#include "precomp.h"
// Order Decoding
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// OD_ViewStarting()
// Sets up the odLast... vars
BOOL ASShare::OD_ViewStarting(ASPerson * pasPerson) { BOOL rc = FALSE; TSHR_COLOR colorWhite = {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}; BYTE brushExtra[7] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
// Invalidate OD results
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("OD_PartyStartingHosting: Couldn't create total invalid OD region")); DC_QUIT; }
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("OD_PartyStartingHosting: Couldn't create order invalid OD region")); DC_QUIT; }
// Back color.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor = 0; ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, TRUE, colorWhite);
// Text color.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTextColor = 0; ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, TRUE, colorWhite);
// Background mode.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkMode = TRANSPARENT; ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, OPAQUE);
// ROP2.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastROP2 = R2_BLACK; ODUseROP2(pasPerson, R2_COPYPEN);
// Fill Mode. It's zero, we don't need to do anything since 0 isn't
// a valid mode, so we'll change it the first order we get that uses
// one.
ASSERT(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFillMode == 0);
// Arc Direction. It's zero, we don't need to do anything since 0
// isn't a valid dir, so we'll change it the first order we get that
// uses one.
ASSERT(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastArcDirection == 0);
// Pen.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenStyle = PS_DASH; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenWidth = 2; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenColor = 0; ODUsePen(pasPerson, TRUE, PS_SOLID, 1, colorWhite);
// Brush.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushOrgX = 1; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushOrgY = 1; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushBkColor = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushTextColor = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushStyle = BS_NULL; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushHatch = HS_VERTICAL; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor.red = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor.green = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor.blue = 0; ODUseBrush(pasPerson, TRUE, 0, 0, BS_SOLID, HS_HORIZONTAL, colorWhite, brushExtra);
// Char extra.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastCharExtra = 1; ODUseTextCharacterExtra(pasPerson, 0);
// Text justification.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastJustExtra = 1; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastJustCount = 1; ODUseTextJustification(pasPerson, 0, 0);
// odLastBaselineOffset. This is zero, which is the default in the DC
// right now so need to change anything.
// Font.
// We don't call ODUseFont because we know that the following values
// are invalid. The first valid font to arrive will be selected.
ASSERT(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID == NULL); pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontCodePage = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWidth = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontHeight = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWeight = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFlags = 0; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFaceLen = 0; ZeroMemory(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName, sizeof(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName));
// These next 4 variables which describe the current clip rectangle are
// only valid if fRectReset is FALSE. If fRectReset is true then no
// clipping is in force.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odRectReset = TRUE; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLeft = 0x12345678; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTop = 0x12345678; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastRight = 0x12345678; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBottom = 0x12345678;
// odLastVGAColor?
// odLastVGAResult?
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(ASShare::OD_ViewStarting, rc); return(rc); }
// OD_ViewEnded()
// Cleans up any created objects
void ASShare::OD_ViewEnded(ASPerson * pasPerson) { DebugEntry(ASShare::OD_ViewEnded);
// We may create and select in a font and a pen for our drawing decode.
// Select them out and delete them. Since we can't delete stock objects,
// if we didn't actually create one, there's no harm in it.
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC != NULL) { DeleteBrush(SelectBrush(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH))); DeletePen(SelectPen(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, (HPEN)GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN))); }
// Destroy the brush patern
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern != NULL) { DeleteBitmap(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern); pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern = NULL; }
// Destroy the font -- but in this case we don't know that our font is
// actually the one in the DC. od2 also selects in fonts.
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID != NULL) { // Make sure this isn't selected in to usrDC
SelectFont(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)); DeleteFont(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID); pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID = NULL; }
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal != NULL) { DeleteRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal); pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal = NULL; }
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder != NULL) { DeleteRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder); pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::OD_ViewEnded); }
// OD_ReceivedPacket()
// Handles incoming orders packet from a host. Replays the drawing orders
// into the screen bitmap for the host, then repaints the view with the
// results.
void ASShare::OD_ReceivedPacket ( ASPerson * pasPerson, PS20DATAPACKET pPacket ) { PORDPACKET pOrders; HPALETTE hOldPalette; HPALETTE hOldSavePalette; UINT cOrders; UINT cUpdates; UINT i; LPCOM_ORDER_UA pOrder; UINT decodedLength; LPBYTE pEncodedOrder; TSHR_INT32 xOrigin; TSHR_INT32 yOrigin; BOOL fPalRGB;
pOrders = (PORDPACKET)pPacket;
// The color type is RGB if we or they are < 256 colors
// Else it's PALETTE if they are old, or new and not sending 24bpp
if ((g_usrScreenBPP < 8) || (pasPerson->cpcCaps.screen.capsBPP < 8)) { TRACE_OUT(("OD_ReceivedPacket: no PALRGB")); fPalRGB = FALSE; } else { // At 24bpp, no palette matching for RGB values unless we're <= 8
if ((g_usrScreenBPP > 8) && (pOrders->sendBPP > 8)) { TRACE_OUT(("OD_ReceivedPacket: no PALRGB")); fPalRGB = FALSE; } }
if (g_usrPalettized) { //
// Select and realize the current remote palette into the device
// context.
hOldPalette = SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pasPerson->pmPalette, FALSE); RealizePalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC);
// We must select the same palette into the Save Bitmap DC so that
// no color conversion occurs during save and restore operations.
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_ssiDC != NULL) { hOldSavePalette = SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_ssiDC, pasPerson->pmPalette, FALSE); RealizePalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_ssiDC); } }
// Extract the number of orders supplied.
cOrders = pOrders->cOrders;
if (m_oefOE2EncodingOn) { pEncodedOrder = (LPBYTE)(&pOrders->data); pOrder = NULL; } else { pOrder = (LPCOM_ORDER_UA)(&pOrders->data); pEncodedOrder = NULL; }
// Get the desktop origin for this person.
TRACE_OUT(( "Begin replaying %u orders ((", cOrders));
// This should be empty, we should have reset it when we invalidated
// the view of the host the last time we got a packet.
#ifdef _DEBUG
{ RECT rcBounds;
ASSERT(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalTotal == 0); GetRgnBox(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, &rcBounds); ASSERT(IsRectEmpty(&rcBounds)); } #endif // _DEBUG
// Repeat for each of the received orders.
for (i = 0; i < cOrders; i++) { if (m_oefOE2EncodingOn) { //
// Decode the first order. The pOrder returned by
// OD2_DecodeOrder should have all fields in local byte order
pOrder = OD2_DecodeOrder( (PDCEO2ORDER)pEncodedOrder, &decodedLength, pasPerson );
if (pOrder == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(( "Failed to decode order from pasPerson %u", pasPerson)); DC_QUIT; } } else { //
// Convert any font ids to be local ids.
