#include "precomp.h"
// S20.CPP
// T.128 Protocol
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// S20_Init()
// Initializes the T.128 protocol layer
BOOL S20_Init(void) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
ASSERT(g_s20State == S20_TERM);
// Register with the network layer.
if (!MG_Register(MGTASK_DCS, &g_s20pmgClient, g_putAS)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to register MG layer")); DC_QUIT; }
g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT"));
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(S20_Init, rc); return(rc); }
// S20_Term()
// This cleans up the T.128 protocol layer.
void S20_Term(void) { DebugEntry(S20_Term);
// Note that this case statement is unusual in that it falls through
// from each condition. This happens to suit the termination
// processing rather well.
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_PEND: //
// Notify share ended
case S20_NO_SHARE: case S20_JOIN_PEND: //
// Leave our channels
if (g_s20BroadcastID != 0) { MG_ChannelLeave(g_s20pmgClient, g_s20BroadcastID); g_s20BroadcastID = 0; } if (g_s20JoinedLocal) { MG_ChannelLeave(g_s20pmgClient, g_s20LocalID); g_s20JoinedLocal = FALSE; }
case S20_ATTACH_PEND: //
// Detach from the domain.
case S20_INIT: //
// We may end up here with g_s20BroadcastID & g_s20JoinedLocal
// non-zero if Term was called in the middle of a share. Clear these
// variables so when we start back up again via Init, it
// works the same way as first initialization.
// Note we do not need to leave the channels.
g_s20BroadcastID = 0; g_s20JoinedLocal = FALSE;
// Deregister.
MG_Deregister(&g_s20pmgClient); g_s20State = S20_TERM; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_TERM"));
case S20_TERM: //
// Finally we break out.
default: ERROR_OUT(("invalid state %d", g_s20State)); break; }
DebugExitVOID(S20_Term); }
// S20_AllocPkt
// Allocates a SEND packet for either the S20 protocol, syncs, or data
PS20DATAPACKET S20_AllocDataPkt ( UINT streamID, UINT nodeID, // One person or broadcast
UINT cbSizePacket ) { PS20DATAPACKET pS20Packet = NULL; NET_PRIORITY priority; BOOL rc = FALSE;
ASSERT(g_s20State == S20_IN_SHARE);
// Try to send queued control packets first.
if (S20SendQueuedControlPackets() != 0) { //
// If there are still queued control packets then don't allow any
// allocation.
priority = S20StreamToS20Priority(streamID);
// Note:
// Sends to an individual node are NOT flow-controlled. Only the
// global app sharing channel is.
if (MG_GetBuffer(g_s20pmgClient, cbSizePacket, priority, (NET_CHANNEL_ID)nodeID, (void **)&pS20Packet) != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_GetBuffer failed; can't allocate S20 packet")); } else { pS20Packet->header.packetType = S20_DATA | S20_ALL_VERSIONS; pS20Packet->header.user = g_s20LocalID;
pS20Packet->correlator = g_s20ShareCorrelator; pS20Packet->stream = 0; pS20Packet->dataLength = cbSizePacket - sizeof(S20DATAPACKET) + sizeof(DATAPACKETHEADER);
rc = TRUE; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitPVOID(S20_AllocDataPkt, pS20Packet); return(pS20Packet); }
// S20_FreeDataPkt - see s20.h
void S20_FreeDataPkt(PS20DATAPACKET pS20Packet) { DebugEntry(S20_FreeDataPkt);
MG_FreeBuffer(g_s20pmgClient, (void **)&pS20Packet);
DebugExitVOID(S20_FreeDataPkt); }
// S20_SendDataPkt - see s20.h
void S20_SendDataPkt ( UINT streamID, UINT nodeID, PS20DATAPACKET pS20Packet ) { UINT rc; NET_PRIORITY priority;
priority = S20StreamToS20Priority(streamID);
// Note:
// Sends to an individual are not flow-controlled. Only sends to
// everybody on the global app sharing channel are.
// Try to send queued control packets first.
rc = S20SendQueuedControlPackets(); if (rc == 0) { //
// Fill in the stream, length and correlator before sending.
pS20Packet->stream = (BYTE)streamID; pS20Packet->correlator = g_s20ShareCorrelator;
// dataLength includes the DATAPACKETHEADER part of the S20DATAPACKET
// structure
TRACE_OUT(("S20_SendPkt: sending data packet size %d", pS20Packet->dataLength + sizeof(S20DATAPACKET) - sizeof(DATAPACKETHEADER)));
rc = MG_SendData(g_s20pmgClient, priority, (NET_CHANNEL_ID)nodeID, pS20Packet->dataLength + sizeof(S20DATAPACKET) - sizeof(DATAPACKETHEADER), (void **)&pS20Packet); }
// lonchanc: it is ok for MG_SendData returns 0 and NET_CHANNEL_EMPTY
if (rc == NET_RC_MGC_NOT_CONNECTED) { S20LeaveOrEndShare(); } else { if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("SendData rc=%lx - expecting share termination soon", rc)); } }
DebugExitVOID(S20_SendDataPkt); }
// S20_UTEventProc()
BOOL CALLBACK S20_UTEventProc ( LPVOID userData, UINT event, UINT_PTR data1, UINT_PTR data2 ) { BOOL processed;
processed = TRUE;
switch (event) { case NET_EVENT_USER_ATTACH: S20AttachConfirm(LOWORD(data1), HIWORD(data1), (UINT)data2); break;
case NET_EVENT_USER_DETACH: S20DetachIndication(LOWORD(data1), (UINT)data2); break;
case NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN: S20JoinConfirm((PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT)data2); MG_FreeBuffer(g_s20pmgClient, (void **)&data2); break;
case NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_LEAVE: S20LeaveIndication(LOWORD(data1), (UINT)data2); break;
case NET_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED: S20SendIndication((PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT)data2); break;
case NET_FLOW: //
// Handle the feedback event.
