//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// subcomp.cpp
// implementation a default sub component
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "subcomp.h"
OCMSubComp::OCMSubComp () { m_lTicks = 0; }
BOOL OCMSubComp::Initialize () {
return TRUE; }
BOOL OCMSubComp::GetCurrentSubCompState () const { return GetHelperRoutines().QuerySelectionState( GetHelperRoutines().OcManagerContext, GetSubCompID(), OCSELSTATETYPE_CURRENT); }
BOOL OCMSubComp::GetOriginalSubCompState () const { return GetHelperRoutines().QuerySelectionState( GetHelperRoutines().OcManagerContext, GetSubCompID(), OCSELSTATETYPE_ORIGINAL); }
BOOL OCMSubComp::HasStateChanged () const { //
// returns true if current selection state is different from previous.
return GetCurrentSubCompState() != GetOriginalSubCompState();
// this functions ticks the gauge for the specified count
// keep traks of the count reported to the OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT
void OCMSubComp::Tick (DWORD dwTickCount /* = 1 */) { if (m_lTicks > 0) { m_lTicks -= dwTickCount; while(dwTickCount--) GetHelperRoutines().TickGauge( GetHelperRoutines().OcManagerContext );
} else { m_lTicks = 0; } }
// completes the remaining ticks.
void OCMSubComp::TickComplete () { ASSERT(m_lTicks >= 0); while (m_lTicks--) GetHelperRoutines().TickGauge( GetHelperRoutines().OcManagerContext ); }
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnQueryStepCount() { m_lTicks = GetStepCount() + 2; return m_lTicks; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::GetStepCount () const { return 0; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnQueryState ( UINT uiWhichState ) const { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("In OCMSubComp::OnQueryState for %s"), GetSubCompID());
return SubcompUseOcManagerDefault;
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnQuerySelStateChange (BOOL /* bNewState */, BOOL /* bDirectSelection */) const { return TRUE; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::LookupTargetSection(LPTSTR szTargetSection, DWORD dwSize, LPCTSTR lookupSection) { DWORD dwError = GetStringValue(GetComponentInfHandle(), GetSubCompID(), lookupSection, szTargetSection, dwSize); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOGMESSAGE2(_T("sectionname = <%s>, actual section = <%s>"), lookupSection, szTargetSection); } else { AssertFalse(); LOGMESSAGE1(_T("ERROR:GetSectionToBeProcess:GetStringValue failed GetLastError() = %lu"), dwError); }
return dwError; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::GetTargetSection(LPTSTR szTargetSection, DWORD dwSize, ESections eSectionType, BOOL *pbNoSection) { ASSERT(szTargetSection); ASSERT(pbNoSection);
// get section to be processed
LPCTSTR szSection = GetSectionToBeProcessed( eSectionType );
if (szSection == NULL) { *pbNoSection = TRUE; return NO_ERROR; } else { //
// there is a section to be processed.
*pbNoSection = FALSE; }
// look for the target section
return LookupTargetSection(szTargetSection, dwSize, szSection);
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnCalcDiskSpace ( DWORD addComponent, HDSKSPC dspace ) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("In OCMSubComp::OnCalcDiskSpace for %s"), GetSubCompID());
TCHAR TargetSection[S_SIZE]; BOOL bNoSection = FALSE;
DWORD rc = GetTargetSection(TargetSection, S_SIZE, kDiskSpaceAddSection, &bNoSection);
// if there is no section to be processed. just return success.
if (bNoSection) { return NO_ERROR; }
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (addComponent) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("Calculating disk space for add section = %s"), TargetSection); rc = SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceList( dspace, GetComponentInfHandle(), NULL, TargetSection, 0, 0); } else { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("Calculating disk space for remove section = %s"), TargetSection); rc = SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceList( dspace, GetComponentInfHandle(), NULL, TargetSection, 0, 0); }
if (!rc) rc = GetLastError(); else rc = NO_ERROR;
return rc; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnQueueFiles ( HSPFILEQ queue ) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("In OCMSubComp::OnQueueFiles for %s"), GetSubCompID());
TCHAR TargetSection[S_SIZE]; BOOL bNoSection = FALSE; DWORD rc = GetTargetSection(TargetSection, S_SIZE, kFileSection, &bNoSection);
// if there is no section to be processed. just return success.
