@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM movefiles.cmd REM Rearrange and collect files in preparation for PRS signing. REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM Version: < 1.0 > 04/09/2001 Suemiao Rossignol REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use Logmsg; use ParseArgs; use File::Basename; use GetIniSetting; use comlib; #use HashText; use cksku;
my $scriptname = basename( $0 );
sub Usage { print<<USAGE;
Rearrange and collect files in preparation for PRS signing.
Usage: $scriptname: -l:<language> [-d:<Aggregate Path>] [-n:<Build name>] [-undo] [-final]
-l Language. Default is "usa".
-d Aggregate path. A path to conglomerate PRS files at before submitting to the prslab. -n Build name. The name of the service pack or QFE being built.
-undo Undo the signing steps. Default is doing signing steps.
-final Sign the finished binary, instead of the internal cats, etc.
-? Display Usage.
Example: $scriptname -l:ger -d:\\prs
USAGE exit(1) }
my ( $lang, $aggDir, $undo, $final ); my ( @tableHash, $rootCatDir, $rootHashDir, $rootBackupDir ); my ( @prodSkus,%skusDirName, @realSignFiles, @workDir ); my ( $dash, $cmdLine ); my ( $name, $buildName, %certLog, %certFileList, %certPath, %certReqID );
exit(1) if( !&GetParams() ); timemsg( "Start [$scriptname]" );
exit(1) if( !&InitVars() );
if( $undo ) { exit(1) if ( !&CopySignFiles ); exit(1) if ( !&BackupRollbackTestSign ); } else { if( !$final ) { exit(1) if ( !&BackupRollbackTestSign ); exit(1) if ( !&CopyRealSign ); exit(1) if ( !&FixCatalogs ); } exit(1) if ( !&CopySignFiles ); } exit(1) if( !&ErrorCheck );
timemsg( "Complete [$scriptname]\n$dash" ); exit(0);
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetParams { parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'd:' => \$aggDir, 'n:' => \$name, 'undo' => \$undo , 'final' => \$final); $lang = $ENV{lang}; if( !$aggDir ) { if( !$undo ) { $aggDir="$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\..\\build_logs\\prs"; } else { #####Retrieve Build name if( ! ( $buildName = build_name() )) { #errmsg( "[$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\buildname.txt] not found, exit." ); return 0; } chomp( $buildName ); #####Define submit log if( !$final ) { %certLog =( "prs" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_prs.log", "fusion" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_fusion.log" ); } else { %certLog =( "external" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_ext.log" ); } #####Define Share location $aggDir = &comlib::ParsePrsSubmitLog( $certLog{prs}, "Aggregation Path - " ); } } if( !$name ) { $name = "sp1"; } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub InitVars { #####Defind PRS file aggregation path %certPath = (); $certPath{"prs"} = "$aggDir\\prs" if !$final; $certPath{"fusion"} = "$aggDir\\fusion" if !$final; $certPath{"external"} = "$aggDir\\pack" if $final;
if( !$buildName ) { #####Retrieve Build name if( ! ($buildName = build_name() )) { errmsg( "[$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\buildname.txt] not found, exit." ); return 0; } chomp( $buildName );
#####Define submit log system( "md \"$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\" ") if( !( -e "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName" ) ); if( !$final ) { %certLog =( "prs" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_prs.log", "fusion" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_fusion.log" ); } else { %certLog =( "external" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_ext.log" ); } }
