#include "precomp.h"
* appsap.cpp * * Copyright (c) 1995 by DataBeam Corporation, Lexington, KY * * Abstract: * * Protected Instance Variables: * None. * * Caveats: * None. * * Author: * blp */
#include "appsap.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "gcontrol.h"
GCCError WINAPI GCC_CreateAppSap(IGCCAppSap **ppIAppSap, LPVOID pUserData, LPFN_APP_SAP_CB pfnCallback) { GCCError rc;
if (NULL != ppIAppSap && NULL != pfnCallback) { if (NULL != g_pGCCController) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE if (NULL != (*ppIAppSap = (IGCCAppSap *) new CAppSap(pUserData, pfnCallback, &rc))) { if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { (*ppIAppSap)->ReleaseInterface(); // free the interface in case of error
} } else { ERROR_OUT(("GCC_CreateAppSap: can't create IAppSap.")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } } else { WARNING_OUT(("GCC_CreateAppSap: GCC Provider is not initialized.")); rc = GCC_NOT_INITIALIZED; } } else { ERROR_OUT(("GCC_CreateAppSap: either or both pointers are null")); rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return rc; }
* Macros defining the number of handles which may be allocated. */ #define MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ALLOCATED_HANDLES 1
* CAppSap() * * Public Function Description: * This is the constructor for the CAppSap class. It initializes instance * variables and registers with the new application. */ CAppSap:: CAppSap ( LPVOID pAppData, LPFN_APP_SAP_CB pfnCallback, PGCCError pRetCode ) : CBaseSap(MAKE_STAMP_ID('A','S','a','p')), m_pAppData(pAppData), m_pfnCallback(pfnCallback) { ASSERT(NULL != pfnCallback); ASSERT(NULL != g_pGCCController);
// We just created a window in the constructor of CBaseSap.
// Double check the window is created successfully.
if (NULL != m_hwndNotify) { //
// Make sure the gcc provider does not go away randomly.
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); g_pGCCController->AddRef(); g_pGCCController->RegisterAppSap(this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider);
*pRetCode = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::CAppSap: can't create window, win32_err=%u", ::GetLastError())); *pRetCode = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } }
* ~AppSap () * * Public Function Description: * This is the destructor for the CAppSap class. It is called when the * controller marks the CAppSap to be deleted. This occurs when either * the CAppSap asks to be deleted due to an "unregister request" * issued from the client application, or when there is an error * condition in the CAppSap. */ CAppSap:: ~CAppSap ( void ) { //
// LONCHANC: This Release() must be outside of the GCC critical section
// because the GCC Controller can delete this critical section in
// its destructor.
g_pGCCController->Release(); }
void CAppSap:: ReleaseInterface ( void ) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGCCController);
// It is ok for the gcc provider to go away now.
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); g_pGCCController->UnRegisterAppSap(this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider);
// Reset the app related data
m_pAppData = NULL; m_pfnCallback = NULL;
// Remove any message in the queue.
// Release this object now.
Release(); }
void CAppSap:: PostAppSapMsg ( GCCAppSapMsgEx *pAppSapMsgEx ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_hwndNotify); ::PostMessage(m_hwndNotify, ASAPMSG_BASE + (UINT) pAppSapMsgEx->Msg.eMsgType, (WPARAM) pAppSapMsgEx, (LPARAM) this); }
* AppEnroll() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wants to enroll in a * conference. The controller is notified of the enrollment request. */ GCCError CAppSap:: AppEnroll ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCEnrollRequest *pReq, GCCRequestTag *pnReqTag ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
// sanity check
if (NULL == pReq || NULL == pnReqTag) { rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
TRACE_OUT_EX(ZONE_T120_APP_ROSTER, ("CAppSap::AppEnroll: confID=%u, enrolled?=%u, active?=%u\r\n", (UINT) nConfID, (UINT) pReq->fEnroll, (UINT) pReq->fEnrollActively));
// create the request id
*pnReqTag = GenerateRequestTag();
// find the corresponding conference
if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
// check to make sure that the application has a valid uid and
// session key if it is enrolling.