// pOrder is unaligned, FH_Convert... takes an aligned order
FH_ConvertAnyFontIDToLocal((LPCOM_ORDER)pOrder, pasPerson); decodedLength = pOrder->OrderHeader.cbOrderDataLength + sizeof(COM_ORDER_HEADER); }
// If the order is a Private Order then it is dealt with by
// the Bitmap Cache Controller.
if (EXTRACT_TSHR_UINT16_UA(&(pOrder->OrderHeader.fOrderFlags)) & OF_PRIVATE) { RBC_ProcessCacheOrder(pasPerson, pOrder); } else if ( EXTRACT_TSHR_UINT16_UA( &(((LPPATBLT_ORDER)pOrder->abOrderData)->type)) == LOWORD(ORD_DESKSCROLL)) { ERROR_OUT(("Received DESKSCROLL order, obsolete, from 3.0 node [%d]", pasPerson->mcsID)); } else { //
// Replay the received order. This will also add the
// bounds to the invalidate region.
OD_ReplayOrder(pasPerson, (LPCOM_ORDER)pOrder, fPalRGB); }
if (m_oefOE2EncodingOn) { pEncodedOrder += decodedLength; } else { pOrder = (LPCOM_ORDER_UA)((LPBYTE)pOrder + decodedLength); } } TRACE_OUT(( "End replaying orders ))"));
// Pass the Update Region to the Shadow Window Presenter.
DC_EXIT_POINT: if (g_usrPalettized) { //
// Reinstate the old palette(s).
SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, hOldPalette, FALSE); if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_ssiDC != NULL) { SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_ssiDC, hOldSavePalette, FALSE); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::OD_ReceivedPacket); }
// OD_UpdateView()
// This is called after we've processed an order packet and replayed the
// drawing into our bitmap for the host.
// Replaying the drawing keeps a running tally of the area changed. This
// function invalidates the changed area in the view of the host, so it
// will repaint and show the updates.
void ASShare::OD_UpdateView(ASPerson * pasHost) { RECT rcBounds;
// Do nothing if there are no updates.
if (pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalTotal == 0) { // Nothing got played back, nothing to repaint
} else if (pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalTotal <= MAX_UPDATE_REGION_ORDERS) { VIEW_InvalidateRgn(pasHost, pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal); } else { //
// Rather than invalidating a very complex region, which will
// chew up a lot of memory, just invalidate the bounding box.
GetRgnBox(pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, &rcBounds); TRACE_OUT(("OD_UpdateView: Update region too complex; use bounds {%04d, %04d, %04d, %04d}", rcBounds.left, rcBounds.top, rcBounds.right, rcBounds.bottom));
// This code used to add one to the right & bottom, which was
// bogus EXCLUSIVE coordinate confusion. I fixed this--the bound
// box is the right area.
SetRectRgn(pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, rcBounds.left, rcBounds.top, rcBounds.right, rcBounds.bottom); VIEW_InvalidateRgn(pasHost, pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal); }
// Now reset the update region to empty
SetRectRgn(pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, 0, 0, 0, 0); pasHost->m_pView->m_odInvalTotal = 0;
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::OD_UpdateView); }
// OD_ReplayOrder()
// Replays one drawing operation, the next one, in the packet of orders
// we received from a host.
void ASShare::OD_ReplayOrder ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPCOM_ORDER pOrder, BOOL fPalRGB ) { LPPATBLT_ORDER pDrawing; LPSTR faceName; UINT faceNameLength; UINT trueFontWidth; UINT maxFontHeight; TSHR_UINT16 nFontFlags; TSHR_UINT16 nCodePage; UINT i; RECT rcDst;
pDrawing = (LPPATBLT_ORDER)pOrder->abOrderData;
// These are VD coords.
// WHEN 2.X INTEROP IS GONE, GET RID OF m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin
RECT_FROM_TSHR_RECT16(&rcDst, pOrder->OrderHeader.rcsDst);
// The host bitmap is in screen, not VD, coords
if (pOrder->OrderHeader.fOrderFlags & OF_NOTCLIPPED) { //
// The rectangle associated with this order is the bounding
// rectangle of the order and does not clip it. We optimise this
// case by passing in a large rectangle that will not result in
// clipping to ODUseRectRegion. ODUseRectRegion will spot if this
// is the same as the last clip region we set and take a fast exit
// path. This improves performance substantially.
ODUseRectRegion(pasPerson, 0, 0, 10000, 10000); } else { ODUseRectRegion(pasPerson, rcDst.left, rcDst.top, rcDst.right, rcDst.bottom); }
switch (pDrawing->type) { case ORD_DSTBLT_TYPE: ODReplayDSTBLT(pasPerson, (LPDSTBLT_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_PATBLT_TYPE: ODReplayPATBLT(pasPerson, (LPPATBLT_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_SCRBLT_TYPE: ODReplaySCRBLT(pasPerson, (LPSCRBLT_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_MEMBLT_TYPE: case ORD_MEMBLT_R2_TYPE: ODReplayMEMBLT(pasPerson, (LPMEMBLT_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_MEM3BLT_TYPE: case ORD_MEM3BLT_R2_TYPE: ODReplayMEM3BLT(pasPerson, (LPMEM3BLT_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_POLYGON_TYPE: ODReplayPOLYGON(pasPerson, (LPPOLYGON_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_PIE_TYPE: ODReplayPIE(pasPerson, (LPPIE_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_ELLIPSE_TYPE: ODReplayELLIPSE(pasPerson, (LPELLIPSE_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_ARC_TYPE: ODReplayARC(pasPerson, (LPARC_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_CHORD_TYPE: ODReplayCHORD(pasPerson, (LPCHORD_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_LINETO_TYPE: ODReplayLINETO(pasPerson, (LPLINETO_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_TEXTOUT_TYPE: ODReplayTEXTOUT(pasPerson, (LPTEXTOUT_ORDER)pDrawing, fPalRGB); break;
case ORD_SAVEBITMAP_TYPE: SSI_SaveBitmap(pasPerson, (LPSAVEBITMAP_ORDER)pDrawing); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(( "ORDER: Unrecognised order %d from [%d]", (int)pDrawing->type, pasPerson->mcsID)); break; }
// rcDst is INCLUSIVE coords still
if ((rcDst.left <= rcDst.right) && (rcDst.top <= rcDst.bottom)) { SetRectRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder, rcDst.left, rcDst.top, rcDst.right+1, rcDst.bottom+1);
// Combine the rectangle region with the update region.
if (UnionRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder) <= ERROR) { RECT rcCur;
// Union failed; so simplyify the current region
WARNING_OUT(("OD_ReplayOrder: UnionRgn failed"));
// This code used to add one to the right & bottom, which is
// bogus exclusive coord confusion. The bound box is the right
// area.
