* @doc INTERNAL * * @module OLS.CPP -- COls LineServices object class * * Authors: * Murray Sargent: initial coding up to nonLS RichEdit functionality * (with lots of help from RickSa's ols code) * Keith Curtis and Worachai Chaoweeraprasit: complex script support, * etc. * * @todo * LSCHP.dcpMaxContext is never set for complex scripts! * * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#include "_common.h"
#include "_edit.h"
#include "_font.h"
#include "_render.h"
#include "_osdc.h"
#include "_tomfmt.h"
#include "_ols.h"
#include "_clasfyc.h"
#include "_uspi.h"
#include "_txtbrk.h"
#include "_hyph.h"
// Guess at the number of characters on the line
const int cchLineHint = 66;
#define OBJID_OLE 0
#define OBJID_COUNT 2
const WCHAR wchObjectEnd = 0x9F; const WCHAR rgchObjectEnd[] = {wchObjectEnd};
#define MAX_OBJ_DEPTH 3
extern const LSCBK lscbk;
// Kinsoku break pair information
extern const INT g_cKinsokuCategories;
CLineServices *g_plsc = NULL; // LineServices Context
COls* g_pols = NULL; // COls ptr
const LSBRK rglsbrkDefault[] = { 0,0, // Always prohibited
0,1, // OK across blanks
1,1 // Always allowed
// prototypes
void EmitBrace(COls* pols, PLSCHP pchp, BOOL* pfHid, DWORD* pcch, PLSRUN* pprun, LPCWSTR* plpwch, int id, LPCWSTR str); void DupShapeState(PLSRUN prun, LONG cch);
// public inline functions
// Emitting fake brace to LS
inline void EmitBrace( COls* pols, PLSCHP pchp, BOOL* pfHid, DWORD* pcch, PLSRUN* pprun, LPCWSTR* plpwch, int id, LPCWSTR str) { ZeroMemory(pchp, sizeof(*pchp)); pchp->idObj = (WORD)id; *pfHid = 0; *pcch = 1; *pprun = pols->GetPlsrun(0, pols->_pme->GetCF(), FALSE); *plpwch = str; }
// Duplicate shaping state to each runs in the chain
// note: this macro used only by GetGlyph and GetGlyphPosition
inline void DupShapeState( PLSRUN prun, LONG cch) { PLSRUN pnext = prun->_pNext; LONG cpEnd = prun->_cp + cch; while (pnext && pnext->_cp < cpEnd) { CopyMemory(&pnext->_a, &prun->_a, sizeof(SCRIPT_ANALYSIS)); pnext->SetFallback(prun->IsFallback()); prun = pnext; pnext = prun->_pNext; } Assert(!pnext && prun->_cp < cpEnd); } #endif
LONG COls::GetCpLsFromCpRe( LONG cpRe) { if (_rgcp.Count() == 0) return cpRe;
LONG *pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
for(LONG cpLs = cpRe; cpLs >= *pcp; pcp++) cpLs++;
return cpLs; }
LONG COls::GetCpReFromCpLs( LONG cpLs) { if (_rgcp.Count() == 0) return cpLs;
LONG *pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
for(int dcp = 0; cpLs > *pcp; pcp++) dcp--;
return cpLs + dcp; }
#ifdef DEBUG
//#define DEBUG_BRACE
// return TRUE if braces added
BOOL COls::AddBraceCp(long cpLs) { if (_rgcp.Count() == 0) { long *pcp = _rgcp.Insert(0, 1); *pcp = tomForward; }
long *pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0); long iel = 0;
while (cpLs > pcp[iel]) iel++;
if (cpLs < pcp[iel]) { pcp = _rgcp.Insert(iel, 1); *pcp = cpLs; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// return number of braces before cp
LONG COls::BracesBeforeCp( LONG cpLs) { LONG iel, cbr = 0; LONG* pcp;
if (!cpLs || (iel = _rgcp.Count()) < 2) return 0;
iel -= 2; // exclude the last tomForward one and make a count an index
cpLs--; // start with the cp preceding given cp
pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
while (iel > -1 && pcp[iel] > cpLs) // search the first one
while (iel > -1 && pcp[iel] == cpLs) // continue counting
{ iel--; cpLs--; cbr++; } return cbr; }
* COls::SetRun(plsrun) * * @mfunc * Do whatever is needed to initialize the measurer (pme) to the lsrun * givin by plsrun and return whether the run is for autonumbering. * * @rdesc * TRUE if plsrun refers to an autonumbering run */ BOOL COls::SetRun( PLSRUN plsrun) { LONG cp = plsrun->_cp; _pme->SetCp(cp & 0x7FFFFFFF); return plsrun->IsBullet(); }
* CLsrun::IsSelected() * * @mfunc * return whether or not the run should be drawn as selected. * * @rdesc * TRUE if run should be drawn with selection colors */ BOOL CLsrun::IsSelected() { if (!_fSelected) return FALSE; CRenderer *pre = g_pols->GetRenderer(); Assert(pre->IsRenderer()); return pre->_fRenderSelection ? TRUE : FALSE; }
* COls::CreatePlsrun () * * @mfunc * Creates a PLSRUN. Is a little tricky because we allocate them * in chunks. * * @rdesc * plsrun */ const int cplsrunAlloc = 8; PLSRUN COls::CreatePlsrun() { CLsrunChunk *plsrunChunk = 0; //First, find a chunk to use
int cchunk = _rglsrunChunk.Count(); for (int ichunk = 0; cchunk && ichunk < cchunk; ichunk++) { plsrunChunk = _rglsrunChunk.Elem(ichunk); if (plsrunChunk->_cel < cplsrunAlloc) break; }
if (!cchunk || ichunk == cchunk || plsrunChunk->_cel == cplsrunAlloc) { CLsrun *rglsrun = new CLsrun[cplsrunAlloc]; if (rglsrun) { plsrunChunk = _rglsrunChunk.Add(1, 0); if (!plsrunChunk) { delete[] rglsrun; return 0; } plsrunChunk->_prglsrun = rglsrun; } else return 0; } return &plsrunChunk->_prglsrun[plsrunChunk->_cel++]; }
* GetPlsrun(cp, pCF, fAutoNumber) * * @func * Return plsrun for info in run. The structure contains the starting cp * of the run and the script analysis if Uniscribe is activated. The * analysis information is needed by subsequent callbacks - GetGlyphs and * GetGlyphPositions to be passed to Uniscribe in order to shape and * position glyphs correctly for complex scripts. * * @rdesc * plsrun corresponding to info in arguments */ PLSRUN COls::GetPlsrun( LONG cp, const CCharFormat *pCF, BOOL fAutoNumber) { if(fAutoNumber) cp |= CP_BULLET;
CLsrun *plsrun = CreatePlsrun();
if (plsrun) { ZeroMemory(plsrun, sizeof(CLsrun));
plsrun->_pCF = pCF; plsrun->_cp = fAutoNumber ? _cp | CP_BULLET : cp;
LONG cpSelMin, cpSelMost; _pme->GetPed()->GetSelRangeForRender(&cpSelMin, &cpSelMost);
plsrun->SetSelected(!plsrun->IsBullet() && cp >= cpSelMin && cp < cpSelMost);
if (pCF->_wScript && !_pme->GetPasswordChar()) { CUniscribe* pusp = _pme->Getusp(); Assert(pusp); const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES* psp = pusp->GeteProp(pCF->_wScript);
plsrun->_a.eScript = pCF->_wScript < SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT ? pCF->_wScript : 0; plsrun->_a.fRTL = !psp->fNumeric && (IsBiDiCharRep(pCF->_iCharRep) || IsBiDiCharSet(psp->bCharSet)); plsrun->_a.fLogicalOrder = TRUE; } #endif
} return plsrun; }
* COls::~COls() * * @mfunc * Destructor */ COls::~COls() { for (int ichunk = 0, cchunk = _rglsrunChunk.Count(); ichunk < cchunk; ichunk++) delete []_rglsrunChunk.Elem(ichunk)->_prglsrun; DestroyLine(NULL); if (g_plsc) LsDestroyContext(g_plsc); }
* COls::Init(pme) * * @mfunc * Initialize this LineServices object * * @rdesc * HRESULT = (success) ? NOERROR : E_FAIL */ HRESULT COls::Init( CMeasurer *pme) { _pme = pme;
if(g_plsc) return NOERROR;
// Build LS context to create
// Setup object handlers
LSIMETHODS vlsctxinf[OBJID_COUNT]; vlsctxinf[OBJID_OLE] = vlsimethodsOle; if(LsGetReverseLsimethods(&vlsctxinf[OBJID_REVERSE]) != lserrNone) return E_FAIL;
lsctxinf.cInstalledHandlers = OBJID_COUNT; lsctxinf.pInstalledHandlers = &vlsctxinf[0];
// Set default and all other characters to 0xFFFF
memset(&lsctxinf.lstxtcfg, 0xFF, sizeof(lsctxinf.lstxtcfg));
lsctxinf.fDontReleaseRuns = TRUE; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.cEstimatedCharsPerLine = cchLineHint;
// Set the characters we handle
// FUTURE (keithcu) Support more characters in RE 4.0.
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNull = 0;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchSpace = ' '; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNonBreakSpace = NBSPACE;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNonBreakHyphen = NBHYPHEN; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNonReqHyphen = SOFTHYPHEN; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchHyphen = '-';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEmDash = EMDASH; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEnDash = ENDASH;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEmSpace = EMSPACE; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEnSpace = ENSPACE; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchTab = '\t'; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEndLineInPara = '\v'; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEndPara1 = '\r'; lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEndPara2 = '\n';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchVisiAltEndPara = lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchVisiEndPara = lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchVisiEndLineInPara = ' ';
// Auto number escape character
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEscAnmRun = wchObjectEnd;
lsctxinf.pols = this; lsctxinf.lscbk = lscbk;
if(LsCreateContext(&lsctxinf, &g_plsc) != lserrNone) return E_FAIL;
//REVIEW (keithcu) Quill seems to have a more mature kinsoku
//table. For example, we don't allow breaking across space between
//a word and the ending punctuation. French people want this behavior.
