stream; UINT curtime; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
curtime = GetTickCount();
// Check users of each stream
for (stream = 0; stream < pmgClient->flo.numStreams; stream++) { if (pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream] == NULL) { continue; }
pStr = pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream]; ValidateFLOStr(pStr);
// Check whether we have waited long enough and need to reset the
// wait counters. We only wait a certain time before resetting all
// our counts. What has happened is that someone has left the call
// and we have been waiting for their pong.
// We detect the outage by checking against nextPingTime which, as
// well as being set to the earliest time we can send a ping is
// also updated to the current time as each pong comes in so we can
// use it as a measure of the time since the last repsonse from any
// user of the stream.
// To avoid false outages caused by new joiners or transient large
// buffer situations each user is required to send a pong at the
// rate of MAX_WAIT_TIME/2. They do this by just sending a
// duplicate pong if they have not yet got the ping they need to
// to pong.
if ((pStr->eventNeeded) && (!pStr->pingNeeded)) { TRACE_OUT(("Checking for valid back pressure on stream %u", stream));
// Note that if there are no remote users then we should reset
// the flags regardless. We get into this state when we first
// start an app because OBMAN sends data before the app has
// joined the channel at the other end.
waited = curtime - pStr->nextPingTime; if (waited > FLO_MAX_WAIT_TIME) { TRACE_OUT(("Stream %u - Waited for %d, resetting counter", stream, waited));
pStr->bytesInPipe = 0; pStr->pingNeeded = TRUE; pStr->nextPingTime = curtime; pStr->gotPong = FALSE;
// Remove outdated records from our user queue
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedNextListField(&(pStr->users)); while (&(pFloUser->list) != &(pStr->users)) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
// Address the follow on record before we free the
// current
nextUser = COM_BasedNextListField(&(pFloUser->list));
// Free the current record, if necessary
if (pFloUser->lastPongRcvd != pStr->pingValue) { //
// Remove from the list
TRACE_OUT(("Freeing FLO_USER 0x%08x ID 0x%08x", pFloUser, pFloUser->userID));
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pFloUser->list)); delete pFloUser; } else { //
// At least one user still out there so keep flow
// control active or else we would suddenly send
// out a burst of data that might flood them
pStr->gotPong = TRUE; }
// Move on to the next record in the list
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)nextUser; }
// We have previously rejected an application request so we
// had better call back now
if (pmgClient->flo.callBack != NULL) { (*(pmgClient->flo.callBack))(pmgClient, FLO_WAKEUP, pStr->priority, pStr->maxBytesInPipe); } pStr->eventNeeded = FALSE; } }
DebugExitVOID(FLO_CheckUsers); }
// FLO_ReceivedPacket
void FLO_ReceivedPacket ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL pPkt ) { BOOL canPing = TRUE; PFLO_USER pFloUser; BOOL userFound = FALSE; UINT stream; UINT curtime; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr; UINT callbackType = 0; int latency; UINT throughput;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
stream = pPkt->stream; ASSERT(stream < FLO_MAX_STREAMS);
pStr = pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream];
// If the stream CB has been freed up already then we can ignore any
// flow information pertaining to it.
if (pStr == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Found a null stream pointer for stream %u", stream)); DC_QUIT; }
ValidateFLOStr(pStr); curtime = GetTickCount();
// First we must locate the user for this ping/pong/pang
// Also, while we are doing it we can check to see if it is a pong and
// if so whether it is the last pong we need
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedNextListField(&(pStr->users)); while (&(pFloUser->list) != &(pStr->users)) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
if (pFloUser->userID == pPkt->userID) { userFound = TRUE;
// We have got a match so set up the last pong value
// Accumulate pong stats for query
if (pPkt->packetType == PACKET_TYPE_PONG) { pFloUser->lastPongRcvd = pPkt->pingPongID; pFloUser->gotPong = TRUE; pFloUser->numPongs++; pFloUser->pongDelay += curtime - pStr->lastPingTime; } else { break; } }
// So, is it the final pong - are there any users with different
// pong required entries?