GetRgnBox(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, &rcCur); SetRectRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, rcCur.left, rcCur.top, rcCur.right, rcCur.bottom);
// Reset odInvalTotal count -- this is really a # of bounds rects
// count, and now we have just one.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalTotal = 1;
if (UnionRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnTotal, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalRgnOrder) <= ERROR) { ERROR_OUT(("OD_ReplayOrder: UnionRgn failed after simplification")); } }
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odInvalTotal++; }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::OD_ReplayOrder); }
// ODReplayDSTBLT()
// Replays a DSTBLT order
void ASShare::ODReplayDSTBLT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPDSTBLT_ORDER pDstBlt, BOOL fPalRGB ) { DebugEntry(ASShare::ODReplayDSTBLT);
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: DstBlt X %hd Y %hd w %hd h %hd rop %08lX", pDstBlt->nLeftRect, pDstBlt->nTopRect, pDstBlt->nWidth, pDstBlt->nHeight, (UINT)ODConvertToWindowsROP(pDstBlt->bRop)));
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
PatBlt(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pDstBlt->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pDstBlt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pDstBlt->nWidth, pDstBlt->nHeight, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pDstBlt->bRop));
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayDSTBLT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayPATBLT()
// Replays a PATBLT order
void ASShare::ODReplayPATBLT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPPATBLT_ORDER pPatblt, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: PatBlt BC %08lX FC %08lX Brush %02X %02X X %d Y %d w %d h %d rop %08lX", pPatblt->BackColor, pPatblt->ForeColor, pPatblt->BrushStyle, pPatblt->BrushHatch, pPatblt->nLeftRect, pPatblt->nTopRect, pPatblt->nWidth, pPatblt->nHeight, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pPatblt->bRop) ));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPatblt->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPatblt->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pPatblt->BrushOrgX, pPatblt->BrushOrgY, pPatblt->BrushStyle, pPatblt->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pPatblt->BrushExtra);
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
PatBlt(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pPatblt->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pPatblt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pPatblt->nWidth, pPatblt->nHeight, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pPatblt->bRop));
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayPATBLT); }
// ASShare::ODReplaySCRBLT()
// Replays SCRBLT order
void ASShare::ODReplaySCRBLT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPSCRBLT_ORDER pScrBlt, BOOL fPalRGB ) { DebugEntry(ASShare::ODReplaySCRBLT);
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: ScrBlt dx %d dy %d w %d h %d sx %d sy %d rop %08lX", pScrBlt->nLeftRect, pScrBlt->nTopRect, pScrBlt->nWidth, pScrBlt->nHeight, pScrBlt->nXSrc, pScrBlt->nYSrc, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pScrBlt->bRop)));
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
BitBlt(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pScrBlt->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pScrBlt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pScrBlt->nWidth, pScrBlt->nHeight, pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pScrBlt->nXSrc - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pScrBlt->nYSrc - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pScrBlt->bRop));
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplaySCRBLT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayMEMBLT()
// Replays MEMBLT and MEMBLT_R2 orders
void ASShare::ODReplayMEMBLT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPMEMBLT_ORDER pMemBlt, BOOL fPalRGB ) { HPALETTE hpalOld; HPALETTE hpalOld2; TSHR_UINT16 cacheIndex; UINT nXSrc; HBITMAP cacheBitmap; HBITMAP hOldBitmap; COLORREF clrBk; COLORREF clrText;
TRACE_OUT(("MEMBLT nXSrc %d",pMemBlt->nXSrc));
hpalOld = SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, pasPerson->pmPalette, FALSE); RealizePalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC);
hpalOld2 = SelectPalette( pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pasPerson->pmPalette, FALSE ); RealizePalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC);
// Now get the source bitmap. The cache is defined by
// hBitmap. For R1 protocols the cache index is indicated
// by the source offset on the order. For R2 it is
// indicated by a separate field in the order.
// The color table index is in the high order of hBitmap
cacheIndex = ((LPMEMBLT_R2_ORDER)pMemBlt)->cacheIndex; nXSrc = pMemBlt->nXSrc;
TRACE_OUT(( "MEMBLT color %d cache %d:%d", MEMBLT_COLORINDEX(pMemBlt), MEMBLT_CACHETABLE(pMemBlt), cacheIndex));
cacheBitmap = RBC_MapCacheIDToBitmapHandle(pasPerson, MEMBLT_CACHETABLE(pMemBlt), cacheIndex, MEMBLT_COLORINDEX(pMemBlt));
hOldBitmap = SelectBitmap(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, cacheBitmap);
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: MemBlt dx %d dy %d w %d h %d sx %d sy %d rop %08lX", pMemBlt->nLeftRect, pMemBlt->nTopRect, pMemBlt->nWidth, pMemBlt->nHeight, nXSrc, pMemBlt->nYSrc, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pMemBlt->bRop)));
// ALWAYS set back/fore color to white/black in case of rops like
// SRCAND or SRCINVERT which will use their values.
clrBk = SetBkColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, RGB(255, 255, 255)); clrText = SetTextColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, RGB(0, 0, 0));
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
BitBlt(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pMemBlt->nLeftRect- pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pMemBlt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pMemBlt->nWidth, pMemBlt->nHeight, pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, nXSrc, pMemBlt->nYSrc, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pMemBlt->bRop));
// If the relevant property is set hatch the area in blue.
if (m_usrHatchBitmaps) { SDP_DrawHatchedRect(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pMemBlt->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pMemBlt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pMemBlt->nWidth, pMemBlt->nHeight, USR_HATCH_COLOR_BLUE); }
// Restore back, text colors
SetTextColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, clrText); SetBkColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, clrBk);
// Deselect the bitmap from the DC.
SelectBitmap(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, hOldBitmap);
SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, hpalOld, FALSE); SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, hpalOld2, FALSE);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayMEMBLT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayMEM3BLT()
// Replays MEM3BLT and MEM3BLT_R2 orders
void ASShare::ODReplayMEM3BLT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPMEM3BLT_ORDER pMem3Blt, BOOL fPalRGB ) { HPALETTE hpalOld; HPALETTE hpalOld2; TSHR_UINT16 cacheIndex; int nXSrc; HBITMAP cacheBitmap; HBITMAP hOldBitmap; TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor;
TRACE_OUT(("MEM3BLT nXSrc %d",pMem3Blt->nXSrc)); TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Mem3Blt brush %04lX %04lX dx %d dy %d "\ "w %d h %d sx %d sy %d rop %08lX", pMem3Blt->BrushStyle, pMem3Blt->BrushHatch, pMem3Blt->nLeftRect, pMem3Blt->nTopRect, pMem3Blt->nWidth, pMem3Blt->nHeight, pMem3Blt->nXSrc, pMem3Blt->nYSrc, (UINT)ODConvertToWindowsROP(pMem3Blt->bRop)));
hpalOld = SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, pasPerson->pmPalette, FALSE); RealizePalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC);
hpalOld2 = SelectPalette( pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pasPerson->pmPalette, FALSE); RealizePalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC);
// Now get the source bitmap. The cache is defined by
// hBitmap. For R1 protocols the cache index is indicated
// by the source offset on the order. For R2 it is
// indicated by a separate field in the order.