BYTE rgbrkpairsKinsoku[cKinsokuCategories][cKinsokuCategories]; BYTE *prgbrkpairsKinsoku = &rgbrkpairsKinsoku[0][0]; LCID lcid = pme->GetCF()->_lcid; for(LONG i = 0; i < cKinsokuCategories; i++) { for(LONG j = 0; j < cKinsokuCategories; j++) { LONG iBreak = 2*CanBreak(i, j); // If don't break, allow break across blanks unless first
// char is open brace or second char is close brace
if (!iBreak && GetKinsokuClass(i, 0xFFFF, lcid) != brkclsOpen && GetKinsokuClass(j, 0xFFFF, lcid) != brkclsOpen) { iBreak = 1; } *prgbrkpairsKinsoku++ = iBreak; } } if(g_plsc->SetBreaking(ARRAY_SIZE(rglsbrkDefault), rglsbrkDefault, cKinsokuCategories, &rgbrkpairsKinsoku[0][0]) != lserrNone) { return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }
* COls::QueryLineInfo(&lslinfo, pupStart, pdupWidth) * * @mfunc * Wrapper for LsQueryLineDup which is not called with full-justified * text because it's slow. */ void COls::QueryLineInfo( LSLINFO &lslinfo, LONG * pupStart, LONG * pdupWidth) { const CParaFormat *pPF = _pme->Get_pPF();
if (!lslinfo.fForcedBreak && /* lslinfo.endr <= endrHyphenated && */ pPF->_bAlignment == PFA_FULL_INTERWORD && _pme->_pdp->GetWordWrap() && pPF->_dxStartIndent == 0 && pPF->_dxOffset == 0 && pPF->_wNumbering == 0) { *pupStart = 0; *pdupWidth = _pme->LUtoDU(_pme->_dulLayout); } else { LONG upJunk, upStartTrailing; LsQueryLineDup(_plsline, &upJunk, &upJunk, pupStart, &upStartTrailing, &upJunk); *pdupWidth = upStartTrailing - *pupStart; } }
* COls::MeasureLine(pliTarget) * * @mfunc * Wrapper for LsCreateLine * * @rdesc * TRUE if success, FALSE if failed */ BOOL COls::MeasureLine( CLine * pliTarget) //@parm Returns target-device line metrics (optional)
{ CMeasurer *pme = _pme; const CDisplay *pdp = pme->_pdp; LONG cp = pme->GetCp(); #ifdef DEBUG
LONG cchText = pme->GetTextLength(); // For DEBUG...
AssertSz(cp < cchText || !pme->IsRich() && cp == cchText, "COls::Measure: trying to measure past EOD"); #endif
_cp = cp; _pdp = pdp; pme->SetUseTargetDevice(FALSE);
LSDEVRES lsdevres; if (IsUVerticalTflow(pme->GetTflow())) { lsdevres.dxpInch = pme->_dvpInch; lsdevres.dypInch = pme->_dupInch; lsdevres.dxrInch = pme->_dvrInch; lsdevres.dyrInch = pme->_durInch; } else { lsdevres.dxpInch = pme->_dupInch; lsdevres.dypInch = pme->_dvpInch; lsdevres.dxrInch = pme->_durInch; lsdevres.dyrInch = pme->_dvrInch; }
g_plsc->SetDoc(TRUE, lsdevres.dyrInch == lsdevres.dypInch && lsdevres.dxrInch == lsdevres.dxpInch, &lsdevres);
//If the first character on the line is a wrapping OLE object, add it to the
//the layout queue.
{ COleObject *pobj = pme->GetObjectFromCp(cp); if(pobj && pobj->FWrapTextAround()) pme->AddObjectToQueue(pobj); }
LONG dulLayout = pme->_dulLayout;
if(!pdp->GetWordWrap()) { dulLayout = pme->DUtoLU(pdp->GetDupView()); const LONG *pl = pme->GetPF()->GetTabs(); if(pl && GetTabPos(*pl) > dulLayout)// Fix for Access big TAB 7963
dulLayout *= 4; // dulLayout has to be larger
} // than TAB
dulLayout = max(dulLayout, 0);
LSERR lserr = g_plsc->CreateLine(cp, dulLayout, NULL, 0, MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, rgBreak, &cBreakRecOut, &lslinfo, &_plsline);
//Line Services doesn't put the autonumbering dimensions into the line,
//so we have to do it ourselves.
lslinfo.dvpAscent = max(lslinfo.dvpAscent, lslinfo.dvpAscentAutoNumber); lslinfo.dvpDescent = max(lslinfo.dvpDescent, lslinfo.dvpDescentAutoNumber);
lslinfo.cpLim = GetCpReFromCpLs(lslinfo.cpLim);
if (lserr != lserrNone) { AssertSz(lserr == lserrOutOfMemory, "Line format failed for invalid reason"); pme->GetPed()->GetCallMgr()->SetOutOfMemory(); return FALSE; }
if(!pme->IsRenderer()) { // Save some LineServices results in the measurer's CLine
pme->_li._cch = lslinfo.cpLim - cp; AssertSz(pme->_li._cch > 0, "no cps on line");
LONG upStart, dupWidth; // Query for line width and indent.
QueryLineInfo(lslinfo, &upStart, &dupWidth); pme->_li._upStart = upStart; pme->_li._dup = dupWidth;
if(pme->IsRich()) { pme->_li._dvpHeight = lslinfo.dvpAscent + lslinfo.dvpDescent; pme->_li._dvpDescent = lslinfo.dvpDescent; } else pme->CheckLineHeight(); // Use default heights
pme->_li._cchEOP = 0;
pme->SetCp(lslinfo.cpLim); if(pme->_rpTX.IsAfterEOP()) // Line ends with an EOP
{ // Store cch of EOP (1 or 2)
pme->_rpTX.BackupCRLF(FALSE); UINT ch = pme->GetChar(); if(ch == CR || pme->GetPed()->fUseCRLF() && ch == LF || ch == CELL) pme->_li._fHasEOP = TRUE; pme->_li._cchEOP = pme->_rpTX.AdvanceCRLF(FALSE); } if (lslinfo.cpLim > pme->GetTextLength() && (!pme->IsRich() || pme->IsHidden())) { Assert(lslinfo.cpLim == pme->GetTextLength() + 1); pme->_li._cch--; } else pme->AdjustLineHeight();
pme->UpdateWrapState(pme->_li._dvpHeight, pme->_li._dvpDescent); }
//Setup pliTarget if caller requests it
if (pliTarget) { CLine liSave = pme->_li; pme->_li._dvpHeight = max(lslinfo.dvrAscent, lslinfo.dvrAscentAutoNumber) + max(lslinfo.dvrDescent, lslinfo.dvrDescentAutoNumber); pme->_li._dvpDescent = lslinfo.dvrDescent; pme->SetUseTargetDevice(TRUE); pme->AdjustLineHeight(); pme->SetUseTargetDevice(FALSE); *pliTarget = pme->_li; pme->_li = liSave; } return TRUE; }
* COls::RenderLine(&li, fLastLine) * * @mfunc * Wrapper for LsDisplayLine * * @rdesc * TRUE if success, FALSE if failed */ BOOL COls::RenderLine( CLine & li, //@parm Line to render
LONG cp = _pme->GetCp(); CRenderer *pre = GetRenderer(); Assert(pre->_fRenderer);
pre->SetNumber(li._bNumber); pre->NewLine(li); if(li._fCollapsed) // Line is collapsed in Outline mode
{ pre->Move(li._cch); // Bypass line
return TRUE; // Let dispml continue with next line
CreateOrGetLine(); if(!_plsline) return FALSE;
pre->SetCp(cp); // Back to beginning of line
pre->Check_pccs(FALSE); pre->_li._upStart = 0; Assert(pre->_fTarget == FALSE);
LONG cpSelMin, cpSelMost; LONG dup, dvp; HDC hdcSave = pre->StartLine(li, fLastLine, cpSelMin, cpSelMost, dup, dvp);
POINTUV pt = pre->GetCurPoint(); // Must follow offscreen setup
POINT ptStart; // since _ptCur, _rc change
RECTUV rcuv = pre->GetClipRect();
pt.u += pre->XFromU(0); pt.v += li._dvpHeight - li._dvpDescent; memcpy(&ptStart, &pt, sizeof(ptStart));
RECT rc; pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, rcuv); LSERR lserr = LsDisplayLine(_plsline, &ptStart, pre->GetPdp()->IsMain() ? ETO_CLIPPED : 0, &rc);
AssertSz(lserr == lserrNone, "COls::RenderLine: error in rendering line");
pre->EndLine(hdcSave, dup, dvp); pre->SetCp(cp + li._cch);
return lserr == lserrNone; }
* COls::CreateOrGetLine() * * @mfunc * If _plsline is nonNull and _cp equals _pme->GetCp(), return. Else * create line with caching so that _plsline and _cp are correct for * current line */ void COls::CreateOrGetLine() { if(_plsline && _pme->GetCp() == _cp && _pme->_pdp == _pdp) return;
MeasureLine(NULL); // Define new _plsline
* COls::MeasureText(cch, taMode, pdispdim) * * @mfunc * Gets x offset to cp given by CMeasurer _pme + cch chars along with * display dimensions. * * @rdesc * xwidth measured */ LONG COls::MeasureText( LONG cch, //(IN): Max cch to measure
UINT taMode, //(IN): requested coordinate
CDispDim *pdispdim) //(OUT): display dimensions
{ CMeasurer * pme = _pme; LONG cp = pme->GetCp() + cch; // Enter with me at start of line
POINT pt; // Point at cp in client coords
BOOL fAtLogicalRightEdge = FALSE;
CreateOrGetLine(); if(!_plsline) return 0; Assert(pme->_fTarget == FALSE);
// Query point from cp
memset(&lsTextCell, 0, sizeof(lsTextCell));
LsQueryLineCpPpoint(_plsline, GetCpLsFromCpRe(cp), MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, &lsqSubInfo[0], &cActualDepth, &lsTextCell);
pdispdim->lstflow = lsqSubInfo[cActualDepth - 1].lstflowSubline; pdispdim->dup = lsTextCell.dupCell;
LSTFLOW lstflowLine = lsqSubInfo[0].lstflowSubline; POINT ptStart = {pme->XFromU(0), pme->_li._dvpHeight - pme->_li._dvpDescent};
POINTUV ptuv = lsTextCell.pointUvStartCell;
if(taMode & (TA_STARTOFLINE | TA_ENDOFLINE) && cActualDepth > 1) { ptuv = lsqSubInfo[0].pointUvStartRun; if(taMode & TA_ENDOFLINE) ptuv.u += lsqSubInfo[0].dupRun; }
//If they ask for position inside ligature or at lim of line, give right edge of cell
else if (cp > GetCpReFromCpLs(lsTextCell.cpStartCell)) { fAtLogicalRightEdge = TRUE; if (lstflowLine != pdispdim->lstflow) ptuv.u -= lsTextCell.dupCell; else ptuv.u += lsTextCell.dupCell; }
LsPointXYFromPointUV(&ptStart, lstflowLine, &ptuv, &pt);
if (pdispdim->lstflow == lstflowWS && !(taMode & (TA_LOGICAL | TA_STARTOFLINE))) { if (fAtLogicalRightEdge) return pt.x; else pt.x -= pdispdim->dup - 1; }
if (fAtLogicalRightEdge) pdispdim->dup = 0;
return pt.x; }
* COls::CchFromUp(pt, pdispdim, pcpActual) * * @mfunc * Moves _pme to pt.x. Calls LsQueryLinePointPcp() */ void COls::CchFromUp( POINTUV pt, //@parm Point to find cch for in line
CDispDim *pdispdim, //@parm dimensions of object
LONG *pcpActual) //@parm CP point
// Make point relative to LS coordinate system - (0,0) in LS is at the
// baseline of the line.