if (pReq->fEnroll) { if (pReq->fEnrollActively) { if (pReq->nUserID < MINIMUM_USER_ID_VALUE) { rc = GCC_INVALID_MCS_USER_ID; goto MyExit; } } else if (pReq->nUserID < MINIMUM_USER_ID_VALUE) { // we must make sure that this is zero if it is invalid and
// the user is enrolling inactively.
pReq->nUserID = GCC_INVALID_UID; }
if (NULL == pReq->pSessionKey) { rc = GCC_BAD_SESSION_KEY; goto MyExit; } }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = pConf->AppEnrollRequest(this, pReq, *pnReqTag); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider);
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::AppEnroll, rc); return rc; }
GCCError CAppSap:: AppInvoke ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCAppProtEntityList *pApeList, GCCSimpleNodeList *pNodeList, GCCRequestTag *pnReqTag ) { return CBaseSap::AppInvoke(nConfID, pApeList, pNodeList, pnReqTag); }
GCCError CAppSap:: AppRosterInquire ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCSessionKey *pSessionKey, GCCAppSapMsg **ppMsg ) { return CBaseSap::AppRosterInquire(nConfID, pSessionKey, (GCCAppSapMsgEx **) ppMsg); }
BOOL CAppSap:: IsThisNodeTopProvider ( GCCConfID nConfID ) { return CBaseSap::IsThisNodeTopProvider(nConfID); }
GCCNodeID CAppSap:: GetTopProvider ( GCCConfID nConfID ) { return CBaseSap::GetTopProvider(nConfID); }
GCCError CAppSap:: ConfRosterInquire(GCCConfID nConfID, GCCAppSapMsg **ppMsg) { return CBaseSap::ConfRosterInquire(nConfID, (GCCAppSapMsgEx **) ppMsg); }
GCCError CAppSap:: ConductorInquire ( GCCConfID nConfID ) { return CBaseSap::ConductorInquire(nConfID); }
* RegisterChannel() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to register a * channel. The call is routed to the appropriate conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegisterChannel ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey, ChannelID nChnlID ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
if (NULL == pRegKey) { rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to register the ** channel. Report an error if the desired conference does not exist. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegisterChannel: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = (nChnlID != 0) ? pConf->RegistryRegisterChannelRequest(pRegKey, nChnlID, this) : GCC_INVALID_CHANNEL; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegisterChannel: can't register channel, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegisterChannel, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryAssignToken() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to assign a * token. The call is routed to the appropriate conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryAssignToken ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
if (NULL == pRegKey) { rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to assign the ** token. Report an error if the desired conference does not exist. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryAssignToken: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = pConf->RegistryAssignTokenRequest(pRegKey, this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryAssignToken: can't assign token, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryAssignToken, rc); return rc; }
* RegistrySetParameter() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to set a * parameter. The call is routed to the appropriate conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistrySetParameter ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey, LPOSTR poszParameter, GCCModificationRights eRights ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
if (NULL == pRegKey || NULL == poszParameter) { rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to set the ** parameter. Report an error if the desired conference does not exist. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistrySetParameter: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
switch (eRights) { case GCC_OWNER_RIGHTS: case GCC_SESSION_RIGHTS: case GCC_PUBLIC_RIGHTS: case GCC_NO_MODIFICATION_RIGHTS_SPECIFIED: ::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = pConf->RegistrySetParameterRequest(pRegKey, poszParameter, eRights, this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistrySetParameter: can't set param, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
} break; default: rc = GCC_INVALID_MODIFICATION_RIGHTS; break; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistrySetParameter, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryRetrieveEntry() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to retrieve a registry * entry. The call is routed to the appropriate conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryRetrieveEntry ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