// The color table index is in the high order of hBitmap
cacheIndex = ((LPMEM3BLT_R2_ORDER)pMem3Blt)->cacheIndex; nXSrc = pMem3Blt->nXSrc;
TRACE_OUT(("MEM3BLT color %d cache %d:%d", MEMBLT_COLORINDEX(pMem3Blt), MEMBLT_CACHETABLE(pMem3Blt), cacheIndex));
cacheBitmap = RBC_MapCacheIDToBitmapHandle(pasPerson, MEMBLT_CACHETABLE(pMem3Blt), cacheIndex, MEMBLT_COLORINDEX(pMem3Blt));
hOldBitmap = SelectBitmap(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, cacheBitmap);
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pMem3Blt->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pMem3Blt->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pMem3Blt->BrushOrgX, pMem3Blt->BrushOrgY, pMem3Blt->BrushStyle, pMem3Blt->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pMem3Blt->BrushExtra);
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
BitBlt(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pMem3Blt->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pMem3Blt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pMem3Blt->nWidth, pMem3Blt->nHeight, pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, nXSrc, pMem3Blt->nYSrc, ODConvertToWindowsROP(pMem3Blt->bRop));
// If the relevant property is set hatch the area in blue.
if (m_usrHatchBitmaps) { SDP_DrawHatchedRect(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pMem3Blt->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pMem3Blt->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pMem3Blt->nWidth, pMem3Blt->nHeight, USR_HATCH_COLOR_BLUE); }
// Deselect the bitmap from the DC.
SelectBitmap(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, hOldBitmap);
SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrWorkDC, hpalOld, FALSE); SelectPalette(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, hpalOld2, FALSE);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayMEM3BLT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayRECTANGLE()
// Replays RECTANGLE order
void ASShare::ODReplayRECTANGLE ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPRECTANGLE_ORDER pRectangle, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Rectangle BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX brush %02hX " \ "%02hX rop2 %04hX pen %04hX %04hX %08lX rect %d %d %d %d", pRectangle->BackColor, pRectangle->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pRectangle->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pRectangle->BrushStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pRectangle->BrushHatch, (TSHR_UINT16)pRectangle->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pRectangle->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pRectangle->PenWidth, pRectangle->PenColor, (int)pRectangle->nLeftRect, (int)pRectangle->nTopRect, (int)pRectangle->nRightRect + 1, (int)pRectangle->nBottomRect + 1));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pRectangle->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pRectangle->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pRectangle->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pRectangle->BackMode);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pRectangle->BrushOrgX, pRectangle->BrushOrgY, pRectangle->BrushStyle, pRectangle->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pRectangle->BrushExtra);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pRectangle->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pRectangle->PenStyle, pRectangle->PenWidth, PenColor);
// The rectangle in the order is inclusive but Windows works
// with exclusive rectangles.
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
Rectangle(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pRectangle->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pRectangle->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pRectangle->nRightRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x + 1, pRectangle->nBottomRect- pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y + 1);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayRECTANGLE); }
// ASShare::ODReplayPOLYGON()
// Replays POLYGON order
void ASShare::ODReplayPOLYGON ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPPOLYGON_ORDER pPolygon, BOOL fPalRGB ) { POINT aP[ORD_MAX_POLYGON_POINTS]; UINT i; UINT cPoints; TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
cPoints = pPolygon->variablePoints.len / sizeof(pPolygon->variablePoints.aPoints[0]);
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Polygon BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX brush %02hX %02hX " "%02hX %02hX rop2 %04hX pen %04hX %04hX %08lX points %d", pPolygon->BackColor, pPolygon->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolygon->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolygon->BrushStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolygon->BrushHatch, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolygon->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolygon->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolygon->PenWidth, pPolygon->PenColor, cPoints));
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
// while copying to native size point array.
for (i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) { TRACE_OUT(( "aPoints[%u]: %d,%d", i, (int)(pPolygon->variablePoints.aPoints[i].x), (int)(pPolygon->variablePoints.aPoints[i].y)));
aP[i].x = pPolygon->variablePoints.aPoints[i].x - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x; aP[i].y = pPolygon->variablePoints.aPoints[i].y - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y; }
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPolygon->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPolygon->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPolygon->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pPolygon->BackMode);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pPolygon->BrushOrgX, pPolygon->BrushOrgY, pPolygon->BrushStyle, pPolygon->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pPolygon->BrushExtra);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pPolygon->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pPolygon->PenStyle, pPolygon->PenWidth, PenColor);
ODUseFillMode(pasPerson, pPolygon->FillMode);
Polygon(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, aP, cPoints);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayPOLYGON); }
// ASShare::ODReplayPIE()
// Replays PIE order
void ASShare::ODReplayPIE ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPPIE_ORDER pPie, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Pie BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX brush %02hX " " %02hX rop2 %04hX pen %04hX %04hX %08lX rect %d %d %d %d", pPie->BackColor, pPie->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pPie->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pPie->BrushStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pPie->BrushHatch, (TSHR_UINT16)pPie->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pPie->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pPie->PenWidth, pPie->PenColor, (int)pPie->nLeftRect, (int)pPie->nTopRect, (int)pPie->nRightRect + 1, (int)pPie->nBottomRect + 1));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPie->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPie->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPie->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pPie->BackMode);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pPie->BrushOrgX, pPie->BrushOrgY, pPie->BrushStyle, pPie->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pPie->BrushExtra);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pPie->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pPie->PenStyle, pPie->PenWidth, PenColor);
ODUseArcDirection(pasPerson, (int)pPie->ArcDirection);
Pie(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pPie->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pPie->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pPie->nRightRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x + 1, pPie->nBottomRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y + 1, pPie->nXStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pPie->nYStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pPie->nXEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pPie->nYEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayPIE); }
// ASShare::ODReplayELLIPSE()
// Replays ELLIPSE order