// Note that if the user has never sent us a pong then we don't
// reference their lastPongRcvd field at this stage.
if (pPkt->packetType == PACKET_TYPE_PONG) { if (pFloUser->gotPong && (pFloUser->lastPongRcvd != pStr->pingValue)) { TRACE_OUT(("%u,%u - Entry 0x%08x has different ping id %u", stream, pFloUser->userID, pFloUser, pFloUser->lastPongRcvd)); canPing = FALSE; } }
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedNextListField(&(pFloUser->list)); }
// If this is a new User then add them to the list
if (!userFound) { pFloUser = FLOAddUser(pPkt->userID, pStr);
// If this is a pong then we can set up the lastpong as well
if ((pFloUser != NULL) && (pPkt->packetType == PACKET_TYPE_PONG)) { pFloUser->lastPongRcvd = pPkt->pingPongID; } }
// Now perform the actual packet specific processing
switch (pPkt->packetType) { //
// If this is a ping packet then just flag we must send a pong. If
// we failed to alloc a user CB then just ignore the ping and they
// will continue in blissful ignorance of our presence
case PACKET_TYPE_PING: { TRACE_OUT(("%u,%u - PING %u received", stream, pPkt->userID, pPkt->pingPongID));
pFloUser->sendPongID = pPkt->pingPongID; if (pFloUser->rxPackets < FLO_MAX_RCV_PACKETS) { FLOPong(pmgClient, stream, pFloUser->userID, pPkt->pingPongID); pFloUser->sentPongTime = curtime; } else { TRACE_OUT(("Receive backlog - just flagging pong needed")); pFloUser->pongNeeded = TRUE; } } break;
// Flag we have got a pong from any user so we should start
// applying send flow control to this stream now (Within the stream
// we achieve per user granularity by ignoring those users that
// have never ponged when we inspect the stream byte count.)
case PACKET_TYPE_PONG: { pStr->gotPong = TRUE;
// Keep a note that we are receiving messages on this stream by
// moving nextPing on (but only if we have passed it)
if (curtime > pStr->nextPingTime) { pStr->nextPingTime = curtime; }
// Update the user entry and schedule a ping if necessary
TRACE_OUT(("%u,%u - PONG %u received", stream, pPkt->userID, pPkt->pingPongID));
// Check for readiness to send another ping This may be because
// this is the first users pong, in which case we should also send
// another ping when ready
if (canPing) { TRACE_OUT(("%u - PING scheduled, pipe was %d", stream, pStr->bytesInPipe));
// Reset byte count and ping readiness flag
pStr->bytesInPipe = 0; pStr->pingNeeded = TRUE;
// Adjust the buffer size limit based on our current throughput
// If we hit the back pressure point and yet we are ahead of
// the target backlog then we should increase the buffer size
// to avoid constraining the pipe. If we have already
// increased the buffer size to our maximum value then try
// decreasing the tick delay. If we are already ticking at the
// max rate then we are going as fast as we can. If we make
// either of these adjustments then allow the next ping to flow
// immediately so that we can ramp up as fast as possible to
// LAN bandwidths.
// We dont need to do the decrease buffer checks if we have not
// gone into back pressure during the last pong cycle
if (pStr->eventNeeded) { TRACE_OUT(("We were in a back pressure situation")); callbackType = FLO_WAKEUP;
TRACE_OUT(("Backlog %u denial delta %d ping delta %d", pStr->backlog, curtime-pStr->lastDenialTime, curtime-pStr->lastPingTime));
// The next is a little complex.
