// stub migration dll for IME Dlls.
#include "pch.h"
#include "chs.h"
#include "cht.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "resource.h"
typedef struct { CHAR CompanyName[256]; CHAR SupportNumber[256]; CHAR SupportUrl[256]; CHAR InstructionsToUser[1024]; } VENDORINFO, *PVENDORINFO;
//IME data
TCHAR ChsDataFile[][MAX_IME_DATA_FILE_NAME]={ "winpy.emb", "winsp.emb", "winzm.emb", "winbx.emb", "winxpy.emb", "winxsp.emb", "winxzm.emb", "winxbx.emb", "user.rem", "tmmr.rem", 0 };
TCHAR ChtDataFile[][MAX_IME_DATA_FILE_NAME]={ "lcptr.tbl", "lcphrase.tbl", 0 };
CHAR ImeDataDirectory[MAX_PATH];
// Constants
#define CP_USASCII 1252
#define CP_CHINESE_BIG5 950
#define CP_CHINESE_GB 936
// Code page array, add relevant code pages that you support to this list..
// PCSTR g_MyProductId = "This Must be LOCALIZED";
// load it from resource
TCHAR g_MyProductId[MAX_PATH];
VENDORINFO g_MyVendorInfo = {"Localized Company Name","Localized Support Number","Localized Support URL","Localized Instructions"};
// Handle to the process heap for allocations. Initialized in DllMain.
HANDLE g_hHeap;
HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
#ifdef MYDBG
void Print(LPCTSTR pszFormat,...) {
TCHAR szBuf[500]; TCHAR szBuf2[500]; va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist,pszFormat); wvsprintf(szBuf,pszFormat,arglist); wsprintf(szBuf2,"%s : %s",DBGTITLE,szBuf); #ifdef SETUP
OutputDebugString(szBuf2); #else
SetupLogError(szBuf2,LogSevInformation); #endif
va_end(arglist); } #endif
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( IN HANDLE DllInstance, IN ULONG ReasonForCall, IN LPVOID Reserved ) { switch (ReasonForCall) {
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hInstance = DllInstance; //
// We don't need DLL_THREAD_ATTACH or DLL_THREAD_DETACH messages
DisableThreadLibraryCalls (DllInstance);
// Global init
g_hHeap = GetProcessHeap();
if (!MigInf_Initialize()) { return FALSE; }
// Open log; FALSE means do not delete existing log
SetupOpenLog (FALSE); break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: g_hInstance = NULL; MigInf_CleanUp(); SetupCloseLog();
break; }
return TRUE; }
LPTSTR CheckSlash (LPTSTR lpDir) { DWORD dwStrLen; LPTSTR lpEnd;
lpEnd = lpDir + lstrlen(lpDir);
if (*(lpEnd - 1) != TEXT('\\')) { *lpEnd = TEXT('\\'); lpEnd++; *lpEnd = TEXT('\0'); } return lpEnd; }
BOOL CheckIfFileExisting(LPCTSTR pszFileName) { TCHAR szFullPathName[MAX_PATH]; LONG lResult;
// these files are in system directory
GetSystemDirectory(szFullPathName,MAX_PATH); CheckSlash(szFullPathName); lstrcat(szFullPathName,pszFileName);
lResult = GetFileAttributes(szFullPathName);
if (lResult == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // file does not exist
return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
BOOL pMyImeInstalled ( VOID ) { //
// Add code in this function that determines if your IME is installed on the system.
int i;
uACP = GetACP();
switch(uACP) { case CP_CHINESE_GB: // Simplied Chinese
case CP_CHINESE_BIG5: // Traditional Chinese
g_CodePageArray[0] = uACP; DebugMsg(("pMyImeInstalled OK, CodePage %d is valid\r\n",g_CodePageArray[0])); return TRUE; } DebugMsg(("pMyImeInstalled Failed, CodePage %d is invalid\r\n",g_CodePageArray[0]));
return FALSE;
// Add code to pMyImeInstalled() to determine wether your IME is installed. If this function
// returns TRUE, Setup will call this migration dll.
if (pMyImeInstalled()) {
// We are installed, so tell Setup who we are. ProductID is used
// for display, so it must be localized. The ProductID string is
// converted to UNICODE for use on Windows NT via the MultiByteToWideChar
// Win32 API. The first element of CodePageArray is used to specify
// the code page of ProductID, and if no elements are returned in
// CodePageArray, Setup assumes CP_ACP.
*ProductID = g_MyProductId;
// Report our version. Zero is reserved for use by DLLs that
// ship with Windows NT.
*DllVersion = 1;
// Because we have English messages, we return an array that has
// the English language ID. The sublanguage is neutral because
// we do not have currency, time, or other geographic-specific
// information in our messages.