POINTUV ptuv = {_pme->UFromX(pt.u), -pt.v + _pme->_li._dvpHeight - _pme->_li._dvpDescent};
LONG cpStart = _pme->GetCp();
CreateOrGetLine(); if(!_plsline) return; Assert(_pme->_fTarget == FALSE);
memset(&lsTextCell, 0, sizeof(lsTextCell));
LsQueryLinePointPcp(_plsline, &ptuv, MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, &lsqSubInfo[0], &cActualDepth, &lsTextCell);
if (cActualDepth == 0) //If we got back empty textcell, let's just query cp explicitly to get information
{ LsQueryLineCpPpoint(_plsline, cpStart, MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, &lsqSubInfo[0], &cActualDepth, &lsTextCell); Assert(cActualDepth != 0); }
pdispdim->dup = lsTextCell.dupCell; pdispdim->lstflow = lsqSubInfo[cActualDepth - 1].lstflowSubline;
LONG cp = GetCpReFromCpLs(lsTextCell.cpStartCell); // The queries above can fail in BiDi hidden text. Would be best to suppress
// BiDi itemization in hidden text, but for now, here's a simple patch
if(!cp) cp = cpStart; Assert(cp >= cpStart); *pcpActual = cp;
POINTUV ptuvCell; //Convert the hit-test point from u,v of line to u,v of cell
LsPointUV2FromPointUV1(lsqSubInfo[0].lstflowSubline, &lsTextCell.pointUvStartCell, &ptuv, lsqSubInfo[cActualDepth - 1].lstflowSubline, &ptuvCell);
_pme->SetCp(cp); if (ptuvCell.u > lsTextCell.dupCell/2 || ptuvCell.u > W32->GetDupSystemFont()/2 && _pme->GetChar() == WCH_EMBEDDING) { cp += lsTextCell.cpEndCell - lsTextCell.cpStartCell + 1; }
if (_pme->GetPed()->_pbrk) { // If text breaker is up, verify cluster before placing the caret
CTxtBreaker* pbrk = _pme->GetPed()->_pbrk; LONG cpEnd = _pme->GetPed()->GetTextLength(); while (cp < cpEnd && !pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_CLUSTER, cp)) cp++; } #endif
_pme->_li._cch = cp - _cp; Assert(_pme->_li._cch >= 0); _pme->SetCp(cp); }
* COls::DestroyLine(pdp) * * @mfunc * Destroys any line data structures. */ void COls::DestroyLine(CDisplay *pdp) { CLock lock; if (pdp && pdp != _pdp) return;
if(_plsline) { g_plsc->DestroyLine(_plsline); _plsline = NULL; } if (_rgcp.Count()) _rgcp.Clear(AF_KEEPMEM);
int cchunk = _rglsrunChunk.Count(); for (int ichunk = 0; ichunk < cchunk; ichunk++) _rglsrunChunk.Elem(ichunk)->_cel = 0; }
* LimitChunk(pch, &cchChunk, f10Mode) * * @func * Return object ID at *pch and shorten cchChunk to 1 if object isn't * text and to the count of text chars up to a nontext object if one * occurs within cchChunk and within the current paragraph. * * @rdesc * Object ID at *pch */ DWORD LimitChunk( const WCHAR *pch, LONG & cchChunk, BOOL f10Mode) { for(LONG i = 0; i < cchChunk && *pch != CR; i++, pch++) { switch(*pch) { case WCH_EMBEDDING: if(i == 0) { cchChunk = 1; return OBJID_OLE; // Entered at an OLE object
} cchChunk = i; // Will break before
case EURO: if (i == 0) { for(; i < cchChunk && *pch == EURO; i++) pch++; } cchChunk = i; break;
case FF: if(f10Mode) // RichEdit 1.0 treats FFs as
continue; // ordinary characters
case CELL: cchChunk = i; // Will break before
break; } }
return idObjTextChp; }
* COls::SetLsChp(dwObjId, plsrun, plsChp) * * @mfunc * Helper function that initializes an LS chp from RE CCharFormat * * @rdesc * TRUE iff IsHidden() */ BOOL COls::SetLsChp( DWORD dwObjId, //(IN): Object id
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Current Run
PLSCHP plsChp) //(OUT): LS chp
{ ZeroMemory(plsChp, sizeof(*plsChp)); plsChp->idObj = (WORD)dwObjId;
if (_pme->GetPed()->IsComplexScript() && plsrun->_a.eScript && !plsrun->IsBullet()) { CUniscribe* pusp = _pme->Getusp(); Assert (pusp); const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES *psp = pusp->GeteProp(plsrun->_a.eScript);
if (psp->fComplex || plsrun->_a.fRTL || psp->fNumeric && W32->GetDigitSubstitutionMode() != DIGITS_NOTIMPL) { // 1. Complex script
// 2. RTL (internal direction) run (handle mirror glyph i.e.'?')
// 3. Numeric run and substitution mode is either Native or Context
plsChp->fGlyphBased = TRUE; } } #endif
const CCharFormat *pCF = plsrun->_pCF; DWORD dwEffects = pCF->_dwEffects; const CDisplay *pdp = _pme->_pdp; HDC hdc = pdp->GetDC();
if((dwEffects & (CFE_UNDERLINE | CFE_LINK | CFE_REVISED)) || GetDeviceCaps(hdc, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_RASDISPLAY && GetTmpUnderline(pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx)) plsChp->fUnderline = TRUE; pdp->ReleaseDC(hdc);
if(dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT && !plsrun->IsBullet()) plsChp->fStrike = TRUE;
if (pCF->_yOffset || dwEffects & (CFE_SUPERSCRIPT | CFE_SUBSCRIPT)) { _pme->SetUseTargetDevice(FALSE); CCcs *pccs = _pme->Check_pccs(plsrun->IsBullet()); LONG yOffset, yAdjust; pccs->GetOffset(pCF, _pme->_dvpInch, &yOffset, &yAdjust);
plsChp->dvpPos += yOffset + yAdjust; }
if (pCF->CanKern() && !plsChp->fGlyphBased) { CKernCache *pkc = fc().GetKernCache(pCF->_iFont, pCF->_wWeight, pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC); CCcs *pccs = _pme->Check_pccs(plsrun->IsBullet()); if (pkc && pkc->FInit(pccs->_hfont)) { plsChp->fApplyKern = TRUE; plsChp->dcpMaxContext = max(plsChp->dcpMaxContext, 2); } }
//If its an OLE object, but the Object doesn't exist yet, then hide it
if (dwObjId == OBJID_OLE) { COleObject *pobj = _pme->GetObjectFromCp(_pme->GetCp()); if (!pobj) return TRUE; //FUTURE (keithcu) Remove the need for this.
if (pobj->FWrapTextAround()) { _pme->AddObjectToQueue(pobj); return TRUE; } } return dwEffects & CFE_HIDDEN; }
* COls::FetchAnmRun(cp, plpwchRun, pcchRun, pfHidden, plsChp, pplsrun) * * @mfunc * LineServices fetch bullets/numbering callback * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI COls::FetchAnmRun( LSCP cp, //@parm [IN]: RE cp
LPCWSTR *plpwchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Run of characters
DWORD * pcchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Count of characters in run
BOOL * pfHidden, //@parm [OUT]: fHidden run?
PLSCHP plsChp, //@parm [OUT]: Char properties of run
PLSRUN * pplsrun) //@parm [OUT]: Abstract representation of run properties
{ if (cp == cpFirstAnm && _pme->Get_pPF()->IsRtl()) { ZeroMemory(plsChp, sizeof(*plsChp)); plsChp->idObj = OBJID_REVERSE; *pfHidden = 0; *pcchRun = 1; *pplsrun = GetPlsrun(_pme->GetCp(), &_CFBullet, TRUE); *plpwchRun = &_szAnm[0]; return lserrNone; }
*plpwchRun = &_szAnm[cp - cpFirstAnm]; *pcchRun = _cchAnm - (cp - cpFirstAnm); *pplsrun = GetPlsrun(_pme->GetCp(), &_CFBullet, TRUE); SetLsChp(idObjTextChp, *pplsrun, plsChp); *pfHidden = FALSE;
if (!_pme->GetNumber()) plsChp->fUnderline = FALSE;
return lserrNone; }
* OlsFetchRun(pols, cpLs, plpwchRun, pcchRun, pfHidden, plsChp, pplsrun) * * @func * LineServices fetch-run callback * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFetchRun( POLS pols, //@parm [IN]: COls *
LSCP cpLs, //@parm [IN]: LS cp
LPCWSTR *plpwchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Run of characters
DWORD * pcchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Count of characters in run
BOOL * pfHidden, //@parm [OUT]: Hidden run?
PLSCHP plsChp, //@parm [OUT]: Char properties of run
PLSRUN * pplsrun) //@parm [OUT]: Abstract representation of run properties
{ if(cpLs < 0) return pols->FetchAnmRun(cpLs, plpwchRun, pcchRun, pfHidden, plsChp, pplsrun);
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); CTxtEdit *ped = pme->GetPed(); WCHAR chPassword = pme->GetPasswordChar(); LONG cpAccelerator = ped->GetCpAccelerator(); BOOL fAccelerator = FALSE; BOOL f10Mode = ped->Get10Mode();
if (cpLs == pols->_cp) { // If we are formatting (or re-formatting) the line, cleanup
if (pols->_rgcp.Count()) pols->_rgcp.Clear(AF_KEEPMEM); pols->_cEmit = 0; } long cpRe = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpLs);
pme->SetCp(cpRe); // Start fetching at given cp
BOOL fFetchBraces = ped->IsBiDi() && g_pusp && g_pusp->IsValid() && !ped->_fItemizePending && ped->GetAdjustedTextLength(); BOOL fStart = FALSE;
if (fFetchBraces && pme->_rpCF.IsValid()) { // Consider emitting braces only at the run boundary or start of a fetched line
if (cpRe == pols->_cp || !pme->GetIchRunCF() || !pme->GetCchLeftRunCF()) { SHORT cBrClose, cBrOpen; BYTE bBaseLevel = pme->IsParaRTL() ? 1 : 0; BYTE bLevel = bBaseLevel; BYTE bLevelPrev = bBaseLevel; // Assume base level
if (cpRe < ped->GetTextLength()) { CBiDiLevel level;
bLevel = pme->_rpCF.GetLevel(&level); // Got level of current run
fStart = level._fStart; } if (cpRe > pols->_cp && pme->Move(-1)) { if (pme->_rpPF.SameLevel(bBaseLevel)) // Preceding run may be hidden
bLevelPrev = pme->_rpCF.GetLevel(); // Got level of preceding run
pme->Move(1); // Resume position
} cBrOpen = cBrClose = bLevel - bLevelPrev; if (fStart) // Start embedding at current run
cBrClose = bBaseLevel - bLevelPrev; // This means we must close all braces of preceding run
cBrClose = max(0, -cBrClose);
if (cBrClose > 0 && pols->BracesBeforeCp(cpLs) < cBrClose) { // Emit close braces
if (pols->_cEmit > 0) { EmitBrace(pols, plsChp, pfHidden, pcchRun, pplsrun, plpwchRun, idObjTextChp, rgchObjectEnd); if (pols->AddBraceCp(cpLs)) pols->_cEmit--; #ifdef DEBUG_BRACE
Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "CLOSE(%d) cpLs %d: emitted %d", cBrClose, cpLs, pols->_cEmit); #endif
return lserrNone; } else { // We assert. You can click "Ignore All" with no hang.