// If the turnaround of this ping pong is significantly
// less than our target then open the pipe up. But we must
// adjust to allow for the ping being sent at a quiet
// period, which we do by remembering when each ping is
// sent and, if we encounter a backlog situation, storing
// that ping time for future reference
// So the equation for latency is
// Pongtime-previous backlogged ping time
// The previous ping time is the that we sent prior to the
// last back pressure situation so there are two times in
// the control block, one for the last Ping time and one
// for the last but one ping time.
if ((int)(pStr->backlog/2 - curtime + pStr->lastDenialTime) > 0) { //
// We are coping easily so increase the buffer to pump
// more data through. Predict the new buffer size
// based on the latency for the current backlog so that
// we don't artificially constrain the app. We do this
// by taking the observed latency, decrementing by a
// small factor to allow for the latency we might
// observe over the fastest possible link and then
// calculating the connection throughput.
// latency = curtime - lastDenialTime - fudge(100mS)
// amount sent = maxBytesInPipe (because we we were
// backed up)
// throughput = amount sent/latency (bytes/millisec)
// New buffer = throughput * target latency
if (pStr->maxBytesInPipe < pStr->DC_ABSMaxBytesInPipe) { latency = (curtime - pStr->lastDenialTime - 30); if (latency <= 0) { latency = 1; }
throughput = (pStr->maxBytesInPipe*8)/latency; pStr->maxBytesInPipe = (throughput * pStr->backlog)/8;
TRACE_OUT(("Potential maxbytes of %d", pStr->maxBytesInPipe));
if (pStr->maxBytesInPipe > pStr->DC_ABSMaxBytesInPipe) { pStr->maxBytesInPipe = pStr->DC_ABSMaxBytesInPipe; }
TRACE_OUT(( "Modified buffer maxBytesInPipe up to %u " "(0x%08x:%u)", pStr->maxBytesInPipe, pStr->channel, pStr->priority)); callbackType = FLO_BUFFERMOD; } else { //
// We have hit our maximum allowed pipe size but
// are still backlogged and yet pings are going
// through acceptably.
// Our first action is to try reducing the ping
// time thus increasing out throughput.
// If we have already decreased the ping time to
// its minimum then we cannot do anything else. It
// is possible that the application parameters
// should be changed to increase the permissible
// throughput so log an alert to suggest this.
// however there are situations (input management)
// where we want some back pressure in order to
// prevent excessive cpu loading at the recipient.
// To increase the throughput either
// - Increase the maximum size of the stream. The
// disadvantage of this is that a low badwidth
// joiner may suddenly see a lot of high
// bandwidth data in the pipe. However this
// is the preferred solution in general, as
// it avoids having the pipe flooded with pings.
// - Reduce the target latency. This is a little
// dangerous because the latency is composed of
// the pre-queued data and the network turnaround
// time and if the network turnaround time
// approaches the target latency then the flow
// control will simply close the pipe right down
// irrespective of the achievable throughput.
pStr->maxBytesInPipe = pStr->DC_ABSMaxBytesInPipe; pStr->pingTime = pStr->pingTime/2; if (pStr->pingTime < FLO_MIN_PINGTIME) { pStr->pingTime = FLO_MIN_PINGTIME; }
TRACE_OUT(( "Hit DC_ABS max - reduce ping time to %u", pStr->pingTime)); }
// Allow the ping just scheduled to flow immediately
pStr->nextPingTime = curtime; }
pStr->eventNeeded = FALSE; }
// If we have exceeded our target latency at all then throttle
// back
if ((int)(pStr->backlog - curtime + pStr->lastPingTime) < 0) { pStr->maxBytesInPipe /= 2; if (pStr->maxBytesInPipe < FLO_MIN_STREAMSIZE) { pStr->maxBytesInPipe = FLO_MIN_STREAMSIZE; }
pStr->pingTime = pStr->pingTime * 2; if (pStr->pingTime > FLO_INIT_PINGTIME) { pStr->pingTime = FLO_INIT_PINGTIME; }
TRACE_OUT(( "Mod buffer maxBytesInPipe down to %u, ping to %u " "(0x%08x:%u)", pStr->maxBytesInPipe, pStr->pingTime, pStr->channel, pStr->priority)); callbackType = FLO_BUFFERMOD; }
// Now make athe callback if callbackType has been set