S20Flow((UINT)data1, (UINT)data2); break;
case CMS_NEW_CALL: if (g_asSession.scState == SCS_INIT) { //
// This happens when (a) a new real call is started
// (b) creating a new share in a call fails, so we want to
// then try to join an existing share.
SCCheckForCMCall(); } break;
case CMS_END_CALL: if (g_asSession.callID) { //
// AS lock protects g_asSession global fields
g_asSession.gccID = 0; g_asSession.callID = 0;
if (g_asSession.scState > SCS_SHAREENDING) { SC_EndShare(); }
g_s20BroadcastID = 0; g_s20JoinedLocal = FALSE; g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT")); } break;
default: processed = FALSE; break; }
DebugExitBOOL(S20_UTEventProc, processed); return(processed); }
// FUNCTION: S20AttachUser
// Called when we want to attach this sets up the various parameters for
// MG_Attach, calls it and handles the return codes from NET.
// callID - the callID provided by the SC user
const NET_FLOW_CONTROL c_S20FlowControl = { // latency
// S20CreateOrJoinShare()
// Creates a share for the first time or joins an existing one
// Normally, creating a share requires
// * registration
// * broadcast of S20_CREATE packet
// * reception of one S20_RESPOND packet
// for the share to be created. However, if we're the top provider, we
// assume it's created without waiting for an S20_RESPOND. If something
// goes wrong later, it will clean itself up anyway. Then that allows us
// to host a conference, share an app, and have it be shared through the
// life of the conference, even if remotes call/hang up repeatedly.
BOOL S20CreateOrJoinShare ( UINT what, UINT callID ) { UINT rc = 0; BOOL noFlowControl; NET_FLOW_CONTROL flowControl;
ASSERT((what == S20_CREATE) || (what == S20_JOIN));
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_INIT: //
// Remember what to do when we have attached and joined.
g_s20Pend = what;
COM_ReadProfInt(DBG_INI_SECTION_NAME, S20_INI_NOFLOWCONTROL, FALSE, &noFlowControl); if (noFlowControl) { WARNING_OUT(("S20 Flow Control is OFF")); ZeroMemory(&flowControl, sizeof(flowControl)); } else { // Set up our target latencies and stream sizes
flowControl = c_S20FlowControl; }
// Initiate an attach - the domain equals the callID.
rc = MG_Attach(g_s20pmgClient, callID, &flowControl); if (rc == 0) { //
// Make the state change if we succeeded
g_s20State = S20_ATTACH_PEND; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_ATTACH_PEND")); } else { //
// End the share immediately and no state change.
WARNING_OUT(("MG_Attach of S20 User failed, rc = %u", rc));
g_s20Pend = 0; SC_End(); } break;
case S20_ATTACH_PEND: case S20_JOIN_PEND: //
// We just need to set the flag in these cases - we will try
// to create a share when we have attached and joined our
// channel.
g_s20Pend = what; break;
case S20_SHARE_PEND: //
// If a share is pending but the SC user wants to create
// or join again we let them. Multiple outstanding joins are
// benign and another create will have a new correlator so the
// previous one (and any responses to it) will be obsolete.
case S20_NO_SHARE: TRACE_OUT(("S20_NO_SHARE")); //
// Broadcast a S20CREATE packet.
if (what == S20_CREATE) { g_s20ShareCorrelator = S20NewCorrelator(); TRACE_OUT(("CP CREATE %lu %d", g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0)); rc = S20FlushAndSendControlPacket(what, g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); } else { g_s20ShareCorrelator = 0; TRACE_OUT(("CP JOIN %lu %d", 0, 0)); rc = S20FlushAndSendControlPacket(what, 0, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); } TRACE_OUT(("S20FlushAndSendControlPacket %u", rc));
if (rc == 0) { //
// Switch state.
g_s20State = S20_SHARE_PEND; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_SHARE_PEND"));
// Assume success right away when creating the share. We'll
// hear back in a bit if there's a problem.
if (what == S20_CREATE) { // Don't check for top provider, assume success always.
TRACE_OUT(("S20: Creating share, assume success"));
// checking for one person only in call.
if (!SC_Start(g_s20LocalID)) { WARNING_OUT(("S20CreateOrJoin: couldn't start share")); SC_End(); } else { g_s20State = S20_IN_SHARE; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_IN_SHARE")); } } } else { //
// Something failed so we will just forget about the share.
WARNING_OUT(("Failed to create share")); if (what == S20_CREATE) { SC_End(); } } break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Invalid state %u for %u", g_s20State, what)); }
DebugExitBOOL(S20CreateOrJoinShare, (rc == 0)); return(rc == 0); }
// FUNCTION: S20LeaveOrEndShare
// Handles processing a S20_LeaveShare or a S20_EndShare call.
// what - what to do (the protocol packet type corresponding to the
// action).
void S20LeaveOrEndShare(void) { UINT what;
// The share is destroyed whenever the creator leaves. Nobody else
// can end it.
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) == g_s20LocalID) { what = S20_END; } else { what = S20_LEAVE; }
ASSERT(what == S20_LEAVE || what == S20_END);
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_ATTACH_PEND: case S20_JOIN_PEND: //
// We just need to reset the pending flags here - no state
// change required.
g_s20Pend = 0; break;
case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_PEND: TRACE_OUT(("S20_SHARE_PEND")); //
// Now try and make and send the appropriate control packet.
TRACE_OUT(("CP %u %u %d", what, g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0)); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(what, g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY);
// Make the SHARE_ENDED callback.
SC_End(); break;
default: WARNING_OUT(("invalid state %d for %d", g_s20State, what)); break; }
DebugExitVOID(S20LeaveOrEndShare); }
// FUNCTION: S20MakeControlPacket
// Attempts to allocate and construct a S20 control packet.