if (NULL == pRegKey) { rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to retrieve the ** registry entry. Report an error if the desired conference does not ** exist. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryRetrieveEntry: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = pConf->RegistryRetrieveEntryRequest(pRegKey, this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryRetrieveEntry: can't retrieve entry, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryRetrieveEntry, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryDeleteEntry() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to delete a registry * entry. The call is routed to the appropriate conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryDeleteEntry ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
if (NULL == pRegKey) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryDeleteEntry: null pRegKey")); rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to delete the ** desired registry entry. Report an error if the desired conference does ** not exist. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { TRACE_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryDeleteEntry: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = pConf->RegistryDeleteEntryRequest(pRegKey, this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryDeleteEntry: can't delete entry, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryDeleteEntry, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryMonitor() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to monitor a * particular registry entry. The call is routed to the appropriate * conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryMonitor ( GCCConfID nConfID, BOOL fEnalbeDelivery, GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
if (NULL == pRegKey) { rc = GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto MyExit; }
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to monitor the ** appropriate registry entry. Report an error if the desired conference ** does not exist. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryMonitor: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = pConf->RegistryMonitorRequest(fEnalbeDelivery, pRegKey, this); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryMonitor: can't monitor the registry, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryMonitor, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryAllocateHandle() * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called when an application wishes to allocate one or * more handles. The call is routed to the appropriate conference object. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryAllocateHandle ( GCCConfID nConfID, ULONG cHandles ) { GCCError rc; CConf *pConf;
** If the desired conference exists, call it in order to allocate the ** handle(s). Report an error if the desired conference does not exist or ** if the number of handles wishing to be allocated is not within the ** allowable range. */ if (NULL == (pConf = g_pGCCController->GetConfObject(nConfID))) { WARNING_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryAllocateHandle: invalid conf id=%u", (UINT) nConfID)); rc = GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE; goto MyExit; }
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); rc = ((cHandles >= MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ALLOCATED_HANDLES) && (cHandles <= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ALLOCATED_HANDLES)) ? pConf->RegistryAllocateHandleRequest(cHandles, this) : GCC_BAD_NUMBER_OF_HANDLES; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryAllocateHandle: can't allocate handles, cHandles=%u, rc=%u", (UINT) cHandles, (UINT) rc)); // goto MyExit;
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryAllocateHandle, rc); return rc; }
* The following routines are all Command Target Calls */ /*
* PermissionToEnrollIndication () * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called by the Controller when it wishes to send an * indication to the user application notifying it of a "permission to * enroll" event. This does not mean that permission to enroll is * necessarily granted to the application. */ GCCError CAppSap:: PermissionToEnrollIndication ( GCCConfID nConfID, BOOL fGranted ) { GCCError rc;
DebugEntry(CAppSap: PermissionToEnrollIndication); TRACE_OUT_EX(ZONE_T120_APP_ROSTER, ("CAppSap::PermissionToEnrollIndication: " "confID=%u, granted?=%u\r\n", (UINT) nConfID, (UINT) fGranted));
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_PERMIT_TO_ENROLL_INDICATION); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppPermissionToEnrollInd.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppPermissionToEnrollInd.fPermissionGranted = fGranted; PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap: PermissionToEnrollIndication: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap: PermissionToEnrollIndication, rc); return rc; }