if ((callbackType != 0) && (pmgClient->flo.callBack != NULL)) { (pmgClient->flo.callBack)(pmgClient, callbackType, pStr->priority, pStr->maxBytesInPipe); } } } break;
// Remove the user and continue
case PACKET_TYPE_PANG: { TRACE_OUT(("%u,%u - PANG received, removing user", stream, pPkt->userID));
// Remove from the list
TRACE_OUT(("Freeing FLO_USER 0x%08x ID 0x%08x", pFloUser, pFloUser->userID));
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pFloUser->list)); delete pFloUser;
// If we are currently waiting then generate an event for the
// app to get it moving again
if ((pStr->eventNeeded) && (pmgClient->flo.callBack != NULL)) { TRACE_OUT(("Waking up the app because user has left")); (*(pmgClient->flo.callBack))(pmgClient, FLO_WAKEUP, pStr->priority, pStr->maxBytesInPipe); pStr->eventNeeded = FALSE; } } break;
// Just trace alert and press on
default: { WARNING_OUT(("Invalid packet type 0x%08x", pPkt->packetType)); } break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(FLO_ReceivedPacket); }
// FLO_AllocReceive
void FLO_AllocReceive ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT userID ) { UINT stream; PFLO_USER pFloUser; BOOL userFound = FALSE; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr; UINT curtime;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached); ASSERT(priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
// Convert channel and priority into stream
stream = FLOGetStream(pmgClient, channel, priority, &pStr);
// Only process controlled streams
if (stream == FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED) { DC_QUIT; }
// First we must locate the user
ValidateFLOStr(pStr); COM_BasedListFind(LIST_FIND_FROM_FIRST, &(pStr->users), (void**)&pFloUser, FIELD_OFFSET(FLO_USER, list), FIELD_OFFSET(FLO_USER, userID), (DWORD)userID, FIELD_SIZE(FLO_USER, userID));
// SFR6101: If this is a new User then add them to the list
if (pFloUser == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Message from user 0x%08x who is not flow controlled", userID)); pFloUser = FLOAddUser(userID, pStr); }
// If we failed to allocate a usr CB then just ignore for now
if (pFloUser != NULL) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
// Add in the new receive packet usage
pFloUser->rxPackets++; TRACE_OUT(("Num outstanding receives on stream %u now %u", stream, pFloUser->rxPackets));
// Now check that we have not got some kind of creep
if (pFloUser->rxPackets > FLO_MAX_RCV_PKTS_CREEP) { WARNING_OUT(("Creep? Stream %u has %u unacked rcv pkts", stream, pFloUser->rxPackets)); }
// Finally check to see that we are responding OK to this person
curtime = GetTickCount(); if ((pFloUser->pongNeeded) && (curtime - pFloUser->sentPongTime > (FLO_MAX_WAIT_TIME/4))) { TRACE_OUT(("Send keepalive pong")); FLOPong(pmgClient, stream, pFloUser->userID, pFloUser->sendPongID); pFloUser->sentPongTime = curtime; } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(FLO_AllocReceive); }
// FLO_FreeReceive
void FLO_FreeReceive ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_PRIORITY priority, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT userID ) { UINT stream; PFLO_USER pFloUser; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr; BOOL userFound = FALSE;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached); ASSERT(priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
// Convert channel and priority into stream
stream = FLOGetStream(pmgClient, channel, priority, &pStr);
// Only process controlled streams
if (stream != FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED) { ValidateFLOStr(pStr);
// First we must locate the user
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedNextListField(&(pStr->users)); while (&(pFloUser->list) != &(pStr->users)) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
if (pFloUser->userID == userID) { userFound = TRUE; break; } pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedNextListField(&(pFloUser->list)); }
// If we do not find the user record then two things may have
// happened.