// what - which type of packet
// correlator - the correlator to place in the packet
// who - the target party (if what is a S20_DELETE) or the originator (if
// what is S20_RESPOND)
// ppPacket - where to return a pointer to the packet.
// pLength - where to return the length of the packet.
// priority - priority of packet to make
UINT S20MakeControlPacket ( UINT what, UINT correlator, UINT who, PS20PACKETHEADER * ppPacket, LPUINT pcbPacketSize, UINT priority ) { UINT rc; BOOL fPutNameAndCaps; UINT cbPacketSize; UINT personNameLength; PS20PACKETHEADER pS20Packet = NULL; LPBYTE pData;
// Assume success
rc = 0;
// Work out how big the packet needs to be. Start with the fixed
// length then add in capabilities and our name (if they are required).
switch (what) { case S20_CREATE: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20CREATEPACKET) - 1; fPutNameAndCaps = TRUE; break;
case S20_JOIN: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20JOINPACKET) - 1; fPutNameAndCaps = TRUE; break;
case S20_RESPOND: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20RESPONDPACKET) - 1; fPutNameAndCaps = TRUE; break;
case S20_DELETE: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20DELETEPACKET) - 1; fPutNameAndCaps = FALSE; break;
case S20_LEAVE: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20LEAVEPACKET); fPutNameAndCaps = FALSE; break;
case S20_END: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20ENDPACKET) - 1; fPutNameAndCaps = FALSE; break;
case S20_COLLISION: cbPacketSize = sizeof(S20COLLISIONPACKET); fPutNameAndCaps = FALSE; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("BOGUS S20 packet %u", what)); break; }
if (fPutNameAndCaps) { ASSERT(g_asSession.gccID); ASSERT(g_asSession.cchLocalName);
// The name data is always dword aligned (including the NULL)
personNameLength = DC_ROUND_UP_4(g_asSession.cchLocalName+1); cbPacketSize += personNameLength + sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps); }
// Now try to allocate a buffer for this.
rc = MG_GetBuffer( g_s20pmgClient, cbPacketSize, (NET_PRIORITY)priority, g_s20BroadcastID, (void **)&pS20Packet );
if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_GetBuffer failed; can't send S20 control packet")); DC_QUIT; }
pS20Packet->packetType = (TSHR_UINT16)what | S20_ALL_VERSIONS; pS20Packet->user = g_s20LocalID;
// This will point to where we need to stuff the name and/or
// capabilities.
pData = NULL;
// Now do the packet dependant fields.
switch (what) { case S20_CREATE: { ASSERT(fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20CREATEPACKET)pS20Packet)->correlator = correlator; ((PS20CREATEPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenName = (TSHR_UINT16)personNameLength; ((PS20CREATEPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenCaps = (TSHR_UINT16)sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps); pData = ((PS20CREATEPACKET)pS20Packet)->data; } break;
case S20_JOIN: { ASSERT(fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20JOINPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenName = (TSHR_UINT16)personNameLength; ((PS20JOINPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenCaps = (TSHR_UINT16)sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps); pData = ((PS20JOINPACKET)pS20Packet)->data; } break;
case S20_RESPOND: { ASSERT(fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20RESPONDPACKET)pS20Packet)->correlator = correlator; ((PS20RESPONDPACKET)pS20Packet)->originator = (TSHR_UINT16)who; ((PS20RESPONDPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenName = (TSHR_UINT16)personNameLength; ((PS20RESPONDPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenCaps = (TSHR_UINT16)sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps); pData = ((PS20RESPONDPACKET)pS20Packet)->data; } break;
case S20_DELETE: { ASSERT(!fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20DELETEPACKET)pS20Packet)->correlator = correlator; ((PS20DELETEPACKET)pS20Packet)->target = (TSHR_UINT16)who; ((PS20DELETEPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenName = 0; } break;
case S20_LEAVE: { ASSERT(!fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20LEAVEPACKET)pS20Packet)->correlator = correlator; } break;
case S20_END: { ASSERT(!fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20ENDPACKET)pS20Packet)->correlator = correlator; ((PS20ENDPACKET)pS20Packet)->lenName = 0; } break;
case S20_COLLISION: { ASSERT(!fPutNameAndCaps); ((PS20COLLISIONPACKET)pS20Packet)->correlator = correlator; } break;
default: { ERROR_OUT(("Invalid type %u", what)); } break; }
// Now we can copy in the name and capabilities.
if (fPutNameAndCaps) { lstrcpy((LPSTR)pData, g_asSession.achLocalName);
// The local name is always null-terminated (truncated to fit in 48 bytes inc. null)
pData += personNameLength;
memcpy(pData, &g_cpcLocalCaps, sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps));
// FILL IN GCC-ID HERE; the local caps are shared but the local
// person entity in the share doesn't exist yet.
((CPCALLCAPS *)pData)->share.gccID = g_asSession.gccID; }
// Return the packet and length.
*ppPacket = pS20Packet; *pcbPacketSize = cbPacketSize;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(S20MakeControlPacket, rc); return(rc); }
// FUNCTION: S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket
// Attempts to flush any queued S20 control packets and then attempte to
// send a S20 control packet. If this fails the queue the packet (the
// actual packet is freed.
// what - which type of packet
// correlator - the correlator to place in the packet
// who - the target party (if what is a S20_DELETE) or the originator (if
// what is S20_RESPOND)
// priority - priority to send packet at
UINT S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket( UINT what, UINT correlator, UINT who, UINT priority) { UINT rc;
rc = S20FlushAndSendControlPacket(what, correlator, who, priority); if (rc != 0) { // Let's queue this packet
if (((g_s20ControlPacketQTail + 1) % S20_MAX_QUEUED_CONTROL_PACKETS) == g_s20ControlPacketQHead) { //
// There is no more space in the control packet queue. We will
// discard everything from it and say the share ended because of
// a network error (if we're in a share).