* AppEnrollConfirm () * * Public Function Description: * This routine is called by the CConf object when it wishes * to send an enrollment confirmation to the user application. */ GCCError CAppSap:: AppEnrollConfirm ( GCCAppEnrollConfirm *pConfirm ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_ENROLL_CONFIRM); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = pConfirm->nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppEnrollConfirm = *pConfirm;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppEnrollConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap: AppEnrollConfirm, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryConfirm () * * Public Function Description: * This command target routine is called by the CConf object when it * wishes to send an registry confirmation to the user application. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryConfirm ( GCCConfID nConfID, GCCMessageType eMsgType, CRegKeyContainer *pRegKey, CRegItem *pRegItem, GCCModificationRights eRights, GCCNodeID nidOwner, GCCEntityID eidOwner, BOOL fDeliveryEnabled, GCCResult nResult ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(eMsgType); if (NULL == pMsgEx) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; }
pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID;
if (NULL != pRegKey) { rc = pRegKey->CreateRegistryKeyData(&(pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.pRegKey)); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryConfirm: can't get registry key data, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); goto MyExit; } }
if (NULL != pRegItem) { rc = pRegItem->CreateRegistryItemData(&(pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.pRegItem)); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryConfirm: can't get registry item data, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); goto MyExit; } }
if (GCC_INVALID_NID != nidOwner) { pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.EntryOwner.entry_is_owned = TRUE; pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.EntryOwner.owner_node_id = nidOwner; pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.EntryOwner.owner_entity_id = eidOwner; }
pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.eRights = eRights; pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.nResult = nResult; pMsgEx->Msg.RegistryConfirm.fDeliveryEnabled = fDeliveryEnabled; // for monitor only
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR;
if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { delete pMsgEx; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryConfirm, rc); return rc; }
* RegistryMonitorIndication() * * Public Function Description * This command target routine is called by the CConf object when it * wishes to send a Registry monitor indication to the user application. */
* RegistryAllocateHandleConfirm() * * Public Function Description: * This command target routine is called by the CConf object when it * wishes to send a handle allocation confirmation to the user application. */ GCCError CAppSap:: RegistryAllocateHandleConfirm ( GCCConfID nConfID, ULONG cHandles, ULONG nFirstHandle, GCCResult nResult ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_ALLOCATE_HANDLE_CONFIRM); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.RegAllocHandleConfirm.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.RegAllocHandleConfirm.cHandles = cHandles; pMsgEx->Msg.RegAllocHandleConfirm.nFirstHandle = nFirstHandle; pMsgEx->Msg.RegAllocHandleConfirm.nResult = nResult;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::RegistryAllocateHandleConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::RegistryAllocateHandleConfirm, rc); return rc; }
void CAppSapList:: DeleteList ( void ) { CAppSap *pAppSap; while (NULL != (pAppSap = Get())) { pAppSap->Release(); } }
void CAppSapEidList2:: DeleteList ( void ) { CAppSap *pAppSap; while (NULL != (pAppSap = Get())) { pAppSap->Release(); } }
* ConfRosterInquireConfirm() * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to return a requested conference * roster to an application or the node controller. */ GCCError CAppSap:: ConfRosterInquireConfirm ( GCCConfID nConfID, PGCCConferenceName pConfName, LPSTR pszConfModifier, LPWSTR pwszConfDescriptor, CConfRoster *pConfRoster, GCCResult nResult, GCCAppSapMsgEx **ppMsgExToRet ) { GCCError rc; BOOL fLock = FALSE; UINT cbDataSize;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_ROSTER_INQUIRE_CONFIRM); if (NULL == pMsgEx) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConfRosterInquireConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; }
pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID;
pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.nResult = nResult; pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.ConfName.numeric_string = ::My_strdupA(pConfName->numeric_string); pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.ConfName.text_string = ::My_strdupW(pConfName->text_string); pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pszConfModifier = ::My_strdupA(pszConfModifier); pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pwszConfDescriptor = ::My_strdupW(pwszConfDescriptor);