// - They have joined the channel and immediately sent data
// - They were removed as being delinquent and are now sending
// data again
// - We failed to add them to our user list
// Try and allocate the user entry now
// (This will start tracking receive buffer space, but this user
// will not participate in our send flow control until we receive
// a pong from them and set "gotpong" in their FLO_USER CB.)
if (!userFound) { pFloUser = FLOAddUser(userID, pStr); }
if (pFloUser != NULL) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
// Check that we have not got some kind of creep
if (pFloUser->rxPackets == 0) { WARNING_OUT(("Freed too many buffers for user 0x%08x on str %u", userID, stream)); } else { pFloUser->rxPackets--; TRACE_OUT(("Num outstanding receives now %u", pFloUser->rxPackets)); }
// Now we must Pong if there is a pong pending and we have
// moved below the high water mark
if ((pFloUser->pongNeeded) && (pFloUser->rxPackets < FLO_MAX_RCV_PACKETS))
{ FLOPong(pmgClient, stream, pFloUser->userID, pFloUser->sendPongID); pFloUser->pongNeeded = FALSE; pFloUser->sentPongTime = GetTickCount(); } } }
DebugExitVOID(FLO_FreeReceive); }
// FLOPong()
void FLOPong ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT stream, UINT userID, UINT pongID ) { PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL pFlo; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; UINT rc;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_TX_PONG, sizeof(TSHR_FLO_CONTROL) + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER), &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer failed in FLOPong")); DC_QUIT; }
pFlo = (PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer; pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength = TSHR_PKT_FLOW;
// Set up pong contents
pFlo->packetType = PACKET_TYPE_PONG; pFlo->userID = pmgClient->userIDMCS; pFlo->stream = (BYTE)stream; pFlo->pingPongID = (BYTE)pongID; pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)userID; pmgBuffer->priority = MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
// Now decouple the send request. Note that we must put the pong at
// the back of the request queue even though we want it to flow at
// high priority because otherwise there are certain circumstances
// where we get pong reversal due to receipt of multiple pings
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting pong message 0x%08x at head of pending chain", pmgBuffer)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
TRACE_OUT(("%u,0x%08x - PONG %u scheduled", pFlo->stream, pmgBuffer->channelId, pFlo->pingPongID));
// FLOPing()
void FLOPing ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT stream, UINT curtime ) {
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
ASSERT(stream < FLO_MAX_STREAMS); pStr = pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream]; ValidateFLOStr(pStr);
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_TX_PING, sizeof(TSHR_FLO_CONTROL)+sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER), &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer failed in FLOPing")); DC_QUIT; }
// Flag ping not needed to avoid serialization problems across the
// sendmessage!
pStr->pingNeeded = FALSE;
pFlo = (PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer; pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength = TSHR_PKT_FLOW;
// Set up ping contents
pFlo->packetType = PACKET_TYPE_PING; pFlo->userID = pmgClient->userIDMCS; pFlo->stream = (BYTE)stream; pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)pStr->channel; pmgBuffer->priority = (NET_PRIORITY)pStr->priority;
// Generate the next ping value to be used
pFlo->pingPongID = (BYTE)(pStr->pingValue + 1);
// Now decouple the send request
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting ping message 0x%08x into pending chain", pmgBuffer)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain));
UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
// Update flow control variables
pStr->pingValue = ((pStr->pingValue + 1) & 0xFF); pStr->lastPingTime = curtime; pStr->nextPingTime = curtime + pStr->pingTime; pStr->lastDenialTime = pStr->curDenialTime; TRACE_OUT(("%u - PING %u sched, next in %u mS (0x%08x:%u)", pFlo->stream, pStr->pingValue, pStr->pingTime, pStr->channel, pStr->priority));
// FLOPang()
void FLOPang ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT stream, UINT userID ) { PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer; PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL pFlo; UINT rc;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
