Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the event logging functions. Note that the C++ class provides the functionality for event logging.
Unicode only.
03/02/2001 rparsons Created --*/
#include "precomp.h"
extern SETUP_INFO g_si;
Routine Description:
Logs an event to the event log and optionally displays the message. Note that we use this function when writing to the event log for non-error related stuff Arguments: wType - The type of message we're logging dwEventID - An event ID for our message fDisplayErr - A flag to indicate if we should display an error fCritical - Indicates if we should display a message from the string table Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
--*/ BOOL LogEventDisplayError( IN WORD wType, IN DWORD dwEventID, IN BOOL fDisplayErr, IN BOOL fCritical ) { WORD wNumStrings = 0; LPWSTR lpwMessageArray[2]; LPWSTR lpwSourceFile = NULL; int nLen = 0; CEventLog cel;
// If the Critical flag is set, an error occured while
// trying to get strings from somewhere. Report the event
// without registering a source
if (fCritical) {
WCHAR wszMessageBoxTitle[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszPrettyAppName[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszEventLogSourceName[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszCriticalError[MAX_PATH] = L""; HANDLE hEventLog; const WCHAR *pwMessage[1];
LoadString(g_si.hInstance, IDS_MB_TITLE, wszMessageBoxTitle, MAX_PATH);
LoadString(g_si.hInstance, g_si.fOnWin2K ? IDS_APP_NAME_WIN2K : IDS_APP_NAME_XP, wszPrettyAppName, MAX_PATH);
LoadString(g_si.hInstance, IDS_EL_SOURCE_NAME, wszEventLogSourceName, MAX_PATH);
LoadString(g_si.hInstance, IDS_CRITICAL_ERROR, wszTemp, MAX_PATH);
wsprintf(wszCriticalError, wszTemp, wszPrettyAppName);
pwMessage[0] = wszCriticalError;
hEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, wszEventLogSourceName);
if (hEventLog) {
ReportEvent(hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, 1001, NULL, 1, 0, pwMessage, NULL); }
if (!g_si.fQuiet) { MessageBox(GetDesktopWindow(), wszCriticalError, wszMessageBoxTitle, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); }
return TRUE; }
// Determine if we've already created our event source
if (!g_si.fEventSourceCreated) {
// Build a path to our source file and register
// the event source
nLen += wcslen(g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName); nLen += wcslen(g_si.lpwInstallDirectory);
lpwSourceFile = (LPWSTR) MALLOC((nLen*sizeof(WCHAR))*2);
if (NULL == lpwSourceFile) { return FALSE; }
wcscpy(lpwSourceFile, g_si.lpwInstallDirectory); wcscat(lpwSourceFile, L"\\"); wcscat(lpwSourceFile, g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName); wcscat(lpwSourceFile, L".exe");
cel.CreateEventSource(lpwSourceFile, g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName, dwApplication);
g_si.fEventSourceCreated = TRUE;
FREE(lpwSourceFile); } lpwMessageArray[wNumStrings++] = (LPWSTR) g_si.lpwPrettyAppName;
// Place the event in the event log
cel.LogEvent(g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName, NULL, wType, dwEventID, 1, (LPCWSTR*) lpwMessageArray);
if (fDisplayErr) {
if (!g_si.fQuiet) {
DisplayErrMsg(NULL, dwEventID, (LPWSTR) lpwMessageArray); } }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Logs an event to the event log
wType - Type of message dwEventID - Event ID wNumStrings - Number of insertion strings lpwStrings - Array of strings
Return Value:
--*/ void LogWUEvent( IN WORD wType, IN DWORD dwEventID, IN WORD wNumStrings, IN LPCWSTR *lpwStrings ) { HANDLE hES = NULL; LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL; LPWSTR lpwSourceFile = NULL; int nLen = 0; CEventLog cel;
// Determine if we've already created our event source
// in the registry
if (!g_si.fEventSourceCreated) { //
// Build a path to our source file and register
// the event source
nLen += wcslen(g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName); nLen += wcslen(g_si.lpwInstallDirectory);
lpwSourceFile = (LPWSTR) MALLOC((nLen*sizeof(WCHAR))*2);
if (NULL == lpwSourceFile) { return; }
wcscpy(lpwSourceFile, g_si.lpwInstallDirectory); wcscat(lpwSourceFile, L"\\"); wcscat(lpwSourceFile, g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName); wcscat(lpwSourceFile, L".exe");
cel.CreateEventSource(lpwSourceFile, g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName, dwApplication);
g_si.fEventSourceCreated = TRUE;
FREE(lpwSourceFile); }
if (wNumStrings) {
// Report the event with insertion strings
cel.LogEvent(g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName, NULL, wType, dwEventID, 0, NULL); } else {
// Report the event with no strings
cel.LogEvent(g_si.lpwEventLogSourceName, NULL, wType, dwEventID, wNumStrings, (LPCWSTR*) lpwStrings); } return; }