void ASShare::ODReplayELLIPSE ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPELLIPSE_ORDER pEllipse, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Ellipse BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX brush %02hX %02hX " "rop2 %04hX pen %04hX %04hX %08lX rect %d %d %d %d", pEllipse->BackColor, pEllipse->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pEllipse->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pEllipse->BrushStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pEllipse->BrushHatch, (TSHR_UINT16)pEllipse->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pEllipse->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pEllipse->PenWidth, pEllipse->PenColor, (int)pEllipse->nLeftRect, (int)pEllipse->nTopRect, (int)pEllipse->nRightRect + 1, (int)pEllipse->nBottomRect + 1));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pEllipse->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pEllipse->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pEllipse->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pEllipse->BackMode);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pEllipse->BrushOrgX, pEllipse->BrushOrgY, pEllipse->BrushStyle, pEllipse->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pEllipse->BrushExtra);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pEllipse->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pEllipse->PenStyle, pEllipse->PenWidth, PenColor);
Ellipse(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pEllipse->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pEllipse->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pEllipse->nRightRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x + 1, pEllipse->nBottomRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y + 1);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayELLIPSE); }
// ASShare::ODReplayARC()
// Replays ARC order
void ASShare::ODReplayARC ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPARC_ORDER pArc, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Arc BC %08lX BM %04hX rop2 %04hX pen %04hX " "%04hX %08lX rect %d %d %d %d", pArc->BackColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pArc->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pArc->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pArc->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pArc->PenWidth, pArc->PenColor, (int)pArc->nLeftRect, (int)pArc->nTopRect, (int)pArc->nRightRect + 1, (int)pArc->nBottomRect + 1));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pArc->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pArc->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pArc->BackMode);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pArc->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pArc->PenStyle, pArc->PenWidth, PenColor);
ODUseArcDirection(pasPerson, pArc->ArcDirection);
Arc(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pArc->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pArc->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pArc->nRightRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x + 1, pArc->nBottomRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y + 1, pArc->nXStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pArc->nYStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pArc->nXEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pArc->nYEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayARC); }
// ASShare::ODReplayCHORD()
// Replays CHORD order
void ASShare::ODReplayCHORD ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPCHORD_ORDER pChord, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: Chord BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX brush " "%02hX %02hX rop2 %04hX pen %04hX %04hX %08lX rect " "%d %d %d %d", pChord->BackColor, pChord->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pChord->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pChord->BrushStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pChord->BrushHatch, (TSHR_UINT16)pChord->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pChord->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pChord->PenWidth, pChord->PenColor, (int)pChord->nLeftRect, (int)pChord->nTopRect, (int)pChord->nRightRect + 1, (int)pChord->nBottomRect + 1));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pChord->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pChord->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pChord->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pChord->BackMode);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pChord->BrushOrgX, pChord->BrushOrgY, pChord->BrushStyle, pChord->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pChord->BrushExtra);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pChord->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pChord->PenStyle, pChord->PenWidth, PenColor);
ODUseArcDirection(pasPerson, pChord->ArcDirection);
Chord(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pChord->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pChord->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pChord->nRightRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x + 1, pChord->nBottomRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y + 1, pChord->nXStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pChord->nYStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pChord->nXEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pChord->nYEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayCHORD); }
// ASShare::ODReplayPOLYBEZIER()
// Replays POLYBEZIER order
cPoints = pPolyBezier->variablePoints.len / sizeof(pPolyBezier->variablePoints.aPoints[0]);
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: PolyBezier BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX rop2 " "%04hX pen %04hX %04hX %08lX points %d", pPolyBezier->BackColor, pPolyBezier->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolyBezier->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolyBezier->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolyBezier->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pPolyBezier->PenWidth, pPolyBezier->PenColor, (int)cPoints));
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
// while copying to native size point array.
for (i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) { TRACE_OUT(("aPoints[%u]: %d,%d",(UINT)i, (int)(pPolyBezier->variablePoints.aPoints[i].x), (int)(pPolyBezier->variablePoints.aPoints[i].y)));
aP[i].x = pPolyBezier->variablePoints.aPoints[i].x - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x; aP[i].y = pPolyBezier->variablePoints.aPoints[i].y - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y; }
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPolyBezier->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPolyBezier->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pPolyBezier->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pPolyBezier->BackMode);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pPolyBezier->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pPolyBezier->PenStyle, pPolyBezier->PenWidth, PenColor);
PolyBezier(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, aP, cPoints);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayPOLYBEZIER); }
// ASShare::ODReplayROUNDRECT()
void ASShare::ODReplayROUNDRECT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPROUNDRECT_ORDER pRoundRect, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: RoundRect BC %08lX FC %08lX BM %04hX " \ "brush %02hX %02hX rop2 %04hX pen %04hX %04hX " \ "%08lX rect %d %d %d %d ellipse %d %d", pRoundRect->BackColor, pRoundRect->ForeColor, (TSHR_UINT16)pRoundRect->BackMode, (TSHR_UINT16)pRoundRect->BrushStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pRoundRect->BrushHatch, (TSHR_UINT16)pRoundRect->ROP2, (TSHR_UINT16)pRoundRect->PenStyle, (TSHR_UINT16)pRoundRect->PenWidth, pRoundRect->PenColor, (int)pRoundRect->nLeftRect, (int)pRoundRect->nTopRect, (int)pRoundRect->nRightRect, (int)pRoundRect->nBottomRect, (int)pRoundRect->nEllipseWidth, (int)pRoundRect->nEllipseHeight));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pRoundRect->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pRoundRect->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pRoundRect->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pRoundRect->BackMode);
ODUseBrush(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pRoundRect->BrushOrgX, pRoundRect->BrushOrgY, pRoundRect->BrushStyle, pRoundRect->BrushHatch, ForeColor, pRoundRect->BrushExtra);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pRoundRect->ROP2);
ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pRoundRect->PenStyle, pRoundRect->PenWidth, PenColor);
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform).