AssertSz(FALSE, "Prevent emitting close brace (no open counterpart)"); } } if (fStart) // start embedding at the current run
cBrOpen = bLevel - bBaseLevel; // we begin openning braces
if (cBrOpen > 0 && pols->BracesBeforeCp(cpLs) < cBrOpen + cBrClose) { // Emit open braces
EmitBrace(pols, plsChp, pfHidden, pcchRun, pplsrun, plpwchRun, OBJID_REVERSE, L" "); if (pols->AddBraceCp(cpLs)) pols->_cEmit++; #ifdef DEBUG_BRACE
Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "OPEN(%d) cpLs %d: emitted %d", cBrOpen, cpLs, pols->_cEmit); #endif
return lserrNone; } } } #endif
// Done fetching braces.
// Begin getting real data...
Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "cpLs %d: emitted %d", cpLs, pols->_cEmit); #endif
// Initialized chunk to count of characters in format run
LONG cchChunk = pme->GetCchLeftRunCF(); DWORD dwObjId = idObjTextChp; const CCharFormat *pCF = pme->GetCF();
if(!pme->IsHidden()) // Run isn't hidden
{ LONG cch; WCHAR ch;
*plpwchRun = pme->GetPch(cch); // Get text in run
if(cch && **plpwchRun == NOTACHAR) { (*plpwchRun)++; // Bypass NOTACHAR
cch--; }
cchChunk = min(cchChunk, cch); // Maybe less than cchChunk
if (!pme->GetPdp()->IsMetafile()) cchChunk = min(cchChunk, 255); // Prevent us from having runs which are TOO long
// Support khyphChangeAfter
if (pols->_cp == cpRe && pme->GetIhyphPrev()) { UINT khyph; CHyphCache *phc = ped->GetHyphCache(); Assert(phc); phc->GetAt(pme->GetIhyphPrev(), khyph, ch); if (khyph == khyphChangeAfter) { pols->_rgchTemp[0] = ch; *plpwchRun = pols->_rgchTemp; cchChunk = 1; } }
if (chPassword) { cchChunk = min(cchChunk, (int)ARRAY_SIZE(pols->_rgchTemp)); for (int i = 0; i < cchChunk; i++) { ch = (*plpwchRun)[i]; if(IN_RANGE(0xDC00, ch, 0xDFFF)) { // Surrogate trail word
if(i) // Truncate current run at
cchChunk = i; // trail word
else // Make trail word a hidden
{ // single-char run
*pplsrun = pols->GetPlsrun(cpRe, pCF, FALSE); pols->SetLsChp(dwObjId, *pplsrun, plsChp); *pfHidden = TRUE; *pcchRun = 1; return lserrNone; } } else pols->_rgchTemp[i] = IsEOP(ch) ? ch : chPassword; } *plpwchRun = pols->_rgchTemp; }
if(cpAccelerator != -1) { LONG cpCur = pme->GetCp(); // Get current cp
// Does accelerator character fall in this chunk?
if (cpCur < cpAccelerator && cpCur + cchChunk > cpAccelerator) { // Yes. Reduce chunk to char just before accelerator
cchChunk = cpAccelerator - cpCur; } // Is this character the accelerator?
else if(cpCur == cpAccelerator) { // Set chunk size to 1 since only
cchChunk = 1; // want to output underlined char
fAccelerator = TRUE; // Tell downstream routines that
// we're handling accelerator
} } if(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_ALLCAPS) { cchChunk = min(cchChunk, (int)ARRAY_SIZE(pols->_rgchTemp)); memcpy(pols->_rgchTemp, *plpwchRun, cchChunk * sizeof(WCHAR)); CharUpperBuff(pols->_rgchTemp, cchChunk); *plpwchRun = pols->_rgchTemp; }
//Line Services handles page breaks in a weird way, so lets just convert to a CR.
if (*plpwchRun && (*(*plpwchRun) == FF && !f10Mode || *(*plpwchRun) == CELL)) { pols->_szAnm[0] = CR; *plpwchRun = pols->_szAnm; cchChunk = 1; }
AssertSz(cpRe < ped->GetTextLength() || !ped->IsRich(), "0-length run at end of control"); AssertSz(cch || !ped->IsRich(), "0-length run at end of control");
// Set run size appropriately for any objects that are in run
dwObjId = LimitChunk(*plpwchRun, cchChunk, f10Mode);
// Get regular highlighted positions
LONG cpSelMin, cpSelMost; ped->GetSelRangeForRender(&cpSelMin, &cpSelMost);
if(cpSelMin != cpSelMost) { if(cpRe >= cpSelMin) { if(cpRe < cpSelMost) { // Current text falls inside selection
cch = cpSelMost - cpRe; cchChunk = min(cchChunk, cch); } } else if(cpRe + cchChunk >= cpSelMin) { // cp < cpSelMin - run starts outside of selection.
// Limit text to start of selection.
cchChunk = cpSelMin - cpRe; } } }
*pplsrun = pols->GetPlsrun(cpRe, pCF, FALSE); *pfHidden = pols->SetLsChp(dwObjId, *pplsrun, plsChp);
if (fAccelerator) plsChp->fUnderline = TRUE;
if(!cchChunk) // Happens in plain-text controls
{ // and if hidden text to end of story
if (!ped->IsRich() && pols->_cEmit > 0) { EmitBrace(pols, plsChp, pfHidden, pcchRun, pplsrun, plpwchRun, idObjTextChp, rgchObjectEnd); TRACEWARNSZ("(plain)Auto-emit a close brace to make balance"); if (pols->AddBraceCp(cpLs)) pols->_cEmit--; return lserrNone; } cchChunk = 1; *plpwchRun = szCR; *pfHidden = FALSE; #ifndef NOCOMPLEXSCRIPTS
//Paragraph marks should not have any script state associated with them,
//even if the pCF that point to does.
ZeroMemory(&(*pplsrun)->_a, sizeof((*pplsrun)->_a)); #endif
} *pcchRun = cchChunk;
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetAutoNumberInfo (pols, plskalAnm, plschpAnm, pplsrunAnm, pwchAdd, plschp, * pplsrun, pfWord95Model, pduaSpaceAnm, pduaWidthAnm) * @func * LineServices fetch autonumbering info callback. Return info needed * by LS for auto numbering. Get the chp/run for last char from auto * number run. Always say we are Word95 model Anm and get rest of info * from paragraph properties. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetAutoNumberInfo( POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
LSKALIGN *plskalAnm, //(OUT):Justification
PLSCHP plschpAnm, PLSRUN *pplsrunAnm, WCHAR * pwchAdd, //(OUT):char to add (Nil is treated as none)
PLSCHP plsChp, //(OUT):chp for bridge character
PLSRUN * pplsrun, //(OUT):Run for bridge character
BOOL * pfWord95Model, //(OUT):Type of autonumber run
long * pduaSpaceAnm, //(OUT):Relevant iff fWord95Model
long * pduaWidthAnm) //(OUT):Relevant iff fWord95Model
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); const CParaFormat *pPF = pme->Get_pPF();
*pplsrunAnm = *pplsrun = pols->GetPlsrun(pme->GetCp(), &pols->_CFBullet, TRUE); pols->SetLsChp(idObjTextChp, *pplsrun, plsChp);
if (!pme->GetNumber()) plsChp->fUnderline = FALSE;
*plschpAnm = *plsChp; *pwchAdd = '\t'; *pfWord95Model = TRUE; *pduaSpaceAnm = 0; *pduaWidthAnm = pPF->_wNumberingTab ? pPF->_wNumberingTab : pPF->_dxOffset;
LONG Alignment = pPF->_wNumberingStyle & 3; *plskalAnm = (LSKALIGN)(lskalLeft + Alignment); if(Alignment != tomAlignLeft) { if(Alignment == tomAlignRight) { *pduaSpaceAnm = *pduaWidthAnm; // End at pPF->_dxStartIndent
*pduaWidthAnm += pPF->_dxStartIndent; } else { Assert(Alignment == tomAlignCenter); *pduaWidthAnm *= 2; // Center at pPF->dxStartIndent
} }
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetNumericSeparators (pols, plsrun, pwchDecimal, pwchThousands) * * @func * Get numeric separators needed, e.g., for decimal tabs * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetNumericSeparators( POLS pols, //(IN): pols
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
WCHAR * pwchDecimal, //(OUT): Decimal separator for this run
WCHAR * pwchThousands) //(OUT): Thousands separator for this run
{ LCID lcid = plsrun->_pCF->_lcid; WCHAR ch = TEXT('.');
// This may need to be virtualized for Win95/CE...
::GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, &ch, 1); *pwchDecimal = ch; ch = TEXT(','); ::GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, &ch, 1); *pwchThousands = ch;
return lserrNone; }
* OlsFetchPap (pols, cpLS, plspap) * * @func * Fetch paragraph properties * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFetchPap( POLS pols, //(IN): pols
LSCP cpLs, //(IN): an arbitrary cp value inside paragraph
PLSPAP plspap) //(OUT): Paragraph properties.
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); pme->SetCp(pols->_cp); LONG dvpJunk;
const CParaFormat *pPF = pme->Get_pPF(); CTxtEdit * ped = pme->GetPed();
// Default all results to 0
ZeroMemory(plspap, sizeof(*plspap));
//LS doesn't really care where the paragraph starts
plspap->cpFirst = pols->_cp;
if(plspap->cpFirst && !pme->fFirstInPara()) // Not first in para: say para
plspap->cpFirst--; // starts one char earlier
plspap->cpFirstContent = plspap->cpFirst;
if (pPF->IsRtl()) plspap->lstflow = lstflowWS;
// Alignment
plspap->lskal = (LSKALIGN) g_rgREtoTOMAlign[pPF->_bAlignment];
if (pPF->IsRtl()) { //For Line Services, left means near and right means far.
if (plspap->lskal == lskalLeft) plspap->lskal = lskalRight; else if (plspap->lskal == lskalRight) plspap->lskal = lskalLeft; }
if (pPF->_bAlignment == PFA_FULL_INTERWORD) { plspap->lskal = lskalLeft; plspap->lskj = lskjFullInterWord; }
//Enable hyphenation?