ERROR_OUT(("No more space in control packet queue")); } else { S20CONTROLPACKETQENTRY *p = &(g_s20ControlPacketQ[g_s20ControlPacketQTail]);
p->who = who; p->correlator = correlator; p->what = what; p->priority = priority;
g_s20ControlPacketQTail = (g_s20ControlPacketQTail + 1) % S20_MAX_QUEUED_CONTROL_PACKETS; rc = 0; } }
DebugExitDWORD(S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket, rc); return rc; }
// FUNCTION: S20FlushAndSendControlPacket
// Attempts to flush any queued S20 control packets and then send a S20
// control packet. If sending fails then free the packet.
// what - which type of packet
// correlator - the correlator to place in the packet
// who - the target party (if what is a S20_DELETE) or the originator (if
// what is S20_RESPOND)
// priority - priority to send packet at
UINT S20FlushAndSendControlPacket ( UINT what, UINT correlator, UINT who, UINT priority ) { UINT rc; PS20PACKETHEADER pS20Packet; UINT length;
// First try to flush.
rc = S20SendQueuedControlPackets(); if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("S20SendQueuedControlPackets %u", rc)); DC_QUIT; }
rc = S20MakeControlPacket(what, correlator, who, &pS20Packet, &length, priority); if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("S20MakeControlPacket %u", rc)); DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("CP %u %lu %u sent", what, correlator, who));
rc = S20SendControlPacket(pS20Packet, length, priority); if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("S20SendControlPacket %u", rc)); DC_QUIT; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(S20FlushAndSendControlPacket, rc); return(rc); }
// FUNCTION: S20SendControlPacket
// Attempts to send a S20 control packet. If sending fails then free the
// packet.
// pPacket - pointer to the control packet to send. These are always
// broadcast.
// length - length of aforementioned packet.
// priority - priority to send packet at
UINT S20SendControlPacket ( PS20PACKETHEADER pS20Packet, UINT length, UINT priority ) { UINT rc;
TRACE_OUT(("S20SendControlPacket: sending packet type %x, size %d", pS20Packet->packetType, length));
rc = MG_SendData( g_s20pmgClient, (NET_PRIORITY)priority, g_s20BroadcastID, length, (void **)&pS20Packet ); if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("MG_SendData %lx", rc)); }
if (pS20Packet != NULL) { //
// The packet was not freed by the NL - we will do it instead.
MG_FreeBuffer(g_s20pmgClient, (void **)&pS20Packet); }
DebugExitDWORD(S20SendControlPacket, rc); return(rc); }
// FUNCTION: S20SendQueuedControlPackets
// Sends as many queued packets as possible
// 0 - all queued packets have been sent.
UINT S20SendQueuedControlPackets(void) { PS20PACKETHEADER pS20Packet; UINT length; UINT rc; UINT priority;
// Assume success until something fails.
rc = 0;
// While there are packets to send - try to send them
while (g_s20ControlPacketQTail != g_s20ControlPacketQHead) { S20CONTROLPACKETQENTRY *p = &(g_s20ControlPacketQ[g_s20ControlPacketQHead]); priority = p->priority;
rc = S20MakeControlPacket(p->what, p->correlator, p->who, &pS20Packet, &length, priority); if (rc != 0) { //
// Failed to make the packet - give up.
WARNING_OUT(("S20MakeControlPacket failed error %u", rc)); break; }
rc = S20SendControlPacket(pS20Packet, length, priority); if (rc != 0) { //
// Failed to send the packet - give up.
break; }
// Succesfully sent the queue packet - move the head of the queue
// along one.
g_s20ControlPacketQHead = (g_s20ControlPacketQHead + 1) % S20_MAX_QUEUED_CONTROL_PACKETS; }
DebugExitDWORD(S20SendQueuedControlPackets, rc); return(rc); }
// S20AttachConfirm()
// Handles the MCS attach confirmation
void S20AttachConfirm ( NET_UID userId, NET_RESULT result, UINT callID ) { NET_CHANNEL_ID correlator; UINT rc;
if (g_s20State == S20_ATTACH_PEND) { //
// Assume we need to clear up.
rc = NET_RC_S20_FAIL;
if (result == NET_RESULT_OK) { //
// We're in. Now try to join our channel and remember our
// userID.
g_s20LocalID = userId;
// We must join our single member channel for flow control
rc = MG_ChannelJoin(g_s20pmgClient, &correlator, g_s20LocalID); if (rc == 0) { //
// Now join the broadcast channel
rc = MG_ChannelJoinByKey(g_s20pmgClient, &correlator, GCC_AS_CHANNEL_KEY); if (rc != 0) { MG_ChannelLeave(g_s20pmgClient, g_s20LocalID); }
if (rc == 0) { //
// It worked - make the state change.
g_s20State = S20_JOIN_PEND; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_JOIN_PEND")); } else { //
// Everything else is some sort of logic error (we will
// follow our recovery path).
WARNING_OUT(("ChannelJoin unexpected error %u", rc)); } }
if (rc != 0) { //
// Something didn't work work out - clear up with a
// SHARE_ENDED if a create or join was pending.
if (result == NET_RESULT_OK) { //
// The attach succeeded so detach because the join
// failed and we want to go back to initialised state.
MG_Detach(g_s20pmgClient); g_s20LocalID = 0; }
// Now make the state change and generate event if
// necessary.
g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT"));
if (g_s20Pend) { g_s20Pend = 0; SC_End(); }
} }
DebugExitVOID(S20AttachConfirm); }
// S20DetachIndication()
// Handles NET_EVENT_DETACH notification for a user
void S20DetachIndication ( NET_UID userId, UINT callID ) { DebugEntry(S20DetachIndication);
// There are three possibilities here
// 1. We have been forced out.