RoundRect(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pRoundRect->nLeftRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pRoundRect->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pRoundRect->nRightRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x + 1, pRoundRect->nBottomRect- pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y + 1, pRoundRect->nEllipseWidth, pRoundRect->nEllipseHeight);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayROUNDRECT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayLINETO()
// Replays LINETO order
void ASShare::ODReplayLINETO ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPLINETO_ORDER pLineTo, BOOL fPalRGB ) { TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR PenColor;
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: LineTo BC %08lX BM %04X rop2 %04X pen " \ "%04X %04X %08lX x1 %d y1 %d x2 %d y2 %d", pLineTo->BackColor, pLineTo->BackMode, pLineTo->ROP2, pLineTo->PenStyle, pLineTo->PenWidth, pLineTo->PenColor, pLineTo->nXStart, pLineTo->nYStart, pLineTo->nXEnd, pLineTo->nYEnd));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pLineTo->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pLineTo->PenColor), &PenColor, OD_PEN_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pLineTo->BackMode);
ODUseROP2(pasPerson, pLineTo->ROP2); ODUsePen(pasPerson, fPalRGB, pLineTo->PenStyle, pLineTo->PenWidth, PenColor);
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
MoveToEx(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pLineTo->nXStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pLineTo->nYStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, NULL); LineTo(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pLineTo->nXEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pLineTo->nYEnd - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayLINETO); }
// ASShare::ODReplayEXTTEXTOUT()
// Replays EXTTEXTOUT order
void ASShare::ODReplayEXTTEXTOUT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPEXTTEXTOUT_ORDER pExtTextOut, BOOL fPalRGB ) { LPINT lpDx; RECT rect;
// Convert from TSHR_RECT32 to RECT we can manipulate
// And convert to screen coords
rect.left = pExtTextOut->rectangle.left; rect.top = pExtTextOut->rectangle.top; rect.right = pExtTextOut->rectangle.right; rect.bottom = pExtTextOut->rectangle.bottom; OffsetRect(&rect, -pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, -pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y);
// Get pointers to the optional/variable parameters.
if (pExtTextOut->fuOptions & ETO_WINDOWS) { //
// Make the rectangle exclusive for Windows to use.
rect.right++; rect.bottom++; }
if (pExtTextOut->fuOptions & ETO_LPDX) { //
// if OE2 encoding is in use, the 'variable' string is
// in fact fixed at its maximum possible value, hence
// deltaX is always in the same place.
if (m_oefOE2EncodingOn) { lpDx = (LPINT)(pExtTextOut->variableDeltaX.deltaX); } else { //
// If OE2 encoding is not in use, the variable string is
// truly variable, hence the position of deltaX depends
// on the length of the string.
lpDx = (LPINT)( ((LPBYTE)pExtTextOut) + FIELD_OFFSET(EXTTEXTOUT_ORDER, variableString.string) + pExtTextOut->variableString.len + sizeof(pExtTextOut->variableDeltaX.len) ); }
// Note that deltaLen contains the number of bytes used
// for the deltas, NOT the number of deltas.
} else { lpDx = NULL; }
TRACE_OUT(( "ORDER: ExtTextOut %u %s", pExtTextOut->variableString.len, pExtTextOut->variableString.string));
// Call our internal routine to draw the text
ODDrawTextOrder(pasPerson, TRUE, // ExtTextOut
fPalRGB, &pExtTextOut->common, pExtTextOut->variableString.string, pExtTextOut->variableString.len, &rect, pExtTextOut->fuOptions, lpDx);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayEXTTEXTOUT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayTEXTOUT()
// Replays TEXTOUT order
void ASShare::ODReplayTEXTOUT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPTEXTOUT_ORDER pTextOut, BOOL fPalRGB ) { DebugEntry(ASShare::ODReplayTEXTOUT);
TRACE_OUT(("ORDER: TextOut len %hu '%s' flags %04hx bc %08lX " \ "fc %08lX bm %04hx", (TSHR_UINT16)(pTextOut->variableString.len), pTextOut->variableString.string, pTextOut->common.FontFlags, pTextOut->common.BackColor, pTextOut->common.ForeColor, pTextOut->common.BackMode));
// Call our internal routine to draw the text
ODDrawTextOrder(pasPerson, FALSE, // Not ExtTextOut
fPalRGB, &pTextOut->common, pTextOut->variableString.string, pTextOut->variableString.len, NULL, // ExtTextOut specific
0, // ExtTextOut specific
NULL); // ExtTextOut specific
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayTEXTOUT); }
// ASShare::ODReplayOPAQUERECT()
// Replays OPAQUERECT order
void ASShare::ODReplayOPAQUERECT ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPOPAQUERECT_ORDER pOpaqueRect, BOOL fPalRGB ) { RECT rect; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor;
TRACE_OUT(( "ORDER: OpaqueRect BC %08lX x %d y %d w %x h %d", pOpaqueRect->Color, (int)pOpaqueRect->nLeftRect, (int)pOpaqueRect->nTopRect, (int)pOpaqueRect->nWidth, (int)pOpaqueRect->nHeight));
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pOpaqueRect->Color), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR);
ODUseBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
rect.left = pOpaqueRect->nLeftRect- pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x; rect.top = pOpaqueRect->nTopRect - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y; rect.right = rect.left + pOpaqueRect->nWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + pOpaqueRect->nHeight;
ExtTextOut(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, NULL, 0, NULL);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODReplayOPAQUERECT); }
// OD_ResetRectRegion()
void ASShare::OD_ResetRectRegion(ASPerson * pasPerson) { DebugEntry(ASShare::OD_ResetRectRegion);
if (!pasPerson->m_pView->m_odRectReset) { SelectClipRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, NULL);
// Indicate that the region is currently reset.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odRectReset = TRUE; }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::OD_ResetRectRegion); }
// ODUseFont()
void ASShare::ODUseFont ( ASPerson * pasPerson, LPSTR pName, UINT facelength, UINT CodePage, UINT MaxHeight, UINT Height, UINT Width, UINT Weight, UINT flags ) { BOOL rc = TRUE; TEXTMETRIC* pfm = NULL; UINT textAlign;
// If the baseline alignment flag has been set or cleared, change the
// alignment in our surface (do this now before we reset the
// odLastFontFlags variable).
if ((flags & NF_BASELINE) != (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFlags & NF_BASELINE)) { textAlign = GetTextAlign(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC); if ((flags & NF_BASELINE) != 0) { //
// We are setting the baseline alignment flag. We have to
// clear the top alignment flag and set the baseline flag (they
// are mutually exclusive).
textAlign &= ~TA_TOP; textAlign |= TA_BASELINE; } else { //
// We are clearing the baseline alignment flag. We have to set
// the top alignment flag and clear the baseline flag (they are
// mutually exclusive).
textAlign |= TA_TOP; textAlign &= ~TA_BASELINE; } SetTextAlign(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, textAlign); }
// The font face string is NOT null terminated in the order data so we
// must use strncmp.
if ((pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFaceLen != facelength ) || (memcmp((LPSTR)pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName,pName,facelength) != 0 ) || (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontCodePage != CodePage ) || (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontHeight != Height ) || (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWidth != Width ) || (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWeight != Weight ) || (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFlags != flags )) { TRACE_OUT(( "Change font from %s (CodePage %d height %d width %d " \ "weight %d flags %04X) to %s (CodePage %d height %d " \ "width %d weight %u flags %04X)", pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontCodePage, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontHeight, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWidth, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWeight, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFlags, pName, CodePage, Height, Width, Weight, flags));
memcpy(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName, pName, facelength); pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFaceLen = facelength; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName[facelength] = '\0'; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontCodePage = CodePage; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontHeight = Height; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWidth = Width; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontWeight = Weight; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontFlags = flags;
rc = USR_UseFont(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, &pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID, pfm, (LPSTR)pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFaceName, CodePage, MaxHeight, Height, Width, Weight, flags); } else { //
// The font hasn't changed. But we must still select it in since
// both OD2 and OD code select in fonts.