rc = MGNewDataBuffer(pmgClient, MG_TX_PANG, sizeof(TSHR_FLO_CONTROL) + sizeof(MG_INT_PKT_HEADER), &pmgBuffer); if (rc != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("MGNewDataBuffer failed in FLOPang")); DC_QUIT; }
pFlo = (PTSHR_FLO_CONTROL)pmgBuffer->pDataBuffer; pmgBuffer->pPktHeader->header.pktLength = TSHR_PKT_FLOW;
// Set up pang contents
pFlo->packetType = PACKET_TYPE_PANG; pFlo->userID = pmgClient->userIDMCS; pFlo->stream = (BYTE)stream; pFlo->pingPongID = 0; pmgBuffer->channelId = (ChannelID)userID; pmgBuffer->priority = MG_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
// Now decouple the send request
TRACE_OUT(("Inserting pang message 0x%08x into pending chain", pmgBuffer)); COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pmgClient->pendChain), &(pmgBuffer->pendChain)); UT_PostEvent(pmgClient->putTask, pmgClient->putTask, NO_DELAY, NET_MG_SCHEDULE, 0, 0);
// FLOGetStream()
UINT FLOGetStream ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, NET_CHANNEL_ID channel, UINT priority, PFLO_STREAM_DATA * ppStr ) { UINT i; UINT cStreams;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached); ASSERT(priority != NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
cStreams = pmgClient->flo.numStreams; ASSERT(cStreams <= FLO_MAX_STREAMS);
// Scan the list of streams for a match.
for (i = 0; i < cStreams; i++) { //
// Check to ensure that this is a valid stream.
if (pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i] == NULL) { continue; }
// If the channel and priority match then we have found the stream.
if ((pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i]->channel == channel) && (pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i]->priority == priority)) { break; } }
// If we hit the end of the list then return FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED.
if (i == cStreams) { i = FLO_NOT_CONTROLLED; *ppStr = NULL;
TRACE_OUT(("Uncontrolled stream (0x%08x:%u)", channel, priority)); } else { *ppStr = pmgClient->flo.pStrData[i];
TRACE_OUT(("Controlled stream %u (0x%08x:%u)", i, channel, priority)); }
DebugExitDWORD(FLOGetStream, i); return(i); }
// Add a new remote user entry for a stream.
// userID - ID of the new user (single member channel ID)
// pStr - pointer to the stream to receive the new user.
// RETURNS: Nothing
// Allocate memory for the new user entry
pFloUser = new FLO_USER; if (!pFloUser) { WARNING_OUT(("FLOAddUser failed; out of memory")); } else { ZeroMemory(pFloUser, sizeof(*pFloUser)); SET_STAMP(pFloUser, FLOUSER);
// Set up the new record
TRACE_OUT(("UserID %u - New user, CB = 0x%08x", userID, pFloUser)); pFloUser->userID = (TSHR_UINT16)userID;
// Add the new User to the end of the list
COM_BasedListInsertBefore(&(pStr->users), &(pFloUser->list)); }
DebugExitVOID(FLOAddUser); return(pFloUser); }
// FLO_RemoveUser()
void FLO_RemoveUser ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT userID ) { PFLO_USER pFloUser; PBASEDLIST nextUser; UINT stream; UINT cStreams; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
cStreams = pmgClient->flo.numStreams; ASSERT(cStreams <= FLO_MAX_STREAMS);
// Check each stream
for (stream = 0; stream < cStreams; stream++) { if (pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream] == NULL) { continue; }
pStr = pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream]; ValidateFLOStr(pStr);
// Remove this user from the queue, if present
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedNextListField(&(pStr->users)); while (&(pFloUser->list) != &(pStr->users)) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
// Address the follow on record before we free the current
nextUser = COM_BasedNextListField(&(pFloUser->list));
// Free the current record, if necessary
if (pFloUser->userID == userID) { //
// Remove from the list
TRACE_OUT(("Freeing FLO_USER 0x%08x ID 0x%08x", pFloUser, pFloUser->userID));
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pFloUser->list)); delete pFloUser;
TRACE_OUT(("Stream %u - resetting due to user disappearance", stream));
ValidateFLOStr(pStr); pStr->bytesInPipe = 0; pStr->pingNeeded = TRUE; pStr->nextPingTime = GetTickCount(); pStr->gotPong = FALSE; pStr->eventNeeded = FALSE; break; }
// Move on to the next record in the list
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)nextUser; }
// Now wake the app again for this stream
if (pmgClient->flo.callBack != NULL) { (*(pmgClient->flo.callBack))(pmgClient, FLO_WAKEUP, pStr->priority, pStr->maxBytesInPipe); } }
DebugExitVOID(FLO_RemoveUser); }
// FLOStreamEndControl()
void FLOStreamEndControl ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, UINT stream ) { PFLO_USER pFloUser; PFLO_STREAM_DATA pStr; PMG_BUFFER pmgBuffer;
ValidateMGClient(pmgClient); ASSERT(pmgClient->userAttached);
// Convert the stream id into a stream pointer.