#####Log to the file for future reference for my $theCert( keys %certPath) { if( !open( OUT, ">$certLog{$theCert}" ) ) { errmsg( "Fail on opening [$certLog{$theCert}] for write." ); return 0; } print OUT "$dash\n"; print OUT "Aggregation Path - $aggDir\n"; print OUT "$dash\n"; close( OUT ); } ####Define list text files for Prs cert and fusion cert if( !$final ) { %certFileList = ( "prs" => "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\sp\\prs\\fullprslist\.txt", "fusion" => "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\sp\\prs\\fusionlist\.txt" ); } else { %certFileList = ( "external" => "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\sp\\prs\\finallist\.txt" ); } for my $theCert ( keys %certFileList ) { if( !(-e $certFileList{$theCert} ) ) { errmsg( "[$certFileList{$theCert}] not found, exit." ); return 0; } }
#####Misc Init $dash = '-' x 60; $rootCatDir = $ENV{_ntpostbld}; $rootHashDir = "$ENV{razzletoolpath}\\sp\\data\\catalog\\$ENV{lang}\\$ENV{_BuildArch}$ENV{_BuildType}"; $rootBackupDir = "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\congeal_scripts";
#####Set Product Skus %skusDirName=( "pro" => ".", "per" => "perinf");
if ( $ENV{_BuildArch} =~ /x86/i ) { @prodSkus=("pro","per"); } else { @prodSkus=("pro"); }
# my %validSkus = &cksku::GetSkus( $lang, $ENV{_BuildArch} ); # @prodSkus = keys %validSkus;
#####Set Real Sign Files @realSignFiles = ( "layout.inf", "dosnet.inf", "txtsetup.sif" );
#####Set Working directories push( @workDir, "." ); logmsg( "Language ................[$lang]" ); logmsg( "Build Name ..............[$buildName\]" ); logmsg( "PRS Share Name...........[$aggDir]" ); logmsg( "Is Undo signing..........[$undo]" ); for my $theCert ( keys %certFileList ) { logmsg( "$theCert File Path ......[$certPath{$theCert}]" ); logmsg( "$theCert File List ......[$certFileList{$theCert}]" ); } logmsg( "Product Skus.............[@prodSkus]" ); logmsg( "Real Sign Files..........[@realSignFiles]" ); logmsg( "Working Directories......[@workDir]" ); logmsg( "Root Catalog Directories.[$rootCatDir]" ); logmsg( "Root Hash Directories....[$rootHashDir]" ); logmsg( "Root Backup Directories..[$rootBackupDir]" ); logmsg( "Log file ................[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" ); logmsg( "Error file ..............[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" ); return 1; }
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub BackupRollbackTestSign { my ( $catDir, $hashDir, $backupDir ); my ( $rtChk, $srcDir, $destDir, $to, $from );
logmsg( $dash ); if( !$undo ) { logmsg( "-----Backing up the test sign files-----\n" ); } else { logmsg( "-----Rolling back the test sign files-----\n" ); }
$rtChk = &CheckSigningType;
#####No files need to be backed up if( $rtChk == 0) { logmsg( "Found no test or real sign files. No backups needed." ); return 1; } #####mixed type with test and real sign files both exist if( $rtChk == 3) { errmsg( "Found mixed realsign and testsign files, exit." ); return 0; } #####All files are real sign if( $rtChk == 2 && !$undo ) { logmsg( "Found realsign files in place, skip backing up test sign files" ); return 1; } ####Return 1.All files are test sign if( $rtChk == 1 && $undo ) { logmsg( "Found Testsign files in place, skip rolling back test sign files" ); return 1; }
for my $wDir ( @workDir ) { if( $wDir ne "." ) { $catDir = "$rootCatDir\\$wDir"; $hashDir = "$rootHashDir\\$wDir"; $backupDir = "$rootBackupDir\\$wDir"; } else { $catDir = $rootCatDir; $hashDir = $rootHashDir; $backupDir = $rootBackupDir; } for my $skus ( @prodSkus ) { #####Set Source and Target path $srcDir = "$catDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }"; $destDir = "$backupDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\PRSbackups"; #####Flip between do and undo if( $undo ) { $from = $destDir; $to=$srcDir; } else { $from = $srcDir; $to = $destDir; if( -e $to ) { return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "rd /s /q $to" ) ); } return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "md $to" ) ); } #####Backup/rollback nt5inf.cat and test sign file push( @realSignFiles, "nt5inf.cat" ); for my $file( @realSignFiles ) { next if( !( -e "$from\\$file" ) ); $cmdLine = "copy /Y /V $from\\$file $to\\$file"; return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
