//#include "ICSHelp.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wsipx.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include "ICSutils.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int gDbgFlag=3; extern char g_szPublicAddr; extern int iDbgFileHandle;
* * DbgSpew(DbgClass, char *, ...) * Sends debug information. * *************************************************************/ void DbgSpew(int DbgClass, WCHAR *lpFormat, va_list ap) { WCHAR szMessage[2500];
vswprintf(szMessage, lpFormat, ap); wcscat(szMessage, L"\r\n");
if ((DbgClass & 0x0F) >= (gDbgFlag & 0x0F)) { // should this be sent to the debugger?
if (DbgClass & DBG_MSG_DEST_DBG) OutputDebugStringW(szMessage);
// should this go to our log file?
if (iDbgFileHandle) _write(iDbgFileHandle, szMessage, (2*lstrlen(szMessage))); } }
void TrivialSpew(WCHAR *lpFormat, ...) { va_list vd; va_start(vd, lpFormat); DbgSpew(DBG_MSG_TRIVIAL+DBG_MSG_DEST_DBG, lpFormat, vd); va_end(vd); }
void InterestingSpew(WCHAR *lpFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpFormat); DbgSpew(DBG_MSG_INTERESTING+DBG_MSG_DEST_DBG, lpFormat, ap); va_end(ap); }
void ImportantSpew(WCHAR *lpFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpFormat); DbgSpew(DBG_MSG_IMPORTANT+DBG_MSG_DEST_DBG+DBG_MSG_DEST_FILE, lpFormat, ap); va_end(ap); }
void HeinousESpew(WCHAR *lpFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpFormat); DbgSpew(DBG_MSG_HEINOUS+DBG_MSG_DEST_DBG+DBG_MSG_DEST_FILE+DBG_MSG_DEST_EVENT+DBG_MSG_CLASS_ERROR, lpFormat, ap); va_end(ap); }
void HeinousISpew(WCHAR *lpFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpFormat); DbgSpew(DBG_MSG_HEINOUS+DBG_MSG_DEST_DBG+DBG_MSG_DEST_FILE+DBG_MSG_DEST_EVENT, lpFormat, ap); va_end(ap); }
// ------------------------------
// DumpSocketAddress - dump a socket address
// Entry: Debug level
// Pointer to socket address
// Socket family
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
void DumpSocketAddress( const DWORD dwDebugLevel, const SOCKADDR *const pSocketAddress, const DWORD dwFamily ) { switch ( dwFamily ) { case AF_INET: { SOCKADDR_IN *pInetAddress = (SOCKADDR_IN*)( pSocketAddress );
TrivialSpew(L"IP socket:\tAddress: %d.%d.%d.%d\tPort: %d", pInetAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pInetAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pInetAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, pInetAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, ntohs( pInetAddress->sin_port )); break; }
case AF_IPX: { SOCKADDR_IPX *pIPXAddress = (SOCKADDR_IPX*)( pSocketAddress );
TrivialSpew(L"IPX socket:\tNet (hex) %x-%x-%x-%x\tNode (hex): %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\tSocket: %d", (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_netnum[ 0 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_netnum[ 1 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_netnum[ 2 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_netnum[ 3 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_nodenum[ 0 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_nodenum[ 1 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_nodenum[ 2 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_nodenum[ 3 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_nodenum[ 4 ], (BYTE)pIPXAddress->sa_nodenum[ 5 ], ntohs( pIPXAddress->sa_socket ) ); break; }
default: { TrivialSpew(L"Unknown socket type!" ); //INT3;
break; } } }
DWORD GetIPAddress(WCHAR *pVal, int iSize, int iPort) { DWORD hr = S_FALSE; // In case no adapter
TRIVIAL_MSG((L"GetIPAddress(0x%x, %d, %d)", pVal, iSize, iPort));
szPortBfr[0]=';'; szPortBfr[1]=0;
if (iPort) wsprintf(szPortBfr, L":%d;", iPort);
dw = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdpInfo, &ulSize ); if (dw == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW && pVal) { /* let's make certain the buffer is as big as we'll
* ever need */ ulSize*=2;
pAdpInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)malloc(ulSize);
if (!pAdpInfo) goto done;
lStr = (WCHAR *)malloc(4096 * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lStr) goto done;
*lStr = '\0';
dw = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdpInfo, &ulSize); if (dw == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int iAddrSize; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO p; PIP_ADDR_STRING ps;
for(p=pAdpInfo; p!=NULL; p=p->Next) {
INTERESTING_MSG((L"looking at %S, type=0x%x", p->Description, p->Type)); for(ps = &(p->IpAddressList); ps; ps=ps->Next) {
if (strcmp(ps->IpAddress.String, "") != 0 && strcmp(ps->IpAddress.String, &g_szPublicAddr) != 0) { WCHAR wcsBfr[25];
wsprintf(wcsBfr, L"%S", ps->IpAddress.String); wcscat(lStr, wcsBfr); wcscat(lStr, szPortBfr); } } }
iAddrSize = wcslen(lStr); if (iAddrSize) { iAddrSize = min(iAddrSize, iSize-1);
memcpy(pVal, lStr, (iAddrSize+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
TRIVIAL_MSG((L"Copying %d chars for %s", iAddrSize+1, lStr)); } else goto done; hr = S_OK; } }
done: if (pAdpInfo) free(pAdpInfo);
if (lStr) free(lStr);
return hr; }
** ** GetGatewayAddr -- returns a flag to ** indicate if a gateway is present ** ******************************************************************/ int GetGatewayAddr(char *retStr) { int retval = 0; PMIB_IPADDRTABLE pmib=NULL; ULONG ulSize = 0; DWORD dw; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdpInfo = NULL;
if (!retStr) return 0;
dw = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdpInfo, &ulSize ); if (dw == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pAdpInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)malloc(ulSize); dw = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdpInfo, &ulSize); if (dw == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strcpy(retStr, pAdpInfo->GatewayList.IpAddress.String); retval = 1; } free(pAdpInfo); } return retval; }
int LocalFDIsSet(SOCKET fd, fd_set *set) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines if a specific socket is a contained in an FD_SET.
s - A descriptor identifying the socket.
set - A pointer to an FD_SET. Returns:
Returns TRUE if socket s is a member of set, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { int i = set->fd_count; // index into FD_SET
int rc=FALSE; // user return code
while (i--){ if (set->fd_array[i] == fd) { rc = TRUE; } //if
} //while
return (rc); } // LocalFDIsSet