if (ped->_pfnHyphenate && !(pPF->_wEffects & PFE_DONOTHYPHEN)) { plspap->grpf |= fFmiDoHyphenation; plspap->duaHyphenationZone = ped->_dulHyphenateZone; }
// Kind of EOP
CTxtPtr tp(pme->_rpTX); LONG results;
tp.FindEOP(tomForward, &results); plspap->lskeop = (results & 3) == 2 ? lskeopEndPara12 : lskeopEndPara1;
// Line breaking
if (pPF->_bAlignment > PFA_FULL_INTERWORD || !ped->fUseSimpleLineBreak() || !pme->GetPdp()->GetWordWrap()) // No word wrap
{ plspap->grpf |= fFmiApplyBreakingRules | fFmiTreatHyphenAsRegular; }
LONG dul = pPF->_dxRightIndent;
if (pme->IsMeasure()) { COleObject *pobj = pme->FindFirstWrapObj(FALSE); if (pobj && pobj->GetCp() <= pols->_cp) { LONG dulRight; pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulRight, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow());
dul = max(dul, dulRight); pme->_li._cObjectWrapRight = pme->CountQueueEntries(FALSE); } } else if (pme->_li._cObjectWrapRight) { LONG cpObj = pme->FindCpDraw(pme->GetCp() + 1, pme->_li._cObjectWrapRight, FALSE); COleObject *pobj = pme->GetObjectFromCp(cpObj);
LONG dulRight; pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulRight, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow()); dul = max(dul, dulRight); }
plspap->uaRightBreak = dul; plspap->uaRightJustify = dul; pme->_upRight = pme->LUtoDU(dul);
if (!pme->_pdp->GetWordWrap()) plspap->uaRightBreak = uLsInfiniteRM;
if(ped->IsInOutlineView()) { plspap->uaLeft = lDefaultTab/2 * (pPF->_bOutlineLevel + 1); plspap->duaIndent = 0; } else { LONG dulPicture = 0;
if (pme->IsMeasure()) { COleObject *pobj = pme->FindFirstWrapObj(TRUE); if (pobj && pobj->GetCp() <= pols->_cp) { pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulPicture, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow());
pme->_li._cObjectWrapLeft = pme->CountQueueEntries(TRUE); } } else if (pme->_li._cObjectWrapLeft) { LONG cpObj = pme->FindCpDraw(pme->GetCp() + 1, pme->_li._cObjectWrapLeft, TRUE); COleObject *pobj = pme->GetObjectFromCp(cpObj); if(pobj) pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulPicture, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow()); }
plspap->uaLeft = pPF->_dxStartIndent + pPF->_dxOffset; plspap->duaIndent = -pPF->_dxOffset;
LONG Alignment = pPF->_wNumberingStyle & 3; if(pPF->_wNumbering && Alignment != tomAlignLeft) { // Move back by amount added to duaWidth in OlsGetAutoNumberInfo()
plspap->duaIndent -= (Alignment == tomAlignRight) ? pPF->_dxStartIndent : pPF->_wNumberingTab ? pPF->_wNumberingTab : pPF->_dxOffset; } if (dulPicture) { plspap->uaLeft = max(plspap->uaLeft, dulPicture); // if hanging indent causes first line to overlap picture, shift it further
if (plspap->uaLeft + plspap->duaIndent < dulPicture) plspap->duaIndent = dulPicture - plspap->uaLeft; } }
if(!pPF->InTable() && plspap->uaLeft < 0) plspap->uaLeft = 0;
// Is this a bulleted paragraph? - ignore bullets in a password
if(pPF->_wNumbering && pme->fFirstInPara() && !pme->GetPasswordChar() && !pPF->IsNumberSuppressed()) { CCcs *pccs = pme->GetCcsBullet(&pols->_CFBullet); if (pccs) pccs->Release();
plspap->grpf |= fFmiAnm; WCHAR *pchAnm = pols->_szAnm; pols->_cchAnm = 0;
if (pPF->IsRtl()) // Open character
*pchAnm++ = ' '; //FUTURE (KeithCu) we turn off Indic digits if there is any Hebrew,
//which should be refined to do a better job with worldwide documents.
pols->_cchAnm += pPF->NumToStr(pchAnm, pme->GetNumber(), (pme->GetPed()->GetCharFlags() & FHEBREW) ? 0 : fIndicDigits); pchAnm += pols->_cchAnm; if (pPF->IsRtl()) // End character for reverser
{ *pchAnm++ = wchObjectEnd; pols->_cchAnm += 2; // Alloc space for open and close
} *pchAnm++ = ' '; // Ensure a little extra space
*pchAnm++ = wchObjectEnd; // End character for Anm
pols->_cchAnm += 2; }
return lserrNone; }
* OlsFetchTabs(pols, LSCP cp, plstabs, pfHangingTab, pduaHangingTab, pwchHangingTabLeader) * * @func * Fetch tabs * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFetchTabs( POLS pols, //(IN): (COls *)
LSCP cp, //(IN): Arbitrary cp value inside para
PLSTABS plstabs, //(OUT): Tabs array
BOOL * pfHangingTab, //(OUT): There is hanging tab
long * pduaHangingTab, //(OUT): dua of hanging tab
WCHAR * pwchHangingTabLeader) //(OUT): Leader of hanging tab
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
const CParaFormat *pPF = pme->Get_pPF(); const char rgchTabLeader[] = {0, '.', '-', '_', '_', '='};
LONG cTabCount = pPF->_bTabCount; LONG i, iActual; LSTBD * prgTab = pols->_rgTab; const LONG *prgxTabs = pPF->GetTabs();
Assert(cTabCount <= MAX_TAB_STOPS && (prgxTabs || !cTabCount));
plstabs->duaIncrementalTab = pme->GetPed()->GetDefaultTab();
*pwchHangingTabLeader = 0; *pduaHangingTab = pPF->_dxStartIndent + pPF->_dxOffset; *pfHangingTab = pPF->_dxOffset > 0;
for(i = 0, iActual = 0; i < cTabCount; i++) { LONG tbAlign, tbLeader; pPF->GetTab(i, &prgTab[iActual].ua, &tbAlign, &tbLeader, prgxTabs);
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(FALSE); if (prgTab[iActual].ua > pme->_dulLayout) break;
if(tbAlign <= tomAlignDecimal) // Don't include tomAlignBar
{ prgTab[iActual].lskt = (lsktab) tbAlign; prgTab[iActual].wchTabLeader = rgchTabLeader[tbLeader]; iActual++; } }
plstabs->pTab = prgTab; plstabs->iTabUserDefMac = iActual; return lserrNone; }
* OlsCheckParaBoundaries (pols, cpOld, cpNew, pfChanged) * * @func * Determine if para formatting between para containing cpOld and * that containing cpNew are incompatible and shouldn't be formatted * on the same line when connected by hidden text. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsCheckParaBoundaries( POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
LONG cpOld, //(IN): cp in one paragraph
LONG cpNew, //(IN): cp in another paragraph
BOOL * pfChanged) //(OUT): "Dangerous" change between para properties
{ // It's easier (and safer) to allow LS decide which para properties to take.
// Else we have to close objects (BiDi, for instance) before hidden EOP.
*pfChanged = fFalse; // they're always compatible
return lserrNone; } /*
* OlsGetRunCharWidths (pols, plrun, deviceID, lpwchRun, cwchRun, du, * kTFlow, prgDu, pduRun, plimDu) * @func * Get run character widths * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunCharWidths( POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
enum lsdevice deviceID, //(IN): Preview, reference, or absolute
LPCWSTR lpwchRun, //(IN): Run of characters
DWORD cwchRun, //(IN): Count of characters in run
long du, //(IN): Available space for characters
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
int * prgDu, //(OUT): Widths of characters
long * pduRun, //(OUT): Sum of widths in rgDx[0] to rgDu[limDx-1]
long * plimDu) //(OUT): Number of widths fetched
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun); DWORD i = 0; LONG dup, dupAdjust, duCalc = 0; BOOL fGlyphRun = FALSE; pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference); CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet); if(!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
if (pme->GetPed()->IsComplexScript() && plsrun->_a.eScript && !plsrun->IsBullet()) { const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES *psp = pme->Getusp()->GeteProp(plsrun->_a.eScript); if (psp->fComplex) fGlyphRun = TRUE; } #endif
dupAdjust = pme->LUtoDU(plsrun->_pCF->_sSpacing); for(;i < cwchRun; i++, lpwchRun++) { if (!fGlyphRun) { if (IsZerowidthCharacter(*lpwchRun)) dup = 0; else { pccs->Include(*lpwchRun, dup); dup = max(dup + dupAdjust, 1); } } else { dup = 0; if (!IsDiacriticOrKashida(*lpwchRun, 0)) dup = pccs->_xAveCharWidth; }
duCalc += dup; // Keep running total of width
*prgDu++ = dup; // Store width in output array
if(dup + duCalc > du) // Width exceeds width available
{ i++; // Count this char as processed
break; } } *plimDu = i; // Store total chars processed
*pduRun = duCalc; // Store output total width
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetRunTextMetrics (pols, plsrun, deviceID, kTFlow, plsTxMet) * * @func * Get run text metrics * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunTextMetrics( POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run (cp here)
enum lsdevice deviceID, //(IN): presentation or reference
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
PLSTXM plsTxMet) //(OUT): Text metrics
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
// Make sure right font is set for run
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference); CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet); if(!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
LONG yFEAdjust = pccs->AdjustFEHeight(pme->FAdjustFELineHt());
LONG yDescent = pccs->_yDescent + yFEAdjust;
// Fill in metric structure
plsTxMet->dvAscent = pccs->_yHeight + (yFEAdjust << 1) - yDescent; plsTxMet->dvDescent = yDescent; plsTxMet->dvMultiLineHeight = plsTxMet->dvAscent + yDescent; plsTxMet->fMonospaced = pccs->_fFixPitchFont;
if (plsrun->_pCF->_yOffset && pme->GetPF()->_bLineSpacingRule != tomLineSpaceExactly) { LONG yOffset, yAdjust; pccs->GetOffset(plsrun->_pCF, deviceID == lsdevReference ? pme->_dvrInch : pme->_dvpInch, &yOffset, &yAdjust);
if (yOffset < 0) plsTxMet->dvDescent -= yOffset; else plsTxMet->dvAscent += yOffset; }
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetRunUnderlineInfo (pols, plsrun, pcheights, kTFlow, plsStInfo) * * @func * Get run underline info * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunUnderlineInfo( POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
PCHEIGHTS pcheights, //(IN): Height of line
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
PLSULINFO plsUlInfo) //(OUT): Underline information
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun); const CDisplay *pdp = pme->GetPdp(); HDC hdc = pdp->GetDC();
// Initialize output buffer
ZeroMemory(plsUlInfo, sizeof(*plsUlInfo)); //REVIEW KeithCu
// Make sure right font is set for run
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet); if(!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
long dvpUlOffset = pccs->_dyULOffset;
plsUlInfo->cNumberOfLines = 1;
// Set underline type
if (plsrun->_pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_LINK) plsUlInfo->kulbase = CFU_UNDERLINE; else if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_RASDISPLAY && GetTmpUnderline(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx)) plsUlInfo->kulbase = GetTmpUnderline(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx); else if (plsrun->_pCF->_dwEffects & (CFE_UNDERLINE | CFE_REVISED)) plsUlInfo->kulbase = plsrun->_pCF->_bUnderlineType; else { Assert(pme->GetPed()->GetCpAccelerator() == plsrun->_cp); plsUlInfo->kulbase = CFU_UNDERLINE; } pdp->ReleaseDC(hdc);
LONG yDescent = pccs->_yDescent + pccs->AdjustFEHeight(pme->FAdjustFELineHt());
// Some fonts report invalid offset so we fix it up here
if(dvpUlOffset >= yDescent) dvpUlOffset = yDescent - 1;
plsUlInfo->dvpFirstUnderlineOffset = dvpUlOffset; plsUlInfo->dvpFirstUnderlineSize = pccs->_dyULWidth;
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetRunStrikethroughInfo (pols, plsrun, pcheights, kTFlow, plsStInfo) * * @func * Get run strikethrough info * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunStrikethroughInfo( POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run
PCHEIGHTS pcheights, //(IN): height of line
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