ASSERT(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID != NULL); SelectFont(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFontID); }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODUseFont); }
// FUNCTION: ASShare::ODUseRectRegion
// Set the clipping rectangle in the ScreenBitmap to the given rectangle.
// The values passed are inclusive.
void ASShare::ODUseRectRegion ( ASPerson * pasPerson, int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) { POINT aPoints[2]; HRGN hrgnRect;
// Adjust for 2.x desktop scrolling
left -= pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x; top -= pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y; right -= pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x; bottom -= pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y;
if ((pasPerson->m_pView->m_odRectReset) || (left != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLeft) || (top != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTop) || (right != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastRight) || (bottom != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBottom)) { //
// The region clip rectangle has changed, so we change the region
// in the screen bitmap DC.
aPoints[0].x = left; aPoints[0].y = top; aPoints[1].x = right; aPoints[1].y = bottom;
// Windows requires that the coordinates are in DEVICE values for
// its SelectClipRgn call.
LPtoDP(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, aPoints, 2);
if ((left > right) || (top > bottom)) { //
// We get this for SaveScreenBitmap orders. SFR5292
TRACE_OUT(( "Null bounds of region rect")); hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { // We must add one to right & bottom since coords were inclusive
hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn( aPoints[0].x, aPoints[0].y, aPoints[1].x+1, aPoints[1].y+1);
} SelectClipRgn(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, hrgnRect);
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLeft = left; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTop = top; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastRight = right; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBottom = bottom; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odRectReset = FALSE;
if (hrgnRect != NULL) { DeleteRgn(hrgnRect); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODUseRectRegion); }
// ODUseBrush creates the correct brush to use. NB. We rely on
// UseTextColor and UseBKColor being called before this routine to set up
// pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTextColor and pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor correctly.
void ASShare::ODUseBrush ( ASPerson * pasPerson, BOOL fPalRGB, int x, int y, UINT Style, UINT Hatch, TSHR_COLOR Color, BYTE Extra[7] ) { HBRUSH hBrushNew = NULL;
// Reset the origin
if ((x != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushOrgX) || (y != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushOrgY)) { SetBrushOrgEx(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, x, y, NULL);
// Update saved brush org
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushOrgX = x; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushOrgY = y; }
if ((Style != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushStyle) || (Hatch != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushHatch) || (memcmp(&Color, &pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor, sizeof(Color))) || (memcmp(Extra,pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushExtra,sizeof(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushExtra))) || ((pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushStyle == BS_PATTERN) && ((pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTextColor != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushTextColor) || (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushBkColor)))) { pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushStyle = Style; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushHatch = Hatch; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor = Color; memcpy(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushExtra, Extra, sizeof(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushExtra));
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushStyle == BS_PATTERN) { //
// A pattern from a bitmap is required.
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(( "Creating bitmap to use for brush setup"));
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern = CreateBitmap(8,8,1,1,NULL); }
if (pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern != NULL) { char lpBits[16];
// Place the bitmap bits into an array of bytes in the
// correct form for SetBitmapBits which uses 16 bits per
// scanline.
lpBits[14] = (char)Hatch; lpBits[12] = Extra[0]; lpBits[10] = Extra[1]; lpBits[8] = Extra[2]; lpBits[6] = Extra[3]; lpBits[4] = Extra[4]; lpBits[2] = Extra[5]; lpBits[0] = Extra[6];
hBrushNew = CreatePatternBrush(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushPattern); if (hBrushNew == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(( "Failed to create pattern brush")); } else { pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushTextColor = pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTextColor; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBrushBkColor = pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor; } } } else { LOGBRUSH logBrush;
logBrush.lbStyle = pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushStyle; logBrush.lbHatch = pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushHatch; logBrush.lbColor = ODCustomRGB(pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor.red, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor.green, pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastLogBrushColor.blue, fPalRGB); hBrushNew = CreateBrushIndirect(&logBrush); }
if (hBrushNew == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(( "Failed to create brush")); } else { TRACE_OUT(( "Selecting new brush 0x%08x", hBrushNew)); DeleteBrush(SelectBrush(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, hBrushNew)); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODUseBrush); }
// ODDrawTextOrder()
// Common text order playback code for EXTTEXTOUT and TEXTOUT
void ASShare::ODDrawTextOrder ( ASPerson * pasPerson, BOOL isExtTextOut, BOOL fPalRGB, LPCOMMON_TEXTORDER pCommon, LPSTR pText, UINT textLength, LPRECT pExtRect, UINT extOptions, LPINT pExtDx ) { LPSTR faceName; UINT faceNameLength; UINT maxFontHeight; TSHR_UINT16 nFontFlags; TSHR_UINT16 nCodePage; TSHR_COLOR BackColor; TSHR_COLOR ForeColor;
ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pCommon->BackColor), &BackColor, OD_BACK_COLOR); ODAdjustColor(pasPerson, &(pCommon->ForeColor), &ForeColor, OD_FORE_COLOR);
ODUseTextBkColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, BackColor); ODUseTextColor(pasPerson, fPalRGB, ForeColor);
ODUseBkMode(pasPerson, pCommon->BackMode);
ODUseTextCharacterExtra(pasPerson, pCommon->CharExtra); ODUseTextJustification(pasPerson, pCommon->BreakExtra, pCommon->BreakCount);
faceName = FH_GetFaceNameFromLocalHandle(pCommon->FontIndex, &faceNameLength);
maxFontHeight = FH_GetMaxHeightFromLocalHandle(pCommon->FontIndex);
// Get the local font flags for the font, so that we can merge in any
// specific local flag information when setting up the font. The prime
// example of this is whether the local font we matched is TrueType or
// not, which information is not sent over the wire, but does need to
// be used when setting up the font - or else we may draw using a local
// fixed font of the same facename.
nFontFlags = (TSHR_UINT16)FH_GetFontFlagsFromLocalHandle(pCommon->FontIndex);
// Get the local CodePage for the font.
nCodePage = (TSHR_UINT16)FH_GetCodePageFromLocalHandle(pCommon->FontIndex);
ODUseFont(pasPerson, faceName, faceNameLength, nCodePage, maxFontHeight, pCommon->FontHeight, pCommon->FontWidth, pCommon->FontWeight, pCommon->FontFlags | (nFontFlags & NF_LOCAL));
// Make the call.
if (isExtTextOut) { //
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
ExtTextOut(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pCommon->nXStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pCommon->nYStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, extOptions & ETO_WINDOWS, pExtRect, pText, textLength, pExtDx); } else { //
// Apply DS origin offset ourselves (do not use transform)
TextOut(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, pCommon->nXStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.x, pCommon->nYStart - pasPerson->m_pView->m_dsScreenOrigin.y, pText, textLength); }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODDrawTextOrder); }
// ODAdjustColor()
// Used for playback on 4bpp devices. We convert colors that are 'close'
// to VGA to their VGA equivalents.