// Tip: If it makes more sense for your DLL to use locales,
// return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED if the DLL detects that an appropriate
// locale is not installed on the machine.
// The CODE PAGE INFO is determined in 'pMyImeInstalled'
*CodePageArray = g_CodePageArray;
DebugMsg(("CodePageArray = %d\r\n",g_CodePageArray[0]));
// Use system default code page
// ExeNamesBuf - we pass a list of file names (the long versions)
// and let Setup find them for us. Keep this list short because
// every instance of the file on every hard drive will be reported
// in migrate.inf.
// Most applications don't need this behavior, because the registry
// usually contains full paths to installed components.
*ExeNamesBuf = NULL;
// VendorInfo is designed to contain support information for a Migration DLL. Since it
// may be used for UI, it's fields should also be localized.
LoadString(g_hInstance,MSG_VI_COMPANY_NAME ,g_MyVendorInfo.CompanyName ,256); LoadString(g_hInstance,MSG_VI_SUPPORT_NUMBER ,g_MyVendorInfo.SupportNumber ,256); LoadString(g_hInstance,MSG_VI_SUPPORT_URL ,g_MyVendorInfo.SupportUrl ,256); LoadString(g_hInstance,MSG_VI_INSTRUCTIONS ,g_MyVendorInfo.InstructionsToUser,1024);
*VendorInfo = &g_MyVendorInfo;
DebugMsg(("CompanyName = %s\r\n",g_MyVendorInfo.CompanyName)); DebugMsg(("SupportNumber = %s\r\n",g_MyVendorInfo.SupportNumber)); DebugMsg(("SupportUrl = %s\r\n",g_MyVendorInfo.SupportUrl)); DebugMsg(("InstructionsToUser = %s\r\n",g_MyVendorInfo.InstructionsToUser));
} else { //
// If pMyImeInstalled returns false, we have nothing to do. By returning ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED,
// we ensure that we will not be called again.
DebugMsg(("QueryVersion, return value = %d\r\n",returnCode));
return returnCode; }
//Save IME data file to working directory.
BOOL SaveImeDataFile(LPSTR SourceDirectory, LPSTR TargetDirectory, TCHAR * FileBuf, BOOL CheckAll) { int lenSource = lstrlen(SourceDirectory); int lenTarget = lstrlen(TargetDirectory); HANDLE hfile;
while (*FileBuf) { lstrcat(SourceDirectory, FileBuf); lstrcat(TargetDirectory, FileBuf);
if ((GetFileAttributes(SourceDirectory) != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (GetFileAttributes(SourceDirectory) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)){ if (!CopyFile(SourceDirectory, TargetDirectory, FALSE)) { DebugMsg(("Copy file %s to %s failed \r\n",SourceDirectory,TargetDirectory)); } else { DebugMsg(("Copy file %s to %s OK \r\n",SourceDirectory,TargetDirectory)); } } else { DebugMsg(("File %s doesn't exist, skip it ! \r\n",SourceDirectory)); } FileBuf+=MAX_IME_DATA_FILE_NAME;
SourceDirectory[lenSource]=0; TargetDirectory[lenTarget]=0; }
return TRUE; }
LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x ( IN LPCSTR WorkingDirectory, IN LPCSTR SourceDirectories, LPVOID Reserved ) {
UINT len; TCHAR FilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR TargetPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bInstall;
// Because we returned ERROR_SUCCESS in QueryVersion, we are being
// called for initialization. Therefore, we know screen savers are
// enabled on the machine at this point.
// Do any Windows9x side initialization that is necessary here.
DebugMsg(("Start ..., Initialize9x\r\n"));
lstrcpy(TargetPath, WorkingDirectory); len=lstrlen(TargetPath); if (TargetPath[len-1] != '\\') { TargetPath[len] ='\\'; TargetPath[++len] = 0; } DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, TargetPath = %s\r\n",TargetPath));
len = GetSystemDirectory((LPSTR)FilePath, sizeof(FilePath)); // Consider root directory
if (FilePath[len - 1] != '\\') { FilePath[len] = '\\'; FilePath[++len] = 0; } DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SystemPath = %s\r\n",FilePath));
uACP = GetACP();
switch (uACP) { case CP_CHINESE_GB: { //
// The Ime tables in CHS Win98 are already unicode format
// we don't need to do convert tables , just back up them
OsVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&OsVersion);
if ((OsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (OsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 10)) { //
// this is Windows 98, create a "Win98" subdirectory
DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SaveImeDataFile, GB, Win98 identified !\r\n")); lstrcat(szWin98Dir,"Win98"); DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SaveImeDataFile, Create %s !\r\n",szWin98Dir)); CreateNestedDirectory(szWin98Dir,NULL); DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SaveImeDataFile, The target path become %s !\r\n",TargetPath)); }
if (! SaveImeDataFile(FilePath, TargetPath, &ChsDataFile[0][0], FALSE)) { DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SaveImeDataFile, GB, failed !\r\n")); returnCode = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } } break; case CP_CHINESE_BIG5: if (! SaveImeDataFile(FilePath, TargetPath, &ChtDataFile[0][0], TRUE)) { DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SaveImeDataFile, BIG5, failed !\r\n")); returnCode = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } break; default: DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, Invalid codepage !\r\n")); returnCode = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } DebugMsg(("Initialize9x, SaveImeDataFile OK [%d]!\r\n",returnCode)); return returnCode; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN LPCSTR UserName, LPVOID Reserved ) { DWORD returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Avoid displaying any user interface when possible.