// 2. All remote users have detached.
// 3. A remote user has detached.
// 2 is effectively a 3 for each current remote user. We report 1 as a
// network error.
if (userId == g_s20LocalID) { //
// We have been forced out.
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_PEND: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: //
// Generate a share ended event.
case S20_NO_SHARE: //
// Just revert to init state.
g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT")); break;
case S20_JOIN_PEND: case S20_ATTACH_PEND: //
// Check the join or create pending flags here and if
// either one is set then generate a share ended
if (g_s20Pend) { g_s20Pend = 0; SC_End(); }
g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT")); break;
case S20_TERM: case S20_INIT: //
// Unusual but not impossible.
TRACE_OUT(("Ignored in state %u", g_s20State)); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Invalid state %u", g_s20State)); break; }
} else { ASSERT(userId != NET_ALL_REMOTES);
// A single remote user has left.
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: { //
// If we are in a share then issue a PARTY_DELETED event
// for the appropriate party if they have been added.
// S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete will only issue deletes for
// parties which have been added succesfully.
S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete(userId); } break;
default: { //
// In any other state this makes no difference to us.
TRACE_OUT(("ignored in state %u", g_s20State)); } break; } }
DebugExitVOID(S20DetachIndication); }
// FUNCTION: S20JoinConfirm
// Handles the NET_EVENT_CHANNEL_JOIN message from the NL
// pNetEventHeader - pointer to the event
void S20JoinConfirm(PNET_JOIN_CNF_EVENT pJoinConfirm) { UINT rc;
if (g_s20State == S20_JOIN_PEND) { //
// Handle the join completing
if (pJoinConfirm->result == NET_RESULT_OK) { //
// We have sucessfully joined, either our single user
// channel or our broadcast channel
// We detect that both are successful when the g_s20BroadcastID
// field is filled in and g_s20JoinedLocal is TRUE
if (pJoinConfirm->channel == g_s20LocalID) { g_s20JoinedLocal = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Joined user channel")); } else { //
// Store the assigned channel.
g_s20BroadcastID = pJoinConfirm->channel; TRACE_OUT(("Joined channel %u", (UINT)g_s20BroadcastID)); }
// If we have joined both channels then let it rip
if (g_s20JoinedLocal && g_s20BroadcastID) { g_s20State = S20_NO_SHARE; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_NO_SHARE"));
// Issue create or join if they are pending.
if (g_s20Pend != 0) { ASSERT(g_s20Pend == S20_JOIN);
UINT sPend;
sPend = g_s20Pend; g_s20Pend = 0; S20CreateOrJoinShare(sPend, pJoinConfirm->callID); } } } else { ERROR_OUT(("Channel join failed"));
// Clear up by reverting to initialised state.
g_s20LocalID = 0; g_s20BroadcastID = 0; g_s20JoinedLocal = FALSE;
// Now make the state change and generate event if
// necessary.
g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT"));
if (g_s20Pend) { g_s20Pend = 0; SC_End(); } } } DebugExitVOID(S20JoinConfirm); }
// FUNCTION: S20LeaveIndication
// Handles the NET_EV_LEAVE_INDICATION message from the NL
// pNetEventHeader - pointer to the event
void S20LeaveIndication ( NET_CHANNEL_ID channelID, UINT callID ) { UINT rc;
// A leave indication means we were forced out of a channel. As we
// only use one channel this is bound to be terminal and we will
// generate appropriate share ending type events and detach (this will
// hopefully tell the remote systems we have gone - also we have no
// state which is attached but not trying to join so the alternatives
// would be to 1) add a new state or 2) try and re-join a channel
// immediately we get chucked out. Neither appeals.
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_PEND: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: //
// Generate a share ended event.
case S20_NO_SHARE: case S20_JOIN_PEND: case S20_ATTACH_PEND: //
// Detach from the domain.
MG_Detach(g_s20pmgClient); g_s20LocalID = 0;
// Check the join or create pending flags here and if either
// one is set then generate a share ended
if (g_s20Pend) { g_s20Pend = 0; SC_End(); }
g_s20State = S20_INIT; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_INIT")); break;
case S20_TERM: case S20_INIT: //
// Unusual but not impossible.
TRACE_OUT(("Ignored in state %u", g_s20State)); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Invalid state %u", g_s20State)); break; }
DebugExitVOID(S20LeaveIndication); }
// S20SendIndication()
// Handles received data notification
void S20SendIndication(PNET_SEND_IND_EVENT pSendIndication) { PS20PACKETHEADER pS20Packet;
pS20Packet = (PS20PACKETHEADER)(pSendIndication->data_ptr);
// If App Sharing detaches from the T.120 conference, it will free up
// all data indication buffers. We need to check for this condition.
if (NULL != pS20Packet) { if (!(pS20Packet->packetType & S20_ALL_VERSIONS)) { ERROR_OUT(("User is trying to connect from %#hx system", pS20Packet->packetType & 0xF0));
// This should never happen, but if it does then we assert in the
// debug build and quietly fail in the retail build.
ERROR_OUT(("An unsupported version of app sharing joined the conference")); DC_QUIT; }
// Mask out the protocol version
switch (pS20Packet->packetType & S20_PACKET_TYPE_MASK) { case S20_CREATE: S20CreateMsg((PS20CREATEPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_JOIN: S20JoinMsg((PS20JOINPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_RESPOND: S20RespondMsg((PS20RESPONDPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_DELETE: S20DeleteMsg((PS20DELETEPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_LEAVE: S20LeaveMsg((PS20LEAVEPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_END: S20EndMsg((PS20ENDPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_COLLISION: S20CollisionMsg((PS20COLLISIONPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
case S20_DATA: S20DataMsg((PS20DATAPACKET)pS20Packet); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("invalid packet %hu", pS20Packet->packetType)); break; } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: MG_FreeBuffer(g_s20pmgClient, (void **)&pSendIndication);
DebugExitVOID(S20SendIndication); }
// FUNCTION: S20Flow
// Handles the NET_FLOW event
// data1, data2 - the data from the UT event handler
void S20Flow ( UINT priority, UINT newBufferSize ) { DebugEntry(S20Flow);
// We know this is our data channel (it is the only one we flow
// control) but if this is not the UPDATE stream, then ignore it.