* Lock the data for the conference roster. The lock call will * return the length of the data to be serialized for the roster so * add that length to the total memory block size and allocate the * memory block. */ fLock = TRUE; cbDataSize = pConfRoster->LockConferenceRoster(); if (0 != cbDataSize) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pConfRoster = (PGCCConfRoster) new char[cbDataSize]; if (NULL == pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pConfRoster) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConfRosterInquireConfirm: can't create conf roster buffer")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; }
* Retrieve the conference roster data from the roster object. * The roster object will serialize any referenced data into * the memory block passed in to the "Get" call. */ pConfRoster->GetConfRoster(&(pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pConfRoster), (LPBYTE) pMsgEx->Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pConfRoster); }
if (NULL != ppMsgExToRet) { *ppMsgExToRet = pMsgEx; } else { PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); }
if (fLock) { pConfRoster->UnLockConferenceRoster(); }
if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { delete pMsgEx; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::ConfRosterInquireConfirm, rc); return rc; }
* AppRosterInquireConfirm() * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to return a requested list of * application rosters to an application or the node controller. */ GCCError CAppSap:: AppRosterInquireConfirm ( GCCConfID nConfID, CAppRosterMsg *pAppRosterMsg, GCCResult nResult, GCCAppSapMsgEx **ppMsgEx ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_APP_ROSTER_INQUIRE_CONFIRM); if (NULL == pMsgEx) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppRosterInquireConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; } pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID;
* Lock the data for the roster message and retrieve the data. */ rc = pAppRosterMsg->LockApplicationRosterMessage(); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppRosterInquireConfirm: can't lock app roster message, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); goto MyExit; }
rc = pAppRosterMsg->GetAppRosterMsg((LPBYTE *) &(pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.apAppRosters), &(pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.cRosters)); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppRosterInquireConfirm: can't get app roster message, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); pAppRosterMsg->UnLockApplicationRosterMessage(); goto MyExit; }
// fill in the roster information
pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.pReserved = (LPVOID) pAppRosterMsg; pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.nResult = nResult;
if (NULL != ppMsgEx) { *ppMsgEx = pMsgEx; } else { PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); }
if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { delete pMsgEx; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::AppRosterInquireConfirm, rc); return rc; }
void CAppSap:: FreeAppSapMsg ( GCCAppSapMsg *pMsg ) { GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = (GCCAppSapMsgEx *) pMsg; ASSERT((LPVOID) pMsgEx == (LPVOID) pMsg); delete pMsgEx; }
* AppInvokeConfirm () * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to confirm a call requesting application * invocation. */ GCCError CAppSap:: AppInvokeConfirm ( GCCConfID nConfID, CInvokeSpecifierListContainer *pInvokeList, GCCResult nResult, GCCRequestTag nReqTag ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_APPLICATION_INVOKE_CONFIRM); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeConfirm.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeConfirm.nResult = nResult; pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeConfirm.nReqTag = nReqTag;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppInvokeConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::AppInvokeConfirm, rc); return rc; }
* AppInvokeIndication() * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to send an indication to an application * or node controller that a request for application invocation has been * made. */ GCCError CAppSap:: AppInvokeIndication ( GCCConfID nConfID, CInvokeSpecifierListContainer *pInvokeList, GCCNodeID nidInvoker ) { GCCError rc; UINT cbDataSize; BOOL fLock = FALSE;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_APPLICATION_INVOKE_INDICATION); if (NULL == pMsgEx) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppInvokeIndication: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; } pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID;