// This function tries to find a close match in the VGA color set for a
// given input color. Close is defined as follows: each color element
// (red, green, blue) must be within 7 of the corresponding element in a
// VGA color, without wrapping. For example
// - 0xc7b8c6 is 'close' to 0xc0c0c0
// - 0xf8f8f8 is 'close' to 0xffffff
// - 0xff0102 is not 'close' to 0x000000, but is 'close' to 0xff0000
// Closeness is determined as follows:
// - for each entry in the table s_odVGAColors
// - ADD the addMask to the color
// - AND the result with the andMask
// - if the result equals the testMask, this VGA color is close match
// Think about it. It works.
void ASShare::ODAdjustColor ( ASPerson * pasPerson, const TSHR_COLOR * pColorIn, LPTSHR_COLOR pColorOut, int type ) { int i; COLORREF color; COLORREF work;
*pColorOut = *pColorIn;
if (g_usrScreenBPP > 4) { // Nothing to convert; bail out
// Convert the color to a single integer
color = (pColorOut->red << 16) + (pColorOut->green << 8) + pColorOut->blue;
// See if this is the same as the last call of this type
if (color == pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastVGAColor[type]) { *pColorOut = pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastVGAResult[type]; TRACE_OUT(("Same as last %s color", (type == OD_BACK_COLOR ? "background" : type == OD_FORE_COLOR ? "foreground" : "pen"))); DC_QUIT; }
// Scan the table for a close match.
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //
// Check for a close match. Don't bother to look for an exact
// match, as that is caught by this code. The trade off is between
// - an additional test and jump in non-exact cases
// - an 'add' and an 'and' in the exact case.
work = color; work += s_odVGAColors[i].addMask; work &= s_odVGAColors[i].andMask; if (work == s_odVGAColors[i].testMask) { TRACE_OUT(( "%#6.6lx is close match for %#6.6lx (%s)", s_odVGAColors[i].color, color, type == OD_BACK_COLOR ? "background" : type == OD_FORE_COLOR ? "foreground" : "pen")); *pColorOut = s_odVGAColors[i].result; break; } }
if (i == 16) { TRACE_OUT(( "No close VGA match found for %#6.6lx (%s)", color, type == OD_BACK_COLOR ? "background" : type == OD_FORE_COLOR ? "foreground" : "pen")); }
// Save the result for next time.
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastVGAColor[type] = color; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastVGAResult[type] = *pColorOut;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::ODAdjustColor); }
// LITTLE ASShare::ODUse() functions
// ASShare::ODUseTextBkColor()
void ASShare::ODUseTextBkColor ( ASPerson * pasPerson, BOOL fPalRGB, TSHR_COLOR color ) { COLORREF rgb;
rgb = ODCustomRGB(color.red, color.green, color.blue, fPalRGB); SetBkColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, rgb);
// Update BK COLOR cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor = rgb; }
// ASShare::ODUseBkColor()
void ASShare::ODUseBkColor ( ASPerson * pasPerson, BOOL fPalRGB, TSHR_COLOR color ) { COLORREF rgb;
rgb = ODCustomRGB(color.red, color.green, color.blue, fPalRGB); if (rgb != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor) { SetBkColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, rgb);
// Update BK COLOR cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkColor = rgb; } }
// ASShare::ODUseTextColor()
void ASShare::ODUseTextColor ( ASPerson * pasPerson, BOOL fPalRGB, TSHR_COLOR color ) { COLORREF rgb;
rgb = ODCustomRGB(color.red, color.green, color.blue, fPalRGB); if (rgb != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTextColor) { SetTextColor(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, rgb);
// Update TEXT COLOR cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastTextColor = rgb; } }
// ASShare::ODUseBkMode()
void ASShare::ODUseBkMode(ASPerson * pasPerson, int mode) { if (mode != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkMode) { SetBkMode(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, mode);
// Update BK MODE cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastBkMode = mode; } }
// ASShare::ODUsePen()
void ASShare::ODUsePen ( ASPerson * pasPerson, BOOL fPalRGB, UINT style, UINT width, TSHR_COLOR color ) { HPEN hPenNew; COLORREF rgb;
rgb = ODCustomRGB(color.red, color.green, color.blue, fPalRGB);
if ((style != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenStyle) || (rgb != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenColor) || (width != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenWidth)) { hPenNew = CreatePen(style, width, rgb);
DeletePen(SelectPen(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, hPenNew));
// Update PEN cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenStyle = style; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenColor = rgb; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastPenWidth = width; } }
// ASShare::ODUseROP2()
void ASShare::ODUseROP2(ASPerson * pasPerson, int rop2) { if (rop2 != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastROP2) { SetROP2(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, rop2);
// Update ROP2 cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastROP2 = rop2; } }
// ASShare::ODUseTextCharacterExtra()
void ASShare::ODUseTextCharacterExtra(ASPerson * pasPerson, int extra) { if (extra != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastCharExtra) { SetTextCharacterExtra(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, extra);
// Update TEXT EXTRA cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastCharExtra = extra; } }
// ASShare::ODUseTextJustification()
void ASShare::ODUseTextJustification(ASPerson * pasPerson, int extra, int count) { if ((extra != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastJustExtra) || (count != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastJustCount)) { SetTextJustification(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, extra, count);
// Update TEXT JUST cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastJustExtra = extra; pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastJustCount = count; } }
// ASShare::ODUseFillMode()
void ASShare::ODUseFillMode(ASPerson * pasPerson, UINT mode) { if (mode != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFillMode) { SetPolyFillMode(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, (mode == ORD_FILLMODE_WINDING) ? WINDING : ALTERNATE);
// Update FILL MODE cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastFillMode = mode; } }
// ASShare::ODUseArcDirection()
void ASShare::ODUseArcDirection(ASPerson * pasPerson, UINT dir) { if (dir != pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastArcDirection) { SetArcDirection(pasPerson->m_pView->m_usrDC, (dir == ORD_ARC_CLOCKWISE) ? AD_CLOCKWISE : AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
// Update ARC DIR cache
pasPerson->m_pView->m_odLastArcDirection = dir; } }