// UPDATEs are low priority.
if (g_asSession.pShare != NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Received flow control notification, new size %lu", newBufferSize));
if (g_asSession.pShare->m_pHost != NULL) { //
// First try and improve the LAN performance by sending orders in
// large buffers, if we find that the throughput can handle it.
// Adjust the depth which we try to spoil orders to based on
// feedback.
g_asSession.pShare->m_pHost->OA_FlowControl(newBufferSize); }
// Tell DCS so that we can skip GDC compression.
// This improves responsiveness over high bandwidth links because it
// reduces the CPU loading on the sender
g_asSession.pShare->DCS_FlowControl(newBufferSize); }
DebugExitVOID(S20Flow); }
// FUNCTION: S20CreateMsg
// Handles an incoming create message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the create message itself
void S20CreateMsg ( PS20CREATEPACKET pS20Packet ) { BOOL rc;
TRACE_OUT(("S20_CREATE from [%d - %s], correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, (LPSTR)pS20Packet->data, pS20Packet->correlator));
// First of all check if the correlator on this CREATE is the same as
// our current view of the correlator. This may happen if a sweep
// RESPOND overtakes a CREATE - in this case we will create the share
// on the RESPOND and this is simply the delayed CREATE arriving now so
// we don't need to do anything here.
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator == pS20Packet->correlator) { WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_CREATE from [%d] with bogus correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator)); DC_QUIT; }
if ((g_s20State == S20_NO_SHARE) || ((g_s20State == S20_SHARE_PEND) && (g_s20ShareCorrelator == 0))) { //
// Either there is no share or we have issued a join. In these
// curcumstances we want to try to accept the create message.
// Remember the share correlator.
g_s20ShareCorrelator = pS20Packet->correlator;
// Start the share
rc = SC_Start(g_s20LocalID); if (rc) { g_s20State = S20_SHARE_STARTING; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_SHARE_STARTING"));
rc = S20MaybeAddNewParty(pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->lenCaps, pS20Packet->lenName, pS20Packet->data); }
if (!rc) { //
// Something went wrong. Kill the share, this will clean up
// everything.
SC_End(); } } else if ((g_s20State == S20_SHARE_PEND) || (g_s20State == S20_SHARE_STARTING) || (g_s20State == S20_IN_SHARE)) { //
// Only current share creator should tell other dude there's an
// error.
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) == g_s20LocalID) { //
// If we know about a share already then ignore this one.
WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_CREATE from [%d] with correlator %x, share colllision", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator));
S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_END, pS20Packet->correlator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_COLLISION, pS20Packet->correlator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(S20CreateMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20JoinMsg
// Handles an incoming join message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the join message itself
void S20JoinMsg ( PS20JOINPACKET pS20Packet ) { DebugEntry(S20JoinMsg);
TRACE_OUT(("S20_JOIN from [%d - %s]", pS20Packet->header.user, (LPSTR)pS20Packet->data));
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_SHARE_PEND: //
// If we receive a join when a share is pending which we are
// creating then we will try to add the party. If it succeeds
// then we will respond to the join as we would if we were in a
// share (and we will indeed then be in a share). If it fails
// we will delete the joiner.
// If we receive a join when a share is pending because we are
// trying to join (ie simultaneous joiners) then we can just
// ignore it because a party which is joining a share will send
// a respond as soon as they know the correlator for the share
// they have succesfully joined. This respond will be ignored
// by any parties which saw and added the new party but it will
// be seen by any simultaneous joiners and they will then get a
// chance to try and add the other joiner. If this fails they
// will then do the normal processing for a failure handling a
// respond message when we joined a share (ie delete
// themselves).
// This will potentially mean that simultaneous joiners will
// cause each other to delete themselves when there was room
// for one of them in the share - we accept this.
// Why is the share pending? If the correlator is non-zero
// then we are creating a share.
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator != 0) { //
// We are creating a share - treat this like a respond.
if (!SC_Start(g_s20LocalID)) { WARNING_OUT(("S20Join: couldn't create share, clean up")); SC_End(); } else { g_s20State = S20_SHARE_STARTING; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_SHARE_STARTING"));
S20MaybeAddNewParty(pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->lenCaps, pS20Packet->lenName, pS20Packet->data); } } else { //
// We are joining a share - simultaneous joiners.
TRACE_OUT(("Simultaneous joiner - ignored for now, expect a respond")); } break;
case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: { //
// When we are in a share we will try and add this person then
// give them a respond or a delete depending on what we did.
S20MaybeAddNewParty(pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->lenCaps, pS20Packet->lenName, pS20Packet->data); break; }
default: break; }
DebugExitVOID(S20JoinMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20RespondMsg
// Handles an incoming respond message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the respond message itself
void S20RespondMsg ( PS20RESPONDPACKET pS20Packet ) { BOOL rc;
TRACE_OUT(("S20_RESPOND from [%d - %s], for [%d], correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->data, pS20Packet->originator, pS20Packet->correlator));
// First filter the incoming respond messages as follows.
// If we know what share we are in and this does not have the same
// correlator then respond with a delete and don't process any further.
// If the respond is not a response for us (ie we are not the
// originator and it is not a sweep-up response (the originator equals
// zero) then ignore it.
if ((g_s20ShareCorrelator != 0) && (pS20Packet->correlator != g_s20ShareCorrelator)) { //
// Make sure sender knows we're not in this share.