if (bNoSection) { return NO_ERROR; }
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("Queuing Files from Section = %s"), TargetSection); if (!SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( GetComponentInfHandle(), NULL, queue, TargetSection, NULL, 0 // this should eliminate the warning about overwriting newer file.
)) { rc = GetLastError(); LOGMESSAGE2(_T("ERROR:OnQueueFileOps::SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection <%s> failed.GetLastError() = <%ul)"), TargetSection, rc); } else { return NO_ERROR; }
return rc; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnCompleteInstall () { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("In OCMSubComp::OnCompleteInstall for %s"), GetSubCompID()); if (!BeforeCompleteInstall ()) { LOGMESSAGE0(_T("ERROR:BeforeCompleteInstall failed!")); }
TCHAR TargetSection[S_SIZE]; BOOL bNoSection = FALSE; DWORD dwError = GetTargetSection(TargetSection, S_SIZE, kRegistrySection, &bNoSection);
// if there is no section to be processed. just go ahead.
if (!bNoSection) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("Setting up Registry/Links/RegSvrs from section = %s"), TargetSection); dwError = SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, // hwndOwner
GetComponentInfHandle(), // inf handle
TargetSection, //
SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, // operation flags
NULL, // relative key root
NULL, // source root path
0, // copy flags
NULL, // callback routine
NULL, // callback routine context
NULL, // device info set
NULL // device info struct
if (dwError == 0) LOGMESSAGE1(_T("ERROR:while installating section <%lu>"), GetLastError()); }
if (!AfterCompleteInstall ()) { LOGMESSAGE0(_T("ERROR:AfterCompleteInstall failed!")); }
TickComplete(); return NO_ERROR; }
BOOL OCMSubComp::BeforeCompleteInstall () { return TRUE; }
BOOL OCMSubComp::AfterCompleteInstall () { return TRUE; }
DWORD OCMSubComp::OnAboutToCommitQueue () { return NO_ERROR; }
void OCMSubComp::SetupRunOnce( HINF hInf, LPCTSTR SectionName ) { INFCONTEXT sic; TCHAR CommandLine[ RUNONCE_CMDBUFSIZE ]; BOOL b; STARTUPINFO startupinfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION process_information; DWORD dwErr;
if (!SetupFindFirstLine( hInf, SectionName, NULL , &sic)) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("WARNING: nothing in %s to be processed."), SectionName); } else { do { if (!SetupGetStringField(&sic, 1, CommandLine, RUNONCE_CMDBUFSIZE, NULL)) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("WARNING: No command to be processed."), SectionName); break; }
LOGMESSAGE1(_T("RunOnce: spawning process %s"), CommandLine);
ZeroMemory( &startupinfo, sizeof(startupinfo) ); startupinfo.cb = sizeof(startupinfo); startupinfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startupinfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE | SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
b = CreateProcess( NULL, CommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, NULL, NULL, &startupinfo, &process_information ); if ( !b ) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("ERROR: failed to spawn %s process."), CommandLine); continue; }
dwErr = WaitForSingleObject( process_information.hProcess, RUNONCE_DEFAULTWAIT ); if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("ERROR: process %s failed to complete in time."), CommandLine);
// Don't terminate process, just go on to next one.
} else { LOGMESSAGE1(_T("INFO: process %s completed successfully."), CommandLine); }
CloseHandle( process_information.hProcess ); CloseHandle( process_information.hThread ); } while ( SetupFindNextLine( &sic, &sic ) ); }
return; }