if ( $undo ) { # In an undo, need to touch the files to make sure they get # compressed, as they are likely older than the real-sign files return 0 if ( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "touch $to\\$file" ) ); } } splice( @realSignFiles, $#realSignFiles, 1);
# #####Backup/rollback nt5inf.hash # $srcDir = "$hashDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }"; # if( $undo ) # { # $from = $destDir; # $to=$srcDir; # } # else # { # $from = $srcDir; # $to = $destDir; # } # next if( !( -e "$from\\nt5inf.hash" ) ); # $cmdLine = "copy /Y /V $from\\nt5inf.hash $to\\nt5inf.hash"; # return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine) ); } } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CopyRealSign { my ( $srcDir, $destDir );
logmsg( $dash ); logmsg( "-----Copying Real Sign Files in place-----\n" );
for my $skus ( @prodSkus ) { $srcDir = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\realsign"; $destDir = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$skusDirName{ $skus }"; for my $file( @realSignFiles ) { next if ( !(-e "$destDir\\$file") ); system( "touch $srcDir\\$file" ); $cmdLine = "copy /y $srcDir\\$file $destDir\\$file"; return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) ); } } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FixCatalogs { logmsg( $dash ); logmsg( "Refresh Catalog file with right hash value.............\n" );
my ( @mFields, $tmp, @hashValue, $newHashStr, $tmpValue ); my ( $catDir, $hashDir, $fileName ); my ( $srcDir, $hashFile, $catFile, $oldHashStr, $hashLine, $newHashStr); my $oldHash = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\build_logs\\oldHash.tmp"; my $newHash = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\build_logs\\newHash.tmp";
$tmp = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\build_logs\\tmpfile";
for my $wDir ( @workDir ) { if( $wDir ne "." ) { $catDir = "$rootCatDir\\$wDir"; $hashDir = "$rootHashDir\\$wDir"; } else { $catDir = $rootCatDir; $hashDir = $rootHashDir; } for my $skus ( @prodSkus ) { $catFile = "$catDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\nt5inf.cat"; $hashFile = "$hashDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\nt5inf.hash";
next if !-e $catFile; for my $file( @realSignFiles ) { &comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del /f $oldHash" ) if ( -e $oldHash ); &comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del /f $newHash" ) if ( -e $newHash );
if( $skus ne "pro" ) { $fileName = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\$file"; } else { $fileName = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$file"; } next if( !( -e $fileName ) ); #####Find old hash value my $fileName_base = basename($fileName); return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "findstr /iC:$fileName_base $hashFile > $oldHash" ) ); my @file= &comlib::ReadFile( $oldHash ); @mFields = split( /\s+/, $file[0]); $oldHashStr = $mFields[2]; #####Update cat file with Old hash value if (-e $catFile) { return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("updcat.exe $catFile -a $fileName >NUL 2>NUL") ); }
#####Update SP cat file with Old hash value if (-e "$catDir\\$name.cat") { return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("updcat.exe $catDir\\sp1.cat -a $fileName >NUL 2>NUL") ); } #####Calculate new hash value & put in the $newhash file return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "calchash.exe $fileName >$tmp") ); @file= &comlib::ReadFile( $tmp ); @hashValue = split( /\s+/, $file[0]); unlink( $tmp ); $newHashStr = ""; for my $tmpValue ( @hashValue ){$newHashStr .= $tmpValue }; if( !open( TMP, ">$newHash" ) ) { errmsg( "Fail on opening $newHash" ); return 0; } print TMP "$fileName - $newHashStr\n"; close ( TMP );