TRACE_OUT(("S20_RESPOND from [%d] with unknown correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator)); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_LEAVE, pS20Packet->correlator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); DC_QUIT; }
// Now handle incoming message according to state.
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_SHARE_PEND: if ((pS20Packet->originator == g_s20LocalID) || (pS20Packet->originator == 0)) { //
// A respond in share pending and it is for us. First,
// start a share.
rc = SC_Start(g_s20LocalID); if (!rc) { SC_End(); } else { g_s20State = S20_SHARE_STARTING; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_SHARE_STARTING"));
// Why is the share pending? If the correlator is non-zero
// then we are creating a share.
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator == 0) { //
// We are joining a share so do nothing if we fail (we
// will move back to NO_SHARE state if this happens).
g_s20ShareCorrelator = pS20Packet->correlator; }
// Now try and add this new party.
rc = S20MaybeAddNewParty(pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->lenCaps, pS20Packet->lenName, pS20Packet->data);
if (!rc) {
// The responding party has been rejected by us. What
// happens next depends on whether we are creating the
// share or not.
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) != g_s20LocalID) { //
// We are not creating (ie we are joining) and we
// have failed to add a party so end the share
// (indicating that we are rejecting the remote
// party).
SC_End(); }
// If we were creating the share then there is nothing
// to do - just stay in SHARE_STARTING waiting for the
// next response.
} } } break;
case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: //
// Who created this share. If it was us then we want to
// delete people we reject, otherwise we want to leave if we
// reject people.
// Now try and add this new party. Of course it is entirely
// possible that we've already added them at this stage - but
// S20MaybeAddNewParty will just pretend to add them and return
// if that's the case.
rc = S20MaybeAddNewParty(pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->lenCaps, pS20Packet->lenName, pS20Packet->data);
if (!rc) { WARNING_OUT(("Couldn't add [%d] to our share party list", pS20Packet->header.user)); } break;
default: break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(S20RespondMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20DeleteMsg
// Handles an incoming delete message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the delete message itself
void S20DeleteMsg ( PS20DELETEPACKET pS20Packet ) { DebugEntry(S20DeleteMsg);
TRACE_OUT(("S20_DELETE from [%d], for [%d], correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->target, pS20Packet->correlator));
// ONLY SHARE CREATOR can delete people from share
if (!g_s20ShareCorrelator) { WARNING_OUT(("S20_DELETE, ignoring we're not in a share")); DC_QUIT; }
if (pS20Packet->target != g_s20LocalID) { //
// Not for us, ignore.
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator != pS20Packet->correlator) { WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_DELETE from [%d] with unknown correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator)); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_LEAVE, pS20Packet->correlator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); DC_QUIT; }
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) != pS20Packet->header.user) { WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_DELETE from [%d] who did not create share, ignore", pS20Packet->header.user)); DC_QUIT; }
// Now handle incoming messages according to state.
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_SHARE_PEND: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: //
// Just tell everyone else we're leaving and then issue a
// SHARE_ENDED event.
TRACE_OUT(("CP LEAVE %lu %d", g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0)); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_LEAVE, g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); // FALL THROUGH
case S20_IN_SHARE: SC_End(); g_s20State = S20_NO_SHARE; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_NO_SHARE")); break;
default: break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(S20DeleteMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20LeaveMsg
// Handles an incoming leave message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the leave message itself
void S20LeaveMsg(PS20LEAVEPACKET pS20Packet) { DebugEntry(S20LeaveMsg);
TRACE_OUT(("S20_LEAVE from [%d], correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator));
if (!g_s20ShareCorrelator) { WARNING_OUT(("S20_LEAVE, ignoring we're not in a share")); DC_QUIT; }
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator != pS20Packet->correlator) { WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_LEAVE from [%d] for unknown correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator)); DC_QUIT; }
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: //
// We only need to handle this when we are in a share.
S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete(pS20Packet->header.user); break;
default: break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(S20LeaveMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20EndMsg
// Handles an incoming end message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the end message itself
void S20EndMsg(PS20ENDPACKET pS20Packet) { DebugEntry(S20EndMsg);
TRACE_OUT(("S20_END from [%d], correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator));
if (!g_s20ShareCorrelator) { // We don't care
WARNING_OUT(("S20_END ignored, not in share")); DC_QUIT; }
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator != pS20Packet->correlator) { //
// Just discard this.
WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_END from [%d] with unknown correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator)); DC_QUIT; }
// Only the share creator can end the share.
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) != pS20Packet->header.user) { WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_END from [%d] who did not create share, simply remove from user list.", pS20Packet->header.user)); if (g_s20State == S20_IN_SHARE) { S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete(pS20Packet->header.user); } DC_QUIT; }
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_PEND: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: //
// We just need to generate a share ended event.
SC_End(); g_s20State = S20_NO_SHARE; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_NO_SHARE")); break;
default: break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(S20EndMsg); }
// S20CollisionMsg()
// Handles an incoming collision message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the collision message itself
void S20CollisionMsg(PS20COLLISIONPACKET pS20Packet) { DebugEntry(S20CollisionMsg);
TRACE_OUT(("S20_COLLISION from [%d], correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator));
if (!g_s20ShareCorrelator) { // We don't care
WARNING_OUT(("S20_COLLISION ignored, not in share")); DC_QUIT;
if (g_s20ShareCorrelator != pS20Packet->correlator) { //
// Just discard this.
WARNING_OUT(("Received S20_COLLISION from [%d] with unknown correlator %x", pS20Packet->header.user, pS20Packet->correlator)); DC_QUIT; }
// If we created our own share, but got a collision from the remote,
// then kill our share.