// We don't need to use UnattendFile settings because we are not
// a service (such as a network redirector). Therefore, we do not
// use the UnattendFile parameter.
// Note: NO changes allowed on Win9x side, we can only read our
// settings and save them in a file.
// UserRegKey should be used instead of HKCU. You will be called once for
// each user on the system (including logon user and administrator). Each time,
// the correct user root will have been mapped into HKCU.
return returnCode; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, LPVOID Reserved ) { LONG returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Gather all necessary system wide data in this function.
return returnCode; }
LONG CALLBACK InitializeNT ( IN LPCWSTR WorkingDirectory, IN LPCWSTR SourceDirectories, LPVOID Reserved ) { LONG returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; int len; UINT uACP;
// Do any intialization for NT side processing in this function.
//Save working directory path
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, WorkingDirectory, -1, ImeDataDirectory, sizeof(ImeDataDirectory), NULL, NULL);
DebugMsg(("InitializeNT, Save working directory path, ImeDataDirectory = %s\r\n",ImeDataDirectory));
//Patch path with '\'
len = lstrlen(ImeDataDirectory); if (ImeDataDirectory[len - 1] != '\\') { ImeDataDirectory[len] = '\\'; ImeDataDirectory[++len] = 0; } DebugMsg(("InitializeNT, Patch path with '\', ImeDataDirectory = %s\r\n",ImeDataDirectory)); DebugMsg(("InitializeNT, OK !\r\n"));
uACP = GetACP();
if (uACP == 936) { TCHAR szWin98Dir[MAX_PATH]; //
// check if this is CHS Win98
// Check if ...\Win98 directory is existing or not
// If it is, then it means we're migrating Win98
DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert::MigrateImeEUDCTables2 ,Test IME98 directory %s !\r\n",szWin98Dir)); if (GetFileAttributes(szWin98Dir) == 0xFFFFFFFF || ! (GetFileAttributes(szWin98Dir) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { g_bCHSWin98 = FALSE; } else { g_bCHSWin98 = TRUE; }
return returnCode; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUserNT ( IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN LPCWSTR UserName, LPVOID Reserved ) { LONG returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Migrate all necessary user settings for your IME in this function call. Once again, remember
// to use UserRegKey in place of HKCU.
DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,Starting ... !\r\n")); DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,The user is %ws !\r\n",UserName));
if (!MigrateImeEUDCTables(UserRegKey)) { returnCode = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,MigrateImeEUDCTables failed !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,MigrateImeEUDCTables OK !\r\n")); }
if (!MigrateImeEUDCTables2(UserRegKey)) { returnCode = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,MigrateImeEUDCTables2 failed !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,MigrateImeEUDCTables2 OK !\r\n")); } DebugMsg(("MigrateUserNT,Finished !\r\n")); return returnCode; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystemNT ( IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, LPVOID Reserved ) { LONG returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Migrate all necessary system settings for your IME in this function call. Anything relative to
// a user should have been handled during MigrateUserNT.
uACP = GetACP();
switch(uACP) {
case CP_CHINESE_GB: // Simplied Chinese
if (ConvertChsImeData()) { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,GB, ConvertChsImeData OK !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,GB, ConvertChsImeData OK !\r\n")); }
if (CHSBackupWinABCUserDict(ImeDataDirectory)) { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,GB, CHSBackupWinABCUserDict OK !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,GB, CHSBackupWinABCUserDict OK !\r\n")); }
if (CHSDeleteGBKKbdLayout()) { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,GB, CHSDeleteGBKKbdLayout OK !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,GB, CHSDeleteGBKKbdLayout OK !\r\n")); }
case CP_CHINESE_BIG5: // Traditional Chinese
if (ConvertChtImeData()) { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,BIG5, ConvertChtImeData OK !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateSystemNT,BIG5, ConvertChtImeData OK !\r\n")); } MovePerUserIMEData();
default: returnCode = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; }
return returnCode; }