ASSERT(stream < FLO_MAX_STREAMS); pStr = pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream]; ValidateFLOStr(pStr);
// Trace out that we are about to end flow control.
TRACE_OUT(("Flow control about to end, stream %u, (0x%08x:%u)", stream, pStr->channel, pStr->priority));
// First check to see if there are any outstanding buffer CBs with
// pStr set to this stream and reset pStr to null. We need to do this
// as we may then try to dereference pStr when we come to send these
// buffers.
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pmgClient->pendChain), FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain));
while (pmgBuffer != NULL) { ValidateMGBuffer(pmgBuffer);
if (pmgBuffer->type == MG_TX_BUFFER) { //
// Set the stream pointer to NULL.
pmgBuffer->pStr = NULL; TRACE_OUT(("Nulling stream pointer in bufferCB: (0x%08x:%u)", pStr->channel, pStr->priority)); }
pmgBuffer = (PMG_BUFFER)COM_BasedListNext(&(pmgClient->pendChain), pmgBuffer, FIELD_OFFSET(MG_BUFFER, pendChain)); }
// Now free up the list of users.
pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pStr->users), FIELD_OFFSET(FLO_USER, list)); while (pFloUser != NULL) { ValidateFLOUser(pFloUser);
// First send the remote user a "pang" to tell them we are not
// interested in their data any more.
FLOPang(pmgClient, stream, pFloUser->userID);
// Remove the remote user from the list.
TRACE_OUT(("Freeing FLO_USER 0x%08x ID 0x%08x", pFloUser, pFloUser->userID));
COM_BasedListRemove(&(pFloUser->list)); delete pFloUser;
// Now get the next user in the list.
ValidateFLOStr(pStr); pFloUser = (PFLO_USER)COM_BasedListFirst(&(pStr->users), FIELD_OFFSET(FLO_USER, list)); }
// Free the stream data.
ASSERT(pStr == pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream]); TRACE_OUT(("Freeing FLO_STREAM_DATA 0x%08x", pStr));
delete pStr; pmgClient->flo.pStrData[stream] = NULL;
// Adjust numStreams (if required)
if (stream == (pmgClient->flo.numStreams - 1)) { while ((pmgClient->flo.numStreams > 0) && (pmgClient->flo.pStrData[pmgClient->flo.numStreams - 1] == NULL)) { pmgClient->flo.numStreams--; } TRACE_OUT(("numStreams %u", pmgClient->flo.numStreams)); }
DebugExitVOID(FLOStreamEndControl); }
// MGNewCorrelator()
// Gets a new correlator for events to a particular MGC client
void MGNewCorrelator ( PMG_CLIENT pmgClient, WORD * pCorrelator ) { ValidateMGClient(pmgClient);
pmgClient->joinNextCorr++; if (pmgClient->joinNextCorr == 0) { pmgClient->joinNextCorr++; }
*pCorrelator = pmgClient->joinNextCorr; }