PLSSTINFO plsStInfo) //(OUT): Strikethrough information
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
AssertSz(plsrun->_pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT, "no strikeout");
// Make sure right font is set for run
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet); if(!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
// Default number of lines
plsStInfo->cNumberOfLines = 1; plsStInfo->dvpLowerStrikethroughOffset = -pccs->_dySOOffset; plsStInfo->dvpLowerStrikethroughSize = pccs->_dySOWidth;
return lserrNone; }
/* OlsDrawUnderline (pols, plsrun, kUlbase, pptStart, dupUL, dvpUL,
* kTFlow, kDisp, prcClip) * @func * Draw underline * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsDrawUnderline( POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run (cp) to use for underlining
UINT kUlbase, //(IN): underline kind
const POINT *pptStart, //(IN): starting position (top left)
DWORD dupUL, //(IN): underline width
DWORD dvpUL, //(IN): underline thickness
LSTFLOW lstflow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
UINT kDisp, //(IN): display mode - opaque, transparent
const RECT *prcClip) //(IN): clipping rectangle
{ CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer(); Assert(pre->IsRenderer());
pols->SetRun(plsrun); pre->Check_pccs();
pre->SetSelected(plsrun->IsSelected()); pre->SetFontAndColor(plsrun->_pCF);
if (pre->fDisplayDC() && GetTmpUnderline(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx)) { COLORREF crTmpUnderline;
GetTmpUnderlineColor(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx, crTmpUnderline); pre->SetupUnderline(kUlbase, 0, crTmpUnderline); } else pre->SetupUnderline(kUlbase, plsrun->_pCF->_bUnderlineColor);
pre->RenderUnderline(lstflow == lstflowWS ? pptStart->x - dupUL - 1: pptStart->x, pptStart->y, dupUL, dvpUL);
return lserrNone; }
* OlsDrawStrikethrough (pols, plsrun, kStbase, pptStart, dupSt, dvpSt, * kTFlow, kDisp, prcClip) * @func * Draw strikethrough * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsDrawStrikethrough( POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run (cp) for strikethrough
UINT kStbase, //(IN): strikethrough kind
const POINT *pptStart, //(IN): starting position (top left)
DWORD dupSt, //(IN): strikethrough width
DWORD dvpSt, //(IN): strikethrough thickness
LSTFLOW lstflow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
UINT kDisp, //(IN): display mode - opaque, transparent
const RECT *prcClip) //(IN): clipping rectangle
{ CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer(); Assert(pre->IsRenderer());
pols->SetRun(plsrun); pre->SetSelected(plsrun->IsSelected());
pre->RenderStrikeOut(lstflow == lstflowWS ? pptStart->x - dupSt - 1: pptStart->x, pptStart->y, dupSt, dvpSt);
return lserrNone; }
* OlsFInterruptUnderline(pols, plsrunFirst, cpLastFirst, plsrunSecond, * cpStartSecond, pfInterruptUnderline) * @func * Says whether client wants to interrupt drawing of underline * between the first and second runs * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFInterruptUnderline( POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
PLSRUN plsrunFirst, //(IN): Run pointer for previous run
LSCP cpLastFirst, //(IN): cp of last character of previous run
PLSRUN plsrunSecond, //(IN): Run pointer for current run
LSCP cpStartSecond, //(IN): cp of first character of current run
BOOL * pfInterruptUnderline)//(OUT): Interrupt underline between runs?
{ CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer(); Assert(pre->IsRenderer());
pre->SetSelected(FALSE); //Selection is handled below
COLORREF cr = pre->GetTextColor(plsrunFirst->_pCF);
// Interrupt underline if run text colors differ
*pfInterruptUnderline = cr != pre->GetTextColor(plsrunSecond->_pCF) || plsrunFirst->IsSelected() != plsrunSecond->IsSelected(); return lserrNone; }
* OlsDrawTextRun (pols, plsrun, fStrikeoutOkay, fUnderlineOkay, ppt, pwchRun, * rgDupRun, cwchRun, lstflow, kDisp, pptRun, pheightsPres, * dupRun, dupUlLimRun, prcClip) * @func * Draw text run * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsDrawTextRun( POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp) to use for text
BOOL fStrikeoutOkay, //(IN): TRUE <==> allow strikeout
BOOL fUnderlineOkay, //(IN): TRUE <==> allow underlining
const POINT *ppt, //(IN): Starting position
LPCWSTR pwchRun, //(IN): Run of characters
const int * rgDupRun, //(IN): Character widths
DWORD cwchRun, //(IN): Count of chars in run
LSTFLOW lstflow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
UINT kDisp, //(IN): Display mode - opaque, transparent
const POINT *pptRun, //(IN): Starting point of run
PCHEIGHTS pheightsPres, //(IN): Presentation heights for run
long dupRun, //(IN): Presentation width for run
long dupUlLimRun, //(IN): Underlining limit
const RECT *prcClip) //(IN): Clipping rectangle
{ CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer(); RECT rc = *prcClip; Assert(pre->IsRenderer());
// Set up drawing point and options
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun); CCcs *pccs = pre->Check_pccs(fBullet); if(!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
// v needs to be moved from baseline to top of character
POINTUV pt = {ppt->x, ppt->y - (pccs->_yHeight - pccs->_yDescent)};
if (lstflow == lstflowWS) pt.u -= dupRun - 1;
pre->SetSelected(plsrun->IsSelected()); pre->SetFontAndColor(plsrun->_pCF);
if(!fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor) { if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw) pre->EraseLine();
kDisp = ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED; SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE);
POINTUV ptCur = pre->GetCurPoint(); ptCur.u = pt.u; pre->SetCurPoint(ptCur); pre->SetClipLeftRight(dupRun); RECTUV rcuv = pre->GetClipRect(); pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, rcuv); } else if (!pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw && cwchRun == 1 && pwchRun[0] == ' ') return lserrNone; //Don't waste time drawing a space.
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw) { SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE); pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, pre->_rcErase); kDisp |= ETO_OPAQUE; }
pre->RenderExtTextOut(pt, kDisp, &rc, pwchRun, cwchRun, rgDupRun);
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw || !fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor) { SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, TRANSPARENT); pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw = FALSE; }
return lserrNone; }
* GetBreakingClasses (pols, plsrun, cpLS, ch, pbrkclsBefore, pbrkclsAfter) * * @func * Line services calls this callback for each run, to obtain the * breaking classes (line breaking behaviors) for each character * * For Quill and RichEdit, the breaking class of a character is * independent of whether it occurs Before or After a break opportunity. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetBreakingClasses( POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp) to use for text
LSCP cpLs, //(IN): cp of the character
WCHAR ch, //(IN): Char to return breaking classes for
BRKCLS *pbrkclsBefore, //(OUT): Breaking class if ch is lead char in pair
BRKCLS *pbrkclsAfter) //(OUT): Breaking class if ch is trail char in pair
{ // Get line breaking class and report it twice
LCID lcid = 0; CMeasurer * pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); if(W32->OnWin9x()) lcid = pme->GetCF()->_lcid;
long cpRe = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpLs); CTxtBreaker *pbrk = pme->GetPed()->_pbrk; *pbrkclsBefore = *pbrkclsAfter = (pbrk && pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_WORD, cpRe)) ? brkclsOpen : GetKinsokuClass(ch, 0xFFFF, lcid); #else
*pbrkclsBefore = *pbrkclsAfter = GetKinsokuClass(ch, 0xFFFF, lcid); #endif
return lserrNone; }
* OlsFTruncateBefore (pols, plsrunCur, cpCur, wchCur, durCur, cpPrev, wchPrev, * durPrev, durCut, pfTruncateBefore) * @func * Line services support function. This should always return * FALSE for best performance * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFTruncateBefore( POLS pols, // (IN): Client context
PLSRUN plsrunCur, // (IN): PLSRUN of cp
LSCP cpCur, // (IN): cp of truncation char
WCHAR wchCur, // (IN): Truncation character
long durCur, // (IN): Width of truncation char
PLSRUN plsrunPrev, // (IN): PLSRUN of cpPrev
LSCP cpPrev, // (IN): cp of truncation char
WCHAR wchPrev, // (IN): Truncation character
long durPrev, // (IN): Width of truncation character
long durCut, // (IN): Width from RM until end of current char
BOOL * pfTruncateBefore) // (OUT): Truncation point is before this char
{ *pfTruncateBefore = FALSE; return lserrNone; }
* OlsCanBreakBeforeChar (pols, brkcls, pcond) * * @func * Line services calls this callback for a break candidate following an * inline object, to determine whether breaks are prevented, possible or * mandatory * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsCanBreakBeforeChar( POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
BRKCLS brkcls, //(IN): Breaking class
BRKCOND *pcond) //(OUT): Corresponding break condition
{ switch (brkcls) { default: *pcond = brkcondCan; break;
case brkclsClose: case brkclsNoStartIdeo: case brkclsExclaInterr: case brkclsGlueA: *pcond = brkcondNever; break;
case brkclsIdeographic: case brkclsSpaceN: case brkclsSlash: *pcond = brkcondPlease; break; }; return lserrNone; }
* OlsCanBreakAfterChar (pols, brkcls, pcond) * * @func * Line services calls this callback for a break candidate preceding an * inline object, to determine whether breaks are prevented, possible or * mandatory * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsCanBreakAfterChar( POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
BRKCLS brkcls, //(IN): Breaking class
BRKCOND *pcond) //(OUT): Corresponding break condition
{ switch (brkcls) { default: *pcond = brkcondCan; break;
case brkclsOpen: case brkclsGlueA: *pcond = brkcondNever; break;
case brkclsIdeographic: case brkclsSpaceN: case brkclsSlash: *pcond = brkcondPlease; break; }; return lserrNone; }
// REVIEW FUTURE : JMO May want some version for non complex script ligatures.
* OlsFInterruptShaping (pols, kTFlow, plsrunFirst, plsrunSecond, pfInterruptShaping) * * @func * Line services calls this callback to find out if you * would like to ligate across these two runs. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFInterruptShaping( POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
PLSRUN plsrunFirst, //(IN): Run #1
PLSRUN plsrunSecond, //(IN): Run #2
BOOL *pfInterruptShaping) //(OUT): Shape across these 2 runs?
{ *pfInterruptShaping = FALSE;
const CCharFormat* pCFFirst = plsrunFirst->_pCF; const CCharFormat* pCFSecond = plsrunSecond->_pCF;
Assert (plsrunFirst->_a.eScript && plsrunSecond->_a.eScript);
if (pCFFirst == pCFSecond || (plsrunFirst->_a.eScript == plsrunSecond->_a.eScript && !((pCFFirst->_dwEffects ^ pCFSecond->_dwEffects) & dwMask) && pCFFirst->_iFont == pCFSecond->_iFont && pCFFirst->_yOffset == pCFSecond->_yOffset && pCFFirst->_yHeight == pCFSecond->_yHeight)) { // establish link
plsrunFirst->_pNext = plsrunSecond; return lserrNone; }
*pfInterruptShaping = TRUE; return lserrNone; }
// LS calls this callback to shape the codepoint string to a glyph indices string
// for handling glyph based script such as Arabic, Hebrew and Thai.