#####Replace old hash with new hash in the hash file # return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\hashrep.cmd $newHash $hashFile" ) ); } #####Sign the Cat file return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\ntsign.cmd -n -f $catFile") ); } } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckSigningType { my ( $chkFile ); my ( $chkValue ) =0;
for my $sku ( @prodSkus ) { for my $file ( @realSignFiles ) { $chkFile = "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\$skusDirName{ $sku}\\$file";
next if ( !(-e $chkFile) );
###Test sign if( !system ( "findstr /i /l testroot $chkFile >NUL 2>NUL" ) ) { $chkValue |= 1; } else { $chkValue |= 2; } } } return $chkValue; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CopySignFiles { my ( $src, $dest, $from, $to, $newFileName );
my $name2 = $name; $name2 = "xp$name2" if $final and $name2 !~ /^q/i; for my $theCert( keys %certPath) { logmsg( $dash );
@tableHash = &comlib::ParsePrsListFile( $lang, $ENV{_buildArch}, $ENV{_buildType}, $certFileList{$theCert} ); if( !$undo ) { logmsg( "-----Copying files to [$certPath{$theCert}] for $theCert----------\n" ); } else { logmsg( "-----Rolling back files from [$certPath{$theCert}] for $theCert-----\n" ); } for (my $inx=0; $inx< @tableHash; $inx++) { $src = "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\$tableHash[$inx]->{ Filename }"; $newFileName = "$ENV{_buildArch}$ENV{_buildType}.$lang.$tableHash[$inx]->{ AltName }"; $dest = "$certPath{$theCert}\\$newFileName"; $src =~ s/\%name\%/$name2/ig; $newFileName =~ s/\%name\%/$name2/ig; $dest =~ s/\%name\%/$name2/ig; if( !$undo ) { $from = $src; $to = $dest; } else { $from = $dest; $to = $src; } if( lc $theCert eq "prs" && lc $tableHash[$inx]->{DisplayName} ne "default" && !$undo) { &WriteListTxtFile( $tableHash[$inx]->{Filename}, $tableHash[$inx]->{DisplayName} ); } next if( !( -e $from ) ); if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "copy /y $from $to" ) ) { errmsg( "Fail on copy $from to $to." ); next; } } if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "touch /c $certPath{$theCert}\\..\\$theCert.$ENV{_buildArch}$ENV{_buildType}.$lang.txt" ) ) { errmsg( "Unable to mark the copy operation as complete." ); return 0; } } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub WriteListTxtFile { my ( $pNewFileName, $pDisplayName ) = @_;
my $listFile = "$ENV{temp}\\displayname.$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}.txt";
if( -e $listFile ) { if( !open( LISTFILE, ">>$listFile" )) { errmsg( "Fail on open [$listFile] for append." ); return 0; } } else { if( !open( LISTFILE, ">$listFile" )) { errmsg( "Fail on open [$listFile] for write." ); return 0; } } print LISTFILE "$pNewFileName $pDisplayName\n"; close( LISTFILE ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ErrorCheck { #####Check error logs if( -e $ENV{errfile} && !(-z $ENV{errfile}) ) { $ENV{errfile} =~ /(.*)\.tmp$/; errmsg( $dash ); errmsg("Please check error at $1"); return 0;
} return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub build_name { return $name if $name =~ /^q/i; my $buildPath="$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\congeal_scripts"; my $buildFileName="__qfenum__"; if (-e "$buildPath\\$buildFileName") { open F,"$buildPath\\$buildFileName" or die "unable to ipen $buildPath\\$buildFileName "; my $buildNumber=<F>; if ( $buildNumber=~/^QFEBUILDNUMBER=(\d*)$/ ){ return $1; } else{ wrnmsg "$buildPath\\$buildFileName format is not correct. Defaulting to 9999"; return 9999; } close F; } else { wrnmsg "$buildPath\\$buildFileName not found. Defaulting to 9999"; return 9999; } }