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) != g_s20LocalID) { TRACE_OUT(("S20_COLLISION ignored, we didn't create share")); DC_QUIT; }
switch (g_s20State) { case S20_IN_SHARE: case S20_SHARE_PEND: case S20_SHARE_STARTING: //
// We just need to generate a share ended event.
SC_End(); g_s20State = S20_NO_SHARE; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_NO_SHARE")); break;
default: break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(S20CollisionMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20DataMsg
// Handles an incoming data message.
// pS20Packet - pointer to the data message itself
// RETURNS: TRUE - free the event, FALSE - do not free the event
void S20DataMsg(PS20DATAPACKET pS20Packet) { DebugEntry(S20DataMsg);
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pS20Packet, sizeof(S20DATAPACKET))); ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pS20Packet, sizeof(S20DATAPACKET) - sizeof(DATAPACKETHEADER) + pS20Packet->dataLength));
// Check if we're interseted in this data.
if ((pS20Packet->correlator == g_s20ShareCorrelator) && (g_s20State == S20_IN_SHARE) && g_asSession.pShare) { //
// Return it.
g_asSession.pShare->SC_ReceivedPacket(pS20Packet); }
DebugExitVOID(S20DataMsg); }
// FUNCTION: S20MaybeAddNewParty
// If the specified party has not already been added then try to add them
// now.
// userID - the new party's network user ID.
// lenCaps - the length of the new party's capabilities.
// lenName - the length of the new party's name.
// pData - a pointer to the new party's data which contains the name
// followed by the capabilities data.
// BOOL for success
BOOL S20MaybeAddNewParty ( MCSID mcsID, UINT lenCaps, UINT lenName, LPBYTE pData ) { BOOL rc = FALSE; UINT oldState; LPBYTE pCaps = NULL; BOOL memAllocated = FALSE;
// If we don't have a share, fail.
if (!g_asSession.pShare) { WARNING_OUT(("No ASShare; ignoring add party for [%d]", mcsID)); DC_QUIT; }
// Check if this party has already been added.
if (g_asSession.pShare->SC_ValidateNetID(mcsID, NULL)) { TRACE_OUT(("S20MaybeAddNewParty: already added %u", mcsID)); rc = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// We need the caps structure to be 4-byte aligned. It currently
// follows a variable-length name string and may therefore not be
// aligned. If it is not aligned, we allocate an aligned buffer and
// copy it there.
if (0 != (((UINT_PTR)pData + lenName) % 4)) { TRACE_OUT(("Capabilities data is unaligned - realigning"));
// Get a 4-byte aligned buffer for the capabilities data.
pCaps = new BYTE[lenCaps]; if (!pCaps) { ERROR_OUT(("Could not allocate %u bytes for aligned caps.", lenCaps)); DC_QUIT; }
// Flag so we know to free the memory later.
memAllocated = TRUE;
// Copy the caps data into our 4-byte aligned memory block.
memcpy(pCaps, (pData + lenName), lenCaps); } else { //
// The capabilities data is already aligned so we don't need to
// move it.
pCaps = pData + lenName; }
// Make sure we are in a share before we issue person add events.
oldState = g_s20State; g_s20State = S20_IN_SHARE; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is S20_IN_SHARE"));
// Attempt to add the new party.
rc = g_asSession.pShare->SC_PartyAdded(mcsID, (LPSTR)pData, lenCaps, pCaps); if (rc) { //
// The new party has been accepted so send a response packet. Do
// this at ALL priorities, so it gets there before any type of data
// at one particular priority.
TRACE_OUT(("CP RESPOND %lu %d", g_s20ShareCorrelator, 0)); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_RESPOND, g_s20ShareCorrelator, mcsID, NET_TOP_PRIORITY | NET_SEND_ALL_PRIORITIES); } else { g_asSession.pShare->SC_PartyDeleted(mcsID);
// Reset the state back to what it was if we failed.
g_s20State = oldState; TRACE_OUT(("g_s20State is %u", g_s20State));
if (S20_GET_CREATOR(g_s20ShareCorrelator) == g_s20LocalID) { //
// The new party has been rejected so send a delete packet.
TRACE_OUT(("CP DELETE %lu %u", g_s20ShareCorrelator, mcsID)); S20FlushSendOrQueueControlPacket(S20_DELETE, g_s20ShareCorrelator, mcsID, NET_TOP_PRIORITY); } }
// Free memory used to store aligned caps.
if (memAllocated) { delete[] pCaps; }
DebugExitBOOL(S20MaybeAddNewParty, rc); return(rc); }
// FUNCTION: S20NewCorrelator
// Returns a new correlator for us to use when we are creating a share.
// This is a combination of our mcsID (low 16 bits in Intel format) and
// a generation count (high 16 bits in Intel format).
// RETURNS: the new correlator
UINT S20NewCorrelator(void) { UINT correlator;
correlator = g_s20LocalID | (((UINT)(g_s20Generation & 0xFFFF)) << 16);
DebugExitDWORD(S20NewCorrelator, correlator); return(correlator); }
// FUNCTION: S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete
// If the supplied person is in the share then issue a PARTY_DELETED event
// for them.
// mcsID - a network personID
// reason - the reason code to use
void S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete(MCSID mcsID) { DebugEntry(S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete);
if (g_asSession.pShare) { g_asSession.pShare->SC_PartyDeleted(mcsID); }
// HET will kill the share if there aren't any hosts left. So we
// don't need to do anything here.
DebugExitVOID(S20MaybeIssuePersonDelete); }
// FUNCTION: S20StreamToS20Priority
// Converts a stream ID into a NET priority
// streamID - the stream ID.
// RETURNS: the priority
NET_PRIORITY S20StreamToS20Priority(UINT streamID) { NET_PRIORITY priority;
priority = c_StreamS20Priority[streamID - 1];
DebugExitDWORD(S20StreamToS20Priority, priority); return(priority); }