LSERR OlsGetGlyphs( POLS pols, PLSRUN plsrun, LPCWSTR pwch, DWORD cch, LSTFLOW kTFlow, PGMAP pgmap, // OUT: array of logical cluster information
PGINDEX* ppgi, // OUT: array of output glyph indices
PGPROP* ppgprop, // OUT: array of glyph's properties
DWORD* pcgi) // OUT: number of glyph generated
{ pols->SetRun(plsrun);
CMeasurer* pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); CUniscribe* pusp = pme->Getusp(); Assert (pusp);
WORD* pwgi; SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva; int cgi;
// Glyphing doesn't care about the target device but always
// using target device reduces creation of Cccs in general.
AssertSz(IN_RANGE(1, plsrun->_a.eScript, SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT - 1), "Bad script ID!");
// Digit substitution
pusp->SubstituteDigitShaper(plsrun, pme);
if (!(cgi = (DWORD)pusp->ShapeString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pwch, (int)cch, pwgi, pgmap, psva))) { const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS saUndef = {SCRIPT_UNDEFINED,0,0,0,0,0,0,{0}};
// Current font cant shape given string.
// Try SCRIPT_UNDEF so it generates invalid glyphs
if (!(cgi = (DWORD)pusp->ShapeString(plsrun, (SCRIPT_ANALYSIS*)&saUndef, pme, pwch, (int)cch, pwgi, pgmap, psva))) { // For whatever reason we still fails.
// Abandon glyph processing.
plsrun->_a.fNoGlyphIndex = TRUE; cgi = (DWORD)pusp->ShapeString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pwch, (int)cch, pwgi, pgmap, psva); } }
*pcgi = cgi;
DupShapeState(plsrun, cch);
*ppgi = (PGINDEX)pwgi; *ppgprop = (PGPROP)psva; pme->SetGlyphing(FALSE); return lserrNone; }
// LS calls this callback to find out glyph positioning for complex scripts
LSERR OlsGetGlyphPositions( POLS pols, PLSRUN plsrun, LSDEVICE deviceID, LPWSTR pwch, PCGMAP pgmap, DWORD cch, PCGINDEX pgi, PCGPROP pgprop, DWORD cgi, LSTFLOW kTFlow, int* pgdx, // OUT: array of glyph advanced width
PGOFFSET pgduv) // OUT: array of offset between glyphs
{ pols->SetRun(plsrun);
CMeasurer* pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); CUniscribe* pusp = pme->Getusp(); Assert (pusp);
Assert(pgduv); pme->SetGlyphing(TRUE);
// zero out before passing to shaping engine
ZeroMemory ((void*)pgduv, cgi*sizeof(GOFFSET)); pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference);
AssertSz(IN_RANGE(1, plsrun->_a.eScript, SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT - 1), "Bad script ID!");
if (!pusp->PlaceString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pgi, cgi, (const SCRIPT_VISATTR*)pgprop, pgdx, pgduv, NULL)) { SCRIPT_ANALYSIS saUndef = {SCRIPT_UNDEFINED,0,0,0,0,0,0,{0}};
if (!pusp->PlaceString(plsrun, &saUndef, pme, pgi, cgi, (const SCRIPT_VISATTR*)pgprop, pgdx, pgduv, NULL)) { plsrun->_a.fNoGlyphIndex = TRUE; pusp->PlaceString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pgi, cgi, (const SCRIPT_VISATTR*)pgprop, pgdx, pgduv, NULL); } }
//Support spacing for base glyphs. Note this spreads apart clusters and breaks the lines which connect
//arabic text, but this might be okay.
if (plsrun->_pCF->_sSpacing) { LONG dupAdjust = pme->LUtoDU(plsrun->_pCF->_sSpacing); for (DWORD gi = 0; gi < cgi; gi++) if (pgdx[gi]) pgdx[gi] += dupAdjust; }
DupShapeState(plsrun, cch);
pme->SetGlyphing(FALSE); return lserrNone; }
LSERR OlsDrawGlyphs( POLS pols, PLSRUN plsrun, BOOL fStrikeOut, BOOL fUnderline, PCGINDEX pcgi, const int* pgdx, // array of glyph width
const int* pgdxo, // array of original glyph width (before justification)
PGOFFSET pgduv, // array of glyph offset
PGPROP pgprop, // array of glyph's properties
PCEXPTYPE pgxtype, // array of expansion type
DWORD cgi, LSTFLOW kTFlow, UINT kDisp, const POINT* pptRun, PCHEIGHTS pHeight, long dupRun, long dupLimUnderline, const RECT* prectClip) { BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun); CRenderer* pre = pols->GetRenderer(); CUniscribe* pusp = pre->Getusp(); Assert(pusp && pre->IsRenderer()); pre->SetGlyphing(TRUE);
RECT rc = *prectClip; CCcs* pccs = pre->Check_pccs(fBullet);
if (!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
// Apply fallback font if we need to
if (!fBullet) pccs = pre->ApplyFontCache(plsrun->IsFallback(), plsrun->_a.eScript);
pre->SetSelected(plsrun->IsSelected()); pre->SetFontAndColor(plsrun->_pCF);
// v needs to be moved from baseline to top of character
POINTUV pt = {pptRun->x, pptRun->y - (pccs->_yHeight - pccs->_yDescent)};
if (kTFlow == lstflowWS) pt.u -= dupRun - 1; if(!fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor) { if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw) pre->EraseLine();
kDisp = ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED; SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE);
POINTUV ptCur = pre->GetCurPoint(); ptCur.u = pt.u; pre->SetCurPoint(ptCur); pre->SetClipLeftRight(dupRun); RECTUV rcuv = pre->GetClipRect(); pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, rcuv); }
if (rc.left >= rc.right || rc.top >= rc.bottom) goto Exit;
if (pre->GetPdp()->IsMetafile() && !IsEnhancedMetafileDC(pre->GetDC())) { // -WMF metafile handling-
// If the rendering device is WMF metafile. We metafile the codepoint array
// instead of glyph indices. This requires that the target OS must know how to
// playback complex script text (shaping, Bidi algorithm, etc.).
// Metafiling glyph indices only works for EMF since the WMF's META_EXTTEXTOUT
// record stores the input string as an array of byte but a glyph index is 16-bit
// word element.
// WMF also must NOT be used to record ExtTextOutW call otherwise the Unicode
// string will be converted to mutlibyte text using system codepage. Anything
// outside the codepage then becomes '?'.
// We have the workaround for such case in REExtTextOut to make sure we only
// metafile ExtTextOutA to WMF. (wchao)
LONG cch; const WCHAR* pwch = pre->GetPch(cch); PINT piDx; cch = min(cch, pre->GetCchLeftRunCF()); cch = min(cch, pre->GetLine()._cch - plsrun->_cp + pols->_cp);
// make sure that we record ETO with proper reading order.
kDisp |= plsrun->_a.fRTL ? ETO_RTLREADING : 0;
if (pusp->PlaceMetafileString(plsrun, pre, pwch, (int)cch, &piDx)) { pre->RenderExtTextOut(pt, kDisp, &rc, pwch, cch, piDx); goto Exit; }
TRACEERRORSZ("Recording metafile failed!");
// Fall through... with unexpected error
// Else, metafile glyph indices for EMF...
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw) { SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE); pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, pre->_rcErase); kDisp |= ETO_OPAQUE; }
//This is duplicated from RenderExtTextOut but the params are different so simplest solution
//was to copy code.
if(pre->_fDisabled) { if(pre->_crForeDisabled != pre->_crShadowDisabled) { // The shadow should be offset by a hairline point, namely
// 3/4 of a point. Calculate how big this is in device units,
// but make sure it is at least 1 pixel.
DWORD offset = MulDiv(3, pre->_dvpInch, 4*72); offset = max(offset, 1);
// Draw shadow
POINTUV ptT = pt; ptT.u += offset; ptT.v += offset;
POINT pt; pre->GetPdp()->PointFromPointuv(pt, ptT, TRUE);
ScriptTextOut(pre->GetDC(), &pccs->_sc, pt.x, pt.y, kDisp, &rc, &plsrun->_a, NULL, 0, pcgi, (int)cgi, pgdx, NULL, pgduv);
kDisp &= ~ETO_OPAQUE; SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, TRANSPARENT); } pre->SetTextColor(pre->_crForeDisabled); }
POINT ptStart; pre->GetPdp()->PointFromPointuv(ptStart, pt, TRUE);
ScriptTextOut(pre->GetDC(), &pccs->_sc, ptStart.x, ptStart.y, kDisp, &rc, &plsrun->_a, NULL, 0, pcgi, (int)cgi, pgdx, NULL, pgduv);
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw || !fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor) { SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, TRANSPARENT); pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw = FALSE; }
Exit: if (!fBullet) pre->ApplyFontCache(0, 0); // reset font fallback if any
pre->SetGlyphing(FALSE); return lserrNone; } #endif
* OlsResetRunContents (pols, plsrun, cpFirstOld, dcpOld, cpFirstNew, dcpNew) * * @func * Line Services calls this routine when a ligature * or kern pair extends across run boundaries. * * We don't have to do anything special here if we are * careful about how we use our PLSRUNs. * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsResetRunContents( POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run being combined
LSCP cpFirstOld, //(IN): cp of the first run being combined
LSDCP dcpOld, //(IN): dcp of the first run being combined
LSCP cpFirstNew, //(IN): new cp of the run
LSDCP dcpNew) //(IN): new dcp of the run
{ return lserrNone; }
* OlsCheckForDigit (pols, plsrun, wch, pfIsDigit) * * @func * Get numeric separators needed, e.g., for decimal tabs * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsCheckForDigit( POLS pols, //(IN): pols
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
WCHAR wch, //(IN): Character to check
BOOL * pfIsDigit) //(OUT): This character is digit
{ WORD wType;
// We could get the run LCID to use for the first parm in the following
// call, but the digit property should be independent of LCID.