fLock = TRUE; cbDataSize = pInvokeList->LockApplicationInvokeSpecifierList(); if (0 != cbDataSize) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeInd.ApeList.apApes = (PGCCAppProtocolEntity *) new char[cbDataSize]; if (NULL == pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeInd.ApeList.apApes) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppInvokeIndication: can't create ape list")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; }
pInvokeList->GetApplicationInvokeSpecifierList( &(pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeInd.ApeList.cApes), (LPBYTE) pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeInd.ApeList.apApes); }
pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeInd.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.AppInvokeInd.nidInvoker = nidInvoker;
if (fLock) { pInvokeList->UnLockApplicationInvokeSpecifierList(); }
if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { delete pMsgEx; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::AppInvokeIndication, rc); return rc; }
* AppRosterReportIndication () * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to indicate to applications and the * node controller that the list of application rosters has been updated. */ GCCError CAppSap:: AppRosterReportIndication ( GCCConfID nConfID, CAppRosterMsg *pAppRosterMsg ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_APP_ROSTER_REPORT_INDICATION); if (NULL == pMsgEx) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppRosterReportIndication: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto MyExit; } pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID;
* Lock the data for the roster message and retrieve the data. */ rc = pAppRosterMsg->LockApplicationRosterMessage(); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppRosterReportIndication: can't lock app roster message, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); goto MyExit; }
rc = pAppRosterMsg->GetAppRosterMsg((LPBYTE *) &(pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterReportInd.apAppRosters), &(pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterReportInd.cRosters)); if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::AppRosterReportIndication: can't get app roster message, rc=%u", (UINT) rc)); pAppRosterMsg->UnLockApplicationRosterMessage(); goto MyExit; }
// fill in the roster information
pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterReportInd.pReserved = (LPVOID) pAppRosterMsg; pMsgEx->Msg.AppRosterReportInd.nConfID = nConfID;
if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { delete pMsgEx; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::AppRosterReportIndication, rc); return rc; }
* ConductorInquireConfirm () * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to return conductorship information * which has been requested. * */ GCCError CAppSap:: ConductorInquireConfirm ( GCCNodeID nidConductor, GCCResult nResult, BOOL fGranted, BOOL fConducted, GCCConfID nConfID ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_CONDUCT_INQUIRE_CONFIRM); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorInquireConfirm.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorInquireConfirm.fConducted = fConducted; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorInquireConfirm.nidConductor = nidConductor; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorInquireConfirm.fGranted = fGranted; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorInquireConfirm.nResult = nResult;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConductorInquireConfirm: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::ConductorInquireConfirm, rc); return rc; }
* ConductorPermitGrantIndication () * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to send an indication to an application * or node controller that a request for permission from the conductor * has been made. */ GCCError CAppSap:: ConductorPermitGrantIndication ( GCCConfID nConfID, UINT cGranted, GCCNodeID *aGranted, UINT cWaiting, GCCNodeID *aWaiting, BOOL fThisNodeIsGranted ) { GCCError rc; UINT cbDataSize = 0;
cbDataSize = (0 != cGranted || 0 != cWaiting) ? (ROUNDTOBOUNDARY(sizeof(GCCNodeID)) * cGranted) + (ROUNDTOBOUNDARY(sizeof(GCCNodeID)) * cWaiting) : 0;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_CONDUCT_GRANT_INDICATION); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID;
if (cbDataSize > 0) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.pReserved = (LPVOID) new char[cbDataSize]; if (NULL == pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.pReserved) { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConductorPermitGrantIndication: can't allocate buffer, cbDataSize=%u", (UINT) cbDataSize)); goto MyExit; } }
pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.Granted.cNodes = cGranted; if (0 != cGranted) { pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.Granted.aNodeIDs = (GCCNodeID *) pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.pReserved; ::CopyMemory(pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.Granted.aNodeIDs, aGranted, sizeof(GCCNodeID) * cGranted); }
pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.Waiting.cNodes = cWaiting; if (0 != cWaiting) { pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.Waiting.aNodeIDs = (GCCNodeID *) ((LPBYTE) pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.pReserved + (ROUNDTOBOUNDARY(sizeof(GCCNodeID)) * cGranted)); ::CopyMemory(pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.Waiting.aNodeIDs, aWaiting, sizeof(GCCNodeID) * cWaiting); } pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.fThisNodeIsGranted = fThisNodeIsGranted;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConductorPermitGrantIndication: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
if (GCC_NO_ERROR != rc) { delete pMsgEx; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::ConductorPermitGrantIndication, rc); return rc; }
* ConductorAssignIndication () * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to send an indication to an application * or node controller that a request has been made to assign conductorship. */ GCCError CAppSap:: ConductorAssignIndication ( GCCNodeID nidConductor, GCCConfID nConfID ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_CONDUCT_ASSIGN_INDICATION); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorAssignInd.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorAssignInd.nidConductor = nidConductor;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConductorPermitGrantIndication: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::ConductorAssignIndication, rc); return rc; }
* ConductorReleaseIndication () * * Public Function Description * This routine is called in order to send an indication to an application * or node controller that a request for releasing conductorship has been * made. */ GCCError CAppSap:: ConductorReleaseIndication ( GCCConfID nConfID ) { GCCError rc;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE GCCAppSapMsgEx *pMsgEx = new GCCAppSapMsgEx(GCC_CONDUCT_RELEASE_INDICATION); if (NULL != pMsgEx) { pMsgEx->Msg.nConfID = nConfID; pMsgEx->Msg.ConductorReleaseInd.nConfID = nConfID;
PostAppSapMsg(pMsgEx); rc = GCC_NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CAppSap::ConductorReleaseIndication: can't create GCCAppSapMsgEx")); rc = GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
DebugExitINT(CAppSap::ConductorReleaseIndication, rc); return rc; }
void CAppSap:: NotifyProc ( GCCAppSapMsgEx *pAppSapMsgEx ) { if (NULL != m_pfnCallback) { pAppSapMsgEx->Msg.pAppData = m_pAppData; (*m_pfnCallback)(&(pAppSapMsgEx->Msg)); } delete pAppSapMsgEx; }
// The following is for GCCAppSapMsgEx structure
GCCAppSapMsgEx:: GCCAppSapMsgEx ( GCCMessageType eMsgType ) { ::ZeroMemory(&Msg, sizeof(Msg)); Msg.eMsgType = eMsgType; }
GCCAppSapMsgEx:: ~GCCAppSapMsgEx ( void ) { switch (Msg.eMsgType) { //
// Application Roster related callbacks
// No need to free anything
case GCC_APP_ROSTER_REPORT_INDICATION: if (NULL != Msg.AppRosterReportInd.pReserved) { //
// App roster report is also sent to control sap.
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); ((CAppRosterMsg *) Msg.AppRosterReportInd.pReserved)->UnLockApplicationRosterMessage(); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGCCProvider); } break;
case GCC_APP_ROSTER_INQUIRE_CONFIRM: if (NULL != Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.pReserved) { ((CAppRosterMsg *) Msg.AppRosterInquireConfirm.pReserved)->UnLockApplicationRosterMessage(); } break;
case GCC_APPLICATION_INVOKE_INDICATION: delete Msg.AppInvokeInd.ApeList.apApes; break;
// Conference Roster related callbacks
case GCC_ROSTER_INQUIRE_CONFIRM: delete Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.ConfName.numeric_string; delete Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.ConfName.text_string; delete Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pszConfModifier; delete Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pwszConfDescriptor; delete Msg.ConfRosterInquireConfirm.pConfRoster; break;
// Application Registry related callbacks
// No need to free anything
// Conductorship related callbacks
// No need to free anything
case GCC_CONDUCT_GRANT_INDICATION: delete Msg.ConductorPermitGrantInd.pReserved; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("GCCAppSapMsgEx::~GCCAppSapMsgEx: unknown msg type=%u", (UINT) Msg.eMsgType)); break; } }
void CAppSap:: PurgeMessageQueue(void) { MSG msg;
* This loop calls PeekMessage to go through all the messages in the thread's * queue that were posted by the main MCS thread. It removes these * messages and frees the resources that they consume. */ while (PeekMessage(&msg, m_hwndNotify, ASAPMSG_BASE, ASAPMSG_BASE + MSG_RANGE, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { // Repost the quit
PostQuitMessage(0); break; }
ASSERT(this == (CAppSap *) msg.lParam); delete (GCCAppSapMsgEx *) msg.wParam; }
// Destroy the window; we do not need it anymore
if (NULL != m_hwndNotify) { ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndNotify); m_hwndNotify = NULL; } }