W32->GetStringTypeEx(0, CT_CTYPE1, &wch, 1, &wType); *pfIsDigit = (wType & C1_DIGIT) != 0;
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetBreakThroughTab(pols, uaRightMargin, uaTabPos, puaRightMarginNew) * * @func * Just follow word95 behavior. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetBreakThroughTab( POLS pols, //(IN): client context
long uaRightMargin, //(IN): right margin for breaking
long uaTabPos, //(IN): breakthrough tab position
long * puaRightMarginNew) //(OUT): new right margin
{ *puaRightMarginNew = 20 * 1440; return lserrNone; }
* OlsFGetLastLineJustification(pols, lskj, lskal, endr, pfJustifyLastLine, plskalLine) * * @func * Just say no to justify last line. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsFGetLastLineJustification( POLS pols, //(IN): client context
LSKJUST lskj, //(IN): kind of justification
LSKALIGN lskal, //(IN): kind of alignment
ENDRES endr, //(IN): result of formatting
BOOL *pfJustifyLastLine, //(OUT): should last line be fully justified
LSKALIGN *plskalLine) //(OUT): kind of alignment for this line
{ *pfJustifyLastLine = FALSE; *plskalLine = lskal; return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetHyphenInfo(pols, plsrun, pkysr, pwchYsr) * * @func * We don't support fancy YSR types, tell LS so. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetHyphenInfo( POLS pols, //(IN): client context
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN)
DWORD* pkysr, //(OUT): Ysr type - see "lskysr.h"
WCHAR* pwchYsr) //(OUT): Character code of YSR
{ *pkysr = kysrNil; *pwchYsr = 0; return lserrNone; }
* OlsHyphenate(pols, pclsHyphLast, cpBeginWord, cpExceed, plshyph) * * @func * Prepare the buffer, and then call the client and ask them to hyphenate the word. * * Getting perfect word hyphenation is a complex topics which to do properly would * require a lot of work. This code is simple and hopefully good enough. One difficulty * for example is hidden text. The right thing to do here is to strip out hidden text and * build up a cp mapping from the remaining text to it's cp in the backing store. Yuck. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ extern CHyphCache *g_phc; LSERR WINAPI OlsHyphenate( POLS pols, //(IN): client context
PCLSHYPH pclsHyphLast, //(IN): last seen hyphenation opportunity
LSCP cpBeginWord, //(IN): First CP of last word on line
LSCP cpExceed, //(IN): CP which exceeds column
PLSHYPH plsHyph) //(OUT): Hyphenation opportunity found
{ CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer(); CTxtEdit *ped = pme->GetPed(); CHyphCache *phc = ped->GetHyphCache(); if (!phc) return lserrOutOfMemory;
if (!pme->IsMeasure()) { phc->GetAt(pme->GetLine()._ihyph, plsHyph->kysr, plsHyph->wchYsr); plsHyph->cpYsr = pols->GetCpLsFromCpRe(pols->_cp + pme->GetCchLine()) - 1;
// No break in the range LS expect...
if (plsHyph->cpYsr < cpBeginWord || plsHyph->cpYsr >= cpExceed) plsHyph->kysr = kysrNil; return lserrNone; }
cpBeginWord = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpBeginWord); cpExceed = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpExceed);
//Strip off leading junk
pme->SetCp(cpBeginWord); for (; cpBeginWord < cpExceed; cpBeginWord++, pme->Move(1)) { WCHAR ch = pme->GetChar(); WORD type1; W32->GetStringTypeEx(pme->GetCF()->_lcid, CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type1); if (type1 & C1_ALPHA) break; }
LONG cpEndWord = cpBeginWord + pme->FindWordBreak(WB_RIGHTBREAK, ped->GetAdjustedTextLength());
//Strip off trailing junk
pme->SetCp(cpEndWord); for (; cpEndWord > cpBeginWord; cpEndWord--, pme->Move(-1)) { WCHAR ch = pme->GetPrevChar(); WORD type1; W32->GetStringTypeEx(pme->GetCF()->_lcid, CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type1); if (type1 & C1_ALPHA) break; }
int cchWord = cpEndWord - cpBeginWord;
//Don't hyphenate unless at least 5 chars in word and can have 2 chars before
if (cchWord >= 5 && cpExceed - cpBeginWord > 2) { CTempWcharBuf tb; WCHAR *pszWord = tb.GetBuf(cchWord + 1);
pme->SetCp(cpBeginWord); pme->_rpTX.GetText(cchWord, pszWord); pszWord[cchWord] = 0;
cpExceed = min(cpExceed, cpBeginWord + cchWord - 1);
(*pme->GetPed()->_pfnHyphenate)(pszWord, pme->GetCF()->_lcid, cpExceed - cpBeginWord, (HYPHRESULT*)plsHyph); plsHyph->cpYsr += cpBeginWord; //The client gives us an ich, we turn it into a CP
if (plsHyph->kysr != khyphNil && (plsHyph->cpYsr >= cpExceed || plsHyph->cpYsr < cpBeginWord) || !IN_RANGE(khyphNil, plsHyph->kysr, khyphDelAndChange)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad results from hyphenation proc: ichHyph or khyph are invalid."); plsHyph->kysr = kysrNil; } else plsHyph->cpYsr = pols->GetCpLsFromCpRe(plsHyph->cpYsr); } else plsHyph->kysr = kysrNil;
//Cache into CLine
pme->GetLine()._ihyph = phc->Find(plsHyph->kysr, plsHyph->wchYsr); return lserrNone; }
* OlsCheckRunKernability (pols, plsrunFirst, plsrunSecond, pfKernable) * * @func * Return if you can kern across these two runs. * * @rdesc * lserrNone */ LSERR WINAPI OlsCheckRunKernability( POLS pols, PLSRUN plsrunFirst, PLSRUN plsrunSecond, BOOL * pfKernable) { *pfKernable = plsrunFirst->_pCF->CanKernWith(plsrunSecond->_pCF);
return lserrNone; }
* OlsGetRunCharKerning(pols, plsrun, deviceID, pchRun, cchRun, ktflow, rgdu) * * @func * Fetch and return the kerning pairs to Line Services. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunCharKerning( POLS pols, PLSRUN plsrun, LSDEVICE deviceID, LPCWSTR pchRun, DWORD cchRun, LSTFLOW ktflow, int * rgdu) { CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
// Make sure right font is set for run
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference); pols->SetRun(plsrun); CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(); const CCharFormat *pCF = plsrun->_pCF;
if(!pccs) return lserrOutOfMemory;
CKernCache *pkc = fc().GetKernCache(pCF->_iFont, pCF->_wWeight, pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC); Assert(pkc); //SetLsChp ensures this exists AND kerning pairs exist.
for (DWORD ich = 0; ich < cchRun - 1; ich++) rgdu[ich] = pkc->FetchDup(pchRun[ich], pchRun[ich + 1], pme->_pccs->_yHeightRequest);
return lserrNone; }
* OlsReleaseRun (pols, plsrun) * * @func * We do nothing because the run is in an array and is * released automatically. * * @rdesc * LSERR */ LSERR WINAPI OlsReleaseRun( POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun) //(IN): run (cp) to use for underlining
{ return lserrNone; }
* OlsNewPtr(pols, cBytes) * * @func * Memory allocator. */ void* WINAPI OlsNewPtr( POLS pols, //@parm Not used
DWORD cBytes) //@parm Count of bytes to alloc
{ return PvAlloc(cBytes, 0); }
* OlsDisposePtr(pols, pv) * * @func * Memory deallocator. */ void WINAPI OlsDisposePtr( POLS pols, //@parm Not used
void * pv) //@parm [in]: ptr to free
{ FreePv(pv); }
* OlsDisposePtr(pols, pv, cBytes) * * @func * Memory reallocator. */ void* WINAPI OlsReallocPtr( POLS pols, //@parm Not used
void * pv, //@parm [in/out]: ptr to realloc
DWORD cBytes) //@parm Count of bytes to realloc
{ return PvReAlloc(pv, cBytes); }
const REVERSEINIT reverseinit = { REVERSE_VERSION, wchObjectEnd };
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetObjectHandlerInfo( POLS pols, DWORD idObj, void * pObjectInfo) { switch (idObj) { case OBJID_REVERSE: memcpy(pObjectInfo, (void *)&reverseinit, sizeof(REVERSEINIT)); break; default: AssertSz(0, "Undefined Object handler. Add missing case."); } return lserrNone; }
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Debugging APIs */ void WINAPI OlsAssertFailed( char *sz, char *szFile, int iLine) { AssertSzFn(sz, szFile, iLine); } #endif
extern const LSCBK lscbk = { OlsNewPtr, // pfnNewPtr
OlsDisposePtr, // pfnDisposePtr
OlsReallocPtr, // pfnReallocPtr
OlsFetchRun, // pfnFetchRun
OlsGetAutoNumberInfo, // pfnGetAutoNumberInfo
OlsGetNumericSeparators, // pfnGetNumericSeparators
OlsCheckForDigit, // pfnCheckForDigit
OlsFetchPap, // pfnFetchPap
OlsFetchTabs, // pfnFetchTabs
OlsGetBreakThroughTab, // pfnGetBreakThroughTab
OlsFGetLastLineJustification,// pfnFGetLastLineJustification
OlsCheckParaBoundaries, // pfnCheckParaBoundaries
OlsGetRunCharWidths, // pfnGetRunCharWidths
OlsCheckRunKernability, // pfnCheckRunKernability
OlsGetRunCharKerning, // pfnGetRunCharKerning
OlsGetRunTextMetrics, // pfnGetRunTextMetrics
OlsGetRunUnderlineInfo, // pfnGetRunUnderlineInfo
OlsGetRunStrikethroughInfo, // pfnGetRunStrikethroughInfo
0, // pfnGetBorderInfo
OlsReleaseRun, // pfnReleaseRun
OlsHyphenate, // pfnHyphenate
OlsGetHyphenInfo, // pfnGetHyphenInfo
OlsDrawUnderline, // pfnDrawUnderline
OlsDrawStrikethrough, // pfnDrawStrikethrough
0, // pfnDrawBorder
0, // pfnDrawUnderlineAsText //REVIEW (keithcu) Need to implement this??
OlsFInterruptUnderline, // pfnFInterruptUnderline
0, // pfnFInterruptShade
0, // pfnFInterruptBorder
0, // pfnShadeRectangle
OlsDrawTextRun, // pfnDrawTextRun
0, // pfnDrawSplatLine
0, 0, 0, OlsResetRunContents, // pfnResetRunContents
0, #else
OlsFInterruptShaping, // pfnFInterruptShaping
OlsGetGlyphs, // pfnGetGlyphs
OlsGetGlyphPositions, // pfnGetGlyphPositions
OlsResetRunContents, // pfnResetRunContents
OlsDrawGlyphs, // pfnDrawGlyphs
0, // pfnGetGlyphExpansionInfo
0, // pfnGetGlyphExpansionInkInfo
0, // pfnGetEms
0, // pfnPunctStartLine
0, // pfnModWidthOnRun
0, // pfnModWidthSpace
0, // pfnCompOnRun
0, // pfnCompWidthSpace
0, // pfnExpOnRun
0, // pfnExpWidthSpace
0, // pfnGetModWidthClasses
OlsGetBreakingClasses, // pfnGetBreakingClasses
OlsFTruncateBefore, // pfnFTruncateBefore
OlsCanBreakBeforeChar, // pfnCanBreakBeforeChar
OlsCanBreakAfterChar, // pfnCanBreakAfterChar
0, // pfnFHangingPunct
0, // pfnGetSnapGrid
0, // pfnDrawEffects
0, // pfnFCancelHangingPunct
0, // pfnModifyCompAtLastChar
0, // pfnEnumText
0, // pfnEnumTab
0, // pfnEnumPen
OlsGetObjectHandlerInfo, // pfnGetObjectHandlerInfo
#ifdef DEBUG
OlsAssertFailed // pfnAssertFailed
0 // pfnAssertFailed